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Jeffrey K. Yao 《Journal of neurochemistry》1986,46(2):658-660
Triacylglycerol lipase activity, with a pH optimum of 7.5, was demonstrated in cell-free homogenates of rat sciatic endoneurium. 1,2-Diacylglycerol was the major product of triacylglycerol hydrolysis. A rapid decline in lipase activity was found in rats up to 2 months of age. After this time, the decrease continued, but at a much slower rate. Such developmental changes in triacylglycerol lipase activity may, at least in part, account for the slower metabolic turnover of endoneurial triacylglycerol in adult rat sciatic nerve. 相似文献
Masuhiro Ikeda Shinichi Yoshida Raul Busto Mercedes Santiso Myron D. Ginsberg 《Journal of neurochemistry》1986,47(1):123-132
The quantitative relationship between phosphoinositides and free fatty acids (FFAs) in brain ischemia was studied by measuring contents of individual fatty acids in phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2), phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate (PIP), phosphatidylinositol (PI), phosphatidic acid (PA), diacylglycerol (DAG), and the FFA pool. Various periods of complete ischemia (1, 3, 10, and 30 min) were produced by decapitation. Ischemia of 1-3 min caused rapid decreases in PIP2 and PIP content together with preferential production of stearic and arachidonic acids in the DAG and FFA pools. The decrement in levels of these fatty acid residues in polyphosphoinositides was sufficient to account for their increment in levels in the enlarged DAG and FFA pools. After 10 min of ischemia, levels of PIP2, PIP, and DAG approached plateau values, but levels of all FFAs continued to increase. The increases in content of DAG and FFAs at later ischemic periods could not be accounted for by the decreases in content of PIP2 and PIP, PI and PA levels showed only transient and subtle changes. These results indicate that, at the onset of ischemia, phosphodiesteric cleavage of PIP2 and PIP and subsequent deacylation by lipases are primarily responsible for the preferential increase in levels of free stearic and arachidonic acids and that, later, hydrolysis of other phospholipids plays a major role in the continuous accumulation of FFAs. 相似文献
This paper describes a new method for the rapid fixation of labile lipid pools in the brain. Perfusion of the brain with 0.9% saline containing esterase inhibitors (p-bromphenacyl-bromide and diisopropyl fluorophosphate), an antioxidant (nordihydroguaiaretic acid) and a Ca2+ chelator (EDTA) resulted in a substantial reduction in the levels of free fatty acids, a biochemical marker for the degradation of labile membrane lipids. Levels of unesterified polyunsaturated fatty acids in whole brain were decreased by 90–96% as compared to levels in brains perfused with saline alone. Levels of docosahexaenoic acid approximated levels obtained after microwave irradiation. Unlike microwave irradiation, this perfusion technique perserves the cellular structure of the brain, thereby allowing subcellular fractionation with minimal postmortem changes in lipid pools. The release of arachidonic acid during isolation of the P2 (synaptosomal) fraction was completely inhibited by the presence of the metabolic inactivators. The results of this study demonstrate a new and useful technique for the postmortem inactivation of enzymes responsible for the degradation of labile lipids in the brain. Further, the data underscore the key role of phospholipase A2 and Ca2+ in mediating the release and accumulation of free fatty acids in the ischemic brain.Abbreviations 204
arachidonic acid
- 226
docosahexaenoic acid
- 160
palmitic acid
- 180
stearic acid
- 181
oleic acid
- 182
linoleic acid
nordihydroguaiaretic acid
- pBPB
ethylenediamine-tetraacetic acid
diisopropyl fluorophosphate
free fatty acids
thin layer chromatography
gas liquid chromatography 相似文献
Free Fatty Acids in the Rat Brain in Moderate and Severe Hypoxia 总被引:4,自引:16,他引:4
Mark Gardiner Bengt Nilsson Stig Rehncrona Bo K. Siesjö 《Journal of neurochemistry》1981,36(4):1500-1505
Abstract: The effects of mild, moderate, and severe hypoxia on cerebral cortical concentrations of free fatty acids (FFAs) were investigated in artificially ventilated rats under nitrous oxide anaesthesia. No change occurred during either mild (arterial Po2 35–40 mm Hg) or moderate (Po2 25–30 mm Hg) hypoxia. The effects of severe hypoxia (Po2 about 20 mm Hg) combined with hypotension (mean arterial blood pressure 80–85 mm Hg) varied with the EEG pattern and the tissue energy state. Thus, a major increase in total as well as in individual FFAs occurred first when EEG was severely depressed (almost isoelectric) and energy homeostasis disrupted. On a relative basis the greatest change occurred in free arachidonic acid. It is concluded that hypoxia is associated with an increase in the concentrations of FFAs in brain tissue, provided that tissue oxygen deficiency is severe enough to cause tissue energy failure. However, an increase in FFAs does not invariably accompany minor reductions in the adenylate energy charge (EC) of the tissue. 相似文献
The hippocampal vasopressin receptors have been characterised by measuring the stimulated accumulation of inositol monophosphate in the presence of 10 mM LiCl after hippocampal slices were prelabelled with [3H]inositol. Arginine-vasopressin caused a dose-dependent increase in inositol monophosphate accumulation (ED50 = 7.1 nM). The response was unchanged in the absence of Ca2+ and significantly reduced in the presence of a V1-receptor antagonist. Equimolar oxytocin was ineffective as a stimulus. This suggests that the hippocampal receptors are of the V1 type. 相似文献
Abstract: We previously reported that whole-brain free fatty acids (FFA) rose almost linearly for up to 1 h after decapitation of unanesthetized rats and was significantly attenuated by pentobarbital anesthesia. However, our values for total FFA and arachidonic, stearic, oleic, and palmitic acids were severalfold higher than those obtained by previous investigators. Based upon the suggestion that this may be due to FFAs released from di- and triglycerides in the quantitation of FFAs, we have now analyzed and improved our procedures for TLC separation of FFA and reassessed the accumulation of FFA in whole brain during decapitation ischemia in unanesthetized and pentobarbital-anesthetized rats. FFA levels in whole brain after 0.5 min of ischemia were one-half to one- fourth the levels previously reported after 1 min of ischemia. The rise in FFA between 0.5 and 60 min of ischemia was 9-fold for total FFA, and between 7 and 12-fold for each of the FFAs quantitated. Pentobarbital significantly attenuated the rise of all FFAs with, however, greater effects on oleic and palmitic acids than previously reported. 相似文献
Free fatty acid (FFA) content was analyzed in mouse cerebral hemispheres and cerebellum under basal and postdecapitative ischemic conditions. Total FFA content immediately after decapitation (2 s) was about two-fold higher in the left hemisphere than in the right. Marked dissimilarities between hemispheres were also apparent when FFA levels were measured during short periods of ischemia. Whereas in the right side a significant FFA release took place as early as 10 s, no accumulation was detected in the left in the 2-20 s interval. The highest rates of total fatty acid release occurred in the 20-30 s interval in both hemispheres and decreased afterwards (3 min). Individual FFA, especially stearate and arachidonate, differed in their rates of production, the right cerebral hemisphere being more active in releasing arachidonic acid. In cerebellum, FFA levels were lower and accumulation was slower than in cerebrum in both intervals. When subjected to 3 min ischemia, the same difference in FFA levels between right and left hemispheres (50%) was observed in heads kept at 20 or 30 degrees C. The differences between hemispheres are interpreted as manifestations of an inherent lateralization in the regulation of acylation-deacylation reactions of complex lipids. 相似文献
Free Fatty Acids and Energy Metabolites in Ischemic Cerebral Cortex with Noradrenaline Depletion 总被引:1,自引:7,他引:1
Shinichi Yoshida Sami I. Harik Raul Busto Mercedes Santiso Elena Martinez Myron D. Ginsberg 《Journal of neurochemistry》1984,42(3):711-717
Abstract: We tested whether cerebral noradrenaline (NA) may play a central role in mediating the increased production of free fatty acids (FFAs) during cerebral ischemia. Levels of FFAs, cyclic AMP, and NA, as well as ATP, ADP, and AMP, were measured in cerebral cortex during decapitation ischemia in rats 2 weeks after unilateral locus ceruleus lesion. Comparisons were made between the results obtained from the contralateral cortex with normal NA content and the NA-depleted ipsilateral cortex. Although NA depletion was associated with a diminished transient rise of cyclic AMP in response to ischemia, it failed to influence the magnitude of FFA increase or the decline of energy state within the 15-min period of ischemia. A more than twofold increase of total FFAs (sum of palmitic, stearic, oleic, arachidonic, and docosahexaenoic acids) was observed in both hemispheres at 1 min after decapitation, when energy failure became manifest. The increased production of FFAs continued throughout the 15 min of ischemia, with a preferential rise in the levels of stearic and arachidonic acids. There was an inverse correlation between FFA levels and total adenylate pool. The results do not support a major role for NA and cyclic AMP in increasing cortical FFAs during complete ischemia. Instead, they are consistent with the view that impaired oxidative phosphorylation activates deacylating enzymes. Disturbance of reacylation due to energy depletion is probably another factor contributing to the continuous increase of FFAs during prolonged ischemia. 相似文献
Masuhiro Ikeda Shinichi Yoshida Raul Busto Mercedes Santiso Elena Martinez Myron D. Ginsberg 《Journal of neurochemistry》1987,49(1):100-106
During and after insulin-induced hypoglycemia, changes in levels of cerebral phosphatidylinositol (PI), phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate (PIP), phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2), phosphatidic acid (PA), triacylglycerol (TAG), diacylglycerol (DAG), and free fatty acids (FFAs) as well as the cerebral energy state were studied in relation to the EEG. In hypoglycemic rats with an EEG pattern of quasiperiodic sharp or slow sharp waves, which preceded the development of an isoelectric EEG, PIP2 levels increased significantly, together with a slight decrease in PI content. Levels of the other lipids did not change during this period. The cerebral energy state was affected only slightly in spite of profound decreases in plasma and tissue glucose levels. With 30 min of an isoelectric EEG, levels of all phosphoinositides and PA decreased significantly; total FFA and DAG contents increased seven- and twofold, respectively; the TAG-palmitate level decreased, and that of TAG-arachidonate increased. Plasma and tissue glucose were nearly depleted, and the cerebral energy state deteriorated severely. The increment in fatty acids in the DAG and FFA pools was less than their loss from phosphoinositides and PA, an observation suggesting vascular washout or oxidation of a portion of the FFAs produced. Following 90 min of glucose infusion, PIP and PA levels recovered to control values; however, the PIP2 content exceeded control levels, and that of PI remained below control levels. DAG and FFA contents returned to normal.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS) 相似文献
Pilitsis JG Diaz FG Wellwood JM Oregan MH Fairfax MR Phillis JW Coplin WM 《Neurochemical research》2001,26(12):1265-1270
Free fatty acids (FFA) in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) are well-recognized markers of brain damage in animal studies. Information is limited regarding human CSF in both normal and pathological conditions. Samples of CSF from 73 patients, who had undergone lumbar puncture for medically indicated reasons, came from a core laboratory upon completion of ordered tests. Using high performance liquid chromatography, mean FFA concentrations (g/L ± SEM) were: arachidonic 26.14 ± 3.44; docosahexaenoic 60.74 ± 5.70; linoleic 105.07 ± 10.98; myristic 160.38 ± 16.17; oleic 127.91 ± 10.13; and palmitic 638.34 ± 37.27. No differences in FFA concentrations were seen with gender, race, age, and/or indication for lumbar puncture. This is the first study to document normal human CSF FFA concentrations in a large series. Further characterization of FFA in pathological conditions may provide markers for evaluating clinical treatments and assisting in prognostication of neurological disease. 相似文献
Stephen P. H. Alexander Stephen J. Hill David A. Kendall 《Journal of neurochemistry》1990,55(4):1138-1141
In this report, we show that under conditions designed to provide an initially uniform incorporation of [3H]inositol into mouse and guinea pig cerebral cortical slices prior to agonist stimulation, the accumulation of 3H-inositol phosphates (3H-InsPx, x = 1-4) induced by histamine in mouse and guinea pig cerebral cortical slices increased in a quasilinear manner with increasing added calcium. Raising the ambient calcium ion concentration failed to reduce the adenosine receptor-mediated inhibition of the histamine-induced 3H-InsPx response in mouse cerebral cortical slices. Similarly, the potentiation of the histamine response by adenosine receptor activation in guinea pig cerebral cortical slices was unaffected by lowering the added calcium ion concentration. The presence of the calcium ionophore A23187 (33 microM) produced 3H-InsPx responses in both mouse and guinea pig cerebral cortical slices, which were not affected by the presence of the stable adenosine analogue 2-chloroadenosine. A23187 also potentiated the accumulation of 3HInsPx induced by histamine in both species. Both the inhibitory and potentiatory modulations of the histamine response by 2-chloroadenosine in mouse and guinea pig, respectively, were still apparent in the presence of A23187. These results indicate that the histamine-induced 3H-InsPx accumulations in both mouse and guinea pig cerebral cortical slices are sensitive to variations in calcium ion concentrations. However, the adenosine receptor modulations of the histamine responses are relatively insensitive to fluctuations in either extra- or intracellular calcium ion concentrations, and thus cannot be mediated by effects on calcium ion movements. 相似文献
The calcium requirement for agonist-dependent breakdown of phosphatidylinositol and polyphosphoinositides has been examined in rat cerebral cortex. The omission of added Ca2+ from the incubation medium abolished [3H]inositol phosphate accumulation from prelabelled phospholipid induced by histamine, reduced that due to noradrenaline and 5-hydroxytryptamine, but did not affect carbachol-stimulated breakdown. EC50 values for agonists were unaltered in the absence of Ca2+. Removal of Ca2+ by preincubation with EGTA (0.5 mM) abolished all responses, but complete restoration was achieved by replacement of Ca2+. The EC50 for Ca2+ for histamine-stimulated [3H]inositol phosphate accumulation was 80 microM. Noradrenaline-stimulated breakdown was antagonised by manganese (IC50 1.7 mM), but not by the calcium channel blockers nitrendipine or nimodipine (30 microM). The calcium ionophore A23187 stimulated phosphatidylinositol/polyphosphoinositide hydrolysis with an EC50 of 2 microM, and this response was blocked by EGTA. Omission of Ca2+ or preincubation with EGTA or Mn2+ (EC50 = 230 microM) greatly enhanced the incorporation of [3H]inositol into phospholipids. The IC50 for Ca2+ in inhibiting incorporation was 25 microM. The results show that different receptors mediating phosphatidylinositol/polyphosphoinositide breakdown in rat cortex have quantitatively different Ca2+ requirements, and it is suggested that rigid opinions regarding phosphatidylinositol/polyphosphoinositide breakdown as either cause or effect of calcium mobilisation in rat cortex are inappropriate. 相似文献
The in vitro effects of Li on agonist- and depolarization-stimulated accumulation of inositol phosphates were determined in mouse cerebral cortex slices. Of the agents examined, only the cholinergic agonist carbachol produced a significant accumulation of inositol tetrakisphosphate (InsP4) in the absence of Li. Lithium at 5 mM enhanced the accumulation of inositol monophosphate (InsP1) and inositol bisphosphate (InsP2) due to all the stimuli used and potentiated inositol trisphosphate (InsP3) accumulation due to histamine and noradrenaline, although at lower Li concentrations, carbachol-stimulated InsP3 accumulation was reduced. Li also enhanced InsP4 accumulation in the presence of noradrenaline, histamine, and elevated KCl level but, in marked contrast, reduced carbachol-stimulated InsP4 accumulation with an IC50 of 100 microM. There was a significant time delay between the initiation of carbachol stimulation and the beginning of the InsP4 inhibition due to Li. The phorbol ester 4 beta-phorbol 12 beta-myristate 13 alpha-acetate did not mimic the effects of Li. The results suggest that muscarinic receptor-mediated InsP4 production might be one of the targets for the therapeutic action of Li. 相似文献
Human mononuclear (MN) and polymorphonuclear (PMN) leukocytes were analyzed for their phospholipid, triglyceride, cholesterol and fatty acid content. The phospholipid/cholesterol ratio was 1.24 for both cels. MN cells contain more phosphatidylcholine (PC), but less phosphatidylserine (PS), phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) and sphingomyelin (SPH) than PMN cells when expressed as percent of total phospholipid. When expressed on the basis of lipid content per cell, MN cells contain less PS, PE and SPH but more triglyceride than PMN cells. PMN cells incorporate palmitic, stearic, linoleic and linolenic acids into their phospholipids, triglycerides or cholesterol esters. The incorporation into triglycerides was highest for all fatty acids. Of the phospholipids, the incorporation was highest into PC. Labeled fatty acids also were found in proteins which had been delipidized by exhaustive extraction with organic solvents. These represent tightly or covalently bound fatty acids. The incorporation of [3H]palmitic acid into this protein fraction is stimulated by insulin. 相似文献
目的观察不同时间脂肪乳输注使血浆游离脂肪酸(FFA)升高对大鼠葡萄糖输注率(GIR)的影响。方法分别给大鼠输注脂肪乳2、5、7和48 h,行高胰岛素-正血糖钳夹试验评价葡萄糖输注率,测定血浆葡萄糖、FFA。结果与生理盐水输注组比较,2 h脂肪乳输注使血浆FFA升高了2倍(P〈0.01),GIR下降27%(P〈0.05),脂肪乳输注5 h GIR降低了52%(P〈0.01),7 h GIR降低56%(P〈0.01),输注48 h脂肪乳GIR降低58%(P〈0.01),5 h组7、h组及48 h脂肪乳输注组间GIR差异没有统计学意义。结论大鼠输注脂肪乳使FFA浓度达到基础值的3倍左右,可复制出脂毒性胰岛素抵抗的模型,而且胰岛素抵抗达到一定程度后保持恒定。 相似文献
Muscarinic Receptors and Hydrolysis of Inositol Phospholipids in Rat Cerebral Cortex and Parotid Gland 总被引:11,自引:15,他引:11
Abstract: Exposure of rat brain or parotid gland slices to muscarinic receptor agonists stimulates a phospholipase C that degrades inositol phospholipids. When tissue slices were labelled in vitro with [3 H]inositol, this response could be monitored by measuring the formation of [3 H]inositol phosphates. Accumulation of inositol 1,4-biphosphate in stimulated brain slices suggests that polyphosphonositides are the primary targets for phospholipase C activity. Li+ (10 m M ) in the medium completely blocked the hydrolysis of inositol 1-phosphate, partially inhibited inositol 1,4bisphosphate hydrolysis, but had no effect on the hydrolysis of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate by endogenous phosphatases. Muscarinic receptor pharmacology was studied by measuring the accumulation of [3 H]inositol 1-phosphate in the presence of 10 m M Li+ . In experiments on brain slices, the response to carbachol was antagonised by atropine with an affinity constant of approximately 8.79 ± 0.12. Dose-response curves to several muscarinic agonists were constructed using brain and parotid gland slices. The results are consistent with relatively direct coupling of low-affinity muscarinic receptors to inositol phospholipid breakdown in brain slices; full agonists were relatively more potent in the parotid gland compared with the brain. Explanations for these differences are suggested. 相似文献
Jeffrey K. Yao 《Journal of neurochemistry》1985,45(2):589-595
To explain the discrepancy between the low level and high metabolic activity of endoneurial free fatty acids (FFAs) and triacylglycerol (TG), levels of de novo synthesized FFA and acylglycerols were measured in rat sciatic endoneurium at various intervals after endoneurial microinjection of [14C]acetate. Soon after injection (less than 10 min), the [14C]acetate was metabolized to FFA and incorporated into diacylglycerol (DG), TG, sterols, ceramides, and various phospholipids. The proportions of 14C-labeled FFA, DG, TG, and ceramides to total 14C-labeled lipids decreased, whereas those of phospholipids and cerebrosides increased with time after injection. These findings suggest that rapid turnover of FFA and TG may contribute to their low level in sciatic endoneurium. The de novo synthesized fatty acids were largely incorporated into phosphatidylcholine (approximately 50% of total 14C-labeled phospholipids), probably via the cytidine nucleotide pathway using 1,2-DG as a metabolic intermediate. Hydrolysis of [14C]phosphatidylcholine revealed that fatty acids were labeled at both the C-1 (approximately 43%) and C-2 (approximately 57%) positions. On the other hand, a temporal association between decreased amounts of 14C-label in ceramides and increased amounts of 14C-label in sphingomyelin and galactocerebrosides supports the hypothesis that peripheral nerve galactocerebroside is derived, in vivo, from ceramide via acylation of sphingosine. This exclusive labeling of endoneurial lipids by endoneurial microinjection of labeled precursor provides a unique model for studying synthesis and metabolic turnover of membrane lipids in experimental neuropathies. 相似文献
A method and model are described to quantify in vivo turnover rates and half-lives of fatty acids within brain phospholipids. These kinetic parameters can be calculated by operational equations from measured rates of incorporation of intravenously injected fatty acid radiotracers into brain phospholipids. To do this, it is necessary to determine a dilution factor , which estimates the contribution to the brain precursor acyl-CoA pool of fatty acids released from phospholipids through the action of PLA1, or PLA2. Some calculated fatty acid half-lives are minutes to hours, consistent with active participation of phospholipids in brain function and structure. The fatty acid method can be used to identify enzyme targets of drugs acting on phospholipid metabolism. For example, a reduced brain turnover of arachidonate by chronic lithium, demonstrated in rats by the fatty acid method, suggests that this agent, which is used to treat bipolar disorder, has for its target an arachidonate-specific PLA2. In another context, when combined with in vivo imaging by quantitative autoradiography in rodents or positron emission tomography in macaques or humans, the fatty acid method can localize and quantify normal and modified PLA2-mediated signal transduction in brain. 相似文献
Jan Górski Miros?awa Nowacka Zbigniew Namiot Urszula Puch 《European journal of applied physiology and occupational physiology》1988,57(5):554-557
This study examined the effect of prolonged exercise on the level of triglycerides (TG) in rat liver. The rats were divided into groups: 1-control, 2-treated with nicotinic acid, 3-fed with glucose during exercise, 4-fasted, 5-adrenalectomized, 6-adrenalectomized and fed with oil. In the control group, there was gradual accumulation of TG in the liver and their level was doubled at exhaustion as compared to the resting value. Nicotinic acid lowered the resting level of TG and prevented their accumulation during exercise. Administration of glucose during exercise partially prevented the increase in TG level in the liver. In rats fasted for 24 h before exercise, the net increase in liver TG level during exercise was similar to that in the controls. Adrenalectomy, like nicotinic acid, lowered TG level at rest and prevented its increase during exercise. Feeding the adrenalectomized rats with oil elevated the plasma free fatty acid level but did not result in accumulation of TG in the liver, either at rest or during exercise. It is concluded that prolonged exercise results in accumulation of TG in the liver and that the process depends on the supply of free fatty acids and glucose and requires the presence of glucocorticoids. 相似文献
Michael M. Shipley Jack W. Dillwith John R. Sauer Richard C. Essenberg Ralph W. Howard 《Archives of insect biochemistry and physiology》1993,23(1):37-52
Analysis of lipids in salivary glands of the lone star tick, Amblyomma americanum, demonstrated that arachidonic acid (20:4, n-6) comprises 8% of all fatty acids identified by gas chromatography. The occurrence of arachidonic acid and other C20 polyunsaturated fatty acids in tick salivary glands was confirmed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Arachidonate is located entirely in the phospholipid fraction and is associated exclusively with phosphatidylcholine (PC) and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE). Salivary glands stored and frozen for several months had a similar lipid composition as freshly dissected salivary glands, with the exception of a small amount of free arachidonic acid and an increase in lysophosphatidylcholine. Incubation of salivary gland homogenates with snake venom phospholipase A2 showed that most saturated fatty acids are esterified in the sn-1 position of PC and PE, with the unsaturated fatty acids in the sn-2 position. Approximately 75% of arachidonic acid is in the sn-2 position of PC and PE, adding support to the hypothesis that arachidonic acid is released into the cytoplasm after activation of a phospholipase A2 for subsequent metabolism to prostaglandins and/or other eicosanoids. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc. 相似文献