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We subjected single skeletal muscle cells from frog semitendinosus to sinusoidal oscillations that simulated the strain experienced as the cells near the end of passive extension and begin active contraction in slow swimming. Other cells from which the basement membrane was removed by enzymatic and mechanical procedures were tested identically. Effectiveness of the basement membrane removal technique was evaluated by electron microscopy, by an electrophoretic and lectin-binding assay for depletion of cell surface glycoproteins, and by confirmation by means of electrophoretic and immunologic analyses that major intracellular, cytoskeletal proteins were not disrupted. Measurements of maximum stress, maximum strain, and phase lag between these maxima enabled the complex modulus (dynamic stiffness) and loss tangent (relative viscous losses to elastic energy storage) to be calculated for each mechanically tested preparation. We also calculated the amounts of energy stored and dissipated in each preparation. These calculations indicate that cells with intact basement membranes have complex moduli significantly greater than those of cells without basement membranes, and that cells with basement membrane store significantly more elastic energy than basement membrane depleted cells. However, when subjected to identical sinusoidal strains, energy dissipation in cells with intact basement membranes is over three times greater than dissipation in cells without basement membrane. The relative magnitudes of energy losses to energy storage, called the specific loss, is nearly three times greater for intact cells than for basement membrane depleted cells. Basement membranes may thereby serve as a brake for slowing passive extension of muscle before contraction begins.  相似文献   

The mechanical efficiency of rat cardiac muscle was determined using a contraction protocol involving cyclical, sinusoidal length changes and phasic stimulation at physiological frequencies (1-4 Hz). Experiments were performed in vitro (27 degrees C) using rat left ventricular papillary muscles. Efficiency was determined from measurements of the net work performed and enthalpy produced by muscles during a series of 40 contractions. Net mechanical efficiency was defined as the percentage of the total, suprabasal enthalpy output that appeared as mechanical work. Maximum efficiency was approximately 15% at contraction frequencies between 2 and 2.5 Hz. At lower and higher frequencies, efficiency was approximately 10%. Enthalpy output per cycle was independent of cycle frequency at all but the highest frequency used. The basis of the high efficiency between 2 and 2.5 Hz was that work output was also greatest at these frequencies. At these frequencies, the duration of the applied length change was well matched to the kinetics of force generation, and active force generation occurred throughout the shortening period.  相似文献   

Cyclically contracting muscles provide power for a variety of processes including locomotion, pumping blood, respiration, and sound production. In the current study, we apply a computational model derived from force–velocity relationships to explore how sustained power output is systematically affected by shortening velocity, operational frequency, and strain amplitude. Our results demonstrate that patterns of frequency dependent power output are based on a precise balance between a muscle's intrinsic shortening velocity and strain amplitude. We discuss the implications of this constraint for skeletal muscle design, and then explore implications for physiological processes based on cyclical muscle contraction. One such process is animal locomotion, where musculoskeletal systems make use of resonant properties to reduce the amount of metabolic energy used for running, swimming, or flying. We propose that skeletal muscle phenotype is tuned to this operational frequency, since each muscle has a limited range of frequencies at which power can be produced efficiently. This principle also has important implications for our understanding muscle plasticity, because skeletal muscles are capable of altering their active contractile properties in response to a number of different stimuli. We discuss the possibility that muscles are dynamically tuned to match the resonant properties of the entire musculoskeletal system.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to assess the effects of bronchoconstriction on respiratory changes in length of the costal diaphragm and the parasternal intercostal muscles. Ten dogs were anesthetized with pentobarbital sodium and tracheostomized. Respiratory changes in muscle length were measured using sonomicrometry, and electromyograms were recorded with bipolar fine-wire electrodes. Administration of histamine aerosols increased pulmonary resistance from 6.4 to 14.5 cmH2O X l-1 X s, caused reductions in inspiratory and expiratory times, and decreased tidal volume. The peak and rate of rise of respiratory muscle electromyogram (EMG) activity increased significantly after histamine administration. Despite these increases, bronchoconstriction reduced diaphragm inspiratory shortening in 9 of 10 dogs and reduced intercostal muscle inspiratory shortening in 7 of 10 animals. The decreases in respiratory muscle tidal shortening were less than the reductions in tidal volume. The mean velocity of diaphragm and intercostal muscle inspiratory shortening increased after histamine administration but to a smaller extent than the rate of rise of EMG activity. This resulted in significant reductions in the ratio of respiratory muscle velocity of shortening to the rate of rise of EMG activity after bronchoconstriction for both the costal diaphragm and the parasternal intercostal muscles. Bronchoconstriction changed muscle end-expiratory length in most animals, but for the group of animals this was statistically significant only for the diaphragm. These results suggest that impairments of diaphragm and parasternal intercostal inspiratory shortening occur after bronchoconstriction; the mechanisms involved include an increased load, a shortening of inspiratory time, and for the diaphragm possibly a reduction in resting length.  相似文献   

Tension responses to ramp shortening of varying speed in whole muscle or single fibres from the plateau of an isometric tetanus, revealed at least two distinct phases. There was a fast initial drop in tension followed by a change of slope and a definite inflexion on the tension record. As the velocity of the imposed length change was increased, the inflexion point appeared at a lower tension. Similar inflexions were not observed during ramp releases to an elastic band or a segment of semitendinosus tendon. The tension records obtained with moderately fast ramp length changes to contracting muscle reflect the T1 and T2 phases of the tension transients.  相似文献   

The average time myosin cross bridges remain bound to actin (t(on)) can be measured by sinusoidal length perturbations (sinusoidal analysis) of striated muscle fibers using recently developed analytic methods. This approach allows measurements of t(on) in preparations possessing a physiologically relevant myofilament lattice. In this study, we developed an approach to measure t(on) in 5-10% of the time required for sinusoidal analysis by using stochastic length perturbations (white noise analysis). To compare these methods, we measured the influence of MgATP concentration ([MgATP]) on t(on) in demembranated myocardial strips from mice, sampling muscle behavior from 0.125 to 200 Hz with a 20-s burst of white noise vs. a 300-s series of sinusoids. Both methods detected a similar >300% increase in t(on) as [MgATP] decreased from 5 to 0.25 mM, differing by only 3-14% at any [MgATP]. Additional experiments with Drosophila indirect flight muscle fibers demonstrated that faster cross-bridge cycling kinetics permit further reducing of the perturbation time required to measure t(on). This reduced sampling time allowed strain-dependent measurements of t(on) in flight muscle fibers by combining 10-s bursts of white noise during periods of linear shortening and lengthening. Analyses revealed longer t(on) values during shortening and shorter t(on) values during lengthening. This asymmetry may provide a mechanism that contributes to oscillatory energy transfer between the flight muscles and thoracic cuticle to power flight. This study demonstrates that white noise analysis can detect underlying molecular processes associated with dynamic muscle contraction comparable to sinusoidal analysis, but in a fraction of the time.  相似文献   

Previous studies in skeletal muscle have shown a substantial (>100%) increase in venous vascular resistance with arterial pressure reduction to 40 mmHg, but a microcirculatory study showed no significant venular diameter changes in the horizontal direction during this procedure. To examine the possibility of venular collapse in the vertical direction, a microscope was placed horizontally to view a vertically mounted rat spinotrapezius muscle preparation. We monitored the diameters of venules (mean diameter 73. 8 +/- 37.0 microm, range 13-185 microm) oriented horizontally and vertically with a video system during acute arterial pressure reduction by hemorrhage. Our analysis showed small but significant (P < 0.0001) diameter reductions of 1.0 +/- 2.5 microm and 1.8 +/- 3. 1 microm in horizontally and vertically oriented venules, respectively, upon reduction of arterial pressure from 115.0 +/- 26. 3 to 39.8 +/- 12.3 mmHg. The venular responses were not different after red blood cell aggregation was induced by Dextran 500 infusion. We conclude that diameter changes in venules over this range of arterial pressure reduction are isotropic and would likely increase venous resistance by <10%.  相似文献   

The mechanical characteristics of smooth muscle can be broadly defined as either phasic, or fast contracting, and tonic, or slow contracting (, Pharmacol. Rev. 20:197-272). To determine if differences in the cross-bridge cycle and/or distribution of the cross-bridge states could contribute to differences in the mechanical properties of smooth muscle, we determined force and stiffness as a function of frequency in Triton-permeabilized strips of rabbit portal vein (phasic) and aorta (tonic). Permeabilized muscle strips were mounted between a piezoelectric length driver and a piezoresistive force transducer. Muscle length was oscillated from 1 to 100 Hz, and the stiffness was determined as a function of frequency from the resulting force response. During calcium activation (pCa 4, 5 mM MgATP), force and stiffness increased to steady-state levels consistent with the attachment of actively cycling cross-bridges. In smooth muscle, because the cross-bridge states involved in force production have yet to be elucidated, the effects of elevation of inorganic phosphate (P(i)) and MgADP on steady-state force and stiffness were examined. When portal vein strips were transferred from activating solution (pCa 4, 5 mM MgATP) to activating solution with 12 mM P(i), force and stiffness decreased proportionally, suggesting that cross-bridge attachment is associated with P(i) release. For the aorta, elevating P(i) decreased force more than stiffness, suggesting the existence of an attached, low-force actin-myosin-ADP- P(i) state. When portal vein strips were transferred from activating solution (pCa 4, 5 mM MgATP) to activating solution with 5 mM MgADP, force remained relatively constant, while stiffness decreased approximately 50%. For the aorta, elevating MgADP decreased force and stiffness proportionally, suggesting for tonic smooth muscle that a significant portion of force production is associated with ADP release. These data suggest that in the portal vein, force is produced either concurrently with or after P(i) release but before MgADP release, whereas in aorta, MgADP release is associated with a portion of the cross-bridge powerstroke. These differences in cross-bridge properties could contribute to the mechanical differences in properties of phasic and tonic smooth muscle.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1989,109(5):2169-2176
Connectin (also called titin) is a huge, striated muscle protein that binds to thick filaments and links them to the Z-disc. Using an mAb that binds to connectin in the I-band region of the molecule, we studied the behavior of connectin in both relaxed and activated skinned rabbit psoas fibers by immunoelectron microscopy. In relaxed fibers, antibody binding is visualized as two extra striations per sarcomere arranged symmetrically about the M-line. These striations move away from both the nearest Z-disc and the thick filaments when the sarcomere is stretched, confirming the elastic behavior of connectin within the I- band of relaxed sarcomeres as previously observed by several investigators. When the fiber is activated, thick filaments in sarcomeres shorter than 2.8 microns tend to move from the center to the side of the sarcomere. This translocation of thick filaments within the sarcomere is accompanied by movement of the antibody label in the same direction. In that half-sarcomere in which the thick filaments move away from the Z-disc, the spacings between the Z-disc and the antibody and between the antibody and the thick filaments both increase. Conversely, on the side of the sarcomere in which the thick filaments move nearer to the Z-line, these spacings decrease. Regardless of whether I-band spacing is varied by stretch of a relaxed sarcomere or by active sliding of thick filaments within a sarcomere of constant length, the spacings between the Z-line and the antibody and between the antibody and the thick filaments increase with I-band length identically. These results indicate that the connectin filaments remain bound to the thick filaments in active fibers, and that the elastic properties of connectin are unaltered by calcium ions and cross-bridge activity.  相似文献   

Changes in the x-ray diffraction pattern from a frog skeletal muscle were recorded after a quick release or stretch, which was completed within one millisecond, at a time resolution of 0.53 ms using the high-flux beamline at the SPring-8 third-generation synchrotron radiation facility. Reversibility of the effects of the length changes was checked by quickly restoring the muscle length. Intensities of seven reflections were measured. A large, instantaneous intensity drop of a layer line at an axial spacing of 1/10.3 nm(-1) after a quick release and stretch, and its partial recovery by reversal of the length change, indicate a conformational change of myosin heads that are attached to actin. Intensity changes on the 14.5-nm myosin layer line suggest that the attached heads alter their radial mass distribution upon filament sliding. Intensity changes of the myosin reflections at 1/21.5 and 1/7.2 nm(-1) are not readily explained by a simple axial swing of cross-bridges. Intensity changes of the actin-based layer lines at 1/36 and 1/5.9 nm(-1) are not explained by it either, suggesting a structural change in actin molecules.  相似文献   

The primary voltage sensor of the sodium channel is comprised of four positively charged S4 segments that mainly differ in the number of charged residues and are expected to contribute differentially to the gating process. To understand their kinetic and steady-state behavior, the fluorescence signals from the sites proximal to each of the four S4 segments of a rat skeletal muscle sodium channel were monitored simultaneously with either gating or ionic currents. At least one of the kinetic components of fluorescence from every S4 segment correlates with movement of gating charge. The fast kinetic component of fluorescence from sites S216C (S4 domain I), S660C (S4 domain II), and L1115C (S4 domain III) is comparable to the fast component of gating currents. In contrast, the fast component of fluorescence from the site S1436C (S4 domain IV) correlates with the slow component of gating. In all the cases, the slow component of fluorescence does not have any apparent correlation with charge movement. The fluorescence signals from sites reflecting the movement of S4s in the first three domains initiate simultaneously, whereas the fluorescence signals from the site S1436C exhibit a lag phase. These results suggest that the voltage-dependent movement of S4 domain IV is a later step in the activation sequence. Analysis of equilibrium and kinetic properties of fluorescence over activation voltage range indicate that S4 domain III is likely to move at most hyperpolarized potentials, whereas the S4s in domain I and domain II move at more depolarized potentials. The kinetics of fluorescence changes from sites near S4-DIV are slower than the activation time constants, suggesting that the voltage-dependent movement of S4-DIV may not be a prerequisite for channel opening. These experiments allow us to map structural features onto the kinetic landscape of a sodium channel during activation.  相似文献   

We analyzed the microstructure in the first-order laser diffraction line from both resting and tetanically contracting single twitch fibers from frog anterior tibial muscle to see if the distribution of sarcomere lengths is continuous or discrete. Measuring the distance between adjacent microstructural elements lying parallel, we plotted a histogram of the corresponding differences of sarcomere length. The histograms obtained both from resting and contracting fibers had a prominent peak at approximately 12-14 nm. The result suggests that the sarcomere length distribution may be discrete with unit separation of approximately 12-14-nm sarcomere length.  相似文献   

Respiratory changes in nasal muscle length   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Respiratory changes in alae nasi muscle length were recorded using sonomicrometry in pentobarbital sodium-anesthetized tracheostomized dogs spontaneously breathing 100% O2. Piezoelectric crystals were inserted via small incisions into the alae nasi of 11 animals, and bipolar fine-wire electrodes were inserted contralaterally in nine of the same animals. The alae nasi shortened during inspiration in all animals. The mean amount of shortening was 1.33 +/- 0.22% of resting length (LR), and the mean velocity of shortening during the first 200 ms was 4.60 +/- 0.69% LR/S. The onset of alae nasi shortening preceded inspiratory flow by 77 +/- 18 ms (P less than 0.002), at which time both alae nasi shortening and the moving average of electromyographic (EMG) activity had reached approximately one-third of their peak values. In contrast, there was a relative delay in alae nasi relaxation relative to the decay of alae nasi EMG at the end of expiration. Single-breath airway occlusions at end expiration changed the normally rounded pattern of alae nasi shortening and moving average EMG to a late-inspiratory peaking pattern; both total shortening and EMG were increased by similar amounts. The onset of vagally mediated volume-related inhibition of alae nasi shortening occurred synchronously with the onset of inhibition of alae nasi EMG; both occurred at lung volumes substantially below tidal volume. These results indicate that the pattern of inspiratory shortening of this nasal dilating muscle is reflected closely in the pattern of EMG activity and that vagal afferents cause substantial inhibition of alae nasi inspiratory shortening.  相似文献   

V B Savel'ev 《Biofizika》1985,30(5):873-877
Dependence of the intensities of low-angle equatorial reflections from frog live resting sartorius muscle on sarcomere length between 1.95 micron and 3.1 micron were studied in stretch and shortening regimes. It is found that intensities of the (10), (20), (30) and Z-reflections increase at sarcomere length increase from about 2 micron, reach maximum value at sarcomere length between 2.3 micron and 2.7 micron, and then fall at further increase of the sarcomere length. The (11) and (21) intensities decrease at sarcomere length increase. A conclusion is drawn that tetragonal lattice of the thin filaments near Z-line gives essential contribution to Z-reflection together with Z-line. It is proposed that hexagonal lattice of A-band and tetragonal lattice of the thin filaments distort each other at sarcomere length less than 2.3 micron and have the most order at sarcomere length between 2.3 micron and 2.7 micron. At further increase of the sarcomere length the packing of both lattices deteriorates apparently due to other factors than in the case of the short sarcomere length.  相似文献   

Comparative studies of x-radiation effects on both isolated cold blooded (frog) and intact warm blooded (rabbit) muscles were performed. Frog muscles irradiated with doses above 50 kr showed early fatigue, contracture, prolongation of relaxation time, decreased contraction amplitude for heavy loads, and histologic changes noticeable 8 hours after exposure. Rabbit muscles exposed to 72 kr exhibited a gradually progressing impairment of function. Complete abolishment of function was reached within 24 hours following irradiation and was accompanied by severe histologic alterations.  相似文献   

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