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Chlorpyrifos is one of the most popular pesticides used for agriculture crop protection, and widespread contamination is a potential concern. However, chlorpyrifos is hydrolyzed almost 1,000-fold slower than the preferred substrate, paraoxon, by organophosphorus hydrolase (OPH), an enzyme that can degrade a broad range of organophosphate pesticides. We have recently demonstrated that directed evolution can be used to generate OPH variants with up to 25-fold improvement in hydrolysis of methyl parathion. The obvious question and challenge are whether similar success could be achieved with this poorly hydrolyzed substrate, chlorpyrifos. For this study, five improved variants were selected from two rounds of directed evolution based on the formation of clear haloes on Luria-Bertani plates overlaid with chlorpyrifos. One variant, B3561, exhibited a 725-fold increase in the k(cat)/K(m) value for chlorpyrifos hydrolysis as well as enhanced hydrolysis rates for several other OP compounds tested. Considering that wild-type OPH hydrolyzes paraoxon at a rate close to the diffusion control limit, the 39-fold improvement in hydrolysis of paraoxon by B3561 suggests that this variant is one of the most efficient enzymes available to attack a wide spectrum of organophosphate nerve agents.  相似文献   

The specific insertion of a divalent metal ion into tetrapyrrole macrocycles is catalyzed by a group of enzymes called chelatases. Distortion of the tetrapyrrole has been proposed to be an important component of the mechanism of metallation. We present the structures of two different inhibitor complexes: (1) N-methylmesoporphyrin (N-MeMP) with the His183Ala variant of Bacillus subtilis ferrochelatase; (2) the wild-type form of the same enzyme with deuteroporphyrin IX 2,4-disulfonic acid dihydrochloride (dSDP). Analysis of the structures showed that only one N-MeMP isomer out of the eight possible was bound to the protein and it was different from the isomer that was earlier found to bind to the wild-type enzyme. A comparison of the distortion of this porphyrin with other porphyrin complexes of ferrochelatase and a catalytic antibody with ferrochelatase activity using normal-coordinate structural decomposition reveals that certain types of distortion are predominant in all these complexes. On the other hand, dSDP, which binds closer to the protein surface compared to N-MeMP, does not undergo any distortion upon binding to the protein, underscoring that the position of the porphyrin within the active site pocket is crucial for generating the distortion required for metal insertion. In addition, in contrast to the wild-type enzyme, Cu2+-soaking of the His183Ala variant complex did not show any traces of porphyrin metallation. Collectively, these results provide new insights into the role of the active site residues of ferrochelatase in controlling stereospecificity, distortion and metallation.  相似文献   

Xanthine oxidase (oxidoreductase; XOR) and aldehyde oxidase (AO) are similar in protein structure and prosthetic group composition, but differ in substrate preference. Here we show that mutation of two amino acid residues in the active site of human XOR for purine substrates results in conversion of the substrate preference to AO type. Human XOR and its Glu803-to-valine (E803V) and Arg881-to-methionine (R881M) mutants were expressed in an Escherichia coli system. The E803V mutation almost completely abrogated the activity towards hypoxanthine as a substrate, but very weak activity towards xanthine remained. On the other hand, the R881M mutant lacked activity towards xanthine, but retained slight activity towards hypoxanthine. Both mutants, however, exhibited significant aldehyde oxidase activity. The crystal structure of E803V mutant of human XOR was determined at 2.6 A resolution. The overall molybdopterin domain structure of this mutant closely resembles that of bovine milk XOR; amino acid residues in the active centre pocket are situated at very similar positions and in similar orientations, except that Glu803 was replaced by valine, indicating that the decrease in activity towards purine substrate is not due to large conformational change in the mutant enzyme. Unlike wild-type XOR, the mutants were not subject to time-dependent inhibition by allopurinol.  相似文献   

D-amino acid oxidase (DAAO) is a flavoprotein that catalyzes stereospecifically the oxidative deamination of D-amino acids. The wild-type DAAO is mainly active on neutral D-amino acids, while basic D-amino acids are poor substrates and the acidic ones are virtually not oxidized. To present a comprehensive picture of how the active site residues can modulate the substrate specificity a number of mutants at position M213, Y223, Y238, R285, S335, and Q339 were prepared in the enzyme from the yeast Rhodotorula gracilis. All DAAO mutants have spectral properties similar to those of the wild-type enzyme and are catalytically active, thus excluding an essential role in catalysis; a lower activity on neutral and basic amino acids was observed. Interestingly, an increase in activity and (k(cat)/K(m))(app) ratio on D-aspartate was observed for all the mutants containing an additional charged residue in the active site. The active site of yeast DAAO appears to be a highly evolved scaffold built up through evolution to optimize the oxidative deamination of neutral D-amino acids without limiting its substrate specificity. It is noteworthy, that introduction of a sole, additional, positively charged residue in the active site is sufficient to optimize the reactivity on acidic D-amino acids, giving rise to kinetic properties similar to those of D-aspartate oxidase.  相似文献   

The active site glutamate (Glu(111)) and the active site histidine (His(112)) of insulin-degrading enzyme (IDE) were mutated. These mutant enzymes exhibit, in addition to a large decrease in catalytic activity, a change in the substrate-velocity response from a sigmoidal one seen with the native enzyme (Hill coefficient > 2), to a hyperbolic response. With 2-aminobenzoyl-GGFLRKHGQ-N-(2,4-dinitrophenyl)ethylenediamine as substrate, ATP and triphosphate increase the reaction rate of the wild type enzyme some 50-80-fold. This effect is dampened with glutamate mutants to no effect or less than a 3-fold increase in activity and changed to inhibition with the histidine mutants. Sedimentation equilibrium shows the IDE mutants exhibit a similar oligomeric distribution as the wild type enzyme, being predominantly monomeric, with triphosphate having little if any effect on the oligomeric state. Triphosphate did induce aggregation of many of the IDE mutants. Thus, the oligomeric state of IDE does not correlate with kinetic properties. The His(112) mutants were shown to bind zinc, but with a lower affinity than the wild type enzyme. The glutamate mutants displayed an altered cleavage profile for the peptide beta-endorphin. Wild type IDE cleaved beta-endorphin at Leu(17)-Phe(18) and Phe(18)-Lys(19), whereas the glutamate mutants cleaved at these sites, but in addition at Lys(19)-Asn(20) and at Met(5)-Thr(6). Thus, active site mutations of IDE are suggested to not only reduce catalytic activity but also cause local conformational changes that affect the allosteric properties of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Structural origin of substrate-enzyme recognition remains incompletely understood. In the model enzyme system of serine protease, canonical anti-parallel beta-structure substrate-enzyme complex is the predominant hypothesis for the substrate-enzyme interaction at the atomic level. We used factor Xa (fXa), a key serine protease of the coagulation system, as a model enzyme to test the canonical conformation hypothesis. More than 160 fXa-cleavable substrate phage variants were experimentally selected from three designed substrate phage display libraries. These substrate phage variants were sequenced and their specificities to the model enzyme were quantified with quantitative enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for substrate phage-enzyme reaction kinetics. At least three substrate-enzyme recognition modes emerged from the experimental data as necessary to account for the sequence-dependent specificity of the model enzyme. Computational molecular models were constructed, with both energetics and pharmacophore criteria, for the substrate-enzyme complexes of several of the representative substrate peptide sequences. In contrast to the canonical conformation hypothesis, the binding modes of the substrates to the model enzyme varied according to the substrate peptide sequence, indicating that an ensemble of binding modes underlay the observed specificity of the model serine protease.  相似文献   

Site-directed mutagenesis and a comparative characterisation of the kinetic parameters, pH dependency of activity and thermal stability of mutant and wild-type enzymes have been used in association with crystallographic analysis to delineate the functions of several active site residues in a novel glycoside hydrolase family 8 xylanase. Each of the residues investigated plays an essential role in this enzyme: E78 as the general acid, D281 as the general base and in orientating the nucleophilic water molecule, Y203 in maintaining the position of the nucleophilic water molecule and in structural integrity and D144 in sugar ring distortion and transition state stabilization. Interestingly, although crystal structure analyses and the pH-activity profiles clearly identify the functions of E78 and D281, substitution of these residues with their amide derivatives results in only a 250-fold and 700-fold reduction in their apparent k(cat) values, respectively. This, in addition to the observation that the proposed general base is not conserved in all glycoside hydrolase family 8 enzymes, indicates that the mechanistic architecture in this family of inverting enzymes is more complex than is conventionally believed and points to a diversity in the identity of the mechanistically important residues as well as in the arrangement of the intricate microenvironment of the active site among members of this family.  相似文献   

Acylpeptide hydrolase may be involved in N-terminal deacetylation of nascent polypeptide chains and of bioactive peptides. The activity of this enzyme from human erythrocytes is sensitive to anions such as chloride, nitrate, and fluoride. Furthermore, blocked amino acids act as competitive inhibitors of the enzyme. Acetyl leucine chloromethyl ketone has been employed to identify one active site residue as His-707. Diisopropylfluorophosphate has been used to identify a second active site residue as Ser-587. Chemical modification studies with a water-soluble carbodiimide implicate a carboxyl group in catalytic activity. These results and the sequence around these active site residues, especially near Ser-587, suggest that acylpeptide hydrolase contains a catalytic triad. The presence of a cysteine residue in the vicinity of the active site is suggested by the inactivation of the enzyme by sulfhydryl-modifying agents and also by a low amount of modification by the peptide chloromethyl ketone inhibitor. Ebelactone A, an inhibitor of the formyl aminopeptidase, the bacterial counterpart of eukaryotic acylpeptide hydrolase, was found to be an effective inhibitor of this enzyme. These findings suggest that acylpeptidase hydrolase is a member of a family of enzymes with extremely diverse functions.  相似文献   

Mendonça LM  Marana SR 《The FEBS journal》2008,275(10):2536-2547
The relative contributions to the specificity and catalysis of aglycone, of residues E190, E194, K201 and M453 that form the aglycone-binding site of a beta-glycosidase from Spodoptera frugiperda (EC, were investigated through site-directed mutagenesis and enzyme kinetic experiments. The results showed that E190 favors the binding of the initial portion of alkyl-type aglycones (up to the sixth methylene group) and also the first glucose unit of oligosaccharidic aglycones, whereas a balance between interactions with E194 and K201 determines the preference for glucose units versus alkyl moieties. E194 favors the binding of alkyl moieties, whereas K201 is more relevant for the binding of glucose units, in spite of its favorable interaction with alkyl moieties. The three residues E190, E194 and K201 reduce the affinity for phenyl moieties. In addition, M453 favors the binding of the second glucose unit of oligosaccharidic aglycones and also of the initial portion of alkyl-type aglycones. None of the residues investigated interacted with the terminal portion of alkyl-type aglycones. It was also demonstrated that E190, E194, K201 and M453 similarly contribute to stabilize ES(double dagger). Their interactions with aglycone are individually weaker than those formed by residues interacting with glycone, but their joint catalytic effects are similar. Finally, these interactions with aglycone do not influence glycone binding.  相似文献   

The structures of two alkylurea inhibitors complexed with murine soluble epoxide hydrolase have been determined by x-ray crystallographic methods. The alkyl substituents of each inhibitor make extensive hydrophobic contacts in the soluble epoxide hydrolase active site, and each urea carbonyl oxygen accepts hydrogen bonds from the phenolic hydroxyl groups of Tyr(381) and Tyr(465). These hydrogen bond interactions suggest that Tyr(381) and/or Tyr(465) are general acid catalysts that facilitate epoxide ring opening in the first step of the hydrolysis reaction; Tyr(465) is highly conserved among all epoxide hydrolases, and Tyr(381) is conserved among the soluble epoxide hydrolases. In one enzyme-inhibitor complex, the urea carbonyl oxygen additionally interacts with Gln(382). If a comparable interaction occurs in catalysis, then Gln(382) may provide electrostatic stabilization of partial negative charge on the epoxide oxygen. The carboxylate side chain of Asp(333) accepts a hydrogen bond from one of the urea NH groups in each enzyme-inhibitor complex. Because Asp(333) is the catalytic nucleophile, its interaction with the partial positive charge on the urea NH group mimics its approach toward the partial positive charge on the electrophilic carbon of an epoxide substrate. Accordingly, alkylurea inhibitors mimic features encountered in the reaction coordinate of epoxide ring opening, and a structure-based mechanism is proposed for leukotoxin epoxide hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Nattokinase (Subtilisin NAT, NK) is a bacterial serine protease with high fibrinolytic activity. To probe their roles on protease activity and substrate specificity, three residues of S3 site (Gly(100), Ser(101) and Leu(126)) were mutated by site-directed mutagenesis. Kinetics parameters of 20 mutants were measured using tetrapeptides as substrates, and their fibrinolytic activities were determined by fibrin plate method. Results of mutation analysis showed that Gly(100) and Ser(101) had reverse steric and electrostatic effects. Residues with bulky or positively charged side chains at position 100 decreased the substrate binding and catalytic activity drastically, while residues with the same characters at position 101 could obviously enhance protease and fibrinolytic activity of NK. Mutation of Leu(126) might impair the structure of the active cleft and drastically decreased the activity of NK. Kinetics studies of the mutants showed that S3 residues were crucial to keep protease activity while they moderately affected substrate specificity of NK. The present study provided some original insight into the P3-S3 interaction in NK and other subtilisins, as well as showed successful protein engineering cases to improve NK as a potential therapeutic agent.  相似文献   

Lactococcus lactis prolidase preferably hydrolyzes Xaa-Pro dipeptides where Xaa is a hydrophobic amino acid. Anionic Glu-Pro and Asp-Pro dipeptides cannot be hydrolyzed at any observable rates and the hydrolysis of cationic Arg-Pro and Lys-Pro dipeptides is at about one tenth of the rate of Leu-Pro. It was hypothesized that the hydrophobic residues in the S1 site were responsible for this substrate specificity, thus the residues in the S1 site were substituted with hydrophilic residues. The substitution of Leu193 and Val302 revealed that these residues influenced the substrate specificity. The introduction of a cationic residue, L193R, allowed Asp-Pro to be utilized as a substrate at 37.0% of the rate of Leu-Pro, and the anionic mutation, V302D, yielded mutants that could hydrolyze Asp-Pro, Arg-Pro and Lys-Pro at 25.9 to 57.4% rates. Interestingly, these mutants of S1 site residues eliminated the allosteric behaviour of L. lactis prolidase that makes this enzyme unique among known prolidases. Results of pH dependency, thermal dependency, and molecular modelling suggested that these observed changes were due to the alteration of the interactions among catalytic zinc cations, Arg293, His296, and the mutated residues.  相似文献   

A fluorescent binding assay was developed to investigate the effects of mutagenesis on the binding affinity and substrate specificity of the chitin-binding domain of chitinase A1 from Bacillus circulans WL-12. The chitin-binding domain was genetically fused to the N-terminus of a green fluorescent protein, and the polyhistidine-tagged hybrid protein was expressed in Escherichia coli. Residues likely to be involved in the binding site were mutated and their contributions to binding and substrate specificity were evaluated by affinity electrophoresis and depletion assays. The experimental binding isotherms were analyzed by non-linear regression using a modified Langmuir equation. Non-conservative substitution of tryptophan residue (W687) nearly abolished chitin-binding affinity and dramatically lowered chitosan binding while retaining the original level of curdlan binding. Double mutation E668K/P689A had altered specificity for several substrates and also impaired chitin binding significantly. Other substitutions in the binding site altered substrate specificity but had little effect on overall affinity for chitin. Interestingly, mutation T682A led to a higher specificity towards chitinous substrates than the wildtype. Furthermore, the ChBD-GFP hybrid protein was tested for use in diagnostic staining of cell walls of fungi and yeast and for the detection of fungal infections in tissue samples.  相似文献   

Iyidogan P  Lutz S 《Biochemistry》2008,47(16):4711-4720
Human deoxycytidine kinase (dCK) is responsible for the phosphorylation of a number of clinically important nucleoside analogue prodrugs in addition to its natural substrates, 2'-deoxycytidine, 2'-deoxyguanosine, and 2'-deoxyadenosine. To improve the low catalytic activity and tailor the substrate specificity of dCK, we have constructed libraries of mutant enzymes and tested them for thymidine kinase (tk) activity. Random mutagenesis was employed to probe for amino acid positions with an impact on substrate specificity throughout the entire enzyme structure, identifying positions Arg104 and Asp133 in the active site as key residues for substrate specificity. Kinetic analysis indicates that Arg104Gln/Asp133Gly creates a "generalist" kinase with broader specificity and elevated turnover for natural and prodrug substrates. In contrast, the substitutions of Arg104Met/Asp133Thr, obtained via site-saturation mutagenesis, yielded a mutant with reversed substrate specificity, elevating the specific constant for thymidine phosphorylation by over 1000-fold while eliminating activity for dC, dA, and dG under physiological conditions. The results illuminate the key contributions of these two amino acid positions to enzyme function by demonstrating their ability to moderate substrate specificity.  相似文献   

Uracil-DNA glycosylases (UDGs) catalyse the removal of uracil by flipping it out of the double helix into their binding pockets, where the glycosidic bond is hydrolysed by a water molecule activated by a polar amino acid. Interestingly, the four known UDG families differ in their active site make-up. The activating residues in UNG and SMUG enzymes are aspartates, thermostable UDGs resemble UNG-type enzymes, but carry glutamate rather than aspartate residues in their active sites, and the less active MUG/TDG enzymes contain an active site asparagine. We now describe the first member of a fifth UDG family, Pa-UDGb from the hyperthermophilic crenarchaeon Pyrobaculum aerophilum, the active site of which lacks the polar residue that was hitherto thought to be essential for catalysis. Moreover, Pa-UDGb is the first member of the UDG family that efficiently catalyses the removal of an aberrant purine, hypoxanthine, from DNA. We postulate that this enzyme has evolved to counteract the mutagenic threat of cytosine and adenine deamination, which becomes particularly acute in organisms living at elevated temperatures.  相似文献   

Although helix P4 in the catalytic domain of the RNase P ribozyme is known to coordinate magnesium ions important for activity, distinguishing between direct and indirect roles in catalysis has been difficult. Here, we provide evidence for an indirect role in catalysis by showing that while the universally conserved bulge of helix P4 is positioned 5 nt downstream of the cleavage site, changes in its structure can still purturb active site metal binding. Because changes in helix P4 also appear to alter its position relative to the pre-tRNA cleavage site, these data suggest that P4 contributes to catalytic metal ion binding through substrate positioning.  相似文献   

A novel prokaryotic l-arginine:glycine amidinotransferase (CyrA; EC2.1.4.1) is involved in the biosynthesis of the polyketide-derived cytotoxin cylindrospermopsin in the cyanobacterium Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii AWT250, and was previously characterized with regard to kinetic mechanism and substrate specificity [Muenchhoff J et al. (2010) FEBS J277, 3844-3860]. In order to elucidate the structure-function-stability relationship of this enzyme, two residues in its active site were replaced with the residues that occur in the human l-arginine:glycine amidinotransferase (h-AGAT) at the corresponding positions (F245N and S247M), and a double variant carrying both substitutions was also created. In h-AGAT, both of these residues are critical for the function of this enzyme with regard to substrate binding, ligand-induced structural changes, and stability of the active site. In this study, we demonstrated that both single residue replacements resulted in a dramatic broadening of substrate specificity, but did not affect the kinetic mechanism. Experiments with substrate analogues indicate that donor substrates require a carboxylate group for binding. Evidence from initial velocity studies suggests that CyrA undergoes ligand-induced structural changes that involve Phe245. Stability parameters (T(opt) and T(max) ) of the CyrA variants differed from those of wild-type CyrA. Structural flexibilities of the wild type and all three variants were comparable on the basis of dynamic fluorescence quenching, indicating that changes in T(opt) are most likely attributable to localized effects within the active site. Overall, the results indicated that these two residues are essential for both stringent substrate specificity and the active site stability and flexibility of this unique cyanobacterial enzyme.  相似文献   

Elrod P  Zhang J  Yang X  Yin D  Hu Y  Borchardt RT  Schowen RL 《Biochemistry》2002,41(25):8134-8142
Residues glutamate 156 (E156), aspartate 190 (D190), asparagine 181 (N181), lysine 186 (K186), and asparagine 191 (N191) in the active site of S-adenosylhomocysteine (AdoHcy) hydrolase have been mutated to alanine (A). AdoHcy hydrolase achieves catalysis of AdoHcy hydrolysis to adenosine (Ado) and homocysteine (Hcy) by means of a redox partial reaction (3'-oxidation of AdoHcy at the beginning and 3'-reduction of Ado at the end of the catalytic cycle) spanning an elimination/addition partial reaction (elimination of Hcy from the oxidized substrate and addition of water to generate the oxidized product), with the enzyme in an open NAD(+) form in the ligand-free state and in a closed NADH form during the elimination/addition partial reaction. Mutation K186A reduces the rate of a model enzymatic reaction for the redox partial reaction by a factor of 280000 and the rate of a model reaction for the elimination/addition partial reaction by a factor of 24000, consistent with a primary catalytic role in both partial reactions as a proton donor/acceptor at the 3'-OH/3'-keto center. Secondary roles for N181 and N191 in localizing the flexible side chain of K186 in a catalytically effective position are supported by rate reduction factors for N181A of 2500 (redox) and 240 (elimination/addition) and for N191A of 730 (redox) and 340 (elimination/addition). A role of D190 in orienting the substrate for effective transition-state stabilization is consistent with rate reduction factors of 1300 (redox) and 30 (elimination/addition) for D190A. Residue E156 may act to maintain K186 in the desired protonation state: rate deduction factors are 1100 (redox) and 70 (elimination/addition). The mutational increases in free energy barriers for k(cat)/K(M) are described by a linear combination of the effects for the partial reactions with the coefficients equal to the fractional degree that each partial reaction determines the rate for k(cat)/K(M). A similar linear equation for k(cat) overestimates the barrier increase by a uniform 5 kJ/mol, probably reflecting reactant-state stabilization by the wild-type enzyme that is abolished by the mutations.  相似文献   

The 3-D structure of the peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase from the archaea Sulfolobus solfataricus has been solved at 1.8 A resolution. Homologues of this enzyme are found in archaea and eucarya. Bacteria display a different type of peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase that is also encountered in eucarya. In solution, the S. solfataricus hydrolase behaves as a dimer. In agreement, the crystalline structure of this enzyme indicates the formation of a dimer. Each protomer is made of a mixed five-stranded beta-sheet surrounded by two groups of two alpha-helices. The dimer interface is mainly formed by van der Waals interactions between hydrophobic residues belonging to the two N-terminal alpha1 helices contributed by two protomers. Site-directed mutagenesis experiments were designed for probing the basis of specificity of the archaeal hydrolase. Among the strictly conserved residues within the archaeal/eucaryal peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase family, three residues, K18, D86, and T90, appear of utmost importance for activity. They are located in the N-part of alpha1 and in the beta3-beta4 loop. K18 and D86, which form a salt bridge, might play a role in the catalysis thanks to their acid and basic functions, whereas the OH group of T90 could act as a nucleophile. These observations clearly distinguish the active site of the archaeal/eucaryal hydrolases from that of the bacterial/eucaryal ones, where a histidine is believed to serve as the catalytic base.  相似文献   

The protease domains of the evolutionarily related alpha and beta subunits of meprin metalloproteases are approximately 55% identical at the amino acid level; however, their substrate and peptide bond specificities differ markedly. The meprin beta subunit favors acidic residues proximal to the scissile bond, while the alpha subunit prefers small or aromatic amino acids flanking the scissile bond. Thus gastrin, a peptide that contains a string of five Glu residues, is an excellent substrate for meprin beta, while it is not hydrolyzed by meprin alpha. Work herein aimed to identify critical amino acids in the meprin active sites that determine the substrate specificity differences. Sequence alignments and homology models, based on the crystal structure of the crayfish astacin, showed electrostatic differences within the meprin active sites. Site-directed mutagenesis of active site residues demonstrated that replacement of a hydrophobic residue by a basic amino acid enabled the meprin alpha protease to cleave gastrin. The meprin alphaY199K mutant was most effective; the corresponding mutation of meprin betaK185Y resulted in decreased activity toward gastrin. Peptide cleavage site determinations and kinetic analyses using a variety of peptides extended evidence that meprin alphaTyr-199/betaLys-185 are substrate specificity determinants in meprin active sites. These studies shed light on the molecular basis for the substrate specificity differences of astacin metalloproteinases.  相似文献   

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