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Recently, we reported that pp60c-src kinase activity was present in adult bovine coronary arterial smooth muscle and showed that the activity of the enzyme in in vitro immunoprecipitation assays was stimulated 20-60-fold by ATP (Di Salvo, J., Gifford, D., and Kokkinakis, A. (1988) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 153, 388-394). In the present study, ATP-mediated stimulation of activity was also demonstrated in extracts from aortic vascular smooth muscle. In contrast, no stimulation was apparent in extracts from brain. Stimulation of activity in vascular preparations was also induced with beta,gamma-imidoadenosine 5'-triphosphate (AMP.PNP), a nonmetabolizable analog of ATP, and with several other polyphosphates including ADP and sodium pyrophosphate. No stimulation occurred in response to monophosphates such as AMP or KH2PO4. As expected, the specific activity of pp60c-src in brain extracts did not change when the amount of extracted protein included in immunoprecipitation mixtures was increased. Unexpectedly, however, the specific activity of the vascular enzyme decreased markedly as the amount of extracted protein subjected to immunoprecipitation was increased. Following stimulation of pp60c-src in vascular extracts with ATP, the enzyme behaved in a fashion similar to pp60c-src extracted from brain. That is, the enhanced specific activity of the stimulated vascular enzyme did not decrease with increasing amounts of extracted protein. Moreover, mixing experiments in which vascular smooth muscle extracts were added to brain extracts showed that the muscle extracts contained a factor which inhibited pp60c-src kinase activity. This inhibition was blocked when the mixed extracts were immunoprecipitated in the presence of ATP, or when inhibitory extract was treated with trypsin. Taken together, these data suggest that pp60c-src kinase activity in vascular tissue may be subject to a novel regulatory mechanism involving an inhibitory protein factor which can be nullified by polyphosphates.  相似文献   

We have evaluated the level of pp60c-src protein kinase activity in a variety of human tumor tissues and human tumor cell lines, and have estimated the abundance of the c-src protein in several of these tissues and cell lines. All cell lines derived from tumors of neuroectodermal origin that express a neural phenotype were found to possess c-src molecules with high levels of tyrosine-specific protein kinase activity. In contrast, cell lines derived from tumors of neuroectodermal origin that do not express neural characteristics, such as glioblastomas and melanomas, were found to have pp60c-src molecules with low levels of protein kinase activity. A similar pattern was observed when we analyzed the activity of c-src molecules extracted directly from corresponding tumor tissues. Analysis of human tumor cell lines derived from tissues other than those of neuroectodermal origin revealed that pp60c-src protein kinase activity was low in most cases. Exceptions to this observation were all rhabdomyosarcoma, osteogenic sarcoma, Ewing's sarcoma, and colon carcinoma lines tested. Comparison of pp60c-src kinase activity in normal skeletal muscle and rhabdomyosarcoma tissue and in normal breast tissue and breast adenocarcinoma tissue revealed that pp60c-src kinase activity was specifically elevated in the tumor tissues in both cases. However, the amount of pp60c-src protein in both normal and tumor tissues was found to be similar. These observations suggest that increases in the specific activity of the pp60c-src phosphotransferase in some rhabdomyosarcomas and breast carcinomas may be a characteristic acquired during the malignant transformation of the cells that is retained in cell lines established from these tumors.  相似文献   

pp60c-src is developmentally regulated in the neural retina   总被引:60,自引:0,他引:60  
L K Sorge  B T Levy  P F Maness 《Cell》1984,36(2):249-257
We have localized normal cellular pp60c-src in the developing chick neural retina by immunocytochemical staining using antisera raised against bacterially expressed pp60v-src, the src gene product of Rous sarcoma virus. pp60c-src was expressed in developing retinal neurons at the onset of differentiation. Expression of pp60c-src persisted in mature neuronal cells that were postmitotic, fully differentiated, and functional. pp60c-src immunoreactivity was localized within processes and cell bodies of ganglion neurons, processes of rods and cones, and in some but not all neurons of the inner nuclear layer. Protein kinase assays and Western transfer analyses identified the immunoreactive protein as pp60c-src, and confirmed that its expression occurs at the time the first neuronal cells in the retina differentiate. We conclude from these studies that pp60c-src is the product of a developmentally regulated gene that is more important in neuronal differentiation or function than cell proliferation.  相似文献   

Conformational searches on three closely related pp60(c-src) protein tyrosine kinase inhibitors of varying potencies were performed to determine a structural basis for their activity. The first was a linear peptide (PDNEYAFFQf), the second its 10-membered cyclic analogue, and the third a cyclic analogue with a para carboxyphenylalanine in place of one the F residues. A common backbone conformation with an antiparallel beta-sheet-like geometry capped by similar beta-turns was found for all three peptides, which may be a binding conformation and gives a candidate pharmacophore for further testing. The interaction between some polar side chains and between some of the aromatic rings may be important for maintaining the correct conformation. The differences in potencies of these inhibitors may be attributed to certain thermodynamic and chemical reasons.  相似文献   

Tyrosine-specific protein kinase activity of pp60c-src was examined in human Y79 retinoblastoma cells cultured in monolayers after clusters in suspension culture had been dissociated. The activity increased five- to six-fold between Days 1 and 7 in the monolayer cultures, with a concomitant increase in numbers of cellular contacts per cell. There was no effect of conditioned medium from high-density cultures in suspension on the activity of cultures with a low degree of contacts. The level of c-src protein in cell lysates was nearly constant irrespective of the degree of cellular contacts. These results suggest that the specific activity of pp60c-src is regulated by cell-cell contact.  相似文献   

A protein tyrosine kinase involved in regulation of pp60c-src function   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
We recently identified a novel protein tyrosine kinase that specifically phosphorylates truncated pp60c-src (Mr = 53,000) at a tyrosine residue(s) distinct from its autophosphorylation site. In this study, we examined whether this enzyme phosphorylates intact pp60c-src (Mr = 60,000) and determined its phosphorylation site. Non-neuronal and neuronal forms of intact pp60c-src were separately purified from the membrane fraction of neonatal rat brain by sequential column chromatographies. The novel kinase phosphorylated tyrosine residues of both forms of intact pp60c-src. The phosphorylation occurred in parallel with autophosphorylation of pp60c-src, and in both forms the final stoichiometry estimated was quite similar to that of autophosphorylation (about 5%). The enzyme also phosphorylated pp60c-src in which the kinase activity had been destroyed by an ATP analogue, p-fluorosulfonylbenzoyl 5'-adenosine. The phosphorylation site of the non-neuronal form was analyzed by sequential peptide mapping with tosylphenylalanyl chloromethyl ketone-treated trypsin and alpha-chymotrypsin. Tryptic digestion of the phosphorylated pp60c-src yielded a unique phosphopeptide that cross-reacted with an antibody specific for the carboxyl-terminal sequence of chicken pp60c-src. Digestion of the phosphopeptide with chymotrypsin yielded a product that comigrated with a synthetic phosphopeptide corresponding to the carboxyl-terminal 15 residues of chicken pp60c-src. These results clearly indicate that the carboxyl-terminal sequence of rat pp60c-src is identical to that of chicken pp60c-src, and a tyrosine residue corresponding to chicken Tyr527 is the phosphorylation site. This phosphorylation resulted in a decrease in the enolase phosphorylating activity of pp60c-src. Kinetic experiments indicated that this decrease in activity was due to a decrease in the Vmax value of pp60c-src. These findings support our previous proposal that the novel tyrosine kinase acts as a specific regulator of pp60c-src in cells.  相似文献   

pp60c-src Kinase is in chick and human embryonic tissues   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
The normal cellular protein pp60c-src is a tyrosine-specific protein kinase that is homologous to the transforming protein of Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) but its function is unknown. The expression of pp60c-src in chick and human embryonic tissues was monitored by the immune complex protein kinase assay, Western transfer analysis, and immunocytochemical staining at the light microscope level. pp60c-src kinase was expressed in the head and trunk regions of the chick embryo at all stages of development examined; however, expression increased significantly during the major period of organogenesis (Hamburger and Hamilton stages 21 to 32). Western transfer analysis showed that the amount of pp60c-src protein increased in parallel with the increase in kinase activity. Highest levels of pp60c-src kinase were present in the neural tube, brain, and heart of the stage 32 chick embryo. Lower levels of activity were found in eye, limb bud, and liver. Immunocytochemical staining of the neural tube region and heart of the chick confirmed the results of biochemical analysis and showed immunoreactive pp60c-src distributed throughout the neural tube and heart. The distribution of pp60c-src kinase in human fetal tissues was similar to that in the chick embryo; elevated levels of pp60c-src kinase were present in cerebral cortex, spinal cord, and heart, but all other tissues examined expressed some pp60c-src kinase. The results of our studies suggest that pp60c-src plays a fundamental role in an aspect of cellular metabolism that is particularly important in electrogenic tissues.  相似文献   

We have examined the effect of DNA tumor virus transformation of primary hamster embryo cells on the tyrosyl kinase activity of pp60c-src. Our present study demonstrates that some clones of hamster embryo cells transformed by simian virus 40, adenovirus type 2, adenovirus type 12, or bovine papillomavirus 1 can possess elevated pp60c-src kinase activity when compared with normal hamster embryo cells. However, other clones of hamster embryo cells transformed by these same viruses were found to have normal levels of pp60c-src kinase activity. In those clones of transformed cells where pp60c-src kinase activity was elevated, the increased levels of kinase activity were the result of an apparent increase in the specific activity of the pp60c-src phosphotransferase rather than an increase in the amount of the src gene product. Additionally, pp60c-src was not found to be physically associated with tumor antigens known to be encoded by these viruses. These results indicate that elevated levels of pp60c-src kinase activity can be found in hamster embryo cells transformed by several different DNA tumor viruses and suggest that the molecular mechanism by which pp60c-src kinase activity is elevated may differ from that previously observed in polyomavirus-transformed cells. These results also imply that elevation of pp60c-src kinase activity is not required for the transformation of hamster cells by these viruses.  相似文献   

We have examined the effect of polyoma virus infection of primary mouse embryo cells on the tyrosyl kinase activity associated with the cellular src gene product, pp60c-src. The results of our studies demonstrate that infection of mouse cells with wild-type polyoma virus or viral mutants capable of transforming rodent cells in culture and inducing tumors in animals results in the stimulation of pp60c-src tyrosyl kinase activity. The level of pp60c-src kinase stimulation in infected cells was found to be proportional to both the oncogenic potential of the virus strain used for infection and the characteristic phenotype of rodent cells transformed by the various strains of polyoma virus. Stimulation of pp60c-src kinase activity was not observed in mouse cells infected with transformation-defective strains of polyoma virus. In examining the kinetics of pp60c-src kinase stimulation in mouse cells at various times following wild-type polyoma virus infection, we found that the level of pp60c-src kinase activity correlated directly with the synthesis of polyoma virus-encoded tumor antigens. By comparing wild-type polyoma virus with other viral mutants in these experiments, we conclude that the stimulation of pp60c-src kinase activity in mouse cells following polyoma virus infection is associated with the synthesis of middle tumor antigen.  相似文献   

In vivo effect of sodium orthovanadate on pp60c-src kinase.   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:3  
We have compared the tyrosine kinase activity of pp60c-src isolated from intact chicken embryo fibroblasts treated with micromolar sodium orthovanadate for 4 h and from untreated cells. We found an approximate 50% reduction in both autophosphorylation of pp60c-src and phosphorylation of casein when examined in the immune complex kinase assay. The reduction of in vitro enzymatic activity correlated with a vanadate-induced increase in in vivo phosphorylation of pp60c-src at the major site of tyrosine phosphorylation in the carboxyl-terminal half of the molecule and at serine in the amino-terminal half of the molecule. Our observations in vivo and those of Courtneidge in vitro (EMBO J. 4:1471-1477, 1985) suggest that vanadate may enhance a cellular regulatory mechanism that inhibits the activity of pp60c-src in normal cells. A likely candidate for this mechanism is phosphorylation at a tyrosine residue distinct from tyrosine 416, probably tyrosine 527 in the carboxyl-terminal sequence of amino acids unique to pp60c-src. The regulatory role, if any, of serine phosphorylation in pp60c-src remains unclear. The 36-kilodalton phosphoprotein, a substrate of pp60v-src, showed a significant phosphorylation at tyrosine after treatment of normal chicken embryo fibroblasts with vanadate. Assuming that pp60c-src is inhibited intracellularly by vanadate, either another tyrosine kinase is stimulated by vanadate (e.g., a growth factor receptor) or the 36-kilodalton phosphoprotein in normal cells is no longer rapidly dephosphorylated by a tyrosine phosphatase in the presence of vanadate.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1990,111(5):1959-1970
We show here that tubulin is the major in vivo substrate of the tyrosine-specific protein kinase pp60c-src in nerve growth cone membranes. Phosphotyrosine antibodies were used to demonstrate phosphotyrosyl residues in a subpopulation of alpha- and beta-tubulin that was highly enriched in a subcellular fraction of growth cone membranes from fetal rat brain. The presence of phosphotyrosine- modified isoforms of alpha- and beta-tubulin in vivo was confirmed by 32p labeling of rat cortical neurons in culture. Tubulin in growth cone membranes was phosphorylated at tyrosine in endogenous membrane phosphorylation reactions (0.068 mol phosphotyrosine/mol alpha-tubulin and 0.045 mol phosphotyrosine/mol beta-tubulin), and phosphorylation was specifically inhibited by antibodies directed against pp60c-src, which is localized in the growth cone membranes. pp60c-src was capable of directly phosphorylating tubulin as shown in immune complex kinase assays with purified brain tubulin. Phosphopeptide mapping revealed a limited number of sites of tyrosine phosphorylation in alpha- and beta- tubulin, with similar phosphopeptides observed in vivo and in vitro. These results reveal a novel posttranslational modification of tubulin that could regulate microtubule dynamics at the growth cone.  相似文献   

Chicken embryo fibroblast cells overexpressing activated mutant forms of human pp60c-src, but not those overexpressing normal human pp60c-src, exhibited high levels of type I phosphatidylinositol (PI) kinase activity associated with pp60c-src. Levels of PI kinase activity were positively correlated with src tyrosine protein kinase activity and not with absolute levels of pp60c-src. Our results suggest that a linkage exists between certain forms of pp60c-src and the PI signal transduction pathway.  相似文献   

A tyrosine-specific protein kinase immunologically related to pp60c-src, the cellular homolog of the Rous sarcoma virus-transforming protein, was expressed at elevated levels in the electric organ of the electric eel Electrophorus electricus. The electric organ kinase phosphorylated antibodies reactive with pp60c-src at tyrosine residues in immune complex protein kinase assays and was associated with electric organ membranes enriched in acetylcholine receptors. The protein recognized by anti-pp60c-src antibodies was phosphorylated in endogenous membrane phosphorylation reactions and was shown to have a relative molecular mass of 57 kDa by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. In immune complex protein kinase assays the 57-kDa protein was phosphorylated at threonine by a distinct threonine kinase from the electric organ. The tyrosine kinase was purified 844-fold from electric organ membranes by chromatography on omega-aminohexyl agarose, phosphocellulose, and casein-Sepharose. Threonine kinase activity in immunoprecipitates was not observed in the tyrosine kinase fractions after the first step. Incubation of the casein Sepharose fraction with [gamma-32P]ATP-Mn2+ in solution resulted in phosphorylation of only the 57-kDa protein. Phosphorylation occurred solely at tyrosine, suggesting that the kinase is capable of autophosphorylation. The structural and functional properties of the 57-kDa electric organ kinase indicate that the 57-kDa electric organ protein is a member of the src subfamily of tyrosine kinases and is closely related to pp60c-src.  相似文献   

The transforming protein of polyoma virus, middle T antigen, associates with the protein tyrosine kinase pp60c-src, and analysis of mutants of middle T suggests that this complex plays an important role in transformation by polyoma. It has recently been reported that pp60c-src from polyoma virus-transformed cells has enhanced tyrosine kinase activity in vitro. The data presented here confirm these findings and show that the enhanced kinase activity of pp60c-src is due to an increase in the Vmax of the enzyme. Sucrose density gradient analysis demonstrates that only the form of pp60c-src which is bound to middle T antigen is activated. The difference in enzyme activity between pp60c-src from normal and middle T-transformed cells is more marked when the enzyme is prepared from lysates containing the phosphotyrosine protein phosphatase inhibitor, sodium orthovanadate. pp60c-src from middle T transformed cells is unaffected, but pp60c-src from normal cells has reduced kinase activity if dephosphorylation is prevented. The kinase activity of pp60c-src thus appears to be regulated by its degree of phosphorylation at tyrosine, and data are presented which support this hypothesis. pp60c-src is the first example of a protein tyrosine kinase whose activity is inhibited by phosphorylation at tyrosine. Middle T antigen may increase the kinase activity of pp60c-src by preventing phosphorylation at this regulatory site.  相似文献   

A cellular src (c-src) cDNA clone was isolated from a chicken embryonic brain cDNA library and characterized by DNA sequence analysis. Comparison with the published sequence of a chicken genomic c-src clone indicated that the brain cDNA clone contained an 18-base-pair insertion located between exons 3 and 4 of the c-src gene. The six amino acids encoded by the insertion caused an alteration in the electrophoretic mobility of the c-src gene product similar to that of the structurally distinct form of the src protein detected in neuronal cultures.  相似文献   

We have shown previously that pp60c-src is a substrate for protein kinase C in vivo and that the target of protein kinase C phosphorylation in mammalian pp60c-src is serine 12. We now demonstrate that in addition to tumor promoters, all activators of phosphatidylinositol turnover that we have tested in fibroblasts (platelet-derived growth factor, fibroblast growth factor, serum, vasopressin, sodium orthovanadate, and prostaglandin F2 alpha) lead to the phosphorylation of pp60c-src at serine 12. In addition to stimulating serine 12 phosphorylation in pp60c-src, platelet-derived growth factor treatment of quiescent fibroblasts induces phosphorylation of one or two additional serine residues and one tyrosine residue within the N-terminal 16 kilodaltons of the enzyme and activates its immune complex protein-tyrosine kinase activity.  相似文献   

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