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A novel type IV collagen, alpha 3(IV), has previously been isolated from a collagenase digest of bovine and human glomerular and lens basement membranes. The cloning and sequencing of a cDNA encoding the alpha 3(IV) chain is described here. Using the polymerase chain reaction, with primers derived from the known 27-residue bovine alpha 3(IV) amino acid sequence, a 68-base pair bovine genomic fragment (KEM68) which encodes the known peptide sequence, was synthesized. KEM68 was then used to screen a bovine lens cDNA library and a 1.5-kilobase partial cDNA clone obtained, encoding 471 residues of the bovine alpha 3(IV) chain: 238 residues from the triple helical collagenous domain and all 233 residues of the noncollagenous domain. The collagenous repeat sequence has three interruptions, coinciding with those in the alpha 1(IV) chain. The noncollagenous domain has 12 cysteine residues in identical positions to those of other type IV collagens and 71, 61, and 70% overall similarity with the human alpha 1(IV), alpha 2(IV), and alpha 5(IV) chains. The noncollagenous domain of alpha 3(IV) is of particular interest as it appears to be the component of glomerular basement membrane that reacts maximally with the Goodpasture antibody. Furthermore, such antigenicity is absent from collagenase digests of the glomerular basement membrane of some patients with Alport syndrome. The alpha 3(IV) cDNA clone described here now permits study of the molecular pathology of COL4A3 in Alport syndrome.  相似文献   

The cDNA and protein sequences of the N-terminal 60% of the alpha 2(IV) chain of human basement membrane collagen have been determined. By repeated primer extension with synthetic oligodeoxynucleotides and mRNA from either HT1080 cells or human placenta overlapping clones were obtained which cover 3414 bp. The derived protein sequence allows for the first time a comparison and alignment of both alpha chains of type IV collagen from the N terminus. This alignment reveals an additional 43 amino acid residues in the alpha 2(IV) chain as compared to the alpha 1(IV) chain. 21 of these additional residues form a disulfide-bridged loop within the triple helix which is unique among all known collagens.  相似文献   

A novel type IV collagen, alpha 3(IV), has recently been identified in human and bovine basement membranes. Here we describe the cloning and sequencing of a cDNA encoding 218 residues of the NC1 domain of the human alpha 3(IV) chain. Of interest is the possible role of abnormalities of the alpha 3(IV) chain in Alport syndrome, as suggested by the failure to detect the NC1 domain of alpha 3(IV) in the basement membranes of some Alport syndrome patients. To determine whether the alpha 3(IV) gene (COL4A3) may be mutated in Alport syndrome, we localized it, by somatic cell hybrid analysis and in situ hybridization of metaphase chromosomes, to chromosome 2q35-2q37. Mutations in alpha 3(IV) cannot therefore be responsible for the vast majority of cases of Alport syndrome, which have been shown to be X linked. One explanation for the immunochemical data implicating alpha 3(IV) in Alport syndrome pathogenesis is that mutations of the alpha 5(IV) chain, which has been localized to Xq22 and found to be mutated in at least three kindreds with Alport syndrome, lead to failure to incorporate the alpha 3(IV) chains into the multimeric structure of glomerular basement membrane in a stable fashion.  相似文献   

The complete primary structure of the human type IV collagen alpha 2(IV) chain has been determined by nucleotide sequencing of cDNA clones. The overlapping cDNA clones cover 6,257 base pairs with a 5'-untranslated region of 283 base pairs, the 5,136-base pair open reading frame, and the 3'-untranslated region of 838 base pairs. The predicted amino acid sequence demonstrates that the complete translation product consists of 1,712 residues corresponding in molecular weight to 167,560. The translated polypeptide has a signal peptide of 36 amino acids, an amino-terminal noncollagenous part of 21 residues, a 1,428-residue collagenous domain with 23 interruptions, and a carboxyl-terminal noncollagenous (NC) domain of 227 residues. The calculated molecular mass of the mature human alpha 2(IV) chain is 163,774 Da.  相似文献   

The complete exon size and distribution pattern in the gene for the alpha 1 chain of human type IV collagen was determined. Clones covering 145 kilobases (kb) of genomic DNA including 100 kb of the gene itself as well as 25 kb upstream and 20 kb downstream of the gene sequences, respectively, were isolated from lambda phage and cosmid libraries. The overall gene structure was determined by endonuclease restriction mapping and R-loop analyses and all exon sizes by nucleotide sequencing. The characterized clones contained all the coding sequences except for exon 2 whose sequence was determined after its amplification by the polymerase chain reaction. There were four gaps in the intron sequences; the exact size of the gene is unknown. The entire gene is at least 100 kb in size and contains 52 exons whose size distribution is completely different from that of the genes for fibrillar collagens. In the -Gly-X-Y- coding region there are three exons of 99, 90, and 45 base pairs (bp) each and two exons of 27, 36, 42, 51, 54, 63, and 84 bp each. The rest of the exons have sizes between 71 and 192 bp in the collagenous region. About one-half of the -Gly-X-Y- repeat coding exons start with the second base for the codon of glycine, whereas the other half starts (with two exceptions) with a complete glycine codon. The distribution of split versus unsplit codons is uneven in that the first 19 exons of the gene start with a complete codon. The gene contains repetitive sequences in several regions. A 185-nucleotide segment containing 40 copies of CCT flanked by poly(C) and poly(T) sequences was shown to be located adjacent to an exon. The gene has previously been shown to be located head-to-head to the alpha 2(IV) collagen gene at the distal end of the long arm of chromosome 13, such that the first exons of the two genes are separated by as little as 42 bp (P?schl, E., Pollner, R., and Kühn, K. (1988) EMBOJ. 7,2687-2695; Soininen, R., Huotari, M., Hostikka, S. L., Prockop, D. J., and Tryggvason, K. (1988) J. Biol. Chem. 263, 17217-17220). The results demonstrate that the human alpha 1(IV) collagen gene has a structure distinctly different from the genes for fibrillar collagens and also that it is considerably larger than any collagen gene characterized to date.  相似文献   

A collagenous component(s) of Mr = 60K was extracted from glomerular basement membrane with urea and was purified. Upon digestion, it yielded a collagenase-resistant fragment(s) of Mr = 23.5K. Both component and fragment showed immunochemical identity with the noncollagenous domains of the new alpha 3 & alpha 4 chains of collagen IV. The component is characterized by a collagenous domain of about 280 residues and a noncollagenous domain of about 250 residues. These findings further establish these new chains as distinct entities of collagen IV.  相似文献   

A bovine cDNA library constructed from fetal cartilage RNA was screened with a pro alpha 1(II) collagen specific chicken cDNA. A recombinant clone (Bc 7), with an insert of 1 kb, was identified and shown to contain sequences exhibiting 85% homology with the chicken pro alpha 1(II) collagen C-propeptide. Interspecies comparison strongly suggested that one potential glycosylation site present in the avian C-propeptide is not utilized, since this site is absent in the bovine chain. In addition, two overlapping genomic clones (Pal 3 and Pal 4) were isolated and partially characterized. These clones span 23 kb of DNA and contain approximately 17 kb of the pro alpha 1(II) calf gene. Sequencing of exon 1 has determined the length of the 3' untranslated region and the exact location of the polyadenylation attachment site.  相似文献   

We have identified collagen-binding proteins in detergent extracts of metabolically labelled bovine aortic endothelial cells (BAEC) by collagen type IV-Sepharose affinity chromatography. The major collagen type IV-binding protein identified by SDS/PAGE had a molecular mass of 48 kDa, which we term the 'collagen-binding 48 kDa protein' (CB48). The pI of CB48 was 8.0-8.3 in a two-dimensional gel system, running non-equilibrium pH gel electrophoresis in the first dimension and SDS/PAGE in the second dimension. Under these conditions CB48 separated into two major (a and b) and one minor isoform (c); a was the most basic of the three isoforms. Two-dimensional chymotryptic peptide maps derived from each individual isoform were virtually identical. The charge differences between the isoforms were due in part to differential H3(32)PO4 incorporation by the protein. CB48 bound to intact collagen type IV and the collagenous region of collagen type IV, but not to the globular NC1 domain. Cell-surface labelling and indirect immunofluorescence experiments localized the bulk of CB48 intracellularly in the endoplasmic reticulum Golgi region, with a minor population of molecules on the cell surface. A specific rabbit polyclonal anti-CB48 serum did not inhibit the attachment or spreading of BAEC to collagen type IV in an 'in vitro' adhesion assay, suggesting that the cell-surface population of CB48 is not involved in BAEC adhesion. We conclude that CB48 is a collagen-binding phosphoprotein that interacts with the collagenous domain of collagen type IV and may be involved in intracellular transport of collagen molecules.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequence of the 216-residue-long N-terminal aggregation and cross-linking 7S domain of the alpha 1 (IV) chain of human placental basement membrane collagen is presented. The N terminus of the alpha 1 (IV) chain starts with a non-triple-helical region, which is at least 15 residues long and contains four cysteine and two lysine residues as putative cross-linking sites. This segment is followed by a 120-residue-long triple helical region, which contains the unusual occurrence of a cysteine residue in the Xaa position of a Gly-Xaa-Yaa triplet. Since individual molecules in the 7S domain are associated in an antiparallel manner, this cysteine probably aligns with one of the four cysteines in the amino-terminal end of an adjacent molecule, forming an intermolecular disulfide bridge. The length of the overlap of two adjacent molecules is estimated to be about 110 residues. The triple helix adjacent to the overlap zone is interrupted by a 10-residue-long non-helical area, which is probably responsible for the flexible region of the molecules in the neighbourhood of the overlap zone observed in the electron microscope. The mode of aggregation of the 7S domain, the formation of intermolecular cross-links as well as the relatively high stability of this region against proteolytic attack are discussed in the light of the elucidated amino acid sequence.  相似文献   

Crystals of the NC1 domain of human type IV collagen   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Crystals of the non-collagenous C-terminal region (NC1) of type IV collagen have been obtained from human placenta. These crystals diffract to 2.0 A, and belong to space group P22(1)2(1), with cell dimensions a = 81 A, b = 158 A, c = 138 A, alpha = beta = gamma = 90 degrees. The crystals contain one hexamer in the asymmetric unit; they are very stable with respect to X-rays.  相似文献   

Six cDNA clones add 3549 nucleotides to the DNA sequence of the alpha 1 chain of basement membrane (type IV) collagen. Thus the complete nucleotide and derived amino acid sequence of the alpha 1 type IV collagen with 5007 nucleotides coding for 1669 amino acids with a calculated Mr of 160,827 is known. The six cDNA clones cover the putative N-terminal signal peptide, the 7 S region and two thirds of the helical region extending into the previously published murine nucleotide sequence [(1986) Gene 43, 301]. The protein sequence for 289 amino acids of the helical region adjacent to the 7 S region has not previously been published for any species.  相似文献   

We have isolated and characterized overlapping cDNA clones which code for a previously unidentified human collagen chain. Although the cDNA-derived primary structure of this new polypeptide is very similar to the basement membrane collagen alpha 1(IV) and alpha 2(IV) chains, the carboxyl-terminal collagenous/non-collagenous junction sequence does not correspond to the junction sequence in either of the newly described alpha 3(IV) or alpha 4(IV) chains (Butkowski, R.J., Langeveld, J.P.M., Wieslander, J., Hamilton, J., and Hudson, B. G. (1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 7874-7877). Thus the protein presented here has been designated the alpha 5 chain of type IV collagen. Four clones encode an open reading frame of 1602 amino acids that cover about 95% of the entire chain including half of the amino-terminal 7S domain and all of the central triple-helical region and carboxyl-terminal NC1 domain. The collagenous region of the alpha 5(IV) chain contains 22 interruptions which are in most cases identical in distribution to those in both the alpha 1(IV) and alpha 2(IV) chains. Despite the relatively low degree of conservation among the amino acids in the triple-helical region of the three type IV collagen chains, analysis of the sequences clearly showed that alpha 5(IV) is more related to alpha 1(IV) than to alpha 2(IV). This similarity between the alpha 5(IV) and alpha 1(IV) chains is particularly evident in the NC1 domains where the two polypeptides are 83% identical in contrast to the alpha 5(IV) and alpha 2(IV) identity of 63%. In addition to greatly increasing the complexity of basement membranes, the alpha 5 chain of type IV collagen may be responsible for specialized functions of some of these extracellular matrices. In this regard, it is important to note that we have recently assigned the alpha 5(IV) gene to the region of the X chromosome containing the locus for a familial type of hereditary nephritis known as Alport syndrome (Myers, J.C., Jones, T.A., Pohjalainen, E.-R., Kadri, A.S., Goddard, A.D., Sheer, D., Solomon, E., and Pihlajaniemi, T. (1990) Am. J. Hum. Genet. 46, 1024-1033). Consequently, the newly discovered alpha 5(IV) collagen chain may have a critical role in inherited diseases of connective tissue.  相似文献   

Thioredoxin (TRX) is one of major components of thiol reducing systems. To investigate the molecular mechanism of TRX function in the lung tissue, we screened a human lung epithelial cell cDNA library for TRX-binding protein by yeast two-hybrid systems. We isolated a plasmid containing C-propeptide region of human pro alpha 1 type 1 collagen (CP-pro alpha 1(1)). CP-pro alpha 1(1) stably binds to wild type TRX but not to mutant TRX, in which redox-active cysteine residues are substituted. Failure of the interaction of mutant TRX with CP-pro alpha 1(1) was confirmed in yeast two-hybrid systems. The CP-pro alpha 1(1)/TRX interaction was increased by dithiothreitol treatment, but was markedly inhibited by hydrogen peroxide or diamide treatment. These data showed that the reducing status of TRX active site cysteine residues is important for the TRX-CP-pro alpha 1(1) interaction, indicating that collagen biosynthesis is under the regulation of TRX-dependent redox control.  相似文献   

The noncollagenous-1 domain of the alpha3 chain of collagen IV networks of basement membranes is the target of an antibody-mediated inflammatory response in Goodpasture autoimmune disease. This domain when excised from basement membranes by bacterial collagenase digestion exists in two molecular forms, M(H) and M(L), that differ in cleavage site and mobility in SDS-PAGE. In the present study, M(H) and M(L) were shown to also differ with respect to epitope exposure, susceptibility to endoprotease digestion, and redox states of specific cystene residues, as determined by MS. Moreover, M(H) and M(L) assemble to form different quaternary structures, critically influencing pathogenic epitope(s) exposure and autoantibody binding. Collectively, our findings reveal that M(H) and M(L) are conformational isomers stabilized by a distinct disulfide bond connectivity, and coexist in basement membranes. The hitherto unrecognized conformational diversification of the Goodpasture autoantigen may be of relevance in pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Three novel collagen VI chains with high homology to the alpha3 chain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Here we describe three novel collagen VI chains, alpha4, alpha5, and alpha6. The corresponding genes are arranged in tandem on mouse chromosome 9. The new chains structurally resemble the collagen VI alpha3 chain. Each chain consists of seven von Willebrand factor A domains followed by a collagenous domain, two C-terminal von Willebrand factor A domains, and a unique domain. In addition, the collagen VI alpha4 chain carries a Kunitz domain at the C terminus, whereas the collagen VI alpha5 chain contains an additional von Willebrand factor A domain and a unique domain. The size of the collagenous domains and the position of the structurally important cysteine residues within these domains are identical between the collagen VI alpha3, alpha4, alpha5, and alpha6 chains. In mouse, the new chains are found in or close to basement membranes. Collagen VI alpha1 chain-deficient mice lack expression of the new collagen VI chains implicating that the new chains may substitute for the alpha3 chain, probably forming alpha1alpha2alpha4, alpha1alpha2alpha5, or alpha1alpha2alpha6 heterotrimers. Due to a large scale pericentric inversion, the human COL6A4 gene on chromosome 3 was broken into two pieces and became a non-processed pseudogene. Recently COL6A5 was linked to atopic dermatitis and designated COL29A1. The identification of novel collagen VI chains carries implications for the etiology of atopic dermatitis as well as Bethlem myopathy and Ullrich congenital muscular dystrophy.  相似文献   

The sequence of 511 residues from the C-terminal portion of the triple helix of mouse alpha 2(IV) chain was determined by using the pepsin fragment P2 of collagen IV and two cDNA clones selected from an Engelbreth-Holm-Swarm (EHS) tumor library. The sequence contains nine interruptions of the triplet repeat Gly-Xaa-Yaa ranging in size from single insertions or deletions up to stretches of eleven amino acid residues. Five of these interruptions match those present in the homologous segment of the alpha 1(IV) chain but are otherwise different in length and/or sequence. A low homology was found for the triplet regions of the alpha 1(IV) and alpha 2(IV) chain which constitute more than 90% of the sequence. The data indicate a remote evolutionary relationship of the triple-helical sequences of the two constituent chains of basement membrane collagen.  相似文献   

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