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本论文研究了抗虫又抗除草剂棉花对草甘膦的耐受程度,比较了这一双抗性状的棉花与单抗虫棉的抗虫效果。结果表明,抗虫又抗除草剂棉花对草甘膦有较好的耐受性,四叶期喷施草甘膦后抗虫抗除草剂棉花可以安全生长,蕾期喷施草甘膦对棉花的开花率和结铃率有影响。抗虫又抗除草剂棉花和单抗虫棉对棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera(Hübner)均具有较好的防治效果,苗期棉花叶片对棉铃虫防治效果最好,后期防治效果下降到49.2%和46.6%,吐絮期防治效果又上升到57.0%和53.1%。  相似文献   

汪飞  徐静  封红兵  张青文 《昆虫知识》2003,40(2):131-135
棉铃虫Helicoverpaarmigera高龄幼虫取食转Bt基因棉花组织后 ,化蛹率、羽化率、蛹重、体长均有显著下降 ,在转Bt基因棉花上棉铃虫的取食行为也受到较大的影响 ,表现为取食次数明显减少、吐丝下垂次数明显增加 ;无论是转Bt基因棉花还是常规棉花 ,棉铃虫 3龄幼虫主要分布于繁殖器官上 ,在转Bt基因棉花各繁殖器官上的分布概率为 :花 >棉铃 >棉蕾 ,常规棉花上分布概率为 :棉蕾 >棉铃 >花 ;棉铃虫高龄幼虫取食转Bt基因棉花各组织 ,成虫羽化后产卵量、卵孵化率均有明显下降 ;在较低的棉铃虫虫口密度下 ,转Bt基因棉花对棉铃虫有一定的产卵排趋性。  相似文献   

转Bt基因棉田蜘蛛的时空动态及控害作用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
1998-1999年在河北棉区系统调查转Bt基因棉棉田中的蜘蛛发生时空的研究结果表明,在转Bt基因棉田中,全年百株累计数量为3984头,占棉田总捕食性天敌数量的49.7%。其中优势蜘蛛温室希蛛,狼蛛和草间小黑蛛分别占53.6%,16.7%和18.6%。季节动态表现为棉田前期少,中,后期多,最高可达百株454头;棉株下部和地面的蜘蛛增加快,而上,中部蜘蛛增加慢,空间分布表现为下部和地面占优势,丰富度分别为0.464和0.303,而上部蜘蛛的丰富度仅为0.067。地面蜘蛛中以狼蛛和草间小黑蛛占优势,分别占52.6%和40.6%。基于蜘蛛的数量,时空动态及与棉铃虫的配合程度认为,对棉铃虫起主要控制作用的为草间小黑蛛,温室希蛛和卷叶蛛,分别占蜘蛛总控制指数的41.3%,25.2%和10.9%。其中2代棉铃虫发生期,草间小黑蛛贡献最大。占67.7%。3代棉铃虫发生期,温室希蛛和草间小黑蛛分别占29.0%和25.4%的贡献率,4代棉铃虫发生期温室希蛛起主要作用。占45.3%的贡献率。  相似文献   

Transgenic cotton resistant to herbicide bialaphos   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Resistance to bialaphos, a non-selective herbicide, was intro duced into cotton through genetic engineering. A gene encoding phosphinothric in acetyltransferase (bar) from Streptomyces hygroscopicus was inserted into elite varieties of cotton through particle bombardment. Based on the marker gene, -glucuronidase (gus) expression, a total of 18 Pima (Gossypium barbadense), 45 DP50 (G. hirsutum L.), 20 Coker 312 (G. hirsutum) and 2 El Dorado (G. hirsutum) transgenic plants were recovered. Integration of the bar gene into cotton genomic DNA was confirmed by Southern blot analysis and gene expression was confirmed by northern blot and enzyme assays. Herbicide (Basta®) tolerance up to 15 000 ppm was demonstrated in greenhouse trials. The newly introduced herbicide tolerance trait is inherited in a Mendelian fashion in the progenies of germline transformants. This study demonstrates the potential for particle bombardment to introduce commerically important genes directly into elite varieties of cotton. This mode of gene transfer can expedite the introduction of transgenic cotton products into world markets  相似文献   

Larvae of the cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) that survive on genetically modified Bt cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L., Malvaceae) contribute to the risk of widespread resistance to Bt toxins. Current resistance management techniques include pupae busting, which involves deep tilling of the soil to kill overwintering pupae. Unfortunately, pupae busting runs counter to soil and water conserving techniques, such as minimum tillage. This problem could be relieved with biological control methods, whereby predators attack either larvae going to ground to pupate or moths emerging from the ground. We found that the wolf spider Tasmanicosa leuckartii (Thorell) (Araneae: Lycosidae), a common inhabitant of Australian cotton agroecosystems, is an effective predator of H. armigera, attacking and killing most larvae (66%) and emerging moths (77%) in simple laboratory arenas. Tasmanicosa leuckartii also reduced the number of emerging moths by 66% on average in more structurally complex glasshouse arenas. Males, females, and late‐instar juveniles of T. leuckartii were similarly effective. Tasmanicosa leuckartii also imposed non‐consumptive effects on H. armigera, as when a spider was present larvae in the laboratory areas spent less time on the cotton boll and more time on the soil and more mass was lost from the cotton boll. Increased loss of boll mass likely reflects changes in H. armigera foraging behavior induced by the presence of spiders (indirect non‐consumptive effects). Helicoverpa armigera spent more time as pupae when the spider was present in simple laboratory arenas, but not in more complex glasshouse enclosures. Overall, results indicate that T. leuckartii spiders can be effective predators of H. armigera late instars and moths but also suggest that, under some conditions, the presence of spiders could increase the damage to individual cotton bolls.  相似文献   

新型转基因棉花生态适合度及其对棉田昆虫群落的影响是转基因棉花环境安全评价的重点内容.本文选用新型转GAFP(Gastrodia anti-fungal protein)基因棉花及其非转基因亲本棉花为试验材料,于2013和2014年在河南安阳研究了田间棉花生态适合度及其对昆虫群落的影响.结果表明: 转基因棉蕾期、花铃期和铃期叶片干物质量与其亲本无显著差异;苗期比叶面积显著低于亲本,蕾期、花铃期和铃期叶面积显著大于亲本;苗期株高显著低于亲本,蕾期、花铃期和铃期株高与亲本无显著差异;棉花生长的4个关键时期(苗期、蕾期、花铃期和铃期),转基因棉单株果枝数、蕾数和脱落数均与亲本无显著差异,而铃期单株大铃数显著低于亲本.棉铃虫发生的3个高峰期,转基因棉对棉铃虫和甜菜夜蛾无明显控制作用,且对棉田昆虫群落、害虫亚群落和天敌亚群落的昆虫个体总数、昆虫群落结构与组成、均匀性指数、多样性指数和优势集中性指数均无显著影响.表明外源基因GAFP导入后,新型转基因棉花营养生长增强,产量构成性状整体无显著变化,未引起棉田昆虫群落变化.研究初步明确了新型转基因棉花生存竞争势态和棉田昆虫群落发生规律与动态,可为新型转基因棉花环境安全评价提供理论依据,同时为转基因棉花环境安全评价积累科学数据.  相似文献   

转抗虫基因植物对蜜蜂的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘艳荷  陈盛禄 《昆虫知识》2001,38(4):258-262
苏云金杆菌 (Bacillusthuringiensis,Bt)毒蛋白基因、蛋白酶抑制剂基因是广泛用于植物抗虫基因工程的两大类基因。Bt毒蛋白对蜜蜂没有明显毒害作用 ,但对草蛉、瓢虫等有益昆虫的繁殖、发育具有不良影响 ,而且在花粉中表达 ,因此转Bt基因植物对蜜蜂的影响有待于进一步研究。蛋白酶抑制剂浓度高时 ,对蜜蜂具有明显的毒害作用。随着基因工程技术的发展 ,蛋白酶抑制剂基因表达水平的提高 ,转基因植物必将对蜜蜂产生一些不良影响。蜜蜂仅取食植物的花蜜和花粉 ,可以采用不同的启动子 ,使抗虫基因只在害虫取食部位表达 ,而在花蜜和花粉中不表达 ,以确保既能抗虫 ,又对蜜蜂安全  相似文献   

Summary The effect of recurrent applications of the herbicide glyphosate on a garden soil was investigated. Compared to an adjacent untreated soil the microbial population showed reduced sensitivity to glyphosate when grown in mineral salts medium. In both populations inhibition could be partially reversed by addition to the medium of the end products of the aromatic amino acid biosynthetic pathway, but the effect was more pronounced in the population from the treated site. However, all isolates from both soils were capable of growth in unsupplemented medium in the presence of as much as 10 mM glyphosate. No evidence for glyphosate metabolism was obtained from enrichment experiments carried out using inocula from the untreated soil; at the treated site organisms capable of using glyphosate as sole C or N source could not be isolated but a variety of Gram-negative bacteria able to use its phosphonate moiety were obtained. Many of these organisms were identified as Pseudomonas spp.  相似文献   

Transgenic cotton lines were developed for high-level expression of a synthetic cry1EC gene from a wound inducible promoter. The tobacco pathogenesis related promoter PR-1a was modified by placing CaMV35S promoter on its upstream in reverse orientation. The resultant chimeric promoter CaMV35S(r)PR-1a expressed constitutively and was further up-regulated at the site of feeding by insects. It was induced more rapidly by treatment with salicylic acid (SA). The CaMV35S(r)PR-1a cry1EC expressing transgenic lines of cotton showed 100% mortality of Spodoptera litura larvae. The tightly regulated low-level expression of PR-1a was modified to a highly expressing constitutive expression by CaMV35S placed in reverse orientation. Salicylic acid treatment and wounding enhanced the expression further by the chimeric promoter. The leaves expressed more δ-endotoxin around the sites of insect bites. The levels of expression and induction varied among different transgenic lines, suggesting position effect. Some of the transgenic lines that expressed Cry1EC from the chimeric promoter at a low level also showed 100% mortality when induced with salicylic acid. A highly expressing insect bite and wound inducible promoter is desirable for developing insect resistant transgenic plants.  相似文献   

新型转基因棉花生态适合度及其对棉田昆虫群落的影响是转基因棉花环境安全评价的重点内容.本文选用新型转GAFP(Gastrodia anti-fungal protein)基因棉花及其非转基因亲本棉花为试验材料,于2013和2014年在河南安阳研究了田间棉花生态适合度及其对昆虫群落的影响.结果表明: 转基因棉蕾期、花铃期和铃期叶片干物质量与其亲本无显著差异;苗期比叶面积显著低于亲本,蕾期、花铃期和铃期叶面积显著大于亲本;苗期株高显著低于亲本,蕾期、花铃期和铃期株高与亲本无显著差异;棉花生长的4个关键时期(苗期、蕾期、花铃期和铃期),转基因棉单株果枝数、蕾数和脱落数均与亲本无显著差异,而铃期单株大铃数显著低于亲本.棉铃虫发生的3个高峰期,转基因棉对棉铃虫和甜菜夜蛾无明显控制作用,且对棉田昆虫群落、害虫亚群落和天敌亚群落的昆虫个体总数、昆虫群落结构与组成、均匀性指数、多样性指数和优势集中性指数均无显著影响.表明外源基因GAFP导入后,新型转基因棉花营养生长增强,产量构成性状整体无显著变化,未引起棉田昆虫群落变化.研究初步明确了新型转基因棉花生存竞争势态和棉田昆虫群落发生规律与动态,可为新型转基因棉花环境安全评价提供理论依据,同时为转基因棉花环境安全评价积累科学数据.  相似文献   

转ACO2基因优质棉生长特性及其对田间昆虫群落的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新型转基因棉花的生长特性及其对棉田昆虫群落的影响是转基因棉花环境安全评价的重点内容,也是转基因棉花环境安全评价过程必须评价的内容。选用新型转ACO2基因棉花及其亲本中棉所24为试验材料,于2013年和2014年在河南安阳进行了田间棉花生长势及其对昆虫群落影响的试验。在棉花苗期、蕾期、花铃期和铃期,转基因棉花叶片干重与其亲本均无显著差异,苗期、蕾期叶面积和比叶面积与亲本无显著差异,花铃期、铃期叶面积与比叶面积均显著高于亲本材料,其中2013年分别比对照高27.1%和26.2%,2014年分别高16.0%和19.9%,差异均达显著水平;株高、主茎叶片数、大铃数、小铃数和蕾铃脱落数均与亲本材料相当,但铃期果枝数显著高于亲本材料;3个棉铃虫(Helicoverpa armigera Hubner)发生高峰期,转优质基因棉花对棉铃虫和甜菜夜蛾幼虫校正死亡率与亲本对照材料无显著差异;昆虫群落、害虫亚群落和天敌亚群落昆虫个体总数均显著高于亲本棉田,两年分别比对照高11.5%、10.5%、33.4%和12.0%、8.1%、63.1%,其中2013年差异达显著水平,2014年由于昆虫发生程度总体较轻,差异不显著,但所属"目"、"科"、"种’、生物多样性指数、优势种昆虫及其优势度与其亲本棉田无显著差异,表明外源基因ACO2导入后,对棉田昆虫发生及其群落结构没有影响,棉花生长势无明显优势,但产量构成性状在部分时期增强。上述研究初步明确了新型转基因棉花生存竞争势态和棉田昆虫群落发生规律与动态,可为新型转基因棉花环境安全评价提供理论依据,同时为转基因棉花环境安全评价积累科学数据。  相似文献   

The cucumber mosaic virus coat protein (CMV-CP) gene and a modified Bacillus thuringiensis -endotoxin (Bt toxin) gene were cloned into plant expression vector pE3. Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum cv. G28) leaf discs were transformed with Agrobacterium tumefaciens A12 carrying recombinant pE14. Transgenic r0 and R1 tobacco plants expressing CMV-CP and Bt toxin genes were protected from CMV infection as well as feeding damage of Manduca Sexta (tobacco hornworm) larvae. These results demonstrate that it is feasible to breed new cultivars with multiple resistances via genetic engineering.Abbreviations CMV cucumber mosaic virus - Bt toxin Bacillus thuringiensis -endotoxin - CaMV cauliflower mosaic virus - NOS nopaline synthase - Kan Kanamycin - Spe spectinomycin - Carb Carbenicillin  相似文献   

Eto J  Suzuki Y  Ohkawa H  Yamaguchi I 《FEBS letters》2003,550(1-3):179-184
An anti-chlorpropham single-chain variable-fragment (scFv) gene was introduced into Arabidopsis in a manner to express the antibody fragment in each of four different subcellular compartments. The accumulation of scFv in transgenic plants was detected by targeting the fragment in the endoplasmic reticulum or apoplastic space, or by expressing the fragment as a glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored protein, while no accumulation could be detected by targeting the fragment in the cytosol. Transgenic plants accumulating the scFv gene at a high level in the endoplasmic reticulum had enhanced tolerance to chlorpropham in comparison with the non-transformants.  相似文献   

This study was carried out using soil cultivated, under greenhouse conditions, with transgenic white poplars expressing thebar gene for tolerance to the Basta® herbicide. The occurrence of extracellular nucleolytic activity was monitored in soil samples collected at four different times over a 26-month period. The fraction of nuclease producing bacteria (NPB) ranged from 62.5 to 100% of the total culturable bacterial population. The DNA-methyl green plate assay allowed to distinguish five groups of bacteria showing increasing levels of extracellular DNase activity. The NPB isolates were classified by 16S rDNA sequence analysis as members of theBacillus, Brevibacillus, Microbacterium, Pseudomonas andStenotrophomonas genera. For each genus, NPB isolates were cultured in liquid medium and the nucleolytic activity during different growth phases was monitored. Production of extracellular nucleases was observed only during the mid-exponential growth phase of theBrevibaccillus Microbacterium andStenotrophomonas isolates, while no activity was evidenced for isolates classified within theBacillus andPseudomonas genera.  相似文献   

转cry1Ab基因抗虫水稻的田间试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐微  林拥军 《遗传》2007,29(8):1008-1012
采用农杆菌介导的遗传转化技术, 将Bt基因cry1Ab导入三系恢复系明恢63获得了一批抗虫性及农艺性状较好的转基因纯合株系。研究中, 进一步检测了这些纯合株系的拷贝数、Bt蛋白含量、抗虫性及主要农艺性状。结果显示: 5个转基因纯合株系均为单拷贝; 纯合株系T1Ab-10及其杂种的Bt蛋白含量最高; 人工接虫和自然感虫试验中, T1Ab-10对二化螟、三化螟和稻纵卷叶螟均表现高度抗性; 喷药试验中, 阳性植株与阴性植株、对照植株的主要农艺性状均没有显著差异。这说明转cry1Ab基因纯合株系T1Ab-10具商品化潜力, 可作基因聚合材料。  相似文献   

Summary Cotton fibers are often utilized as a model system to investigate cellulose biosynthesis and cell wall elongation. In this study, we grew cotton fibers in vitro, with ovules dissected at day zero post anthesis as the expiant source, in the presence of three herbicides that inhibit cellulose biosynthesis. Cultures were sampled for electron microscopy and immunocytochemistry 1–2 days after beginning the treatments. After dichlobenil treatment, the fibers were much shorter than the controls and assumed a variety of abnormal shapes, from shortened versions of the control fiber to nearly spherical. The inner layers of the fiber wall often contained juxtaposed electron-translucent and -transparent areas; this layer reacted strongly with antibodies to callose. Cellulase-gold labeling in these newly developed fibers grown in the presence of dichlobenil was present at only about 3% of the control labeling. After treatment with either isoxaben or flupoxam, the fibers assumed spherical shapes and frequently (more than 60% of fibers) exhibited a new cell plate within the fiber, indicating that cell division had occurred, a process that rarely occurred in the controls. Unlike the dichlobenil-treated fibers, fibers grown in the presence of isoxaben or flupoxam contained an extensive accumulation of chiefly deesterified pectins, replacing the entire wall with an elaborated version of the pectin sheath found in control cotton fibers. These data indicate that all three herbicides are effective disrupters of cellulose biosynthesis and cause radical changes in cell wall structure and composition. Moreover, these data indicate that the composition of the walls may influence indirectly cell cycle kinetics, keeping these fiber cells in a more meristematic mode.  相似文献   

Glyphosate tolerance by Clitoria ternatea, Neonotonia wightii and Amaranthus hybridus was studied in whole plants from Mexico. Experiments in a controlled growth chamber showed both legumes to be highly tolerant of glyphosate, with and ED50 values of 600.18 g ae ha?C1 for C. ternatea and 362.94 g ae ha?C1 for N. wightii. On the other hand, A. hybridus was highly susceptible to the herbicide (ED50?=?42.22 g ae ha?C1). Shikimate accumulation peaked 96 h after treatment in the tolerant plants and the susceptible weed under 500 g ae ha?C1 glyphosate. The shikimic acid content of whole leaves was 4.0 and 5.0 times higher in the susceptible weed than in N. wightii and C. ternatea, respectively. 14C-glyphosate absorption and translocation tests showed A. hybridus to absorb 30% more herbicide than the legumes 24 h after glyphosate foliar application. 14C-glyphosate translocation as measured by quantified autoradiography revealed increased translocation of the herbicide to untreated leaves and roots in A. hybridus relative to the two legumes. The cuticular surface of A. hybridus exhibited very low wax coverage relative to the epicuticular surface of N. wightii and, especially, C. ternatea. No significant degradation of glyphosate to aminomethylphosphonic acid and glyoxylate metabolites was detected among the tolerant leguminous plants or the susceptible weed population. These results indicate that the high glyphosate tolerance of Clitoria ternatea and Neonotonia wightii is mainly a result of poor penetration and translocation of the herbicide to apical growing points in their plants.  相似文献   

Transgenic crops producing toxins from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) can be planted in the same field for many years, and many insects exploiting such crops must disperse to other habitats to persist. Accordingly, effects of transgenic crop farming could accumulate through time and affect insect populations across agricultural landscapes. We monitored the population density of seven ant genera and beetle families and of rare ants and beetles in 84 non-cultivated sites abutting agricultural fields in Central Arizona. We assessed the short-term (during planting year) and long-term (over 5–6 years) landscape effect of farming Cry1Ac cotton on ant and beetle density in non-cultivated sites, in addition to several local and regional variables. Landscape variables (e.g., sequence of crops planted in neighbouring fields, crop diversity, and abundance) were more frequently associated with insect density than local variables (e.g., plant productivity and diversity in non-cultivated sites). In the short-term, use of Bt relative to non-Bt cotton in neighbouring fields was positively associated with density of one ant and two beetle groups in non-cultivated sites. However, acreage of Bt cotton located within 1 km from non-cultivated sites had more negative effects than acreage of non-Bt cotton on density of one ant and one beetle group. In the long-term, the proportion of years that Bt cotton was planted in neighbouring fields was positively associated with ant density but not beetle density. Results suggest that the farming of Bt cotton in neighbouring fields frequently resulted in positive short- and long-term landscape effects on ants and beetles in non-cultivated sites, while Bt cotton planted farther away had less frequent negative short-term impacts.  相似文献   

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