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Periplasmic membrane fusion proteins (MFPs) are essential components of the type I protein secretion systems and drug efflux pumps in Gram-negative bacteria. Previous studies suggested that MFPs connect the inner and outer membrane components of the transport systems and by this means co-ordinate the transfer of substrates across the two membranes. In this study, we purified and reconstituted the macrolide transporter MacAB from Escherichia coli. Here, MacA is a periplasmic MFP and MacB is an ABC-type transporter. Similar to other MFP-dependent transporters from E. coli, the in vivo function of MacAB requires the outer membrane channel TolC. The purified MacB displayed a basal ATPase activity in detergent micelles. This activity conformed to Michaelis-Menten kinetics but was unresponsive to substrates or accessory proteins. Upon reconstitution into proteoliposomes, the ATPase activity of MacB was strictly dependent on MacA. The catalytic efficiency of MacAB ATPase was more than 45-fold higher than the activity of MacB alone. Both the N- and C-terminal regions of MacA were essential for this activity. MacA stimulated MacB ATPase only in phospholipid bilayers and did not need the presence of macrolides. Our results suggest that MacA is a functional subunit of the MacB transporter.  相似文献   

The NEM-sensitive fusion protein, NSF, together with SNAPs (soluble NSF attachment proteins) and the SNAREs (SNAP receptors), is thought to be generally used for the fusion of transport vesicles to their target membranes. NSF is a homotrimer whose polypeptide subunits are made up of three distinct domains: an amino-terminal domain (N) and two homologous ATP-binding domains (D1 and D2). Mutants of NSF were produced in which either the order or composition of the three domains were altered. These mutants could not support intra-Golgi transport, but they indicated that the D2 domain was required for trimerization of the NSF subunits. Mutations of the first ATP-binding site that affected either the binding (K266A) or hydrolysis (E329Q) of ATP completely eliminated NSF activity. The hydrolysis mutant was an effective, reversible inhibitor of Golgi transport with an IC50 of 125 ng/50 microliters assay. Mutants in the second ATP-binding site (binding, K549A; hydrolysis, D604Q) had either 14 or 42% the specific activity of the wild-type protein, respectively. Using coexpression of an inactive mutant with wild-type subunits, it was possible to produce a recombinant form of trimeric NSF that contained a mixture of subunits. The mixed NSF trimers were inactive, even when only one mutant subunit was present, suggesting that NSF action requires each of the three subunits in a concerted mechanism. These studies demonstrate that the ability of the D1 domain to hydrolyze ATP is required for NSF activity and, therefore is required for membrane fusion. The D2 domain is required for trimerization, but its ability to hydrolyze ATP is not absolutely required for NSF function.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli MacAB-TolC is a tripartite macrolide efflux transporter driven by hydrolysis of ATP. In this complex, MacA is the periplasmic membrane fusion protein that stimulates the activity of MacB transporter and establishes the link with the outer membrane channel TolC. The molecular mechanism by which MacA stimulates MacB remains unknown. Here, we report that the periplasmic membrane proximal domain of MacA plays a critical role in functional MacA-MacB interactions and stimulation of MacB ATPase activity. Binding of MacA to MacB stabilizes the ATP-bound conformation of MacB, whereas interactions with both MacB and TolC affect the conformation of MacA. A single G353A substitution in the C-terminus of MacA inactivates MacAB-TolC function by changing the conformation of the membrane proximal domain of MacA and disrupting the proper assembly of the MacA-MacB complex. We propose that MacA acts in transport by promoting MacB transition into the closed ATP-bound conformation and in this respect, is similar to the periplasmic solute-binding proteins.  相似文献   

The p10 fusion-associated small transmembrane protein of avian reovirus induces extensive syncytium formation in transfected cells. Here we show that p10-induced cell-cell fusion is restricted by rapid degradation of the majority of newly synthesized p10. The small ectodomain of p10 targets the protein for degradation following p10 insertion into an early membrane compartment. Paradoxically, conservative amino acid substitutions in the p10 ectodomain hydrophobic patch that eliminate fusion activity also increase p10 stability. The small amount of p10 that escapes intracellular degradation accumulates at the cell surface in a relatively stable form, where it mediates cell-cell fusion as a late-stage event in the virus replication cycle. The unusual relationship between a nonstructural viral membrane fusion protein and the replication cycle of a nonenveloped virus has apparently contributed to the evolution of a novel mechanism for restricting the extent of virus-induced cell-cell fusion.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic dynein is a microtubule-associated motor that utilizes ATP hydrolysis to conduct minus-end directed transport of various organelles. Dynactin is a multisubunit complex that has been proposed to both link dynein with cargo and activate dynein motor function. The mechanisms by which dynactin regulates dynein activity are not clear. In this study, we examine the role of dynactin in regulating dynein ATPase activity. We show that dynein-microtubule binding and ATP-dependent release of dynein from microtubules are reduced in dynactin null mutants, Deltaro-3 (p150(Glued)) and Deltaro-4 (Arp1), relative to wild-type. The dynein-microtubule binding activity, but not the ATP-dependent release of dynein from microtubules, is restored by in vitro mixing of extracts from dynein and dynactin mutants. Dynein produced in a Deltaro-3 mutant has approximately 8-fold reduced ATPase activity relative to dynein isolated from wild-type. However, dynein ATPase activity from wild-type is not reduced when dynactin is separated from dynein, suggesting that dynein produced in a dynactin mutant is inactivated. Treatment of dynein isolated from the Deltaro-3 mutant with lambda protein phosphatase restores the ATPase activity to near wild-type levels. The reduced dynein ATPase activity observed in dynactin null mutants is mainly due to altered affinity for ATP. Radiolabeling experiments revealed that low molecular mass proteins, particularly 20- and 8-kDa proteins, that immunoprecipitate with dynein heavy chain are hyperphosphorylated in the dynactin mutant and dephosphorylated upon lambda protein phosphatase treatment. The results suggest that cytoplasmic dynein ATPase activity is regulated by dynactin-dependent phosphorylation of dynein light chains.  相似文献   

Lipid composition of biological membranes is closely related to the function of the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter P-Glycoprotein (Pgp). Herein, we studied how membrane physico-chemical properties affect Pgp-activity. We effectively modulated the cellular cholesterol content using methyl-beta-cyclodextrin (MbetaCD) and MbetaCD-cholesterol-inclusion complex. Pgp was not liberated from the plasma membrane during cholesterol modulation and functional inhibition of Pgp was related to varying cholesterol levels in the plasma membrane. Our data indicate that membrane fluidity does not solely account for cholesterol dependent modifications of Pgp-activity. Therefore, we isolated lipid rafts and examined distinct membrane microdomains. Both depletion and cholesterol enrichment induces a disassembly of lipid rafts. In cholesterol-depleted cell membranes a shift in the Pgp localisation to detergent soluble fractions was observed. Enrichment of membrane cholesterol changed lipid raft distribution but not the localisation of Pgp. From our data we conclude that Pgp-transport capacity depends on accurate lipid raft properties.  相似文献   

The OpuA system of Bacillus subtilis is a member of the substrate-binding-protein-dependent ABC transporter superfamily and serves for the uptake of the compatible solute glycine betaine under hyperosmotic growth conditions. Here, we have characterized the nucleotide-binding protein (OpuAA) of the B.subtilis OpuA transporter in vitro. OpuAA was overexpressed heterologously in Escherichia coli as a hexahistidine tag fusion protein and purified to homogeneity by affinity and size exclusion chromatography (SEC). Dynamic monomer/dimer equilibrium was observed for OpuAA, and the K(D) value was determined to be 6 microM. Under high ionic strength assay conditions, the monomer/dimer interconversion was diminished, which enabled separation of both species by SEC and separate analysis of both monomeric and dimeric OpuAA. In the presence of 1 M NaCl, monomeric OpuAA showed a basal ATPase activity (K(M)=0.45 mM; k(2)=2.3 min(-1)), whereas dimeric OpuAA showed little ATPase activity under this condition. The addition of nucleotides influenced the monomer/dimer ratio of OpuAA, demonstrating different oligomeric states during its catalytic cycle. The monomer was the preferred species under post-hydrolysis conditions (e.g. ADP/Mg(2+)), whereas the dimer dominated the nucleotide-free and ATP-bound states. The affinity and stoichiometry of monomeric or dimeric OpuAA/ATP complexes were determined by means of the fluorescent ATP-analog TNP-ATP. One molecule of TNP-ATP was bound in the monomeric state and two TNP-ATP molecules were detected in the dimeric state of OpuAA. Binding of TNP-ADP/Mg(2+) to dimeric OpuAA induced a conformational change that led to the decay of the dimer. On the basis of our data, we propose a model that couples changes in the oligomeric state of OpuAA with ATP hydrolysis.  相似文献   

The ATP binding cassette (ABC) transporter Atm1p of the mitochondrial inner membrane performs crucial roles in both the biogenesis of cytosolic/nuclear iron-sulfur proteins and cellular iron homeostasis. Since the function of the mitochondrial iron-sulfur cluster (ISC) assembly machinery is also required for these two processes, Atm1p is thought to translocate a still unknown product of this pathway to the cytosol. Here, we provide a detailed in vitro characterization of Atm1p in order to better understand its function. Atm1p was purified using an expression system in E. coli. The detergent-solubilised protein exhibits a stable ATPase activity. Reconstitution of Atm1p into proteoliposomes allowed us to determine the biochemical characteristics of the ATPase such as: (i) the strong inhibition by the transition state analogue vanadate, (ii) a Km value of 0.1 mM, and (iii) a turnover number of 127 min-1. The ATPase activity of ABC transporters is generally stimulated by their specific substrate. We used this property to define the chemical properties of the substrate transported by Atm1p. ATPase hydrolysis by Atm1p-containing proteoliposomes was specifically increased 3-5-fold by thiol-containing compounds, in particular by micromolar concentrations of cysteine thiol groups in peptides, even though Atm1p is not a general peptide transporter such as yeast Mdl1p or mammalian TAP which share sequence similarity with Atm1p. We speculate that the physiological substrate of Atm1p may contain multiple sulfhydryl groups in a peptidic environment.  相似文献   

We previously described the [(3)H]cGMP-binding characteristics of a CHAPS-solubilized protein that we proposed to be a cGMP transporter. We now report the ATPase activity of the membrane-bound, solubilized and reconstituted form of a cGMP transporter. The membrane-bound protein of unsealed ghosts had a linear ATPase activity over a 120 min incubation period with optimal activity of about 400 pmol/mg/min. The apparent K(m) and V(max) for ATP were about 0.5 mM and 300 pmol/mg/min, respectively. When solubilized with CHAPS the specific activity of the protein was reduced to about 70 pmol/mg/min. Reconstitution of the CHAPS preparation into phospholipid bilayer using rapid detergent removal by Extracti-gel column resulted in proteoliposomes which had ATPase activity similar to that found in the erythrocyte membranes. The proteoliposomes displayed a linear ATP-dependent uptake of [(3)H]cGMP with an apparent K(m) value of 1. 0 microM. This low K(m)-uptake of [(3)H]cGMP in proteoliposomes was not affected by 10 microM of AMP, cAMP and GMP, but was completely abolished in the presence of the non-hydrolyzable ATP analogue, ATP-gamma-S. Some ATPase activation was also observed in the presence of 2 microM cAMP, but it is unclear whether this activity was coupled to the cGMP transporter. Our results show that the membrane protein responsible for cGMP transport has an ATPase activity and transports the cyclic nucleotide in the presence of ATP.  相似文献   

The ATP-sensitive potassium (K(ATP)) channel couples glucose metabolism to insulin secretion in pancreatic beta-cells. It comprises regulatory sulfonylurea receptor 1 and pore-forming Kir6.2 subunits. Binding and/or hydrolysis of Mg-nucleotides at the nucleotide-binding domains of sulfonylurea receptor 1 stimulates channel opening and leads to membrane hyperpolarization and inhibition of insulin secretion. We report here the first purification and functional characterization of sulfonylurea receptor 1. We also compared the ATPase activity of sulfonylurea receptor 1 with that of the isolated nucleotide-binding domains (fused to maltose-binding protein to improve solubility). Electron microscopy showed that nucleotide-binding domains purified as ring-like complexes corresponding to approximately 8 momomers. The ATPase activities expressed as maximal turnover rate [in nmol P(i).s(-1).(nmol protein)(-1)] were 0.03, 0.03, 0.13 and 0.08 for sulfonylurea receptor 1, nucleotide-binding domain 1, nucleotide-binding domain 2 and a mixture of nucleotide-binding domain 1 and nucleotide-binding domain 2, respectively. Corresponding K(m) values (in mm) were 0.1, 0.6, 0.65 and 0.56, respectively. Thus sulfonylurea receptor 1 has a lower K(m) than either of the isolated nucleotide-binding domains, and a lower maximal turnover rate than nucleotide-binding domain 2. Similar results were found with GTP, but the K(m) values were lower. Mutation of the Walker A lysine in nucleotide-binding domain 1 (K719A) or nucleotide-binding domain 2 (K1385M) inhibited the ATPase activity of sulfonylurea receptor 1 by 60% and 80%, respectively. Beryllium fluoride (K(i) 16 microm), but not MgADP, inhibited the ATPase activity of sulfonylurea receptor 1. In contrast, both MgADP and beryllium fluoride inhibited the ATPase activity of the nucleotide-binding domains. These data demonstrate that the ATPase activity of sulfonylurea receptor 1 differs from that of the isolated nucleotide-binding domains, suggesting that the transmembrane domains may influence the activity of the protein.  相似文献   

Immunoprecipitation of Na,K-ATPase from kidney homogenate by antibodies against alpha1-subunit results in the precipitation of several proteins together with the Na,K-ATPase. A protein with molecular mass of about 67 kD interacting with antibodies against melittin (melittin-like protein, MLP) was found in the precipitate when immunoprecipitation was done in the presence of ouabain. If immunoprecipitation was done using antibodies against melittin, MLP and Na,K-ATPase alpha1-subunit were detected in the precipitate, and the amount of alpha1-subunit in the precipitate was increased after the addition of ouabain to the immunoprecipitation medium. MLP was purified from mouse kidney homogenate using immunoaffinity chromatography with antibodies against melittin. The addition of MLP to purified FITC-labeled Na,K-ATPase decreases fluorescence in medium with K+ and increases it in medium with Na+. The enhancement of fluorescence depends upon the MLP concentration. The N-terminal sequence of MLP determined by the Edman method is the following: HPPKRVRSRLNG. No proteins with such N-terminal sequence were found in the protein sequence databases. However, we revealed five amino acid sequences that contain this peptide in the middle part of the chain at distance 553 amino acids from the C-terminus (that corresponds to protein with molecular mass of about 67 kD). Analysis of amino acid sequence located between C-terminus and HPPKRVRSRLNG in all found sequences has shown that they were highly conservative and include WD40 repeats. It is suggested that the 67-kD MLP either belongs to the found protein family or was a product of proteolysis of one of them.  相似文献   

The Streptococcus faecalis H+-ATPase (F1 X F0 complex) level was elevated when the cytoplasmic pH was shifted below 7.5. The elevated level was attained by the increase in functional unit (F1 X F0 complex) in membranes, but not by the activation of the enzyme. Our data strongly suggested that the increase in enzyme arises from stimulation of enzyme biosynthesis. When calls growing at pH 7.6 were transferred to an acid medium with a pH below 7, the amount of H+-ATPase increased. The amount of H+-ATPase decreased to the basal level when the medium was alkalized again. Cytoplasmic pH was not controlled normally in cells where a change in the amount of H+-ATPase was inhibited. Based on these findings and previous data (Kobayashi, H. (1985) J. Biol. Chem. 260, 72-76), we propose a model for the regulatory mechanism of streptococcal cytoplasmic pH: the pH is regulated by changes in amount and activity of the H+-ATPase, which are dependent on the cytoplasmic pH.  相似文献   

Ohno M  Segref A  Bachi A  Wilm M  Mattaj IW 《Cell》2000,101(2):187-198
In metazoa, assembly of spliceosomal U snRNPs requires nuclear export of U snRNA precursors. Export depends upon the RNA cap structure, nuclear cap-binding complex (CBC), the export receptor CRM1/Xpo1, and RanGTP. These components are however insufficient to support U snRNA export. We identify PHAX (phosphorylated adaptor for RNA export) as the additional factor required for U snRNA export complex assembly in vitro. In vivo, PHAX is required for U snRNA export but not for CRM1-mediated export in general. PHAX is phosphorylated in the nucleus and then exported with RNA to the cytoplasm, where it is dephosphorylated. PHAX phosphorylation is essential for export complex assembly while its dephosphorylation causes export complex disassembly. The compartmentalized PHAX phosphorylation cycle can contribute to the directionality of export.  相似文献   

Campbell JD  Sansom MS 《FEBS letters》2005,579(19):4193-4199
Transport by ABC proteins requires a cycle of ATP-driven conformational changes of the nucleotide binding domains (NBDs). We compare three molecular dynamics simulations of dimeric MJ0796: with ATP was present at both NBDs; with ATP at one NBD but ADP at the other; and without any bound ATP. In the simulation with ATP present at both NBDs, the dimeric protein interacts with the nucleotides in a symmetrical manner. However, if ADP is present at one binding site then both NBD-NBD and protein-ATP interactions are enhanced at the opposite site.  相似文献   

Phosphorylase kinase from rabbit skeletal muscle has been found to have an intrinsic ATPase activity that occurs at a rate approximately 0.2% of that of its phosphorylase conversion activity and about three times that of its autophosphorylation activity. The characteristics of this ATPase activity were in all aspects tested essentially the same as the kinase's phosphorylase conversion activity. The ATPase requires Mg2+ and is dramatically stimulated by Ca2+ ions. At neutral pH there is a pronounced lag in the rate of product formation that is not present at alkaline pH, a condition that greatly stimulates both the phosphorylase conversion and ATPase activities. ATP is preferentially hydrolyzed over GTP and the Km for MgATP determined in the ATPase assay is 0.14 mM. ADP, an allosteric activator of phosphorylase conversion, also stimulates the ATPase activity, whereas beta-glycerophosphate, an inhibitor of phosphorylase conversion, is an inhibitor of the ATPase activity. Phosphorylation or partial proteolysis of the kinase, which are known to activate phosphorylase conversion, also activate the ATPase activity. Because the phosphorylase conversion and ATPase activities are regulated in parallel, we conclude that activation of the two catalytic activities must share a common underlying basis, namely an enhanced phosphotransferase activity that is independent of the phosphoryl acceptor.  相似文献   


Lantibiotic nukacin ISK-1 is produced by Staphylococcus warneri ISK-1. The dual functional transporter NukT, an ABC transporter maturation and secretion protein, contributes to cleavage of the leader peptide from the prepeptide (modified NukA) and the final transport of nukacin ISK-1. NukT consists of an N-terminal peptidase domain (PEP), a C-terminal nucleotide-binding domain (NBD), and a transmembrane domain (TMD). In this study, NukT and its peptidase-inactive mutant were expressed, purified, and reconstituted into liposomes for analysis of their peptidase and ATPase activities. The ATPase activity of the NBD region was shown to be required for the peptidase activity of the PEP region. Furthermore, we demonstrated for the first time that leader peptide cleavage by the PEP region significantly enhanced the ATPase activity of the NBD region. Taken together, the presented results offer new insights into the processing mechanism of lantibiotic transporters and the necessity of interdomain cooperation.


Analysis of the expression and assembly of the anion transporter by metabolic pulse-chase and steady-state protein and RNA measurements reveals that the extent of association of band 3 with the membrane cytoskeleton varies during chicken embryonic development. Pulse-chase studies have indicated that band 3 polypeptides do not associate with the membrane cytoskeleton until they have been transported to the plasma membrane. At this time, band 3 polypeptides are slowly recruited, over a period of hours, onto a preassembled membrane cytoskeletal network and the extent of this cytoskeletal assembly is developmentally regulated. Only 3% of the band 3 polypeptides are cytoskeletal-associated in 4-d erythroid cells vs. 93% in 10-d erythroid cells and 36% in 15-d erythroid cells. This observed variation appears to be regulated primarily at the level of recruitment onto the membrane cytoskeleton rather than by different transport kinetics to the membrane or differential turnover of the soluble and insoluble polypeptides and is not dependent upon the lineage or stage of differentiation of the erythroid cells. Steady-state protein and RNA analyses indicate that the low levels of cytoskeletal band 3 very early in development most likely result from limiting amounts of ankyrin and protein 4.1, the membrane cytoskeletal binding sites for band 3. As embryonic development proceeds, ankyrin and protein 4.1 levels increase with a concurrent rise in the level of cytoskeletal band 3 until, on day 10 of development, virtually all of the band 3 polypeptides are cytoskeletal bound. After day 10, the levels of total and cytoskeletal band 3 decline, whereas ankyrin and protein 4.1 continue to accumulate until day 18, indicating that the cytoskeletal association of band 3 is not regulated solely by the availability of membrane cytoskeletal binding sites at later stages of development. Thus, multiple mechanisms appear to regulate the recruitment of band 3 onto the erythroid membrane cytoskeleton during chicken embryonic development.  相似文献   

The pattern of dependence of catalytic function for a number of key membrane bound enzymes on the state and properties of their lipid environment is analysed in the review presented. Using hexokinase, cytochrome c-oxidase, transport ATPases and other membrane bound oligomeric systems it has been shown that phospholipid bilayer regulates the interaction of protein components of these ensembles in the bilayer. This feature of membrane structures regulates the substrate accessibility and affinity to the corresponding active centres, the formation and a life-time of the oligomeric associates (that is especially important for membrane channels), their stability and so on. As the microviscosity of membrane bilayer is strongly modified not only in the course of pathologic but also in the process of adaptive alterations as well as depending on the day time, season and as a result of action of biologically active substance on membrane, the regulation of the functional activity of membrane proteins by this factor is an effective mode for metabolic control.  相似文献   

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