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不同农业景观结构对麦蚜种群动态的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
赵紫华  石云  贺达汉  杭佳  赵映书  王颖 《生态学报》2010,30(23):6380-6388
研究表明农业景观结构的复杂性与害虫种群发生强度关系密切,然而在不同农业景观结构下研究麦蚜的发生、种群及寄生蜂的变化还不多。设计了不同的麦田景观结构,调查研究了不同麦田景观结构对麦蚜种群的影响。在简单与复杂两种农业景观结构下,分析了不同种类麦蚜的入田时间、入田量、种群增长率、种群密度及寄生性天敌的多样性与寄生率。结果表明:景观结构对不同种类麦蚜影响不同,但复杂农业景观下麦蚜迁飞入田时间都要晚于简单农业景观(连片种植)下的入田时间,复杂农业景观下有翅蚜的迁入量显著低于简单景观下有翅蚜的迁入量,并且复杂农业景观下麦蚜种群增长速率高于简单农业景观下的增长速率。不同种类麦蚜对景观结构的不同反应可能与形态学与生活史特征有关,两种不同农业景观结构下寄生性天敌的多样性与寄生率无显著差异。复杂景观结构下的麦蚜有翅蚜低的迁入量、高的增长速率可能与生境高度破碎化有关,其中与温室大棚塑料白色反光有的很大的影响。生境破碎化影响了麦蚜对寄主植物寻找以及天敌对猎物的寻找效应。  相似文献   

大量研究表明多样性的农业景观格局能够影响蚜虫及寄生蜂的分布。本文利用并设计了两种尺度的麦田农业景观格局,依据麦蚜种群发生特点,分为迁入期、增长期与高峰期三个时期,论述了不同尺度下农业景观元素对麦蚜及寄生蜂系统的影响,通过逐步回归筛选了不同时期麦蚜及寄生蜂分布的关键景观元素,最后通过CANOCO软件模拟了麦蚜及寄生蜂的分布排序格局。结果表明不同景观因子对麦蚜及寄生蜂种群影响不同,迁入期两种尺度下裸地最有利于两种有翅蚜的迁飞入田,塑料大棚对有翅蚜种群的入田有抑制作用。增长期草地与林地生境对麦蚜种群增长率促进最大,塑料大棚同样抑制了麦蚜的种群增长率;但塑料大棚、草地与林地对蚜茧蜂的种群增长率有促进作用,非麦类作物生境对蚜茧蜂种群增长率抑制作用最大;草地与林地有利于重寄生蜂的种群增长率;高峰期裸地比例大的农业景观下麦蚜的最大种群密度较大,草地与林地对蚜茧蜂与重寄生蜂的最大种群密度均有促进作用。两种尺度下的研究结果一致。不同麦物种的对不同景观元素反应与形态学与生活史特征有关,而且景观结构中特定的植物种类、非作物植物的密度与物候期都可能影响寄生蜂群落的多样性与功能。  相似文献   

关晓庆  刘军和  赵紫华 《生态学报》2013,33(14):4468-4477
农业景观格局与过程能够强烈影响寄生蜂对寄主的寻找及寄生作用,寄主密度亦是影响寄生蜂分布的重要因素,然而农业景观的格局和寄主密度对寄生蜂寄生率的相互影响是一项值得研究的工作.在简单与复杂2种麦田农业景观结构下,调查了麦蚜的分布格局与2种寄主密度下麦蚜的初寄生率与重寄生率,分析了景观结构对麦蚜密度的影响、景观格局与麦蚜密度对寄生蜂寄生率与重寄生率的影响及交互作用.结果表明:景观结构的复杂性对麦蚜分布和寄生蜂初寄生率与重寄生率的影响均不明显,但寄主密度与景观结构的复杂性对寄生蜂的影响存在着明显的交互作用,寄主密度与寄生率呈正相关,寄主密度较低时烟蚜茧蜂为优势种,寄主密度较高时燕麦蚜茧蜂为优势种.麦蚜初寄生蜂与重寄生蜂对寄主密度的反应与其形态学、体型大小以及生活史特征相关,初寄生蜂与重寄生蜂的群落组成显著影响其对麦蚜的寄生率,而与景观结构的复杂性关系不大.  相似文献   

稻田及其毗邻杂草地寄生蜂群落结构与特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过在稻田及其毗邻杂草地的系统调查、采集和室内标本鉴定,获知稻田中有67种寄生蜂,隶属16科;毗邻杂草地中有96种寄生蜂,隶属19科。稻田生境中的寄生蜂物种数占稻田天敌总物种数的45.89%,杂草生境中的寄生蜂物种数占杂草地天敌总物种数的46.60%。对稻田及其毗邻杂草地寄生蜂群落的各种属性指标进行比较研究,结果表明:杂草地寄生蜂群落的丰富度、多样性、优势集中度指数均比稻田高,而均匀性指数值比稻田低。对杂草生境和稻田生境寄生蜂群落的优势种动态比较可知,寄生蜂优势种在水稻的不同生育期是不相同的,在稻田生境中,优势种稻虱缨小蜂(Anagrus sp.)出现在水稻生育前期和中后期,等腹黑卵蜂(Telenomus dignus)出现在水稻生育后期,稻苞虫黑卵蜂(Telenomus sp.)在水稻生育前中期及后期出现。然而在杂草地中,作为优势种,稻虱缨小蜂出现在水稻生育前期和中期,等腹黑卵蜂出现在水稻生育前中期和后期,稻苞虫黑卵蜂在水稻整个生育期均有出现。两种锤角细蜂(Monelata sp.1和Acropiesta sp.2)是稻田的重要优势种,但不是杂草地的优势种;相反,稻蝽小黑卵蜂(Telenomus gifuensis)是杂草地的重要优势种,但不是稻田的优势种。由此可见,杂草地生境是稻田寄生蜂的种库之一,对稻田节肢动物群落的重建和种群保存有重要影响,因而适当保留田埂杂草和稻田周围的杂草地,减少对天敌的损害,提高天敌对害虫的自然控制作用,是水稻害虫持续控制的途径之一。  相似文献   

刘军和  禹明甫 《昆虫知识》2013,50(4):912-920
农业景观结构影响昆虫的物种组成与多样性,本文选择复杂景观和简单景观的麦田景观为研究对象,研究了不同麦田景观结构对麦蚜天敌种群的影响。在简单与复杂两种景观下,分析了麦蚜寄生蜂和捕食性天敌的迁入时间、迁入量、种群增长率及种群密度之间的差异。结果表明:复杂景观中麦蚜寄生蜂和捕食性天敌的物种多样性较高,复杂景观下寄生蜂的迁入量高于简单景观下寄生蜂的迁入量。景观复杂性同样影响捕食性天敌的迁入时间,且捕食性天敌在复杂景观下迁入量均高于简单景观,而且存在显著性差异。两种景观中寄生蜂和捕食性天敌种群增长速率与最大种群密度均存在显著性差异。  相似文献   

最小适生面积(MASH)指在一定的时空范围内物种能稳定存在的最小生境面积,它是种群生存力分析(PVA)的重要方法之一.本文采用基于种群数量-面积关系原理的MASH模型模拟了银川平原设施农业景观下破碎化麦田麦蚜、初寄生蜂与重寄生蜂种群发生的MASH.研究表明:密度 面积、增长速度-面积关系模型间存在反比例函数关系,不同物种存在的函数关系明显不同,尤其在不同营养级别的物种间,其函数关系差异更为明显.根据密度-面积关系,利用多项式回归模型计算了麦二叉蚜、麦长管蚜、燕麦蚜茧蜂、烟蚜茧蜂与蚜虫宽缘金小蜂的MASH,其营养级间的MASH差异显著.不同物种的MASH与营养级高低、体型大小、生境质量等有关.初寄生蜂最高的寄生率出现在800~1000 m2,可作为利用初寄生蜂自然控制麦蚜的依据,而不同营养级物种MASH差异可用于害虫的种群控制.  相似文献   

非稻田生境中稻飞虱卵寄生蜂群落结构研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究发现稻田周围田埂、路边禾本科杂草上栖息着能寄生于稻飞虱卵的寄生蜂有缨小蜂科和赤眼蜂科两类,它们是非稻田生境中稻飞虱卵寄生蜂群落的重要成员.群落中,缨小蜂科数量较多,其四个属中,数量上Anagrus>Gonatocerus>Neurotes>Mymar;赤眼蜂科数量较少,所占比率小于9%.非综防区化学农药的毒性和残效加重了生境中寄生蜂生存压力,造成群落中多个物种占有优势地位,而稻飞虱主要天敌-缨小蜂的优势被削弱,不如综防区群落中缨小蜂的优势地位突出.  相似文献   

区域农田景观格局对麦蚜种群数量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张永生  欧阳芳  门兴元  戈峰  袁哲明 《生态学报》2018,38(23):8652-8659
明确农田景观格局对麦田蚜虫种群的影响,是开展区域性害虫生态调控的重要理论依据之一。以区域性小麦种植区为研究对象,基于遥感影像与土地覆盖分类数据以及田间调查的蚜虫种群数据,计算景观格局指数,使用负二项分布的广义线性模型从农田景观、非作物生境景观和区域景观3个方面分析了区域农田景观格局对麦田蚜虫种群的影响。结果表明,蚜虫种群的数量与草地的平均斑块面积和最大斑块指数显著正相关,与县域的平均几何最邻近距离和面积加权平均斑块面积显著负相关,与耕地的面积加权平均斑块面积显著负相关,与耕地的斑块密度显著正相关。草地斑块面积的增大、区域景观与耕地的破碎化、区域景观的聚集会促进蚜虫种群数量的增加。使用草地的斑块面积和最大斑块指数、区域景观的平均几何最邻近距离可以预测蚜虫种群的发生量。非作物生境草地的斑块面积、耕地的破碎化、区域景观的空间分布及破碎化是影响麦田蚜虫种群发生的重要景观因素。  相似文献   

岛屿群落组成的嵌套格局及其应用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
近年来 ,岛屿群落组成的嵌套结构引起了众多研究者的关注。在一个岛屿生境系统中 ,小岛屿中出现的物种大多数也出现在物种相对丰富的大岛屿中。这是一种非随机的物种分布格局。嵌套结构被认为是分析群落组成机制的重要工具 ,并引发了自然保护区最优化设计原理的新一轮争议。然而 ,随着研究的深入 ,围绕嵌套结构的意义、方法学、成因和普适性等方面出现了许多不同的观点与假说。本文就上述方面作了系统的介绍和分析 ,认为嵌套结构从群落的组成方面为岛屿生物地理学提供了新的视角 ,在保护生物学上具有重要意义。在成因上 ,仅考虑单因子的作用是偏狭的 ,多数是多因子综合作用的结果。在方法上 ,应充分认识不同方法的适应条件 ,以降低误差。嵌套结构并不是普适的 ,它受到如矩阵的大小和填充度、生物类群和生境的差异性等因素的影响  相似文献   

广东森林群落的组成结构数量特征   总被引:91,自引:0,他引:91  

小麦不同品种上麦蚜及其天敌的数量变动   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
试验结果表明小麦品种 (系 )的抗性对麦蚜种群数量影响很大 ,百株蚜量随着小麦品种抗性增强而下降。而同一小麦品种对不同种蚜虫的抗性存在质的差异 ,铭贤 1 69品种 ,蚜高峰期百株蚜量麦长管蚜 63 0头 ,禾谷缢管蚜只有 1 1 5头 ,两者相差 5 5倍。另一方面 ,小麦品种抗性对麦田天敌的种群数量影响不大 ,而对天敌的发生期有些影响。因此 ,小麦品种抗性、天敌对麦蚜的自然控制能力 ,可把小麦中后期的蚜虫虫口密度控制在经济损失允许水平之下。  相似文献   

Population trends of cereal aphids and their associated parasitoids inhabiting wheat plantations were monitored by yellow sticky traps. The identified aphids exhibited one seasonal peak for each and were found to be active during the first half of March. Data revealed that, Rhopalosiphum padi L peak occurred one week later than both of Schizaphis graminum (Rondani) and Rhopalosiphum maidis (Fitch). The numbers of aphid complex was recorded more at 90 than at 30 and 60 cm height. Hymenopterous parasitoids activity is synchronised with aphid species, whereas they appeared in small numbers at early and late wheat season and showed their peak on March, with a positive correlation coefficient with aphid populations. The tested compounds (Karate, Biscaya, Match 5% EC, Tracer 24% SC and Neem Azal T/S) showed 100% reduction in aphid numbers after 24 h post application. However, the general reduction percentages indicated 99.31 > 98.32 > 97.97 > 97.06 > 95.66%, by using the abovementioned compounds, respectively.  相似文献   

小麦体内生化物质在抗蚜中的作用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
综述了小麦体内生化物质的抗蚜作用 ,主要包括不同抗性品种对麦蚜的影响、小麦体内氨基酸、糖类、酚类物质、生物碱和非蛋白氨基酸等与抗蚜性的关系 ,以及蚜虫对小麦体内抗虫生化物质的诱导作用 ,并提出了深入研究小麦生化物质与抗蚜性关系的前景和意义。  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal effects of the pyrethroid insecticide, deltamethrin, on populations of cereal aphids and their primary parasitoids and hyperparasitoids were investigated in a large scale field experiment in winter wheat. Four hectare plots were treated at the recommended field concentration or a reduced concentration representing one twentieth of field rate. A control plot was left unsprayed. Invertebrate populations were sampled at sites within a grid layout covering the whole plots, enabling the use of geostatistical analysis. Hymenopteran populations were monitored using transparent sticky traps and suction sampling. Aphid populations were recorded by visual counts. Monitoring continued for 36 days after treatment. The full rate deltamethrin treatment resulted in initial reductions of aphid populations by 78%. Primary parasitoid and hyperparasitoid populations were reduced in suction samples by 90% and 47% respectively, when corrected for control fluctuations. The reduced deltamethrin concentration caused reductions of aphid, primary parasitoid and hyperparasitoid populations of 40, 60 and 54% respectively. Aphid population recovery over the full rate plot occurred slowly and in a patchy manner following treatment. No significant reinvasion gradients were detected. Aphid population density recovered more rapidly in the reduced rate treatment; with initial evidence for increased densities at the plot centre. Significant patterns of reinvasion were initially detected for both groups of Hymenoptera in the full rate treatment, suggesting that reinvasion of the sprayed area was taking place from untreated surrounding reservoirs. It was concluded that experiments that examine pesticide impacts within small plots will lead to underestimates of effects on dispersive groups including parasitic Hymenoptera.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity of populations has important ecological and evolutionary consequences, whose understanding is fundamental to improve the sustainability of agricultural production. Studies of how differences in agricultural management and environment influence the population structure of insect pests are central to predict outbreaks and optimize control programs. Here, we have studied the population genetic diversity and evolution of Sitobion avenae and Sitobion miscanthi, which are among the most relevant aphid pests of cereals across Europe and Asia, respectively. We have used genotyping by sequencing (GBS) to identify genome‐wide single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) to infer the geographic structure and migration patterns. In the present study, we show that the population structure in present‐day populations is different from that described in previous studies, which suggest that they have evolved recently possibly as a response to human‐induced changes in agriculture. This study shows that S. avenae in England is predominantly parthenogenetic and there has been a demographic and spatial expansion of a single genetic cluster, which could correspond with the insecticide resistance superclone identified in previous studies. Conversely, in China, S. miscanthi populations are mostly cyclical parthenogenetic, with one sexual stage in autumn to produce overwintering eggs, and there are six genetically differentiated subpopulations and high genetic differentiation between geographic locations, which suggests that further taxonomical research is needed. Unlike S. avenae in England, there is no evidence for insecticide resistance and there is no predominance of a single lineage in S. miscanthi in China.  相似文献   

【目的】明确25%吡蚜酮SC、3%甲氨基阿维菌素苯甲酸盐ME、25%噻虫嗪WG、14%氯虫·高氯氟ZC、15%高氯·毒死蜱EC、2.5%高效氯氟氰菊酯EW和40%毒死蜱EC 7种杀虫剂对小麦吸浆虫和蚜虫的防治效果,为科学、合理用药防治小麦害虫提供参考。【方法】采用喷雾法和剥穗调查法,研究它们对小麦吸浆虫成虫和麦蚜的防效,及防后对小麦吸浆虫幼虫危害损失的影响。【结果】参试药剂药后1 d对小麦吸浆虫成虫防效均高于90%,药后3~5 d防效为84.81%~93.93%,防后挽回损失76%以上;对麦蚜药后1、3、5 d防效分别高于75%、80%和85%。在供试的7种药剂中,15%高氯·毒死蜱EC药后3~5 d对两种害虫防效、挽回吸浆虫危害均超过90%,应用效果最好;其次为25%噻虫嗪WG和40%毒死蜱EC,药后3~5 d对吸浆虫防效高于90%、对麦蚜防效分别高于86%和90%,挽回吸浆虫危害损失88%以上。【结论】供试药剂对小麦吸浆虫和麦蚜防效存在显著差异,15%高氯·毒死蜱EC对两种害虫防治效果最好。  相似文献   

Abstract:  Experiments were conducted in the laboratory and in greenhouses. Of three neem preparations sprayed upon eggs, only neem oil (NO) exerted a negative impact on the hatching rate of Coccinella septempunctata and Chrysoperla carnea . First instar larvae of Episyrphus balteatus proved to be highly susceptible, when feeding 24 h on aphids sprayed with neem kernel water extract (NKWE). First instar larvae of C. septempunctata showed a very high mortality when feeding on aphids sprayed with different neem preparations. Aphid feeding and live span was reduced. When NKWE had been applied to the soil, the mortality of larvae of E. balteatus and C. septempunctata were lower, when feeding on aphids. Second instar larvae of C. septempunctata were far less susceptible when feeding 48 h on neem-sprayed aphids than first instars; the time of their development was prolonged, and aphid consumption reduced. Larvae of C. carnea proved to be less susceptible, when feeding on neem-sprayed aphids, than E. balteatus and C. septempunctata . In C. carnea , however, significant influences were also observed in aphid consumption, time of development, mortality, longevity, and rate of deformity. NO, containing a very low concentration of azadirachtin A, had stronger negative effects than NeemAzal-T/S®, in all observations. In the parasitoid Diaeretiella rapae , NKWE application to the soil induced negative reactions, when aphids on these plants were parasitized: low percentage parasitization, lowered mummy weight, low emergence rate of adults of F1 and even of F2. Foliar sprays of NKWE had less severe effects in this parasitoid species. The results are discussed with regard to their theoretical and practical significance.  相似文献   

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