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The ependymal cells of the subcommissural organ (SCO) of the snake Natrix maura display long basal processes which terminate either on blood vessels or on the leptomeninges. The cell body and the basal processes contain a secretory material detectable immunocytochemically at the light-microscopic level using an antibody raised against bovine Reissner's fiber. The present investigation deals with the ultrastructural location in these cells of the (i) immunoreactive material; (ii) concanavalin A (Con A)- and wheat-germ agglutinin (WGA)-binding sites. In the subnuclear region the immunoreactive material was located within dilated cisternae of the rough endoplasmic reticulum and had affinity for Con A but not for WGA. In the supranuclear region the secretory material was exclusively located within numerous granules. Since all these granules showed affinity for WGA, they can be regarded as "post-Golgi" elements. Thus, at variance with the situation in the mammalian SCO, in the ophidian SCO most of the secretion is stored in secretory granules rather than in dilated cisternae of the rough endoplasmic reticulum. In the perivascular and leptomeningeal endings the immunoreactive material was located within granules which, because of their affinity for WGA, should also be regarded as true secretory granules derived from the Golgi apparatus. It is concluded that these granules are transported along the basal processes and accumulated in the perivascular and leptomeningeal endfeet. This observation favours the view of a local release of the content of these granules, since there is no evidence for a reverse transport of these granules all the way back from the distal termination to the apical pole, to be finally released into the ventricle.  相似文献   

Summary The subcommissural organ (SCO) of the snake Natrix maura was studied by use of the immunoperoxidase procedure. Primary antisera against bovine neurophysins (Nps I + II, OXY-Np), oxytocin (OXY), mesotocin (MST), arginine-vasotocin (AVT), somatostatin (SOM), -endorphin (END) and bovine Reissner's fiber were used. A conventional ultrastructural study, with special emphasis on the nerve fibers present in the SCO, was also performed. Nerve fibers containing immunoreactive OXY-Np and MST were seen to reach the SCO. The staining of adjacent sections with the anti-Reissner's fiber serum showed that the OXY-Np- and MST-immunoreactive fibers were distributed among the cell bodies and processes of the ependymal secretory cells. No fibers containing immunoreactive OXY, AVT, SOM or END were found in the SCO. The ultrastructural analysis revealed in the SCO the presence of nerve fibers filled with electron-dense granules, 170–210 nm in diameter. Although a direct apposition between these fibers and the SCO cells was frequently seen, no synaptic differentiations were identified. Structures identical to the Herring bodies (found in the neurohypophysis) were seen in the SCO.This work was partially supported by Grants 1/38259 from the Stiftung Volkswagenwerk, Federal Republic of Germany, and S-85-39 from the Dirección de Investigaciones, Universidad Austral de Chile, conceded to Esteban M. Rodríguez  相似文献   

Summary There is increasing evidence that, in the rat, a serotonin-mediated neural input may have an inhibitory influence on the secretory activity of the subcommissural organ (SCO). In the present investigation the rat SCO was studied 7, 30 and 90 days after transplantation under the kidney capsule, an area devoid of local serotonin-containing nerves. The grafted tissue was examined by use of immunocytochemistry employing a series of primary antisera, lectin histochemistry and transmission electron microscopy. The grafted SCO survived transplantation and contained, in addition to secretory ependymal and hypendymal SCO-cells, also elements immunoreactive with antisera against glial fibrillary acidic protein or S-100 protein. In transplants, SCO-cells produced a material displaying the characteristic immunocytochemical and lectin-binding properties of SCO-cells observed under in-situ conditions. The ependymal cells lined 1–3 small cavities, which contained secretory material. A fully developed structural equivalent of Reissner's fiber was, however, never found. The immunocytochemical and ultrastructural study of the grafted SCO showed an absence of nerve fibers within the graft and suggested a state of enhanced secretory activity. A network of protruding basal lamina structures connected the secretory cells to the newly formed capillaries revascularizing the SCO. One week after transplantation, long-spacing collagen started to appear in expanded areas of such laminar networks and also in the perivascular space. It is suggested (i) that the formation of long-spacing forms of collagen is triggered by factors provided by the SCO-secretory cells, and (ii) that secretory material of the ependymal and hypendymal cells may reach the reticular extensions of the basal lamina. In contrast to the SCO in situ, the grafted SCO-cells showed a positive immunoreaction for neuron-specific enolase. They became surrounded by a S-100-immunoreactive glial sheath that separated them from other transplanted cell types and the adjacent kidney tissue of the host.Supported by Grant I/63 476 from the Stiftung Volkswagenwerk, Federal Republic of Germany, Grants 187 and 0890/88 from Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Cientifico y Tecnológico, Chile, and Grant S-85-39 from the Directión de Investigaciones, Universidad Austral de Chile. The authors wish to acknowledge the valuable help of Ms. Elizabeth Santibañez and Mr. Genaro Alvial (Valdivia) and Ms. Inge Lyncker (Giessen)  相似文献   

Summary In the snake, Natrix maura, and the turtle, Mauremys caspica, the basal processes of the ependymal cells of the subcommissural organ project toward the local blood vessels and the leptomeninges. These processes and their endings were studied using aldehyde-fuchsin (AF), periodicacid Schiff (PAS), periodic-acid silver-methenamine (PASM), concanavalin A (ConA), wheat germ agglutinin (WGA), immunoperoxidase staining (employing an antiserum against bovine Reissner's fiber; AFRU), and conventional transmission electron microscopy. For the purposes of comparison, the ventricular cell pole was also analyzed. The secretory material located in the ventricular cell pole and that present in ependymal endings had only a few staining properties in common, i.e., affinity for AF, ConA, and AFRU at a dilution of 1:1000. On the other hand, PAS, PA-SM, WGA, and AFRU at a dilution of 1:200 000 stained the apical (ventricular) secretory material but not the secretory material of the ependymal processes. The histochemical features of the secretory material located in the terminals of ependymal processes, as well as the presence at these sites of numerous rough-endoplasmic-reticulum cisternae and secretory granules, suggest that secretory material may by synthesized in these terminals. The probable fate of this material, i.e., release to the perivascular and leptomeningeal spaces or transport to the ventricular cell pole, is discussed.This work was partially supported by grants from the Stiftung Volkswagenwork, Federal Republic of Germany (1/38259), from the Dirección de Investigaciones, Universidad Austral de Chile (S-85-39), and from Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico, Chile (6027; all to E.M.R.)  相似文献   

Summary Two different types of ependymal cells were found in the subcommissural organ (SCO) of Natrix maura. Most secretory cells showed morphological features resembling the general structure and ultrastructure of cells in the SCO of other vertebrates. This report describes a second population of cells lining a portion of the dorsal groove of the SCO. These cells were not selectively stained by chromalum-hematoxylin and, under the electron microscope, they were characterized by scarce surface differentiations, sparse apical cytoplasm and short basal processes. Flat, parallel cisternae of the rough endoplasmic reticulum produced vesicles that appeared to be transported to the well-developed Golgi apparatus. Dense secretory granules about 200 nm in diameter were found in the Golgi region. Similar granules were seen in the vicinity of the apical plasma membrane; some of them opened toward the ventricle. All these characteristics clearly differentiate this cell group from the other secretory cells lining the SCO laterally and ventrally.  相似文献   

Summary The subcommissural organ (SCO) of the rat was investigated by use of histochemical and immunocytochemical methods at the light and electron-microscopic levels. Consecutive thin methacrylate sections were stained with the pseudoisocyanin (Psi), immunoperoxidase (IMC; employing an antiserum against Reissner's fiber, AFRU), periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) and periodic acid-silver methenamine (SM) techniques, and reacted with six types of lectins. Psi, SM, concanavalin A (Con A) and IMC were also used for double and triple sequential staining of the same section. Increasing dilutions of AFRU (from 11000 to 1200 000) were used for immunostaining of serial paraffin sections. In addition, ultrastructural localization of (i) Con A-binding sites and (ii) immunoreactive secretory material was performed. Some of these procedures were also applied to the ophidian and canine SCO.Con A-positive, Psi-positive and immunoreactive materials coexisted within the same cisternae of the rough endoplasmic reticulum. The Golgi apparatus lacked Con A-positive and immunoreactive substances. Apical secretory granules and secreted material lying on the surface of the SCO showed (i) the highest affinity for AFRU, but were (ii) Con A-negative, and (iii) wheat-germ agglutinin-, PAS and SM-positive. Reissner's fiber displayed a low affinity for AFRU.It is suggested that the SCO secretes N-linked glycoproteins, the carbohydrate and protein moeities of which undergo (i) a maturation process before being released, and (ii) some kind of modification(s) after their release into the ventricle. The perivascular secretory cells of the dog SCO might secrete a material different from that secreted by the ependymal cells.Supported by Grant I/38 259 from the Stiftung Volkswagenwerk, Federal Republic of Germany, and Grant RS-82-18 from the Direction de Investigaciones, Universidad Austral de Chile. The authors wish to thank Mrs. Elizabeth Santibáñez, Mr. Genaro Alvial and Mr. Luis Delannoy (Valdivia), and Mrs. Ragnhild Momberger (Giessen) for valuable technical cooperation  相似文献   

The ecology of reproduction was studied in the snake Natrix maura. The presence of sperm in cloacal fluid was used to show the size at maturity, the season of mating and, together with information on the persistence of sperm in cloacal fluid of females after mating, the frequency of mating. These results suggest that each female mated several times per year. Female N. maura grew substantially after maturity, and clutch size increased with body size. Current and expected future reproduction increased in parallel during the period of growth after maturity; subsequently they were constant. This pattern would be expected to lead to a constant proportional allocation of energy to current reproduction. Reproductive effort (eggs/body energy) was independent of age as measured by growth rings. There was some evidence that not all stored energy was used in reproduction in the current season even when some follicles regressed.  相似文献   

Nineteen polymorphic microsatellite loci were identified and developed for Natrix maura. Polymorphism was assessed for 120 individuals sampled across four sampling sites from the French Pyrenees Mountains. The number of alleles per locus ranged from 3 to 15, and expected heterozygosity per locus ranged from 0.227 to 0.863. We tested for deviation from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium and linkage disequilibrium and assessed the presence of null alleles for all loci, resulting in a selection of 14 high‐quality polymorphic markers. These markers will be extremely useful in identifying fine‐scale genetic structures and providing insight into conservation management plans of this species.  相似文献   

In the snake, Natrix maura, and the turtle, Mauremys caspica, the basal processes of the ependymal cells of the subcommissural organ project toward the local blood vessels and the leptomeninges. These processes and their endings were studied using aldehyde-fuchsin (AF), periodic-acid Schiff (PAS), periodic-acid silver-methenamine (PA-SM), concanavalin A (ConA), wheat germ agglutinin (WGA), immunoperoxidase staining (employing an antiserum against bovine Reissner's fiber; AFRU), and conventional transmission electron microscopy. For the purposes of comparison, the ventricular cell pole was also analyzed. The secretory material located in the ventricular cell pole and that present in ependymal endings had only a few staining properties in common, i.e., affinity for AF, ConA, and AFRU at a dilution of 1:1000. On the other hand, PAS, PA-SM, WGA, and AFRU at a dilution of 1:200,000 stained the apical (ventricular) secretory material but not the secretory material of the ependymal processes. The histochemical features of the secretory material located in the terminals of ependymal processes, as well as the presence at these sites of numerous rough-endoplasmic-reticulum cisternae and secretory granules, suggest that secretory material may be synthesized in these terminals. The probable fate of this material, i.e., release to the perivascular and leptomeningeal spaces or transport to the ventricular cell pole, is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary By the use of lectin histochemistry, and immunocytochemistry with antisera against bovine neurophysins I and II (NPs), arginine vasotocin (AVT) and mesotocin (MST), the neural lobe of the hypophysis in the snake Natrix maura was investigated at the light- and electron-microscopic levels. While paraldehyde-fuchsin stained virtually all neurosecretory endings, the periodic acid-Schiff reaction revealed only a portion of these elements. Furthermore, concanavalin-A and wheat-germ agglutinin lectins reacted with some but not all terminals. While in electron micrographs lectin-positive neurosecretory endings displayed medium-sized, pale neurosecretory granules, those from lectinnegative endings were larger and denser. The antiserum against the two NPs revealed the entire population of neurosecretory endings. The antiserum to AVT stained more numerous fiber elements than the antiserum to MST. Ultrastructurally, correlations concerning size and electron density can be found, on the one hand, between AVT-immunoreactive and lectin-positive neurosecretory granules and, on the other hand, between MST-immunoreactive and lectinnegative granules. The use of immuno-electron microscopy for the characterization of the different endings in the neural lobe and the presence of carbohydrates in some of them is discussed.This work was supported by the Directión General de Universidades e Investigación de la Junta de Andalucía (Grant BOJA 27/9/88) and the Direction General de Investigación Científica y Técnica (DGICYT Grant PB87 0710) Espaa  相似文献   

Reptiles are typical capital breeders that fuel reproduction by the use of lipids stored in fat bodies. However, little is known about the origin (exogenous or endogenous) of egg protein. We have examined the origin of egg protein by means of the analysis of protein content of liver and carcass (skeletal muscle) of the oviparous snake Natrix maura throughout an annual cycle. We have also measured monthly variation of the digestive-content mass and the ovarian mass. Results showed that protein in liver peaked during vitellogenesis according to the role of the liver in the synthesis of vitellogenin. Partial correlations showed the path of protein from the prey (digestive-content) to the liver, and finally to the ovaries, as well as an inverse relation between carcass protein and ovarian mass. Carcass muscle is the only body part that may act as a potential reserve for endogenous protein, although we did not find significant variation in carcass protein during female reproduction. As females with large follicles did not stop foraging activity, we assumed that egg protein was derived from the diet as partial correlations indicated. Our results suggest that N. maura is a capital breeder for lipids and tend to be income breeder for protein. This conclusion contrasts with that observed in capital breeders for which egg protein was derived from muscle. We discuss the idea that flexibility in the origin of egg protein could affect the body condition in post-reproductive females.  相似文献   

Summary The anatomical distribution of neurons and nerve fibers containing corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) has been studied in the brain of the snake, Natrix maura, by means of immunocytochemistry using an antiserum against rat CRF. To test the possible coexistence of CRF with the neurohypophysial peptides arginine vasotocin (AVT) and mesotocin (MST) adjacent sections were stained with antisera against the two latter peptides. CRF-immunoreactive (CRF-IR) neurons exist in the paraventricular nucleus (PVN). In some neurons of the PVN, coexistence of CRF with MST or of CRF with AVT has been shown. Numerous CRF-IR fibers run along the hypothalamo-hypophysial tract and end in the outer layer of the median eminence. In addition, some fibers reach the neural lobe of the hypophysis. CRF-IR perikarya have also been identified in the following locations: dorsal cortex, nucleus accumbens, amygdala, subfornical organ, lamina terminalis, nucleus of the paraventricular organ, nucleus of the oculomotor nerve, nucleus of the trigeminal nerve, and reticular formation. In addition to all these locations CRF-IR fibers were also observed in the lateral septum, supraoptic nucleus, habenula, lateral forebrain bundle, paraventricular organ, hypothalamic ventromedial nucleus, raphe and interpeduncular nuclei.  相似文献   

Summary An immunocytochemical study of the magnocellular neurosecretory nuclei was performed in the snake Natrix maura and the turtle Mauremys caspica by use of antisera against: (1) a mixture of both bovine neurophysins, (2) bovine oxytocin-neurophysin, (3) arginine vasotocin, and (4) mesotocin. Arginine vasotocin- and mesotocin-immunoreactivities were localized in individual neurons of the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei, with a distinct pattern of distribution in both species. The same cells appeared to be stained by the anti-oxytocin-neurophysin and anti-mesotocin sera. The supraoptic nucleus can be subdivided into rostral medial and caudal portions. In N. maura, but not in M. caspica, neurophysin-immunoreactive neurons were found in the retrochiasmatic nucleus. No immunoreactive elements were seen in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of both species after the use of any of the antisera. A dorsolateral aggregation of neurophysin-containing cells, localized over the lateral forebrain bundle, was present in both species. Magnocellular and parvocellular neurophysin-immunoreactive neurons were present in the paraventricular nucleus of both species. In the turtle, the paraventricular neurons were arranged into four distinct layers parallel to the ependyma; these neurons were bipolar with the major axis perpendicular to the ventricle, and many of them projected processes toward the cerebrospinal-fluid compartment. In N. maura a group of large neurons of the paraventricular nucleus was found in a very lateral position. The posterior lobe of the hypophysis and the external zone of the median eminence contained arginine vasotocin- and mesotocin-immunoreactive nerve fibers. The lamina terminalis of both species was supplied with a dense bundle of fibers containing immunoreactive neurophysin. Neurophysin-immunore-active fibers were also present in the septum, some telencephalic regions, including the cortex and the olfactory tubercule, in the paraventricular organ, and the periventricular and periaqueductal gray of the brainstem.This work was partially supported by a Grant S-85-39 from the Direccion de Investigaciones, Universidad Austral de Chile to E.M. Rodriguez  相似文献   

The histology and the protein, carbohydrate, lipid and enzyme histochemistry of the dermis of the chequered water snake, Natrix piscator , have been examined throughout the sloughing cycle.
The structural organization and staining properties of the dermis do not show any changes in different stages of the cycle.
The dermis is divided into the stratum laxum and the stratum compactum. Acid mucopolysaccharide deposits in the stratum laxum, which possibly bind water, may be involved in prevention of desiccation.
The numerous elastin fibres in the hinge regions are related to the greater elasticity of the skin in these sites.  相似文献   

Sperm surface changes occurring in the reptile Wolffian duct have been explored with particular references to the snake, Natrix fasciata. In the snake Wolffian duct there are several proteins not present in serum, the pattern of which changes in concert with the seasonal testicular cycle. Whereas testicular spermatozoa did not bind antibody to duct secretions, all Wolffian duct spermatozoa did so over both head and tail, according to immunofluorescence patterns. Thus, on entering the Wolffian duct, the entire surface of N. fasciata spermatozoa acquires one of more of the duct's secretory components. As indicated by immunofluorescence, immunoelectrophoresis, and immunodiffusion, epitopes on at least some molecules that bind to spermatozoa or that remain free in the duct fluid are shared with those in other Natrix species, but not in more distant reptiles (turtle, anole lizard), nor chicken, rat, or rabbit. In regard to glycoproteins, one prominent con A-reactive band was present in polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) of snake fluid and more were evident in fluid collected from the turtle duct. However, such lectin-reactive elements did not bind to spermatozoa as judged by an absence of any change in snake, turtle and lizard sperm lectin-binding patterns in passing from the testis into and through the Wolffian duct. In all, evidence from these and other species studied begins to suggest that the nature of the post-testicular sperm surface modification displayed in most vertebrates that fertilize internally may differ in sub-therian and therian groups, respectively. There appears to be a relative emphasis on glycosyl-rich surface elements in the latter. The possible significance of these changes for sperm function in the different groups is discussed briefly in terms of sperm survival/storage, as well as capacitation and sperm binding to the zona.  相似文献   

The activity metabolism (aerobic and anaerobic), performance (burst speed and endurance) and defence behaviour (static or active) of the snake Natrix maura were investigated in relation to size, sex, temperature and fasting. Conditions which reduced performance (low temperature, fasting) promoted the use of static defensive behaviour. Aerobic scope for activity decreased with increasing size, but this was compensated for by increased capacity for anaerobic metabolism. Burst speed (as lengths time-1) was slightly lower in large snakes; endurance was much lower in small snakes. Increased use of static defence by small snakes is related to their predators, which are likely to take occasional snakes in a diet of worms; a balled, still snake may not provide a stimulus for feeding. Large snakes have predators which feed on vertebrates and may recognize them as food in any position, and so they are better off trying to escape.
Aerobic scope was not maximal at the mean selected body temperature (25 °C), but increased right up to near lethal temperatures (> 35 °C). Anaerobic metabolism (lactate production) was less temperature-sensitive, and accounted for about 80 and 50% of the energy produced during 30 and 5 min of maximal activity, respectively. Resting and active oxygen consumption were weight-dependent, VO2∝ W0·75, the same exponent as that of interspecific comparisons. This exponent was independent of temperature and acclimation state. Acclimation to a variable or constant temperature regime had no effect on maximal oxygen consumption, but there was a significant effect on resting metabolic rate, possibly attributable to energy conservation when inactive. There were no differences in activity metabolism, performance or defence behaviour between similar-sized snakes of different sexes.  相似文献   

This paper is based on the numerous characters used in a biometric study of the intraspecific variation of Natrix natrix (L.). These characters are drawn from the internal morphology, scalation, colour pattern, body proportions, dentition and dermal sense organs. The criteria involved in selecting these characters for taxonomic work are considered.
The alternative methods for quantifying the above features are discussed and so are the theoretical problems involved in coding the continuous characters.
The value of the characters in studying the geographic variation, ontogenetic variation and sexual dimorphism in N. natrix is indicated.
The use of a wider range of characters than just the scalation and colour pattern is urged when diagnosing the lower taxonomic levels of ophidians. The neglected internal morphology may well be able to supply characters to this end.  相似文献   

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