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Cutrera AP  Lacey EA 《Immunogenetics》2007,59(12):937-948
Balancing selection acting over the evolutionary history of a lineage can result in the retention of alleles among species for longer than expected under neutral evolution. The associated pattern of trans-species polymorphism, in which similar or even identical alleles are shared among species, is often used to infer that balancing selection has occurred. The genes of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) are thought to be subject to balancing selection that maintains alleles associated with response to specific pathogens. To explore the role of balancing selection in shaping MHC diversity in ctenomyid rodents, we examined allelic variability at the class II DRB and DQA loci in 18 species in the genus Ctenomys. Previous studies of four of these species had revealed significant within-population evidence of positive selection on MHC loci. The current study expands upon these analyses to (1) evaluate among-species evidence of positive selection and (2) explore the potential for balancing selection on MHC genes. Interspecific nucleotide sequence variation revealed significant evidence of positive selection on the DRB and DQA loci. At the same time, comparisons of phylogenetic trees for these MHC loci with a putative species tree based on mitochondrial sequence data revealed multiple examples of trans-specific polymorphism, including sharing of identical DRB and DQA alleles among distantly related species of Ctenomys. These findings suggest that MHC genes in these animals have historically been subject to balancing selection and yield new insights into the complex suite of forces shaping MHC diversity in free-living vertebrates.  相似文献   

SSCP analysis of Mhc class IIB genes in the threespine stickleback   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Due to its universality, speed, sensitivity, precision and reproducibility, PCR followed by fluorescence SSCP analysis represents an attractive tool for the characterization of Mhc class II B genotypes and the estimation of DNA sequence variability of Mhc genes in natural stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus populations.  相似文献   

In order to assess levels of major histocompatibility complex (Mhc) variation within the St Lawrence beluga (Delphinapterus leucas) the variation at the beluga Mhc DRB1 class II locus was assessed by single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis of the peptide-binding region for 313 whales collected from 13 sampling locations across North America. In addition, samples from west Greenland and the St Lawrence were also typed at the DQB locus, allowing comparison to a previous study and assessment of linkage disequilibrium of alleles at the two loci. Comparisons of DRB1 and DQB allele frequencies among all sampling locations indicated genetic structure (α < 0.005). Most of this structure resulted from differences between the different wintering groups. Significant genetic structure (α = 0.05) exists among each pair of the following groups at both the DRB1 and DQB loci; St Lawrence, Hudson Strait, Bering Sea, Cunningham Inlet, and Davis Strait (minus Cunningham Inlet), except the St Lawrence and Hudson Strait for the DQB locus. In the St Lawrence population, six of the eight DRB1 alleles are present representing all five known allelic lineages. Evidence of linkage disequilibrium between the DRB1 and DQB is present in two sampling locations, the St Lawrence and Nuussuaq (α = 0.05). Analysis of probable DRB1DQB haplotypes among groups of beluga suggests a haplotype reduction in the St Lawrence.  相似文献   

The Major Histocompatibility Complex (Mhc) genomic region of many vertebrates is known to contain at least one highly polymorphic class II gene that is homologous in sequence to one or other of the human Mhc DRB1 class II genes. The diversity of the avian Mhc class II gene sequences have been extensively studied in chickens, quails, and some songbirds, but have been largely ignored in the oceanic birds, including the flightless penguins. We have previously reported that several penguin species have a high degree of polymorphism on exon 2 of the Mhc class II DRB1-like gene. In this study, we present for the first time the complete nucleotide sequences of exon 2, intron 2, and exon 3 of the DRB1-like gene of 20 Humboldt penguins, a species that is presently vulnerable to the dangers of extinction. The Humboldt DRB1-like nucleotide and amino acid sequences reveal at least eight unique alleles. Phylogenetic analysis of all the available avian DRB-like sequences showed that, of five penguin species and nine other bird species, the sequences of the Humboldt penguins grouped most closely to the Little penguin and the mallard, respectively. The present analysis confirms that the sequence variations of the Mhc class II gene, DRB1, are useful for discriminating among individuals within the same penguin population as well those within different penguin population groups and species.The nucleotide sequence and amino acid sequence data reported in this paper have been submitted to the DDBJ database and have been assigned the accession numbers AB088371–AB088374, AB089199, AB154393–AB154399, and AB162144.  相似文献   

Although many studies confirm long-term small isolated populations (e.g. island endemics) commonly sustain low neutral genetic variation as a result of genetic drift, it is less clear how selection on adaptive or detrimental genes interplay with random forces. We investigated sequence variation at two major histocompatibility complex (Mhc) class II loci on a porpoise endemic to the upper Gulf of California, México (Phocoena sinus, or vaquita). Its unique declining population is estimated around 500 individuals. Single-strand conformation polymorphism analysis revealed one putative functional allele fixed at the locus DQB (n = 25). At the DRB locus, we found two presumed functional alleles (n = 29), differing by a single nonsynonymous nucleotide substitution that could increase the stability at the dimer interface of alphabeta-heterodimers on heterozygous individuals. Identical trans-specific DQB1 and DRB1 alleles were identified between P. sinus and its closest relative, the Burmeister's porpoise (Phocoena spinipinnis). Comparison with studies on four island endemic mammals suggests fixation of one allele, due to genetic drift, commonly occurs at the DQA or DQB loci (effectively neutral). Similarly, deleterious alleles of small effect are also effectively neutral and can become fixed; a high frequency of anatomical malformations on vaquita gave empirical support to this prediction. In contrast, retention of low but functional polymorphism at the DRB locus was consistent with higher selection intensity. These observations indicated natural selection could maintain (and likely also purge) some crucial alleles even in the face of strong and prolonged genetic drift and inbreeding, suggesting long-term small populations should display low inbreeding depression. Low levels of Mhc variation warn about a high susceptibility to novel pathogens and diseases in vaquita.  相似文献   

 Class I genomic clones of the quail (Coturnix japonica) major histocompatibility complex (MhcCoja) were isolated and characterized. Two clusters spanning the 90.8 kilobase (kb) and 78.2 kb class I gene regions were defined by overlapping cosmid clones and found to contain at least twelve class I loci. However, unlike in the chicken Mhc, no evidence for the existence of any Coja class II gene was obtained in these two clusters. Based on comparative analysis of the genomic sequences with those of the cDNA clones, Coja-A, Coja-B, Coja-C, and Coja-D (Shiina et al. 1999), these twelve loci were assigned to represent one Coja-A gene, two Coja-B genes (Coja-B1 and -B2), four Coja-C genes (Coja-C1-C4), four Coja-D genes (Coja-D1-D4), and one new Coja-E gene. A class I gene-rich segment of 24.6 kb in which five of these genes (Coja-B1, -B2, -D1, -D2 and -E) are densely packed were sequenced by the shotgun strategy. All of these five class I genes are very compact in size [2089 base pairs (bp)–2732 bp] and contain no apparent genetic defect for functional expression. A transporter associated with the antigen processing (TAP) gene was identified in this class I gene-rich segment. These results suggest that the quail class I region is physically separated from the class II region and characterized by a large number of the expressible class I loci (at least seven) in contrast to the chicken Mhc, where the class I and class II regions are not clearly differentiated and only at most three expressed class I loci so far have been recognized. Received: 9 March 1998 / Revised: 12 October 1998  相似文献   

Loss of genetic variation in small, isolated populations is commonly observed at neutral or nearly neutral loci. In this study, the loss of genetic variation was assessed in island populations for a locus of major histocompatibility complex (Mhc), a locus shown to be under the influence of balancing selection. A total of 36 alleles was found at the second exon of RT1.Ba in 14 island and two mainland populations of Rattus fuscipes greyii. Despite this high overall diversity, a substantial lack of variation was observed in the small island populations, with 13 islands supporting only one to two alleles. Two populations, Waldegrave and Williams Islands, showed moderately high levels of heterozygosity (52-56%) which were greater than expected under neutrality, suggesting the action of balancing selection. However, congruence between the level of variation at this Mhc locus and in previous allozyme electrophoresis and mitochondrial DNA studies highlights the dominant influence of genetic drift and population factors, such as bottlenecks and structuring in the founding population, in the loss of genetic variation in these small, isolated populations.  相似文献   

The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is one of the most important elements in immune system for nearly all vertebrates, and is thought to be essential for an organism to recognize foreign molecules. In this study, we investigated the MHC variation in 51 forest musk deer (Moschus berezovskii) collected from three captive populations in Sichuan Province, China. Seventeen haplotypes were isolated from the 51 samples. A total of 51 mutation sites were identified and yielded a nucleotide diversity of 0.056. These haplotype sequences possessed 83 putative amino acid sites, including 24 PBR sites (peptide binding region) and 59 non-PBR sites. Out of 24 PBR sites, 15 codons showed variation (0.625), while 12 codons showed variation (0.203) in 59 non-PBR sites. Non-synonymous substitutions primarily occurred in PBR, with analyses suggesting that the Mobe-DRB gene had undergone strong positive selection during their evolution. Compared with that of some other endangered species, the forest musk deer had relatively high level of MHC diversity. Our results suggested that the MHC diversity characteristic of captive forest musk deer populations might be not responsible for their high morbidity of abscess disease.  相似文献   

The native Hawaiian honeycreepers represent a classic example of adaptive radiation and speciation, but currently face one the highest extinction rates in the world. Although multiple factors have likely influenced the fate of Hawaiian birds, the relatively recent introduction of avian malaria is thought to be a major factor limiting honeycreeper distribution and abundance. We have initiated genetic analyses of class II beta chain Mhc genes in four species of honeycreepers using methods that eliminate the possibility of sequencing mosaic variants formed by cloning heteroduplexed polymerase chain reaction products. Phylogenetic analyses group the honeycreeper Mhc sequences into two distinct clusters. Variation within one cluster is high, with dN > dS and levels of diversity similar to other studies of Mhc (B system) genes in birds. The second cluster is nearly invariant and includes sequences from honeycreepers (Fringillidae), a sparrow (Emberizidae) and a blackbird (Emberizidae). This highly conserved cluster appears reminiscent of the independently segregating Rfp-Y system of genes defined in chickens. The notion that balancing selection operates at the Mhc in the honeycreepers is supported by transpecies polymorphism and strikingly high dN/dS ratios at codons putatively involved in peptide interaction. Mitochondrial DNA control region sequences were invariant in the i'iwi, but were highly variable in the 'amakihi. By contrast, levels of variability of class II beta chain Mhc sequence codons that are hypothesized to be directly involved in peptide interactions appear comparable between i'iwi and 'amakihi. In the i'iwi, natural selection may have maintained variation within the Mhc, even in the face of what appears to a genetic bottleneck.  相似文献   

We compared three different molecular methods currently used for screening of Mhc variation in population studies of Atlantic salmon. Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) of the entire class II gene detected 22 haplotypes. Seventeen exon 2 sequences were obtained from individuals carrying the 22 haplotypes, two of which had not been detected by RFLP. The six alleles (27%) detected by RFLP and not by exon 2 sequencing probably resulted from sequence variation outside exon 2. Within exon 2, RFLP differentiated 88% of the sequences. Alternatively, denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) performed under two run conditions detected 94% of the sequence variation. Both RFLP using different probes, and the two PCR-based methods using three different primer pairs, suggest that there is only a single Mhc class II B gene in the Baltic populations of Atlantic salmon.  相似文献   

cDNA clones corresponding to the swine histocompatibility complex (SLA: swine leucocyte antigen)-DM alpha chain were isolated using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products from the third exon in the human HLA-DMA gene as a probe. Amino acid comparative analysis revealed that these clones were more closely related to the bovine and human DMA genes than to the other swine class II genes alpha chain genes, DRA, DQA and DOA. These results suggest that the SLA-DMA gene is expressed and may function, like HLA-DM, as an important modulator in class II restricted antigen processing in swine. Furthermore, based on the sequences and PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) patterns in the SLA-DMA gene, no allelic variation was recognized in the second exon, but five allelic variations were recognized in the third exon in five different breeds of swine. These DMA alleles were defined by variation at four nucleotide positions. Two of these alleles resulted in an amino acid substitution. These results suggest that SLA-DMA has little polymorphism as observed in HLA-DMA and mouse H2-Ma.  相似文献   

 The variation at loci with similarity to DRB class II major histocompatibility complex loci was assessed in 313 beluga collected from 13 sampling locations across North America, and 11 narwhal collected in the Canadian high Arctic. Variation was assessed by amplification of exon 2, which codes for the peptide binding region, via the polymerase chain reaction, followed by either cloning and DNA sequencing or single-stranded conformation polymorphism analysis. Two DRB loci were identified in beluga: DRB1, a polymorphic locus, and, DRB2, a monomorphic locus. Eight alleles representing five distinct lineages (based on sequence similarity) were found at the beluga DRB1 locus. Although the relative number of alleles is low when compared with terrestrial mammals, the amino acid variation found among the lineages is moderate. At the DRB1 locus, the average number of nonsynonymous substitutions per site is greater than the average number of synonymous substitutions per site (0.0806 : 0.0207, respectively;P<0.01). Most of the 31 amino acid substitutions do not conserve the physiochemical properties of the residue, and 21 of these are located at positions implicated as forming pockets responsible for the selective binding of foreign peptide side chains. Only DRB1 variation was examined in 11 narwhal, revealing a low amount of variation. These data are consistent with an important role for the DRB1 locus in the cellular immune response of beluga. In addition, the ratio of nonsynonymous to synonymous substitutions is similar to that among primate alleles, arguing against a reduction in the balancing selection pressure in the marine environment. Two hypotheses may explain the modest amount of Mhc variation when compared with terrestrial mammals: small population sizes at speciation or a reduced neutral substitution rate in cetaceans. Received: 15 July 1997 / Revised: 24 March 1998  相似文献   

Sequence analysis of a polymorphic Mhc class II gene in Pacific salmon   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Polymorphism of the nucleotide sequences encoding 149 amino acids of linked major histocompatibility complex (Mhc) class II 131 and 132 peptides, and of the intervening intron (548–773 base pairs), was examined within and among seven Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus) species. Levels of nucleotide diversity were higher for theB1 sequence than forB2 or the intron in comparisons both within and between species. For the codons of the peptide binding region of the BI sequence, the level of nonsynonymous nucleotide substitution (dN) exceeded the level of synonymous substitution (dS) by a factor of ten for within-species comparisons, and by a factor of four for between-species comparisons. The excess of dN indicates that balancing selection maintains diversity at this salmonidMhc class II locus, as is common forMhc loci in other vertebrates. Levels of nucleotide diversity for both the exon and intron sequences were greater among than within species, and there were numerous species-specific nucleotides present in both the coding and noncoding regions. Thus, neighbor-joining analysis of both the intron and exon regions provided phylogenies in which the sequences clustered strongly by species. There was little evidence of shared ancestral (trans-species) polymorphism in the exon phylogeny, and the intron phylogeny depicted standard relationships among the Pacific salmon species. The lack of shared allelicB1 lineages in these closely related species may result from severe bottlenecks that occurred during speciation or during the ice ages that glaciated the rim of the north Pacific Ocean approximately every 100 000 years in the Pleistocene.The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper have been submitted to the GenBank nucleotide sequence database and have been assigned the accession numbers U34692-U34720  相似文献   

The first domain exon of a porcine DRB gene was amplified by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and the nucleotide sequence was determined. In a material consisting of 10 unrelated animals, five different alleles were identified, all probably belonging to a single locus designated DRB1. In addition, a non-expressed locus, designated DRBP, was coamplified with DRB1. This pseudogene, containing a single base deletion, also exhibited some variation, but at a very restricted level compared with DRB1. In pairwise comparisons of DRB1 alleles, the number of amino acid substitutions ranged between 6 and 21 out of 83 positions compared.  相似文献   

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