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The applicability of different variants of the semiempirical CNDO method to calculate the electronic structure of different conformations of all possible ionic forms of dimethyl orthophosphate and orthophosphate is considered. The CNDO/BW (Boyd-Whitehead parameterization) approximation with selected parameters for the P-O bond is shown to provide the best qualitative and sometimes quantitative agreement with ab initio methods. The dependences of energy and P-O bond strengths in P-O-CH3 (P-O-H) groups on torsion angles at P-O bonds are obtained in this approximation for dimethyl orthophosphate and orthophosphate. The rotation of these groups is found to stremgthen one P-O bond stronger and labilize another. The energy minima of dimethyl orthophosphate and orthophosphate anions are shown to correspond to conformations where the strengths of the studied P-O bonds are almost the same, i.e., none of the bonds is weakened to a minimum. Protonation of these compounds increases the strength of P-O bonds and decreases the dependence of bond strength on torsion angles. The di-and trianions of dimethyl orthophosphate and orthophosphate are also studied. The growth of negative charge is shown to progressively weaken the P-O bond. The dependence of bond strength on torsion angle for the dianion is less pronounced than that for the monoanion. Calculation results are compared with experimental data known from literature. The significance of the data obtained for revealing essential features of the enzyme cleaving and forming the P-O bond is discussed.  相似文献   

Germlings were grown from Monostroma latissimum Wittr. reproductive cells on nylon ropes. Holdfast threads and some uniseriate filaments were observed to have penetrated the fibers of the dispersed ropes. The algal filaments were easily isolated and prepared for cultivation, in comparison to the methods of enzymatically isolated algal protoplasts. Under low light (60–100 μmol photons · m?2 · s?1), the algal filaments grew to form a filamentous mass. When cultivated under stronger light (300–600 μmol photons · m?2 · s?1), they grew to initially form tubular thalli and then, when cultivated under light intensities >700 μmol photons · m?2 · s?1, formed foliaceous thalli. Consequently, the filaments were homogenized into small sections and then sewed on the nylon rope for algal mass cultivation. Under high‐intensity natural light, they grew to form leafy thalli.  相似文献   

Toxins produced as secondary metabolites can play important roles in phytoplankton communities and contribute to the ecological success of harmful algal bloom (HAB) taxa. Toxin composition and content in phytoplankton are affected by a suite of environmental factors, including nutrient availability. Changes in nutrient availability can increase or decrease toxin content and alter toxin composition, depending on toxin stoichiometry and the mechanisms by which nutrient limitation affects toxin production. The studies that have assessed the effects of nutrient availability on brevetoxin content of the HAB species Karenia brevis have reported contradictory results, although there is growing support that nutrient limitation increases brevetoxin content. In this study, we assessed the effects of decreased nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) availability on brevetoxin content and composition of K. brevis grown in chemostats at steady state by altering the nutrient supply ratios of incoming media from the Redfield Ratio. Overall, brevetoxin content was greatest in cultures grown at the lowest rate, regardless of the nutrient supply ratio (i.e., under both Redfield and N-limiting supply ratios). Compared to cultures grown at 0.2 d−1, cultures grown at 0.1 d−1 exhibited 5-fold increases in intracellular toxin content. In contrast, at constant growth rates, N-limiting supply ratios decreased intracellular brevetoxin content by approximately one-third, although this result was significant only in cultures growing at the fastest rate of 0.23 d−1. P-limiting supply ratios had no effect on brevetoxin content or composition. In addition, when cultures grown at rates of 0.2 d−1 were supplied with balanced/Redfield N:P supply ratios, but different absolute nutrient concentrations, toxin content was greater under greater nutrient concentrations. These findings suggest that when growth rate is not nutrient limited, there is a positive relationship between nutrient availability and brevetoxin content. This work contributes to previous studies by demonstrating strong growth rates effects on brevetoxin content and that growth rate and nutrient availability can independently or together affect toxin content of K. brevis. Moreover, our work underscores the value of the chemostat as a tool to elucidate the mechanisms by which nutrient availability and growth rate affect toxin production and content of HAB species.  相似文献   

Fluorescent antibody (FA) preparations were developed and tested as an approach to recognition and enumeration of a specific unicellular bluegreen alga in a natural ecosystem. Antibodies made against an axenic culture of Synechococcus cedrorum Näg. gave a high agglutination titer and an excellent homologous staining reaction. Antibody specificity was tested with 28 heterologous cultures of bluegreen algae, known cultures of chemoautotrophic bacteria and heterotrophic bacteria, and randomly selected unknown bacteria from soil, sewage and aquatic habitats. FA staining of bluegreen algae was restricted to S. cedrorum and six heterologous isolates, all indistinguishable microscopically from S. cedrorum. The ability to enumerate S. cedrorum FA-reactive cells in nature was demonstrated with data on population densities for samples taken from water columns of stratified holomictic lakes in northcentral Minnesota.  相似文献   

The bloom-forming dinoflagellate Akashiwo sanguinea is commonly observed in estuarine and coastal waters around the world. Annually recurrent blooms of this species have been observed in the coastal waters of China, particularly in the Sishili Bay, Yantai since 2004. However, limited studies have been conducted on the recurrence mechanism of A. sanguinea other than periodical monitoring of its population dynamics and associated environmental variables. Thus, to further explore the bloom and succession mechanisms of A. sanguinea in the field, we studied the effects of major nutritional components on the growth and encystment of A. sanguinea, as well as the effects of key environmental factors on the growth of A. sanguinea through a series of laboratory trials. Our results indicated that A. sanguinea was able to grow well within the temperature range of 20–25 °C, salinity range of 20 - 30, with the maximum laboratory irradiance of 78.14 μE m−2 s−1, and was able to survive and grow in low nutrient. However, lower concentrations of nutrients (e.g., nitrate, phosphate) and higher ammonium exerted different degrees of limiting effects on the growth of A. sanguinea, and induced 2.3–21.24% of vegetative cells to form resting cysts simultaneously in laboratory cultures. On the other hand, very limited or no cyst formation was observed in nutrient-replete or extremely low nutrient cultures, indicating the threshold effect of nutritional stress on the encystment of A. sanguinea. The physiological strategy of encystment of A. sanguinea in nutrient-limiting environment facilitates the survival and succession of A. sanguinea species in fluctuating seawaters, and provides seed sources for reoccurring algal blooms under favorable environmental conditions.  相似文献   


This study was designed to investigate the apparent loss from the water column in Lake McIlwaine This study of significant quantities of reactive phosphorus. The Total Reactive Phosphorus mass-balance for the lake for 1977/78 was calculated, and both in situ and laboratory experiments were carried out to determine the effect of the lake sediments on the phosphorus loading of the lake. The experimental results showed that both uptake and release of phosphorus occurs in the lake, but that uptake of phosphorus by the sediments was by far the dominant process, thus accounting for the observed loss of phosphorus from the water column. The availability of the bound phosphorus for algal growth was also studied and it is suggested that algal uptake of bound phosphorus is possible. Various factors affecting phosphorus uptake by the sediments are discussed.  相似文献   


Botryococcus braunii, a green colonial microalga, is an unusually rich renewable source of hydrocarbons and other chemicals. Hydrocarbons can constitute up to 75% of the dry mass of B. braunii. This review details the various facets of biotechnology of B. braunii, including its microbiology and physiology; production of hydrocarbons and other compounds by the alga; methods of culture; downstream recovery and processing of algal hydrocarbons; and cloning of the algal genes into other microorganisms. B. braunii converts simple inorganic compounds and sunlight to potential hydrocarbon fuels and feedstocks for the chemical industry. Microorganisms such as B. braunii can, in the long run, reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and because of this B. braunii continues to attract much attention.  相似文献   

Bioreactor seaweed cell culture for production of bioactive oxylipins   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Liquid cell suspension cultures derived from marine plants have the potential to biosynthesize novel biomedicinal compounds in a controlled environment. Of particular interest are the eicosanoids and related oxylipins emanating from the 15-lipoxygenase manifold of the arachidonic acid cascade, which is active in the brown algaLaminaria saccharina. Filamentous cell clumps ofL. saccharina isolated from female gametophytes were cultured in an illuminated bubble-column bioreactor in GP2 artificial seawater nutrient medium at 13 °C and air flow rate of 0.35 L air min–1 L–1 culture (vvm). Growth kinetics and biomass productivity data were obtained as a function of incident light intensity (2.4 to 98mol photon m–2 s–1) and initial cell density (27 to 149 mg DCW L–1). Maximum cell densities exceeded 1200 mg DCW L–1 after a 20 day cultivation time at optimal conditions of 98mol photon m–2 s–1 and 118 mg DCW L–1 initial cell density. Qualitative analysis of chloroform/methanol extracts of the cell culture biomass by GC-MS confirmed the presence of the hydroxy fatty acids 13-HODTA and 13-HOTE, the likely products of 15-lipoxygenase catalyzed oxidation of linoleic or linolenic acids.  相似文献   

蔡昱明  宁修仁  刘诚刚 《生态学报》2006,26(7):2237-2246
2004年首次在南海北部海域使用选择性代谢抑制剂技术进行了Synechococcus和Prochlorococcus生长率和被摄食消亡率的研究.研究结果表明,ynechococcus高丰度值出现在次表层(15 m或20m),位于温跃层之上,高生长率往往出现在丰度最大值水层上方;Prochlorococcus丰度在夏季出现次表层最大值,与温跃层深度基本一致,表层生长率高于真光层底部.Synechococcus真光层平均生长率为0.11~1.18 d^-1,被摄食消亡率为0.11~0.76 d^-1,分布格局均为从沿岸向外海方向升高.Prochlorococcus真光层平均生长率为0.23~0.49 d^-1,存在较明显的季节变化,夏季近岸略高于外海,而冬季的趋势正好相反;真光层平均被摄食消亡率为0.12~0.33 d^-1,冬夏两季均是近岸高于外海。温度、营养盐和光是影响Synechococcus生长率变化的重要因子.Synechococcus和Prochlorococcus丰度与群落生长率之间不存在相关关系,而与被摄食消亡率之间则存在显著的指数相关.根据Synechococcus和Prochlorococcus的生长率估算了它们的生产力及其对Pico-生产力的贡献.  相似文献   

Microalgae are very efficient solar energy converters and they can produce a great variety of metabolites. Man has always tried to take advantage of these proporties through algal mass culture. Despite the fact that many applications for microalgae have been described in the literature, these micro-organisms are still of minor economic importance. Industrial reactors for algal culture are at present, all designed as open race-ways (shallow open ponds where culture is circulated by a paddle-wheel). Technical and biological limitations of these open systems have given rise to the development of enclosed photoreactors (made of transparent tubes, sleeves or containers and where light source may be natural or artificial). The present review surveys advances in these two technologies for cultivation of microalgae. Starting from published results, the advantages and disadvantages of open systems and closed photobioreactors are discussed. A few open systems are presented for which particularly reliable results are available. Emphasis is then put on closed systems, which have been considered as capital intensive and are justified only when a fine chemical is to be produced.  相似文献   

Chloroplasts isolated from spinach leaves by the mechanical method were intact and exhibited high rates of CO2-dependent oxygen evolution whereas chloroplasts isolated from sunflower leaves by the same technique were also intact but showed only low rates of oxygen evolution. The rate of uptake of orthophosphate (Pi) from the suspending medium with sunflower chloroplasts was less than 20% of that in spinach chloroplasts. The apparent Km for Pi transport was lower in sunflower chloroplasts but uptake was competitively inhibited by 3-phosphoglycerate in chloroplasts from both species. Uptake of malate (via the dicarboxylate transporter) and of ATP (via the adenine nucleotide transporter) was also reduced in sunflower chloroplasts compared to spinach chloroplasts. The endogenous Pi content and total exchangeable phosphate pool of sunflower chloroplasts were less than half that in spinach chloroplasts.Addition of a number of possible protective agents to the grinding medium failed to prevent the loss of photosynthetic activity during mechanical isolation of sunflower chloroplasts. Grinding mixtures of spinach and sunflower leaves together indicated that spinach chloroplasts were not inhibited by the sunflower leaf extract. Chloroplasts isolated from sunflower leaves via protoplasts had high rates of CO2-dependent oxygen evolution. The Vmax and Km for Pi uptake, endogenous Pi content and total exchangeable phosphate pool of chloroplasts isolated from sunflower protoplasts were all similar to spinach chloroplasts. It is concluded that inner envelope membrane proteins are damaged during mechanical isolation of sunflower chloroplasts. The decrease in activity of the phosphate transporter and loss of endogenous phosphate may contribute to the low rates of photosynthesis observed in chloroplasts isolated by the mechanical method from leaves of sunflower and possibly other species.Abbreviations PGA 3-phosphoglyceric acid  相似文献   

Aim: To study the accumulation and retention of recombinant proteins in Artemia gut for optimizing paratransgenic disease control in shrimp aquaculture. Methods and Results: Transgenic Escherichia coli expressing fluorescent marker proteins and the transgenic cyanobacterium Synechococcus bacillarus expressing a functional murine single chain antibody, DB3, were fed to Artemia franciscana. Stable expression and retention of several marker molecules (e.g. GFP, DS Red and DB3) up to 10 h after of feeding with E. coli were evident within the gut of Artemia. Engineered strains of S. bacillarus expressing DB3 accumulated within the gut of Artemia with detectable antibody activity for 8–10 h of feeding via ELISA, coincident with the time period of the highest density of transgenic S. bacillarus in the Artemia gut. Conclusions: Artemia fed transgenic bacteria or algae accumulated recombinant proteins for up to 10 h that retained biological activity. Co‐delivery of multiple recombinant proteins simultaneously in the gut of Artemia was also demonstrated. Significance and Impact of the Study: Expression of molecules that target infectious agents of mariculture in shrimp via commonly deployed feed organisms such as Artemia could potentially offer powerful new tools in the ongoing global effort to increase food supply.  相似文献   

An antimicrobial agent is produced by the cyanobacterium Synechococcus leopoliensis which was found to be active against the Gram-positive bacterium Staphylococcus aureus. The effects of temperature, pH, incubation period, some media and different nitrogen and carbon sources on both growth and antimicrobial activity were investigated. Temperature 35 °C and pH 8 were the best for growth and antimicrobial agent production and 14 and 15 days of incubation were found to be the best for maximum growth and antimicrobial activity, respectively, in the medium BG-11.

No antimicrobial activity could be detected by the use of G medium, moderate activity was recorded with Chu 10 medium, while high activity was reported in BG-11 medium. Leucine was the best nitrogen source for antimicrobial activity, while maximum antimicrobial activity was introduced by using the carbon sources, citrate and acetate. Very high antimicrobial activity could be detected by using the carbon source galactose in combination with the nitrogen source alanine or by using arabinose with methionine.  相似文献   

The psychrophilic freshwater alga Hydrurus foetidus (Villars) Trevisan has previously resisted laboratory culturing in liquid media. We investigated the use of microbiological techniques adapted to specific requirement for low temperature and high turbulence of the alga. We found that successful culturing required cleaning steps, where pieces of the alga were dissected out and plated on agar under cold conditions. From here, unialgal colonies could be isolated and inoculated into liquid media under appropriate conditions. Turbulence, created by a laboratory shaker, is critical. Sufficient light (30–100 µmol m–2 s–1) and low temperature (here 2–3°C) are necessary. This rather common but highly under‐investigated freshwater alga has potential for basic and applied research when available as laboratory cultures.  相似文献   

The growth of dinoflagellates in laboratory cultures   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Summary A technique to study mycorrhizal effects on growth and P-uptake of cassava (Manihot escultenta, Crantz) grown in flowing solution culture is described. Phosphorus concentrations were carefully maintained constant at 0.1, 1, 10 and 100 M by daily analyses and adjustment of the nutrient solutions. Inoculation with mycorrhizal roots hada positiveeffect on P content of plant tissue and/or plant growth only at the two lowest P-concentrations in soulution. These concentrations are two to three orders of magnitude lower than those normally used in conventional nutrient solution cultures.  相似文献   

PII proteins are central signal processing units for the regulation of nitrogen metabolism in bacteria, archaea and plants. They act in response to cellular energy, carbon and nitrogen availability. The central metabolites ATP, ADP and 2‐oxoglutarate, which indicate cellular energy and carbon/nitrogen abundance, bind in a highly organized manner to PII and induce effector‐molecule‐dependent conformational states of the T‐loop. Depending on these states, PII proteins bind and modulate the activity of various regulatory targets. A mutant variant of the Synechococcus elongatus PII protein (PII‐I86N) has been identified to have impaired 2‐oxoglutarate binding. Here, the PII‐I86N variant was cocrystallized in the presence of ATP, magnesium and citrate and its structure was solved at a resolution of 1.05 Å. The PII‐I86N variant bound citrate in place of 2‐oxoglutarate. Citrate binding is mediated primarily by interactions with the ATP‐coordinated magnesium ion and the backbone atoms of the T‐loop. Citrate binding rearranges the conformation of the T‐loop and, consistent with this, citrate suppresses the binding of PII‐I86N to an NAG kinase variant, which is similar to the suppression of PII–NAG kinase complex formation by 2‐OG. Based on the structures of 2‐OG and citrate, homocitrate was suggested as a third ligand and an efficient response towards this molecule with different functional properties was observed. Together, these data provide a first glimpse of a genetically engineered PII variant that senses a new effector molecule.  相似文献   

A periodate-resorcinol method for bound sialic acid using the Technicon Autoanalyzer II is presented. It has a sensitivity similar to the manual method, is linear between 5 and 65 nmol/ml, requires less than 0.2 ml of sample, and can be run at the rate of 70 samples/h. Little cross-reaction with common matrix and cell components was found. The method is compatible with many commonly used volatile and nonvolatile chromatographic buffers. The use of a bound sialic acid standard such as N-acetylneuraminyl lactose is recommended.  相似文献   

郭涛  张思兰 《生态学报》2017,37(10):3553-3560
植株残体降解可直接或间接地影响土壤磷素的有效性,为探讨不同磷浓度植株残体降解对紫色土磷分级体系的影响,结合31P核磁共振分析技术,选取了3种磷浓度不同的植物残体与两种紫色土进行室内模拟培养试验,得出了以下研究结论:(1)添加植株残体显著增强了紫色土呼吸强度,且紫色土分级体系中的活性磷含量均高于对照处理(2)31P-NMR分析结果得知,植株残体的正磷酸盐、磷酸单酯占浓缩液全磷比例的90%以上,高磷植株的正磷酸盐和磷酸单酯含量显著高于中磷和低磷植株,土壤磷素有效性的变化与植株残体的正磷酸盐和磷酸单酯含量有关;(3)紫色土分级体系中的活性磷在0 d含量最高,随着培养周期的延长,土壤磷素有效性会出现降低的趋势;酸性紫色土的累积呼吸强度、分级体系中活性磷(Resin-P、Na HCO3-Pt)所占比例均高于中性紫色土,与土壤钙含量有关。综上所述,植株残体的磷浓度越高,更有利于提高土壤磷素的有效性,本研究结果为农业生产中秸秆还田技术提供了理论参考。  相似文献   

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