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Summary 14C-uridine or 14C-orotic acid was injected into the third or fourth brain ventricle of adult rats. The rate of incorporation of these precursors into the RNA of various brain regions was studied by autoradiography. 0.5 hour, 1 hour, 2 hours and 4 hours after the injection of labelled uridine and/or orotic acid into the third ventricle, a very uneven labelling of different brain regions was observed. The highest grain density was found over the ventricular walls and in the closely adjacent brain tissue; the intensity of labelling decreased sharply with distance from the ventricular lumen. 24 hours after intraventricular injection, a medio-lateral gradient of grain density was no longer observed. An intense labelling of leptomeninx (especially at the base of the brain) and of ependymal cells was observed at all time intervals investigated. At time intervals 0.5–2 hours the grain density of these structures surpassed by a considerable amount the grain density over neurons, glial cells or neuropile.Two hours after the injection of 14C-orotic acid into the fourth ventricle, the grains were mainly localised over leptomeningeal cells and vessels at the base of the brain and in the adjacent narrow strip of brain tissue. The rest of the brain was only very faintly labelled.  相似文献   

The relative concentrations of microtubular protein (tubulin) in regions of rat brain were determined by taking advantage of its specific property of binding colchicine. In comparison with other tissues, all regions of the brain were rich in tubulin. The cerebral cortex, thalamus and hypothalamus had essentially the same concentration. The cerebellum and brain stem had a lower concentration (about 60 per cent of the cortical level). Although the functional significance of these differences is not clear, they may relate to two proposed functions of microtubules–cytoskeleton and cytoplasmic transport. The complex geometry of neurons and many glial cells with ramified processes must require extensive systems for maintaining shape and an active cytoplasmic transport.  相似文献   

The cerebral distribution of a low ip dose of ethanol (ETOH) was studied using a double-barrelled, membrane-tipped perfusion cannula in rats. The cannulas were perfused with physiological solution in freely-moving animals at a rate of 19 μl/min for 5 min at 5, 10, and 15 min and subsequently at 15 min intervals for the remainder of 2 hrs after 1 g/kg ETOH. Peak blood ETOH levels (in mg/ 100 ml) after the single dose were 4 times those found in the lateral ventricle, 6–7 times those found in the reticular formation, cerebral cortex, and amygdala, and 9–11 times those found in the caudate and lateral hypothalamus. Peak levels were reached earliest in the lateral ventricle and reticular formation. In a related study, homogenized (“whole”) brain ETOH levels were found to be similar to blood levels while flushed (“bloodless”) brain ETOH levels were approximately 20% lower than those found in blood and “whole” brain. It is concluded that there is a significant differential distribution of ETOH in the rat brain after a low dose of ETOH, and that this unequal brain ETOH distribution may influence the behavioral effects of the drug.  相似文献   

The distribution of labelled dopamine (DA) and noradrenaline (NA) in the various brain regions of the rat was similar after administration of L-14C-3-0-methyldopa (OMD) or L-14C-dopa, DA showing the greatest accumulation in the striatum and NA in the hypothalamus. The concentration of catecholamines 2 hours after OMD amounted to 2–15 % of those found after L-dopa. In the whole brain, the cerebral catecholamines formed from dopa decreased more rapidly than those originating from OMD. In conclusion, OMD is a precursor of cerebral catecholamines; however, it is less effective than dopa.  相似文献   

Soluble and membrane-bound aminopeptidase activities in eleven regions of the rat brain were assayed using L-leucine-2-naphthylamide as a substrate. In addition, two metabolic enzymatic activities were compared: lactate dehydrogenase and aspartate aminotransferase. All enzymatic activities showed significant regional differences when the data were analyzed statistically. Soluble aminopeptidase and aspartate aminotransferase activities were significantly lower in cortical than in subcortical areas. Membrane-bound aminopeptidase activity levels were higher in cortical areas. Lactate dehydrogenase activities did no differ between cortical areas and the rest of the zones studied. However, while no wide regional differences were found for the other enzymatic activities, membrane-bound aminopeptidase varied markedly across brain regions: a 5-fold difference was observed between zones. The differential distribution of this enzymatic activity is consistent with the hypothesis that it is responsible for the enzymatic inactivation of some neuroactive peptides.  相似文献   

Purified alpha-bungarotoxin was isolated by chromatography and made radioactive with tritium ([3H]acetamidino-alpha-bungarotoxin). Infusions of [3H]alpha-bungarotoxin alone or preceded by tubocurarine or atropine were given into the third ventricle. 2. 12, or 24 h after injection the brains were prepared for autoradiography. Injections of alpha-bungarotoxin (radioinert) in buffer, or of [3H]parathyroid hormone in buffer, served as controls. The various patterns of labeling suggest the presence of nicotinic-cholinergic neurons within the arcuate and basolateral regions of the hypothalamus including the supraoptic and suprachiasmatic nuclei and, in addition, the central nucleus of the amygdala.  相似文献   

Regional distribution of tyrosine hydroxylase in rat brain   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  

Reactive oxygen species may participate in development of neurological toxicity resulting from hyperbaric oxygen exposure. To explore the possibility that increased reactive O2 metabolite generation may result in oxidative modification of lipids and proteins, rats were exposed to five atmospheres (gauge pressure) of O2 until development of an electroencephalographic seizure. Lipid peroxidation (as thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances) and protein oxidation (as 2,4-dinitrophenyl-hydrazones) were measured in five brain regions. Oxidized and reduced glutathione were also determined because of their role in regulating lipid peroxidation. Lipid peroxidation was confined to the frontal cortex and hippocampus, while protein oxidation (in both cytoplasmic and membranous fractions) and increased oxidized glutathione was evident throughout the brain. These results support a role for formation of reactive O2 metabolites from hyperbaric O2 exposure and suggest that protein oxidation, especially in soluble proteins, may be one of the most sensitive measures.  相似文献   

The first visualization of enkephalinase (neutral metalloendopeptidase, E.C. in rat brain was obtained by autoradiography, using a new tritiated inhibitor: [3H]N-[( R,S )3-(N-hydroxy) carboxamido-2-benzyl propanoyl]glycine (3H-HCBP-Gly). The preliminary analysis of sections clearly showed a discrete localization of enkephalinase in enkephalin enriched regions, such as caudate nucleus, putamen, globus pallidus, and substantia nigra. Moreover 3H-HCBP-Gly binding also occurred in choroid plexus and spinal cord.  相似文献   

Ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) is a potent survival molecule for a variety of embryonic neurons in culture. The developmental expression of CNTF occurs clearly after the time period of the physiological cell death of CNTF-responsive neurons. This, together with the sites of expression, excludes CNTF as a target-derived neuronal survival factor, at least in rodents. However, CNTF also participates in the induction of type 2 astrocyte differentiation in vitro. Here we demonstrate that the time course of the expression of CNTF-mRNA and protein in the rat optic nerve (as evaluated by quantitative Northern blot analysis and biological activity, respectively) is compatible with such a glial differentiation function of CNTF in vivo. We also show that the type 2 astrocyte-inducing activity previously demonstrated in optic nerve extract can be precipitated by an antiserum against CNTF. Immunohistochemical analysis of astrocytes in vitro and in vivo demonstrates that the expression of CNTF is confined to a subpopulation of type 1 astrocytes. The olfactory bulb of adult rats has comparably high levels of CNTF to the optic nerve, and here again, CNTF-immunoreactivity is localized in a subpopulation of astrocytes. However, the postnatal expression of CNTF in the olfactory bulb occurs later than in the optic nerve. In other brain regions both CNTF-mRNA and protein levels are much lower.  相似文献   

Regional distribution of metorphamide in rat and guinea pig brain   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A specific radioimmunoassay was developed for metorphamide, an endogenous, amidated opioid octapeptide, originally isolated from bovine brain and human pheochromocytoma tissues. The radioimmunoassay was used to determine the concentration of immunoreactive metorphamide in extracts from dissected regions of rat and guinea pig brain. Radioimmunoassay interfacing with Sephadex gel filtration and reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography confirmed that the immunoreactive substance measured corresponded to authentic metorphamide. Metorphamide was found to be widely distributed in brain regions from both species. However, the concentrations of immunoreactive metorphamide in regions from guinea pig brain were up to 5 times higher than the concentrations of immunoreactive metorphamide in rat brain regions. The results suggest that metorphamide is a specific processing product from proenkephalin in rodent brain.  相似文献   

Hu  C. Y.  Ong  W. Y.  Patel  S. C. 《Brain Cell Biology》2000,29(10):765-773
NPC1 is a member of a family of polytopic membrane-bound proteins with sterol-sensing domains. Inactivating mutations of NPC1 are responsible for most cases of Niemann-Pick type C disease, whose hallmark is progressive neurodegeneration. The precise molecular mechanisms whereby defective NPC1 function leads to neurodegeneration are unknown. In the brain, we have previously found NPC1 to localize predominantly within perisynaptic astrocytic processes. Here we have mapped the regional distribution of NPC1 in the monkey brain. Dense NPC1 immunoreactivity was observed in telencephalic structures, including the cerebral neocortex, hippocampus, caudate nucleus and putamen, whilst light immunostaining was observed in diencephalic structures, including the globus pallidus, thalamus and hypothalamus. Light staining was also generally observed in the midbrain, pons, medulla oblongata and cerebellum, except the inferior olive, which was densely stained. By light microscopy, only a few indistinctly labeled cell bodies were observed even within densely labeled regions, where most of the immunoreactivity appeared to be due to the large numbers of labeled cellular processes. On electron microscopy, these processes were identified as glial, and not neuronal. The astrocytic localization of NPC1 was further confirmed by double labeling for NPC1 and GFAP. The regional pattern of NPC1 expression suggests that areas normally expressing low levels of the NPC1 protein are more susceptible to neuronal degeneration in Niemann-Pick type C disease.  相似文献   

Albino rabbits of either sex were anesthetized, and a cannula was implanted permanently into the lateral ventricle. About 1 week later, the distribution of [14C]mescaline and its deaminated metabolite, [14C]trimethoxyphenylacetic acid ([14C]TMPA) in 12 brain regions was examined at 15, 60, and 180 min after the intraventricular injection of [14C]mescaline (0.5 mol in 0.05 ml saline).14C-radioactivity was rapidly distributed in all regions, reaching peak levels within 15 min. The spinal cord, superior colliculus, pons, hypothalamus, caudate, medulla oblongata, and inferior colliculus contained 23–57 nmol/g of mescaline; the thalamus, tegmentum, and cerebellum, 12–15 nmol/g; and the cerebrum and hippocampus, less than 10 nmol/g; the levels of [14C]TMPA ranged from 0.5 to 5 nmol/g. The levels of [14C]mescaline and of [14]TMPA in all brain areas were considerably decreased 180 min after its injection. Pretreatment with chlorpromazine (15 mg/kg, i.p., 30 min) lowered [14C]mescaline concentrations in the hippocampus, caudate, thalamus, and cerebrum and elevated them in the spinal cord, medulla oblongata, pons, and tegmentum; [14C]TMPA levels as the percentage of total radioactivity were not affected. Pretreatment with iproniazid (150 mg/kg, i.p., 18 h), on the other hand, uniformly reduced the TMPA levels in all brain areas, with the resultant increases in mescaline levels. The CPZ-effect in lowering the mescaline concentrations in the areas belonging to the limbic system may have significance in explaining its antihallucinogenic effect in humans and its ability to block the altered behavior induced by the latter drug in laboratory animals.  相似文献   

The changes in blood flow through selected brain structures and the changes in the total RNA content of cells of these structures were examined after a single administration of yeast RNA to 6-month-old male rats. The total content of ribosomal RNA in cells of the limbic system (septum, hippocampus, hypothalamus) increased 48 hrs after the administration of 100 mg i.p. yeast RNA , dropped after 7 days (in hypothalamus), 21 and 30 days (in hippocampus), 30 days (in septum). In cells of the limbic system as a whole there is a higher total RNA content in experimental rats. No changes were observed in the cells of parietal brain cortex. Blood flow increased in limbic structures 21 and 30 days after RNA administration and in septum and in hippocampus also 90 days after application. No changes were observed in parietal brain cortex, bulbi olfactorii, cerebellum and brain stem. Histochemical changes correlated positively with blood flow changes in the limbic system 14, 21, 30 and 90 days after RNA application. The body weight of experimental rats did not differ from that of control animals. The changes in haemodynamic parameters were transient and were demonstrated as fluctuations in heart rate, cardiac output, and peripheral resistance. Blood pressure experienced no changes.  相似文献   

Biosynthesis of rapidly labeled RNA in brain cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
E Egyházi  H Hydén 《Life sciences》1966,5(13):1215-1223

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