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The gerreid species,Gerres baconensis (Evermann &; Seale),G. equulus Temminck &; Schlegel andG. oyena (Forsskål), were re-assessed as valid following examination of their holotypes and other specimens, and included in the “G. oyena complex”.Gerres haconensis is currently known only from Bacon, Luzon Island, Philippines and the Ogasawara (=Bonin) Islands, Japan, andG. equulus only from southern Japan (except Ryukyu Islands) and southern Korea.Gerres oyena is widely distributed in the Indo-West Pacific (in Japan, only from the Ryukyu Islands).Gerres baconensis differs from bothG. equulus andG. oyena in having higher counts of both the pored lateral line scales (39–42 vs 35–41 in the latter two species) and the lower gill raker series (8 or 9 vs. usually 7). A U-shaped premaxillary groove, formed on the dorsum of the forehead by the long ascending processes of the premaxillae, is scaleless inG. equulus andG. oyena, whereas it is fully scaled just behind the level of the posterior nostrils inG. baconensis over ca. 160 mm in standard length (SL) (partially scaled in specimens of ca. 100 mm SL).Gerres equulus differs fromG. oyena in having the posterior margin of the maxilla not extending beyond a vertical through the anterior margin of the inner dermal eye opening, shorter second dorsal and anal fin spines (means 18.5% and 8.5% of SL, respectively vs. 21.2% and 10.3% of SL), lower body depth at first anal fin spine base (27.0% vs. 29.6% of SL) and dorsomedial U-shaped groove scaleles throughout life (vs. tiny squamation anteriorly in specimens over ca. 130 mm SL). OtherGerres species of uncertain status and/or related species are discussed.  相似文献   

We describe a new species of Telmatobius from the Pacific slopes of the Andes in central Peru. Specimens were collected at 3900 m elevation near Huaytará, Huancavelica, in the upper drainage of the Pisco river. The new species has a snout–vent length of 52.5 ± 1.1 mm (49.3–55.7 mm, n = 6) in adult females, and 48.5 mm in the single adult male. The new species has bright yellow and orange coloration ventrally and is readily distinguished from all other central Peruvian Andean species of Telmatobius but Telmatobius intermedius by having vomerine teeth but lacking premaxillary and maxillary teeth, and by its slender body shape and long legs. The new species differs from Telmatobius intermedius by its larger size, flatter head, and the absence of cutaneous keratinized spicules (present even in immature females of Telmatobius intermedius), and in males by the presence of minute, densely packed nuptial spines on dorsal and medial surfaces of thumbs (large, sparsely packed nuptial spines in Telmatobius intermedius). The hyper-arid coastal valleys of Peru generally support low species richness, particularly for groups such as aquatic breeding amphibians. The discovery of a new species in this environment, and along a major highway crossing the Andes, shows that much remains to be done to document amphibian diversity in Peru.  相似文献   

We describe a new species of small tree frog from northern Vietnam based on morphological differences and molecular divergence. Gracixalus waza sp. nov. is distinguishable from its congeners and other small rhacophorid species on the basis of a combination of the following characters: (1) size small (snout-vent length of males 27.1–32.9 mm, of females 37.6 mm); (2) head as wide as or wider than long; (3) vomerine teeth absent; (4) snout rounded and long (16–18 % of the snout-vent length); (5) spines on upper eyelid absent; (6) tibiotarsal projection absent; (7) dorsal skin smooth; (8) dermal fringes on forearm and tarsus absent; (9) dorsal surface of head and body greyish-green to moss-green with dark brown pattern forming an inverse Y marking; and (10) throat and chest with dark marbling. Our molecular data showed that the new species is nested in the same group with Gracixalus jinxiuensis sensu lato.  相似文献   

A new species, Leptopus marusiki Vinokurov, sp. n., of the family Leptopodidae is described from northern India (Himachal Pradesh State). The new species is closely related to the Western Palaearctic L. hispanus Rambur, 1840, which is distinguished by a dark transverse spot on the apical part of the corium and the pale colored femora. The known Indian Leptopus species are distributed in the south and characterized by the following features: L. decus Drake, 1955 has the brown body and long 1st antennal segment; the lower part of the head of L. scutulus Drake, 1954 bears 4 very long spines, the fore femur bears 2 rows of very long spines (5 in each row). L. travancorensis Distant, 1910 differs in the paler coloration; the 1st and 2nd antennal segments, collar and posterior margin of the pronotum, and legs are ochreous.  相似文献   

描述了湖南冬青一新种,壶果冬青(Ilex urceolatus C.B.Shang,K.S.Tang et D.Q.Du,sp.nov.)该种与细刺冬青(I.hylonoma Hu et Tang)和华中刺冬青(I.centrochinensis S.Y.Hu)有些相似,但其具有独特的特征与后两种有明显的区别,主要是新种叶缘波状,两側具10~19对尖锐细刺,果较大,宽9~12 mm,长11~17 mm,呈壶形,不为球形或近球形。该种发现于湖南涟源市金石镇栗坪村,2009年11月8日由杜多青和唐开山采集。模式标本(Holotype 2009118,NF)保存在南京林业大学标本室。  相似文献   

A new cottid species,Icelus ecornis, is described on the basis of 31 specimens collected from 159–226 m in the southwestern Okhotsk Sea off Hokkaido, Japan. It is distinguished from all other members of the genusIcelus by the following combination of characters: no supraocular and parietal spines; short blunt nuchal spine; cirri absent from head and body, except for supraocular, parietal and nuchal regions; platelike scales of dorsal row bearing 6–10 long uniform spinules; tubular lateral line scales bearing small spines on dorsal and posterior margins; large oval black spot on first dorsal fin; 16–20 anal fin rays.  相似文献   

Six kinorhynchs were found in the stomachs of the Argentine red shrimp, Pleoticus mulleri (Bate, 1888) from the Argentine coast of Patagonia. Three new species are described: Condyloderes storchi n. sp., Pycnophyes argentinensis n. sp. and P. neuhausi n. sp. A fourth species, Kinorhynchus anomalus Lang, 1953 was previously known only from the coast of Chile. This is the third known record of kinorhynchs documented as a food source. Condyloderes storchi, n. sp. is the fourth new species in this genus. It is distinguished by its paradorsal cuspidate spines on segments 7 and 9, lateral accessory and ventrolateral spines on segments 3, 6, 7, 10 and 11. P. argentinensis, n. sp. has nearly equal sternal width for segments 3–11 (about 7% of the trunk length), episternal plates with three distinct areas along the anterior margin, mid-sternal plate with even margin, mid-dorsal spinose protrusions along the terminal borders of segments 11 and 12, and lateral terminal spines 176 μm long, about 21% of trunk length. P. neuhausi, n. sp.has a prominent posterior elongation of the tergal plate of segment 3, uneven lateral margins of the mid-sternal plate, a maximum sternal width at segment 3, no mid-dorsal spinose processes and mid-ventral thickenings on segments 10–12.  相似文献   

The morphology of relaxed cystacanths of polymorphid acanthocephalans collected from notothenioid fishes in the Beagle Channel (Magellanic subregion of sub-Antarctica) is described. A parasite of birds, Andracantha baylisi (Zdzitowiecki, 1986), was found in Patagonotothen longipes and Champsocephalus esox. It has: a proboscis 0.82–0.89 mm long; a proboscis hook formula of 16 rows of 9/10–10/11, including 4–5 basal hooks; distal hooks with the longest blades; a fore-trunk not separated from the hind-trunk by a constriction; large somatic spines arranged in two zones separated by a zone of small, loosely dispersed spines; and only the anterior 36–40% of ventral side of the trunk is covered with spines. One male specimen of Corynosoma sp. was found in Patagonotothen tessellata. It differs from A. baylisi in that the distal proboscis hooks are similar in length to the prebasal hooks, it has a smaller proboscis (0.77 mm) and in the distribution of the somatic spines, which are contiguous with the genital spines on the ventral side of the trunk and lack a zone of small spines between zones of larger spines. A parasite of seals and fur seals, Corynosoma evae Zdzitowiecki, 1984, was found in P. longipes and Champsocephalus esox. It has: a proboscis 0.61–0.78 mm long; a proboscis hook formula of 20–22 rows of 12–13, including 3/4–4 basal hooks; prebasal hooks with the longest blades; a trunk divided into fore-trunk and hind-trunk; somatic spines covering the anterior 64–74% of the ventral side of the trunk; genital spines present only in males; and a terminal genital opening in both sexes. Corynosoma beaglense n. sp. was found in Champsocephalus esox. It has: an almost cylindrical proboscis (length 0.52–0.56 mm); a proboscis hook formula of 16 rows of 9/10–10/11, including 4–4/5 basal hooks; distal hooks shorter than the prebasal hooks; a fore-trunk not separated from the hind-trunk by a constriction; somatic spines contiguous with the genital spines on the ventral side of the trunk of the male and covering the entire length of the ventral side of the female trunk, and the presence of genital spines surrounding the terminal genital pore of the male. The definitive host of this species is unknown.  相似文献   

A new species of coral, Favia camranensis sp. n., from the Hon Nai reef, Cam Ranh Bay, in southern Vietnam is described. This coral differs from all known faviids in that its corallites project one above another by more than 2 mm. The septa and septa-costae are heavily ornamented with complexly serrated trabecular spines. This coral can form monospecific aggregations of 5–20 colonies.  相似文献   

The morphology of juvenile and adult stages of Acanthostomum spiniceps and A. absconditum, from bagrid fish of the river Nile in Egypt, was studied with both light and scanning electron microscopy. In early juveniles, circumoral spines are absent and the entire body surface is covered with tegumental spines. Late juveniles show gradual differentiation of the circumoral tegument into a collar of spines associated with a reduction in density of tegumental spines at the posterior extremity of the body. Genital primordia appear when juveniles are about 1.75 mm long. The distributions of tegumental spines on adult A. spiniceps and A. absconditum are similar. Spines are denser on the dorsal and ventral surfaces of the anterior and middle parts of the body and less dense towards the posterior end. The tegumental fold surrounding the ventral sucker of A. absconditum has spines while the fold of A. spiniceps lacks them. The most important morphological features differentiating both species are the number of circumoral spines, body shape, ratio of body length to width, sucker sizes, and the presence or absence of spines on the ventral sucker.  相似文献   

Acanthoparyphium shinanense n. sp. (Digenea: Echinostomatidae) is described from chicks experimentally infected with the metacercariae encysted in 2 brackish water clam species, Ruditapes philippinarum and Coecella chinensis, in the Republic of Korea. The metacercariae were round to oval, armed with 23 collar spines, and 0.216 (0.203–0.226) mm in diameter. From 5 chicks experimentally infected each with 200 metacercariae, 34 juvenile (5-day-old worms) and 104 adult flukes (7-day-old worms) were harvested from their small intestines, with the average worm recovery rate of 13.8%. The adult flukes were 3.18 (2.89–3.55) mm long and 0.68 (0.61–0.85) mm wide, with an elongated, posteriorly tapering body, and a prominent head collar armed with 23 collar spines arranged in a single uninterrupted row. The posterior testis of A. shinanense was longitudinally elongated, which is similar to Acanthoparyphium spinulosum Johnston, 1917 but unique from the other closely related species, including Acanthoparyphium tyosenense Yamaguti, 1939, Acanthoparyphium kurogamo Yamaguti, 1939, and Acanthoparyphium marilae Yamaguti, 1934. The eggs of A. shinanense were larger than those of A. spinulosum, and the anterior extent of 2 lateral groups of vitellaria was slightly more limited in A. shinanense than in A. spinulosum. Molecular analysis of nuclear and mitochondrial genes revealed low homology with A. spinulosum from USA (96.1% in 5.8S rRNA) and Ukraine (97.9% in 28S rRNA), Acanthoparyphium n. sp. from USA (98.0% in 28S rRNA), and Acanthoparyphium sp. from Australia, Kuwait, and New Zealand. Biological characteristics, including its first intermediate host and natural definitive hosts, as well as its zoonotic capability, should be elucidated.  相似文献   

A new kinorhynch genus, Meristoderes gen. nov., and two new species from Spain and the Solomon Islands, respectively, are described. The new genus is distinguished from all other genera by the first segment consisting of a closed cuticular ring, and the second segment having partial tergosternal junctions, and a superficial midventral fold. This is a new cuticular configuration that may shed light into the phylogenetic relationships of echinoderid kinorhynchs. Meristoderes macracanthus gen. et sp. nov. from the Mediterranean coast of Spain is recognised by the presence of middorsal spines on segments 4, 6 and 8, ventrolateral tubules on segment 2, lateroventral tubules on segment 5, lateroventral spines on segments 6-9, lateral accessory tubules on segment 8, one pair of laterodorsal tubules on segment 10. Meristoderes galatheae sp. nov. from the Solomon Islands is recognized by having a middorsal spine on segment 4 only, ventrolateral tubules on segment 2, lateroventral tubules on segment 5, lateroventral spines on segments 6-9, lateral accessory tubules on segment 8 and subdorsal tubules on segment 10. Both species have a pattern of paraventral perforation site clusters on segments 3-9, with conspicuously long bracteate hairs from the posteriormost perforations sites on the segments 3-7 and 3-6, respectively.The new genus Meristoderes gen. nov. is included into the family Echinoderidae Bütschli, 1876 and appears closely related with the genera Cephalorhyncha Adrianov, 1999 and Echinoderes Claparède, 1863. The new information it provides is discussed to clarify the internal phylogeny of Echinoderidae. The terminology for cuticular characters in the overlapping area between consecutive segments is also standardized.  相似文献   

One new kinorhynch genus and species and one new species from the genus Zelinkaderes are described from sandy sediment off Fort Pierce, Florida. The new genus and species, Tubulideres seminoli gen. et sp. nov. is characterized by the presence of the first trunk segment consisting of a closed ring, the second segment of a bent tergal plate with a midventral articulation and the following nine segments consisting of a tergal and two sternal plates. Cuspidate spines are not present, but flexible tubules are located on several segments, and in particular concentrated on the ventral side of the second segment. Middorsal spines are present on all trunk segments and are alternatingly offset to a position slightly lateral to the middorsal line. Zelinkaderes brightae nov. sp. is characterized by its spine formula in having middorsal spines on trunk segments 4, 6 and 8–11, lateroventral acicular spines on segment 2, lateral accessory cuspidate spines on segments 2 and 8, ventrolateral cuspidate spines on segments 4–6 and 9, lateroventral acicular spines present on segments 8 and 9, and midterminal, lateral terminal and lateral terminal accessory spines on segment 11. The spine formula of Z. brightae nov. sp. places it in a position in between Z. submersus and a clade consisting of Z. klepali and Z. floridensis. The new findings on Z. brightae nov. sp. have led us to propose an emended diagnosis for the genus.  相似文献   

Morphological characteristics, as well as ultrastructure of pollen grains, chromosome numbers and karyotype analysis have been used to establish a new species of Saussurea from the Qinghai–Tibetan plateau. The new species, Saussurea pseudograminea Y. F. Wang, G. Z. Du et Y. S. Lian is easily distinguished from the similar S. graminea Dunn by having 2–3 capitula, involucre 0.7–1.2 cm in diameter, smaller pollen grains, pollen surface with larger and denser spines, achenes 4.0–5.5 mm long, 32 chromosomes, and a karyotype formula 2n = 2x = 32 = 18m + 10sm + 4st, whereas S. graminea has solitary capitula, involucre 1.2–2.0 cm in diameter, larger pollen grains, pollen surface with smaller and sparser spines, achenes 3–4 mm long, 28 chromosomes and a karyotype formula 2n = 2x = 28 = 6m + 20sm + 2st. The new species is distributed in Dianzhangou, Awanchang, and Gamaliang mountain regions of Maqu county in Gansu province.  相似文献   

The growth and morphological development of larval and juvenileEpinephelus bruneus were examined in a hatchery-reared series. Average body length (BL) of newly-hatched larvae was 1.99 mm, the larvae growing to an average of 3.96 mm by day 10, 6.97 mm by day 20, 12.8 mm by day 30, 22.1 mm by day 40 and 24.7 mm by day 45 after hatching. Newly-hatched larvae had many mucous cells in the entire body epidermis. By about 4 mm BL, the larvae had developed pigment patterns peculiar to epinepheline fishes, including melanophores on the dorsal part of the gut, on the tips of the second dorsal and pelvic fin spines, and in a cluster on the ventral surface of the tail. Spinelets on the second dorsal and pelvic fin spines, the preopercular angle spine and the supraocular spine, had started to develop by about 6 mm BL. The notochord tip was in the process of flexion in larvae of 6–8 mm BL, by which time major spines, pigments and jaw teeth had started to appear. Fin ray counts had attained the adult complement at 10 mm BL. After larvae reached 17 mm BL, elements of juvenile coloration in the form of more or less densely-pigmented patches started to appear on the body. Squamation started at 20 mm BL. Major head spines had disappeared or became relatively smaller and lost their serrations by 20–25 mm BL.  相似文献   

A new platycephalid,Thysanophrys papillaris, is described on the basis of six specimens (78–121 mm SL) collected from the Andaman Sea and off northern Australia (Timor and Arafura Seas). This new species can be distinguished from other congeners by the following combination of characters: presence of a single short papilla on upper surface of eye, longer snout, smaller body scales. 11 second dorsal-fin rays and 12 anal-fin rays, presence of four or more suborbital spines usually, branched short iris lappet, ctenoid lateral-line scales and interopercle not extended posteroventrally.  相似文献   

Two new species of Eurycestus Clark 1954 are described from the American avocet Recuruirostra americana Gmelin 1788. Eurycestus is a genus of disproportionately wide cestodes in which suckers and rostellum are apparently wanting and which have complete duplication of reproductive system in each segment. The new species E. falciformis and E. latissimus spp. nov. differ from E. avoceti Clark 1954; E. falciformis resembles E. avoceti as figured in Clark's (1954) plate I, E. latisrimus resembles E. avoceti as depicted in Clark's (1954) plate II, but the three species differ, the diagnostic characters being shape of the strobila, size of the cirrus-sac, number of testes and armature of the cirrus, the last mentioned being the most easily recognized constant differentiating character. E. latissimus measuring up to 33 mm broad, and less than 1 mm in length, has, in each side, 31–44 testes, a cirrus-sac 333–447 μm long by 45–47 μm in diameter and a cirrus with 14–16 longitudinal rows of strong rose-thorn-shaped spines, measuring 7 μm high; while E. falciformis, 12–20 mm wide by 1.7-2.4 mm long has, in each side, 27–35 testes, a cirrus-sac 355-320 μm long and 43-35 μm in diameter with a cirrus armed with 20–24 longitudinal rows of slender spines 4.5 μm long. In the holotype of E. avoceti the cirrus-sac measures 240–260 μm long by 55-51 μm in diameter and the cirrus is armed with over 40 longitudinal rows of minute spines 1.5-2 μm long. It also shows a reticulate uterus but the number of testes cannot be determined in it. A young avocet (R. auosetta) taken in the Camargue in the south of france was found by Baer (1968) to contain free, scolex-less strobilae which he identified as E. avoceti Clark in addition to separate scoleces embedded in the intestinal mucosa. He considered that the scoleces, dilepidid in type, belonged to the free strobilae, which if correct, adds to our knowledge of E. avoceti Clark and assigns this cestode to the Dilepidinae.  相似文献   

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