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双语者大脑结构的可塑性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张杨  罗非 《生理科学进展》2005,36(3):268-268
掌握一种以上的语言是人类的特殊能力,一般认为这种技能是大脑的功能发生可塑性改变,并非结构有所变化。然而,Mecheli及其同事提出了不同的看法,他们使用全脑无偏向性的客观技术——以体素为基础的形态测量方法(VBM),来检测双语者大脑结构的可塑性,这种方法可以自动选择性地将灰质和白质区分开来。  相似文献   

对遗传学双语教学的教材选择,教学内容,教学手段和方法,考核办法及教学效果等进行了探讨和总结,并分析了双语教学改革所面临的问题,提出了双语教学改革应该在教务管理部门统一组织下,立足于本校的办学条件,从低年级开始系统地开展,任课教师根据师生的英语水平,积极摸索教改之路。  相似文献   

医学微生物学双语教学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
实施双语教学是适应我国高等教育国际化趋势的发展需要。结合本校实际, 从采用英文原版教材进行医学微生物学双语教学必要性入手, 对医学微生物学双语教学方式、教学评价、教学效果等进行了探讨, 为我校双语教学模式的选择应用提供了一定的依据。  相似文献   

遗传学是生命科学的前沿学科之一,发展迅速,是生物学专业的基础课。结合自身的教学实践,对高校遗传学双语教学方法进行了探索与思考。结合高校遗传学双语教学实际.提出了关于实施遗传学双语教学所应达到的基本指标的建议。  相似文献   

基因工程课程双语教学的探索与实践   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
基因工程处于生命科学的最前沿, 其内容国际前沿性强, 发展和更新迅速。基于培养适应全球化发展的复合型本科生的需要, 福建师范大学生命科学学院生物工程专业自2006年对《基因工程》课程进行双语教学模式的探索。本文根据几年来基因工程双语教学的实践, 介绍了该课程双语教学的体会, 包括教学内容与双语教材选择、教学手段与方式改革以及网络资源的利用等, 并探讨了存在的问题和对策。  相似文献   

为顺应时代发展的需要,改善教学质量,提高医学生专业外语水平,我们在五年制中有选择的进行了多年的组织学与胚胎学双语教学改革。本文就授课对象的选择、教材的选用、教学方法、考核方法、教学效果分析和出现的问题及对策等方面进行了分析和小结。旨在总结经验,并不断的改进和完善双语教学。  相似文献   

农林院校《遗传学》为其设置的基础专业课程,引入双语教学模式对于提升学生的钻研能力、科研水平极为有利。因此本文就农林院校《遗传学》双语教学展开探讨,对优化教学效果,激发学生学习兴趣,提升教学质量水平,有积极有效的促进作用。  相似文献   

实施双语教学是适应我国高等教育国际化趋势的发展需要.结合本校实际,从采用英文原版教材进行医学微生物学双语教学必要性入手,对医学微生物学双语教学方式、教学评价、教学效果等进行了探讨,为我校双语教学模式的选择应用提供了一定的依据.  相似文献   

生物课堂双语教学之浅见   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
黄真池  曾富华 《生物学杂志》2007,24(4):77-78,65
根据生物课堂双语教学的实践经验,提出当前实施双语教学要经历"引、记、读、译、说"五个阶段;指出了实施双语教学应注意的几个问题。  相似文献   

组织学与胚胎学是重要的医学形态学基础课程,而双语教学是培养具有较高国际交流与合作能力的高素质复合型医学人才的有效途径。通过对2015-2018级华南理工大学医学院本课程的双语教学或全中文教学的期末理论试卷进行回顾性分析,我们发现,双语教学及双语试卷的平均得分略低于纯中文授课模式;中文题目的得分率明显高于英文题目;而在不同类型的英文题目中,选择题的比重与英文得分率呈负相关,而论述题则与之相反。我们的研究将为组织学与胚胎学教师在进行双语教学时改进教学方法及试卷的出题考试提供一定的参考,并为我们以后在该科目上的双语教学效果的改进提供理论依据。  相似文献   

This paper analyses the impact of the researcher's linguistic fluency or competence (or lack thereof) on the data collection process during fieldwork and subsequent analysis. We focus on researcher interaction with the field in a largely monolingual setting in Japan, and the multilingual setting of an international school in Indonesia. Researcher positionality during fieldwork shifts with their (perceived) linguistic fluency, which in turn affects the data. Despite the emphasis on reflexive ethnography, anthropological research rarely interrogates the impact of the researcher's linguistic fluency on the field. We attribute this silence to the perception that highlighting researcher language ability may compromise their ethnographic authority. In this paper we use self‐reflexivity to make visible the ethnographic impact that the researcher's language ability has on fieldwork processes. We argue that being self‐reflexive about our linguistic fluency, or lack thereof, does not necessarily compromise our analysis.  相似文献   

We investigated the possible influence of testosterone (T) on cognitive functioning in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), an endocrine disorder associated with elevated levels of free testosterone (free T). Performance on a battery of neuropsychological tests in 29 women with elevated free T levels due to PCOS was compared to the performance of 22 age- and education-matched, healthy control women with free T levels in the normal female range. Women with PCOS had significantly higher levels of free T (estimated by the free androgen index) and demonstrated significantly worse performance on tests of verbal fluency, verbal memory, manual dexterity, and visuospatial working memory than the healthy control women. No differences between the groups were found on tests of mental rotation, spatial visualization, spatial perception, or perceptual speed. These results suggest that, in women, elevations in free T may be associated with poorer performance on cognitive tasks that tend to show a female advantage.  相似文献   

In this article syncretic patterning in the present indicative paradigm of the verb kloppen (‘to knock’) is described for 355 Dutch dialects taken from the morphological atlas of Dutch dialects (Van den Berg 2003). Following Baerman et al. (2005, The syntax-morphology interface. A study of syncretism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), I distinguish syncretisms driven by (universal) feature structure and language specific sources of syncretism. I present independent evidence for the role of phonology, pragmatics and amplification in the formation of syncretic patterns of Dutch. The benefit of the study of the interaction between language specific routes to syncretism and feature structure is threefold. We know language specific routes to syncretism can obscure feature structure. By distinguishing the different routes to syncretism we canalsorevealthe strength of feature structure. Secondly, distinguishing sources of syncretisms enables us to understand similarities and differences in the cross-linguistic patterning of syncretisms. Thirdly, we can link typological data to language acquisition patterns.  相似文献   

In a previous study, we found that women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), an endocrine disorder characterized by chronic hyperandrogenism, performed more poorly than healthy, matched controls on a number of neuropsychological tests, in particular tests of verbal fluency, verbal memory, manual dexterity, and visuospatial working memory. This randomized, placebo-controlled trial was undertaken to investigate whether pharmacologic manipulation of free testosterone (free T) levels in women with PCOS might affect their performance on cognitive tests. Nineteen women with PCOS completed a battery of neuropsychological tests before and after 3 months of treatment with either an anti-androgen (cyproterone acetate) plus estrogen or with a placebo. Hormone treatment of women with PCOS caused a significant reduction in their free T levels but did not affect performance on tests visuospatial ability, verbal memory, manual dexterity, or perceptual speed. Women treated with hormone therapy did, however, demonstrate an improvement in their performance on a test of verbal fluency compared to their pre-treatment scores. These findings suggest that changes in free T levels do not have a significant impact on cognitive performance in women with PCOS, although reductions in free T may be beneficial for verbal fluency.  相似文献   

Human connectome describes the complicated connection matrix of nervous system among human brain. It also possesses high potential of assisting doctors to monitor the brain injuries and recoveries in patients. In order to unravel the enigma of neuron connections and functions, previous research has strived to dig out the relations between neurons and brain regions. Verbal fluency test (VFT) is a general neuropsychological test, which has been used in functional connectivity investigations. In this study, we employed convolutional neural network (CNN) on a brain hemoglobin concentration changes (ΔHB) map obtained during VFT to investigate the connections of activated brain areas and different mental status. Our results show that feature of functional connectivity can be identified accurately with the employment of CNN on ΔHB mapping, which is beneficial to improve the understanding of brain functional connections.  相似文献   

To study the effect of the serotonergic brain system on verbal fluency (i.e., the ability to rapidly extract necessary words from the internal vocabulary), the T102C polymorphism of the serotonin receptor type 2A (5-HTR2A) gene was tested for association with verbal fluency in 108 patients with schizophrenia or disorders of the schizophrenic spectrum and 97 mentally healthy individuals. A significant association was observed only in male schizophrenics (n = 67), with homozygotes A2A2 having lower verbal fluency. The results do not support the association between the 5-HTR2A polymorphism and verbal fluency in normalcy, and agree with the assumed contribution of genotype A2A2 to the severity of schizophrenia.  相似文献   

This study examined the fundamental question, whether verbal memory processing in hypnosis and in the waking state is mediated by a common neural system or by distinct cortical areas. Seven right-handed volunteers (25.4 years, sd 3.1) with high-hypnotic susceptibility scores were PET-scanned while encoding/retrieving word associations either in hypnosis or in the waking state. Word-pairs were visually presented and highly imaginable, but not semantically related (e.g. monkey-street). The presentation of pseudo-words served as a reference condition. An emission scan was recorded after each intravenous administration of O-15 water. Encoding under hypnosis was associated with more pronounced bilateral activations in the occipital cortex and the prefrontal areas as compared to learning in the waking state. During memory retrieval of word-pairs which had been previously learned under hypnosis, activations were found in the occipital lobe and the cerebellum. Under both experimental conditions precuneus and prefrontal cortex showed a consistent bilateral activation which was most distinct when the learning had taken place under hypnosis. In order to further analyze the effect of hypnosis on imagery-mediated learning, we administered sets of high-imagery word-pairs and sets of abstract words. In the first experimental condition word-pair associations were presented visually. In the second condition it was found that highly hypnotisable persons recalled significantly more high-imagery words under hypnosis as compared to low-hypnotisables both in the visual and auditory modality. Furthermore, high-imagery words were also better recalled by the highly hypnotisable subjects during the non-hypnotic condition. The memory effect was consistently present under both, immediate and delayed recall conditions. Taken together, the findings advance our understanding of the neural representation that underlies hypnosis and the neuropsychological correlates of hypnotic susceptibility.  相似文献   

郭霞  韦伟  胡尚勤 《微生物学通报》2011,38(11):1726-1729
探讨了微生物双语教学中采用交互式教学以发挥学生主体地位以及教师鼓励作用的教学策略.为了“有助于达到人才培养目标”又保证培养质量,精选了英文原版教材和国内选编教材;基于双语教学资源平台,了解学情,灵活把握双语教学的中英文比例;通过微生物理论与实践相结合和英文演讲辩论等提升课堂活力;适度改革双语教学考核等方式提高微生物双语...  相似文献   

双语教学是在现代教学经济国际化的影响下所形成的一种新兴教育形式。结合曲靖师范学院的植物学教学实践,总结和分析了植物学双语教学过程中的经验及其实施过程中遇到的主要困难。提出了引进并完善外文原版教材、加强教师队伍建设、提高学生综合素质、培养学生学习兴趣、实施多样化教学方式等完善植物学双语教学的相应对策。最后提出了“保持-过渡-双语思维”的双语教学改革模式,这对于双语教学理论系统化的形成有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

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