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Crystallographic analysis of acrosomal bundle from Limulus sperm   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The acrosomal process of Limulus sperm contains a bundle of filaments composed of actin and a 102 kDa protein in a 1:1 molar ratio. The structure of the bundle in true discharge was investigated by electron cryomicroscopy, X-ray scattering and crystallographic image analysis. A bundle can be characterized as a quasi-crystal with continuously varying views along the bundle axis. Each segment of the bundle is found to obey the symmetry of space group P1, with a = b = 147 A, c = 762 A, alpha = 90 degrees, beta = 90.6 degrees, gamma = 120 degrees. A unit cell contains a helical repeat of the filament with a selection rule following that of an actin filament. A 24 A projection map based on the h0l view was reconstructed after averaging 5300 unit cells from six electron images. Filaments in this projection are well separated and clearly display a 21 screw symmetry. This screw symmetry results from the helical parameters of the bundle filament and is found to be a non-crystallographic symmetry element present in the unit cell. Our structural analysis has led to the proposal that the assembly of a stable bundle with a defined maximum diameter can be controlled by the crystallographic packing of the twisted filaments.  相似文献   

The spectacular extension of the acrosomal process in Limulus sperm is effected by a bundle of actin-containing filaments with apparently no contribution from myosin. The bundle is coiled about the base of the sperm and, upon reaction, unwinds and extends out of the anterior end of the sperm with a screwing motion. We have analyzed the structure of the bundle in the coil and following its discharge. Optical diffraction studies of electron micrographs show a difference in the twist of the filaments in the two forms. The filaments in the coil have a twist of 0.23 ° per subunit more than that in the true discharge. As the signal to extend moves down the coil, the filaments change their twist and the bundle straightens. The coupling of these two movements produces the screwing motion. In the coil, the filaments wind around the axis of the bundle. As the filaments change their twist, the winding is undone. From freeze-fracture replicas we determined the hand of the winding of filaments in the coil and, in thin sections, we were able to determine the number of turns the filaments make for each loop of the coil. From these data we were able to predict the hand and amount of rotation during the discharge. From movie film sequences we could determine only the amount of rotation and found it to be 0.25 ° ± 0.05 ° per subunit discharged. This is in reasonable agreement with the expected value of 0.23 ° ± 0.05 ° per subunit. We propose that it is the change in twist of the actin filaments themselves that is responsible for the generation of force for the extension of the acrosomal process.  相似文献   

The membranes of Limulus (horseshoe crab) sperm were examined before and during the acrosomal reaction by using the technique of freeze-fracturing and thin sectioning. We focused on three areas. First, we examined stages in the fusion of the acrosomal vacuole with the cell surface. Fusion takes place in a particle-free zone which is surrounded by a circlet of particles on the P face of the plasma membrane and an underlying circlet of particles on the P face of the acrosomal vauole membrane. These circlets of particles are present before induction. Up to nine focal points of fusion occur within the particle-free zone. Second, we describe a system of fine filaments, each 30 A in diameter, which lies between the acrosomal vacuole and the plasma membrane. These filaments change their orientation as the vacuole opens, a process that takes place in less than 50 ms. Membrane particles seen on the P face of the acrosomal vacuole membrane change their orientation at the same time and in the same way as do the filaments, thus indicating that the membrane particles and filaments are probably connected. Third, we examined the source and the point of fusion of new membrane needed to cover the acrosomal process. This new membrane is almost certainly derived from the outer nuclear envelope and appears to insert into the plasma membrane in a particle-free area adjacent to an area rich in particles. The latter is the region where the particles are probably connected to the cytoplasmic filaments. The relevance of these observations in relation to the process of fertilization of this fantastic sperm is discussed.  相似文献   

The acrosomal process of Limulus sperm is an 80-microns long finger of membrane supported by a crystalline bundle of actin filaments. The filaments in this bundle are crosslinked by a 102-kD protein, scruin present in a 1:1 molar ratio with actin. Recent image reconstruction of scruin decorated actin filaments at 13-A resolution shows that scruin is organized into two equally sized domains bound to separate actin subunits in the same filament. We have cloned and sequenced the gene for scruin from a Limulus testes cDNA library. The deduced amino acid sequence of scruin reflects the domain organization of scruin: it consists of a tandem pair of homologous domains joined by a linker region. The domain organization of scruin is confirmed by limited proteolysis of the purified acrosomal process. Three different proteases cleave the native protein in a 5-kD Protease-sensitive region in the middle of the molecule to generate an NH2-terminal 47-kD and a COOH-terminal 56-kD protease-resistant domains. Although the protein sequence of scruin has no homology to any known actin-binding protein, it has similarities to several proteins, including four open reading frames of unknown function in poxviruses, as well as kelch, a Drosophila protein localized to actin-rich ring canals. All proteins that show homologies to scruin are characterized by the presence of an approximately 50-amino acid residue motif that is repeated between two and seven times. Crystallographic studies reveal this motif represents a four beta-stranded fold that is characteristic of the "superbarrel" structural fold found in the sialidase family of proteins. These results suggest that the two domains of scruin seen in EM reconstructions are superbarrel folds, and they present the possibility that other members of this family may also bind actin.  相似文献   

The interaction of the human acrosomal protein SP-10 with the acrosomal membranes was analyzed by the ability of Triton X-114 (TX-114) and other agents to release SP-10 from the acrosome. Treatment of human sperm with TX-114 revealed a pool of SP-10 that was released by TX-114 and a pool of SP-10 that was TX-114-resistant. TX-114-resistant SP-10 was associated with the equatorial segment and with TX-114-resistant portions of the acrosomal matrix and the inner acrosomal membrane. Phase partitioning of TX-114-released and TX-114-resistant SP-10 pools showed that both were hydrophilic, indicating that these pools consist of proteins that are peripherally associated with, rather than integral to, the acrosomal membranes. Sequential treatments of human sperm with various agents showed that repeated washes with TX-114 or 1.5 M NaCl had little or no effect on TX-114-resistant SP-10, whereas treatment with a chaotropic salt (150 mM sodium thiocyanate) and buffers at pH extremes (pH 2.0 and 10.0) completely released this pool of SP-10 from the acrosome. Together the results suggest that SP-10 is a hydrophilic peripheral acrosomal membrane protein that may be associated with a TX-114-resistant "anchor."  相似文献   

An actin-like substance has been detected in the postacrosomal region of mammalian spermatozoa by indirect immunofluorescence. The antigen was localized using an anti-actin antiserum from a patient with active chronic hepatitis. The actin-like contractile proteins may be important in sperm function and spermegg interactions during fertilization.  相似文献   

In order to determine whether metabolizable sugars delayed capacitation of guinea pig spermatozoa, these cells were pre-incubated in Tyrode's pyruvate lactate glucose medium (T-PLG) or Tyrode's glucose solution (T-G). They were then transferred to minimal culture medium containing pyruvate and lactate (MCM-PL) and the occurrence of acrosomal reactions (AR) was determined by light microscopic observations of wet mount aliquots. The percentage of acrosomal reactions was quantitated in fixed samples and occurrence of a true AR was confirmed by electron microscopy. Activated acrosome-reacted spermatozoa were observed within 5 min when cells were transferred to MCM-PL solution, after preincubating them for 60–120 min either in T-PLG or T-G media. By 15 min in MCM-PL the percentage of acrosome-reacted spermatozoa reached values similar to those obtained in cells pre-incubated from the beginning in MCM-PL medium (P > 0.05 in both) but significantly different from T-PLG and T-G controls (P < 0.0005 in both). The acrosomal reaction was external calcium dependent and independent of the Tyrode's media pH ranging from 7.2 to 8.0. The results obtained suggested that capacitation occurred in T-PLG and that it was not delayed by glucose; the results also suggested that capacitation could occur within a short time with glucose as the only exogenous substrate, but that the acrosome reaction could have been arrested by a glucose metabolite. Data are presented which suggest that intracellular levels of glucose-6-phosphate (as 2-deoxyglucose-6-phosphate)could play a key role in the expression of the acrosome reaction in sperm already able to perform it. A new hypothesis is suggested for the development of the fertilizing potential of guinea pig sperm when in the female genital tract.  相似文献   

The effect of gossypol on the activities of 10 acrosomal enzymes of the rabbit sperm was evaluated. Acrosin, Azocoll proteinase, neuraminidase, and arylsulfatase were significantly inhibited or completely inactivated by 12–76 μM gossypol. Hyaluronidase, β-glucuronidase, and acid phosphatase were inhibited only at a higher concentration of gossypol (380 μM). Phospholipase C, alkaline phosphatase, and β-N-Acetyl glucosaminidase were not inhibited even at 380 μM gossypol. Gossypol was found to be a noncompetitive inhibitor of arylsulfatase with a Ki of 120 μM. The inhibition was reversible and dose-dependent. As the acrosomal enzymes were more sensitive to the inhibition by gossypol compared to sperm enzymes involved in glycolysis or energy production, these assays may serve as a more reliable indicator for monitoring the occurence of gossypol-induced sterility. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Thyone sperm were induced to undergo the acrosomal reaction with a calcium ionophore A23187 in sea water containing 50 mM excess CaCl2, and the extension of the acrosomal process was recorded with high- resolution, differential interference contrast video microscopy at 60 fields/sec. The length of the acrosomal process was measured at 0.25-s intervals on nine sperm. When the data were plotted as (length)2 vs. time, the points fell exactly on a straight line except for the initial and very final stages of elongation. Cytochalasin B alters the rate of elongation of the acrosomal process in a dose-dependent way, inhibiting the elongation completely at high concentrations (20 micrograms/ml). However, no inhibition was observed unless excess Ca++ was added to sea water. The concentration of actin in the periacrosomal cup of the unreacted sperm is as high as 160 mg/ml; we calculate this concentration from the number and lengths of the actin filaments in a fully reacted sperm, and the volume of the periacrosomal cup in the unreacted sperm. These results are consistent with the hypothesis proposed earlier that monomers add to the ends of the actin filaments situated at the tip of the growing acrosomal process (the preferred end for monomer addition), and that the rate of elongation of the process is limited by diffusion of monomers from the sperm head (periacrosomal cup) to the tip of the elongating process. During the extension of the acrosomal process, a few blebs distributed along its lengths move out with the process. These blebs maintain a constant distance from the tip of the growing process. At maximum length, the straight acrosomal process slackens into a bow, and numerous new blebs appear. A few seconds later, the process suddenly straightens out again and sometimes actually contracts. The behavior of the blebs indicates that membrane is inserted at the base of the growing acrosomal process, and that membrane assembly and water uptake must be coupled to actin assembly during elongation. We discuss how the dynamic balance of forces seems to determine the shape of the growing acrosomal process, and how actin assembly may be controlled during the acrosomal reaction.  相似文献   

Rat spermatozoa main lipid classes and their fatty acids were studied to assess their possible changes in capacitation and the acrosomal reaction (AR), induced in vitro. Capacitation-associated protein tyrosine phosphorylation, and the efflux of 30% of the total cholesterol from gametes to the medium, took place concomitantly with the release of a similar percentage, i.e., a larger amount, of the total phospholipid, mostly after hydrolysis of the major choline glycerophospholipids (CGP). Main medium lipid metabolites after capacitation were lyso-CGP and polyenoic fatty acids typical of CGP (22:4n-9, 22:5n-6), as free fatty acids (FFA). The AR, induced by a calcium ionophore, resulted in further phospholipid loss, but the produced metabolites remained in the gametes. CGP decrease in AR accounted for some additional FFA and lyso-CGP, but mostly for (22:5n-6-rich) diglycerides. Hydrolysis of sphingomyelins (SM) to ceramides also occurred, mostly affecting species with very long chain polyenoic fatty acids. Quantitatively, CGP and SM were the lipid classes decreasing the most after capacitation and AR, respectively. The massive cholesterol and phospholipid loss from the gametes during capacitation is thus associated with protein phosphorylation, a function that has been located to the sperm tail. The lipid metabolites produced during AR, by accumulating in the gamete heads, could be implicated in sperm–oocyte interactions.  相似文献   

A procedure is described for subcellular fractionation of bull sperm which allows the isolation of outer acrosomal membrane without the use of detergent. After washing to remove seminal plasma contaminants, the acrosomal membrane is removed by homogenization and separated on a two-step sucrose gradient. The isolated membranes have been characterized by light and electron microscopy and enzyme analysis. While the acrosomal enzymes hyaluronidase and acrosin are bound to the isolated membranes, they represent only a small percentage of the total activity and therefore do not provide reliable marker enzymes for this fraction. Subcellular fractionation of sperm also yields information on the solubility of acrosomal enzymes. Two types of acrosomal enzymes have been identified on the basis of their distribution in gradient fractions. Both alpha-fucosidase and beta-N-acetyl glucosaminidase are concentrated in the soluble fraction of the gradient. In contrast, over 70% of the acrosin and hyaluronidase activity remains associated with the sperm pellet. These differences in solubility of these enzymes may reflect differences in their function in fertilization.  相似文献   

Limulus sperm contains a dynamic macromolecular structure that rapidly extends a 50 microm process called the true discharge. The core of this structure is a bundle of ordered filaments composed of a complex of actin, scruin and calmodulin. We determined its structure by electron crystallographic reconstruction. The three-dimensional map reveals an actin-scruin helix that is azimuthally modulated by the influence of the interactions of a filament with its neighbors. There are a variety of density connections with neighboring filaments involving scruin. Scruin commonly contacts one neighbor, but we observe up to three interfilament connections involving both domains of the 28 scruin molecules in the unit cell. Our structure indicates that promiscuous scruin-scruin contacts are the major determinants of bundle stability in the true discharge. It also suggests that rearrangements would be permitted, which can facilitate the transition from the coiled to the true discharge form.  相似文献   

Several factors involved in induction of the acrosomal reaction in sperm of the sea urchin, Arbacia punctulata, have been investigated quantitatively using a simple substrate film technique to monitor extension of the acrosomal process by electron microscopy. Verification of typical acrosomal process formation has been accomplished using thin sections. Sperm were found to undergo the acrosomal reaction in artificial sea water in the absence of egg jelly coat at pH values above 9.6. In the presence of egg jelly a high percentage of sperm react at pH 8.6. At this pH, the fraction of sperm that undergo the acrosomal reaction is directly proportional to the concentration of egg jelly. The Ca2+ ionophore A23187 induces the acrosomal reaction in the absence of egg jelly at pH 8.6. The proportion of sperm that react is dependent on the concentration of ionophore and on the concentration of Ca2+ in the medium. Pretreatment of sperm with low levels of La3+ ion, which is known to be a Ca2+ ion antagonist, results in inhibition of egg jelly induction of the acrosomal reaction. These findings suggest that there are marked similarities between the acrosomal reaction in sea urchin sperm and membrane fusion dependent secretory processes in other cell types.  相似文献   

Actin participates in the structure of liver intermediate filaments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A dominating protein fraction (p45) having molecular weight of 45000 and pI 5.45 was found in the intermediate filaments pellet obtained from rat liver besides the present cytokeratins. Peptide mapping and radioimmunological assays with antibodies against this protein and muscle actin proved that the p45 protein belongs to the actin group. Immunoelectron microscopy revealed that this protein is located on the liver intermediate filaments. By melting of the cytokeratin complexes in urea it was established that p45 protein is complexed with the low molecular weight cytokeratin.  相似文献   

The stereocilia on each hair cell are arranged into rows of ascending height, resulting in what we refer to as a "staircase-like" profile. At the proximal end of the cochlea the length of the tallest row of stereocilia in the staircase is 1.5 micron, with the shortest row only 0.3 micron. As one proceeds towards the distal end of the cochlea the length of the stereocilia progressively increases so that at the extreme distal end the length of the tallest row of the staircase is 5.5 micron and the shortest row is 2 micron. During development hair cells form their staircases in four phases of growth separated from each other by developmental time. First, stereocilia sprout from the apical surfaces of the hair cells (8-10-d embryos). Second (10-12-d embryos), what will be the longest row of the staircase begins to elongate. As the embryo gets older successive rows of stereocilia initiate elongation. Thus the staircase is set up by the sequential initiation of elongation of stereociliary rows located at increased distances from the row that began elongation. Third (12-17-d embryos), all the stereocilia in the newly formed staircase elongate until those located on the first step of the staircase have reached the prescribed length. In the final phase (17-d embryos to hatchlings) there is a progressive cessation of elongation beginning with the shortest step and followed by taller and taller rows with the tallest step stopping last. Thus, to obtain a pattern of stereocilia in rows of increasing height what transpires are progressive go signals followed by a period when all the stereocilia grow and ending with progressive stop signals. We discuss how such a sequence could be controlled.  相似文献   

In this study, we adapted a FluoSphere bead-binding assay to study the exposure and release of guinea pig sperm acrosomal components during the course of capacitation and acrosomal exocytosis. Prior to capacitation or the initiation of exocytosis, acrosomal proteins were not accessible to FluoSpheres coated with antibodies against two acrosomal matrix (AM) proteins, AM67 and AM50; during the course of capacitation and ionophore-induced acrosomal exocytosis, however, we detected the transient exposure of the solid-phase AM proteins on the surface of guinea pig sperm using the antibody-coated fluorescent beads. Several different transitional stages leading to complete acrosomal exocytosis were classified, and we propose these represent true, functional intermediates since some of the AM proteins are orthologues of mouse proteins that bind the zona pellucida (ZP) of unfertilized eggs. In addition, we present evidence that implicates acrosin in the proteolytic processing of AM50 during AM disassembly. Thus, we propose that the transitional states of acrosomal exocytosis involve early binding of AM proteins to the ZP (by what visually appear to be "acrosome-intact" sperm), maintenance of ZP binding that coincides with the progressive exposure of AM proteins, and gradual proteolytic disassembly of the AM to allow sperm movement through the ZP. We feel this "transitional states" model provides a more refined view of acrosomal function that supports a move away from the widely held, overly simplistic, and binary "acrosome-reaction" model, and embraces a more dynamic view of acrosomal exocytosis that involves intermediate stages of the secretory process in ZP binding and penetration.  相似文献   

In sperm of the starfish Asterina pectinifera, the acrosomal process and the flagellum were mechanically separated from the sperm head with a disperser. The sperm head fraction was then used to examine the direct interaction between the sperm head and the egg surface. Sperm heads lacking the acrosomal process and the flagellum did not fertilize oocytes, even after removal of the vitelline coat. Transmission electron microscopy showed that each denuded oocyte engulfed the sperm head without gamete membrane fusion. The sperm-engulfing response, similar to phagocytosis, was induced without the mediation of the acrosomal process. The present results suggest that the process of sperm incorporation consists of two independent events, acrosomal process-egg surface fusion and the phagocytotic movement of the egg surface.  相似文献   

The acrosomal apparatus of a sea urchin, Echinocardium cordatum, consists of an acrosomal vesicle and a post-acrosomal rod. The rod is 2.5 μm long and extends from the acrosomal vesicle to the bottom of a nuclear invagination. The rod consists of a bundle of longitudinally disposed, 60 Å thick, actin-like filaments which bind heavy meromyosin to form arrowhead complexes. The actin-like filaments may have a dual function in the fertilization process: (1) extension of the acrosomal process through the egg investments; (2) incorporation of the sperm nucleus.  相似文献   

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