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Attachment theory is a very influential general concept of human social and emotional development, which emphasizes the role of early mother-infant interactions for infant's adaptive behavioural and stress copying strategies, personality organization and mental health. Individuals with disrupted development of secure attachment to mother/primary caregiver are at higher risk of developing mental disorders. This theory consists of the complex developmental psycho-neurobiological model of attachment and emerges from principles of psychoanalysis, evolutionary biology, cognitive-developmental psychology, ethology, physiology and control systems theory. The progress of modern neuroscience enables interpretation of neurobiological aspects of the theory as multi-level neural interactions and functional development of important neural structures, effects of neuromediattors, hormones and essential neurobiological processes including emotional, cognitive, social interactions and the special key role of mentalizing. It has multiple neurobiological, neuroendocrine, neurophysiological, ethological, genetic, developmental, psychological, psychotherapeutic and neuropsychiatric consequences and is a prototype of complex neuroscientific concept as interpretation of modern integrated neuroscience.  相似文献   

This paper aims to develop the rational to support why and how we should link neuroscience and psychoanalysis. Many of these points are derived from child development and child psychiatry. Neuroscience investigates developmental questions in a different way than psychoanalysis, while psychoanalysis itself has shifted towards new developmental paradigms. The rapprochement between neuroscience and psychoanalysis allows a new understanding of some concepts, including embodiment of mind, consciousness and attachment. The “double reading” paradigm allows a better understanding of symptomatic configurations. Linking neuroscience and psychoanalysis may improve treatments and result in new experimental neuroscientific paradigms involving changing the research object, changing the state of the research object, and investigating the structural changes in the brain following psychotherapy. The last aim is to create an epistemology of the articulation between the theoretical frameworks through phenomenology, “complementarism” and neuropsychoanalysis. We argue that it is necessary for clinicians to be aware of the advancements in each field. This is not only an epistemological question; we assume that new findings in neuroscience will change the way psychoanalysts think and approach treatment of their patients. We hope the present research will contribute to change the way that neuroscientists think and will provide new options to their set of experimental paradigms.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to present and discuss the connections between psychoanalysis and neuroscience from a historical viewpoint. We start by examining how Sigmund Freud can be viewed as a pioneer in the interaction between these two fields. Freud was himself a neurologist and had maintained an interest in biology as he developed the key concepts of psychoanalysis. His ideas regarding psychosomatics are described. We will also explore how the concept of drive is essential to the connection between psychoanalysis and neuroscience. Then, we describe several key actors and historical events and characters at the interface of these two fields, namely Sándor Radó Lawrence S. Kubie and Mc Culloch, the debates that took place during the Macy conferences, as well as the positions of Jacques Lacan, George L. Engel, and Eric Kandel. Finally, we present a synthesis of the main fields in which the connections between psychoanalysis and neuroscience are already fruitful, and those where they should be developed: the classification of mental diseases, the link between the scientific and psychic dimensions, therapeutics, the organization of the body, intersubjectivity, the subjective division and ambivalence, as well as transferential effects like such as the placebo and nocebo effects. In the conclusion, we advocate several strategic alliances and underscore the complementarity between rigorous scientific experimentation and the individualized psychoanalytic approach.  相似文献   

Emotive aspects of stimuli have been shown to modulate perceptual thresholds. Lately, studies using functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) showed that emotive aspects of visual stimuli activated not only canonical limbic regions, but also sensory areas in the cerebral cortex. However, it is still arguable to what extent such emotive, related activation in sensory areas of the cortex are affected by physical characteristic or attribute difference of stimuli. To manipulate valence of stimuli while keeping visual features largely unchanged, we took advantage of the Expressional Transfiguration (ET) of faces. In addition, to explore the sensitivity of high level visual regions, we compared repeated with unrepeated (i.e. different) stimuli presentations (fMR adaptation). Thus, the dynamics of brain responses was determined according to the relative signal reduction during repeated relative to different presentations (adaptation ratio). Our results showed, for the first time, that emotional valence produced significant differences in fMR adaptation, but not in overall levels of activation of lateral occipital complex (LOC). We then asked whether this emotion modulation on sensory cortex could be related to previous personal experience that attached negative attributes of stimuli. To clarify this, we investigated Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and non-PTSD veterans. PTSD is characterized by recurrent revival of trauma-related sensations. Such phenomena have been attributed to a disturbed processing of trauma-related stimuli, either at the perceptual level or at the cognitive level. We assumed that PTSD veterans would differ from non-PTSD veterans (who have similar combat experience) in their high order visual cortex responses to combat-related visual stimuli that are associated with their traumatic experience. An fMRI study measured the cerebral activation of subjects while viewing pictures with and without combat content, in repeated or different presentation conditions. The emotive effect on the visual cortex was found, again, only in the fMR-adaptation paradigm. Visual cortical regions showed significant differences between PTSD and non-PTSD veterans only in repeated presentations of trauma-related stimuli (i.e. combat). In these regions, PTSD veterans showed less decrease in signal with repeated presentations of the same combat-related stimuli. This finding points to the possibility that traumatic experience modulates brain activity at the level of sensory cortex itself.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the historiographical utility of psychoanalysis, focussing in particular on retrospective explanations of demonic possession and exorcism. It is argued that while ‘full-blown’ psychoanalytic explanations—those that impose Oedipus complexes, anal eroticism or other sophisticated theoretical structures on the historical actors—may be vulnerable to the charge of anachronism, a weaker form of retrospective psychoanalysis can be defended as a legitimate historical lens. The paper concludes, however, by urging historians to look at psychoanalysis as well as trying to look through it. Full-blown psychoanalysis is a bad historical lens but it may, in some cases, be an excellent explanatory template: a thorough understanding of how psychoanalytic therapy functions in the modern world is, for example, a good theoretical preparation for historians seeking to understand the sixteenth-century’s demonological universe.  相似文献   

Diagnostic information on adolescents may be elicited from both youths and their parents, especially for depressive and suicidal symptomatology. The objective of this study was to examine the degree of agreement between parent and adolescent reports of major psychiatric disorders, at the diagnostic and at the symptom level, in a severely affected inpatient clinical population. 64 parent–adolescent pairs were interviewed separately with the semi-structured diagnostic interview Kiddie-SADS-PL. Symptomatology was also assessed with 11 self-report and parent-report scales, all translated, adapted and in most cases validated in Iceland. A total of 25 subscales were included to assess emotional dimensions such as depression or anxiety and cognitive dimensions such as attention deficit or self-concept. Good agreement was found for social phobia and fair agreement for generalized anxiety disorder. Although parent–youth agreement was poor in most cases at the symptoms level, significant correlations indicated consistency for most severity scores, except those related to depressive symptomatology, attention deficit, separation anxiety or conduct disorder. The low agreement between reports of suicidal ideation is in line with results from previous studies and suggests that parents might under- or over-estimate this symptomatology. The combination of data obtained with diagnostic interviews and rating-scales confirmed results from prior empirical work, giving greater weight to parents’ reports of observable behavior and to adolescents´ reports of subjective experiences, especially depressive symptomatology. Our findings suggest that both parent and child informants are necessary to obtain adequate assessments in adolescents. Further research should explore the correspondence between discrepant diagnoses and external criteria such as parental psychopathology or parent–child relationships and attachment. Psychoanalysis could benefit from cognitive neuroscience and use cognitive assessments as interesting tools. Thus, cognitive assessments can show discrepant results according to parents’ or adolescents’ reports and can therefore shed light on the parent–child interaction and relational dynamics. Inversely, cognitive neuroscience could benefit from psychoanalysis by taking into account, when interpretating the scores, the relational dynamics and the personal history of the rater.  相似文献   

Already in the 1930s Skinner, Konorskiand colleagues debated the commonalities, differences and interactions among the processes underlying what was then known as “conditioned reflexes type I and II”, but which is today more well-known as classical (Pavlovian) and operant (instrumental) conditioning. Subsequent decades of research have confirmed that the interactions between the various learning systems engaged during operant conditioning are complex and difficult to disentangle. Today, modern neurobiological tools allow us to dissect the biological processes underlying operant conditioning and study their interactions. These processes include initiating spontaneous behavioral variability, world-learning and self-learning. The data suggest that behavioral variability is generated actively by the brain, rather than as a by-product of a complex, noisy input-output system. The function of this variability, in part, is to detect how the environment responds to such actions. World-learning denotes the biological process by which value is assigned to environmental stimuli. Self-learning is the biological process which assigns value to a specific action or movement. In an operant learning situation using visual stimuli for flies, world-learning inhibits self-learning via a prominent neuropil region, the mushroom-bodies. Only extended training can overcome this inhibition and lead to habit formation by engaging the self-learning mechanism. Self-learning transforms spontaneous, flexible actions into stereotyped, habitual responses.  相似文献   

According to Chen’s theory, topological differences are perceived faster than feature differences in early visual perception. We hypothesized that topological perception is caused by the sensitivity in discriminating figures with and without “holes”. An ERP experiment was conducted utilizing a passive paradigm to investigate the differences in perceiving figures with “hole” and with “no-hole”. The results showed differences in N170 components between figures with “holes” and with “no-holes”. The inversion of the “hole” could influence the latency of N170, but the inversion of the “no-hole” could not, which indicated that global features are processed first in the “hole” perception whilst local features are given priority to the “no-hole” perception. This result was similar to studies concerning face and non-face objects, suggesting a configural processing of the “hole”.  相似文献   

Neuronal encoding of texture in the whisker sensory pathway   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
A major challenge of sensory systems neuroscience is to quantify brain activity underlying perceptual experiences and to explain this activity as the outcome of elemental neuronal response properties. Rats make extremely fine discriminations of texture by “whisking” their vibrissae across an object's surface, yet the neuronal coding underlying texture sensations remains unknown. Measuring whisker vibrations during active whisking across surfaces, we found that each texture results in a unique “kinetic signature” defined by the temporal profile of whisker velocity. We presented these texture-induced vibrations as stimuli while recording responses of first-order sensory neurons and neurons in the whisker area of cerebral cortex. Each texture is encoded by a distinctive, temporally precise firing pattern. To look for the neuronal coding properties that give rise to texture-specific firing patterns, we delivered horizontal and vertical whisker movements that varied randomly in time (“white noise”) and found that the response probabilities of first-order neurons and cortical neurons vary systematically according to whisker speed and direction. We applied the velocity-tuned spike probabilities derived from white noise to the sequence of velocity features in the texture to construct a simulated texture response. The close match between the simulated and real responses indicates that texture coding originates in the selectivity of neurons to elemental kinetic events.  相似文献   

Most behavioral tests used with laboratory rodents involve measuring behavioral responses to physical novelty. However, laboratory rodents are often derived from highly social species for which novel social stimuli may induce different levels of fear or curiosity compared to novel physical objects. We hypothesized that behavioral responses will differ in response to novel physical vs. social cues, and that females may show more exploration of social novelty, based on prior studies indicating that females more actively seek social support during duress compared to males. We compared young (55-day-old) Sprague-Dawley rats’ responses to an arena filled with novel objects (“physical”) or a novel same-sex caged conspecific (“social”). Rats were more active and spent twice as much time in contact with the novel social stimulus compared to novel physical stimuli. Although females were more active than males, females were not particularly more exploratory in the social arena compared to males. The results indicate that a novel social partner (even a caged one with limited ability to interact) elicits more exploration than novel objects for both male and female rats.  相似文献   

The "inner world" of the mind was, in the past, the traditional preserve of psychoanalysis and related disciplines, and it was therefore placed at the margins of neural science. During 1990-ies numerous investigations in the field of neuroscience have led to significant findings, which explain biological correlates ofpsychological functions. There are much scientific evidence that support association between psychoanalysis and neuroscience. Psychoanalysis offers a unique in-depth perspective on the psychology of human motivation, and furthermore has contributions both to make and to receive in the gathering scientific integration.  相似文献   

Since his visit to Tierra del Fuego in the 1830s, Darwin had been fascinated by the “savages” that succeeded in surviving on such a “broken beach”, and because they were certainly similar in behaviour to our ancestors. However, he was also fascinated by baboons’ behaviour, according to Brehm's accounts: hamadryas baboons showed a strong altruism to the point of risking their own lives in order to save their infants from attack by dogs. In 1871, he mentions he would rather have descended from brave baboons than from “savages”, considered egoistic. We study the two sources of these ideas and try to show how Darwin's comparative reflections on apes and “savages” made him the first evolutionist anthropologist.  相似文献   

Hyperglycaemia has a deferred detrimental effect on glucose metabolism, termed “metabolic memory”. Elevated saturated fatty acids promote insulin resistance, hyperglycaemia and associated atherosclerotic complications, but their effect on “metabolic memory” is unknown. Therefore we investigated whether basal and insulin-stimulated (10−6 M for 12 h) glucose (2-deoxy-d-[3H]-glucose) uptake was affected by palmitate pre-treatment human THP-1 monocytes. Palmitate-induced a time-dependent and concentration-dependent inhibition of insulin-stimulated glucose uptake, showing almost complete abolition of the insulin-stimulatory effect with 300 μM palmitate. Basal glucose uptake was unaffected by palmitate. When palmitate was washed out, the inhibitory effect on insulin-stimulated glucose uptake persisted for at least 60 h.  相似文献   

Zebrafish (Danio rerio) are emerging as a promising model species in neuroscience research. Many traditional rodent behavioral paradigms may be adapted for zebrafish testing. Exposing zebrafish to three different “open field” tanks for 30 min, we showed that fish display robust homebase behavior, in which one area of the tank is chosen as a preferred point of reference during the test, which the fish frequently return to and spend a longer duration in. This phenotype strikingly resembles rodent homebase behavior, confirming that both species use homebases as “reference points” for their exploration. Our study introduces a simple method for zebrafish homebase phenotyping, and further supports the utility of these fish in neurobehavioral and cognitive research.  相似文献   

In this paper, I consider Santiago Ramón y Cajal’s strategy of histological observation and imaging in terms of what I call “induction of visibility” (Fiorentini, 2011). Cajal’s strategy of visibility induction drew upon both rational and aesthetic visual sensibility, and considered this interplay to be a constitutive element of knowledge production. I propose to describe Cajal’s fundamental attitude towards visually inferred knowledge in terms of an “aesthetic epistemology”.  相似文献   

P. Magistretti  F. Ansermet 《PSN》2007,5(3):138-143
New neurobiological evidence for neuronal plasticity, demonstrating that experience leaves a structural and functional trace in the neuronal network, has raised questions about the organic and psychological causality of mental phenomena and calls in question our current views, suggesting that psychological events may have the potential to shape synaptic organization. Plasticity shows that the neuronal network remains open to change, to contingency: the brain must then be thought of as a highly dynamic organ constantly interacting with the environment as well as the psychological life of each person. Plasticity maintains the capacity to modify what has come before, allowing the person to respond to unpredictability, thereby constructing his or her individuality. Hence, plasticity entails moving on to a new paradigm. If neuronal networks are biologically determined, yet endowed with the capacity to be modified, and if the person participates in the emergence process, then it follows that neuroscience embodies, like psychoanalysis, the notions of both uniqueness and diversity. Thus, neuroscience and psychoanalysis come together around the question of the emergence of individuality, a process in which they both contribute to each other. What is at stake is not merely the logic of proof — validating psychoanalysis on the basis of neuroscience — but rather the realisation of the power of the paradigm shift brought about by the evidence of plasticity, through which contingent experience constantly modifies the brain of an evolving person.  相似文献   

If sampling fails to reveal the presence of an invasive species with potential to actually be present, how may we calculate the probability that it is truly absent, e.g. didymo (Didymosphenia geminate) in New Zealand’s North Island. In statistical terms this is a Bayesian question, concerning the probability of a hypothesis (presence/absence), given the obtained data (all results negative). “Classical” theory doesn’t answer this question, because it inverts the required considerations by calculating the probability of all samples being absent if the invasive was actually present. Accordingly, the Bayesian view of “probability” must be adopted in order to answer the question. That definition differs from classical probability in that it always includes an element of subjective belief, particularly in the choice of an appropriate “prior probability” (this is our belief as to the presence of the invasive organism before collecting new data). Bayesian methods can therefore be somewhat controversial – but we seem forced to use them. One Bayesian approach is to use the “Negative Predictive Value”, in which a point estimate of the probability of presence (or absence) prior to sample collection (the “prior probability”) is updated using data once collected using Bayes’ rule. This is in common use in medical studies, where the prior probability is the background disease prevalence, which is generally well understood. It is sometimes used in environmental ‘hot-spot’ investigations. An alternative approach is to recognise the uncertainty in the prior belief by using a distribution of prior probability and updating that using data once collected to give a Credible Interval in which the probability of presence (or absence) should lie – if all our assumptions have been satisfied. We will compare the merits of these approaches considering didymo, southern salt marsh mosquito (Aedes camptorhychus) and the sea squirt Styela clava.  相似文献   

Targeting the consolidation of fear memories following trauma may offer a promising method for preventing the development of flashbacks and other unwanted re-experiencing symptoms that characterise Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Research has demonstrated that performing visuo-spatial tasks after analogue trauma can block the consolidation of fear memory and reduce the frequency of flashbacks. However, no research has yet used verbal techniques to alter memories during the consolidation window. This is surprising given that the most effective treatments for PTSD are verbally-based with exposure therapy and trauma-focused cognitive behavioural therapy gaining the most evidence of efficacy. Psychological therapies aim to reduce the conditioned fear response, which is in keeping with the preliminary finding that an increased propensity for fear conditioning may be a vulnerability factor for PTSD. Our research had two aims. We investigated the degree to which individual differences in fear conditioning predict the development of PTSD symptoms. We also compared the preventative effects of two clinically informed psychological techniques administered during the consolidation window: exposure to the trauma memory and updating the meaning of the trauma. 115 healthy participants underwent a fear conditioning paradigm in which traumatic film stimuli (unconditioned stimuli) were paired with neutral stimuli (conditioned stimuli). Participants were randomly allocated to an updating, exposure or control group to compare the effects on the conditioned fear response and on PTSD symptomatology. The results showed that stronger conditioned responses at acquisition significantly predicted the development of PTSD symptoms. The updating group, who verbally devalued the unconditioned stimulus within the consolidation window, experienced significantly lower levels of PTSD symptoms during follow-up than the exposure and control groups. These findings are consistent with clinical interventions for chronic PTSD and have important implications for identifying those at risk as well as for designing novel early interventions to prevent the development of PTSD.  相似文献   

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