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N. PICOZZI 《Ibis》1978,120(4):498-509
Hen Harriers were studied on a grouse moor in northeastern Scotland from 1970-74. Numbers in spring were fairly stable, and the 24 nesting territories occupied in 1974 were regularly dispersed with a mean nearest neighbour distance of 1.52 ± s. e. 0.09 km. Many pairs apparently failed to breed and left the area. The mean clutch size of those remaining was 4.70 ± s. e. 0.24 (n= 27) and the mean number of young fledged per successful nest was 3.11 ± s. e. 0.26 (n= 19). Young males were more likely to disperse far from the study area than young females. The variety of prey species observed from hides at five nests was very limited, and comprised mainly pipits, grouse chicks and lagomorphs. Estimates by weight suggest that grouse and lagomorphs accounted for 89% of all prey. Males brought more small items and fewer large items to nests than females, and on average provided 72% of all prey items seen during watches from the hides. On the basis of studies of prey at three nests in 1974, and counts of grouse in spring and late summer, harrier predation was estimated to have reduced the number of grouse which might otherwise have survived to late July that year by a maximum of 7.4%.  相似文献   

Gail  Vines 《Ibis》1981,123(2):190-202
The behaviour and ecology of unmarked Magpies Pica pica living in the Cotswolds were investigated over 18 months. The spacing of nests was significantly more regular than random and breeding pairs defended territories throughout the year. In winter pairs occasionally left territories to feed with non-breeding birds which flocked throughout the year.
Magpies in flocks had a higher averiage feeding rate than birds alone or in pairs. Aggression rates in flocks increased as birds fed closer together and as food patches became richer.
Agonistic interactions between Crows Corvus corone and Magpies were common; Crows frequently dominated Magpies in disputes over food, and Crows also ate Magpie eggs and young. Single Magpies were most often chased by Crows while Magpies in flocks were able to feed longer in the presence of Crows.
Differences in fledgling success among breeding pairs were related to the location of nests; Magpie pairs breeding near Crow nests suffered higher rates of agonistic encounters with Crows and also produced fewer fledglings than did Magpies breeding at greater distances from Crow nests. Magpie nests were located nearer human habitations than were Crow nests.  相似文献   

The extra‐pair (EP) mating system of birds may be influenced by food resources, such that nutritionally stressed females are unable to pursue EP fertilizations (constrained female hypothesis; CFH), or that females on poor territories acquire EP fertilizations during extra‐territorial forays in search of food (mating opportunity hypothesis; MOH). Edges of urban habitat fragments are sites of apparent high food abundance for spotted towhees Pipilo maculatus, and we used distance to habitat edge in four urban parks in Portland, OR, USA (2004–2006), to test the CFH and MOH. EP paternity was independent of park identity and year; 44% of nests contained EP young and 26% of all young were EP. As predicted by the CFH, EP paternity was more common in nests of long‐tailed (presumably) high quality females. However, independently of tail length, younger females had more EP young than older females, a finding consistent with the MOH. Contrary to predictions of both hypotheses, the probability that a nest contained EP young was highest both at the habitat edge and habitat interior while the proportion of young in nests of EP origin (for nests with EP young) was highest at intermediate distances from habitat edge. We propose that high frequency of EP paternity among females in the interior occurred because, as predicted by the MOH, they ranged more widely in search of food and often encountered EP males. High probability of EP paternity near edges was likely unrelated to female quality. Instead, anthropogenic food sources may have attracted individuals to edges and increased encounters between potential EP mates. Simple opportunity seems likely to account for patterns of EP paternity in spotted towhees, suggesting that human altered environments have the potential to substantially affect EP mating behavior.  相似文献   

Mate choice by female redwinged blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus) was investigated. Females preferentially selected males holding territories on which the number of young fledged from successful nests was maximized. Predation rates, however, were high on the preferred territories. Thus females did not make the optimal choice in that expected reproductive success was not maximized. Furthermore, probably as a result of competition among females, the largest harems were not found on the preferred territories.  相似文献   

The food of foxes in suburban London was examined using stomach contents and den litter analysis. A great diversity of food was taken. Adult foxes killed nearer to the city centre were found to eat significantly fewer earthworms, domestic pets and wild mammals, but more scavenged food items, than foxes killed closer to the suburban fringe. Cubs killed closer to the city centre ate significantly fewer earthworms and insects, and more pet birds, pet mammals and scavenged food items than cubs killed nearer the periphery of the suburban area. Although seasonal trends in food selection were apparent, they were not as pronounced as those observed in studies of rural foxes. At no time of the year did a single food item predominate in the diet of adult foxes. Passeriformes were the most important single food item in the diet of young cubs, but there was no correlation between the number of Passeriformes eaten and their abundance, nor between annual changes in the abundance of small birds and mean fox birth litter size and productivity. Most foxes examined were in good body condition; there was no seasonal variation in body weight, although fat content did vary seasonally. A complementary survey in Bristol on losses of domestic pets to foxes revealed that 07% of pet cats and 80% of other pets kept outdoors were killed in a year. Damage to garden Crops was negligible.  相似文献   

TIMOTHY G. O'BRIEN 《Ibis》1997,139(1):97-101
Two nests of the North Sulawesi Tarictic Hornbill Penelopides exarhatus exarhatus were monitored for one breeding season (April-July). The females sealed themselves into the nest cavities and remained there for 70–90 days. Incubation was estimated at 16–19 days, and at both nests two offspring fledged. Tarictic Hornbills are cooperative breeders with up to three helpers at the nest and defend foraging territories of 72–139 ha. Food items delivered to the nest included fruits of 34 species (85% of diet items) and invertebrates. Provisioning by helpers allowed breeding males to reduce investment in parental care and may accelerate the development rates in chicks. Constraints on dispersal probably result from habitat saturation rather than living in an unpredictable environment.  相似文献   

We studied the nesting biology and food habits of the endangered and endemic Sakalava Rail Amaurornis olivieri from July to November 2015 in the Mandrozo Protected Area, western Madagascar. Three nesting pairs were observed and their nests were constructed in a dense mat of reeds Phragmites mauritianus and averaged 56.7 ± 15.3 cm above the water (n = 3 nests). Nests were built by both adults and it took 3 d on average to complete a nest (n = 2 nests). Thirteen matings were observed and lasted 4.1 s on average (n = 2 pairs). Average clutch size was three eggs (n = 2 nests). Both sexes incubated; the incubation period was 15–17 d (n = 2 nests). Both male and female participated in brooding and feeding the young, which remained for 3 d in the nest and became independent of their parents at 45 d of age. Based on 194 identified food items, the Sakalava Rail’s diet was composed of invertebrates: spiders (53.1%), insects (32%), crustaceans (10.8%) and molluscs (4.1%). The home ranges of two radio-tagged individuals were 0.95 and 1.98 ha.  相似文献   

高山兀鹫(Gyps himalayensis)喜在山崖绝壁上营巢,海拔2 400~4 800 m的野外高空作业攀爬危险,观察难度较大。2014年4~9月,笔者在新疆天山中段尝试用国产遥控多旋翼微型飞行器寻找和拍摄高山兀鹫巢穴,结合路线搜索法和行为扫描法,进行栖息地调查、巢数统计、巢材分析,以及窝卵(雏)数、雏鸟生长与发育、繁殖周期、食性及食物分析。在7个地点的14个巢区的调查统计表明,高山兀鹫喜欢在朝南的崖壁上集群营巢(78.6%朝南,n=112),最长的一个繁殖地绵延7.3 km,距另外一个较近的巢区约47 km。巢材以禾草为主,如早熟禾(Poa spp.)、针茅(Stipa spp.)、老芒麦(Elymus sibiricus)等,缺乏粗大枝条。高山兀鹫1~2月产卵,窝卵数为1枚(n=21),整个繁殖周期长达8~9个月(1~10月份)。  相似文献   

In a population of moorhens (Gallinula chloropus), at least27% of netting females laid one or more eggs in a neighbor'snest Females laid parasitically under three conditions: 56%of parasitic eggs were from nesting females that preceded layinga dutch in their own nest by a parasitic laying bout, 19% werefrom females whose nests were depredated before clutch completionand that laid the following egg parasiticaDy, and 25% were froma small number of females without territories, "non-nesting"parasites, that each laid a series of parasitic eggs. Clutchsizes varied greatly between females, but nesting females eachlaid a consistent clutch size both within and between seasonsfor a given mate and territory. Nesting females that employeda dual strategy of brood parasitism and parental care producedextra eggs that they laid in the nests of neighbors before layinga dutch in their own nests. Two out of ten females whose dutchesI experimentally removed during the laying period were successfullyinduced to lay their next egg in the nest of a neighbor. Nestingfemales that laid parasitically selected their hosts opportunisticallyfrom among the nests dosest to their territories. An experimentin which parasitic eggs were removed and hosts left to rearonly their own young showed that parasites did not choose hoststhat were better parents than pairs with contemporary neststhat were not parasitized. Females that only laid parasiticaDywithin a given season timed their parasitic laying bouts poorlyand achieved no reproductive success. Parasitic young rarelyfledged, and the mean seasonal reproductive success of nestingbrood parasites did not differ from that of nonparasitic females.However, the variance in reproductive success of nesting broodparasites was significantly higher than that of nonparasiticfemales.  相似文献   

We investigated female settlement in a colony of red bishops(Euplectes orix), a territorial and highly polygynous weaverbirdwidely distributed over sub-Saharan Africa. An earlier studyshowed that male reproductive success is mainly determinedby the number of nests a male builds in his territory, whichappeared to be a good indicator of male quality. Because malesprovide no parental care or food resources within the territory,females sharing a territory do not compete for material resourcesand might therefore be expected to settle preferentially interritories of males that build many nests to gain the possiblegenetic benefit of high-quality offspring. An analysis of femalesettlement, however, revealed that females did not show a preferencefor territories of males with many nests and that the distribution of female breeding attempts with regard to the number of vacantnests within a territory could be explained best by randomfemale settlement in 3 out of 4 years. Females settled moreoften than expected by chance (in 3 out of 4 years) in territoriesalready containing occupied nests, indicating that residentfemales did not discourage settlement of additional females.However, sharing a territory with other females might imposecosts in terms of an increased predation risk because nestsin territories that contained other nests with young sufferedfrom higher predation than nests in territories that did notcontain other nests with young. Females therefore might tradethe possible benefits of settling in territories of males withmany nests against the costs of sharing a territory with otherfemales. This might result in the mating pattern found withrandom female settlement and male reproductive success beingdirectly proportional to the number of nests built. We discuss possible implications of this mating pattern for sexual selectionon males.  相似文献   

Replacement male yellow-headed blackbirds (Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus)did not destroy broods sired by the previous territorial maleand they showed no aggression toward females with unrelatedbroods. To test whether their tolerance of unrelated young wasmisdirected normal parental care, we removed males from experimentalterritories after primary nests were completed but before secondarynests were initiated. Replacement males fed young that theypresumably had sired in secondary nests and ignored foster youngin primary nests, whereas control males fed young in their primarynests. To identify potential benefits of accepting unrelatedyoung, we analyzed patterns of within-season breeding dispersaland of female settlement on territories following nest lossesto predators. Although some female yellowheads do renest onthe same territory following nest failures, the number of nestsinitiated on territories after a predation event was significantlylower than the number initiated on territories without predationover the same period of time. This implies that late-settlingfemales use the number of active or failed nests and/or thenumber of females on a territory when choosing where to breed.If replacement males that accepted unrelated offspring attractmore new females in the remainder of the current breeding seasonthan infanticidal males, then tolerance of unrelated young byreplacement males may be adaptive in some polygynous birds.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1986,34(2):527-535
This study investigated the effects of food ration and male density on the territoriality and nest-building of sexually mature, male, three-spined sticklebacks. For a given density of males and when the food was distributed randomly throughout the area in which territories could be established, the proportion that established territories and built nests increased with ration. The proportion of males that held territories decreased with an increase in male density, while the rate at which nests were destroyed increased. When the food was distributed so that some males regularly obtained more food than others, these males tended to increase the size of their territories if they had built a nest. In the absence of a nest, territory size declined. It is suggested that high rations increased the resource holding power (RHP) of the males, while the presence of a nest increased the value of the territory to the occupier.  相似文献   

We studied the breeding ecology of the Chestnut-backed Sparrowlark Eremopterix leucotis over three years between 2008 and 2010. The breeding season was bimodal with a main peak in laying in autumn (March–April) and another smaller peak in spring (September–October). Nest microhabitat analyses showed they prefer nesting in open areas with lots of bare ground (median 67.5%). Nest entrance directions were biased towards the south (mean vector (µ) = 186.44°). The majority of nests (78.2%) had an apron at the nest entrance. The mean clutch size was 1.88 but there was geographic variation in clutch size between northern and southern races of the species. The mean incubation and nestling periods were 10.33 d (range 10–11 d) and 9.20 d (range 8–10 d), respectively. The results suggest that parental contributions during incubation are almost equal, but females made significantly more food deliveries during the nestling period compared to males. The diet of nestlings comprised mainly of invertebrates (50.2%), seeds (34.4%) and unidentified food items (15.4%). Breeding success was low, averaging 16.1% (range 8.1–20.6%), and the average number of fledged young per pair was 0.36 ± 0.71. Replacement broods were common and we also recorded repeat brooding attempts.  相似文献   

The only data previously recorded on the diet of the critically endangered, endemic Seychelles Scops Owl, Otus insularis, is from the stomach contents of a few museum specimens and analysis of one pellet. Data are presented on more than 400 prey items identified from pellets and video recordings of provisioning at two nests. Pellets comprised exclusively of invertebrate remains: Orthoptera (64%), Coleoptera (14%), arachnids (11%) and other invertebrates (11%). Similarly, 111 (76%) of all items identified during 145 provisioning visits at two nests were invertebrates. Seventy-three (66%) were identified to morphospecies and comprised Orthoptera (93%), arachnids (4%) and Lepidoptera (3%). The diet of scops owls inhabiting areas of different altitudes (180-700m asl) was similar. Identification of prey taxa and species suggests that a significant amount of foraging takes place from foliage and on tree trunks, not just on the ground.  相似文献   

Niche segregation among three small antelopes – red duiker, common duiker and suni – was investigated in a coastal savanna woodland/forest mosaic. It was expected that these similar‐sized concentrate selectors would show differentiation in diet choice to decrease competition. Diet composition did not vary significantly among the different vegetation types. For all three antelope species, the number of dietary items was large, with a minimum of 70 different food items per species. Dietary specialization was low, with only 10% of the food items being exclusively used by each of the species. The ranks of food items were positively correlated among species in the wet season, but not in the dry season. Diet breadth significantly decreased in the dry season. The use of exclusive species was significantly larger in the dry season with lowest values recorded for the common duiker. Diet overlap in the wet season was considerable, but significantly decreased in the dry season, the time of food scarcity. The dry season data showed evidence for niche segregation, although this was not based on displacement. As niche segregation in the dry season was coupled to a random apportionment of diet items among antelope species, it cannot be interpreted as the result of competitive displacement.  相似文献   

The effect of nutrients and their availability on the diet of the herbivorous Malabar giant squirrel Ratufa indica (Sciuridae) was investigated at Magod and Bhimashankar in western India. The daily consumption of food items (percent wet diet) and the intake rates of these items and the contained nutrients (wet g s-1) were determined by continuous observation of focal animals. Water content was a significant positive predictor of relative food item consumption while mineral contents in general had the opposite effect. The intake rates of water and more digestible nutrients such as nonstructural carbohydrates, as well as the intake rate of minerals such as zinc (at Magod), were significant positive predictors of the relative contribution of an item to the daily diet, thus indicating considerations of feeding costs versus benefits. Tannins, some alkaloids, and other secondary metabolites may negatively influence food choice. Protein content, relative to digestibility reducers, influenced food item consumption only at Bhimashankar. There was seasonal variation in daily biomass consumption. At Bhimashankar, daily biomass consumption increased with the proportion of fruit in the diet while this did not occur at Magod. This is perhaps a result of the higher water content and the lower content of some soluble nutrients within fruit at Bhimashankar relative to Magod. There was also intra-month variation between individual squirrels in daily biomass of food consumed. Squirrels consumed ephemeral food items opportunistically and non-ephemeral items such as mature leaves and bark on a regular daily basis. Squirrels probably obtained minerals and nitrogen from both fruit (especially seeds) and non-fruit sources (mature leaves and bark in the case of minerals, young and mature leaves in the case of nitrogen). However, they obtained lipid and non-structural carbohydrates mostly from fruit. Squirrels were selective in their utilization of tree species on a monthly basis, but this selectivity was not evident over a longer time period because individuals were constrained to use different phenological stages of tree species present within their territories. Large body size in this squirrel permits dietary flexibility and enables an overall generalist feeding strategy.  相似文献   

In the maritime Antarctic, brown skuas (Catharacta antarctica lonnbergi) show two foraging strategies: some pairs occupy feeding territories in penguin colonies, while others can only feed in unoccupied areas of a penguin colony without defending a feeding territory. One-third of the studied breeding skua population in the South Shetlands occupied territories of varying size (48 to >3,000 penguin nests) and monopolised 93% of all penguin nests in sub-colonies. Skuas without feeding territories foraged in only 7% of penguin sub-colonies and in part of the main colony. Females owning feeding territories were larger in body size than females without feeding territories; no differences in size were found in males. Territory holders permanently controlled their resources but defence power diminished towards the end of the reproductive season. Territory ownership guaranteed sufficient food supply and led to a 5.5 days earlier egg-laying and chick-hatching. Short distances between nest and foraging site allowed territorial pairs a higher nest-attendance rate such that their chicks survived better (71%) than chicks from skua pairs without feeding territories (45%). Due to lower hatching success in territorial pairs, no difference in breeding success of pairs with and without feeding territories was found in 3 years. We conclude that skuas owning feeding territories in penguin colonies benefit from the predictable and stable food resource by an earlier termination of the annual breeding cycle and higher offspring survivorship.Research licence: Umweltbundesamt Bonn 13.4-94003-1/5-7.  相似文献   

Intersexual niche differentiation in the blue tit (Parus caeruleus)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The intersexual niche differentiation hypothesis, according to which sexual size dimorphism (SSD) has evolved to facilitate niche separation between the sexes, has received equivocal support in studies of birds. One explanation for the inconsistency of the results is that other factors crucial for reproductive success, such as variation in food abundance among territories, may obscure food niche differentiation between parents. We studied the effects of SSD, food availability and food demands of broods on niche differentiation in the blue tit ( Parus caeruleus ). Parents attending experimentally enlarged broods delivered the same amount, but more diverse food items, to their offspring than parents attending reduced broods, although this effect was significant in only one of the two study years. The time-lag (deviation from the peak food abundance in habitat in days) and squared time-lag were the most important determinants of the diversity of food items delivered to young and their condition (fitness surrogate). SSD, as measured by principal component scores of morphological traits, did not explain any variation neither in the diversity or amount of food provided, nor in offspring condition. These results suggest that synchronization of breeding with peak food availability is the most important determinant of diversity of food delivered to young and, more importantly, Their condition. No evidence for intersexual food niche differentiation was found; at best, it is likely to constitute only a weak selection pressure on the maintenance or enhancement of SSD in this system.  相似文献   

The macroscopic and microscopic diversity of potential food items available in the nests of plainfin midshipman Porichthys notatus were quantified and compared with items that were found in the stomach and intestine (digestive tract) of the guarding males. In this species, males occur as one of two possible reproductive morphs: guarder males that care for young and sneaker males that parasitize the courtship and care of guarder males. Although it was predicted that guarder males would have fewer feeding opportunities due to their confinement to the nest, they in fact had more food items in their digestive tracts than did sneaker males and females. Date in the breeding season (a proxy of care duration) and body condition were not correlated with the amount of food consumed by guarder males. The main type of food consumed was P. notatus embryos; 69% of all guarder males sampled had cannibalized offspring. By comparing the diet of both sexes and tactics, this study sheds light on some of the strategies designed to cope with the costs of providing parental care.  相似文献   

Abstract: We compared methods of assessing the diet of the bearded vulture (Gypaetus barbatus) during the nestling period in the Pyrenees, northeast Spain. We determined diet from direct observations of food items delivered to the nest, recent prey remains present in the nest, remains collected in the nests after fledging, and remains collected in the ossuaries (bone-breaking sites). Data suggest that direct observation (food items delivered and recent prey remains present in the nest) is the only valid method of assessing the bearded vulture's diet accurately. Remains overestimated the presence of large mammals, such as cows (Bos taurus) and horses (Equus caballus), Suidae, and birds; delivered samples contained a higher proportion of small mammals, medium-sized mammals, micromammals, and reptiles. Ossuaries also differed from delivered samples because remains collected there overestimated large and medium-sized mammals. Concerning the skeletal parts, ossuaries, compared to all other methods, underestimated extremities and overestimated long bones, such as femur, humeri and tibiae, scapulae, vertebrae, and skulls. Remains samples, which overestimated scapulae, also differed from delivered and present samples. Our results suggest that bearded vultures favor extremities of prey (78% of the mammal remains, which make up 95% of the diet). The prevalence of small carcasses (almost 17%) suggests that vultures select small animals for food for the young. Because food quality may influence breeding success, future conservation projects based on the selective provision of food to breeding pairs should add to food stations meat remains and small carcasses consistent with our assessment of the birds’ dietary needs.  相似文献   

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