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When isolated constricted airway smooth muscle is oscillated, muscle tone decreases. We investigated whether changing tidal volume (VT) would affect induced bronchoconstriction in an in vivo canine model. Open-chest dogs were intubated with a double-lumen endotracheal tube, which isolated each main bronchus, and mechanically ventilated with a dual-cylinder ventilator. Bronchial pressure (Pbr) and flow were measured separately in each lung. Resistance and elastance were calculated by fitting the changes in Pbr, flow, and volume to the equation of motion. After baseline measurements at the same VT (150 ml), the two lungs were ventilated with different VT (50 vs. 250 ml) at a constant positive end-expiratory pressure. A continuous infusion of methacholine was begun, and measurements were repeated. The two lungs were then ventilated with the same VT (250 ml), and measurements were again repeated. A similar protocol was performed in a second group of dogs in which mean Pbr was kept constant. Bronchoconstriction was more severe in the lung ventilated with lower VT in both protocols. When VT was reset to the same amplitude in the two lungs, the difference in bronchoconstriction was abrogated. These results demonstrate that large VT inhibits airway smooth muscle contraction, regardless of mean Pbr.  相似文献   

Kaczka, David W., Edward P. Ingenito, Bela Suki, and KennethR. Lutchen. Partitioning airway and lung tissue resistances inhumans: effects of bronchoconstriction. J. Appl.Physiol. 82(5): 1531-1541, 1997.The contributionof airway resistance(Raw) and tissue resistance(Rti) to totallung resistance(RL)during breathing in humans is poorly understood. We have recentlydeveloped a method for separating Rawand Rti from measurements ofRLand lung elastance (EL)alone. In nine healthy, awake subjects, we applied a broad-band optimalventilator waveform (OVW) with energy between 0.156 and 8.1 Hz thatsimultaneously provides tidal ventilation. In four of the subjects,data were acquired before and during a methacholine (MCh)-bronchoconstricted challenge. TheRLandELdata were first analyzed by using a model with a homogeneous airwaycompartment leading to a viscoelastic tissue compartment consisting oftissue damping and elastance parameters. Our OVW-based estimates ofRaw correlated well with estimatesobtained by using standard plethysmography and were responsive toMCh-induced bronchoconstriction. Our data suggest thatRti comprises ~40% of totalRLat typical breathing frequencies, which corresponds to ~60% ofintrathoracic RL. During mildMCh-induced bronchoconstriction, Rawaccounts for most of the increase inRL. At high doses of MCh, therewas a substantial increase in RLat all frequencies and inEL athigher frequencies. Our analysis showed that bothRaw andRti increase, but most of the increaseis due to Raw. The data also suggestthat widespread peripheral constriction causes airway wall shunting toproduce additional frequency dependence inEL.


We examined the effects of lung volume on the bronchoconstriction induced by inhaled aerosolized methacholine (MCh) in seven normal subjects. We constructed dose-response curves to MCh, using measurements of inspiratory pulmonary resistance (RL) during tidal breathing at functional residual capacity (FRC) and after a change in end-expiratory lung volume (EEV) to either FRC -0.5 liter (n = 5) or FRC +0.5 liter (n = 2). Aerosols of MCh were generated using a nebulizer with an output of 0.12 ml/min and administered for 2 min in progressively doubling concentrations from 1 to 256 mg/ml. After MCh, RL rose from a base-line value of 2.1 +/- 0.3 cmH2O. 1-1 X s (mean +/- SE; n = 7) to a maximum of 13.9 +/- 1.8. In five of the seven subjects a plateau response to MCh was obtained at FRC. There was no correlation between the concentration of MCh required to double RL and the maximum value of RL. The dose-response relationship to MCh was markedly altered by changing lung volume. The bronchoconstrictor response was enhanced at FRC - 0.5 liter; RL reached a maximum of 39.0 +/- 4.0 cmH2O X 1-1 X s. Conversely, at FRC + 0.5 liter the maximum value of RL was reduced in both subjects from 8.2 and 16.6 to 6.0 and 7.7 cmH2O X 1-1 X s, respectively. We conclude that lung volume is a major determinant of the bronchoconstrictor response to MCh in normal subjects. We suggest that changes in lung volume act to alter the forces of interdependence between airways and parenchyma that oppose airway smooth muscle contraction.  相似文献   

We examined the changes in maximum expiratory flow (Vmax) and the density dependence of maximum expiratory flow (delta Vmax) during histamine-induced bronchoconstriction in dogs. Histamine acid phosphate solution was nebulized into the airways of six dogs to produce predominantly peripheral airway obstruction. Vmax air, Vmax with the dogs breathing 80% He-20% O2 (delta Vmax), and airway sites of flow limitation (choke points) were examined at four lung volumes (VL), which ranged from 51 to 23% of the control vital capacity (VC). The findings were interpreted in terms of the wave-speed theory of flow limitation. At all VL, Vmax air decreased during bronchoconstriction by approximately 30% compared with the control value. Resistances peripheral to a 0.3-cm-diam airway were increased about threefold with histamine, whereas resistances between 0.6-cm-diam bronchi and main-stem bronchi increased just slightly. Airway diameters were measured in the air-dried lung at 20 cmH2O transpulmonary pressure. Our results showed that only at 44% VC did delta Vmax decrease in all experiments after histamine to indicate peripheral obstruction (mean: 68.5 to 45%). At 23% VC, delta Vmax increased slightly, from 22 to 28%. At 23 and 36% VC, substantial differences in the wave-speed variables between air and HeO2 were present before bronchoconstriction, so that delta Vmax was low in some dogs, although peripheral airway obstruction was not evident. When bronchoconstriction was produced, delta Vmax at 23% VC could not be decreased further and even increased in four of six dogs. Thus changes in delta Vmax at given lung volume may not reflect the predominant site of airflow obstruction during bronchoconstriction.  相似文献   

We reassessed the severity of cigarette smoke-induced bronchoconstriction and the mechanisms involved in anesthetized dogs. To evaluate the severity of smoke-induced bronchoconstriction, we measured airway pressure and airflow resistance (Rrs, forced oscillation method). We studied the mechanisms in other dogs by measuring airway pressure, central airway smooth muscle tone in tracheal segments in situ, and respiratory center drive by monitoring phrenic motor nerve output, including the role of vagal and extravagal nerves vs. the role of blood-borne materials during inhalation of cigarette smoke. Rrs increased more than fourfold with smoke from one cigarette delivered in two tidal volumes. About half the airway response was due to local effects of smoke in the lungs. The remainder was due to stimulation of the respiratory center, which activated vagal motor efferents to the airway smooth muscle. Of this central stimulation, about half was due to blood-borne materials and the rest to vagal pulmonary afferents from the lungs. We conclude that inhalation of cigarette smoke in dogs causes severe bronchoconstriction which is mediated mainly by extravagal mechanisms.  相似文献   

To examine the role of airway wall thickening in the bronchial hyperresponsiveness observed after exposure to cigarette smoke, we compared the airway dimensions of guinea pigs exposed to smoke (n = 7) or air (n = 7). After exposure the animals were anesthetized with urethan, pulmonary resistance was measured, and the lungs were removed, distended with Formalin, and fixed near functional residual capacity. The effects of lung inflation and bronchoconstriction on airway dimensions were studied separately by distending and fixing lungs with Formalin at total lung capacity (TLC) (n = 3), 50% TLC (n = 3), and 25% TLC (n = 3) or near residual volume after bronchoconstriction (n = 3). On transverse sections of extraparenchymal and intraparenchymal airways the following dimensions were measured: the internal area (Ai) and internal perimeter (Pi), defined by the epithelium, and the external area (Ae) and external perimeter (Pe), defined by the outer border of smooth muscle. Airway wall area (WA) was then calculated, WA = Ae - Ai. Ai, Pe, and Ae decreased with decreasing lung volume and after bronchoconstriction. However, WA and Pi did not change significantly with lung volume or after bronchoconstriction. After cigarette smoke exposure airway resistance was increased (P less than 0.05); however, there was no difference in WA between the smoke- and air-exposed groups when the airways were matched by Pi. We conclude that Pi and WA are constant despite changes in lung volume and smooth muscle tone and that airway hyperresponsiveness induced by cigarette smoke is not mediated by increased airway wall thickness.  相似文献   

We could not reconcile reported relationships between lung resistance measurements and lung volume with bronchographic and anatomic studies showing that airway diameters change monotonically with lung volume and that small airways change diameter proportionately at least as much as large ones. Accordingly we measured central and peripheral airways resistances with a new technique. The relevant pressures were measured with a tracheal cannula, a wedged retrograde catheter, and two parenchymal needles in seven open-chested dogs while pleural pressure was oscillated at 1 Hz. In contrast to previous studies, the volume dependency of peripheral resistance was at least as great as that of central resistance with vagi intact, the volume dependencies of central and peripheral resistances were not abolished by vagotomy, and neither resistance increased systematically at high volumes. Volume dependency of central resistance resembled predictions for isotropic expansion of airways with vagi cut but increased with bronchomotor tone. These results fit generally with bronchographic data. Previous studies may have been affected by volume dependency due to "tissue resistance" and catheter phase lags.  相似文献   

We compared the effects of large-volume ventilation on airway responses to aerosolized histamine in anesthetized mongrel dogs with its effects in Basenji-Greyhound crossbred (B-G) dogs. Before bronchoconstriction, large inflations resulted in only small changes of dynamic compliance (Cdyn) and pulmonary resistance (RL) in both groups of dogs. After the induction of a moderate degree of bronchoconstriction with aerosolized histamine, large inflations had a more substantial effect; Cdyn increased by 7.5 +/- 2.3% (mean +/- SE; P less than 0.05), and RL decreased by 32 +/- 3.4% (P less than 0.001) in the mongrel dogs. In the B-G group, Cdyn increased by only 0.2 +/- 1.8% (NS), and RL increased by 29.3 +/- 9.2% (P less than 0.05); these changes differed significantly (P less than 0.05) from those observed in the mongrel dogs. Large-volume ventilation following the administration of indomethacin (10 mg/kg iv) and histamine increased Cdyn by 11.4 +/- 1.8% (NS vs. without indomethacin) and decreased RL by 43.9 +/- 3.4% (P less than 0.05) in the mongrel group. In the B-G group large-volume ventilation increased Cdyn by 7.6 +/- 1.7% (P less than 0.01) and decreased RL by 15.7 +/- 8.1% (P less than 0.05). Thus indomethacin enhanced the bronchodilator effects of large-volume ventilation in mongrel dogs and reversed the bronchoconstrictor effect of this maneuver on RL in B-G dogs.  相似文献   

To determine the importance of central and local reflexes in the bronchoconstriction produced by inhaled aerosolized histamine, chloralose-urethan-anesthetized dogs were intubated with a double-lumen catheter, ventilated with a dual cylinder respirator, and instrumented for the measurements of pulmonary conductance (GL) and dynamic compliance (Cdyn) in each lung. In each dog, dose-response curves to inhaled aerosolized histamine were obtained in both lungs separately but synchronously. Four series of experiments were performed. In the first series (n = 10) the responses of the right and left lungs were compared and found to be approximately equal, indicating that one lung could be used as a control for the other. In the second and third series the dose-response curve of one lung that had either been treated with inhaled atropine sulfate (n = 6) (4 mg/ml) or vagotomized (n = 4) was compared with the contralateral control lung. At low concentrations of histamine, GL and Cdyn decreased more in the control lungs than in their atropine-treated or vagotomized counterparts, and approximately 40% of the bronchoconstriction induced was reflex in origin. At higher concentrations of histamine the responses of the control and atropine-treated or vagotomized lungs were not significantly different. In the fourth series of experiments (n = 6) histamine dose-response curves were obtained following combined bilateral vagotomy and unilateral delivery of inhaled aerosolized atropine. In these dogs GL, but not Cdyn, fell to a greater extent in the control than in the atropine-treated lung.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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