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Infectious pathogens compete and are subject to natural selection at multiple levels. For example, viral strains compete for access to host resources within an infected host and, at the same time, compete for access to susceptible hosts within the host population. Here we propose a novel approach to study the interplay between within- and between-host competition. This approach allows for a single host to be infected by and transmit two strains of the same pathogen. We do this by nesting a model for the host–pathogen dynamics within each infected host into an epidemiological model. The nesting of models allows the between-host infectivity and mortality rates suffered by infected hosts to be functions of the disease progression at the within-host level. We present a general method for computing the basic reproduction ratio of a pathogen in such a model. We then illustrate our method using a basic model for the within-host dynamics of viral infections, embedded within the simplest susceptible–infected (SI) epidemiological model. Within this nested framework, we show that the virion production rate at the level of the cell–virus interaction leads, via within-host competition, to the presence or absence of between-host level competitive exclusion. In particular, we find that in the absence of mutation the strain that maximizes between-host fitness can outcompete all other strains. In the presence of mutation we observe a complex invasion landscape showing the possibility of coexistence. Although we emphasize the application to human viral diseases, we expect this methodology to be applicable to be many host–parasite systems.  相似文献   

Understanding and predicting the spatial spread of emerging pathogens is a major challenge for the public health management of infectious diseases. Theoretical epidemiology shows that the speed of an epidemic is governed by the life‐history characteristics of the pathogen and its ability to disperse. Rapid evolution of these traits during the invasion may thus affect the speed of epidemics. Here we study the influence of virulence evolution on the spatial spread of an epidemic. At the edge of the invasion front, we show that more virulent and transmissible genotypes are expected to win the competition with other pathogens. Behind the front line, however, more prudent exploitation strategies outcompete virulent pathogens. Crucially, even when the presence of the virulent mutant is limited to the edge of the front, the invasion speed can be dramatically altered by pathogen evolution. We support our analysis with individual‐based simulations and we discuss the additional effects of demographic stochasticity taking place at the front line on virulence evolution. We confirm that an increase of virulence can occur at the front, but only if the carrying capacity of the invading pathogen is large enough. These results are discussed in the light of recent empirical studies examining virulence evolution at the edge of spreading epidemics.  相似文献   

Parasite transmission modes and the evolution of virulence   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A mathematical model is presented that explores the relationship between transmission patterns and the evolution of virulence for horizontally transmitted parasites when only a single parasite strain can infect each host. The model is constructed by decomposing parasite transmission into two processes, the rate of contact between hosts and the probability of transmission per contact. These transmission rate components, as well as the total parasite mortality rate, are allowed to vary over the course of an infection. A general evolutionarily stable condition is presented that partitions the effects of virulence on parasite fitness into three components: fecundity benefits, mortality costs, and morbidity costs. This extension of previous theory allows us to explore the evolutionary consequences of a variety of transmission patterns. I then focus attention on a special case in which the parasite density remains approximately constant during an infection, and I demonstrate two important ways in which transmission modes can affect virulence evolution: by imposing different morbidity costs on the parasite and by altering the scheduling of parasite reproduction during an infection. Both are illustrated with examples, including one that examines the hypothesis that vector-borne parasites should be more virulent than non-vector-borne parasites (Ewald 1994). The validity of this hypothesis depends upon the way in which these two effects interact, and it need not hold in general.  相似文献   

We analyze models for the evolutionary dynamics of viral or other infectious agents within a host. We study how the invasion of a new strain affects the composition and diversity of the viral population. We show that--under strain-specific immunity--the equilibrium abundance of uninfected cells declines during viral evolution. In addition, for cytotoxic immunity the absolute force of infection, and for non-cytotoxic immunity the absolute cellular virulence increases during viral evolution. We prove global stability by means of Lyapunov functions. These unidirectional trends of virus evolution under immune selection do not hold for general cross-reactive immune responses, which introduce frequency-dependent selection among viral strains. Therefore, appropriate cross-reactive immunity can lead to a viral evolution within a host which limits the extent of the disease.  相似文献   

A study by Gandon et al. (2001) considered the potential ways pathogens may evolve in response to vaccination with imperfect vaccines. In this paper, by focusing on acute infections of vertebrate hosts, we examine whether imperfect vaccines that do not completely block a pathogen's replication (antigrowth) or transmission (antitransmission) may lead to evolution of more or less virulent pathogen strains. To address this question, we use models of the within-host dynamics of the pathogen and the host's immune responses. One advantage of the use of this within-host approach is that vaccination can be easily incorporated in the models and the trade-offs between pathogen transmissibility, host recovery, and virulence that drive evolution of pathogens in these models can be easily estimated. We find that the use of either antigrowth or antitransmission vaccines leads to the evolution of pathogens with an increased within-host growth rate; infection of unvaccinated hosts with such evolved pathogens results in high host mortality and low pathogen transmission. Vaccination of only a fraction of hosts with antigrowth vaccines may prevent pathogens from evolving high virulence due to pathogen adaptation to unvaccinated hosts and thus protection of vaccinated hosts from pathogen-induced disease. In contrast, antitransmission vaccines may be beneficial only if they are effective enough to cause pathogen extinction. Our results suggest that particular mechanisms of action of vaccines and their efficacy are crucial in predicting longterm evolutionary consequences of the use of imperfect vaccines.  相似文献   

In this study the effect of host changes and multiple passages on Pepino mosaic virus (PepMV) evolution was analysed. A population of a mild isolate of PepMV was used to generate five independent evolution lineages on three tomato cultivars, which differ in rate of appearance of symptoms and their severity during viral infection (Beta Lux, Moneymaker and Malinowy O?arowski) and on Datura inoxia. Twenty serial passages were performed over a period of 217–220 days. Symptom severity was monitored along the entire experiment. After the last series of passages total RNAs from each lineage and host were isolated and the triple gene block 3 (TGB3) and coat protein (CP) were amplified, cloned and 10 clones for each gene sequenced. Among the 400 clones for both genes, 143 individual mutations (61 synonymous and 82 nonsynonymous) were identified, with the largest number of nonsynonymous mutations being observed for the tomato cultivars Malinowy O?arowski and Beta Lux. In two of the lineages evolving in the most susceptible variety of tomato (Beta Lux) necrotic changes in leaf blades appeared after 17 passages, leading to death of the plants. In these two lineages the mutation responsible for necrotic symptoms was K67E in TGB3. The appearance of this convergent mutation in independently evolving lineages may suggest that selection in this experimental set up favours more aggressive PepMV variants. We found a positive association between the severity of symptoms and the amount of genetic variability contained on viral populations. Indeed, the severity of symptoms turned out to be a good predictor for several indices of molecular variability. In addition, mapping all observed mutations in CP and TGB3 protein structures revealed that most were located on the surface, indicating a possible implication in viral–viral or viral–host interactions.  相似文献   

Two types of selection operate (and complement each other) in plants under domestication: (a) conscious or intentional selection applied by the growers for traits of interest to them; (b) unconscious or automatic selection brought about by the fact that the plants concerned were taken from their original wild habitats and placed in new (and usually very different) human-made or human-managed environments. The shift in the ecology led automatically to drastic changes in selection pressures. Numerous adaptations vital for survival in the wild environments lost their fitness under the new sets of conditions. New traits were automatically selected, resulting in the build-up of characteristic “domestication syndromes,” each fitting the specific agricultural environment provided by the farmer. The present paper assesses the evolutionary consequences of the introduction of the wild plants into several sets of contrasting farming situations. These include: (a) the type of maintenance applied, whether seed planting or vegetative propagation; (b) the plant organs for which the crop has been grown, whether they are reproductive parts or vegetative parts; (c) the impact of the system of tilling, sowing, and reaping on the evolution of grain crops; (d) the impact of the horticultural environment on fruit crops.  相似文献   

It is generally assumed that the complex map of metabolism is a result of natural selection working at the molecular level. However, natural selection can only work on entities that have three basic features: information, metabolism and membrane. Metabolism must include the capability of producing all cellular structures, as well as energy (ATP), from external sources; information must be established on a material that allows its perpetuity, in order to safeguard the goals achieved; and membranes must be able to preserve the internal material, determining a selective exchange with external material in order to ensure that both metabolism and information can be individualized. It is not difficult to understand that protocellular entities that boast these three qualities can evolve through natural selection. The problem is rather to explain the origin of such features under conditions where natural selection could not work. In the present work we propose that these protocells could be built by chemical evolution, starting from the prebiotic primordial soup, by means of chemical selection. This consists of selective increases of the rates of certain specific reactions because of the kinetic or thermodynamic features of the process, such as stoichiometric catalysis or autocatalysis, cooperativity and others, thereby promoting their prevalence among the whole set of chemical possibilities. Our results show that all chemical processes necessary for yielding the basic materials that natural selection needs to work may be achieved through chemical selection, thus suggesting a way for life to begin.  相似文献   

Summary In the present paper we distinguish between two aspects of sexual reproduction. Genetic recombination is a universal features of the sexual process. It is a primitive condition found in simple, single-celled organisms, as well as in higher plants and animals. Its function is primarily to repair genetic damage and eliminate deleterious mutations. Recombination also produces new variation, however, and this can provide the basis for adaptive evolutionary change in spatially and temporally variable environments.The other feature usually associated with sexual reproduction, differentiated male and female roles, is a derived condition, largely restricted to complex, diploid, multicellular organisms. The evolution of anisogamous gametes (small, mobile male gametes containing only genetic material, and large, relatively immobile female gametes containing both genetic material and resources for the developing offspring) not only established the fundamental basis for maleness and femaleness, it also led to an asymmetry between the sexes in the allocation of resources to mating and offspring. Whereas females allocate their resources primarily to offspring, the existence of many male gametes for each female one results in sexual selection on males to allocate their resources to traits that enhance success in competition for fertilizations. A consequence of this reproductive competition, higher variance in male than female reproductive success, results in more intense selection on males.The greater response of males to both stabilizing and directional selection constitutes an evolutionary advantage of males that partially compensates for the cost of producing them. The increased fitness contributed by sexual selection on males will complement the advantages of genetic recombination for DNA repair and elimination of deleterious mutations in any outcrossing breeding system in which males contribute only genetic material to their offspring. Higher plants and animals tend to maintain sexual reproduction in part because of the enhanced fitness of offspring resulting from sexual selection at the level of individual organisms, and in part because of the superiority of sexual populations in competition with asexual clones.  相似文献   

Kin selection and reciprocal cooperation provide two candidate explanations for the evolution of cooperation. Models of the evolution of cooperation have typically focussed on one or the other mechanism, despite claims that kin selection could pave the way for the evolution of reciprocal cooperation. We describe a computer simulation model that explicitly supports both kin selection and reciprocal cooperation. The model simulates a viscous population of discrete individuals with social interaction taking the form of the Prisoner's Dilemma and selection acting on performance in these interactions. We recount how the analytical and empirical study of this model led to the conclusion that kin selection may actually inhibit the evolution of effective strategies for establishing reciprocal cooperation.  相似文献   

The interaction between multiple parasite strains within different host types may influence the evolutionary trajectories of parasites. In this article, we formulate a deterministic model with two strains of parasites and two host types in order to investigate how heterogeneities in parasite virulence and host life-history may affect the persistence and spread of diseases in natural systems. We compute the reproductive number of strain i (R(i)) independently, as well as the (conditional) "invasion" reproductive number for strains i (R(i)(j), j not equal i) when strain j is at a positive equilibrium. We show that the disease-free equilibrium is locally asymptotically stable if R(i)<1 for both strains and is unstable if R(i)>1 for one stain. We establish the criterion R(i)(j)>1 for strain i to invade strain j. Subthreshold coexistence driven by coinfection is possible even when R(i) of one strain is below 1. We identify conditions that determine the evolution of parasite specialism or generalism based on the life-history strategies employed by hosts, and investigate how host strains may influence parasite persistence.  相似文献   

The problem of modifier evolution was examined with regard to the idea that modifier evolution can be considered as a result of selection for adaptation speed in populations far from equilibrium. This kind of selection was called feedback selection in order to emphasize the difference to theories which consider modifier evolution near the equilibrium. The basic principles of this kind of selection are derived for asexual populations and the problem of dominance is discussed in the light of this concept. In general the results support the view, that the genetic properties of a character are selected along with the character itself.This work was supported by the Austrian Fonds zur Förderung der Wissenschaftlichen Forschung (Proj. Nr. 3502).  相似文献   

Molecular evolution of the histidine biosynthetic pathway   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The available sequences of genes encoding the enzymes associated with histidine biosynthesis suggest that this is an ancient metabolic pathway that was assembled prior to the diversification of the Bacteria, Archaea, and Eucarya. Paralogous duplications, gene elongation, and fusion events involving different his genes have played a major role in shaping this biosynthetic route. Evidence that the hisA and the hisF genes and their homologues are the result of two successive duplication events that apparently took place before the separation of the three cellular lineages is extended. These two successive gene duplication events as well as the homology between the hisH genes and the sequences encoding the TrpG-type amidotransferases support the idea that during the early stages of metabolic evolution at least parts of the histidine biosynthetic pathway were mediated by enzymes of broader substrate specificities. Maximum likelihood trees calculated for the available sequences of genes encoding these enzymes have been obtained. Their topologies support the possibility of an evolutionary proximity of archaebacteria with low GC Gram-positive bacteria. This observation is consistent with those detected by other workers using the sequences of heat-shock proteins (HSP70), glutamine synthetases, glutamate dehydrogenases, and carbamoylphosphate synthetases.Abbreviations as amino acid - ORF open reading frame - bp base pair - kb 103 bp - CarA carbamoyl phosphate synthetase (EC - GAT glutamine amidotransferase - GuaA GMP synthetase (EC - PabA 4-amino-4-deoxychorismate synthase (EC 4.1.3-) - PyrG GTP synthetase (EC - AICAR 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide-l--d ribofuranosyl 5-monophosphate - HAL l-histidinal - HOL l-histidinol - HP histidinol phosphate - IAP imidazole acetol-phosphate - IGP imidazole glycerol phosphate - PR phosphoribosyl - PRFAR N-[(5-phosphoribulosyl) formimino]-5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide ribonucleotide - 5-ProFAR N 1-[(5-phosphoribosyl) formimino]-5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide ribonucleotide - PRPP phosphoribosyl-pyrophosphate - RFLP restriction fragment length polymorphism Correspondence to: R. Fani  相似文献   

Mosquito mortality and the evolution of malaria virulence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract Several laboratory studies of malaria parasites (Plasmodium sp.) and some field observations suggest that parasite virulence, defined as the harm a parasite causes to its vertebrate host, is positively correlated with transmission. Given this advantage, what limits the continual evolution of higher parasite virulence? One possibility is that while more virulent strains are more infectious, they are also more lethal to mosquitoes. In this study, we tested whether the virulence of the rodent malaria parasite P. chabaudi in the laboratory mouse was correlated with the fitness of mosquitoes it subsequently infected. Mice were infected with one of seven genetically distinct clones of P. chabaudi that differ in virulence. Weight loss and anemia in infected mice were monitored for 16–17 days before Anopheles stephensi mosquitoes were allowed to take a blood meal from them. Infection virulence in mice was positively correlated with transmission to mosquitoes (infection rate) and weakly associated with parasite burden (number of oocysts). Mosquito survival fell with increasing oocyst burden, but there was no overall statistically significant relationship between virulence in mice and mosquito mortality. Thus, there was no evidence that more virulent strains are more lethal to mosquitoes. Both vector survival and fecundity depended on parasite clone, and contrary to expectations, mosquitoes fed on infections more virulent to mice were more fecund. The strong parasite genetic effects associated with both fecundity and survival suggests that vector fitness could be an important selective agent shaping malaria population genetics and the evolution of phenotypes such as virulence in the vector.  相似文献   

李斯特菌毒力因子及其进化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李斯特菌属包含6个种,毒力各有差异。在细菌耐受外界环境、黏附侵袭及细胞内感染过程中,毒力因子各司其职又相互协作。毒力基因常聚集为毒力岛,其中PrfA依赖型毒力基因簇(LIPI-1)与内化素岛(LIPI-2)是致病种最重要的两个毒力岛。李斯特菌各个种可能来源于同一个携带有完整毒力岛的祖先,在长期进化过程中,通过基因水平转移或重组、整合等事件,演化为目前流行的6个种。噬菌体、转座子、质粒等可能扮演着毒力进化执行者的角色。一些天然非典型菌株是目前研究的热点,如含有LIPI-1的无害李斯特菌和缺失LIPI-1的塞氏李斯特菌,其演化进程可能尚未达到或已超越目前流行的状态,为李斯特菌毒力进化的研究提供了重要线索。  相似文献   

Since the first complete sequencing of a free-living organism, Haemophilus influenzae, genomics has been used to probe both the biology of bacterial pathogens and their evolution. Single-genome approaches provided information on the repertoire of virulence determinants and host-interaction factors, and, along with comparative analyses, allowed the proposal of hypotheses to explain the evolution of many of these traits. These analyses suggested many bacterial pathogens to be of relatively recent origin and identified genome degradation as a key aspect of host adaptation. The advent of very-high-throughput sequencing has allowed for detailed phylogenetic analysis of many important pathogens, revealing patterns of global and local spread, and recent evolution in response to pressure from therapeutics and the human immune system. Such analyses have shown that bacteria can evolve and transmit very rapidly, with emerging clones showing adaptation and global spread over years or decades. The resolution achieved with whole-genome sequencing has shown considerable benefits in clinical microbiology, enabling accurate outbreak tracking within hospitals and across continents. Continued large-scale sequencing promises many further insights into genetic determinants of drug resistance, virulence and transmission in bacterial pathogens.  相似文献   

Abstract Why do parasites harm their hosts? The general understanding is that if the transmission rate and virulence of a parasite are linked, then the parasite must harm its host to maximize its transmission. The exact nature of such trade‐offs remains largely unclear, but for vertebrate hosts it probably involves interactions between a microparasite and the host immune system. Previous results have suggested that in a homogeneous host population in the absence of super‐ or coinfection, within‐host dynamics lead to selection of the parasite with an intermediate growth rate that is just being controlled by the immune system before it kills the host (Antia et al. 1994). In this paper, we examine how this result changes when heterogeneity is introduced to the host population. We incorporate the simplest form of heterogeneity–random heterogeneity in the parameters describing the size of the initial parasite inoculum, the immune response of the host, and the lethal density at which the parasite kills the host. We find that the general conclusion of the previous model holds: parasites evolve some intermediate growth rate. However, in contrast with the generally accepted view, we find that virulence (measured by the case mortality or the rate of parasite‐induced host mortality) increases with heterogeneity. Finally, we link the within‐host and between‐host dynamics of parasites. We show how the parameters for epidemiological spread of the disease can be estimated from the within‐host dynamics, and in doing so examine the way in which trade‐offs between these epidemiological parameters arise as a consequence of the interaction of the parasite and the immune response of the host.  相似文献   

Convergent evolution in response to similar selective pressures is a well‐known phenomenon in evolutionary biology. Less well understood is how selection drives convergence in protein function, and the underlying mechanisms by which this can be achieved. Here, we investigate functional convergence in the visual system of two distantly related lineages of high‐altitude adapted Andean and Himalayan catfishes. Statistical analyses revealed in the two high‐altitude lineages, a parallel acceleration of evolutionary rates in rhodopsin, the dim‐light visual pigment. However, the elevated rates were found to be accompanied by substitutions at different sites in the protein. Experiments substituting Andean‐ or Himalayan‐specific residues significantly accelerated the kinetic rates of rhodopsin, destabilizing the ligand‐bound forms. As found in cold‐adapted enzymes, this phenotype likely compensates for a cold‐induced decrease in kinetic rates, properties of rhodopsin mediating rod sensitivity and visual performance. Our study suggests that molecular convergence in protein function can be driven by parallel shifts in evolutionary rates but via nonparallel molecular mechanisms. Signatures of natural selection may therefore be a powerful guide for identifying complex instances of functional convergence across a wider range of protein systems.  相似文献   

The genitalia of internally fertilizing taxa represent a striking example of rapid morphological evolution. Although sexual selection can shape variation in genital morphology, it has been difficult to test whether multiple sexual selection pressures combine to drive the rapid evolution of individual genital structures. Here, we test the hypothesis that both pre‐ and postcopulatory sexual selection can act in concert to shape complex structural variation in secondary genital morphology. We genetically modified the size and shape of the posterior lobes of Drosophila melanogaster males and tested the consequences of morphological variation on several reproductive measures. We found that the posterior lobes are necessary for genital coupling and that they are also the targets of multiple postcopulatory processes that shape quantitative variation in morphology, even though these structures make no direct contact with the external female genitalia or internal reproductive organs during mating. We also found that males with smaller and less structurally complex posterior lobes suffer substantial fitness costs in competitive fertilization experiments. Our results show that sexual selection mechanisms can combine to shape the morphology of a single genital structure and that the posterior lobes of D. melanogaster are the targets of multiple postcopulatory selection pressures.  相似文献   

Natural selection acts on virus populations at two distinct but interrelated levels: within individual hosts and between them. Studies of the evolution of virulence typically focus on selection acting at the epidemiological or between-host level and demonstrate the importance of trade-offs between disease transmission and virulence rates. Within-host studies reach similar conclusions regarding trade-offs between transmission and virulence at the level of individual cells. Studies which examine selection at both scales assume that between- and within-host selection are necessarily in conflict. We explicitly examine these ideas and assumptions using a model of within-host viral dynamics nested within a model of between-host disease dynamics. Our approach allows us to evaluate the direction of selection at the within- and between-host levels and identify situations leading to conflict and accord between the two levels of selection.  相似文献   

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