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中国大陆鸟类和兽类物种多样性的空间变异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物多样性科学的研究重心之一是大尺度生物多样性空间分布规律及其形成机制。中国是世界上物种特丰富国家之一,了解我国物种多样性在空间上的变异情况,对于进一步认识大尺度上的生物多样性有重要意义。我们收集了全国205个自然保护区的鸟类和兽类物种分布信息,以G-F指数作为物种多样性的测度指标,利用地统计学方法分析了大陆鸟类和兽类物种多样性的空间变异特征。G-F指数是一种基于香农-威纳指数的信息测度,测度了研究地区环境分化程度和实际利用这种生态环境分化的生物类群多样性, 是一种对共同起源,相似生境需求的物种类群多样性的标准化多样性测度。结果发现,在东部季风区、西北干旱区和青藏高寒区内我国大陆鸟类多样性变异大部分都是由随机因素所引起的。兽类多样性的分布,在东部季风区和西北干旱区内是由随机因素所产生的,而在青藏高寒区,兽类多样性的总变异中99.9%是由空间依赖性所引起的,主要表现在71,492~1,020,000m空间尺度上,其分布表现出了强空间相关性。据此,大尺度上的物种多样性空间分布具有特定的规律,在生物多样性的保护行动中应加以考虑。  相似文献   

构建大尺度绿色廊道, 保护区域生物多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生境破碎化可导致物种数量减少、死亡率增加及迁移率下降, 是生物多样性降低与物种灭绝的重要影响因素。构建绿色廊道可将彼此隔离的植被斑块连接起来, 有助于减少甚至消除景观破碎化对生物多样性的影响。国外的生态环境保护组织较早地意识到了建立大尺度绿色廊道对于景观连通性、生物多样性保持和恢复的重要性, 已经在区域尺度、国家尺度或洲际尺度陆续构建了若干大型绿色廊道。我国于20世纪70年代起开展的“三北防护林工程”, 在干旱区的大部分地区已建成连片的大型防护林体系, 构成了三北地区大型廊道网络体系。然而, 现阶段我国的绿色廊道建设多集中在小尺度的城市绿化建设方面, 而在区域、国家、洲际尺度绿色廊道的构建方面尚属空白。本文对目前国外典型大尺度绿色廊道的建设目的、发展历程和空间分布作了介绍, 回顾了我国绿色廊道发展的三个主要阶段。本文提出我国绿色廊道发展的趋势应由城市尺度的点、线状向区域、国家尺度的片、面、带状过渡, 并将部分地区廊道的规划建设重点引向体现其生态功能的方向, 发挥其野生生物线状开放系统的潜在疏导功能, 从而为景观多样性、生物多样性的保护奠定基础。在借鉴国际经验的同时结合我国实际情况, 提出了我国大尺度绿色廊道可依托于现有的自然保护系统、城市绿色廊道网络及特定自然景观进行构建。  相似文献   

<正>传统的生物分类学和生物地理学在互联网时代借力于先进的计算机技术和信息技术得到了迅速发展。将分散的分类学名称处理和空间分布的信息集成起来,在更大的尺度上(全球或者区域水平)进行整合分析,开展宏观研究,促进了经典学科的理论发展和实践应用。由此,在20世纪90年代初生物多样性信息学应运而生(许哲平等,2014)。无论是生物多样性保护规划和有效管理,还是宏生态学(macroecology)和大尺度生物地理学研究,都离不  相似文献   

农业生物多样性保护的景观规划途径   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
农业生物多样性保护不仅关系到农业可持续发展,也是物种多样性保护的重要组成部分.近年来,生物多样性保护更加强调通过景观规划途径来实现.本文在回顾国内外关于景观结构对生物多样性影响一般性结论和研究结果的基础上,从景观、地块间、地块内3个尺度分别探讨了农业生物多样性保护的景观规划途径,并建议可以通过采取如下途径有效地保护农业生物多样性:1)在景观尺度上,维持较高比例的自然、半自然生境,注意农用地和种植作物的多样化,注重树篱等廊道生境的保护和建设;2)在地块间尺度上,构建农田边缘地带;3)在地块内尺度上,合理地规划作物种植密度、作物空间分布及采取间套作、轮作等方式.此外,大尺度景观规划途径的实施还需要诸如自然保护计划、土地利用规划及生态补偿等相关政策措施的配套与支持.  相似文献   

谢余初  巩杰  齐姗姗  胡宝清  王克林 《生态学报》2017,37(19):6448-6456
大中区域尺度上生物多样性空间分布格局识别是制定和实施区域生物多样性保护计划的前提条件,也是生物多样性保护确定优先区域研究工作迫切需要解决的关键问题之一。拟以甘肃白龙江流域为例,结合InVEST模型和遥感、GIS技术,以区域生境质量、植物净初级生产力和景观状态指数为评价指标,应用归一化处理方法,构建区域生物多样性空间格局综合评估方法,在栅格像元尺度上开展白龙江流域生物多样性评价及其空间分异特征分析。结果表明:白龙江流域生物多样性较为丰富,空间分异特征明显。生物多样性较高的区域(Ⅰ和Ⅱ级以上)面积约占39.80%,且主要集中在自然保护区和林业管护区。生物多样性较低的地区主要分布在舟曲-武都-文县的白龙江两岸及其以北区域、宕昌县岷江沿岸、高寒稀疏植被区和高山积雪-裸岩区。  相似文献   

采用合理的评价指标和方法是实现生物多样性快速评价的前提。从农田尺度的生物多样性保护与管理的需求出发,建立农田生物多样性评价体系, 以力求客观真实反映农田生物多样性的基本特征和变化规律。评价体系包括: 农田生物多样性评价的指标及其权重、数据采集和处理、计算方法、等级划分等内容。在该评价体系研究的基础上, 以湖北省荆州市太湖农场为应用实例, 对评价结果进行了分析。表明, 此评价方法可快速确定农田生态系统的生物多样性状况和提出管理建议, 并进一步为农业生态系统服务功能和健康评价提供参考。  相似文献   

卢训令  刘俊玲  丁圣彦 《生态学报》2019,39(13):4602-4614
农业景观是人类生活所需资料的最主要来源地,农业景观及其提供的生物多样性和生态系统服务是影响人类福祉的最主要因素之一。系统梳理了景观异质性变化对生物多样性和生态系统服务影响的相关研究,总结指出:(1)农业景观格局变化会强烈的影响着区域生物多样性和生态系统服务,但总体上更关注了空间异质性,对于时间和功能异质性的研究仍需加强;(2)尺度效应、大尺度上景观背景的差异、种间差异、营养级联效应等会对景观异质性和生物多样性、生态系统服务间的关系产生显著的、综合的、交互的影响效应。未来区域农业景观中如何通过景观构建和管理措施的施行来确保生物多样性与生态系统服务供给的持续稳定仍需进一步加强以下内容的研究:景观异质性变化在时间上和功能上的影响效应及其阈值的探讨;跨尺度、多因素、多物种类群与多生态系统服务的综合及其交互作用;不同生物类群和不同生态系统服务间的权衡;景观异质性提高与有效生境面积下降及其引起的生物随机丧失间的权衡等问题。  相似文献   

边缘效应的空间尺度与测度   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
周婷  彭少麟 《生态学报》2008,28(7):3322-3333
综述了边缘效应的空间尺度类型以及在不同尺度上的测度方法.基于大量的研究整合,认为边缘效应空间尺度的划分,可以根据空间尺度的不同以及边缘效应形成和维持因素,分为大中小3个尺度类型,即大尺度的生物群区交错带、中尺度的景观类型之间的生态交错带和小尺度的斑块(生态系统)之间的群落交错区.大尺度主要是以植被气候带为标志的生物群区间的边缘效应,这种地带性的交错区主要受大气环境条件的影响.中尺度类型主要包括城乡交错带、林草交错带、农牧交错带等类型,是不同生态系统要素的空间交接地带,在物质能量等相互流动的作用下变得更为复杂.小尺度水平上是指斑块之间的交错所形成的边缘效应,受小地形等微环境条件及生物非生物等因子的制约,研究主要集中在群落边缘、林窗边缘和林线交错带等方面.对边缘效应测度的定量化研究有助于更加深入理解边缘效应.在大尺度水平上,边缘效应测度的研究主要是应用数量生态学等方法,研究不同气候带之间界线的划分及其物种分布的梯度规律性.中尺度水平上应用景观生态学的3S技术等方法,侧重于研究交错带的动态变化趋势及位置宽度的判定.小尺度水平上通过对距离边缘的长度,各群落中种群的数量、结构、多样性等定量指标的测定来构建测度公式,从而对边缘效应的强度进行量化,并反映边缘对群落的正负效应.总体上看,主要集中于中小尺度上,未来应该强化大尺度边缘效应测度的研究.  相似文献   

长江上游是我国生物多样性最丰富的地区之一,也是全球生物多样性热点地区之一.准确可靠地掌握生物多样性信息是生物多样性保护科学决策的基础,大尺度的生物多样性保护重要性评估已成为生物多样性研究及其保育管理和决策最紧迫的问题之一.设计了由植被景观多样性指数、自然保护区多样性指数、基于生态系统类型的物种多样性指数、国家保护植物多样性指数和国家保护动物多样性指数5大指标构成的区域生物多样性综合评价指标体系及其计算公式,并以县域为评价单元,开展了长江上游生物多样性综合评价.结果表明,长江上游生物多样性保护重要性评价结果为极重要的县域共18个,占总县数的4.95%;评价结果为重要的县域共41个,占11.26%;评价结果为次重要的县域共76个,占20.88%;评价结果为中等水平的县域共106个,占29.12%;评价结果为中下水平的县域共68个,占18.68%;评价结果为不重要的县域共55个,占15 11%.长江上游生物多样性保护重要性评价结果为极重要、较重要和重要的县域主要分布于横断山区、秦巴山区、华西雨屏区、长江源区和川渝鄂黔交界处山地.  相似文献   

研究选取长江中游5个采样点(宜昌、枝江、荆州、汉南、湖口)为代表, 采用系统发育群落结构方法分析了不同空间尺度下长江中游鱼类群落的构建机制。结果表明: (1)空间聚类分析显示, 在65%的相似性水平上, 所有样点可以划分为3个Group: GroupⅠ(宜昌)、GroupⅡ(枝江+荆州)和Group Ⅲ(汉南+湖口);在55%的相似性水平上, 所有样点可以划分为2个Group: Group A(宜昌)和Group B(枝江+荆州+汉南+湖口), 且聚类分析结果与采样点的空间分布相符合。(2)在不同空间尺度下, 鱼类群落构建机制存在差异: 从地区采样点尺度来看, 荆州江段鱼类群落表现为竞争作用主导群落构建, 其余采样点鱼类群落均为环境过滤作用;从区域尺度来看, 宜昌江段鱼类群落表现为环境过滤作用的建群机制, 其余4个采样点在扩大空间尺度后, 即分为Group A和Group B的情况下, 其鱼类群落构建机制转变为物种间竞争作用。因此, 长江中游干流鱼类群落构建机制表现了地区环境和空间尺度的共同作用。由于水流湍急, 宜昌始终表现为环境过滤作用。其他江段在采样点尺度多数表现了环境过滤作用, 但是在宏观的空间尺度上, 却由于空间异质性的增加, 容纳了远缘的物种, 群落构建机制转换为竞争作用。这样的转变有别于陆生植物中由小尺度竞争作用转为大尺度环境过滤作用的情况。  相似文献   

Multivariate analyses of vegetation data have been restricted to a single scale of sampling, or multiscale sampling has been restricted to a single species. However, vegetation scientists need to be able to explore spatial relationships of many species over many scales. We present a modification of Noy-Meir & Anderson's (1971) method of multiscale ordination by summing two-term local covariance matrices and smoothing the component profiles. The advantages of our method are: 1) results are less subject to the starting position of the transect, 2) matrices may be added at any block size, and 3) plots of factor scores are smoothed by a moving weighted average to better reveal patterns at a prescribed scale.This procedure provides statistical associations of species over a range of scales. The scales which exhibit the association to the maximum extent are then determined from multiscale ordination. The relationships of different associations and their scales can then be examined. The application of the method to fabricated data proved successful in recovering the structure built into the data. When used on real vegetation data, from a community and a landscape, the method revealed the details of species associations over a range of scales, and of the relationships among associations.Abbreviations PCA = Principal Components Analysis - DCA = Detrended Correspondence Analysis - TTLC = Two-Term Local Covariance  相似文献   

1. This paper is a synthesis of a special issue on groundwater biodiversity with a focus on obligate subterranean species, the stygobionts. The series of papers constitutes a great leap forward in assessing and understanding biodiversity patterns because of the use of large quantitative data sets obtained over a broad geographic scale. They also represent a conceptual shift, away from a purely taxonomic and phylogenetic focus to the analysis of whole groundwater assemblages.
2. The general patterns emerging for groundwater fauna are: very high levels of endemism, low local diversity relative to regional diversity, a limited number of lineages, occurrence of many relicts, and truncated food webs with very few predators.
3. β-Diversity is at least as important as α-diversity in determining total richness at different scales (aquifer, basin and region) and overall taxa richness increases across spatial scales.
4. Advances in understanding groundwater biodiversity patterns further include identification of several important factors related to geology and hydrology that determine the composition of European stygobiotic assemblages.
5. Important challenges for future research include improving sampling strategies, filling gaps in sampling coverage, intensifying research on theoretical and statistical models, and including functional and genetic diversity components in biodiversity assessments.
6. Strategies are proposed for protecting groundwater biodiversity and an argument is made to integrate biodiversity in groundwater management. Applying principles such as complementarity and flexibility for groundwater biodiversity conservation is a major step toward delineating a reserve network that maximise species representation at the European scale.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Functional–structural plant models (FSPMs) simulate biological processes at different spatial scales. Methods exist for multiscale data representation and modification, but the advantages of using multiple scales in the dynamic aspects of FSPMs remain unclear. Results from multiscale models in various other areas of science that share fundamental modelling issues with FSPMs suggest that potential advantages do exist, and this study therefore aims to introduce an approach to multiscale modelling in FSPMs.


A three-part graph data structure and grammar is revisited, and presented with a conceptual framework for multiscale modelling. The framework is used for identifying roles, categorizing and describing scale-to-scale interactions, thus allowing alternative approaches to model development as opposed to correlation-based modelling at a single scale. Reverse information flow (from macro- to micro-scale) is catered for in the framework. The methods are implemented within the programming language XL.

Key Results

Three example models are implemented using the proposed multiscale graph model and framework. The first illustrates the fundamental usage of the graph data structure and grammar, the second uses probabilistic modelling for organs at the fine scale in order to derive crown growth, and the third combines multiscale plant topology with ozone trends and metabolic network simulations in order to model juvenile beech stands under exposure to a toxic trace gas.


The graph data structure supports data representation and grammar operations at multiple scales. The results demonstrate that multiscale modelling is a viable method in FSPM and an alternative to correlation-based modelling. Advantages and disadvantages of multiscale modelling are illustrated by comparisons with single-scale implementations, leading to motivations for further research in sensitivity analysis and run-time efficiency for these models.  相似文献   



Habitat loss is a significant cause of biodiversity loss, but while its importance is widely recognized, there is no generally accepted method on how to include impacts on biodiversity from land use and land use changes in cycle assessment (LCA), and existing methods are suffering from data gaps. This paper proposes a methodology for assessing the impact of land use on biodiversity using ecological structures as opposed to information on number of species.


Two forms of the model (global and local scales) were used to assess environmental quality, combining ecosystem scarcity, vulnerability, and conditions for maintaining biodiversity. A case study for New Zealand kiwifruit production is presented. As part of the sensitivity analysis, model parameters (area and vulnerability) were altered and New Zealand datasets were also used.

Results and discussion

When the biodiversity assessment was implemented using a global dataset, the importance of productivity values was shown to depend on the area the results were normalized against. While the area parameter played an important role in the results, the proposed alternative vulnerability scale had little influence on the final outcome.


Overall, the paper successfully implements a model to assess biodiversity impacts in LCA using easily accessible, free-of-charge data and software. Comparing the model using global vs. national datasets showed that there is a potential loss of regional significance when using the generalized model with the global dataset. However, as a guide to assessing biodiversity impact, the model allows for consistent comparison of product systems on an international basis.  相似文献   

In a context of scarce financial and human resources, the allocation of conservation efforts needs to be optimized. Our analysis attempts to draw conclusions on the integration of regional and local conservation assessments, specifically, with regard to the acquisition of fine‐scale data to complement the regional assessment. This study undertaken in Réunion Island (Indian Ocean) assessed how biodiversity surrogates targeted at a regional scale represented other biodiversity surrogates at a local scale. Biodiversity surrogates at both scales consisted of species, habitats and processes. Habitats and processes at regional scale were defined using a coarser scale of thematic resolution than at local scale. The surrogacy was tested in terms of incidental representation of local‐scale features in the regional assessments, and correlation of irreplaceability values between scales. Near‐minimum sets and irreplaceability values were generated using MARXAN software. Our results revealed that conservation targets for processes at local scale were never met incidentally, while threatened species and fragmented habitats were also usually under‐represented. More specifically, requiring only 12% of the local planning domain, the application of species as surrogates at regional scale was the least effective option at representing biodiversity features at local scale. In contrast, habitats at a coarse scale of thematic resolution achieved a significant proportion of conservation targets incidentally (67%) and their irreplaceability values were well correlated with the irreplaceability values of surrogates at local scale. The results highlighted that all three types of biodiversity surrogates are complementary for assessing overall biodiversity. Because of the cost of data acquisition, we recommended that the most efficient strategy to develop nested regional/local conservation plans is to apply habitats and processes at a coarse scale of thematic resolution at regional scale, and threatened species and degraded habitats at local scale, with their fine‐scale mapping limited to highly transformed areas.  相似文献   

随着人口的持续增长, 人类经济活动对自然资源的利用强度不断升级以及全球气候变暖, 全球物种正以前所未有的速度丧失, 生物多样性成为了全球关注的热点问题。传统生物多样性研究以地面调查方法为主, 重点关注物种或样地水平, 但无法满足景观尺度、区域尺度以及全球尺度的生物多样性保护和评估需求。遥感作为获取生物多样性信息的另一种手段, 近年来在生物多样性领域发展迅速, 其覆盖广、序列性以及可重复性等特点使之在大尺度生物多样性监测和制图以及评估方面具有极大优势。本文主要通过文献收集整理, 从观测手段、研究尺度、观测对象和生物多样性关注点等方面综述了遥感在生物多样性研究中的应用现状, 重点分析不同遥感平台的技术优势和局限性, 并探讨了未来遥感在生物多样性研究的应用趋势。遥感平台按观测高度可分为近地面遥感、航空遥感和卫星遥感, 能够获取样地-景观-区域-洲际-全球尺度的生物多样性信息。星载平台在生物多样性研究中应用最多, 航空遥感的应用研究偏少主要受飞行成本限制。近地面遥感作为一个新兴平台, 能够直接观测到物种的个体, 获取生物多样性关注的物种和种群信息, 是未来遥感在生物多样性应用中的发展方向。虽然遥感技术在生物多样性研究中的应用存在一定的局限性, 未来随着传感器发展和多源数据融合技术的完善, 遥感能更好地从多个尺度、全方位地服务于生物多样性保护和评估。  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel multiscale methodology for quantitative analysis of pulmonary gas exchange. The process of oxygen uptake in the lungs is a complex multiscale process, characterized by multiple time and length scales which are coupled nonlinearly through the processes of diffusion, convection and reaction, and the overall oxygen uptake is significantly influenced by the transport and reaction rate processes at the small-scales. Based on the separation of length scales, we characterize these disparate scales by three representative ones, namely micro (red blood cell), meso (capillary and alveolus) and macro (lung). We start with the fundamental convection-diffusion-reaction (CDR) equation that quantifies transport and reaction rates at each scale and apply spatial averaging techniques to reduce the dimensionality of these models. The resultant low-dimensional models embed each scale hierarchically within the other while retaining the important parameters of the small-scales in the averaged equations, and drastically reduce the computational efforts involved in solving them. We use our multiscale model for pulmonary gas exchange to quantify the oxygen uptake abnormalities in patients with hepatopulmonary syndrome (HPS), a disease which is characterized by coupled abnormalities in multiple length scales. Based on our multiscale modeling, we suggest a strategy to stratify patients with HPS into two categories--those who are oxygen-responsive and those who are oxygen non-responsive with intractable hypoxemia.  相似文献   

The concept of spatial scale is at the research frontier in ecology, and although focus has been placed on trying to determine the role of spatial scale in structuring communities, there still is a further need to standardize which organism groups are to be used at which scale and under which circumstances in environmental assessment. This paper contributes to the understanding of the variability at different spatial scales (reach, stream, river basin) of metrics characterizing communities of different biological quality elements (macrophytes, fishes, macroinvertebrates and benthic diatoms) as defined by the Water Framework Directive. For this purpose, high-quality reaches from medium-sized lowland streams of Latvia, Ecoregion 15 (Baltic) were sampled using a nested hierarchical sampling design: (river basin → stream → reach). The variability of metrics within the different groups of biological quality elements confirmed that large-bodied organisms (macrophytes and fish) were less variable than small-bodied organisms (macroinvertebrates and benthic diatoms) at reach, stream and river basin scales. Single metrics of biological quality elements had the largest variation at the reach scale compared with stream and basin scales. There were no significant correlations between biodiversity indices of the different organism groups. The correlation between diversity indices (Shannon’s and Simpson’s) of the biological quality elements (macrophytes, fish, benthic macroinvertebrates and benthic diatoms) and a number of measured environmental variables varied among the different organism groups. Relationships between diversity indices and environmental factors were established for all groups of biological quality elements. Our results showed that metrics of macrophytes and fish could be used for assessing ecological quality at the river basin scale, whereas metrics of macroinvertebrates and benthic diatoms were most appropriate at a smaller scale.  相似文献   

Assessing the richness of invertebrate taxa to aid conservation and management requires a better understanding of the potential sources of error. Patterns of richness for heathland spiders at the species and family levels were compared across three sampling methods, four spatial scales, and monthly intervals (for 16 months). A total of 33 families and 130 species was collected: pitfall traps collected 94% of species, sweep net, 25%, and visual search, 41%. The sampling methods produced variable results. Pitfall trap and sweep net techniques identified significant, yet contrasting spatial differences in the number of families and species at one spatial scale. Pitfall trap data reflected strong temporal variation that influenced spatial patterns in richness (across one spatial scale for families and two for species). The use of broader temporal scales introduced a potential failure to detect significant differences in the richness of ground active spiders, and this risk varied spatially. The sweep net is not recommended for this habitat, although a method that targets the foliage is required for a more complete faunal assessment. Visual searches detected no significant patterns in richness, yet given its potential and increasing use for rapid biodiversity surveys, ways to improve sampling efficiency are suggested.  相似文献   

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