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The effect of four viper venoms (Oxyuranus scutellatus, Notechis scutatus scutatus, Echis carinatus, Naja nigricollis) on prothrombin Padua has been studied. Using Oxyuranus scutellatus venom and Notechis scutatus scutatus venom, prothrombin activity resulted to be moderately decreased similarly to what observed with other one-stage and two-stage methods. On the contrary, using Echis carinatus venom a normal level was obtained. No clotting was observed using the Naja nigricollis venom, regardless of the concentration used. The normal level of factor II obtained with Echis carinatus venom as compared with the low levels obtained with the other venoms, suggests that it acts on a different site of the prothrombin molecule.  相似文献   

The venoms of Loxosceles spiders cause severe dermonecrotic lesions in human tissues. The venom component sphingomyelinase D (SMD) is a contributor to lesion formation and is unknown elsewhere in the animal kingdom. This study reports comparative analyses of SMD activity and venom composition of select Loxosceles species and representatives of closely related Haplogyne genera. The goal was to identify the phylogenetic group of spiders with SMD and infer the timing of evolutionary origin of this toxin. We also preliminarily characterized variation in molecular masses of venom components in the size range of SMD. SMD activity was detected in all (10) Loxosceles species sampled and two species representing their sister taxon, Sicarius, but not in any other venoms or tissues surveyed. Mass spectrometry analyses indicated that all Loxosceles and Sicarius species surveyed had multiple (at least four to six) molecules in the size range corresponding to known SMD proteins (31-35 kDa), whereas other Haplogynes analyzed had no molecules in this mass range in their venom. This suggests SMD originated in the ancestors of the Loxosceles/Sicarius lineage. These groups of proteins varied in molecular mass across species with North American Loxosceles having 31-32 kDa, African Loxosceles having 32-33.5 kDa and Sicarius having 32-33 kDa molecules.  相似文献   

The proteomes of the venoms of the Brazilian wandering "armed" spiders Phoneutria nigriventer, Phoneutria reidyi, and Phoneutria keyserlingi, were compared using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. The venom components were also fractionated using a combination of preparative reverse phase HPLC on Vydac C4, analytical RP-HPLC on Vydac C8 and C18 and cation exchange FPLC on Resource S at pH 6.1 and 4.7, or anion exchange HPLC on Synchropak AX-300 at pH 8.6. The amino acid sequences of the native and S-pyridyl-ethylated proteins and peptides derived from them by enzymatic digestion and chemical cleavages were determined using a Shimadzu PPSQ-21(A) automated protein sequencer, and by MS/MS collision induced dissociations. To date nearly 400 peptides and proteins (1.2-27 kDa) have been isolated in a pure state and, of these, more than 100 have had their complete or partial amino acid sequences determined. These sequences demonstrate, as might be expected, that the venoms of P. reidyi and P. keyserlingi (Family: Ctenidae) both contain a similar range of isoforms of the neurotoxins as those previously isolated from P. nigriventer which are active on neuronal ion (Ca(2+), Na(+) and K(+)) channels and NMDA-type glutamate receptors. In addition two new families of small (3-4 kDa) toxins, some larger protein (>10 kDa) components, and two serine proteinases of the venom of P. nigriventer are described. These enzymes may be responsible for some of the post-translational modification observed in some of the venom components.  相似文献   

The study of venom action of 10 spider species of Theridiidae family has shown that they cause the formation of the cation selective channels on the bilayer lipid membranes. This action does not depend on the species sex and age and it is the important diagnostic characteristic of the family. The channel-forming effect is due to the presence of the peptide with molecular weight about 5000 daltons in venoms of Theridiidae spider family.  相似文献   

1. The hemorrhagic, procoagulant, anticoagulant, protease, phosphodiesterase, alkaline phosphomonoesterase, L-amino acid oxidase, acetylcholinesterase, arginine ester hydrolase, phospholipase A, 5'-nucleotidase and hyaluronidase activities of 39 samples of venoms from 13 species (15 taxa) of Australian elapids were determined and the Sephadex G-75 gel filtration patterns for some of the venoms were also examined. 2. The results indicate that Australian elapid venoms can be divided into two groups: procoagulant Australian venoms (including N. scutatus, N. ater, O. scutellatus, O. microlepidotus, P. porphyriacus, T. carinatus, H. stephensii and P. textilis) and non-procoagulant Australian venoms (including A. superbus, P. colletti, P. australis, P. guttatus and A. antarcticus). 3. The non-procoagulant Australian venoms exhibited biological properties similar to other elapid venoms, while the procoagulant Australian venoms exhibited some properties characteristic of viperid venoms. 4. The data show that information on venom biological properties can be used for differentiation of many species of Australian elapids. 5. Particularly useful for this purpose are the hyaluronidase, alkaline phosphomonoesterase, acetylcholinesterase, and the procoagulant activities and the Sephadex G-75 gel filtration patterns of the venoms.  相似文献   

Australian elapid snakes are among the most venomous in the world. Their venoms contain multiple components that target blood hemostasis, neuromuscular signaling, and the cardiovascular system. We describe here a comprehensive approach to separation and identification of the venom proteins from 18 of these snake species, representing nine genera. The venom protein components were separated by two-dimensional PAGE and identified using mass spectrometry and de novo peptide sequencing. The venoms are complex mixtures showing up to 200 protein spots varying in size from <7 to over 150 kDa and in pI from 3 to >10. These include many proteins identified previously in Australian snake venoms, homologs identified in other snake species, and some novel proteins. In many cases multiple trains of spots were typically observed in the higher molecular mass range (>20 kDa) (indicative of post-translational modification). Venom proteins and their post-translational modifications were characterized using specific antibodies, phosphoprotein- and glycoprotein-specific stains, enzymatic digestion, lectin binding, and antivenom reactivity. In the lower molecular weight range, several proteins were identified, but the predominant species were phospholipase A2 and alpha-neurotoxins, both represented by different sequence variants. The higher molecular weight range contained proteases, nucleotidases, oxidases, and homologs of mammalian coagulation factors. This information together with the identification of several novel proteins (metalloproteinases, vespryns, phospholipase A2 inhibitors, protein-disulfide isomerase, 5'-nucleotidases, cysteine-rich secreted proteins, C-type lectins, and acetylcholinesterases) aids in understanding the lethal mechanisms of elapid snake venoms and represents a valuable resource for future development of novel human therapeutics.  相似文献   

应用灰色系统理论研究了4种蜘蛛(拟水狼蛛、食虫瘤胸蛛、粽管巢蛛、菱头跳蛛)与褐飞虱共存系统捕食量的数学模型.对此模型的分析可以了解各天敌不同数量或者密度与褐飞虱不同密度组合下对褐飞虱捕食量的影响.应用该模型还可以预测相应时期的捕食量大小,所得预测值与实际值几乎一致.同时利用关联度来分析了系统中对褐飞虱捕食量影响最大的因素以及各蜘蛛与褐飞虱捕食量关联程度的大小.  相似文献   

Venom from two species of spider has been tested on the locust glutamatergic nerve-muscle system. The neurally-evoked twitch contraction of locust metathoracic retractor unguis muscle was abolished in the presence of venom and only slowly recovered following its removal. The twitch inhibition onset rate was venom concentration and stimulation frequency dependent. The mechanical response of this muscle to L-glutamate was also inhibited by spider venom. Complete abolition of the potential evoked by ionophoresis of L-glutamate to excitatory junctions on locust metathoracic extensor tibiae muscle was obtained with low concentrations of venom and recovery on washing was either slow and incomplete or not evident. The ionophoretic studies and twitch contraction studies indicate that the venom acts only when the glutamate receptor channel complex is activated by agonist. This conclusion is supported by data of the effects of venom on the voltage clamped excitatory postsynaptic current recorded from locust extensor tibiae muscle. Preliminary attempts to identify and isolate the active principles in these spider venoms indicate that activity is restricted to a molecule(s) of low (less than 1000 dalton's) molecular weight.  相似文献   

Vasodilator actions of several N-nitroso compounds   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Recent studies have shown that N-nitroso compounds can activate arterial guanylate cyclase and relax isolated arterial smooth muscle; however, the effects of these substances on the cardiovascular system in the anesthetized cat are unknown. The present study was undertaken to compare the effects of several nitrosoguanidines and a nitrosamine, N-nitrosodimethylamine, on arterial guanylate cyclase activity, isolated arterial smooth muscle tone, and systemic vascular resistance in the anesthetized cat. Intravenous injections and infusions of the nitrosoguanidines glyceryl trinitrate (GTN) and sodium nitroprusside (SNP) decreased systemic arterial pressure. During intravenous infusion of the nitrosoguanidines GTN and SNP, cardiac output was unchanged at the peak of the decrease in aortic pressure, indicating that the nitrosoguanidines GTN and SNP both reduced systemic vascular resistance. In addition, intraarterial injections of the nitrosoguanidines produced dose-dependent decreases in perfusion pressure in the feline mesenteric vascular bed perfused at constant flow. These substances were potent relaxants of isolated arterial smooth muscle and markedly activated arterial guanylate cyclase. In contrast, N-nitrosodimethylamine was devoid of vasodilator activity in vivo and exerted only minimal effects on isolated arterial smooth muscle tone or on arterial guanylate cyclase activity. The present data demonstrate a relationship between guanylate cyclase activation and arterial smooth muscle relaxation and suggest that the vasodilator effects on resistance vessels in vivo in response to selected N-nitroso compounds may involve such a mechanism. Although the significance of the presently reported cardiovascular responses to N-nitroso compounds is uncertain, N-nitroso compounds may represent a previously unrecognized class of substances which can be formed in the body and which possess marked vasodilator activity. It is possible that this vasodilator activity may involve the relaxation of vascular smooth muscle through activation of guanylate cyclase.  相似文献   

A family of 4kDa neurotoxic peptides was purified from venoms of Phoneutria spiders. All have six cysteine residues, and low similarity with other neurotoxins. Three toxins caused moderate inhibition of L-type Ca(2+) channels. The structure of toxin PRTx27C3 was modeled and compared with toxin ADO1. The importance of four residues is suggested.  相似文献   

The distribution of haptoglobins, transferrins and serum pseudocholinesterase in 1353 Mexican Indians belonging to 13 tribes is described. The frequency of the Hp1 gene is variable; it ranges from 0.40 to 0.65, although the majority of values fall between 0.50 and 0.65. The reason for this variability is obscure; there is no correlation between Hp1 values and linguistic affinities or habitat, and different degrees of nonIndian admixture are not accountable for the situation. It is suggested that possibly the main factor determining the present day distribution is the founder effect. Only 16 individuals have a transferrin different from C; in two, the CD phenotype is seen and the rest belong to the BC variety. Ten of the latter identified as B0–1C, are found in a single tribe, the Cora. The scarcity of unusual transferrins in the Amerindians is corroborated in this study, although it may be somewhat unusual that the majority of them are of the fast moving type rather than of the more common slow moving type. The overall frequency for the atypical pseudocholinesterase gene is of 0.005 and therefore lower than that found in most other populations, except for two Venezuelan and two Bolivian tribes where the atypical gene is absent. Thus, present findings suggest that the atypical gene was either absent or had a very low frequency in the ancestors of present day Amerindians.  相似文献   

This study investigated the standard metabolic rate (SMR) and evaporative water loss (EWL) responses of three Australian trapdoor-constructing mygalomorph spider species, two undescribed arid-zone species (Aganippe ‘Tropicana A’ and A. ‘Tropicana B’) and a mesic-dwelling species (A. rhaphiduca) to acute environmental regimes of temperature and relative humidity. There were significant effects of species, temperature, and relative humidity on SMR. SMR was lower for A. raphiduca than both A. ‘Tropicana’ spp. with no difference between the two A. ‘Tropicana’ spp. Metabolic rate increased at higher temperature and relative humidity for all three species. There were significant effects of species, temperature, and relative humidity on EWL. The mesic Aganippe species had a significantly higher EWL than either arid Tropicana species. EWL was significantly higher at lower relative humidity. Our results suggest an environmental effect on EWL but not SMR, and that mygalomorphs are so vulnerable to desiccation that the burrow provides a crucial refuge to ameliorate the effects of low environmental humidity. We conclude that mygalomorphs are highly susceptible to disturbance, and are of high conservation value as many are short-range endemics.  相似文献   

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