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The differentiation of Callitriche hermaphroditica in Sweden expressed in fruit morphology has been studied. Variation among 50 wild-scored populations is illustrated by canonical variates analysis and cluster analysis and shown to be geographically correlated. Two major geographical races differing in fruit size are distinguished and confirmed by the study of herbarium collections. The anatomy of the fruits is described, based on light microscopical studies. An anatomically aberrant fruit form was found in two different areas in Sweden. Comparisons are made with herbarium collections from Denmark, Norway, Finland and Soviet Karelia. The biogeography, in the light of postglacial events, and the taxonomy of C. hermaphroditica are discussed and a distribution map of C. hermaphroditica s. lat. in Sweden is presented.  相似文献   

The local environment and land usages have changed a lot during the past one hundred years. Historical documents and materials are crucial in understanding and following these changes. Historical documents are, therefore, an important piece in the understanding of the impact and consequences of land usage change. This, in turn, is important in the search of restoration projects that can be conducted to turn and reduce harmful and unsustainable effects originating from changes in the land-usage.This work extracts information on the historical location and geographical distribution of wetlands, from hand-drawn maps. This is achieved by using deep learning (DL), and more specifically a convolutional neural network (CNN). The CNN model is trained on a manually pre-labelled dataset on historical wetlands in the area of Jönköping county in Sweden. These are all extracted from the historical map called “Generalstabskartan”.The presented CNN performs well and achieves a F1-score of 0.886 when evaluated using a 10-fold cross validation over the data. The trained models are additionally used to generate a GIS layer of the presumable historical geographical distribution of wetlands for the area that is depicted in the southern collection in Generalstabskartan, which covers the southern half of Sweden. This GIS layer is released as an open resource and can be freely used.To summarise, the presented results show that CNNs can be a useful tool in the extraction and digitalisation of non-textual information in historical documents, such as historical maps. A modern GIS material that can be used to further understand the past land-usage change is produced within this research. Previously, no material of this detail and extent have been available, due to the large effort needed to manually create such. However, with the presented resource better quantifications and estimations of historical wetlands that have been lost can be made.  相似文献   

A retrospective epidemiologic study was conducted to examine causes of mortality of 985 wild roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) submitted to the National Veterinary Institute (SVA; Uppsala, Sweden) from January 1986 to December 1995. Age, sex, body condition, and geographic distribution as related to disease conditions are reported herein. The most common causes of mortality in roe deer were trauma (19%), winter starvation (18%), gastritis/enteritis (15%), bacterial infections (11%), parasitic infection (11%), systemic diseases (11%), neoplasia (2%), congenital disorders (1%), and miscellaneous causes (6%). Cause of death was not determined in 6% of the cases. The distribution of causes of death reported in this study differ from previous works in Sweden in that infectious and parasitic diseases were more common than winter starvation. The pathologic findings in studies like this do not necessarily represent what is occurring in the natural environment, but they do provide a good indication of distribution of diseases over time as well as age and sex structure in relation to disease conditions. Further research and more detailed studies are in progress to better understand specific mortality factors as well as etiologies of certain described diseases in roe deer in Sweden.  相似文献   

Elaphomyces striatosporus (Ascomycetes, Plectascales), originally described from a single find from southern Norway, is recorded from five localities in Sweden. The known Scandinavian distribution is mapped. Notes on morphology and habitats are presented. The peculiar exospore ornamentation found in the original material, is characteristic also of the new finds. The fungus grows in close association with Corylus avellana , with which it probably forms mycorrhiza. The northernmost Swedish locality corresponds to a relict locality for Corylus. It is suggested that E. striatosporus too may be a relic there.  相似文献   

The vascular plant distributions of Dalsland and northern Bohuslän (Southwest Sweden) were subjected to multivariate analyses in order to delimit geographically coherent floristic zones. 271 squares of 5×5 km were the Operational Geographic Units; the data matrix comprises presence/absence species records for each OGU. Different ordination and classification methods were tested and detailed results are presented for detrended correspondence analysis (DCA), UPGMA and ordination space partitioning (OSP). A weighting procedure, neighbour-weighting, which gives pseudo-frequency scores along the nominal scale 0–9 depending on the species' distribution patterns, is introduced. The superior method for delimiting geographically coherent floristic zones was judged to be ordination space partitioning, using DCA and neighbour-weighted species scores.Abbreviations DCA Detrended Correspondence Analysis - OGU Operational Geographical Unit - OSP Ordination Space Partitioning - UPGMA Unweighted Pair-Group Method using Arithmetic Averages  相似文献   

The distributional area of the tick Ixodes ricinus (L.), the primary European vector to humans of Lyme borreliosis spirochaetes (Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato) and tick‐borne encephalitis virus, appears to be increasing in Sweden. It is therefore important to determine which environmental factors are most useful to assess risk of human exposure to this tick and its associated pathogens. The geographical distribution of I. ricinus in Sweden was analysed with respect to vegetation zones and climate. The northern limit of I. ricinus and B. burgdorferi s.l. in Sweden corresponds roughly to the northern limit of the southern boreal vegetation zone, and is characterized climatically by snow cover for a mean duration of 150 days and a vegetation period averaging 170 days. The zoogeographical distribution of I. ricinus in Sweden can be classified as southerly–central, with the centre of the distribution south of the Limes Norrlandicus. Ixodes ricinus nymphs from 13 localities in different parts of Sweden were examined for the presence of B. burgdorferi s.l. and found to be infected with Borrelia afzelii and Borrelia garinii. Tick sampling localities were characterized on the basis of the density of Borrelia‐infected I. ricinus nymphs, presence of specific mammals, dominant vegetation and climate. Densities of I. ricinus nymphs and Borrelia‐infected nymphs were significantly correlated, and nymphal density can thus serve as a general indicator of risk for exposure to Lyme borreliosis spirochaetes. Analysis of data from this and other studies suggests that high densities of Borrelia‐infected nymphs typically occur in coastal, broadleaf vegetation and in mixed deciduous/spruce vegetation in southern Sweden. Ixodes ricinus populations consistently infected with B. burgdorferi s.l. can occur in: (a) biotopes with shrews, rodents, hares and birds; (b) biotopes with shrews, rodents, hares, deer and birds, and (c) island locations where the varying hare (Lepus timidus) is the only mammalian tick host.  相似文献   

Data have been compiled on the distribution, habitat preferences and population sizes of 348 vertebrates reproducing in Sweden (excluding fish) and their species richness in different habitats and regions was investigated. Furthermore, we compared the habitat preferences and distribution of rare and common vertebrates. The relative species number (corrected for area) increases from the north (the hemiarctic/boreal zone) to the south (the temperate/hemiboreal zone). The relative number of species in major habitats is highest in farmland, lakes and running waters, and possibly also in the sea. However, the absolute number of species is highest in woodland, the dominant habitat in Sweden (56% of the land area excluding sea). Within woodlands, a large proportion of species occur in southern deciduous forests, in other deciduous forests and in mixed forests, while coniferous forests are less species-rich when the habitat area is taken into account. In farmland, the most species-rich habitats are meadows and forest edges, while marshes are the most species-rich habitats amongst lakes and running waters. Nationally rare species (<1000 individuals) have a smaller European range than common species, and they also have their European distribution centres further to the south than the common species. Of the species occurring in large parts of Sweden (that is, both in the north and the south) a low proportion (4.7%) are classified as rare compared with species occurring mainly in the north (20.6% rare) or mainly in the south (31.6% rare) of Sweden. There is a positive correlation between the number of rare species and the total species number in 41 subcategory habitats, and the proportion of rare species is similar in most habitats. A more detailed analysis (including effects of both regions and habitats) suggests that the proportion of rare species in a region is a result of differences between latitudes, but also of different habitats (when corrected for latitude effects). There are differences in the proportion of rare species between the nine most species-rich orders (for example, there is a high proportion of rare species in the order Carnivora and a low proportion in the order Rodentia), but the proportion of rare species in these orders is not independent of the habitats in which they occur, making it difficult to separate the effects of habitat preferences and taxonomy on rarity. The focusing of conservation work on relatively species-rich habitats in southern and middle Sweden — such as some farmland habitats (that is, meadows and forest edges), marshes (in connection with lakes and running waters) and forests with a relatively high proportion of deciduous trees — is of high priority if the conservation of biodiversity is a main goal. These are also the habitats with a high number of rare and red-listed species.  相似文献   

The spruce bark beetle Ips typographus is one of the major insect pests of mature Norway spruce forests. In this study, a model describing the temperature-dependent thresholds for swarming activity and temperature requirement for development from egg to adult was driven by transient regional climate scenario data for Sweden, covering the period of 1961–2100 for three future climate change scenarios (SRES A2, A1B and B2). During the 20th century, the weather supported the production of one bark beetle generation per year, except in the north-western mountainous parts of Sweden where the climate conditions were too harsh. A warmer climate may sustain a viable population also in the mountainous part; however, the distributional range of I. typographus may be restricted by the migration speed of Norway spruce. Modelling suggests that an earlier timing of spring swarming and fulfilled development of the first generation will significantly increase the frequency of summer swarming. Model calculations suggest that the spruce bark beetle will be able to initiate a second generation in South Sweden during 50% of the years around the mid century. By the end of the century, when temperatures during the bark beetle activity period are projected to have increased by 2.4–3.8 °C, a second generation will be initiated in South Sweden in 63–81% of the years. The corresponding figures are 16–33% for Mid Sweden, and 1–6% for North Sweden. During the next decades, one to two generations per year are predicted in response to temperature, and the northern distribution limit for the second generation will vary. Our study addresses questions applicable to sustainable forest management, suggesting that adequate countermeasures require monitoring of regional differences in timing of swarming and development of I. typographus , and planning of control operations during summer periods with large populations of bark beetles.  相似文献   

Spatial distribution of the gene for infantile genetic agranulocytosis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Evidence is presented for a single founder for infantile genetic agranulocytosis in Sweden. The likely place of origin is the parish of Overkalix in northern Sweden. Estimates are also given for the number of generations since the appearance of the founder.  相似文献   

Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) was used to examine the genetic structure among field voles (Microtus agrestis) from southern and central Sweden. A total of 57 haplotypes was identified in 158 voles from 60 localities. Overall mtDNA diversity was high, but both haplotype and nucleotide diversity exhibited pronounced geographic heterogeneity. Phylogenetic analyses revealed a shallow tree with seven primary mtDNA lineages separated by sequence divergences ranging from 0.6% to 1.0%. The geographic structure of mtDNA diversity and lineage distribution was complex but strongly structured and deviated significantly from an equilibrium situation. The extensive mtDNA diversity observed and the recent biogeographic history of the region suggests that the shallow mtDNA structure in the field vole cannot be explained solely by stochastic lineage sorting in situ or isolation by distance. Instead, the data suggest that the genetic imprints of historical demographic conditions and vicariant geographic events have been preserved and to a large extent determine the contemporary geographic distribution of mtDNA variation. A plausible historical scenario involves differentiation of mtDNA lineages in local populations in glacial refugia, a moving postglacial population structure, and bottlenecks and expansions of mtDNA lineages during the postglacial recolonization of Sweden. By combining the mtDNA data with an analysis of Y-chromosome variation, a specific population unit was identified in southwestern Sweden. This population, defined by a unique mtDNA lineage and fixation of a Y-chromosome variant, probably originated in a population bottleneck in southern Sweden about 12,000 to 13,000 calendar years ago.  相似文献   

We present a COI-based parsimony analysis of the relationships between the shallow water, pigmented hesionid polychaete Nereimyra punctata , and a deep-water, unpigmented form with sympatric distribution in Norway and Sweden. Apart from the pigmentation differences, the two forms exhibit no observed morphological differences. The terminals are represented by four specimens each of the two forms from the Trondheimsfjord in Norway, and four each of the two forms from northern Bohuslän in Sweden, plus members of the two hesionids Heteropodarke and Ophiodromus as outgroups. In addition, the analysis includes a topotype of the morphologically similar and unpigmented Nereimyra woodsholea from the Middle Atlantic Bight off the US east coast. The equally weighted matrix includes 132 informative characters. All most-parsimonious trees unequivocally indicate that specimens belonging to the same form (pigmented or unpigmented) from different areas are cladistically closer related to each other than different forms from the same areas. Nereimyra woodsholea is nested within the unpigmented deeper group of the Norwegian and Swedish specimens, thus indicating that this name should be applied to the deep-water form in Norway and Sweden.  相似文献   

The mass emergence of floodwater mosquitoes, in particular Aedes sticticus and Aedes vexans, causes substantial nuisance and reduces life quality for inhabitants of infested areas and can have a negative impact on the socio‐economic conditions of a region. We compared the previous, present, and predicted geographic distribution of Ae. sticticus in Sweden. Previous records from the literature until 1990 list the species in three out of 21 Swedish counties. Beginning in 1998, studies show that the present distribution of the species covers 11 counties, with highest abundances in an east‐west belt in Central Sweden. Using climate data from the present and predicted climate scenarios, the expected distribution of Ae. sticticus in 2020, 2050, and 2080 could be modelled using GIS. As variables, mean temperatures and cumulative precipitation between May and August and degree slope were chosen. The predicted geographic distribution of Ae. sticticus will continue to increase and include 20 out of 21 Swedish counties. The expected temperature rise will increase the suitable area towards the northern part of Sweden by 2050. Some non‐suitable areas can be found along the south‐east coast due to insufficient amount of precipitation in 2050 and 2080. Modelling the expected distribution of a species using predicted climate change scenarios provides a valuable tool for risk assessments and early‐warning systems that is easily applied to different species and scenarios.  相似文献   


Genetic variation is often lower at high latitudes, which may compromise the adaptability and hence survival of organisms. Here we show that genetic variability is negatively correlated with northern latitude in European green toads (Bufotes viridis). The result holds true for both putatively neutral microsatellite variation and supposedly adaptive MHC Class IIB variation. In particular, our findings have bearing on the conservation status of this species in Sweden, on the northern limit of its distribution where local populations are small and fragmented. These genetically impoverished populations are closely related to other populations found around the Baltic Sea basin. The low neutral and adaptive variation in these fringe populations compared to population at central ranges confirms a pattern shared across all other amphibians so far studied. In Sweden, the situation of green toads is of concern as the remaining populations may not have the evolutionary potential to cope with present and future environmental challenges.


Abstract. Vegetation development in 68 abandoned gravel pits and their surroundings in five regions in Sweden is described by means of classification and ordination. Most pits were less than 10 yr old, but some pits in central Sweden were up to 100 yr old. For 26 pits in central Sweden the results of mechanical and chemical soil analyses are presented. Vegetation in young pits is more homogeneous than the vegetation in the surroundings. The surrounding vegetation type strongly affects pit vegetation. There are regional differences in pit vegetation between pits in coniferous forests in different parts of Sweden. Old gravel pits are clearly distinguished from young ones and show more resemblance to the surrounding vegetation. Tree layer cover and nitrogen content increase, whereas C/N ratio and pH decrease with age. Species richness of the gravel pits was not related to their size.  相似文献   

Culex pipiens pipiens Linnaeus and Culex torrentium Martini (Diptera: Culicidae) are closely related vector species that exist sympatrically in Europe. The two species are morphologically almost identical and can only be distinguished with certainty by characters of the male genitalia. Hence, correct species identification and conclusions on distribution and vector status are very difficult and often neglected. Therefore, we developed a reliable and simple mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene restriction enzyme assay to discriminate between Cx. pipiens and Cx. torrentium, based on the analysis of morphologically identified male specimens. We sequenced approximately 830 bp in the 3′ region of the mitochondrial COI gene of 18 morphologically identified males of Cx. pipiens and Cx. torrentium. Two restriction enzymes (FspBI and SspI) that could distinguish between the two species according to species‐specific differences in these sequences were chosen. The restriction enzymes were tested on 227 samples from Sweden and verified by sequencing 44 of them. The enzyme FspBI correctly identified all investigated samples; the enzyme SspI identified all samples except one Cx. torrentium. We hope the method and the findings presented here will help to shed light on the true distribution and relative proportions of the two species in Europe.  相似文献   

An extensive follow-up study of day- and night-active Macrolepidoptera was performed during 2004 at the Kullaberg Nature Reserve located in the south-western part of Sweden. Butterflies were surveyed in an area of 100 km2 and night-active moths were trapped in the core area of the reserve. Macrolepidopteran species resident in the area in the 1950s were compared with species resident in the area in 2004. As much as 159 of 597 species (27%) resident in the area in 1950s were not found at all in 2004 and 22 species (4%) had colonised the area. Butterflies exhibited a disastrous decline with a loss of 45% of the fauna, and day-active species had declined more than night-active species had. Species distribution pattern and species characteristics were used to predict the probability that a species had become extinct or colonised the area. Species limited to one or a few food plants, with a short flight-period or restricted to non-forest habitats were all associated with a high extinction risk. Species occurring in fewer European countries and recorded from few provinces in Sweden were all associated with a higher extinction risk compared with ubiquitous species. For expanding species (colonisers), the best predictor was their distribution area in Sweden and colonising species were more likely to be limited to a few provinces in the southernmost part of Sweden. Species extinct from Kullaberg also have decreased in Finland and species that had colonised Kullaberg also have increased in Finland, while the species with no change in Kullaberg are also relatively constant in Finland. Indeed, the macrolepidopteran fauna was severely reduced in the last 50 years and almost 70% of the habitat specialists were lost. For red-listed species the situation was found to be alarming. Almost 70% of red-listed species, resident in the area in the 1950s, was not found in 2004. This study highlights that species composition changes rapidly even in protected nature reserves and that similar changes in the macrolepidopteran fauna seem to occur over large areas.  相似文献   

The Swedish sand lizard (Lacerta agilis) is a relict species from the period of warmth following the last glacial episode and has a fragmented distribution in central Sweden and a more continuous distribution in the southern part of the country. We used this model system of colonization–extinction for a study of genetic variability within and among Swedish populations from different parts of the distribution range using multilocus DNA fingerprinting. The results from the Swedish populations are then contrasted with those from a large Hungarian population in the centre of the species geographical distribution range, which is likely to closely resemble the ancestral founding population of Sweden. Swedish populations have a low level of genetic variability compared with the Hungarian reference population, which showed a genetic variability within the range described for outbred populations. Within the Swedish populations, the average bandsharing was 0.61, the mean heterozygosity 0.45 and the estimated number of alleles 2.7. The figures for the Hungarian population were a bandsharing of 0.19, a heterozygosity of 0.89 and an estimated number of alleles of 9.8. A population bottleneck, common to all Swedish sand lizards, is indicated by less than 20% of the alleles in the Hungarian population being retained in the Swedish populations, and higher bandsharing similarity between different Swedish populations (0.33) as opposed to the Hungarian population (0.19). The limited variability found in Swedish sand lizards is strongly subdivided between populations, with an average FST of 0.32, indicating a very limited gene flow between the isolated populations, as well as between populations in the region where the sand lizard has a more or less continuous distribution (FST = 0.41).  相似文献   

Abstract. Analysis of fire statistics revealed that there are steep gradients in the distribution of lightning-caused fire ignitions in Sweden. The highest ignition density was found in the southeastern provinces of Kalmar and Östergötland, ca. 0.23/10 000 ha/yr. From there, densities generally declined both to the north and to the west, with a density averaging ca. 0.05 in the six northernmost provinces, and an equally low density in the southwestern province of Halland. For both northern and southern Sweden, lightning ignitions peaked in early July, but in the south the season for ignitions started 2–3 weeks earlier and ended 2–3 weeks later. The geographical gradients in lightning ignition density correspond to the average precipitation during summer. The patterns of lightning ignition densities may also indicate gradients in natural fire frequencies. This hypothesis is supported by the distribution of certain fire-adapted plant species.  相似文献   

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