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The gene for an enantioselective amidase was cloned from Rhodococcus erythropolis MP50, which utilizes various aromatic nitriles via a nitrile hydratase/amidase system as nitrogen sources. The gene encoded a protein of 525 amino acids which corresponded to a protein with a molecular mass of 55.5 kDa. The deduced complete amino acid sequence showed homology to other enantioselective amidases from different bacterial genera. The nucleotide sequence approximately 2.5 kb upstream and downstream of the amidase gene was determined, but no indications for a structural coupling of the amidase gene with the genes for a nitrile hydratase were found. The amidase gene was carried by an approximately 40-kb circular plasmid in R. erythropolis MP50. The amidase was heterologously expressed in Escherichia coli and shown to hydrolyze 2-phenylpropionamide, α-chlorophenylacetamide, and α-methoxyphenylacetamide with high enantioselectivity; mandeloamide and 2-methyl-3-phenylpropionamide were also converted, but only with reduced enantioselectivity. The recombinant E. coli strain which synthesized the amidase gene was shown to grow with organic amides as nitrogen sources. A comparison of the amidase activities observed with whole cells or cell extracts of the recombinant E. coli strain suggested that the transport of the amides into the cells becomes the rate-limiting step for amide hydrolysis in recombinant E. coli strains.  相似文献   

An enantioselective amidase from Rhodococcus erythropolis MP50 was purified to homogeneity. The enzyme has a molecular weight of about 480,000 and is composed of identical subunits with molecular weights of about 61,000. The NH2-terminal amino acid sequence was significantly different from previously published sequences of bacterial amidases. The purified amidase hydrolyzed a wide range of aliphatic and aromatic amides, The highest enzyme activities were found with amides carrying hydrophobic residues, such as pentyl or naphthoyl. The purified enzyme converted racemic 2-phenylpropionamide, naproxen amide [2-(6-methoxy-2-naphthyl) propionamide], and ketoprofen amide [2-(3'-benzoylphenyl)propionamide] to the corresponding S-acids with an enantiomeric excess of >99% and an almost 50% conversion of the racemic amides. The enzyme also hydrolyzed different alpha-amino amides but without significant enantioselectivity.  相似文献   

Amidase was a crucial enzyme responsible for the conversion of acrylamide to acrylic acid in Rhodococcus erythropolis. Its coding gene ami was amplified by PCR using the genomic DNA of R. erythropolis as template. Subsequently, it was ligated to expression plasmids and transformed in Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) analysis revealed that both recombinant E. coli BL21 (DE3) and B. subtilis generated amidase of 56 kDa. The expression mass and enzyme activity suggested that B. subtilis was more suitable as a host when ami gene was under the control of a powerful promoter. To further study the expression effect of different promoters in B. subtilis, five distinct promoters (sacB, amyE, p43, degQ, aprE) and their native signal peptide genes were employed to separately construct five different vectors harboring ami gene. Of the five novel vectors, the amyE promoter along with its native signal peptide gene was most effective. The maximum specific activity of amidase at pH 7.0 and 37 °C was about 8.7 U/mg and the conversion efficiency could approximately reach 90% within 6 h. This result indicated the expression difference of distinct promoters, which provided the basis for the forthcoming research.  相似文献   

A new aliphatic amidase gene (ami), having a less than 77% level of similarity with the nearest homologs, was identified in the Rhodococcus erythropolis TA37 strain, which is able to hydrolyze a wide range of amides. The amidase gene was cloned within a 3.7 kb chromosomal locus, which also contains putative acetyl-CoA ligase and ABC-type transporter genes. The structure of this locus in the R. erythropolis TA37 strain differs from the structure of loci in other Rhodococcus strains. The amidase gene is expressed in Escherichia coli cells. It was demonstrated that amidase (generated in the recombinant strain) efficiently hydrolyzes acetamide (aliphatic amide) and does not use 4′-nitroacetanilide (N-substituted amide) as a substrate. Insertional inactivation of the amidase gene in the R. erythropolis TA37 strain results in a considerable decrease (by at least 6–7 times) in basal amidase activity, indicating functional amidase activity in the R. erythropolis TA37 strain.  相似文献   

Summary The resolution of racemic ketoprofen amide by whole cells of Rhodococcus erythropolis MP 50 and Rhodococcus sp. C3II was studied. With both strains racemic ketoprofen amide was converted to S-ketoprofen with an enantiomeric excess > 97 % at a conversion rate up to 40 % of the theoretical value. The specific activity of strain MP 50 for ketoprofen amide was about 0.12 mol min–1 and mg of dry weight and the substrate was converted for several hours at a constant rate.  相似文献   

【目的】探讨红串红球菌中一种醇脱氢酶的性质及其对酮酯类及酮类底物的催化能力。【方法】从红串红球菌(Rhodococcus erythropolis ATCC 4277)中获取一段长度为1047 bp的醇脱氢酶(adh)基因,插入载体pET-22b(+)后,在大肠杆菌中进行重组表达。15℃的低温下用自诱导培养基诱导24 h,以苯乙酮为底物测定醇脱氢酶酶活。【结果】测得该诱导条件下重组菌体细胞破碎上清中醇脱氢酶酶活力为2.6 U/mg。经温度、pH耐受性等分析,发现该酶最适pH在6.0-6.5之间,耐受温度可以达到60℃,并且在该温度下保持5 h后,酶活也能保留80%。对于β酮酯类底物的催化反应,以对乙酰乙酸乙酯的催化能力最高。用4-氯乙酰乙酸乙酯(COBE)为底物进行全细胞水相催化反应,经手性液相色谱分析,发现在催化产物以R型4-氯-3羟基丁酸乙酯(CHBE)为主。【结论】该酶在酮酯类的底物转化方面有良好的开发潜力及应用前景。  相似文献   

The 3D structure of the amidase from Rhodococcus erythropolis (EC built by homology-based modeling is presented. Propionamide and acetamide are docked to the amidase. The reaction models were used to characterize the explicit enzymatic reaction. The calculated free energy barrier at B3LYP/6-31G* level of Model A (Ser194 + propionamide) is 19.72 kcal mol−1 in gas (6.47 kcal mol−1 in solution), and of Model B (Ser194 + Gly193 + propionamide) is 18.71 kcal mol−1 in gas (4.57 kcal mol−1 in solution). The docking results reveal that propionamide binds more strongly than acetamide due to the ethyl moiety of propionamide, which makes the carboxyl oxygen center of the substrate slightly more negative, making formation of the positively charged tetrahedral intermediate slightly easier. The quantum mechanics results demonstrate that Ser194 is essential for the acyl-intermediate, and Gly193 plays a secondary role in stabilizing acyl-intermediate formation as the NH groups of Ser194 and Gly193 form hydrogen bonds with the carbonyl oxygen of propionamide. The new structural and mechanistic insights gained from this computational study should be useful in elucidating the detailed structures and mechanisms of amidase and other homologous members of the amidase signature family.  相似文献   

The gene for new Rhodococcus erythropolis TA37 acylamidase, which possesses unique substrate specificity, has been cloned and expressed in E. coli. Substrates for this enzyme are not only simple amides, such as acetamide and propionamide, but also N-substituted amides, such as 4′-nitroacetanilide. The 1431-bp gene was expressed in E. coli BL21 (DE3) cells on pET16b plasmid under the control of a promoter of the ? 10 gene from the T7 phage. The molecular mass of recombinant acylamidase in E. coli was 55 kDa, which corresponded to that of native acylamidase from Rhodococcus erythropolis TA37. Recombinant acylamidase was able to hydrolize N-substituted amides. A search of a nucleotide database and multiple alignment revealed that acylamidase belonged to the Amidase protein family PF01425, but its nucleotide and amino acid sequences differed significantly from those of the described amidases.  相似文献   

For investigation of an unknown open reading frame which is present upstream of the nitrile hydratase (NHase) gene from Rhodococcus sp. N-774, a longer DNA fragment covering the entire gene was cloned in Escherichia coli. Nucleotide sequencing and detailed subcloning experiments predicted a single open reading frame consisting of 521 amino acid residues of Mr 54,671. The amino acid sequence, especially its NH2-terminal portion, showed significant homology with those of indoleacetamide hydrolases from Pseudomonas savastanoi and Agrobacterium tumefaciens, and acetamidase from Aspergillus nidulans. The 521-amino acid coding region was therefore expressed by use of the E. coli lac promoter in E. coli, and was found to direct a considerable amidase activity. This amidase hydrolyzed propionamide efficiently, and also hydrolyzed, at a lower efficiency, acetamide, acrylamide and indoleacetamide. These data clearly show that the unknown open reading frame present upstream of the NHase coding region encodes an amidase. Because the TAG translational stop codon of the amidase is located only 75 base pairs apart from the ATG start codon of the alpha-subunit of NHase, these genes are probably translated in a polycistronic manner.  相似文献   

The amidase from Rhodococcus erythropolis MP50 demonstrated, in the presence of hydroxylamine, acyltransferase activity and catalyzed the formation of hydroxamates from amides and hydroxylamine. The rates of acyltransferase activity of the purified amidase for the substrates acetamide, phenylacetamide, and 2-phenylpropionamide were higher than the corresponding rates for the hydrolysis reactions. With the substrate 2-phenylpropionamide the hydrolysis reaction and the acyltransferase activity were highly enantioselective. The optically active 2-phenylpropionhydroxamate was converted by a chemical Lossen rearrangement in an aqueous medium into the enantiopure S-1-phenylethylamine.  相似文献   

Ethyl (S)-4-chloro-3-hydroxybutyrate is an intermediate for the synthesis of Atorvastatin, a chiral drug used for hypercholesterolemia. A Rhodococcus erythropolis strain (No. 7) able to convert 4-chloro-3-hydroxybutyronitrile into 4-chloro-3-hydroxybutyric acid has recently been isolated from soil. This activity has been regarded as having been caused by the successive actions of the nitrile hydratase and amidase. In this instance, the corresponding amidase gene was cloned from the R. erythropolis strain and expressed in Escherichia coli cells. A soluble active form of amidase enzyme was obtained at 18 degrees . The Ni column-purified recombinant amidase was found to have a specific activity of 3.89 U/mg toward the substrate isobutyramide. The amidase was found to exhibit a higher degree of activity when used with midchain substrates than with short-chain ones. Put differently, amongst the various amides tested, isobutyramide and butyramide were found to be hydrolyzed the most rapidly. In addition to amidase activity, the enzyme was found to exhibit acyltransferase activity when hydroxyl amine was present. This dual activity has also been observed in other enzymes belonging to the same amidase group (E.C. Moreover, the purified enzyme was proven to be able to enantioselectively hydrolyze 4-chloro-3-hydroxybutyramide into the corresponding acid. The e.e. value was measured to be 52% when the conversion yield was 57%. Although this e.e. value is low for direct commercial use, molecular evolution could eventually result in this amidase being used as a biocatalyst for the production of ethyl (S)-4-chloro-3-hydroxybutyrate.  相似文献   

The amidase gene from Rhodococcus rhodochrous M8 was cloned by PCR amplification with primers developed by use of peptide amino acid sequences obtained after treating amidase with trypsin. Nucleotide sequence analysis of this gene revealed high homology with aliphatic amidases from R. erythropolis R312 and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Considering the substrate specificity and the results of DNA analysis, amidase from R. rhodochrous M8 was assigned to the group of aliphatic amidases preferentially hydrolyzing short-chain aliphatic amides. The amidase gene was expressed in cells of Escherichia coli from the self promoter and from the lac promoter. To clone a fragment of R. rhodochrous M8 chromosome (approximately 9 kb), containing the entire structural gene and its flanking regions, plasmid pRY1 that can be integrated into the chromosome via homology regions was used. No sequences of the nitrile hydratase gene, the second key gene of nitrile degradation in strain R. rhodochrous M8, were detected. Thus, genes encoding amidase and nitrile hydratase in strain R. rhodochrous M8 are not organized into a single operon despite their common regulation.  相似文献   

The amidase gene from Rhodococcus rhodochrous M18 was cloned by PCR amplification with primers developed by use of peptide amino acid sequences obtained after treating amidase with trypsin. Nucleotide sequence analysis of this gene revealed high homology with aliphatic amidases from R. erythropolis R312 and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Considering the substrate specificity and the results of DNA analysis, amidase from R. rhodochrous M8 was assigned to the group of aliphatic amidases preferentially hydrolyzing short-chain aliphatic amides. The amidase gene was expressed in cells of Escherichia coli from the self promoter and from the lac promoter. To clone a fragment of R. rhodochrous M8 chromosome (approximately 9 kb), containing the entire structural gene and its flanking regions, plasmid pRY1 that can be integrated into the chromosome via homology regions was used. No sequences of the nitrile hydratase gene, the second key gene of nitrile degradation in strain R. rhodochrous M8, were detected. Thus, genes encoding amidase and nitrile hydratase in strain R. rhodochrous M8 are not organized into a single operon despite their common regulation.  相似文献   

A molecular screening approach was developed in order to amplify the genomic region that codes for the alpha- and beta-subunits of the nitrile hydratase (NHase) enzyme in rhodococci. Specific PCR primers were designed for the NHase genes from a collection of nitrile-degrading actinomycetes, but amplification was successful only with strains identified as Rhodococcus erythropolis. A hydratase PCR product was also obtained from R. erythropolis DSM 43066(T), which did not grow on nitriles. Southern hybridization of other members of the nitrile-degrading bacterial collection resulted in no positive signals other than those for the R. erythropolis strains used as positive controls. PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism-single-strand conformational polymorphism (PRS) analysis of the hydratases in the R. erythropolis strains revealed unique patterns that mostly correlated with distinct geographical sites of origin. Representative NHases were sequenced, and they exhibited more than 92.4% similarity to previously described NHases. The phylogenetic analysis and deduced amino acid sequences suggested that the novel R. erythropolis enzymes belonged to the iron-type NHase family. Some different residues in the translated sequences were located near the residues involved in the stabilization of the NHase active site, suggesting that the substitutions could be responsible for the different enzyme activities and substrate specificities observed previously in this group of actinomycetes. A similar molecular screening analysis of the amidase gene was performed, and a correlation between the PRS patterns and the geographical origins identical to the correlation found for the NHase gene was obtained, suggesting that there was coevolution of the two enzymes in R. erythropolis. Our findings indicate that the NHase and amidase genes present in geographically distinct R. erythropolis strains are not globally mixed.  相似文献   

Amidase (EC was purified to homogeneity from Rhodococcus rhodochrous M8 using isopropanol fractionation and exchange chromatography on Mono Q. The isolated amidase consists of four identical subunits with molecular weight 42+/-2 kD. The activity of the enzyme is maximal at 55-60 degrees C and within the pH range 5-8. The amidase from R. rhodochrous M8 is highly sensitive to such sulfhydryl reagents as Hg2+ and Cu2+. Chelators (EDTA and o-phenanthroline) and serine proteinase inhibitors (PMSF and DIFP) did not inhibit the activity of the enzyme. The enzyme exhibits hydrolytic and acyl transferase activity and does not possess urease activity. Aliphatic amides (acetamide and propionamide) were the best substrates for the amidase from R. rhodochrous M8, whereas bulky aromatic amides were poor substrates of this enzyme. The properties of the isolated enzyme are similar to those found in the corresponding amidase from Arthrobacter sp. J-1 and an amidase with wide substrate specificity from Brevibacterium sp. R312.  相似文献   

The dsz desulfurization gene cluster from Rhodococcus erythropolis strain KA2-5-1 was transferred into R. erythropolis strain MC1109, unable to desulfurize light gas oil (LGO), using a transposon-transposase complex. As a result, two recombinant strains, named MC0203 and MC0122, were isolated. Resting cells of strain MC0203 decreased the sulfur concentration of LGO from 120 mg l–1 to 70 mg l–1 in 2 h. The LGO-desulfurization activity of strain MC0203 was about twice that of strain MC0122 and KA2-5-1. The 10-methyl fatty acids of strain MC0203 were about 28%–41% that of strain MC1109. It is likely that strain MC0203 had a mutation involving alkylenation or methylation of 9-unsaturated fatty acids caused by the transposon inserted in the chromosome, which increased the fluidity of cell membranes and enhanced the desulfurization activity.  相似文献   

A constitutively expressed aliphatic amidase from a Rhodococcus sp. catalyzing acrylamide deamination was purified to electrophoretic homogeneity. The molecular weight of the native enzyme was estimated to be 360,000. Upon sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, the purified preparation yielded a homogeneous protein band having an apparent molecular weight of about 44,500. The amidase had pH and temperature optima of 8.5 and 40 degrees C, respectively, and its isoelectric point was pH 4.0. The amidase had apparent K(m) values of 1.2, 2.6, 3.0, 2.7, and 5.0 mM for acrylamide, acetamide, butyramide, propionamide, and isobutyramide, respectively. Inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectometry analysis indicated that the enzyme contains 8 mol of iron per mol of the native enzyme. No labile sulfide was detected. The amidase activity was enhanced by, but not dependent on Fe(2+), Ba(2+), and Cr(2+). However, the enzyme activity was partially inhibited by Mg(2+) and totally inhibited in the presence of Ni(2+), Hg(2+), Cu(2+), Co(2+), specific iron chelators, and thiol blocking reagents. The NH2-terminal sequence of the first 18 amino acids displayed 88% homology to the aliphatic amidase of Brevibacterium sp. strain R312.  相似文献   

A new 2-deoxy-D-ribose-5-phoshate aldolase (DERA) gene was cloned from Rhodococcus erythropolis strain DSM 311, recombinantly expressed in Escherichia coli, and purified via affinity chromatography which yielded a homo-dimeric enzyme of 44.3 kDa as apparent by size exclusion chromatography. To characterise the enzyme, investigations about pH and temperature tolerance, stability, as well as analyses on resistance to organic solvents and acetaldehyde were performed. In addition, kinetic constants of the new DERA(RE) were compared to respective values of the DERA from E. coli (DERA(EC)). Stability of DERA(RE) turned out to be a crucial factor: The pH for optimal DERA(RE) activity was determined to be 7.0, whereas the highest stability was achieved at pH 9.0 with a half-life of approximately 20 days. The optimal temperature for DERA(RE) activity was 65 °C, but coupled with a rather low stability (half-life of 2 min). The highest stability was achieved at 25 °C. The new enzyme exhibits high resistance to organic solvents and acetaldehyde with a half-life being 2.5× higher compared to DERA(EC) under the exposure of 300 mM acetaldehyde. Hence it has the potential as a new promising biocatalyst with applications in organic synthesis.  相似文献   

NADP+-dependent aminoalcohol dehydrogenase (AADH) of Rhodococcus erythropolis MAK154 produces double chiral aminoalcohols, which are used as pharmaceuticals. However, the genetic manipulation of Rhodococcus strains to increase their production of such industrially important enzymes is not well studied. Therefore, I aimed to construct Rhodococcus expression vectors, derived from the RhodococcusEscherichia coli shuttle vector pRET1102, to express aadh. The plasmid pRET1102 could be transformed into many actinomycete strains, including R. erythropolis. The transformation ef?ciency for a species closely related to R. erythropolis was higher than that for other actinomycete strains. Promoters of various strengths, hsp, 1200rep, and TRR, were obtained from Gram-positive bacteria. The activity of TRR was stronger than that of hsp and 1200rep. The aadh-expressing plasmid pRET1172 with TRR could be transformed into many actinomycete strains to increase their AADH production. The Rhodococcus expression vector, pRET11100, constructed by removing aadh from the pRET1172 plasmid may be useful for bioconversion.  相似文献   

The bopXYZ genes from the gram-positive bacterium Rhodococcus sp. strain 19070 encode a broad-substrate-specific benzoate dioxygenase. Expression of the BopXY terminal oxygenase enabled Escherichia coli to convert benzoate or anthranilate (2-aminobenzoate) to a nonaromatic cis-diol or catechol, respectively. This expression system also rapidly transformed m-toluate (3-methylbenzoate) to an unidentified product. In contrast, 2-chlorobenzoate was not a good substrate. The BopXYZ dioxygenase was homologous to the chromosomally encoded benzoate dioxygenase (BenABC) and the plasmid-encoded toluate dioxygenase (XylXYZ) of gram-negative acinetobacters and pseudomonads. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis failed to identify any plasmid in Rhodococcus sp. strain 19070. Catechol 1,2- and 2,3-dioxygenase activity indicated that strain 19070 possesses both meta- and ortho-cleavage degradative pathways, which are associated in pseudomonads with the xyl and ben genes, respectively. Open reading frames downstream of bopXYZ, designated bopL and bopK, resembled genes encoding cis-diol dehydrogenases and benzoate transporters, respectively. The bop genes were in the same order as the chromosomal ben genes of P. putida PRS2000. The deduced sequences of BopXY were 50 to 60% identical to the corresponding proteins of benzoate and toluate dioxygenases. The reductase components of these latter dioxygenases, BenC and XylZ, are 201 residues shorter than the deduced BopZ sequence. As predicted from the sequence, expression of BopZ in E. coli yielded an approximately 60-kDa protein whose presence corresponded to increased cytochrome c reductase activity. While the N-terminal region of BopZ was approximately 50% identical in sequence to the entire BenC or XylZ reductases, the C terminus was unlike other known protein sequences.  相似文献   

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