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Abstract: We examined the ability of ceramide and sphingomyelinase (SMase) to prevent neuronal programmed cell death (PCD). We found that a cell-permeable ceramide analogue prevented neuronal PCD when applied to established sympathetic neuron primary cultures at the time of nerve growth factor (NGF) deprivation. Other amphiphilic lipids such as oleic acid failed to prevent cell death. Exogenous SMase also showed the same effect, probably by raising the intracellular ceramide level by sphingomyelin (SM) breakdown. Phosphocholine, another hydrolytic product of SM by SMase, did not prevent cell death. Other phospholipases, such as phospholipase C and phospholipase A2, could not prevent cell death. Given the recent findings that the SM cycle is activated to increase the intracellular ceramide level on NGF binding to the low-affinity NGF receptor (LNGFR) and that NGF binding to LNGFR suppresses apoptosis in neural cell lines, our results suggest the possibility of the SM cycle as a signaling mechanism transducing the PCD-preventing activity of NGF.  相似文献   

The concentration of naturally synthesized nerve growth factor (NGF) was measured in various tissues of adult rats, using a highly sensitive two-site enzyme immunoassay. The highest concentration was found in the superior cervical sympathetic ganglion (SCG). Transection of the postganglionic external carotid nerve (ECN) reduced the ganglionic level of NGF more than did section of the internal carotid nerve (ICN). When both the preganglionic nerve and the ECN were cut, the ganglionic NGF level decreased even more. On the other hand, when the preganglionic nerve and the ICN were both sectioned, leaving the ECN intact, endogenous NGF content in the SCG was significantly enhanced 3-9 h after operation. Bilateral extirpation of submaxillary gland produced a rapid decrease in ganglionic NGF 3-6 h after operation, and even unilateral removal of one salivary gland caused a decrease in both ganglia, which was however much greater in the ipsi- than in the contralateral ganglion. Removal of the eyeballs caused a much smaller reduction in ganglionic NGF than did removal of the glands. These results suggest that the endogenous NGF that accumulates in the SCG is mostly synthesized in the submaxillary gland rather than in the iris, and that it is transported to the SCG, mostly via the ipsilateral ECN.  相似文献   

Nerve growth factor (NGF) mRNAs were detected and quantified in a variety of normal and neoplastic human tissues by northern blot hybridization. Human heart contained the highest NGF mRNA levels, whereas lower but comparable levels were found in the placenta, prostate, and kidney. All tissues examined coexpressed the low-affinity NGF receptor (LNGFR), whereas none of these tissues expressed the high-affinity NGF receptor encoded by the trk protooncogene. The widespread distribution of the LNGFR suggests that it plays a role in the regulation of normal cell growth. No overexpression of NGF or LNGFR mRNA was detected in neoplastic tissues, whereas LNGFR-like immunoreactivity was localized outside of tumor cells. Transforming growth factor-alpha and protooncogene c-fos expression in these tissues did not show a systematic correlation with NGF/LNGFR expression. Furthermore, regulation of the human NGF gene was studied in DU145 cells, a prostatic adenocarcinoma cell line that synthesizes significant NGF mRNA levels. Serum induced, whereas dexamethasone inhibited, NGF mRNA synthesis in these cells. Serum induction was preceded by a rapid and transient activation of the c-fos protooncogene.  相似文献   

Sympathetic neurons undergo apoptosis when deprived of nerve growth factor (NGF). Inhibitors of RNA or protein synthesis block this death, suggesting that gene expression is important for apoptosis in this system. We have identified SM-20 as a new gene that increases in expression in sympathetic neurons after NGF withdrawal. Expression of SM-20 also increases during neuronal death caused by cytosine arabinoside or the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase inhibitor LY294002. In addition, SM-20 protein synthesis is elevated in NGF-deprived neurons compared with neurons maintained with NGF. Importantly, expression of SM-20 in sympathetic neurons causes cell death in the presence of NGF. These results suggest that SM-20 may function to regulate cell death in neurons.  相似文献   

Abstract: The mechanism of neuroprotection by the calcium channel antagonist flunarizine against neuronal death is unknown. We investigated the ability of other calcium channel antagonists (cinnarizine, nimodipine, nicardipine, diltiazem, and verapamil), calmodulin antagonists, and calpain inhibitors to prevent neuronal death in rat dorsal root ganglion neurons in vitro after nerve growth factor (NGF) deprivation and the ability of cinnarizine and diltiazem to protect in vivo after axotomy. In vitro, only neurons treated with cinnarizine or flunarizine were protected from death after withdrawal. In vivo, cinnarizine, but not diltiazem, protected dorsal root ganglion neurons in rats after unilateral sciatic nerve crush. Intracellular calcium concentration ([Ca2+],) was evaluated with fura 2 after NGF deprivation In vitro. Neurons "committed to die" 24 h after NGF deprivation displayed a decline in [Caa+], before visible morphological deterioration consistent with cell death. The influx of extracellular calcium was not necessary to produce neuronal death. Neurons deprived of NGF gradually lost the ability to respond to elevated external potassium with an increase in [Ca2+], during the first 24 h after trophic factor deprivation. After 24 h, neurons deprived of NGF could not be rescued by readministration of NGF. Neurons protected from cell death with diphenylpiperazines maintained their response to high external potassium, suggesting continued membrane integrity. We speculate that diphenylpiperazines may protect sensory neurons via an unknown mechanism that stabilizes cell membranes.  相似文献   

Clusterin, a protein associated with multiple functions, is expressed in a wide variety of mammalian tissues. Although clusterin is known to be involved in neurodegenerative diseases, ageing, and tumorigenesis, a detailed analysis of the consequences of gain- or loss-of-function approaches has yet to be performed to understand the underlying mechanisms of clusterin functions. Since clusterin levels change in neurological diseases, it is likely that clusterin contributes to cell death and degeneration in general. Zebrafish was investigated as a model system to study human diseases. During development, zebrafish clusterin was expressed in the notochord and nervous system. Embryonic overexpression of clusterin by mRNA microinjection did not affect axis formation, whereas its knock-down by anti-sense morpholino treatment resulted in neuronal cell death. To analyze the function of clusterin in neurodegeneration, a transgenic zebrafish was investigated, in which nitroreductase expression is regulated under the control of a neuron-specific huC promoter which is active between the stages of early neuronal precursors and mature neurons. Nitroreductase turns metronidazole into a cytotoxic agent that induces cell death within 12 h. After metronidazole treatment, transgenic zebrafish showed neuron-specific cell death. Interestingly, we also observed a dramatic induction of clusterin expression in the brain and spinal cord in these fish, suggesting a direct or indirect role of clusterin in neuronal cell death and thus, more generally, in neurodegeneration.  相似文献   

Abstract: There has been considerable interest and controversy in the relationship between nerve growth factor (NGF) and the cyclic AMP (cAMP) second messenger system. We have used a novel, neuronal cell line (HT4) to investigate the effect of NGF on the adenylyl cyclase signaling system. Treatment of cells with NGF (100 ng/ml 15 min) amplified cAMP accumulation (≈75%) in response to activation of adenosine A2 receptors (5 min) with 5′-N-ethylcarboxamidoadenosine or activation of adenylyl cyclase directly with forskolin. Basal cAMP accumulation was not altered by NGF. This amplification appears to be mediated by activation of protein kinase C (PKC) because (1) it was mimicked by activators (phorbol esters and a diacylglycerol analogue) of PKC, (2) the effects of NGF and phorbol ester on cAMP accumulation were not additive, (3) NGF amplification of cAMP accumulation was abolished by down-regulation of PKC, (4) NGF increased cytosolic PKC activity, and (5) inhibitors of PKC blocked the NGF-induced amplification of cAMP accumulation. Although NGF-induced amplification of cAMP accumulation was dependent upon PKC, mechanisms other than the classic activation pathway (i.e., hydrolysis of inositol phospholipids or the production of diacylglycerol) appeared to mediate PKC activation by NGF. The tyrosine kinase inhibitor, lavendustin A, blocked NGF-mediated amplification of cAMP accumulation, suggesting a novel interaction between a tyrosine kinase and protein kinase C.  相似文献   

Primary cultures of neonatal rat cortical astrocytes contain low cellular levels (about 2 pg/mg of protein) of nerve growth factor (NGF), but secrete significant amounts of NGF into the culture medium (about 540 pg of NGF/mg of cell protein/38-h incubation). Incubation of astrocytes with interleukin-1 (IL-1) increased the cellular content of NGF and the amount secreted by about threefold. In comparison, cerebellar astrocytes secreted significant amounts of NGF, and the secretion was also stimulated by IL-1. The stimulatory action of IL-1 on astrocytes prepared from cortex was dose- and time-dependent. Concentrations of IL-1 causing half-maximal and maximal stimulation of NGF secretion were 1 and 10 U/ml, respectively). Maximal NGF secretion induced by IL-1 (10 U/ml) was seen following 38 h of incubation. The basal secretion of NGF was reduced by about 50% under Ca2(+)-free conditions; however, the percent stimulation of NGF secretion by IL-1 was the same in the absence or presence of Ca2+. The stimulatory action of IL-1 was specific, because other glial growth factors and cytokines were almost ineffective in stimulating NGF secretion from cortical astroglial cells. IL-1 treatment also increased cellular NGF mRNA content twofold. The results indicate that IL-1 specifically triggers a cascade of events, independent of cell growth, which regulate NGF mRNA content and NGF secretion by astrocytes.  相似文献   

Nerve Growth Factor as a Mitogen for a Pancreatic Carcinoid Cell Line   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract: Carcinoid tumors are a group of neuroendocrine neoplasms distributed widely throughout the body but most commonly occurring in the gut. These tumors retain many characteristics of their neural crest origin, including secretion of neuroactive peptides and responsiveness to neurotrophic substances. Nerve growth factor (NGF), a neurotrophic protein involved in maintenance and differentiation of peripheral sympathetic and sensory neurons, regulates growth of several neural tumor cells by inducing a differentiated phenotype and subsequent inhibition of cell growth rate. We examined the actions of NGF in a functioning human pancreatic carcinoid cell line (termed BON). NGF has no effect on the cytoarchitecture or constitutive secretion of bioamines in this carcinoid cell line. NGF, however, stimulates the in vitro cellular proliferation of BON cells. BON cells possess mRNA for the NGF receptors (p75LNGFR and p140trkA) and membrane-associated tyrosine kinase activity is increased in response to NGF. Both the mitogenic activity of NGF, as well as the receptor-linked tyrosine kinase activity, can be abrogated in BON cells by the trkA inhibitor K-252a and specific anti-NGF antibody. Our studies demonstrate that NGF is a mitogen for this carcinoid cell line without effect on cellular phenotype or cytoarchitecture. NGF may play a role in the development and progression of human carcinoid tumors.  相似文献   

PC12 cells possess specific receptors for both nerve growth factor and epidermal growth factor, and by an unknown mechanism, nerve growth factor is able to attenuate the propagation of a mitogenic response to epidermal growth factor. The differentiation response of PC12 cells to nerve growth factor, therefore, predominates over the proliferative response to epidermal growth factor. We have observed that the addition of nerve growth factor to PC12 cells rapidly produces a decrease in surface 125I-epidermal growth factor binding capacity. Unlike previously described nerve growth factor effects on 125I-epidermal growth factor binding capacity, which required several days of nerve growth factor exposure, the decreases we report occur within minutes of nerve growth factor addition: A 50% decrease in 125I-epidermal growth factor binding capacity is evident at 10 min. This rapid nerve growth factor response is concentration dependent; inhibition of 125I-epidermal growth factor binding is detectable at nerve growth factor levels as low as 0.2 ng/ml and is maximal at approximately 50 ng/ml, consistent with known ranges of biological activity. No demonstrable differences in the rate of epidermal growth factor receptor synthesis or degradation were observed in cells acutely exposed to nerve growth factor. Scatchard analysis revealed that acute nerve growth factor treatment decreased the number of both high- and low-affinity 125I-epidermal growth factor binding sites, while the receptor affinity remained unchanged. We have also investigated the involvement of various potential intracellular mediators of nerve growth factor action and of known intracellular modulatory systems of the epidermal growth factor receptor for their capacity to participate in this nerve growth factor activity.  相似文献   

Abstract: Epidermal growth factor (EGF) functions in a bimodal capacity in the nervous system, acting as a mitogen in neuronal stem cells and a neurotrophic factor in differentiated adult neurons. Thus, it is likely that EGF signal transduction, as well as receptor expression, differs among various cell types and possibly in the same cell type at different stages of development. We used hippocampal neuronal cell lines capable of terminal differentiation to investigate changes in EGF receptor expression, DNA synthesis, and stimulation of mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase by EGF before and after differentiation. H19-7, the line that was most representative of hippocampal neurons, was mitogenically responsive to EGF only before differentiation and increased in EGF binding after differentiation. MAP kinase was stimulated by EGF in both undifferentiated and differentiated cells, as well as in primary hippocampal cultures treated with either EGF or glutamate. These results indicate that the activation of MAP kinase by EGF is an early signaling event in both mitotic and postmitotic neuronal cells. Furthermore, these studies demonstrate the usefulness of hippocampal cell lines as a homogeneous neuronal system for studies of EGF signaling or other receptor signaling mechanisms in the brain.  相似文献   

Receptors for the nerve growth factor protein (NGF) have been isolated from three cell types [embryonic chicken sensory neurons (dorsal root sensory ganglia; DRG), rat pheochromocytoma (PC12) and human neuroblastoma (LAN-1) cells] and have been shown to be similar with respect to equilibrium dissociation constants. The present results demonstrate that there are multiple molecular weight species for NGF receptors from DRG neurons and PC12 cells. NGF receptors can be isolated from DRG as four different molecular species of 228, 187, 125, and 112 kilodaltons, and PC12 cells as three molecular species of 203, 118, and 107 kilodaltons. The NGF receptors isolated from DRG show different pH-binding profiles for high- and low-affinity binding. High-affinity binding displays a bell-shaped pH profile with maximum binding between pH 7.0 and 7.9, whereas low-affinity binding is constant between pH 5.0 and 9.1, with a twofold greater binding at pH 3.6. At 22 degrees C, the association rate constant was found to be 9.5 +/- 1.0 X 10(6) M-1 s-1. Two dissociation rate constants were observed. The fast dissociating receptor has a dissociation rate constant of 3.0 +/- 1.5 X 10(-2) s-1, whereas the slow dissociating receptor constant was 2.4 +/- 1.0 X 10(-4) s-1. The equilibrium dissociation constants calculated from the ratio of dissociation to association rate constants are 2.5 X 109-11) M for the high-affinity receptor (type I) and 3.2 X 10(-9) M for the low-affinity receptor (type II). These values are the same as those determined by equilibrium experiments on the isolated receptors.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

介绍了一种灵敏的神经生长因子化学发光免疫测定方法。小鼠神经生长因子(mNGF)的抗体IgG用亲和层析纯化并用吖啶酯标记。该法可用于大鼠组织中NGF含量的测定。方法的灵敏度为10pg/mLNGF;批内批间变异系数分别为8.7%及13.2%;回收率平均为103%。mNGF抗体对人的NGF也有极强的交叉反应,故本方法也可能用于病人血清或脑脊液中NGF含量的测定。  相似文献   

Mammalian nerve growth factor (NGF) and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) are members of a protein family with perfectly conserved domains arranged around the cysteine residues thought to stabilize an invariant three-dimensional scaffold in addition to distinct sequence motifs that convey different neuronal functions. To study their structural and functional conservation during evolution, we have compared NGF and BDNF from a lower vertebrate, the teleost fish Xiphophorus, with the mammalian homologues. Genomic clones encoding fish NGF and BDNF were isolated by cross-hybridization using probes from the cloned mammalian factors. Fish NGF and BDNF were expressed by means of recombinant vaccinia viruses, purified, and their neuronal survival specificities for different classes of neurons were found to mirror those of the mammalian factors. The half-maximal survival concentration for chick sensory neurons was 60 pg/ml for both fish and mammalian purified recombinant BDNF. However, the activity of recombinant fish NGF on both chick sensory and sympathetic neurons was 6 ng/ml, 75-fold lower than that of mouse NGF. The different functional conservation of NGF and BDNF is also reflected in their structures. The DNA-deduced amino acid sequences of processed mature fish NGF and BDNF showed, compared to mouse, 63% and 90% identity, respectively, indicating that NGF had reached an optimized structure later than BDNF. The retrograde extrapolation of these data indicates that NGF and BDNF evolved at strikingly different rates from a common ancestral gene about 600 million years ago. By RNA gel blot analysis NGF mRNA was detected during late embryonic development; BDNF was present in adult brain.  相似文献   

Abstract: When PC12 cells are primed with nerve growth factor (NGF) for periods of ≥1 week, they acquire the ability to regenerate neurites rapidly in response to NGF. It is not known how NGF promotes this regeneration, but it does not require ongoing RNA synthesis. Previous studies have suggested that NGF directs the accumulation of precursor molecules that are rapidly assembled to form the regenerated neurites. To address the nature of these precursor molecules, we have treated PC12 cells with macromolecular synthesis inhibitors during the priming and regeneration phases of neurite growth. Here we show that NGF promotes neurite regeneration by inducing the synthesis of new proteins. These proteins are encoded by short-lived mRNAs that are generated during the NGF priming period. The isolation and identification of these mRNAs will allow a further understanding of how NGF promotes neurite regeneration.  相似文献   

Extracellular proteolysis is considered to be required during neuritic outgrowth to control the adhesiveness between the growing neurite membrane and extracellular matrix proteins. In this work, PC12 nerve cells were used to study the modulation of proteolytic activity during neuronal differentiation. PC12 cells were found to contain and release a 70-75-kDa tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA) and a much less abundant 48-kDa urokinase-type plasminogen activator. A plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI) activity with molecular sizes of 54 and 58 kDa was also detected in PC12 cell conditioned medium and formed high-molecular-mass complexes with released tPA. Release of PAI activity was dependent on treatment with nerve growth factor (NGF), whereas tPA synthesis and release were under control of a cyclic AMP-dependent mechanism and increased on treatment with dibutyryl-cyclic AMP [(But)2cAMP] or cholera toxin. Simultaneous treatment with NGF and (But)2cAMP resulted in increases of both tPA and PAI release and enhancement of tPA-PAI complex formation. The resulting plasminogen activator activity in conditioned medium was high in (But)2cAMP-treated cultures with short neuritic outgrowth but remained low in NGF- or NGF plus (But)2cAMP-treated cultures, where neurite extension was, respectively, large and very large. These results suggest that excess proteolytic activity may be detrimental to neuritic outgrowth and that not only PAI release but also tPA-PAI complex formation is associated with production of large and stable neuritic outgrowth. This can be understood as an involvement of PAI in the protection against neurite-destabilizing proteolytic activity.  相似文献   

Previous work from this laboratory has shown that in PC12 cells the phosphorylation of a specific soluble protein is decreased by nerve growth factor treatment. The protein, designated Nsp100, and its kinase have been separated and partially purified from PC12 cells. In the present work, the tissue distribution of Nsp100 phosphorylation in 5-day-old and adult rats was studied. In adult rats, phosphorylation of an Nsp100-like protein was observed in brain, adrenal gland, testis, and muscle, but not in liver or kidney. In 5-day-old rats, a similar phosphorylation was observed in brain, adrenal gland, superior cervical ganglia, liver, spleen, kidney, and muscle. In PC12 cells, Nsp100 phosphorylation is completely inhibited by 5 X 10(-5) M Zn2+ and is completely inactivated by treatment at 50 degrees C for 2 min. The phosphorylation of the Nsp100-like protein in both adult and 5-day-old rats showed the same characteristics. Partial purification of Nsp100 and Nsp100 kinase from the brains of 5-day-old rats was carried out using the procedures developed for PC12 cells. Nsp100 and Nsp100 kinase were separated on diethylaminoethyl-Sephacel, and the kinase was eluted with 0.3 M NaCl; the same results have previously been obtained with PC12 cells. Phosphorylated Nsp100 from brain and from PC12 cells was compared by proteolysis on sodium dodecyl sulfate gels; similar peptide patterns were generated from the two samples.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Recent studies with sympathetic neurons using radiolabeled nerve growth factor have indicated that a high-molecular-weight covalent complex is formed. This complex is between the nerve growth factor and the high-affinity (type I) receptor and occurs through the formation of a disulfide bond. Studies presented in the present article demonstrate a similar complex is formed on chicken embryonic sensory neurons. The formation of this complex is inhibited by the addition of unlabeled nerve growth factor, metabolic energy inhibitors (dinitrophenol and NaF), and of sulfhydryl reagents. On the other hand, formation of this complex is not inhibited by temperature, or by the addition of insulin or epidermal growth factor. The receptor involved in the covalent complex formation is the high-affinity (type I) receptor. The molecular weight of this complex is approximately 232,000 daltons. Evidence indicates that this covalent complex may be required for the biological activity of the nerve growth factor.  相似文献   

Recombinant human nerve growth factor (rhNGF) was expressed and secreted by Chinese hamster ovary cells and purified to homogeneity using ion-exchange and reversed-phase (RP) chromatography. The isolated product was shown to be consistent with a 120-amino-acid residue polypeptide chain by amino acid composition, sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), RP-HPLC, and mass spectrometry and with an N-terminal sequence consistent with that expected from the cDNA for human nerve growth factor. By size-exclusion chromatography, rhNGF behaves like a noncovalent dimer. Limited enzymatic digests of the 120-residue monomer produced additional species of 118 (trypsin, removal of the C-terminal Arg119-Ala120 sequence) and 117 (trypsin plus carboxypeptidase B, removal of the C-terminal Arg118-Arg119-Ala120 sequence) residues. Each of these species was isolated by high-performance ion-exchange chromatography and characterized by amino acid and N-terminal sequence analyses, SDS-PAGE, RP-HPLC, and mass spectrometry. All three species were present in the digests as both homodimeric and heterodimeric combinations and found to be equipotent in both the chick dorsal root ganglion cell survival and rat pheochromocytoma neurite extension assays.  相似文献   

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