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The population density of Japanese sika deer (Cervus nippon yakushimae Kuroda and Okada) in an evergreen broad-leaved forest in Yakushima, southern Japan, was surveyed over 4years from 1998 to 2001. Two approximately 50ha study sites, Hanyama and Kawahara, were established with a total of 4km of census trails at each site. The estimated densities of sika deer at the two sites were 43–70 deerkm–2 at Hanyama and 63–78 deerkm–2 at Kawahara, although these values might be underestimates. The adult sex ratio (number of adult males:number of adult females) ranged from 0.6 to 1.0 at Hanyama, and from 0.4 to 0.9 at Kawahara. Mean group size was 1.9 deer (male group, 1.5 deer; female group, 1.6 deer; mixed group, 3.6 deer). The population density of sika deer was relatively high compared to other sites in Japan, with the exception of very small (<10km2) islands. Possible explanations for this naturally high density of sika deer in an evergreen broad-leaved forest in Yakushima are discussed.  相似文献   

How do deer affect tree seedlings on a dwarf bamboo-dominated forest floor?   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A field experiment was conducted in Mt. Ôdaigahara, west-central Japan, to reveal the effects of two herbivores, Sika deer (Cervus nippon) and mice (Apodemus spp.), on the seedlings of five cohorts of three tree species, Abies homolepis, Fraxinus lanuginosa f. serrata and Fagus crenata. The forest floor of the study site was covered with dwarf bamboo, Sasa nipponica, which would also affect the seedlings. Eight combinations of three treatments were set: exclusion of deer, exclusion of mice and removal of dwarf bamboo. Deer were expected to affect the seedlings not only negatively by foraging but also positively by browsing dwarf bamboo that overshadows seedlings. The survival of these cohorts was analyzed by survival analysis and the differences in their survival between the treatments were investigated. The results of the experiment showed that: (1) exclusion of deer increased the aboveground biomass of dwarf bamboo and made it more difficult for seedlings to survive under the regenerated dwarf bamboo stand, and (2) deer negatively affected the seedlings, but they had positive, indirect effects in some cohorts by decreasing the aboveground biomass of dwarf bamboo. However, such effects were not detected in some cohorts which were affected excessively by deer or dwarf bamboo. No clear results on the effect of mice on seedlings were obtained. We conclude that a positive, indirect effect of deer on seedling survivorship would be observable when the magnitude of a positive, indirect effect caused by decreasing dwarf bamboo is larger than that of a negative, direct effect of deer.  相似文献   

Recently, the sika deer, Cervus nippon Temminck, population has increased on Mt Ohdaigahara, central Japan. The dwarf bamboo, Sasa nipponica Makino et Shibata, is a primary forage plant for sika deer in this area. To demonstrate the characteristics of S. nipponica grassland, especially as summer forage for sika deer, the habitat use intensity of sika deer was estimated by fecal densities, and biomass, growth rate, removal by deer and crude protein content were examined. Sika deer utilized the S.nipponica grassland on Mt Ohdaigahara during summer when the biomass, growth rate and crude protein content of S. nipponica were high. The recent increase in the deer population seems to be partly due to S.nipponica grassland being a favorable summer habitat.  相似文献   

Fifty-seven female sika deer (Cervus nippon yesoensis), captured at the wintering area in the Shiranuka Hills in eastern Hokkaido, Japan, were radio-tracked during 1997–2001 to examine the factors affecting seasonal migration at the individual-landscape level. Ten of the 57 deers migrated between low-altitude summer home ranges and intermediate-altitude winter home ranges (the upward migrants). Twenty-nine migrated between high-altitude summer home ranges and intermediate-altitude winter home ranges (the downward migrants). Twelve used the intermediate-altitude home ranges all year round (the non-migrants). The remaining six were unknown. The summer home ranges of deer were widely scattered over an area of 5734km2. Migration distances ranged between 7.2 and 101.7km. Deer showed high site fidelities to their seasonal home ranges. The upward migrants wintered in areas of less snow, higher quality of bamboo grass, and more coniferous cover than their summer home ranges. The downward migrants wintered in areas of less snow, higher quality of bamboo grass, higher winter temperature, and more southern slopes, but less coniferous cover than their summer home ranges. The non-migrants used year-round ranges with little snow, high quality of bamboo grass, and sufficient coniferous cover. We suggest that snow cover and bamboo grass are the factors affecting seasonal migration of the population and that coniferous cover is another factor for the upward migration.  相似文献   

Competition in a natural system may be interspecific or intraspecific. In semiarid ecosystems, competition for resources between established neighboring grass species and newly recruited seedlings is very high. To examine the effects of grass species density, growing space and time of establishment on Eucalyptus victrix seedlings (interspecific competition), and the effect of density and growing space within E.victrix (intraspecific competition) we conducted an experiment under controlled conditions. We tested four hypotheses (i) E.victrix seedling growth is not affected by grass density; (ii) there is no difference in E.victrix survival and growth between early and later grass establishment; (iii) interspecific competition is not more intense than intraspecific competition in E.victrix; and (iv) growth of E.victrix seedlings is not dependent on available growing space. In a monoculture of E.victrix, seedling mortality was higher (10%) in large pots. In mixed culture pots, where E.victrix seedlings and grass seedlings were planted on the same day, E.victrix seedlings survived for up to 4weeks, but started to die after week five in the smallest pots. However, mortalities occurred in pots of all sizes when grass was established before E.victrix seedlings. Results also indicated that the resources necessary for the growth of individual E.victrix seedlings were more limiting under conditions of increased density of neighboring grass species rather than intraspecific competition. In particular, photosynthetic area of E.victrix seedlings was drastically reduced in mixed cultures. Although density, pot size and time of planting had impacts on E.victrix seedlings, the patterns of these impacts were variable.  相似文献   

The ovarian cycle and conception of sika deer were studied to reveal factors responsible for delayed conception. Concentration of progesterone in feces from 12 female Hokkaido sika deer (Cervus nippon yesoensis Heude, 1884) was measured during the mating season in 2000. The cyclic pattern of fecal progesterone synchronized with estrous symptoms, which could hence be interpreted as indicating ovarian cycle. All observed females ovulated by 14 October. However, during the early mating season, females did not permit copulation at ovulation, and the length of luteal phase following ovulation without estrus was 9.8±4.6 days (5–24days). Most females conceived at the first copulation, which were confirmed by progesterone profiles that was sustained at a high level after the copulation. This indicates the presence of a functional corpus luteum, a state of pregnancy. Thus, some females had repeated ovulation without copulation several times, creating a 3–4week variation in the timing of conception. But some females conceived very late in the mating season after the repetition of ovulation and copulation.  相似文献   

Behavioral and physiological responses to hypoxia were examined in three sympatric species of sharks: bonnethead shark Sphyrna tiburo, blacknose shark, Carcharhinus acronotus, and Florida smoothhound shark, Mustelus norrisi, using closed system respirometry. Sharks were exposed to normoxic and three levels of hypoxic conditions. Under normoxic conditions (5.5–6.4mg l–1), shark routine swimming speed averaged 25.5 and 31.0cm s–1 for obligate ram-ventilating S. tiburo and C. acronotus respectively, and 25.0cm s–1 for buccal-ventilating M. norrisi. Routine oxygen consumption averaged about 234.6 mg O2kg–1h–1 for S. tiburo, 437.2mg O2kg–1h–1 for C. acronotus, and 161.4mg O2 kg–1 h–1 for M. norrisi. For ram-ventilating sharks, mouth gape averaged 1.0cm whereas M. norrisi gillbeats averaged 56.0 beats min–1. Swimming speeds, mouth gape, and oxygen consumption rate of S. tiburo and C. acronotus increased to a maximum of 37–39cm s–1, 2.5–3.0cm and 496 and 599mg O2 kg–1 h–1 under hypoxic conditions (2.5–3.4mg l–1), respectively. M. norrisi decreased swimming speeds to 16cm s–1 and oxygen consumption rate remained similar. Results support the hypothesis that obligate ram-ventilating sharks respond to hypoxia by increasing swimming speed and mouth gape while buccal-ventilating smoothhound sharks reduce activity.  相似文献   

Sika deer Cervus nippon entered the Oze Area, a snowy area in central Japan, in the 1990s. The use of mires and the food habits of this species were studied in 1999 and 2000. Deer used the mires immediately after snow melted and did not use the mires in mid summer, although they did use them lightly in autumn. The summer food habits differed from those of the deer population living in Nikko in the lower area: non-Sasa graminoids and other monocotyledonous leaves occupied more (approximately 30%) of the feces in the former population, whereas Sasa nipponica, a dwarf bamboo, was the dominant food (60%) of the latter population. Seasonal changes in fecal composition in the Oze deer were that mire graminoids occupied a considerable portion of their food in spring (11.6%) and summer (17.0%), whereas the amount of dwarf bamboo increased in fall (26.0%). Despite the small size of the mires, Oze deer appear to prefer mires to forests. Nitrogen concentrations of the mire plants did not differ from those of the forest plants; however, foraging efficiency would be greater in the mires and this may explain the preference observed. Despite the small total biomass, leaf biomass of the mire was equivalent to that of the adjacent forest floor. In addition, biomass was concentrated near the ground, or the biomass concentration was greater than that of the forest floor.  相似文献   

The biomass of summer forage and their contributions were surveyed to show that litterfall supported a high-density population of sika deer (Cervus nippon Temminck) in summer on Nakanoshima Island, Toya Lake, Japan. In July 1974, the grassland had the highest productivity among understory vegetations (228±55kgha–1: mean±SE). In deciduous forests, palatable plants occupied only 0.1% of the biomass of 0.872±0.366kgha–1, and deciduous leaves within the reach of deer (=220cm at height) produced 0.208±0.070kgha–1. However, litterfall during this period had the highest productivity, 28.7± 5.3kgha–1. The deer consumed litterfall (75.6% in dry weight), short grasses (17.2%), deciduous forest understory (4.1%), deciduous leaves within the reach of deer (3.0%) and conifer plantation under story (0.1%). It is suggested that the high-density deer population would be maintained by litterfall through the year instead of browsing in deciduous forests, which has been overlooked.  相似文献   

The effects of sex and age of a dioecious tree, Forchhammeria pallida, on the survival and development of a Mexican harlequin bug, Murgantia varicolor, were examined. In the laboratory, bugs reared on fruits or fruits and leaves developed rapidly and had a high rate of survivorship, whereas bugs reared on leaves alone developed slowly after the second instar and died by the fifth instar. Murgantia varicolor showed a preference for leaves from juvenile plants over leaves from mature plants, and bugs reared on leaves from juvenile plants survived significantly longer than those reared on leaves from mature plants. Murgantia varicolor showed no preference for feeding on leaves of mature male versus mature female plants. In the field, M.varicolor occurred on male, female and juvenile plants. Although nymphs were less common on male than female F.pallida, their presence in substantial numbers shows that M.varicolor oviposits on both male and female plants. However, adult M.varicolor were rare on male plants. This result is supported by the inability of nymphs to complete their development on vegetative parts of F.pallida in the laboratory. These observations suggest that dioecy in F.pallida may be disruptive to populations of M.varicolor.  相似文献   

The significance of single flower visits by pollinators on the reproductive success of the Scotch broom, Cytisus scoparius, with explosive flowers was investigated. Unexploded flowers (intact flowers) produced no fruit, implying that autonomous selfing and apomixis do not occur and that the explosion of flowers by insects is necessary for the fertilization of flowers. The fruit set in the natural condition was intermediate between that in artificial selfing or exploding and that in artificial outcrossing. Seed set and the ratio of seeds to ovules did not differ significantly between the natural condition and artificial outcrossing. The fruit set by a single flower visit from Apis mellifera was similar to natural conditions. Apis mellifera was the most frequent visitor and the number of flowers tripped open per hour was the highest among all the flower visitors. Approximately 75% of pollen on a flower disappeared in a single flower visit by A.mellifera. The small amount of pollen remaining on already-exploded flowers appears to be the reason why A.mellifera do not frequently visit already-exploded flowers. The higher seed set by outcrossing was believed to contribute to the seed set in both natural conditions and single flower visits by A.mellifera, and did not differ between them. Therefore, at least in Japan, A.mellifera appears to be the most important pollinator for C.scoparius, resulting in a high outcrossing rate with each single flower visit.  相似文献   

The spatial genetic structure was assessed by amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) technique for Quercus crispula Blume (37 individuals) and Q.dentata Thunberg (54 individuals) growing along a 550-m transect in Ishikari, Hokkaido, northern Japan. The simple Mantel test revealed significant negative correlation between genetic similarity and geographic distance in Q.dentata and negative but insignificant correlation in Q.crispula. Spatial autocorrelation analysis revealed that Mantels r generally decreased from positive to negative values with the increase of spatial distance in both oak species with significant deviation from zero for the 50–100-m (positive) and 250–300-m classes (negative) in Q.dentata. Thus, significant spatial genetic structure was revealed at least in Q.dentata  相似文献   

Systems of wild and cultivated relatives are good experimental systems to test chemical defense theory because they provide closely related varieties that differ in discrete traits. To determine the relationship between resistance and chemical defense diversity among wild, landrace and cultivar accessions of Phaseolus vulgaris, we measured resistance to fungal infection in laboratory and field experiments, quantified phytoalexin diversity, and assessed the effectiveness of phytoalexin mixtures extracted from live tissue. Results show a gradient of resistance to fungal infections between wild, landrace and cultivar varieties. In the laboratory, wild seedlings were more resistant (93% non-infected) than landrace seedlings (80% non-infected) and modern cultivar seedlings (68% non-infected). Under field conditions wild seedlings were more resistant (97% non-infected) than cultivar seedlings (71% non-infected). Wild seedlings presented the highest phytoalexin diversity (H=1.11), while those of the landrace presented an intermediate level (H=0.97) and cultivar seedlings presented the lowest diversity (H=0.93). No differences were found in total concentrations. The in vitro inhibitory properties on hyphal growth of the isoflavonoid mixtures produced by individual seedlings showed a similar trend. Our results are consistent with similar gradients in other species of Phaseolus beans and resistance to Colletotrichum sublineolum in sorghum.  相似文献   

This study tested the hypothesis that small birds at their nest sites avoid areas around dens of the red fox (Vulpes vulpes, Linneaus 1758) in an intensively used farmland. Birds were counted at 18 points (radius 100m) located near dens, as well as at 18 control points that were located at least 600m away from the nearest den. These two types of points did not differ with respect to the number of recorded bird species. However, a negative effect of the proximity of fox dens on the total density of the bird community was observed. This effect was also recorded for the most abundant bird species, the skylark (Alauda arvensis, Linneaus 1758). In agreement with our expectations, these results indicate a negative impact of fox presence on a breeding bird community in an open farmland.  相似文献   

On Jeju Island, Korea, dominance hierarchy and maternal care according to maternal age were studied in a herd of Jeju ponies (Equus caballus), consisting of 73 mares, their foals and one stallion. Dominance ranks were nearly linear and increased significantly with the age of mares. Most aggressive encounters involved mares under 5years old. Mares under the age of 5years have apparently not established their rank. The mean frequency of aggressive actions of mares per hour increased significantly as the day of parturition approached. Aggressive actions of mares with foals decreased significantly as their foals aged. The overall frequency of aggression of mares with foals also decreased significantly with the age of the mares. Our results suggest that the cost of maternal care is lower for older, more dominant mares than for subordinate ones.  相似文献   

Flax anther culture: effect of genotype,cold treatment and media   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We report on screening of wide range of flax cultivars for androgenic response and on testing of induction conditions for flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) anther culture and plant regeneration. Anthers were cultured on four different media: Mo, N6, MS and N&N supplemented with various combinations of growth regulators. The induction of callus formation from cultured anthers was the highest on N6 (with cultivar PR FGL 77 – 12 %) and N&N media (with cultivar Carolin – 2.8 %), preferentially after cold pretreatment (7days at 8 °C). Shoots were formed on calli derived from the microspores inside the cultured anthers on media N&N and N6 supplemented with 1mgl–1 zeatin or 1mgl–1BAP + 1mgl–1NAA, respectively and elongated on MS medium supplemented with 2mgl–1 zeatin. The highest number of shoots (120) was observed with cultivar Red Wing. Shoots were rooted on MS medium supplemented with 2mgl–1IAA. Our experiments resulted in total in 62 % anther response and 155 plants regenerated and transferred into soil.  相似文献   

Competitive interactions were compared under field and greenhouse conditions for three representative tallgrass prairie species, Echinacea purpurea, Panicum virgatum and Ratibida pinnata. These were planted in monoculture and in mixtures of two species using a replacement series design with groups of four or eight plants. Competition was determined from shoot dry weight data collected during 120days in the greenhouse and after 415days in the field. Yields declined with increased density of a single species in the greenhouse from 40days onward and in the field. Relative yields were up to 100% higher in mixtures than in monocultures for all species early on in the greenhouse experiment. Later in the experiment and in the field relative yields of E.purpurea decreased in the presence of P.virgatum and R.pinnata, whereas relative yields of these two species increased in the presence of E.purpurea. There were correlations in relative yield between the field and the greenhouse experiment at 80 and 120days. In the greenhouse P.virgatum maintained higher net assimilation rates than the other species. Relative growth rates of all species were higher in monoculture and in mixtures up to 40days, after which they declined, especially for E.purpurea in mixtures. In the field, higher light intensities occurred in pure stands of E.purpurea than in mixed stands with other species. The order of competitive ability that was apparent from these field and greenhouse studies, P.virgatum=R.pinnata>E.purpurea, could be partially explained by photosynthetic rates in relation to canopy light interception.  相似文献   

High-density herbivore species often play an important role in forest regeneration. Native sika deer (Cervus nippon yakushimae) inhabit a high density (51.5–63.8head/km2, estimated by a pellet count method) area in the western part of a lowland natural forest on Yakushima Island, Japan. To test experimentally the impact of sika deer on the mortality and the survivability of current-year seedlings, which are at a more vulnerable stage than the later stages, we constructed fenced exclosures, planted seeds of nine sapfruit tree species and compared the mortality and the survivability of current-year seedlings between fenced and unfenced quadrats. Large seeded species had significantly greater survivability in fenced quadrats than in unfenced quadrats. However, the survivability disagreed with feeding preferences. Sika deer activity increased seedling mortality of large-seeded species more than that of small-seeded species, and did not decrease much seedling survivability of not-preferred species. We found that the physical disturbance by the high density of sika deer resulted in mortality for both preferred and not-preferred species, and that deer herbivory was important for preferred species.  相似文献   

Embryonic, larval, and juvenile development of an Indian cyprinid fish, Chela dadiburjori, is described from laboratory-reared specimens. The eggs, measuring 0.7–0.9mm in diameter, were demersal, almost spherical in shape, transparent and unpigmented, with a pale yellow yolk and no oil globule. Hatching occurred 50–61h after fertilization at ca. 27°C. The newly hatched larvae, measuring 2.4–2.6mm in body length (BL), had melanophores on the body with 14–16+14–17=29–31 myomeres. Two dark transverse bands on the ventral body surface and one melanophore on the lower margin of the eye in newly hatched larvae were diagnostic. Additionally, a cement organ for adhering to objects was present on the forehead of yolk sac larvae <3.1mm BL. The yolk was completely absorbed at 3.5mm BL. Notochord flexion was initiated at 5.0mm BL and finished at 6.0mm BL. Aggregate numbers of all fin rays were completed at 9.2mm BL. Squamation was initiated on the caudal peduncle at 8.0mm BL and completed at 10mm BL. The eggs of C. dadiburjori resembled those of the closely related species Devario malabaricus and Danio rerio. The larvae and juveniles of C. dadiburjori were also similar to those of the latter species in general morphology, especially the presence of body melanophores in newly hatched individuals and a distinctive lateral streak on the head during the period from yolk sac to postflexion larvae. However, early yolk sac larvae of C. dadiburjori were more similar to those of Devario malabaricus than Danio rerio in having a cement organ on the forehead. Larvae and juveniles of C. dadiburjori differed from those of the latter two species in pigmentation on the ventral body surface at hatching and around the mouth during the period from preflexion to early postflexion larvae and in having a dark lateral streak or band on the body in postflexion larvae and juveniles.  相似文献   

We measured the effects of oviposition by the spittlebug Aphrophora pectoralis on shoot growth and bud production in two willow species, Salix miyabeana and Salix sachalinensis. In autumn, adult females of A.pectoralis insert their ovipositor into the apical region of 1-year-old shoots, resulting in the death of most shoot tips within 1week. Consequently, an increase in the number of dead buds and a decrease in the number of vegetative buds on 1-year-old shoots was recorded. In the following spring, the growth of current-year shoots was greatly increased on 1-year-old shoots damaged by spittlebug oviposition. Furthermore, spittlebug oviposition increased the production rate of vegetative buds in both S.miyabeana and S.sachalinensis. However, no impact on the production rate of reproductive buds was detected in either willow. We conclude that the compensatory growth of current-year shoots and an increase in vegetative buds in the two willow species was caused by oviposition of A.pectoralis.  相似文献   

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