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Magic mushrooms, and their extract psilocybin, are well-known for their psychedelic properties and recreational use. Psilocin, the bio-active form of psilocybin, can potentially treat various psychiatric diseases. Psilocin putatively exerts its psychedelic effect as an agonist to the serotonin 2A receptor (5-HT2AR), which is also the receptor for the neurological hormone serotonin. The two key chemical differences between the two molecules are first, that the primary amine in serotonin is replaced with a tertiary amine in psilocin, and second, the hydroxyl group is substituted differently on the aromatic ring. Here, we find that psilocin can bind to 5-HT2AR with an affinity higher than serotonin, and provide the molecular logic behind the higher binding affinity of psilocin using extensive molecular dynamics simulations and free energy calculations. The binding free energy of psilocin is dependent upon the protonation states of the ligands, as well as that of the key residue in the binding site: Aspartate 155. We find that the tertiary amine of psilocin, and not the altered substitution of the hydroxyl group in the ring is responsible for the increased affinity of psilocin. We propose design rules for effective antidepressants based on molecular insights from our simulations.  相似文献   

The G protein connection: molecular basis of membrane association   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Two distinct types of lipid modification, myristoylation and isoprenylation, are critical for membrane association of heterotrimeric G proteins. Elucidation of the molecular basis for G protein membrane association has important implications for understanding G protein structure and function, and is relevant to potential therapeutic approaches to AIDS and cancer.  相似文献   

The molecular basis of cytokinin action   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Current understanding of cytokinin (CK) physiology at the cellular level results largely from the manipulation of endogenous CK levels by either application of exogenous CKs or the expression of CK biosynthetic transgenes, as well as the characterisation of single gene mutants. Cytokinins modulate changes in plant gene expression, which are in turn assumed to effect physiological and morphological changes with which CK action is associated. Presently, a major focus of investigation is elucidation of the biochemical events leading from the perception of CK to the manifestation of a response. Analysis of the expression patterns of CK-regulated genes and identification of their products provides one means of investigating CK action at the molecular level. Biochemical approaches have led to the identification of several soluble CK-binding proteins, although their functional roles in CK signalling largely remain uncertain. Conclusive identification of a bona fide CK receptor has yet to be achieved, although several potential candidates have been suggested. Pharmacological and molecular genetic strategies have implicated the involvement of signalling mechanisms likely to be involved in CK action. The apparent involvement of fluctuations in the concentration of intracellular Ca2+, changes in protein phosphorylation as well as DNA and/or protein methylation provide information concerning the types of proteins likely to be involved in the process. Dissection of CK signal transduction chains and elucidation of their interaction with other pathways that regulate plant growth and development is likely to be essential in understanding the mode of action of this poorly understood class of plant growth regulator. However, integration of this knowledge with an improved understanding of the mechanisms whereby overall hormone homeostasis is regulated at the metabolic level will be necessary for comprehensive appreciation of the influence of CKs on plant morphology and physiology.  相似文献   

A molecular basis for auxin action.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The plant hormone auxin is central in the regulation of growth and development, however, the molecular basis for its action has remained enigmatic. In the absence of a molecular model, the wide range of responses elicited by auxin have been difficult to explain. Recent advances using molecular genetic approaches in Arabidopsis have led to the isolation of a number of key genes involved in auxin action. Of particular importance are genes involved in channelling polar auxin transport through the plant. In addition a model for auxin signal transduction, centred on regulated protein degradation, has been developed.  相似文献   

The molecular basis of retinoid action in tumors   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

Philippe Reymond 《Planta》2013,238(2):247-258
Eggs deposited on plants by herbivorous insects represent a threat as they develop into feeding larvae. Plants are not a passive substrate and have evolved sophisticated mechanisms to detect eggs and induce direct and indirect defenses. Recent years have seen exciting development in molecular aspects of egg-induced responses. Some egg-associated elicitors have been identified, and signaling pathways and egg-induced expression profiles are being uncovered. Depending on the mode of oviposition, both the jasmonic acid and salicylic acid pathways seem to play a role in the induction of defense responses. An emerging concept is that eggs are recognized like microbial pathogens and innate immune responses are triggered. In addition, some eggs contain elicitors that induce highly specific defenses in plants. Examples of egg-induced suppression of defense or, on the contrary, egg-induced resistance highlight the complexity of plant–egg interactions in an on-going arms race between herbivores and their hosts. A major challenge is to identify plant receptors for egg-associated elicitors, to assess the specificity of these elicitors and to identify molecular components that underlie various responses to oviposition.  相似文献   

Signaling and desensitization of G protein-coupled receptor are intimately related, and measuring them separately requires certain parameters that represent desensitization independently of signaling. In this study, we tested whether desensitization requires signaling in three different receptors, beta2-adrenergic receptor (beta2AR) in S49 lymphoma cells, alpha-factor pheromone receptor (Ste2p) in Saccharomyces cerevisiae LM102 cells, and dopamine D3 receptor (D3R) in HEK-293 cells. Agonist-induced beta-arrestin translocation to the plasma membrane or receptor sequestration was measured to estimate homologous desensitization. To separate the signaling and desensitization of beta2AR, which mediates stimulation of adenylyl cyclase, S49 lymphoma cys- cells that lack the alpha subunit of Gs were used. Stimulation of beta2AR in these cells failed to increase intracellular cAMP, but beta-arrestin translocation still occurred, suggesting that feedback from beta2AR signaling is not required for homologous desensitization to occur. Agonist-induced sequestration of the yeast Ste2p-L236R, which showed reduced signaling through G protein, was not different from that of wildtype Ste2p, suggesting that the receptor signaling and sequestration are not directly linked cellular events. Both G protein coupling and D3R signaling, measured as inhibition of cAMP production, were greatly enhanced by co-expression of exogenous alpha subunit of Go (Goalpha) or adenylyl cyclase type 5 (AC5), respectively. However, agonist-induced beta-arrestin translocation, receptor phosphorylation, and sequestration were not affected by co-expression of Galphao and AC5, suggesting that the extent of signaling does not determine desensitization intensity. Taken together, our results consistently suggest that G protein signaling and homologous desensitization are independent cellular processes.  相似文献   

RGS proteins are GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs) for G protein alpha-subunits. This GAP activity is mediated by the interaction of conserved residues on regulator of G protein signaling (RGS) proteins and Galpha-subunits. We mutated the important contact sites Glu-89, Asn-90, and Asn-130 in RGS16 to lysine, aspartate, and alanine, respectively. The interaction of RGS16 and its mutants with Galpha(t) and Galpha(i1) was studied. The GAP activities of RGS16N90D and RGS16N130A were strongly attenuated. RGS16E89K increased GTP hydrolysis of Galpha(i1) by a similar extent, but with an about 100-fold reduced affinity compared with non-mutated RGS16. As Glu-89 in RGS16 is interacting with Lys-210 in Galpha(i1), this lysine was changed to glutamate for compensation. Galpha(i1)K210E was insensitive to RGS16 but interacted with RGS16E89K. In rat uterine smooth muscle cells, wild type RGS16 abolished G(i)-mediated alpha(2)-adrenoreceptor signaling, whereas RGS16E89K was without effect. Both Galpha(i1) and Galpha(i1)K210E mimicked the effect of alpha(2)-adrenoreceptor stimulation. Galpha(i1)K210E was sensitive to RGS16E89K and 10-fold more potent than Galpha(i1). Analogous mutants of Galpha(q) (Galpha(q)K215E) and RGS4 (RGS4E87K) were created and studied in COS-7 cells. The activity of wild type Galpha(q) was counteracted by wild type RGS4 but not by RGS4E87K. The activity of Galpha(q)K215E was inhibited by RGS4E87K, whereas non-mutated RGS4 was ineffective. We conclude that mutation of a conserved lysine residue to glutamate in Galpha(i) and Galpha(q) family members renders these proteins insensitive to wild type RGS proteins. Nevertheless, they are sensitive to glutamate to lysine mutants of RGS proteins. Such mutant pairs will be helpful tools in analyzing Galpha-RGS specificities in living cells.  相似文献   

cAMP反应元件结合蛋白:抗抑郁药信号转导通路的交汇点   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文综述了参与抑郁症和抗抑郁药作用的三条信号转导通路:环磷酸腺苷(cAMP)通路、丝裂原活化蛋白激酶(MAPK)通路、钙调蛋白激酶(CaMK)通路,以及cAMP反应元件结合蛋白(cAMP response element binding protein, CREB)作为上述通路交汇点的研究进展,并探讨了新型抗抑郁药的可能作用靶点.  相似文献   

E Knust 《Cell》2001,107(2):125-128
Asymmetric cell division depends on the polarization of the dividing cell for the correct alignment of the mitotic spindle and the localization of cytoplasmic determinants. Receptor-independent activation of heterotrimeric G proteins by the Drosophila GoLoco protein Partner of Inscuteable seems to represent a novel mechanism to control these events.  相似文献   

We previously developed peptides that bind to G protein betagamma subunits and selectively block interactions between betagamma subunits and a subset of effectors in vitro (Scott, J. K., Huang, S. F., Gangadhar, B. P., Samoriski, G. M., Clapp, P., Gross, R. A., Taussig, R., and Smrcka, A. V. (2001) EMBO J. 20, 767-776). Here, we created cell-permeating versions of some of these peptides by N-terminal modification with either myristate or the cell permeation sequence from human immunodeficiency virus TAT protein. The myristoylated betagamma-binding peptide (mSIRK) applied to primary rat arterial smooth muscle cells caused rapid activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 in the absence of an agonist. This activation did not occur if the peptide lacked a myristate at the N terminus, if the peptide had a single point mutation to eliminate betagamma subunit binding, or if the cells stably expressed the C terminus of betaARK1. A human immunodeficiency virus TAT-modified peptide (TAT-SIRK) and a myristoylated version of a second peptide (mSCAR) that binds to the same site on betagamma subunits as mSIRK, also caused extracellular signal-regulated kinase activation. mSIRK also stimulated Jun N-terminal kinase phosphorylation, p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphorylation, and phospholipase C activity and caused Ca2+ release from internal stores. When tested with purified G protein subunits in vitro, SIRK promoted alpha subunit dissociation from betagamma subunits without stimulating nucleotide exchange. These data suggest a novel mechanism by which selective betagamma-binding peptides can release G protein betagamma subunits from heterotrimers to stimulate G protein pathways in cells.  相似文献   

Several neurodegenerative diseases are associated with the unfolding and subsequent fibrillization of proteins. Although neither the assembly mechanism nor the atomic structures of the amyloid fibrils are known, recent experimental and computational studies suggest that a few general principles that govern protein aggregation may exist. Analysis of the results of several important recent studies has led to a set of tentative ideas concerning the oligomerization of proteins and peptides. General rules have been described that may be useful in predicting regions of known proteins (prions and transthyretin) that are susceptible to fluctuations, which give rise to structures that can aggregate by the nucleation-growth mechanism. Despite large variations in the sequence-dependent polymerization kinetics of several structurally unrelated proteins, there appear to be only a few plausible scenarios for protein and peptide aggregation.  相似文献   

Salpichrolides are natural plant steroids that contain an unusual six‐membered aromatic ring D. We recently reported that some of these compounds, and certain analogs with a simplified side chain, exhibited antagonist effects toward the human estrogen receptor (ER), a nuclear receptor whose endogenous ligand has an aromatic A ring (estradiol). Drugs acting through the inhibition or modulation of ERs are frequently used as a hormonal therapy for ER(+) breast cancer. Previous results suggested that the aromatic D ring was a key structural motif for the observed activity; thus, this modified steroid nucleus may provide a new scaffold for the design of novel antiestrogens. Using molecular dynamics (MD) simulation we have modeled the binding mode of the natural salpichrolide A and a synthetic analog with an aromatic D ring within the ERα. These results taken together with the calculated energetic contributions associated to the different ligand‐binding modes are consistent with a preferred inverted orientation of the steroids in the ligand‐binding pocket with the aromatic ring D occupying a position similar to that observed for the A ring of estradiol. Major changes in both dynamical behavior and global positioning of H11 caused by the loss of the ligand–His524 interaction might explain, at least in part, the molecular basis of the antagonism exhibited by these compounds. Using steered MD we also found a putative unbinding pathway for the steroidal ligands through a cavity formed by residues in H3, H7, and H11, which requires only minor changes in the overall receptor conformation. Proteins 2015; 83:1297–1306. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The present study provides evidence that G protein coupled receptor (GPCR) signaling pathways participate in an interactive signaling network governed by the principles of mass action. Using an inducible thromboxane A2 receptor (TPR)/platelet activating factor receptor (PAFR) co-expressing cell model, TPR or PAFR expression was independently up-regulated. Immunostaining and radioligand binding experiments demonstrated that this receptor up-regulation resulted in increased GPCR:G protein mass ratios. This increase in mass ratio impacted both TPR and PAFR ligand affinity. Specifically, up-regulating TPR expression not only decreased TPR ligand affinity, but also decreased the ligand affinity of PAFRs. A similar effect on ligand affinities was observed when PAFRs were up-regulated. In addition, increasing the GPCR:G protein mass ratio for TPRs led to desensitization of the calcium mobilization response to PAFR activation, and increasing PAFR mass desensitized the TPR-mediated calcium response. Finally, it was observed that an increased TPR:G protein mass ratio was associated with a shift in the TPR signaling response, and revealed an additional TPR signaling pathway through G(S). Collectively, these results describe a novel mechanism, i.e., mass-dependent GPCR signaling, by which cells can modulate their GPCR signaling pathways and signaling priorities.  相似文献   

Phosducin-like protein (PhLP) is a broadly expressed member of the phosducin (Pd) family of G protein betagamma subunit (Gbetagamma)-binding proteins. Though PhLP has been shown to bind Gbetagamma in vitro, little is known about its physiological function. In the present study, the effect of PhLP on angiotensin II (Ang II) signaling was measured in Chinese hamster ovary cells expressing the type 1 Ang II receptor and various amounts of PhLP. Up to 3.6-fold overexpression of PhLP had no effect on Ang II-stimulated inositol trisphosphate (IP(3)) formation, whereas further increases caused an abrupt decrease in IP(3) production with half-maximal inhibition occurring at 6-fold PhLP overexpression. This threshold level for inhibition corresponds to the cellular concentration of cytosolic chaperonin complex, a recently described binding partner that preferentially binds PhLP over Gbetagamma. Results of pertussis toxin sensitivity, GTPgammaS binding, and immunoprecipitation experiments suggest that PhLP inhibits phospholipase Cbeta activation by dual mechanisms: (i) steric blockage of Gbetagamma activation of PLCbeta and (ii) interference with Gbetagamma-dependent cycling of G(q)alpha by the receptor. These results suggest that G protein signaling may be regulated through controlling the cellular concentration of free PhLP by inducing its expression or by regulating its binding to the chaperonin.  相似文献   

Heterotrimeric G protein signaling: Getting inside the cell   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Koelle MR 《Cell》2006,126(1):25-27
Heterotrimeric G proteins have traditionally been thought to transduce signals at the plasma membrane. In this issue, Slessareva et al. (2006) now show that a G protein alpha subunit acts at the endosome to stimulate a phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase to help yeast respond to mating pheromones.  相似文献   

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