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Next generation sequencing (NGS) platforms are currently being utilized for targeted sequencing of candidate genes or genomic intervals to perform sequence-based association studies. To evaluate these platforms for this application, we analyzed human sequence generated by the Roche 454, Illumina GA, and the ABI SOLiD technologies for the same 260 kb in four individuals.


Local sequence characteristics contribute to systematic variability in sequence coverage (>100-fold difference in per-base coverage), resulting in patterns for each NGS technology that are highly correlated between samples. A comparison of the base calls to 88 kb of overlapping ABI 3730xL Sanger sequence generated for the same samples showed that the NGS platforms all have high sensitivity, identifying >95% of variant sites. At high coverage, depth base calling errors are systematic, resulting from local sequence contexts; as the coverage is lowered additional 'random sampling' errors in base calling occur.


Our study provides important insights into systematic biases and data variability that need to be considered when utilizing NGS platforms for population targeted sequencing studies.  相似文献   

The immunopolymorphism database (IPD) provides a single nomenclature for alleles at the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) loci for a range of different species. The minimum requirements for inclusion of a sheep class II DRB1 sequence is a submission that includes all polymorphic sites within the second exon from at least two independent polymerase chain reactions (PCR). In order to meet these requirements, we have developed a DNA-based genotyping method for the rapid analysis of allelic diversity at the DRB1 locus in domestic sheep, Ovis aries. Using a series of primers located within introns flanking exon 2 and genomic DNA from a cohort of 214 sheep representing 15 different breeds and crossbreeds, the complete exon 2 sequences of 38 Ovar-DRB1 alleles were obtained. This sequence resource allowed the development of a generic set of locus-specific primers which amplify a fragment that includes all polymorphic sites within the second exon. Bidirectional sequence analysis of the PCR product provides a composite sequence where each polymorphic site is represented by the corresponding International Union of Biochemistry nucleotide code. A Basic Local Alignment Search Tool search of alleles held within the IPD or National Center for Biotechnology Information databases allows individual allele sequences to be identified. Low levels of homozygosity (7.48%) within the cohort and verification of previously genotyped samples confirmed the broad allelic specificity of this method. It improves on currently available methods and is broadly applicable to the analysis of MHC diversity in studies investigating linkages with resistance or susceptibility to disease.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Renewable energy production is currently a major issue worldwide. Biogas is a promising renewable energy carrier as the technology of its production combines the elimination of organic waste with the formation of a versatile energy carrier, methane. In consequence of the complexity of the microbial communities and metabolic pathways involved the biotechnology of the microbiological process leading to biogas production is poorly understood. Metagenomic approaches are suitable means of addressing related questions. In the present work a novel high-throughput technique was tested for its benefits in resolving the functional and taxonomical complexity of such microbial consortia. RESULTS: It was demonstrated that the extremely parallel SOLiDTM short-read DNA sequencing platform is capable of providing sufficient useful information to decipher the systematic and functional contexts within a biogas-producing community. Although this technology has not been employed to address such problems previously, the data obtained compare well with those from similar high-throughput approaches such as 454-pyrosequencing GS FLX or Titanium. The predominant microbes contributing to the decomposition of organic matter include members of the Eubacteria, class Clostridia, order Clostridiales, family Clostridiaceae. Bacteria belonging in other systematic groups contribute to the diversity of the microbial consortium. Archaea comprise a remarkably small minority in this community, given their crucial role in biogas production. Among the Archaea, the predominant order is the Methanomicrobiales and the most abundant species is Methanoculleus marisnigri. The Methanomicrobiales are hydrogenotrophic methanogens. Besides corroborating earlier findings on the significance of the contribution of the Clostridia to organic substrate decomposition, the results demonstrate the importance of the metabolism of hydrogen within the biogas producing microbial community. CONCLUSIONS: Both microbiological diversity and the regulatory role of the hydrogen metabolism appear to be the driving forces optimizing biogas-producing microbial communities. The findings may allow a rational design of these communities to promote greater efficacy in large-scale practical systems. The composition of an optimal biogas-producing consortium can be determined through the use of this approach, and this systematic methodology allows the design of the optimal microbial community structure for any biogas plant. In this way, metagenomic studies can contribute to significant progress in the efficacy and economic improvement of biogas production.  相似文献   

Recent statistical analyses suggest that sequencing of pooled samples provides a cost effective approach to determine genome-wide population genetic parameters. Here we introduce PoPoolation, a toolbox specifically designed for the population genetic analysis of sequence data from pooled individuals. PoPoolation calculates estimates of θ(Watterson), θ(π), and Tajima's D that account for the bias introduced by pooling and sequencing errors, as well as divergence between species. Results of genome-wide analyses can be graphically displayed in a sliding window plot. PoPoolation is written in Perl and R and it builds on commonly used data formats. Its source code can be downloaded from http://code.google.com/p/popoolation/. Furthermore, we evaluate the influence of mapping algorithms, sequencing errors, and read coverage on the accuracy of population genetic parameter estimates from pooled data.  相似文献   

In an analysis of a microsatellite locus (OLADRB1) linked to the MHC DRB1 gene of Iberian and Alpine ibex (Capra pyrenaica and Carpa ibex), we detected strong linkage disequilibrium between both loci. The allele length polymorphism at OLADRB1 was unambiguously linked to a particular DRB1 allele. This allowed us to develop a DRB-STR matching method for both ibex species. Validation of the DRB-STR matching method was performed in 160 Iberian ibex from Spain and 98 Alpine ibex from Switzerland and Italy. This simple and relatively inexpensive protocol may find wide applications in a variety of research areas (e.g., mate choice, pathogen-driven selection) and in the biological conservation and management of the Western European ibex populations.  相似文献   

MHC class II molecules are pivotal for the adaptive immune system, because they guide the development and activation of CD4+ T helper cells. Fulfilling these functions requires that the genes encoding MHC class II molecules are transcribed according to a strict cell-type-specific and quantitatively modulated pattern. This complex gene-expression profile is controlled almost exclusively by a single master regulatory factor, which is known as the class II transactivator. As we discuss here, differential activation of the three independent promoters that drive expression of the gene encoding the class II transactivator ultimately determines the exquisitely regulated pattern of MHC class II gene expression.  相似文献   

The molecular details of antigen processing and presentation by MHC class I and class II molecules have been studied extensively for almost three decades. Although the basic principles of these processes were laid out approximately 10 years ago, the recent years have revealed many details and provided new insights into their control and specificity. MHC molecules use various biochemical reactions to achieve successful presentation of antigenic fragments to the immune system. Here we present a timely evaluation of the biology of antigen presentation and a survey of issues that are considered unresolved. The continuing flow of new details into our understanding of the biology of MHC class I and class II antigen presentation builds a system involving several cell biological processes, which is discussed in this Review.  相似文献   

Tang HM  Chen H  Zhang J  Ren JY  Xu N 《遗传》2012,34(6):784-792
MicroRNAs(miRNAs)是一类在进化上高度保守的非编码小分子单链RNA(~22nt),在基因转录后调控中发挥至关重要的作用。越来越多的证据表明,miRNAs参与很多重要的生理和病理过程,例如发育、器官形成、调亡、细胞增殖、肿瘤发生等。近年来飞速发展的新一代测序技术在miRNA检测方面具有重要的应用。文章简要介绍了新一代测序技术3大平台的基本步骤和原理,测序数据的生物信息学分析方法以及新一代测序技术在miRNA方向的主要应用。相比于传统的miRNA检测方法,新一代测序技术具有通量高、对遗传物质检测完全且准确度高,可重复性好等优点,在探索新miRNA、miRNA互补链、miRNA编辑、miRNA异构体检测以及miRNA靶基因检测等方面具有巨大优势。随着新一代测序技术的不断发展,测序成本不断降低,在未来几年,新一代测序技术的使用率或将大大增加。新一代测序技术的不断应用将进一步促进人类对于miRNA在各种生理病理过程中的功能和调控的认识。  相似文献   

下一代测序技术目前已经应用于微生物、人类、动物、植物等的基因组分析.样品制备是开展大规模测序的必要前提和测序成功的根本保证.对大规模测序造成干扰的主要因素有: polyA干扰测序信号及高丰度基因对低丰度基因的掩盖等.文章以堇菜(Viola verecumda A.Gray)叶片为试材, 提取总RNA, 合成双链cDNA, 利用DSN核酸酶对双链cDNA进行均一化处理, 并对双链cDNA polyA进行了切除, 将处理后的cDNA进行了TA克隆, 挑取100个克隆随机测序.结果表明, 未处理的cDNA样本测序有15个克隆由于polyA的存在而影响了附近碱基的正确阅读, 独立克隆只有62个, 而处理后的cDNA样本经测序未发现polyA, 独立克隆有94个.序列分析发现, 经过处理的cDNA样本随机测序有两个克隆是经MALDI-TOF检测在样本中有蛋白质峰, 而基因克隆一直没有分离到的序列.以处理后的cDNA样本为模板扩增2个已知表达丰度差异较大的基因显示, 处理后这2个基因的PCR扩增产量差异明显减小.这些结果表明polyA切除、DSN核酸酶处理的cDNA样本完全满足大规模测序、寻找新基因的要求.  相似文献   

Bengal tigers are highly endangered and knowledge on adaptive genetic variation can be essential for efficient conservation and management. Here we present the first assessment of allelic variation in major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I and MHC class II DRB genes for wild and captive tigers from India. We amplified, cloned, and sequenced alpha-1 and alpha-2 domain of MHC class I and beta-1 domain of MHC class II DRB genes in 16 tiger specimens of different geographic origin. We detected high variability in peptide-binding sites, presumably resulting from positive selection. Tigers exhibit a low number of MHC DRB alleles, similar to other endangered big cats. Our initial assessment—admittedly with limited geographic coverage and sample size—did not reveal significant differences between captive and wild tigers with regard to MHC variability. In addition, we successfully amplified MHC DRB alleles from scat samples. Our characterization of tiger MHC alleles forms a basis for further in-depth analyses of MHC variability in this illustrative threatened mammal.  相似文献   

The extent to which pathogens maintain the extraordinary polymorphism at vertebrate Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) genes via balancing selection has intrigued evolutionary biologists for over half a century, but direct tests remain challenging. Here we examine whether a well-characterized epidemic of Mycoplasmal conjunctivitis resulted in balancing selection on class II MHC in a wild songbird host, the house finch (Carpodacus mexicanus). First, we confirmed the potential for pathogen-mediated balancing selection by experimentally demonstrating that house finches with intermediate to high multi-locus MHC diversity are more resistant to challenge with Mycoplasma gallisepticum. Second, we documented sequence and diversity-based signatures of pathogen-mediated balancing selection at class II MHC in exposed host populations that were absent in unexposed, control populations across an equivalent time period. Multi-locus MHC diversity significantly increased in exposed host populations following the epidemic despite initial compromised diversity levels from a recent introduction bottleneck in the exposed host range. We did not observe equivalent changes in allelic diversity or heterozygosity across eight neutral microsatellite loci, suggesting that the observations reflect selection rather than neutral demographic processes. Our results indicate that a virulent pathogen can exert sufficient balancing selection on class II MHC to rescue compromised levels of genetic variation for host resistance in a recently bottlenecked population. These results provide evidence for Haldane's long-standing hypothesis that pathogens directly contribute to the maintenance of the tremendous levels of genetic variation detected in natural populations of vertebrates.  相似文献   



HLA genotyping by next generation sequencing (NGS) requires three basic steps, PCR, NGS, and allele assignment. Compared to the conventional methods, such as PCR-sequence specific oligonucleotide primers (SSOP) and -sequence based typing (SBT), PCR-NGS is extremely labor intensive and time consuming. In order to simplify and accelerate the NGS-based HLA genotyping method for multiple DNA samples, we developed and evaluated four multiplex PCR methods for genotyping up to nine classical HLA loci including HLA-A, HLA-B, HLA-C, HLA-DRB1/3/4/5, HLA-DQB1, and HLA-DPB1.


We developed multiplex PCR methods using newly and previously designed middle ranged PCR primer sets for genotyping different combinations of HLA loci, (1) HLA-DRB1/3/4/5, (2) HLA-DQB1 (3.8 kb to 5.3 kb), (3) HLA-A, HLA-B, HLA-C, and (4) HLA-DPB1 (4.6 kb to 7.2 kb). The primer sets were designed to genotype polymorphic exons to the field 3 level or 6-digit typing. When we evaluated the PCR method for genotyping all nine HLA loci (9LOCI) using 46 Japanese reference subjects who represented a distribution of more than 99.5% of the HLA alleles at each of the nine HLA loci, all of the 276 alleles genotyped, except for HLA-DRB3/4/5 alleles, were consistent with known alleles assigned by the conventional methods together with relevant locus balance and no excessive allelic imbalance. One multiplex PCR method (9LOCI) was able to provide precise genotyping data even when only 1 ng of genomic DNA was used for the PCR as a sample template.


In this study, we have demonstrated that the multiplex PCR approach for NGS-based HLA genotyping could serve as an alternative routine HLA genotyping method, possibly replacing the conventional methods by providing an accelerated yet robust amplification step. The method also could provide significant merits for clinical applications with its ability to amplify lower quantity of samples and the cost-saving factors.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1514-4) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the signals influencing the generation of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II allospecific cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTL) and have found that the development of these CTL is actively regulated in primary in vitro cultures by Lyt-2+ T cells triggered in response to MHC class I alloantigens. Class II allospecific CTL can be readily stimulated in primary cultures, but the presence of a simultaneous class I MHC stimulus in these cultures causes a marked reduction of class II-specific CTL activation. This reduction can be prevented by adding to culture a dose of monoclonal anti-Lyt-2 antibody (in the absence of complement) that does not block the generation of class I-specific CTL. The role of MHC class I alloantigens in the regulation of class II allospecific responses illustrates that T cells recognizing class I and class II MHC antigens in mixed leukocyte cultures interact in a complex and nonreciprocal manner to influence the final effector T cell repertoire elicited by this complex immunogenic challenge.  相似文献   

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