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不同小麦品种(系)对麦长管蚜的抗性   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
采用网罩麦长管蚜Sitobion miscanthi (Takahashi)的观测方法,对15个不同抗性小麦品种(系)进行苗期不选择性、抗生性测定;选择其中5个代表性品种(系)观测了田间扬花期麦长管蚜的产蚜量,测定了小麦旗叶和穗部中单宁与槲皮素的含量以及麦长管蚜羧酸酯酶(CarE)与谷胱甘肽S-转移酶(GST)的活性。结果表明,代表性品种(系)在苗期对麦长管蚜的产蚜量的影响与扬花期的呈显著正相关(r=0.956*)。穗部槲皮素的含量与不同抗性品种(系)上的产蚜量呈显著负相关(r=-0.941*);单宁含量在不同抗性品种(系)间存在显著差异,其含量变化与产蚜量无显著相关。取食不同抗性品种(系)后麦长管蚜的CarE和GST酶活力存在显著差异。结论认为小麦不同品种(系)对麦长管蚜产蚜量(生殖力)的抑制作用是其抗蚜的重要特性,尤其是中4无芒和冀保一号对麦长管蚜抗生性较强。  相似文献   

研制了NJZ06粘性黄纸诱捕器,用于对有翅型荻草谷网蚜Macrosiphum(Sitobion) miscanthi(Takahashi)在田间的扩散行为的试验研究;黄色诱板上诱集的蚜虫以微小昆虫自动计数系统计数;试验在北京郊区麦田中进行。结果显示,距地面120cm的高度诱蚜量最多,平均诱蚜数达到573.0头/板,与其他高度诱蚜量差异显著;面朝南的诱板诱蚜量居各朝向之首,平均诱蚜数272.5头/板。生态因子对有翅蚜的扩散飞行有一定的影响,但不是决定性的。  相似文献   

不同小麦品种对麦长管蚜的抗性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在大田对18个品种98-10-34、PI-矮、千斤早、XZ1三代、AmigoF3、98-10-30、98-10-35、Tm44、98-10-9、Amigo、XZ13三代、98-10-32、AmigoF2、AmigoF4、PI-高、XZ13母本、陕229及Largo进行耐害性测定,对小麦的感蚜量做了系统调查,分别分析各品种耐害补偿功能及自然感蚜特征之间的关系。结果显示:品种Tm44、AmigoF3、Amigo、AmigoF2、AmigoF4和98-10-9虽然自然感蚜率比较高,但与同类相比减产率却不高;品种Largo、98-10-32、陕229、98-10-35、XZ13母本、PI-高和XZ1三代自然感蚜率比较低,而且其减产率也相对较低;品种PI-矮不仅自然感蚜率高,减产率也排名第二;98-10-34为明显感虫品种,还有98-10-30、XZ13三代和千斤早因为虽然感蚜率最小,但减产率相对较高,所以也是感虫品种。采用室内网罩饲养实验系统研究4个小麦品种陕229、98-10-9、Tm44和largo对麦长管蚜Macrosiphum avenae(Fabricius)生命周期及生殖情况等的影响,同时通过组建不用品种上麦长管蚜繁殖特征生命表,从量的角度揭示小麦品种抗性与麦长管蚜增长之间的关系。结果表明:不同小麦品种对麦长管蚜的存活率,发育历期和净增值率的影响明显不同,品种间抗蚜性存在显著差异。  相似文献   

张烨  尹姣  曹雅忠  李克斌 《昆虫知识》2011,48(6):1602-1607
麦长管蚜Sitobion avenae(Fabricius)体色变异(红色和绿色)是一种常见的生物学现象,揭示其体色的转换机制对该类害虫的防控和测报具有潜在意义。本文利用微卫星标记技术,对麦长管蚜种群进行聚类分析和分子方差分析,从群体遗传学角度研究了不同地理种群和不同色型之间遗传多样性差异。研究结果表明,麦长管蚜的遗传分化主要以种群内的变异为主,种群间的变异占总变异的比例很小。此外,研究发现,红、绿体色间的遗传分化并不显著,且存在频繁的基因交流。这说明不同区域的不同体色麦长管蚜种群各自之间具有相似的遗传背景。  相似文献   

SMLS (Sitobion miscanthi L type symbiont) is a recently discovered aphid secondary symbiont. Using evidence extracted from 16S rRNA sequences, previous studies indicate that SMLS is the most widely distributed and most recently transferred secondary symbiont in Chinese Sitobion miscanthi populations. Here, we further investigated genetic diversity among SMLS geographic strains with multiloci data. Furthermore, the influence of SMLS on S. miscanthi was uncovered with ecological and evolutionary evidence. The results indicated that there was limited influence of infection with SMLS on variation and evolutionary patterns of S. miscanthi mitochondrial DNA. By hemolymph injection, the SMLS‐infected and SMLS‐uninfected S. miscanthi clones with the identical genetic background were built in this study. Although similar Buchnera aphidicola dynamics were observed between SMLS‐infected and SMLS‐uninfected S. miscanthi population, B. aphidicola density of SMLS‐infected S. miscanthi population was always significantly higher than SMLS‐uninfected ones. The results of fitness measurements indicated that under laboratory rearing conditions, transfection of SMLS could confer modest advantages to some fitness components of S. miscanthi, that is, total number of offspring, longevity, age of first reproduction and weight of adult. However, as SMLS is not strictly associated with S. miscanthi, further investigations are needed to uncover the mechanisms responsible for this inconceivable association.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated Rickettsia infection in Chinese wheat pest aphid (Sitobion miscanthi), moreover detected a possibly new Rickettsia-like symbiont, provisionally named as SMLS1 (S. miscanthi L type symbiont). The sequence of SMLS 16S rRNA gene is 94% similar to that of its presumed closest relative, Orientiatsutsugamushi. If levels of divergence indicate taxonomic distinctiveness, SMLS probably represents a new genus in the family Rickettsiaceae. SMLS occurs in most populations of S. miscanthi, and with divergent infection frequencies, from 5.0% to 93.8%.  相似文献   

十六个水稻品种(系)对褐飞虱的抗虫性评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文通过苗期抗性鉴定、田间抗虫性鉴定、稻田节肢动物功能团优势度比较及产量测定的方法来评价16个水稻品种(系)对褐飞虱Nilaparvata lugens(Stl)的抗性。结果表明,有12个品种(系)对褐飞虱表现为抗级,2个品系表现为中抗。这14个抗虫-中抗的品种(系)在成株期也表现一定的抗虫性,且与对照TN1之间差异显著。本试验条件下,广占63-3S/华恢15、广两优106、Y58S/华15、广两优476、广占63-4S/华恢15这5个品种(系)不仅抗虫性好,而且产量也较高,分别比TN1和主栽品种扬两优6号高63.49%~66.57%和3.47%~11.57%,具有广泛的开发应用前景。  相似文献   

小麦不同抗蚜品种(系)中吲哚生物碱的含量变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 引  言生物碱是一类重要的植物次生化合物 ,在植物防御有害生物的入侵过程中发挥着重要作用 .许多生物碱已被证明对蚜虫和其他一些害虫具有较强的毒杀活性 ,成为很有前途的植物杀虫驱虫剂活性成份[5,7,8] .禾本科植物中存在芦竹碱和相关的吲哚生物碱 ,对麦二叉蚜 (Schizaphisgraminum)和禾谷缢管蚜 (Rhopalosiphum padi)有毒杀作用[2 ,9,10 ] ,这种生物碱在大麦苗叶片中 ,随叶龄增加而降低[10 ] .小麦不同抗蚜品种 (系 )上麦长管蚜 (Sitobionavenae)蚜量比值与旗叶吲哚生物碱含量呈一定的负相关 ,而穗部吲哚生物碱含量呈较显著的负相…  相似文献   

为给荻草谷网蚜Sitobion miscanthi的准确预测预报提供理论依据,本研究利用过冷却点(Supercooling point,SCP)、低温暴露死亡率和冷识别温度(80%死亡率时的温度)等昆虫耐寒性指标评价低温条件下不同发育阶段该虫的耐寒能力.结果表明,荻草谷网蚜各发育阶段的SCP变化范围为-27.10~-12.23℃,SCP为1龄若蚜>2龄若蚜>有翅孤雌成蚜>无翅孤雌成蚜>4龄若蚜>3龄若蚜,其中1龄和2龄若蚜的SCP均显著高于3龄和4龄的SCP(P<0.01),3龄和4龄若蚜的SCP无显著性差异(P>0.05),无翅孤雌成蚜与其它发育阶段蚜虫的SCP均无显著性差异(P>0.05);两种虫态的低温存活率和冷识别温度分析表明,在-10~-8℃不同低温下,荻草谷网蚜1龄若蚜低温存活率均显著高于初羽化有翅成蚜的低温存活率(P<0.05),1龄若蚜和初羽化有翅成蚜的冷识别温度分别为-8.5℃和-7.9℃;两种虫态在0℃经过4 h冷驯化后,1龄若蚜和初羽化有翅成蚜在2 h的存活率提升最高,分别为62%和64%,均显著高于无冷驯化的对照组(P<0.05).本研究结果充分说明了荻草谷网蚜具有极强的耐低温适应能力,结合河南新乡近5年冬季极端低温数据,本文推测该虫能在冬季极端低温高于其冷识别温度的年份在当地越冬.  相似文献   

【目的】评价四川小麦主栽品种对禾谷缢管蚜Rhopalosiphum padi Linnaeus的抗性,比较以蚜量比值为标准划分的抗性等级与千粒重损失率的一致性。【方法】选择2000年以来四川省审定的34个小麦主栽品种,遮雨棚内盆栽种植,在孕穗期进行罩网接蚜,利用蚜量比值方法划分抗蚜等级,在小麦成熟后测定千粒重损失率。【结果】34个品种的抗性等级分布为中抗~高感,没有抗或高抗品种,中抗、低抗、低感、中感、感、高感等级的品种数分别为2、6、11、5、6和4个,中抗品种为川麦42和绵麦45。中抗至高感等级品种的平均千粒重损失率依次为43.6%、58.1%、60.3%、68.1%、73.5%和77.1%,川麦42(中抗)和内麦836(高感)的千粒重损失率分别为41.8%和80.7%。蚜量比值与千粒重损失率之间呈极显著的正相关,部分品种抗性等级与其千粒重损失率表现不一致,低抗品种川农16千粒重损失率为70.0%,而低感品种川麦107的千粒重损失率为52.8%。【结论】本试验条件下,参试的四川小麦品种在中抗至高感禾谷缢管蚜等级内均有分布,且主要集中在低感范围内,具有外源遗传背景的川麦42比近源品种的整体抗性稍强。蚜量比值结合千粒重损失率进行小麦抗性等级划分的结果更加可靠。  相似文献   

Biotype 2 of the Russian wheat aphid, Diuraphis noxia (Mordvilko), was identified in the United States in 2003 and is virulent to all commercially available cultivars of winter wheat, Triticum aestivum L., that are resistant to biotype 1. We compared the development and reproduction of biotype 2 D. noxia at 21.7 +/- 0.12 degrees C on 'Trego' (PI 612576), a susceptible commercial cultivar, and on lines CI 2401 and 03GD1378027 that represent putative resistance sources. CI 2401 is a pure wheat line originating in the former USSR (Tajikistan), whereas 03GD1378027 is a USDA-ARS breeding line originally developed from crosses with a South African line that carried a large rye translocation conferring D. noxia resistance. Both lines previously showed resistance to biotype 1 and are currently being used in the development of D. noxia-resistant wheat cultivars. Both solitary apterous virginoparae of biotype 2 and their progeny experienced a reduction in survival and prolonged developmental times on CI 2401 and 03GD1378027 compared with Trego, but the former lines did not differ significantly from each other with respect to either measure of aphid performance. Progeny developed faster than did their foundress mothers on CI 2401 and Trego, but not on 03GD1378027. Mean foundress fecundity did not differ between CI 2401 and 03GD1378027 but was reduced on these lines relative to Trego. Foundresses also were more often found off plants of CI 2401 and 03GD1378027 than Trego. Estimates of intrinsic rate of increase were higher on Trego than on either CI 2401 or 03GD1378027, the latter two lines yielding similar values. The negative impacts of CI 2401 and 03GD1378027 on development and reproduction of biotype 2 indicate that these lines represent sources of resistance effective against this biotype.  相似文献   

The effect of wheat resistance in lines of Triticum monococcum L., on the reproductive performances of the cereal aphid (Sitobion avenae F.) was investigated. Aphids were reared from birth to adult moult either on resistant or susceptible wheat lines, and transferred as apterae to both host genotypes. The influence of these transfers on the subsequent adult weight, gonad status and reproductive performances was evaluated. Aphids transferred from resistant to susceptible plants proved able to compensate for their poor nymphal growth, mainly through additional embryo growth and an increase in the number of matured embryos within the first 10 days of their adult life. Most aphids transferred from susceptible to resistant plants died within the first week following the transfer. Their most advanced embryos matured and were born, but subsequent embryo growth was quickly reduced. The reproductive strategies adopted by S. avenae when facing plant resistance, and the hypothesis of a resistant mechanism based on a poor nutritional state of the resistant plants are discussed.  相似文献   

The English grain aphid, Sitobion avenae (Fabricius), is a severe pest of wheat plants in temperate countries. Therefore, we carried out primary screening to assess the resistance or susceptibility of 23 commonly grown wheat varieties to this aphid at greenhouse and laboratory conditions in Iran. Also, population attributes of this aphid were evaluated on six wheat varieties, namely Saysonz, Arta, Moghan3, Zagros, Sardari and Shirodi. The aphids were colonized on the Hirmand wheat variety in a growth chamber at 20 ± 1°C, 60 ± 5% R.H. and a photoperiod of 14:10 (L:D). The tested varieties were grouped into three major classes including A (e.g., Shirodi, Falat and Moghan2), B (e.g., Sardari, Zagros and Tagan) and C (e.g., Arta, Saysonz, Moghan3 and Pishtaz). Also, the results of the life history traits showed that the developmental time of nymphal stage ranged from 7.5 days on Zagros to 10.8 days on Saysonz. The intrinsic rate of increase (r m ) of S. avenae varied from 0.133 (day−1) on Saysonz to 0.210 (day−1) on Shirodi. Jackknife estimates of other population parameters on these varieties were evaluated. As a result, our findings showed that the varieties Saysonz, Arta and Moghan3 were partially resistant against S. avenae, whereas Shirodi, Zagros and Sardari were relatively susceptible.  相似文献   

小麦抗蚜品种(系)或材料的抗性遗传测定及筛选   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
测定了部分小麦品种(系)或材料的丁布(DIMBOA)含量及几个和抗蚜性有关的物理性状(叶、叶毛长度和密度,蜡质含量),同时对这些品种(系)或材料进行抗麦长管蚜(Macrosiophum avenae(F.))鉴定,统计其累计蚜量。结果表明,丁布含量及各物理性状与累计蚜量均成负相关关系,通过多目标综合决策分析,认为1粒小麦(Triticum monococcum)和材料98-10-9是比较好的抗性种质资源,生产上广泛推广的千斤早是感蚜的品种。  相似文献   

Bird cherry-oat aphid, Rhopalosiphum padi (L.), a polyphagous species with a nearly worldwide distribution, is an important pest of wheat as well as the main vector of barley yellow dwarf virus. We evaluated the resistance categories of eight wheat lines including antibiosis, antixenosis, and tolerance against R. padi under laboratory conditions. The wheat lines tested were ERWYT 88-8, ERWYT 87-6, and ERWYT 87-4 (resistant); ERWYT 87-1, ERWYT 87-20, and ERWYT 88-11 (susceptible); ERWYT 88-12 and ERWYT 88-13 (intermediate). In the antibiosis experiment, R. padi produced fewest progeny on ERWYT 88-8, ERWYT 87-6, and ERWYT 87-4 in reproduction period. In the antixenosis test, R. padi performed best on ERWYT 87-1, ERWYT 87-20, and ERWYT 88-11. Fewer apterous aphids selected ERWYT 88-8, ERWYT 87-4, and ERWYT 87-6 lines indicating antixenosis of these lines to R. padi. In tolerance experiments, however growth parameters differed between treated and untreated seedlings of wheat lines with 10 aphids per day infestation during 21-d period, but not among eight wheat lines. The plant resistance index values were greatest for ERWYT 88-8 (9.71), followed by ERWYT 87-4 (7.04) and ERWYT 87-6 (4.76). ERWYT 88-8, ERWYT 87-6, and ERWYT 87-4 may be important sources of R. padi resistance for small grain breeding and integrated pest management programs.  相似文献   

春小麦品种对麦长管蚜生长发育和繁殖的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在室内25 ℃条件下研究了7种不同抗性的春小麦品种(系)对麦长管蚜生长发育和繁殖的影响.结果表明,不同抗性品种(系)对麦长管蚜若蚜发育历期、存活率、成蚜寿命和生殖力有显著的影响,麦长管蚜在抗性强的品种上成蚜寿命短、产仔量少;以内禀增长率作为测定抗生性的指标,供试小麦品种(系)对麦长管蚜抗生性的大小依次为辽春10号>02C-MB >新春6号>巴丰1号>永良4号>内麦19>蒙花1号,与田间抗性鉴定结果基本相同.  相似文献   

Aphids are major insect pests of cereal crops, acting as virus vectors as well as causing direct damage. The responses of wheat to infestation by cereal aphid (Sitobion avenae) were investigated in a proteomic analysis. Approximately, 500 protein spots were reproducibly detected in the extracts from leaves of wheat seedlings after extraction and 2‐DE. Sixty‐seven spots differed significantly between control and infested plants following 24 h of aphid feeding, with 27 and 11 up‐regulated, and 8 and 21 down‐regulated, in local or systemic tissues, respectively. After 8 days, 80 protein spots differed significantly between control and aphid treatments with 13 and 18 up‐regulated and 27 and 22 down‐regulated in local or systemic tissues, respectively. As positive controls, plants were treated with salicylic acid or methyl jasmonate; 81 and 37 differentially expressed protein spots, respectively, were identified for these treatments. Approximately, 50% of differentially expressed protein spots were identified by PMF, revealing that the majority of proteins altered by aphid infestation were involved in metabolic processes and photosynthesis. Other proteins identified were involved in signal transduction, stress and defence, antioxidant activity, regulatory processes, and hormone responses. Responses to aphid attack at the proteome level were broadly similar to basal non‐specific defence and stress responses in wheat, with evidence of down‐regulation of insect‐specific defence mechanisms, in agreement with the observed lack of aphid resistance in commercial wheat lines.  相似文献   

不同棉花品种对棉盲蝽的抗性鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着转基因棉花在中国的大面积推广,棉盲蝽逐渐成为我国棉花生产中重要的害虫之一。我国对棉盲蝽研究基础比较薄弱,棉盲蝽的综合治理工作迫在眉睫。本实验通过田间调查,系统研究了棉盲蝽在不同时期对美中棉、荆7516-1、皖棉小黄花、海7124、SGK321、N73DelpatineF0、棕絮×浅绿红叶鸡脚叶棕絮和池州红叶棉8个不同棉花品种的为害情况,得到如下结论:皖棉小黄花对棉盲蝽的抗性较高且比较稳定,而N73DeltapineF0、棕絮×浅绿红叶鸡脚棉棕絮这2个棉花品种对棉盲蝽的抗性较低。  相似文献   

随着转基因棉花在中国的大面积推广,棉盲蝽逐渐成为我国棉花生产中重要的害虫之一.我国对棉盲蝽研究基础比较薄弱,棉盲蝽的综合治理工作迫在眉睫.本实验通过田间调查,系统研究了棉盲蝽在不同时期对美中棉、荆7516-1、皖棉小黄花、海7124、SGK321、N73 DelpatineF0、棕絮×浅绿红叶鸡脚叶棕絮和池州红叶棉8个不同棉花品种的为害情况,得到如下结论:皖棉小黄花对棉盲蝽的抗性较高且比较稳定,而N73 DeltapineF0、棕絮×浅绿红叶鸡脚棉棕絮这2个棉花品种对棉盲蝽的抗性较低.  相似文献   

小麦种质对麦长管蚜的抗性鉴定与评价   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
2002-2005年连续4年,选用蚜情指数法对小麦种质进行麦长管蚜田间自然感蚜抗性鉴定,从2000份小麦种质中筛选出不同抗性材料34份,占总鉴定材料的1.7%,其中高抗种质5份、抗性种质9份、中抗种质20份。利用苗期室内接虫法,对部分抗感小麦种质进行鉴定,结果表明,苗期的抗性表现与成株期基本一致。对杂交组合临远207(抗)×Witchita(感)的F1、F2的抗性遗传分析表明,临远207对麦长管蚜的抗性由1对显性单基因控制。  相似文献   

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