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Lateral diffusion in oriented bilayers of saturated cholesterol-containing phosphatidylcholines, dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine and dimyrilstoylphosphatidylcholine upon their limiting hydration has been studied by NMR with impulse gradient of magnetic field. For both systems, similar dependences of the coefficient of lateral diffusion on temperature and cholesterol concentration were observed, which agree with the phase diagram showing the presence of regions of ordered and unordered liquid-crystalline phases and a two-phase region. Under similar conditions, the coefficient of lateral diffusion for dipalmytoylphosphatidylcholine has lower values, which is in qualitative agreement with its greater molecular mass. A comparison of data for dipalmytoylphosphatidylcholine with the results obtained earlier for dipalmytoylsphyngomyelin/cholesterol under the same conditions shows, despite a similarity in phase diagrams, greater (two- to threefold) differences in the values of the coefficient of lateral diffusion and a different mode of dependence of the coefficient on cholesterol concentration. A comparison of data for dimyrilstoylphosphatidylcholine with the results obtained previously shows that the values of the coefficient of lateral diffusion and the mode of its dependence on cholesterol concentration coincide in the region of higher concentrations (more than 15 mole %) and differ in the region of lower concentrations (below 15 mole %). The discrepancies may be explained by different contents of water in the systems during the measurements. At a limiting hydration (more than 35%) of water, the coefficient of lateral diffusion decreases with increasing cholesterol concentration. If the content of water is about 25% (as a result of equilibrium hydration from vapors), the coefficient of lateral diffusion of phosphatidylcholine is probably independent of cholesterol concentration. This results from a denser packing of molecules in the bilayer at a lower water concentration, an effect that competes with the ordering effect of cholesterol.  相似文献   

A pulsed field gradient NMR was used to study lateral diffusion in the cholesterol-containing oriented bilayers of saturated (dipalmitoyl- and dimyristoyl-) phosphatidylcholines, upon their limiting hydration. Similar dependences of lateral diffusion coefficients on temperature and cholesterol concentration were observed, which agree with phase diagram showing the presence of the regions of disordered and ordered liquid-crystalline phases and a two-phase region. Under the same conditions, the lateral diffusion coefficient of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine is lower, which agrees qualitatively with its larger molecular weight. The comparison of data for dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine with previous results for dipalmitoylsphingomyelin-cholesterol bilayers under the same conditions, in spite of similarity of phase diagrams, shows large (two–three times) differences in the lateral diffusion coefficient and a different profile of its dependence on cholesterol concentration. The comparison of data for dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine with previous results shows that the values of lateral diffusion coefficient and the shape of its dependence on cholesterol concentration coincide at high concentrations (>15 mol%) but differ at lower concentrations The revealed disagreement may be caused by the fact that the measurements were carried out at different water content in the system. At limiting hydration (more than 35% of water), the lateral diffusion coefficient for lipids decreases when cholesterol concentration rises, while at water content about 25% (as a result of equilibrium hydration from vapors) the lateral diffusion coefficient of phosphatidylcholine may be independent of cholesterol concentration. This is the consequence of the denser packing of molecules in the bilayer at reduced water content, an effect that competes with the ordering effect of cholesterol.  相似文献   

Hung WC  Lee MT  Chen FY  Huang HW 《Biophysical journal》2007,92(11):3960-3967
The condensing effect of cholesterol on phospholipid bilayers was systematically investigated for saturated and unsaturated chains, as a function of cholesterol concentration. X-ray lamellar diffraction was used to measure the phosphate-to-phosphate distances, PtP, across the bilayers. The measured PtP increases nonlinearly with the cholesterol concentration until it reaches a maximum. With further increase of cholesterol concentration, the PtP remains at the maximum level until the cholesterol content reaches the solubility limit. The data in all cases can be quantitatively explained with a simple model that cholesterol forms complexes with phospholipids in the bilayers. The phospholipid molecules complexed with cholesterol are lengthened and this lengthening effect extends into the uncomplexed phospholipids surrounding the cholesterol complexes. This long-range thickening effect is similar to the effect of gramicidin on the thickness of lipid bilayers due to hydrophobic matching.  相似文献   

Pulsed field gradient NMR was utilized to directly determine the lipid lateral diffusion coefficient for the following macroscopically aligned bilayers: dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC), sphingomyelin (SM), palmitoyloleoylphosphatidylcholine (POPC), and dioleoylphosphatidylcholine (DOPC) with addition of cholesterol (CHOL) up to approximately 40 mol %. The observed effect of cholesterol on the lipid lateral diffusion is interpreted in terms of the different diffusion coefficients obtained in the liquid ordered (l(o)) and the liquid disordered (l(d)) phases occurring in the phase diagrams. Generally, the lipid lateral diffusion coefficient decreases linearly with increasing CHOL concentration in the l(d) phase for the PC-systems, while it is almost independent of CHOL for the SM-system. In this region the temperature dependence of the diffusion was always of the Arrhenius type with apparent activation energies (E(A)) in the range of 28-40 kJ/mol. The l(o) phase was characterized by smaller diffusion coefficients and weak or no dependence on the CHOL content. The E(A) for this phase was significantly larger (55-65 kJ/mol) than for the l(d) phase. The diffusion coefficients in the two-phase regions were compatible with a fast exchange between the l(d) and l(o) regions in the bilayer on the timescale of the NMR experiment (100 ms). Thus, strong evidence has been obtained that fluid domains (with size of micro m or less) with high molecular ordering are formed within a single lipid bilayer. These domains may play an important role for proteins involved in membrane functioning frequently discussed in the recent literature. The phase diagrams obtained from the analysis of the diffusion data are in qualitative agreement with earlier published ones for the SM/CHOL and DMPC/CHOL systems. For the DOPC/CHOL and the POPC/CHOL systems no two-phase behavior were observed, and the obtained E(A):s indicate that these systems are in the l(d) phase at all CHOL contents for temperatures above 25 degrees C.  相似文献   

P F Almeida  W L Vaz  T E Thompson 《Biochemistry》1992,31(29):6739-6747
The technique of fluorescence recovery after photobleaching is used to perform an extensive study of the lateral diffusion of a phospholipid probe in the binary mixture dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine/cholesterol, above the melting temperature of the phospholipid. In the regions of the phase diagram where a single liquid phase exists, diffusion can be quantitatively described by free volume theory, using a modified Macedo-Litovitz hybrid equation. In the liquid-liquid immiscibility region, the temperature dependence of the diffusion coefficient is in excellent agreement with current theories of generalized diffusivities in composite two-phase media. A consistent interpretation of the diffusion data can be provided based essentially on the idea that the primary effect of cholesterol addition to the bilayer is to occupy free volume. On this basis, a general interpretation of the phase behavior of this mixture is also proposed.  相似文献   

The state of adsorbed water (estimated from the dependence of the shape of the 1H NMR spectrum on the angle between the normal to the bilayers and the direction of the magnetic field) and the diffusion of water molecules in the direction of the normal to the bilayers (estimated by 1H NMR spectroscopy with the impulse gradient of magnetic field) in microscopically oriented dioleoylphosphatidylcholine bilayers have been studied depending on hydration. The dependences of the shape of the NMR spectrum on angle differ qualitatively only at concentrations of water greater and less than the concentration that is achieved upon hydration from saturated vapors chi(eq) (about 23 weight %). At concentrations below chi(eq), all water present in samples enters the hydrate shells of polar "heads" of lipids or is in the state of "rapid exchange" with the water of hydrate shells, with the result that the signal of spin echo for water is observed only in a narrow range of angles close to the "magic angle", 54 degrees C. At concentrations above xhi(eq), the signal of spin echo for water is retained at all orientations, indicating probably that part of water between the bilayers ("quasi-free water") is in the state of a "slow exchange" with water "bound" to polar "heads". It was found that the coefficient of self-diffusion of water across the system of bilayers inversely depends on the degree of hydration, which is described in the Tanner model with consideration of the self-diffusion of water molecules in the hydrophobic moiety of the bilayer. The permeability of the bilayer, the coefficient of distribution of molecules between the water and lipid phases, and the coefficient of self-diffusion of water in the hydrophobic moiety of the bilayer were estimated.  相似文献   

《Biophysical journal》2021,120(20):4525-4535
We performed a series of molecular dynamics simulations of cholesterol (Chol) in nonoxidized 1-palmitoyl-2-linoleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidylcholine (PLPC) bilayer and in binary mixtures of PLPC-oxidized-lipid-bilayers with 0–50% Chol concentration and oxidized lipids with hydroperoxide and aldehyde oxidized functional groups. From the 60 unbiased molecular dynamics simulations (total of 161 μs), we found that Chol inhibited pore formation in the aldehyde-containing oxidized lipid bilayers at concentrations greater than 11%. For both pure PLPC bilayer and bilayers with hydroperoxide lipids, no pores were observed at any Chol concentration. Furthermore, increasing cholesterol concentration led to a change of phase state from the liquid-disordered to the liquid-ordered phase. This condensing effect of Chol was observed in all systems. Data analysis shows that the addition of Chol results in an increase in bilayer thickness. Interestingly, we observed Chol flip-flop only in the aldehyde-containing lipid bilayer but neither in the PLPC nor the hydroperoxide bilayers. Umbrella-sampling simulations were performed to calculate the translocation free energies and the Chol flip-flop rates. The results show that Chol’s flip-flop rate depends on the lipid bilayer type, and the highest rate are found in aldehyde bilayers. As the main finding, we shown that Chol stabilizes the oxidized lipid bilayer by confining the distribution of the oxidized functional groups.  相似文献   

Cholesterol molecules were put into a computer-modeled hydrated bilayer of dimyristoyl phosphatidyl choline molecules, and molecular dynamics simulations were run to characterize the effect of this important molecule on membrane structure and dynamics. The effect was judged by observing differences in order parameters, tilt angles, and the fraction of gauche bonds along the hydrocarbon chains between lipids adjacent to cholesterol molecules and comparing them with those further away. It was observed that cholesterol causes an increase in the fraction of trans dihedrals and motional ordering of chains close to the rigid steroid ring system with a decrease in the kink population. The hydrogen-bonding interactions between cholesterol and lipid molecules were determined from radial distribution calculations and showed the cholesterol hydroxyl groups either solvated by water, or forming hydrogen bond contacts with the oxygens of lipid carbonyl and phosphate groups. The dynamics and conformation of the cholesterol molecules were investigated and it was seen that they had a smaller tilt with respect to the bilayer normal than the lipid chains and furthermore that the hydrocarbon tail of the cholesterol was conformationally flexible.  相似文献   

A Kessel  N Ben-Tal    S May 《Biophysical journal》2001,81(2):643-658
The free energy difference associated with the transfer of a single cholesterol molecule from the aqueous phase into a lipid bilayer depends on its final location, namely on its insertion depth and orientation within the bilayer. We calculated desolvation and lipid bilayer perturbation contributions to the water-to-membrane transfer free energy, thus allowing us to determine the most favorable location of cholesterol in the membrane and the extent of fluctuations around it. The electrostatic and nonpolar contributions to the solvation free energy were calculated using continuum solvent models. Lipid layer perturbations, resulting from both conformational restrictions of the lipid chains in the vicinity of the (rigid) cholesterol backbone and from cholesterol-induced elastic deformations, were calculated using a simple director model and elasticity theory, respectively. As expected from the amphipathic nature of cholesterol and in agreement with the available experimental data, our results show that at the energetically favorable state, cholesterol's hydrophobic core is buried within the hydrocarbon region of the bilayer. At this state, cholesterol spans approximately one leaflet of the membrane, with its OH group protruding into the polar (headgroup) region of the bilayer, thus avoiding an electrostatic desolvation penalty. We found that the transfer of cholesterol into a membrane is mainly driven by the favorable nonpolar contributions to the solvation free energy, whereas only a small opposing contribution is caused by conformational restrictions of the lipid chains. Our calculations also predict a strong tendency of the lipid layer to elastically respond to (thermally excited) vertical fluctuations of cholesterol so as to fully match the hydrophobic height of the solute. However, orientational fluctuations of cholesterol were found to be accompanied by both an elastic adjustment of the surrounding lipids and by a partial exposure of the hydrophobic cholesterol backbone to the polar (headgroup) environment. Our calculations of the molecular order parameter, which reflects the extent of orientational fluctuations of cholesterol in the membrane, are in good agreement with available experimental data.  相似文献   

J J Yin  J B Feix    J S Hyde 《Biophysical journal》1987,52(6):1031-1038
Electron-electron double resonance (ELDOR) and saturation-recovery spectroscopy employing 14N:15N stearic acid spin-label pairs have been used to study the effects of cholesterol on lateral diffusion and vertical fluctuations in lipid bilayers. The 14N:15N continuous wave electron-electron double resonance (CW ELDOR) theory has been developed using rate equations based on the relaxation model. The collision frequency between 14N-16 doxyl stearate and 15N-16 doxyl stearate, WHex (16:16), is indicative of lateral diffusion of the spin probes, while the collision frequency between 14N-16 doxyl stearate and 15N-5 doxyl stearate, WHex (16:5), provides information on vertical fluctuations of the 14N-16 doxyl stearate spin probe toward the membrane surface. Our results show that: (a) cholesterol decreases the electron spin-lattice relaxation time Tle of 14N-16 doxyl stearate spin label in dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) and egg yolk phosphatidylcholine (egg PC). (b) Cholesterol increases the biomolecular collision frequency WHex (16:16) and decreases WHex (16:5), suggesting that incorporation of cholesterol significantly orders the part of the bilayer that it occupies and disorders the interior region of the bilayer. (c) Alkyl chain unsaturation of the host lipid moderates the effect of cholesterol on both vertical fluctuations and lateral diffusion of 14N-16 doxyl stearate. And (d), there are marked differences in the effects of cholesterol on lateral diffusion and vertical fluctuations between 0-30 mol% and 30-50 mol% of cholesterol that suggest an inhomogeneous distribution of cholesterol in the membrane.  相似文献   

This paper describes the effect of tributyltin (TBT) on the inorganic anion permeability of lipid bilayers. When this compound is added in micromolar concentrations to one or both sides of a phosphatidyl ethanolamine (PE) membrane formed in 0.1 M NaCl or KCl (pH 7), there is no change in the electrical conductance. Under these circumstances, the Cl self-exchange flux measured with 36Cl (MCl) increases from a value of approximately 10(-12) mol.cm-2.s-1, to approximately 10(-8) mol.cm-2.s-1. It was further found that the relation between chloride flux and [TBT] and [Cl] can be described as: MCl = B[TBT] [Cl]. When chloride was replaced by an equimolar concentration of different univalent anions in the trans compartment, the heteroexchange flux of chloride followed the sequence: I greater than Br greater than Cl greater than F greater than NO3. Under all experimental conditions tested, the chloride flux was always more than 10(3) times the maximum flux predicted from the value of the membrane conductance, and at least 100 times higher than the expected fluxes of ion pairs (TBT-Cl) diffusing across the unstirred layers. Thus, the mechanism by which tributyltin increases anion permeability in bilayers seems to be that of an obligatory exchange diffusion, with the reaction between tributyltin and the halides occurring at the membrane surface. Measurements of interfacial potentials indicate that tributyltin chloride lowers the positive intrinsic dipole potential of PE membranes by approximately 70 mV (at a TBT concentration of 30 microM) without substantial alteration of other parameters of the bilayer. The estimated adsorption coefficient of TBT-Cl was found to be 3 x 10(-4) cm.  相似文献   

Lateral organization of cholesterol in dioleoyl-phosphatidylcholine (DOPC) lipid bilayers at high cholesterol concentration (>45 mol%) was investigated using steady-state fluorescence anisotropy and fluorescent resonance energy transfer techniques. The recently devised Low Temperature Trap method was used to prepare compositionally uniform cholesterol/DOPC liposomes to avoid the problem of lipid demixing. The fluorescence anisotropy of diphenylhexatrience chain-labeled phosphatidylcholine (DPH-PC) in these liposomes exhibited local maxima at cholesterol mol fractions of 0.50 and 0.57, and a sharp drop at 0.67. For the liposomes labeled with both dehydroergosterol and DPH-PC, the fluorescent resonance energy transfer efficiency from dehydroergosterol to DPH-PC displayed a steep jump at cholesterol mol fraction of 0.5, and dips at 0.57 and 0.68. These results indicate the presence of highly ordered cholesterol regular distribution domains at those observed critical compositions. The observed critical mol fraction at 0.67 agreed favorably with the solubility limit of cholesterol in DOPC bilayers as independently measured by light scattering and optical microscopy. The regular distribution at 0.57 was previously predicted from a Monte Carlo simulation based on the Umbrella model. The results strongly support the hypothesis that the primary requirement for cholesterol-phospholipid mixing is that the polar phospholipid headgroups need to cover the nonpolar body of cholesterol to avoid the exposure of cholesterol to water.  相似文献   

Saturated phosphatidylcholine (PC) bilayers display a rippled surface in the temperature region between the pre- and main transitions. Ripple repeat distance was measured from freeze-fracture electron micrographs. All of the lipids examined (C13PC to C16PC; C14C16PC and equimolar C14PC/C16PC) showed a bimodal distribution of ripple repeat distances with the two dominant values being in the ratio of 1:2. Within this series, chain length was a weak determinant of the actual repeat distance. The introduction of increasing concentrations of cholesterol eliminated the bimodal distribution and led to the appearance of a single distribution of increasing repeat distance and decreasing amplitude. Ripples disappeared above a cholesterol concentration of 15 mol%. These observations are discussed within the framework of a model which links the genesis of the ripples (vertical displacement of lipid molecules) to the trans-gauche isomerization known to occur at the pre-transition.  相似文献   

Cholesterol is an important molecular component of the plasma membranes of mammalian cells. Its precursor in the sterol biosynthetic pathway, lanosterol, has been argued by Konrad Bloch (Bloch, K. 1965. Science. 150:19-28; 1983. CRC Crit. Rev. Biochem. 14:47-92; 1994. Blonds in Venetian Paintings, the Nine-Banded Armadillo, and Other Essays in Biochemistry. Yale University Press, New Haven, CT.) to also be a precursor in the molecular evolution of cholesterol. We present a comparative study of the effects of cholesterol and lanosterol on molecular conformational order and phase equilibria of lipid-bilayer membranes. By using deuterium NMR spectroscopy on multilamellar lipid-sterol systems in combination with Monte Carlo simulations of microscopic models of lipid-sterol interactions, we demonstrate that the evolution in the molecular chemistry from lanosterol to cholesterol is manifested in the model lipid-sterol membranes by an increase in the ability of the sterols to promote and stabilize a particular membrane phase, the liquid-ordered phase, and to induce collective order in the acyl-chain conformations of lipid molecules. We also discuss the biological relevance of our results, in particular in the context of membrane domains and rafts.  相似文献   

Dielectric relaxation measurements were performed on two enantiomers, d- and l-arabinose and their equimolar mixture, and compared to dielectric data obtained for d-ribose. d-Arabinose differs from d-ribose by having the opposite configuration at C2. This study reveals that both d- and l- of arabinose exhibit α-relaxation peaks with the same shape for the same α-relaxation time τα, and the same steepness index for the Tg-scale T-dependence of τα. However, the two isomers have slightly different glass transition temperatures Tg’s, and their secondary γ-relaxation times also differ slightly from the previously observed γ-relaxation in d-ribose at the same temperature. However, when samples of both investigated monosaccharides are annealed at higher temperatures, their glass transition temperatures become nearly identical. This is an effect of the mutarotation process, which leads to the formation of pairs of the enantiomers and accordingly they should have the same physical properties. The width of the α-relaxation of d- and l-arabinose is broader than that of d-ribose, as reflected by the smaller stretch exponent in the Kohlrausch-Williams-Watts function used to fit the data of the former (βKWW = 0.46 ± 0.01) than the latter (βKWW = 0.55 ± 0.01). The width of the α-relaxation of racemic mixture of the d- and l-arabinose is slightly broader than that of the pure isomers. While the dielectric loss data of d-ribose in the glassy state at ambient and elevated pressures show an inflexion indicating the presence of the JG β-relaxation, the data of d- and l-arabinose show no such feature for identification of the supposedly universal JG β-relaxation. Nevertheless, on comparing the loss spectra of d-arabinose with that of d-ribose, the presence of the JG β-relaxation in d-arabinose has been rationalized.  相似文献   

F Liu  I P Sugar    P L Chong 《Biophysical journal》1997,72(5):2243-2254
We have examined the fractional sterol concentration dependence of dehydroergosterol (DHE) fluorescence in DHE/cholesterol/dimyristoyl-L-alpha-phosphatidylcholine (DMPC), DHE/ergosterol/DMPC and DHE/cholesterol/dipalmitoyl-L-alpha-phosphatidylcholine (DPPC) liquid-crystalline bilayers. Fluorescence intensity and lifetime exhibit local minima (dips) whenever the total sterol mole fraction, irrespective of the DHE content, is near the critical mole fractions predicted for sterols being regularly distributed in hexagonal superlattices. This result provides evidence that all three of these naturally occurring sterols (e.g., cholesterol, ergosterol, and DHE) can be regularly distributed in the membrane and that the bulky tetracyclic ring of the sterols is the cause of regular distribution. Moreover, at the critical sterol mole fractions, the steady-state anisotropy of DHE fluorescence and the calculated rotational relaxation times exhibit distinct peaks, suggesting that membrane free volume reaches a local minimum at critical sterol mole fractions. This, combined with the well-known sterol condensing effect on lipid acyl chains, provides a new understanding of how variations in membrane sterol content change membrane free volume. In addition to the fluorescence dips/peaks corresponding to hexagonal superlattices, we have observed intermediate fluorescence dips/peaks at concentrations predicted by the centered rectangular superlattice model. However, the 22.2 mol% dip for centered rectangular superlattices in DHE/ergosterol/DMPC mixtures becomes diminished after long incubation (4 weeks), whereas on the same time frame the 22.2 mol% dip in DHE/cholesterol/DMPC mixtures remains discernible, suggesting that although all three of these sterols can be regularly distributed, subtle differences in sterol structure cause changes in lateral sterol organization in the membrane.  相似文献   

The solubilization of biological membranes by detergents has been used as a major method for the isolation and purification of membrane proteins and other constituents. Considerable interest in this field has resulted from the finding that different components can be solubilized selectively. Certain membrane constituents are incorporated into small micelles, whereas others remain in the so-called detergent-resistant membrane domains that are large enough to be separated by centrifugation. The detergent-resistant fractions contain an elevated percentage of cholesterol, and thus its interaction with specific lipids and proteins may be key for membrane organization and regulation of cellular signaling events.This report focuses on the solubilization process induced by the sucrose monoester of myristic acid, β-d-fructofuranosyl-6-O-myristyl-α-d-glucopyranoside (MMS), a nonionic detergent. We studied the effect of the head group and the cholesterol content on the process. 1-Palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (POPC) and dioctadecyl-dimethyl-ammonium chloride (DODAC) vesicles were used, and the solubilization process was followed using Laurdan (6-dodecanoyl-2-dimethylaminonaphthalene) generalized polarization (GP) measurements, carried out in the cuvette and in the 2-photon microscope.Our results indicate that: (i) localization of the MMS moieties in the lipid bilayer depends on the characteristics of the lipid polar head group and influences the solubilization process. (ii) Insertion of cholesterol molecules into the lipid bilayer protects it from solubilizaton and (iii) the microscopic mechanism of solubilization by MMS implies the decrease in size of the individual liposomes.  相似文献   

Tran R  Ho S  Dea P 《Biophysical chemistry》2004,110(1-2):39-47
Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and fluorescence spectroscopy are useful techniques for investigating the phase transitions of phospholipid bilayers. In this study, these methods have been extended to determine the effects of ethanol on DSPC and DSPC/2 mol.% cholesterol bilayers. The biphasic effect of the main transition was observed on the DSC heating scans above 0.60 M ethanol. In addition, the concentration at which the biphasic effect occurs is not significantly changed in the presence of 2 mol.% cholesterol. For the fluorescence studies, 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene (DPH) has been incorporated into the bilayer to monitor the phase transitions through the displacement of DPH. This fluorescent probe is used to directly determine the onset of interdigitation in the bilayer systems as indicated by a large decrease in the DPH fluorescence intensity. The addition of cholesterol lowered and broadened the transition temperatures of the phosphatidylcholine (PC) system. However, 2 mol.% cholesterol did not have a significant effect on the induction of the interdigitated phase in DSPC as observed from the small difference in ethanol threshold concentration for the two systems. This suggests that DSPC forms a more stable interdigitated gel phase than other PCs with shorter acyl chains.  相似文献   

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