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思茅松毛虫生物学特性与防治研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
思茅松毛虫是福建省高海拔地区危害马尾松的重要害虫之一 ,该虫在福建一年发生 2代 ,以幼虫越冬。林间试验表明 ,选用复合生物杀虫剂 DCPV 5× 10 7PIB/ ml+苏云金杆菌 1.6× 10 7个孢子 / ml+白僵菌 1.2×10 5个孢子 / ml对该虫有良好的防治效果 ,林间大面积预防性防治可施放白僵菌粉炮 ,严重发生林分可施放林丹烟剂  相似文献   

对波纹杂毛虫幼期形态特征作了详细描述;该虫在福建省1a发生2代,以3—4龄幼虫在地被物中越冬;系统观察了各龄幼虫的取食过程并计算了取食量。开展了室内外防治试验。为该虫综合防治提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

思茅松毛虫空间分布型及抽样技术的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
陈方 《昆虫知识》1992,29(2):102-104
寄生于滇油杉上的思茅松毛虫幼虫的空间分布为聚集分布。以平行线式和棋盘式抽样所得结果误差较小。文中还给出了序贯抽样方案。  相似文献   

杉木云毛虫(柳杉云毛虫),在福建漳平一年发生1代,以6龄幼虫越冬.3月中旬幼虫开始取食.6月中旬开始化蛹,7月下旬成虫羽化。林间防治试验表明.在大发生初期采用油烟剂防治.在一般发生年份应用白僵菌防浩越冬幼虫均有良好效果。  相似文献   

采用聚集度指标法和回归分析法,对思茅松毛虫幼虫在林间的空间格局进行测定,并用刀切法对聚集度指标进行估计和检验,结果表明,思茅松毛虫幼虫在林间呈聚集分布,分布的基本成份为个体群.并计算了林间调查的理论抽样数,列出序贯抽样分析表。  相似文献   

刘联仁 《昆虫知识》1991,28(4):231-233
桉树大毛虫是近年在四川省会理县发现的一种石榴主要害虫。本文描述了该虫各虫态的形态特征和生物学特性。在会理县关河乡该虫一年发生1~2代,以蛹越冬。主要天敌有梳胫节腹寄蝇,对老熟幼虫的寄生率高达33~48%。人工捕杀和保护利用寄蝇是较好的防治方法。  相似文献   

思茅松微红梢斑螟生物学和生态学特性研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
童清  孔祥波 《昆虫知识》2010,47(2):331-334
思茅松微红梢斑螟Dioryctria rubella Hampson在云南省普洱市1年发生3代,世代重叠现象严重。幼虫具有转梢、转枝、转株为害习性,这与气候因素和寄主思茅松的生长状态密切相关。雨季幼虫以转株危害为主,危害率为35%~40%;旱季幼虫以转梢危害为主,危害率为90%~100%。第3代微红梢斑螟发生严重,造成的损失最大。这为综合控制微红梢斑螟对思茅松的危害提供重要的理论基础。  相似文献   

肠道微生物在昆虫的食物消化、免疫防御中发挥重要作用,但目前对昆虫肠道真菌了解不多。本研究以重要林业害虫—思茅松毛虫Dendrolimu kikuchii Matsumura为材料,分离鉴定其幼虫中的肠道真菌。采用传统微生物分离纯培养的方法从思茅松毛虫4龄幼虫肠道样品中分离肠道真菌,运用ITS序列分析鉴定,并对其产酶活性初步研究。经同源序列比对分析,思茅松毛虫4龄幼虫肠道中共分离得到12株真菌,分别属于德巴利酵母属Debaryomyces sp.,拟盘多毛孢属Pestalotiopsis sp.,青霉属Penicillium sp.,弯担菌属Curvibasidium sp.。产酶活性研究表明8株菌产纤维素酶,9株菌产淀粉酶,7株菌产脂肪酶,2株菌产蛋白酶。DKF-8产淀粉酶能力最高,酶活力是60.907 U/mL。DKF-10产纤维素酶能力最高,酶活力是14.276 U/g,菌株DKF-6产蛋白酶活力是5.561 U/mL,菌株DKF-8产蛋白酶酶活力是2.918 U/mL。思茅松毛虫4龄幼虫肠道真菌物种丰富度较低。本实验为未来深入研究思茅松毛虫肠道微生物功能提供了菌株材料。  相似文献   

利用纯培养和筛选培养,从思茅松毛虫幼虫肠道中分离得到7株产脂肪酶的菌株.通过提取基因组DNA并进行16S rDNA序列测定,构建产酶菌株的系统发育树,初步鉴定结果显示:菌株D2、D12、D19属于假单胞菌属(Pseudomonas sp.),菌株D7、D17属于芽胞杆菌属(Bacillus sp.),菌株D9、D16属于克雷伯氏菌(Klebsiella sp.).初步研究所产脂肪酶的酶学性质,确定这些酶的最适作用温度30~40℃、最适作用pH值8.0~9.0,为中温碱性脂肪酶.  相似文献   

柳杉毛虫防治试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用白僵菌、苏云金杆菌、2 4 .5 %全力、2 0 %氰戊菊酯等 4种杀虫剂的不同浓度对柳杉毛虫 (Dendrolimushoui L ajonquiere)进行室内毒力测定和林间防治试验 ,结果表明 ,野外防治柳杉毛虫以氰戊菊酯 6 0 0 0倍液 +苏云金杆菌 1.4× 10 9n/ ml+全力 80 0 0倍液 +白僵菌 1.2× 10 8n/ ml林间喷雾效果最佳 ,杀虫效果达 90 %以上。应用该复合剂大面积防治 2 0 hm2 ,效果达 80 %以上。  相似文献   

Volatile oil of C. deodara, administered orally at the doses of 50, 100 and 200 mg/kg body weight, significantly inhibited the pedal edema induced by compound 48/80 in rats. The oil significantly inhibited compound 48/80 induced degranulation of isolated rat peritoneal mast cells at concentrations ranging from 25-200 micrograms/ml. C. deodara wood oil also significantly inhibited the enzyme lipoxygenase at a concentration of 200 micrograms/ml. Thus, the anti-inflammatory activity of C. deodara wood oil could be attributed to its mast cell stabilizing activity and the inhibition of leukotriene synthesis.  相似文献   

Microsporangium dehiscence, pollen production and dispersal were studied in Himalayan cedar (Cedrus deodara) during 1998 and 1999. Microsporangium dehiscence showed diurnal periodicity and was found to be related to air temperature and relative air humidity, with a strobilus taking 2 d to dehisce completely in warmer conditions and 3 d in cooler ones. The frequency of flowering in C. deodara was highly variable during the two successive years; however, cyclical production of pollen grains was observed in 50% of the trees. The maximum concentration of pollen grains in the air was found between 1200 and 1600 h, and this period was also noted to be the best time for pollination. Studying migration of pollen grains from isolated single trees in three directions showed that migration was not uniform in all directions. Long-distance transport of pollen grains was observed in the downhill direction. However, in the uphill and horizontal directions grains could travel only up to 97.5 and l95.1 m, respectively, and the frequency of pollen grains to the source frequency at these distances was only 1.9 and 2-5%, respectively. The results suggest that an isolation barrier of 190 m may be considered as a minimum for the management of deodar seed orchards.  相似文献   

为了揭示受害马尾松Pinus massoniana针叶主要化学物质变化对思茅松毛虫Dendrolimus kikuchii Matsumura 种群变动的影响,本研究以受思茅松毛虫危害程度不间(轻度、中度和重度)的马尾松针叶喂养思茅松毛虫幼虫,测定思茅松毛虫饲养种群的特征参数和小同受害程度马尾松针叶营养物质与次生物质含量,用综合相关系数分析法对试验结果进行分析.结果表明:(1)随植株受害程度加重,针叶黄酮含量增加,可溶性糖、蛋白质、多糖含量减少,各龄幼虫平均历期延长、死亡率升高.单宁和总酚含最的变化与各龄幼虫平均历期、死亡率之间没有显著的相关性;(2)除6龄幼虫外,其他各龄幼虫的平均历期、死亡率均与松针营养物质和次生物质含量有直接的和综合的相关性;(3)随受害程度加重,7龄幼虫体重、幼虫平均取食量、蛹重、化蛹率、雌性比、每雌生殖力减小.单宁、总酚含量的变化对7龄幼虫体重、幼虫平均取食量、蛹重、幼虫平均死亡率、化蛹率、雌性比、每雌生殖力都没有显著影响.总体上,松针营养和次生物质含量对思茅松毛虫种群参数有重要影响,其重要性依次为可溶性糖>蛋白质>多糖>黄酮,单宁和总酚的作用相对较小.  相似文献   

Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata [L.] Walp.) is a major crop for worldwide food and nutritional security, especially in sub‐Saharan Africa, that is resilient to hot and drought‐prone environments. An assembly of the single‐haplotype inbred genome of cowpea IT97K‐499‐35 was developed by exploiting the synergies between single‐molecule real‐time sequencing, optical and genetic mapping, and an assembly reconciliation algorithm. A total of 519 Mb is included in the assembled sequences. Nearly half of the assembled sequence is composed of repetitive elements, which are enriched within recombination‐poor pericentromeric regions. A comparative analysis of these elements suggests that genome size differences between Vigna species are mainly attributable to changes in the amount of Gypsy retrotransposons. Conversely, genes are more abundant in more distal, high‐recombination regions of the chromosomes; there appears to be more duplication of genes within the NBS‐LRR and the SAUR‐like auxin superfamilies compared with other warm‐season legumes that have been sequenced. A surprising outcome is the identification of an inversion of 4.2 Mb among landraces and cultivars, which includes a gene that has been associated in other plants with interactions with the parasitic weed Striga gesnerioides. The genome sequence facilitated the identification of a putative syntelog for multiple organ gigantism in legumes. A revised numbering system has been adopted for cowpea chromosomes based on synteny with common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris). An estimate of nuclear genome size of 640.6 Mbp based on cytometry is presented.  相似文献   

为了揭示受害马尾松Pinus massoniana针叶主要化学物质变化对思茅松毛虫Dendrolimus kikuchii Matsumura种群变动的影响, 本研究以受思茅松毛虫危害程度不同(轻度、 中度和重度)的马尾松针叶喂养思茅松毛虫幼虫, 测定思茅松毛虫饲养种群的特征参数和不同受害程度马尾松针叶营养物质与次生物质含量, 用综合相关系数分析法对试验结果进行分析。结果表明: (1)随植株受害程度加重, 针叶黄酮含量增加, 可溶性糖、 蛋白质、 多糖含量减少, 各龄幼虫平均历期延长、 死亡率升高。单宁和总酚含量的变化与各龄幼虫平均历期、 死亡率之间没有显著的相关性; (2)除6龄幼虫外, 其他各龄幼虫的平均历期、 死亡率均与松针营养物质和次生物质含量有直接的和综合的相关性; (3)随受害程度加重, 7龄幼虫体重、 幼虫平均取食量、 蛹重、 化蛹率、 雌性比、 每雌生殖力减小。单宁、 总酚含量的变化对7龄幼虫体重、 幼虫平均取食量、 蛹重、 幼虫平均死亡率、 化蛹率、 雌性比、 每雌生殖力都没有显著影响。总体上, 松针营养和次生物质含量对思茅松毛虫种群参数有重要影响, 其重要性依次为可溶性糖>蛋白质>多糖>黄酮, 单宁和总酚的作用相对较小。  相似文献   

1. The leaf tannin of willow-herb [Chamaenerion angustifolium (L.) Scop.] has been isolated and separated into two fractions of differing solubility. 2. The tannin contains a penta-O-galloyl-β-d-glucose core to which further galloyl groups are depsidically bound. 3. The unfractionated tannin contains an average of 10·5 galloyl groups/glucose molecule; the soluble fraction has on average 7·6 galloyl groups/glucose molecule and the less soluble fraction has 12·4. 4. The tannin is a mixture of molecules ranging at least from hepta- to trideca-galloyl-β-d-glucose. 5. The tannin forms complexes with proteins and the fact that it is a hydrolysable gallotannin has a bearing on the release of nitrogen from the protein of the dead leaf.  相似文献   

Partially purified, cell-free extracts from nodules of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp. cv. Caloona) and soybean (Glycine max L. Merr. cv. Bragg) showed high rates of de novo purine nucleotide and purine base synthesis. Activity increased with rates of nitrogen fixation and ureide export during development of cowpea plants; maximum rates (equivalent to 1.2 micromoles N2 per hour per gram fresh nodule) being similar to those of maximum nitrogen fixation (1-2 micromoles N2 per hour per gram fresh nodule). Extracts from actively fixing nodules of a symbiosis not producing ureides, Lupinus albus L. cv. Ultra, showed rates of de novo purine synthesis 0.1% to 0.5% those of cowpea and soybean. Most (70-90%) of the activity was associated with the particulate components of the nodule, but up to 50% was released from this fraction by osmotic shock. The accumulated end products with particulate fractions were inosine monophosphate and aminoimidazole carboxamide ribonucleotide. Further metabolism to purine bases and ureides was restricted to the soluble fraction of the nodule extract. High rates of inosine monophosphate synthesis were supported by glutamine as amide donor, lower rates (10-20%) by ammonia, and negligible rates with asparagine as substrate.  相似文献   

Annual radial increment variation and its dependence on temperature and precipitation were studied in 13 severely damaged and 12 healthy stands of Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst.] on mineral soil and peatlands in southern Finland. An intervention analysis revealed that the presently dead trees had experienced severe growth reductions since the late 1980s. Even though annual growth variation between the stands was fairly similar, differences in the relationship between radial growth and weather variation were found between sites. High temperature in May increased radial growth in the healthy stands. This was not observed in the damaged stands, where summer temperature was negatively correlated with growth. In addition, high temperature during the previous summer decreased tree growth in next summer. Tree-ring indices showed a strong positive correlation with June precipitation in the damaged stands. Correlation of June precipitation and growth was much weaker in the healthy stands. This result suggests that the damage is connected to drought and is likely to occur at drought-sensitive sites. The finding also fits in well with the fact that many of the damaged sites were rocky or stony.  相似文献   

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