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李仕华 《蛇志》2013,25(2):222-224
原发性肝细胞癌(hepatocellular carcinoma,HCC)是严重威胁人类健康的恶性肿瘤之一.HCC患者中1/3有慢性乙肝病史.目前研究已经证实,乙肝病毒(hepatitis B virus,HBV)感染是HCC发生的最危险因素.HBV致癌机制尚未明确,可能涉及病毒与宿主及环境的多阶段、多机制复杂过程.目前研究认为一些HBV相关的因素可能与HCC发生有关,如HBsAg状态、HBV DNA载量、HBV DNA基因型、前核心区和核心启动子区突变等.本文就目前一些流行病学因素及分子因素研究阐述如下.  相似文献   

基因组不稳定(genomic instability)是机体衰老的标志之一,也是儿童早老症(Hutchinson Gilford progeria syndrome, HGPS)患者细胞的典型特征。HGPS的发生与早老素(progerin)堆积密切相关,但早老素如何引起基因组不稳定尚缺乏系统性的阐述。基因组的结构稳定与DNA的正确复制、DNA损伤修复、端粒的维持和稳定以及表观遗传学修饰密切相关。本文主要讨论早老素在改变正常核纤层结构的基础上,通过影响相关通路关键蛋白质的水平或者定位,引起细胞内氧化应激增强、DNA复制应激和DNA损伤修复障碍,细胞DNA损伤增多和端粒的加速缩短,并在改变组蛋白甲基化和乙酰化方面导致基因组不稳定的机制。  相似文献   

生物有机体基因组DNA经常会受到内源或外源因素的影响而导致结构发生变化,产生损伤;在长期进化过程中,有机体也相应形成了一系列应对与修复损伤DNA,并维持染色体基因组正常结构功能的机制。其中DNA损伤检验点(DNA damage checkpoint)就是在感应DNA损伤的基础上,对损伤感应信号进行转导,或引起细胞周期的暂停,从而使细胞有足够的时间对损伤DNA进行修复,或最终导致细胞发生凋亡。DNA损伤检验点信号转导途径是一个高度保守的信号感应过程,整个途径大致可以分为损伤感应、信号传递及信号效应3个组成部分。其中3-磷脂酰肌醇激酶家族类成员ATM(ataxia-telangiectasia mutated)和ATR(ataxia-telangiectasia and Rad3-related)活性的增加构成整个途径活化的第一步。它们通过激活下游的效应激酶,Chk2/Chk1,通过协同作用许多其他调控细胞周期、DNA复制、DNA损伤修复及细胞凋亡等过程的蛋白质因子来实现细胞对DNA损伤的高度协调反应。近十几年,随着此领域研究的不断深入,人们逐步揭示了DNA损伤检验点途径发生过程中,各种核心组分通过与不同调节因子、效应因子及DNA损伤修复蛋白间的复杂相互作用,以实现监测感应异常DNA结构并实施相应反应的机制;其中,检验点衔接因子(mediators)及染色质结构,尤其是核小体组蛋白的共价修饰在调控ATM/ATR活性,促进ATM/ATR与底物间的相互作用以及介导DNA损伤位点周围染色质区域上多蛋白复合物在时间与空间上的动态形成发挥着重要的作用。同时,人们也开始发现DNA损伤检验点途径与DNA损伤修复、基因组稳定性以及肿瘤发生等过程之间某些内在的联系。该反应途径在通过协调细胞针对DNA损伤做出各种反应的基础上,直接或间接地参与或调控DNA损伤修复过程,并与DNA损伤修复途径协同作用最终保证染色体基凶组结构的完整性,而检验点途径的改变,则会引起基因组不稳定的发生,包括从突变频率的提高到大范围的染色体重排,以及染色体数量的畸变。如:突变发生在肿瘤形成早期,会大大增加肿瘤发生的几率。文章将对DNA损伤检验点途径机制及其对DNA损伤修复、基因组稳定性影响的最新进展进行综述。  相似文献   

DNA的精确复制和遗传对维持基因组稳定性有重要作用。DNA双链断裂损伤可能诱导细胞凋亡和染色质重排,在肿瘤的发生发展过程中发挥作用。53BP1是DNA双链断裂修复中的重要调节蛋白质之一,对调控损伤修复平衡和维持基因组稳定性起着重要作用。本文主要对53BP1的结构、生物学功能、信号通路、分子机制和翻译后修饰做一浅显的总结和展望,希望能为53BP1的深入研究提供一些理论基础。  相似文献   

下调c—erbB—2对细胞DNA修复和凋亡的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
将有义和反义c-erbB-2逆转录病毒体分别经脂质体包裹后转染入人胚肺二倍体成纤维细胞(2BS)。Southern印迹杂交表明,外源c-erbB-2 cDNA在转染细胞中已成功整合入基因组中。Northern印迹杂交显示,有义转染细胞的erbB-2表达上升57%,反义转染细胞erbB-2表达下降48%。与对照和空载体转染细胞相比,反义转染细胞的DNA损伤修理能力显著下降,凋亡可诱导性降低。这和我们观察到的反义转染细胞提早出现衰老表型相一致。  相似文献   

DNA断裂检测方法──单细胞凝胶电泳法   总被引:23,自引:2,他引:23  
单细胞凝胶电泳(single cell gel electrophoresis assay,SCGE)也叫彗星试验(comet assay),是一种快速、敏感、简便、廉价的检测单个哺乳动物细胞DNA断裂的技术,目前已用于检测氧化、紫外线和电离辐射引起的损伤,以及三氯乙烷、丙烯酰胺等化学物及老化、吸烟所致损害的研究.文章介绍SCGE的发展、检测分析方法、原理及其在DNA损伤与修复、生物监测、遗传毒理研究、肿瘤治疗方案优化和疗效研究方面的应用前景.  相似文献   

SMU1是一个与细胞基因组复制和RNA剪切过程相关的新基因。该研究为进一步调查SMU1对细胞增殖及DNA双链断裂(DNAdouble—strand breaks,DNADSBs)损伤应答的影响,设计合成针对SMU1基因的小分子siRNA,并与对照siRNA(scramblel分别转染HEK293T或U2OS细胞。通过免疫印迹(Westernblot)检测证实,siSMU1转染细胞中SMU1的表达显著下降,采用台盼蓝染色细胞计数检测显示,SMU1表达下调显著降低细胞增殖能力。免疫荧光和免疫印迹法检测结果表明,SMU1表达下调显著增加细胞内源性DSBs损伤(7H2AXfoci和蛋白水平均升高);而进一步用X-ray处理细胞造成外源性DSBs损伤后,SMUI沉默细胞显示出延长的DSBs损伤修复动力学(减缓的γH2AXfoci和蛋白水平消退)。以上结果提示,SMU1在细胞DSBs损伤修复反应中扮演重要角色,积极参与细胞基因纽完整性的维持。  相似文献   

基因组DNA是遗传的物质基础,编码的信息指导生物种系的复制延续、生命体的生长发育和代谢活动。无论是在外环境因素的应激压力下还是处于正常状态,DNA损伤时刻在发生,由此,DNA损伤修复作为重要的细胞内在机制,在维护基因组稳定性、降低癌症等人类系列重大疾病风险中发挥了不可替代作用。三位科学家汤姆·林达尔(Tomas Lindahl)、阿齐兹·桑贾尔(Aziz Sancar)、保罗·莫德里奇(Paul Modrich)因发现和揭示DNA修复及其机制的杰出贡献,获得2015年诺贝尔化学奖。本文综述了三位获奖者分别在DNA损伤的碱基切除修复、核苷酸切除修复和错配修复研究中的原创发现,以及相应的修复通路机制的描绘。此3种修复通路,主要是针对紫外线和化学物所致DNA的碱基损伤、嘧啶二聚体及加合物或者DNA复制过程中发生的碱基错误配对的修复。恰巧,2015年拉斯克基础医学研究奖授予的两位科学家,也因他们揭示了DNA损伤应答现象和机制研究的重大贡献而获奖,本文也呈现了获奖者的关键性科学发现。最后,简要展望了中国DNA损伤修复领域的发展。  相似文献   

The Mre11/Rad50/Nbs1 complex is involved in many aspects of chromosome metabolism. Aberrant function of the complex is associated with defects in the DNA checkpoint, double-strand break repair, meiosis, and telomere maintenance. In this article, we report the consequences of Mre11 dysfunction for the stability of mitotic and meiotic chromosomes in Arabidopsis thaliana. Although plants homozygous for a T-DNA insertion in a conserved region of the MRE11 gene are viable, they exhibit growth defects and are infertile. Analysis of mitotic chromosomes prepared from the mutant plants revealed abundant dicentric chromosomes and chromosomal fragments. Fluorescence in situ hybridization showed that anaphase bridges are often formed by homologous chromosome arms. The frequency of chromosome fusions was not reduced in mre11 ku70 double mutants, suggesting that plants possess DNA end-joining activities independent of the Ku70/80 and Mre11 complexes. Cytogenetic examination of pollen mother cells revealed massive chromosome fragmentation and the absence of synapsis in the initial stages of meiosis. The fragmentation was substantially suppressed in mre11 spo11-1 double mutants, indicating that Mre11 is required for repair but not for the induction of Spo11-dependent meiotic DNA breaks in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

The usually studied forms of the induced genome instability manifested as a steady change of mutability of proliferated cells, we compared with its peculiar form characterized by the inherited irreversible increase of the level of spontaneous damage of cells. These effects appear of the moment of reaching of the dose threshold according to the "all or nothing" principle, just after the relatively low-dose radiational action. These changes occur without association with the cell division and thereby have an exclusive significance in the pathogenesis of the radiational damage of low-renewing mammalian tissues. It is suggested that the considered changes could underlie the development of the delayed non-cancerogenic somatic postradiational sequelae and of the acceleration of natural aging.  相似文献   

In this study, mice expressing one of the two Mre11 alleles inherited in the human ataxia-telangiectasia like disorder (A-TLD) were derived. The mutation had a profound maternal effect on embryonic viability, revealing an acute requirement for Mre11 complex function in early embryogenesis. Mre11(ATLD1/ATLD1) mice exhibited several indices of impaired ATM function. The mice also exhibited pronounced chromosomal instability. Despite this phenotypic spectrum, the animals were not prone to malignancy. These data indicate that defective cell cycle checkpoints and chromosomal instability are insufficient to significantly enhance the initiation of tumorigenesis. In contrast, the latency of malignancy in p53(+/-) mice was dramatically reduced. We propose that in Mre11(ATLD1/ATLD1) mice, genome instability and cell cycle checkpoint defects reduce viability in early embryos and in proliferating cells, while promoting malignancy in the context of an initiating lesion.  相似文献   

The intensive studies of the long-term effects of the radiation on human and animal cells allowed to reveal the row of new positions in the radiobiology and the genetics. One of the example is the determination of the fact that the genetic effects of the radiation action are not limited by the alterations detectable directly after the corresponding influences. It was found that this and other genome alterations (the chromosome and the gene mutations, transformation the reproductive cell death, the changes of the radiosensitivity and others) can appear de novo in it's sufficiently remote generations of the surviving cells. They differ in the spectrum and in the intensity from acute influence results and now unite with notion "induced genome instability". These discoveries made the studies of the regularities and of the mechanisms of forming of the genome instability in the whole organism of the human and animals more active. In this review about radiation induced instability of genome data are systematized in the accordance with the objects of the study: cultivated cells in vitro-->posterity of laboratory animals-->children born from irradiated parents-->adult people in the remote periods after irradiation.  相似文献   

Structural and functional analysis of Mre11-3   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
The Mre11, Rad50 and Nbs1 proteins make up the conserved multi-functional Mre11 (MRN) complex involved in multiple, critical DNA metabolic processes including double-strand break repair and telomere maintenance. The Mre11 protein is a nuclease with broad substrate recognition, but MRN-dependent processes requiring the nuclease activity are not clearly defined. Here, we report the functional and structural characterization of a nuclease-deficient Mre11 protein termed mre11-3. Importantly, the hmre11-3 protein has wild-type ability to bind DNA, Rad50 and Nbs1; however, nuclease activity was completely abrogated. When expressed in cell lines from patients with ataxia telangiectasia-like disorder (ATLD), hmre11-3 restored the formation of ionizing radiation-induced foci. Consistent with the biochemical results, the 2.3 Å crystal structure of mre11-3 from Pyrococcus furiosus revealed an active site structure with a wild-type-like metal-binding environment. The structural analysis of the H85L mutation provides a detailed molecular basis for the ability of mre11-3 to bind but not hydrolyze DNA. Together, these results establish that the mre11-3 protein provides an excellent system for dissecting nuclease-dependent and independent functions of the Mre11 complex.  相似文献   

Functional interactions between Sae2 and the Mre11 complex   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The Mre11 complex functions in double-strand break (DSB) repair, meiotic recombination, and DNA damage checkpoint pathways. Sae2 deficiency has opposing effects on the Mre11 complex. On one hand, it appears to impair Mre11 nuclease function in DNA repair and meiotic DSB processing, and on the other, Sae2 deficiency activates Mre11-complex-dependent DNA-damage-signaling via the Tel1-Mre11 complex (TM) pathway. We demonstrate that SAE2 overexpression blocks the TM pathway, suggesting that Sae2 antagonizes Mre11-complex checkpoint functions. To understand how Sae2 regulates the Mre11 complex, we screened for sae2 alleles that behaved as the null with respect to Mre11-complex checkpoint functions, but left nuclease function intact. Phenotypic characterization of these sae2 alleles suggests that Sae2 functions as a multimer and influences the substrate specificity of the Mre11 nuclease. We show that Sae2 oligomerizes independently of DNA damage and that oligomerization is required for its regulatory influence on the Mre11 nuclease and checkpoint functions.  相似文献   

DNA anaphase bridges are a potential source of genome instability that may lead to chromosome breakage or nondisjunction during mitosis. Two classes of anaphase bridges can be distinguished: DAPI-positive chromatin bridges and DAPI-negative ultrafine DNA bridges (UFBs). Here, we establish budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and the avian DT40 cell line as model systems for studying DNA anaphase bridges and show that TopBP1/Dpb11 plays an evolutionarily conserved role in their metabolism. Together with the single-stranded DNA binding protein RPA, TopBP1/Dpb11 binds to UFBs, and depletion of TopBP1/Dpb11 led to an accumulation of chromatin bridges. Importantly, the NoCut checkpoint that delays progression from anaphase to abscission in yeast was activated by both UFBs and chromatin bridges independently of Dpb11, and disruption of the NoCut checkpoint in Dpb11-depleted cells led to genome instability. In conclusion, we propose that TopBP1/Dpb11 prevents accumulation of anaphase bridges via stimulation of the Mec1/ATR kinase and suppression of homologous recombination.  相似文献   

In this study, we examine the telomeric functions of the mammalian Mre11 complex by using hypomorphic Mre11 and Nbs1 mutants (Mre11ATLD1/ATLD1 and Nbs1ΔB/ΔB, respectively). No telomere shortening was observed in Mre11ATLD1/ATLD1 cells after extensive passage through culture, and the rate of telomere shortening in telomerase-deficient (TertΔ/Δ) Mre11ATLD1/ATLD1 cells was the same as that in TertΔ/Δ alone. Although telomeres from late-passage Mre11ATLD1/ATLD1 TertΔ/Δ cells were as short as those from TertΔ/Δ, the incidence of telomere fusions was reduced. This effect on fusions was also evident upon acute telomere dysfunction in Mre11ATLD1/ATLD1 and Nbs1ΔB/ΔB cells rendered Trf2 deficient by cre-mediated TRF2 inactivation than in wild-type cells. The residual fusions formed in Mre11 complex mutant cells exhibited a strong tendency toward chromatid fusions, with an almost complete bias for fusion of telomeres replicated by the leading strand. Finally, the response to acute telomere dysfunction was strongly impaired by Mre11 complex hypomorphism, as the formation of telomere dysfunction-induced DNA damage foci was reduced in both cre-infected Mre11ATLD1/ATLD1 Trf2F/Δ and Nbs1ΔB/ΔB Trf2F/F cells. These data indicate that the Mre11 complex influences the cellular response to telomere dysfunction, reminiscent of its influence on the response to interstitial DNA breaks, and suggest that it may promote telomeric DNA end processing during DNA replication.The Mre11 complex (in mammals, Mre11, Rad50, and Nbs1) plays a central role in the cellular response to DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs). The Mre11 complex acts as a DSB sensor, promoting the activation of ATM-dependent DNA damage signaling pathways, DNA repair, and apoptosis. In addition, the complex plays a direct role in recombinational DNA repair, influencing both homologous recombination and nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ) (39). The Mre11 complex''s diverse functions in the DNA damage response are likely predicated on its physical association with chromatin. In this regard, one of the least-understood roles of the Mre11 complex in mammals is its association with telomeres.In mammals, telomeric DNA consists of double-stranded TTAGGG repeats ending in a single-stranded 3′ G overhang, and an array of telomere binding proteins called the shelterin complex that function to prevent telomeres from being recognized as DNA breaks (33). DNA of the overhang invades the double-stranded telomeric repeat sequence to form a t-loop structure (14, 32). The formation of the t-loop requires the telomere protection and remodeling proteins that make up the shelterin complex (7), and these may also contribute to telomere length regulation by preventing telomerase access to chromosomal ends.Data regarding the role of the Mre11 complex at the telomere have implicated the Mre11 complex in several aspects of telomere maintenance and function. For example, it has been suggested that the Mre11 complex may promote formation of the 3′ telomeric overhang by influencing 5′-to-3′ resection of newly replicated chromosome ends (6). In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the Mre11 complex recruits the ATM orthologue, Tel1, which is in turn required to recruit telomerase (12, 45). Consequently, Mre11 complex deficiency results in telomere shortening. In mammals, recruitment of telomerase is thought to be regulated primarily by the telomeric protein components TRF1, TPP1, and POT1 (24, 46, 53). However, telomere shortening has also been noted to occur in cell lines from Nijmegen breakage syndrome (NBS) patients in which a hypomorphic Nbs1 allele is expressed, leading to the suggestion that the Mre11 complex may also promote telomerase function in mammals (36). The Mre11 complex associates with telomeres through its interaction with the shelterin component Trf2, apparently in a cell cycle-dependent manner (47, 54). The significance of this physical association is unclear, as genetic depletion of Rad50, a component of the Mre11 complex, does not phenocopy depletion of Trf2 in most respects (1).To examine the function of the Mre11 complex at mammalian telomeres, we established mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) derived from a mouse expressing the hypomorphic Mre11ATLD1 allele, crossed to telomerase deficient TertΔ/Δ mice (23, 42), and assessed the rate of telomere shortening. Mre11 complex hypomorphism in MEFs did not affect telomere length, irrespective of telomerase status. In Mre11ATLD1/ATLD1 TertΔ/Δ cells, the fusion of eroded telomeres was reduced compared to TertΔ/Δ cells with telomeres shortened to the same extent, suggesting that the Mre11 complex is involved in the response to critically short telomeres. This interpretation was supported by data obtained using a conditional Trf2 allele to generate acute telomere dysfunction in Mre11ATLD1/ATLD1 and Nbs1ΔB/ΔB cells. Collectively the data support a role for the Mre11 complex in the recognition and signaling of dysfunctional telomeres. The character of fusions arising in cre-infected Mre11ATLD1/ATLD1 Trf2F/Δ and Nbs1ΔB/ΔB Trf2F/F cells further suggests that the Mre11 complex may influence the processing of chromosome ends following DNA replication en route to t-loop formation.  相似文献   

Bi X  Gong M  Srikanta D  Rong YS 《Genetics》2005,171(2):845-847
Others have suggested recently that the conserved ATM checkpoint kinase is minimally involved in controlling the G(2)/M checkpoint in Drosophila that serves to prevent mitotic entry in the presence of DNA damage. Our data indicate that both ATM and its regulator Mre11 are important for the checkpoint and that their roles become essential when animals are challenged with a low dose of X rays or when they have compromised checkpoint function of the ATM-related ATR kinase.  相似文献   

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