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Résumé Les mitoses de l'adénohypophyse du rat mâle ont été examinées comparativement après fixation par perfusion et après fixation par immersion.Après fixation par perfusion la répartition topographique des mitoses dans le parenchyme est homogène, et l'index mitotique est de 1,85 pour 1 000 cellules.Après fixation par immersion, la densité des mitoses décroit de la périphérie vers le centre, et l'index mitotique n'est que de 0,80 mitoses pour 1 000 cellules.La lenteur de pénétration du fixateur pendant l'immersion est tenue pour principal responsable des différences observées. Elle entraîne une modification de l'aspect des mitoses, telle que plus de la moitié d'entre elles ne sont pas identifiables et échappent aux comptages.
Influence of fixation on the observation of mitoses in the male rat adenohypophysis
Summary The mitoses of the adenohypophysis in male rats have been observed comparatively after fixation by perfusion and fixation by immersion.After fixation by perfusion, the topographic distribution of mitoses throughout the parenchyma is homogenous and the mitotic index is 1.85 for 1 000 cells.After fixation by immersion, the density of the mitoses is decreasing from the periphery towards the center and the mitotic index is only 0.80 for 1 000 cells.The slow penetration of the fixative during fixation by immersion is considered to be the main cause in the differences observed. This slow action causes a modification in the aspect of the mitoses, and more than fifty percent of them cannot be identified and escape to the counts.
Avec la collaboration technique de Mademoiselle J. Rameau.  相似文献   

The specific composition, downstream distribution and larval development of the Diptera Simuliidae from a Pyrenean river were studied upstream and downstream of a hydroelectric power plant with hypolimnetic releases. Duringpower generation, flow and temperature are the two main environmental factors modified. The downstream distribution of the species reflected both the impact of hydropeaking and the natural zonation. Twelve species were identified upstream from the power plant, only three 700 m below the outlet, and nine 3 500 m downstream. The life cycle patterns and the growth rates of the five dominating species were similar at the three sampling sites, and only slight differences in hatching and/or emergence periods were recorded. The Simuliidae of the Oriège complete their larval development during short periods when artificial thermal fluctuations have a minor effect on the populations, and their population structure and distribution are mainly governed by hydraulic disturbances.  相似文献   

De Bolòs  O. 《Plant Ecology》1954,5(1):45-49
Sans résuméReçu par la rédaction le 25.X.1953.  相似文献   

A computational model based on finite element method is derived to examine how the simulated time-dependent signals are related to the presence of residual fluorescence in biological media surrounding a fluorescent object. We apply a subtraction technique on recorded data when imperfect uptake of fluorescing agent into the tumor is considered. We show the limits of the subtracting method for low target: background fluorescent absorption contrast by extracting the time to reach the half maximum and analyzing the maximum of the time-resolved signals versus target depth.  相似文献   

The effect of growth temperature on the evolution of kinetic parameters and yields was determined for Candida lipolytica cultures with ntetradecane as substrate, in a temperature range of 18°C to 30°C, which is below the critical growth temperature in order to work only in the activation zone of these parameters.In such a culture limited by substrate transfer, growth rate depends on biological rates, related to microorganisms characteristics, and diffusional rates, related to mass transfer. The effect of temperature thus depends on the limiting step. The activation energy, calculated from exponential growth rate determinations is .When the activation energy is calculated from the maximal rate of cell production (determined at the growth curve's inflexion point), it's found to be E X=71,200 J/mole in the 18°C–24°C range, and E X=28,000 J/mole in the 24°C–30°C range. The latter one is characteristic of a diffusion-limited process. Above 24°C, growth is controlled by substrate-transfer, as physiological potentialities are preferentially increased with temperature than diffusional ones: 24°C is thus the transition temperature T t from physiological to diffusional limitation.The apparent yield is almost constant, over the 18°C to 30°C temperature range, although maintenance coefficients are very dependent on temperature. The activation energies related to maintenance coefficients for alkane and oxygen respectively are and .The m s/mO 2 ratio is about 3 (g/g), whereas that, for a strict oxidation reaction of n-tetradecane ought to be 3.47 (g/g). A satisfactory correlation, relating maintenance coefficients to the maximal growth rate of yeast, is given.

Liste des symboles A constante de saturation de modèle de croissance(1) - B vitesse spécifique considérée - C substrat carboné ou oxygène (g/l) - E energie d'activation (J/mole) - S m quantité de substrat consommée par maintenance au cours d'une fermentation discontinue (g) - O2 quantité d'oxygène transférée au milieu de culture (g/l) - R rendement global de la fermentation - R rendement global de la fermentation - constante des gaz parfaits (J/mole K) - S concentration en substrat carboné (g/l) - T température de croissance (°K) - X concentration en biomasse (g/l) - Y rendement limite - m coefficient de maintenance (h-1) - t duree de fermentation (h) - tømpérature de croissance (o Celsius) - taux de croissance (h-1) Indices 1 relatif à la température 1. - 2 relatif à la température 2 - c relatif au substrat carboné ou à l'oxygène - f relatif au temps final - i relatif au point d'inflexion - m maximum - mO2 relatif au coefficient de maintenance sur l'oxygène - m s relatif au coefficient de maintenance sur le substrat carboné - o relatif au temps initial - O2 relatif à l'oxygène - s relatif au substrat carboné - t de transition - T relatif à la température de croissance T - U m relatif au taux de croissance maximal - X relatif à la productivité maximale en biomasse  相似文献   

Effect of smoking-machine parameters on the genetoxic activity of cigarette gas phase, estimated on human lymphocyte and yeastCigarette smoke used in chemical research and bioassays is obtained by mechanical smoking on machines adjusted to international standards. On studying the behavior of some smokers of black tobacco, we were led to change the standard parameters: volume, duration, frequency. The gas phase obtained under those new conditions is poorer in some components. This decrease goes with a clear-cut decrease of its genotoxic activity towards cultured human lymphocytes (sister-chromatid exchange frequency) and S. cerevisiae (rate of mitotic recombinants and of respiratory deficients). This investigation emphasizes the leading part of the smoking behavior.  相似文献   

Summary In chick embryos, observations were made on serial semithin transverse sections of the wing level. In addition homo- or heterotopic replacements of the wing or leg somitic mesoderm by labelled somitic or nonsomitic mesoderm were made in 2-to 2.5-day embryos. The nuclear label used was either natural (quail donor embryos in heterotopic transplantations) or isotopic (chick donors labelled with tritiated thymidine).Histological examination revealed that the first somitic cells to leave somite 15 apparently did so at the 20 to 22 somite stage, while the last ones to leave somite 20 apparently did so shortly before the 36 somite stage.Transplantation experiments with labelled donor cells revealed the routes of migratory somitic cells and the time-course of their invasion into the outgrowing limb bud (non-somitic graft cells did not noticeably invade the limb anlage). They showed furthermore that the somitic mesoderm is not regionalized with respect to its limb myogenic properties.These results are compared with those obtained in other classes of vertebrates.
Ce travail a été subventionné en partie par la D.G.R.S.T. et le C.N.R.S.  相似文献   

Résumé Dans cet exposé, nous avons montré que des reines obtenues par double greffage ou hyper-reines sont élevées dans des cellules nettement plus grandes et beaucoup mieux acceptées par les Abeilles que les reines obtenues par simple greffage.En outre, les hyper-reines sont plus lourdes que les reines normales, si on considère l'ordre des éclosions successives.Elles ont aussi un nombre d'ovarioles plus important.Dès lors, il sera intéressant d'étudier systématiquement la ponte des deux sortes de reines et ainsi de vérifier si le nombre d'ovarioles plus élevé des hyper-reines correspond à une augmentation du taux de ponte.
Summary The results of these studies indicate that queens obtained after a double grafting (or Hyper-queens) are bred by the workers in higher and better adopted cells than queens obtained after a simple grafting.Besides, «Hyper-queens» are more weighty than the usual breeding queens, in relation to the order of the successive hatchings. They have also more ovarioles.Then, it will be interesting to study the egg-laying of each kind of queens, and so, to see if the number of the Hyper-queens'ovarioles is in relation to an increase in the rate of egg-laying.

Zusammenfassung In diesem Beitrag haben wir versucht, darzulegen, dass Königinnen, die man durch doppelte Uberpflanzung erzielt hat, oder sogenannte Hyperköniginnen, in Zellen erzogen werden, die entschieden grösser sind, und dass diese Königinnen von den Bienen viel leichter anerkannt werden als durch einfache Uberpflanzung erzeugte Königinnen. Dazu sind die Hyperköniginnen schwerer als die gewöhnlichen Königinnen, wenn man die Reinhenfolge der Ausschlüpfungen in Betracht zieht. Sie haben auch eine grössere Zahl Eischläuche.Im Rahmen der nächsten Forschungen wird es deshalb aufschlussreich sein, das Eierlegen der beiden Königinarten systematisch zu beobachten, und auf diese Weise nachzuprüfen, ob einer erhöhten Zahl Eischläuche bei den Hyperköniginnen ein erhöhtes Eierlegen entspricht.

Sami Lakkis 《Hydrobiologia》1973,43(1-2):235-252
2275 samples have been collected with the Continuous Plankton Recorder of Hardy at a standard depth of 10 meteres in the English Channel and the Bay of Biscay between 1958–1965. Biological as well as statistical analyses have been carried out to provide data on annual fluctuations of 34 species of copepods and phytoplankton. Methods of analysis of variance and the correlation coefficient analysis were used for this purpose. The results are presented in the form of triangular matrices showing the annual fluctuations of species in the different areas considered and the relationship between different species in each area. These methods allowed us to define separate groups of species that could be called annual communities.

Extrait d'une thèse de Doctorat en Oceanographie biologique, soutenue à la faculté des Sciences de Paris le 19 décembre 1967. Ce travail a été subventionné par the Office of Naval Research, Department of the United States Navy en vertu du contrat No 62558-3612.

Extrait d'une thèse de Doctorat en Oceanographie biologique, soutenue à la faculté des Sciences de Paris le 19 décembre 1967. Ce travail a été subventionné par the Office of Naval Research, Department of the United States Navy en vertu du contrat No 62558-3612.  相似文献   

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