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Understanding alternative splicing: towards a cellular code   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In violation of the 'one gene, one polypeptide' rule, alternative splicing allows individual genes to produce multiple protein isoforms - thereby playing a central part in generating complex proteomes. Alternative splicing also has a largely hidden function in quantitative gene control, by targeting RNAs for nonsense-mediated decay. Traditional gene-by-gene investigations of alternative splicing mechanisms are now being complemented by global approaches. These promise to reveal details of the nature and operation of cellular codes that are constituted by combinations of regulatory elements in pre-mRNA substrates and by cellular complements of splicing regulators, which together determine regulated splicing pathways.  相似文献   

Pig (pCSD1) and human (hCSD1) calpastatin domain 1 proteins were studied to characterize common features of the denatured state of proteins. These proteins were chosen for the present investigation, because pCSD1 was suggested previously to be unstructured in water even at 25 degrees C (1) [T. Konno et al., Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1342 (1997) 73-82]. hCSD1 could be expected to exhibit similar features on the basis of preliminary spectroscopic studies. In the present study, the experimental grounds for the estimate of residual structure in the unfolded state were differential scanning calorimetry heat capacity and circular dichroism (CD) measurements over the temperature range 10-80 degrees C. At selected temperatures, we studied also the effect of guanidinium hydrochloride (GdnHCl) which is known to promote further unfolding of the polypeptide chain. All other measurements were performed at pH 6 in pure water. The present results support the conclusion that the comparison of the experimentally obtained heat capacity data with theoretical heat capacity values calculated on the basis of a newly established increment system gives insight into the degree of hydration of the unfolded polypeptide chain. The percentage by which the experimental heat capacity of the unfolded polypeptide chain differs from the calculated heat capacity permits a quantitative estimate of the residual structure. This estimate is in good agreement with that based on CD absorption. The heat capacity approach has the advantage of comparing fully hydrated and partially hydrated residues in the same aqueous environment, whereas for example spectroscopic measurements, such as CD, are generally referred to the fully unfolded chain in concentrated urea or GdnHCl solutions. As the unfolded chains of pCSD1 and hCSD1 exhibit a smaller heat capacity than that calculated on the new peptide-based increment system [M. H?ckel et al., J. Mol. Biol. 291 (1999) 197-213], we conclude that the residues in the unfolded polypeptide chain are less hydrated than the same residues in oligopeptides. This suboptimal hydration is the result of residual structure in the chain as observed in both CD and heat capacity measurements.  相似文献   

Recent advances in next-generation sequencing technologies have revealed that cellular functional RNAs are not always expressed as single entities with fixed terminal sequences but as multiple isoforms bearing complex heterogeneity in both length and terminal sequences, such as isomiRs, the isoforms of microRNAs. Unraveling the biogenesis and biological significance of heterogenetic RNA expression requires distinctive analysis of each RNA variant. Here, we report the development of dumbbell PCR (Db-PCR), an efficient and convenient method to distinctively quantify a specific individual small RNA variant. In Db-PCR, 5′- and 3′-stem–loop adapters are specifically hybridized and ligated to the 5′- and 3′-ends of target RNAs, respectively, by T4 RNA ligase 2 (Rnl2). The resultant ligation products with ‘dumbbell-like’ structures are subsequently quantified by TaqMan RT-PCR. We confirmed that high specificity of Rnl2 ligation and TaqMan RT-PCR toward target RNAs assured both 5′- and 3′-terminal sequences of target RNAs with single nucleotide resolution so that Db-PCR specifically detected target RNAs but not their corresponding terminal variants. Db-PCR had broad applicability for the quantification of various small RNAs in different cell types, and the results were consistent with those from other quantification method. Therefore, Db-PCR provides a much-needed simple method for analyzing RNA terminal heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Plant and Soil - Soil microbiome roles in agriculture is becoming more and more important. This importance is also reflected on the way plants are seen: complex organisms formed by the plant itself...  相似文献   

Europium and other lanthanides can be excitated with UV-radiation, whereafter the energy is released as fluorescence, delayed in time up to 1 ms after the excitation. Eu can be used as a sensitive label in biological assays. Here we report on the application of time-resolved fluorometry to detect nucleic acid hybrids. The probe DNA was tagged with a hapten, either a fluorene or a sulfone group. After hybridization the probe DNA was detected by a two-step immunological assay with the second antibody labelled with Eu. The method is quantitative with a detection limit of 0.3 pg of actual target regions of immobilized adenovirus genomic DNA. The label was also used in sandwich hybridization, which allowed analyzing nasopharyngeal mucus for the presence of adenovirus.  相似文献   

A simplified and reliable method to quantify Entamoeba histolytica cytotoxicity was standardized. Mice spleen leucocytes were utilized as target cells. Interaction time was reduced to 1 h by pelleting interacting cells. To assess target-cell killing by amoebae, a nigrosine exclusion test was employed. Fixation with glutaraldehyde stabilized the percentage of stained target cells. Similar results were obtained when cytotoxicity of the E. histolytica HM1 strain was tested by the traditional and proposed methods. The new method allowed quantification of the contribution of cytolysis and cytophagocytosis to amoebic cytotoxicity. It was also demonstrated that uncloned E. histolytica HM1 strain is a heterogeneous population with respect to cytotoxicity expression.  相似文献   

Clinical data provide evidence for the association of missplicing with methyl-binding protein mutations and inhibition of methylation. In this study, we analyzed a 373 human gene database containing a single alternatively spliced exon (cassette) and 1,039 constitutive introns, and showed that CpG frequencies are higher in alternative compared to constitutive introns, particularly in donors preceding cassette exons (p  相似文献   

Titin, a sarcomeric protein expressed primarily in striated muscles, is responsible for maintaining the structure and biomechanical properties of muscle cells. Cardiac titin undergoes developmental size reduction from 3.7 megadaltons in neonates to primarily 2.97 megadaltons in the adult. This size reduction results from gradually increased exon skipping between exons 50 and 219 of titin mRNA. Our previous study reported that Rbm20 is the splicing factor responsible for this process. In this work, we investigated its molecular mechanism. We demonstrate that Rbm20 mediates exon skipping by binding to titin pre-mRNA to repress the splicing of some regions; the exons/introns in these Rbm20-repressed regions are ultimately skipped. Rbm20 was also found to mediate intron retention and exon shuffling. The two Rbm20 speckles found in nuclei from muscle tissues were identified as aggregates of Rbm20 protein on the partially processed titin pre-mRNAs. Cooperative repression and alternative 3′ splice site selection were found to be used by Rbm20 to skip different subsets of titin exons, and the splicing pathway selected depended on the ratio of Rbm20 to other splicing factors that vary with tissue type and developmental age.  相似文献   

A wide variety of approaches, ranging from Petri nets to systems of partial differential equations, have been used to model very specific aspects of cellular or biochemical functions. Here we describe how an agent-based or dynamic cellular automata (DCA) approach can be used as a very simple, yet very general method to model many different kinds of cellular or biochemical processes. Specifically, using simple pairwise interaction rules coupled with random object moves to simulate Brownian motion, we show how the DCA approach can be used to easily and accurately model diffusion, viscous drag, enzyme rate processes, metabolism (the Kreb's cycle), and complex genetic circuits (the repressilator). We also demonstrate how DCA approaches are able to accurately capture the stochasticity of many biological processes. The success and simplicity of this technique suggests that many other physical properties and significantly more complicated aspects of cellular behavior could be modeled using DCA methods. An easy-to-use, graphically-based computer program, called SimCell, was developed to perform the DCA simulations described here. It is available at http://wishart.biology.ualberta.ca/SimCell/.  相似文献   

An alternatively spliced form of the presenilin 2 (PS2) gene lacking exon 5 (PS2V) was found in human brains with sporadic Alzheimer's disease. PS2V was induced by hypoxic stress in human neuroblastoma SK-N-SH cells, indicating that hypoxic stress affects the splicing machineries for PS2 exon 5. Here, we identified the critical cis-acting element (sec 2) on the PS2 pre-mRNA responsible for the aberrant splicing of PS2 exon 5 under hypoxic stress conditions. The element was composed of 23 nucleotides in exon 5 and RNA structural analyses showed a stem-loop structure in this sequence. Treatment with an antisense oligonucleotide directed toward the cis-acting element caused an increase in exon 5 inclusion. These results indicate that the sec 2 identified in this study is a novel regulatory element for exon 5 splicing under stress conditions and that trans-acting factors could specifically bind to the element to skip exon 5 of PS2.  相似文献   

Defects in the XPG DNA repair endonuclease gene can result in the cancer-prone disorders xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) or the XP-Cockayne syndrome complex. While the XPG cDNA sequence was known, determination of the genomic sequence was required to understand its different functions. In cells from normal donors, we found that the genomic sequence of the human XPG gene spans 30 kb, contains 15 exons that range from 61 to 1074 bp and 14 introns that range from 250 to 5763 bp. Analysis of the splice donor and acceptor sites using an information theory-based approach revealed three splice sites with low information content, which are components of the minor (U12) spliceosome. We identified six alternatively spliced XPG mRNA isoforms in cells from normal donors and from XPG patients: partial deletion of exon 8, partial retention of intron 8, two with alternative exons (in introns 1 and 6) and two that retained complete introns (introns 3 and 9). The amount of alternatively spliced XPG mRNA isoforms varied in different tissues. Most alternative splice donor and acceptor sites had a relatively high information content, but one has the U12 spliceosome sequence. A single nucleotide polymorphism has allele frequencies of 0.74 for 3507G and 0.26 for 3507C in 91 donors. The human XPG gene contains multiple splice sites with low information content in association with multiple alternatively spliced isoforms of XPG mRNA.  相似文献   

An increasing number of genes are being identified for which the corresponding mRNAs contain different combinations of the encoded exons. This highly regulated exon choice, or alternative splicing, is often tissue-specific and potentially could differentially affect cellular functions. Alternative splicing is therefore not only a means to increase the coding capacity of the genome, but also to regulate gene expression during differentiation or development. To both evaluate the importance for cellular functions and define the regulatory pathways of alternative splicing, it is necessary to progress from the in vitro or ex vivo experimental models actually used towards in vivo whole-animal studies. We present here the amphibian, Xenopus, as an experimental model highly amenable for such studies. The various experimental approaches that can be used with Xenopus oocytes and embryos to characterize regulatory sequence elements and factors are presented and the advantages and drawbacks of these approaches are discussed. Finally, the real possibilities for large-scale identification of mRNAs containing alternatively spliced exons, the tissue-specific patterns of exon usage and the way in which these patterns are modified by perturbing the relative amount of splicing factors are discussed.  相似文献   

Exonic splicing enhancers (ESEs) are important cis elements required for exon inclusion. Using an in vitro functional selection and amplification procedure, we have identified a novel ESE motif recognized by the human SR protein SC35 under splicing conditions. The selected sequences are functional and specific: they promote splicing in nuclear extract or in S100 extract complemented by SC35 but not by SF2/ASF. They can also function in a different exonic context from the one used for the selection procedure. The selected sequences share one or two close matches to a short and highly degenerate octamer consensus, GRYYcSYR. A score matrix was generated from the selected sequences according to the nucleotide frequency at each position of their best match to the consensus motif. The SC35 score matrix, along with our previously reported SF2/ASF score matrix, was used to search the sequences of two well-characterized splicing substrates derived from the mouse immunoglobulin M (IgM) and human immunodeficiency virus tat genes. Multiple SC35 high-score motifs, but only two widely separated SF2/ASF motifs, were found in the IgM C4 exon, which can be spliced in S100 extract complemented by SC35. In contrast, multiple high-score motifs for both SF2/ASF and SC35 were found in a variant of the Tat T3 exon (lacking an SC35-specific silencer) whose splicing can be complemented by either SF2/ASF or SC35. The motif score matrix can help locate SC35-specific enhancers in natural exon sequences.  相似文献   

The Lyt-2/3 molecule is a glycoprotein expressed on T lymphocytes and has classically been considered a marker for the cytotoxic/suppressor T cell subset. It has been postulated to be a receptor for class I major histocompatibility complex proteins. We have used a cDNA clone encoding the analogous human protein, Leu-2/T8, to isolate mouse cDNA clones, which were used as probes to isolate mouse genomic clones. By transfection we have shown that the mouse homologue of Leu-2/T8 is Lyt-2 and not Lyt-3. We have further demonstrated that two Lyt-2 polypeptide chains are encoded by a single gene and result from alternative modes of mRNA splicing. The nucleotide sequence of cDNA clones encoding each of these polypeptide chains has been determined and shows the difference between the two Lyt-2 polypeptide chains to be in the lengths of their cytoplasmic tails.  相似文献   

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