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1. We contrast the value of four different models to predict variation in territory size as follows: resource density (the ideal free distribution), population density, group size and intruder pressure (relative resource-holding potential). In the framework of the resource dispersion hypothesis, we test the effect of resource abundance and spatial variation in resource distribution on the age/sex composition of social groups. 2. We explore these drivers of territory size and group size/composition in Ethiopian wolves Canis simensis in the Bale Mountains, Ethiopia, using fine-scale distribution maps of their major prey species based on satellite-derived vegetation maps. 3. The number of adult males is correlated with territory size, while prey density, wolf population density and intruder pressure are not associated with territory size. On average, each additional adult male increases territory size by 1.18 km(2). 4. Prey abundance increases with territory size (average biomass accumulation of 6.5 kg km(-2)), and larger territories provide greater per capita access to prime foraging habitat and prey. 5. The age/sex composition of wolf packs is more closely related to territory quality than territory size. Subordinate adult females are more likely to be present in territories with greater proportions of prime giant molerat Tachyoryctes macrocephalus habitat (i.e. >80% of Web Valley territories and >20% in Sanetti/Morebawa), and more yearlings (aged 12-23 months) occur in territories with greater overall prey biomass. 6. Wolf packs with restricted access to good foraging habitat tend to defend more exclusive territories, having a lower degree of overlap with neighbouring packs. 7. The greater per capita access to prey in large groups suggests a strong evolutionary advantage of collaborative territorial defence in this species, although the relative costs of territorial expansion vs. exclusion depend upon the spatial distribution of resources. We propose a model whereby territory size is determined by the number of adult males, with the presence of subordinate females and yearlings dependent on the quality of habitat, and the abundance and distribution of prey, incorporated within territory boundaries.  相似文献   

Species differ enormously in their territorial systems. Some species defend only small areas surrounded by undefended space, while others defend large contiguous territories. Using an optimization approach, we show that this variation can be explained from the density of two types of resources: divisible and nondivisible. We assume that benefits of territories are monotonously related to the defended amount of divisible resources (hereafter called food). In contrast, no benefits are obtained without a nondivisible resource (hereafter called nest site) in the territory, while more than one nest site does not further increase the benefits. The optimal territory size depends on the relative abundance of these resources. With a low density of nest sites, the optimal territory size is small and includes only the nest site. If the density of nest sites is relatively large, the optimal territory size is high, and territories are contiguous. Competition for these different resources yields contrasting patterns of how populations are regulated. If there is mainly competition for nest sites, we expect density-dependent exclusion through territoriality and no density-dependent reproduction. When competition is mainly for food, we expect density-dependent reproduction because optimal territory size will be compressed at higher densities, resulting in lower reproductive success. These predicted patterns indeed are observed in some well-studied passerine species for which both the territorial system and the occurrence of density dependence is known.  相似文献   

We examined the relationships between food resources, territory density and some breeding parameters (individual reproductive success and parental age) of a Capricorn Silvereye population during two years' detailed study on Heron Island, Great Barrier Reef. The territorial behaviour of the Silvereyes included dawn song. aggression and distinctive vocalizations. During both years, about 85% of pairs occupied territories although the population sizes differed. The dispersion pattern of territories was not regular and was correlated with the density of figs and human food scraps. Nestlings were fed more figs as they grew, and the parents foraged in fig trees outside their territories. However, only about 60%, of territorial pairs fledged young. Pairs which fledged most young were older, fed more insects to their nestlings, and nested in areas containing more fruiting fig trees per territory. We conclude that food resources were in short supply, and that access to fig trees provided breeding birds with a quick energy source while they searched for insect protein for the young. The data are consistent with the predictions of the ‘sufficient resource‘ hypothesis of the adaptive significance of territoriality but not with its assumption that the principal benefit is the food within the territory.  相似文献   

In territorial, socially monogamous species, the establishment and defense of a territory are an important strategy to maximize individual fitness, but the factors responsible for the duration of territory occupancy are rarely studied, especially in long‐lived mammals. A long‐term monitoring program in southeast Norway spanning over 18 years allowed us to follow the individual life histories of Eurasian beavers (Castor fiber) from adolescence in their natal family group to dispersal and territory establishment until the end of territory occupancy. We investigated whether territory size, resource availability, population density, and dispersal age could explain the duration of territory occupancy, which ranged from 1 to 11 years. The duration of territory occupancy was positively related to dispersal age, suggesting that individuals that delayed dispersal had a competitive advantage due to a larger body mass. This is in support with the maturation hypothesis, which states that an animal should await its physical and behavioral maturation before the acquisition of a territory. Further, we found that individuals that established in medium‐sized territories occupied them longer as compared to individuals in small or large territories. This suggests that large territories are more costly to defend due to an increased patrolling effort, and small territories might not have sufficient resources. The lifetime reproductive success ranged from zero to six kits and generally increased with an increasing duration of territory occupancy. Our findings show the importance of holding a territory and demonstrate that dispersal decisions and territory selection have important consequences for the fitness of an individual.  相似文献   

Neolamprologus moorii, a small herbivorous cichlid of Lake Tanganyika, defends its territory against food competitors. Territory size and territorial defense were compared between two sites at different depths. In the shallow site, more fishes intruded into the territories than in the deep site, owing to the higher density fish population in the former. The territory holders in the shallow site attacked intruders more often, although the ratio of attacks to number of intruders was similar to that of the deep site. The territories in the deep site were larger and contained a greater amount of algae than the shallow site. The larger territory size in the deep site may have resulted from the lower cost of territory defense due to the lower competitor density and from the need to maintain a greater amount of food resources to compensate for lower algal productivity.  相似文献   

In species living in social groups, aggression among individuals to gain access to limiting resources can lead to the formation of stable social hierarchies. We tested whether dominance rank in social groups of sponge-dwelling cleaning gobies Elacatinus prochilos in Barbados was determined by physical attributes of individuals or by prior experience of dominance, and examined the foraging consequences of dominance rank. Intraspecific aggression within groups resulted in stable dominance hierarchies that were strongly correlated with fish length. Dominant individuals maintained exclusive territories while subordinate fish occupied broader home ranges. Larger, competitively dominant fish were able to monopolize areas inside the sponge lumen with the highest abundance of the polychaete Haplosyllis spp., a favoured prey item, and achieved the highest foraging rates. The removal of a territorial individual from large groups resulted in a domino-like effect in territory relocation of the remaining fish as individuals moved to the territory previously occupied by the individual just above them in the group hierarchy. Individuals added to existing groups generally failed to gain access to territories, despite being formerly dominant in their original groups. When given the opportunity to choose a location in the absence of larger competitors, gobies frequently preferred positions that were previously defended and that had abundant food. These results suggest that intraspecific competition for resources creates the observed dominance structures and provides support for the role of individual physical attributes in the formation and maintenance of dominance hierarchies.  相似文献   

1. Variation in survival, a major determinant of fitness, may be caused by individual or environmental characteristics. Furthermore, interactions between individuals may influence survival through the negative feedback effects of density dependence. Compared to species in temperate regions, we have little knowledge about population processes and variation in fitness in tropical bird species. 2. To investigate whether variation in survival could be explained by population size or climatic variables we used capture-recapture models in conjunction with a long-term data set from an island population of the territorial, cooperatively breeding Seychelles warbler (Acrocephalus sechellensis). The lack of migration out of the study population means that our results are not confounded by dispersal. 3. Annual survival was high, both for adults (84%) and juveniles (61%), and did not differ between the sexes. Although there was significant variation in survival between years, this variation could not be explained by overall population size or weather variables. 4. For territorial species, resource competition will work mainly on a local scale. The size of a territory and number of individuals living in it will therefore be a more appropriate measure of density than overall population density. Consequently, both an index of territory quality per individual (food availability) and local density, measured as group size, were included as individual covariates in our analyses. 5. Local density had a negative effect on survival; birds living in larger groups had lower survival probabilities than those living in small groups. Food availability did not affect survival. 6. Our study shows that, in a territorial species, although density-dependent effects might not be detectable at the population level they can be detected at the individual territory level - the scale at which individuals compete. These results will help to provide a better understanding of the small-scale processes involved in the dynamics of a population in general, but in particular in tropical species living in relatively stable environments.  相似文献   

Polak  Micbal 《Behavioral ecology》1993,4(4):325-331
Alternative male mating tactics of insects at landmarks (leks)have only rarely been investigated. Some males of the paperwasp, Polistes canadensis (L.), were territorial at small treesalong the crests of dry ridges in Santa Rosa National Park,Costa Rica. Territories did not contain nests or resources forwhich females foraged. Contrary to other "hilltopping" species,male P. canadensis competed most intensely for territories insaddles along these ridges rather than at the highest points.Nonterritorial males patrolled small areas of the ridge line,following a path that took them to a number of territories.Many males switched between territoriality and patrolling, suggestingthat both size-related tactics belong to one conditional strategy.Males that were territorial on 2 or more days were larger thanthose that were territorial on only 1 day, and these in turnwere larger than permanent patrollers. Moreover, the mean sizeof territorial males was positively correlated with two measuresof territory attractiveness, suggesting that larger males monopolizepreferred sites. Mean age of territorial males was also relatedto territory attractiveness, but males of intermediate age claimedthe most attractive territories.  相似文献   

The availability of food resources can affect the size and shape of territories, as well as the behaviors used to defend territories, in a variety of animal taxa. However, individuals within a population may respond differently to variation in food availability if the benefits of territoriality vary among those individuals. For example, benefits to territoriality may differ for animals of differing sizes, because larger individuals may require greater territory size to acquire required resources, or territorial behavior may differ between the sexes if males and females defend different resources in their territories. In this study, we tested whether arthropod abundance and biomass were associated with natural variation in territory size and defense in insectivorous green anole lizards, Anolis carolinensis. Our results showed that both male and female lizards had smaller territories in a habitat with greater prey biomass than lizards in habitats with less available prey, but the rates of aggressive behaviors used to defend territories did not differ among these habitats. Further, we did not find a relationship between body size and territory size, and the sexes did not differ in their relationships between food availability and territory size or behavioral defense. Together, these results suggest that differences in food availability influenced male and female territorial strategies similarly, and that territory size may be more strongly associated with variation in food resources than social display behavior. Thus, anole investment in the behavioral defense of a territory may not vary with territory quality.  相似文献   

The occurrence of polygyny requires specific environmental conditions such as female aggregation or patchy resource distribution. However, it is difficult to determine the factors responsible for polygyny in species in which the territories of both sexes overlap. To overcome this, we performed female removal experiments in the polygynous triggerfish Sufflamen chrysopterum (Balistidae) in the Okinawa coral reef. Both sexes defended their territories exclusively against consexuals of the same species, and female aggregation was absent. Each male territory included 1–3 female territories, and nonterritorial males were significantly smaller than territorial males. Further, the body size of territorial males was positively correlated with that of the largest female in their territories, and larger males tended to mate with more females. The results of the female removal experiments (n = 10 females) indicated that females competed for better territories rather than larger mates. In contrast, males abandoned the territories once the females emigrated. These results strongly suggest that males defend females rather than sites and compete for larger and a greater numbers of females. Thus, in S. chrysopterum, female defense polygyny occurs in the absence of female aggregation.  相似文献   

The territorial system of kob antelopes in the Comoé National Park, Côte d'Ivoire, was studied from March 1993 until April 1997. Whereas size and shape of territories remained constant between 1993 and 1994, the number of territories decreased from 1994 onwards. A decline of the population density probably led to the decline in territory numbers and also to variations in size and shape of the remaining territories. The decline of kob numbers is the result of heavy poaching in the study area. Whereas a lekking system was present in the study area prior to 1975 when the population density was approximately 14.4 kobs/km2, males switched to the resource defence territorial system present today after the population density decreased to 12.5/km2 in 1993 and finally to 2.3/km2 in 1997. Compared to other research areas with higher population densities, territories in the Comoé National Park are larger, almost all adult males are capable to defend a territory, fights over territories are rare and loss of territory tenureship is almost exclusively due to the death of the territorial male. We suggest that those differences can all be related to the low population density in the study area.  相似文献   

The idea that groups of individuals may develop around resource patches led to the formulation of the Resource Dispersion Hypothesis (RDH). We tested the predictions of the RDH, within a quasi‐experimental framework, using Australia’s largest terrestrial predator, the dingo Canis lupus dingo. Average dingo group sizes were higher in areas with abundant focal food sources around two mine sites compared with those in more distant areas. This supports the notion that resource richness favours larger group size, consistent with the RDH. Irrespective of season or sex, average home range estimates and daily activity for dingoes around the mine sites were significantly less than for dingoes that lived well away. Assuming that a territory is the defended part of the home range and that territory size is correlated with home range size, consistent with the RDH, the spatial dispersion of food patches therefore determined territory size for dingoes in our study. However, although sample size was small, some dingoes that accessed the supplementary food resource at the mines also spent a large proportion of their time away, suggesting a breakdown of territorial defence around the focal food resource. This, in combination with the large variation in home range size among dingoes that accessed the same supplementary food resource, limits the predictive capabilities of the RDH for this species. We hypothesize that constraints on exclusive home range occupancy will arise if a surfeit of food resources (in excess of requirements for homeostasis) is available in a small area, and that this will have further effects on access to mates and social structure. We present a conceptual model of facultative territorial defence where focal resources are available to demonstrate our findings.  相似文献   

Determinants of territory size in the pomacentrid reef fish,Parma victoriae   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary Factors governing the size of territories defended by the pomacentrid reef fish, Parma victoriae, were investigated, prompted by contradictory predictions in the literature concerning the effects of food supply and competitors. Observations were carried out over the non-breeding period (March–October) on a medium density population in which territories were partially contiguous. The territory size of adult fish varied between 3 and 26 m2, and was inversely correlated with local densities of conspecifics. The same range in territory size was found for both males and females, which did not differ in the time they spent on territory defence and foraging activities. No correlation existed between territory size and the abundance of algal food, body size, age or time spent on territory defence. Also, there was little variation in territory size over time, despite seasonal changes in the abundance of food algae.Experimental reduction of food supplies on isolated territories of males and females had no effect on territory size. In a higher density habitat an experiment was carried out in which population density and food abundance were simultaneously manipulated. This showed that territory size was primarily determined by intraspecific interactions, as territories exhibited considerable increases in size upon removal of neighbours. No changes in the size of defended areas resulted from either artificial increases or decreases of food levels. There were also no changes in the time spent on defence of territories, foraging time or feeding rates associated with food manipulations or territory expansion, which suggested that food was not a limited resource. This conflicted with current theories proposed to explain territory defence and expansion. It is hypothesized that intraspecific interactions constrain territory size well below the optimum in terms of the abundance of preferred food algal species.  相似文献   

Territory Area as a Determinant of Mating Systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Territoriality is an integral part of breeding behavior in manyanimals. Because the reproductive success of territorial malesis often limited by access to females, breeding males shouldbehave as "area maximizers" when the basis of female choiceis either the abundance of resources within the territory orterritory area per se. Being reproductively more limited byenergy, territorial females should be "energy maximizers." Aseries of simple analytical models of territory area for suchforagers is developed to explore how changes in local food productionand/or local competitor density affect both the probabilityof a territorial male securing more than one mate (polygyny)and the probability of his and his mates' reproductive successincreasing. Two cases are modeled (only males territorial vs.both sexes territorial), each for various sets of assumptionsregarding interactions between food production, feeding efficiency,and competitor density. Concurrent responses in territory area,territory food reserves, net energy gain, and time budgetingprovide testable sets of predictions for each scenario. Whereonly males are territorial (Case I), changes in food productioncan have different (indeed, opposite) effects upon an individualmale's probability of becoming polygynous, depending upon whetherthe basis of female choice is the abundance of food within theterritory or another factor positively correlated with territoryarea. Increases in competitor density usually decrease the probabilityof polygyny regardless of the basis of female choice. Whereboth sexes are territorial and territories overlap intersexually(Case II), the mating system becomes a function of the numberof female territories within each male's territory, which varieswith the ratio of male to female territory areas. In this case,the probability of polygyny occurring will increase if foodproduction for both sexes increases without concurrent increasesin competitor density, and will decrease if competitor densityfor both sexes increases without concurrent increases in feedingefficiency. Few data are presently available to test eitherthese general predictions or numerous sets of secondary predictionstabulated in the text. Available evidence is largely consistentwith the models, but mostly circumstantial. This is becausethe predictions of these and other models of territory areaare strongly assumption dependent, and few published studieshave investigated these assumptions. These analyses demonstratethat to accurately assess the mechanisms by which environmentalfactors affect territory area, and thus mating systems, testsof the underlying assumptions of models are essential.  相似文献   

In the maritime Antarctic, brown skuas (Catharacta antarctica lonnbergi) show two foraging strategies: some pairs occupy feeding territories in penguin colonies, while others can only feed in unoccupied areas of a penguin colony without defending a feeding territory. One-third of the studied breeding skua population in the South Shetlands occupied territories of varying size (48 to >3,000 penguin nests) and monopolised 93% of all penguin nests in sub-colonies. Skuas without feeding territories foraged in only 7% of penguin sub-colonies and in part of the main colony. Females owning feeding territories were larger in body size than females without feeding territories; no differences in size were found in males. Territory holders permanently controlled their resources but defence power diminished towards the end of the reproductive season. Territory ownership guaranteed sufficient food supply and led to a 5.5 days earlier egg-laying and chick-hatching. Short distances between nest and foraging site allowed territorial pairs a higher nest-attendance rate such that their chicks survived better (71%) than chicks from skua pairs without feeding territories (45%). Due to lower hatching success in territorial pairs, no difference in breeding success of pairs with and without feeding territories was found in 3 years. We conclude that skuas owning feeding territories in penguin colonies benefit from the predictable and stable food resource by an earlier termination of the annual breeding cycle and higher offspring survivorship.Research licence: Umweltbundesamt Bonn 13.4-94003-1/5-7.  相似文献   

Shadow competition in wild juvenile sea-trout   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Shadow competition occurs in a group of sit-and-wait predators when those closer to a source of mobile prey reduce the feeding success of those further from the prey source. It was examined in territorial juvenile sea trout Salmo trutta in a small stream. The fry formed groups of two to six fish with adjacent territories and a social hierarchy within each group. It was hypothesized that: (i) as group size increased, the mean number of prey eaten per fish within a group decreased and the variability in prey consumption between fish increased; (ii) prey consumption by individual fish decreased with increasing distance from the food source; (iii) group size increased as the mean water velocity immediately upstream from a group, and hence potential drifting food, increased. Five groups of fry were fed on small shrimps released upstream from each group at a rate of one every 15 s over a 10 min period, this procedure being repeated over 5 days to provide five replicates per group. Experiments were performed three times in 1967, 1969 and 1974 to provide information on 45 groups of fry. The first and third hypotheses were supported, but the second was only partially supported. In 1967 and 1969, territory size and shrimp consumption by individual fry decreased with increasing distance from the food source. This also occurred in 1974, except during a critical period for survival when fry density was exceptionally high with large numbers of sea trout lacking territories. This resulted in sea trout fry with the largest territories eating fewer shrimps than those with medium-sized territories because they spent more time defending their territories against sea trout lacking territories. This study is the first to demonstrate shadow competition in a vertebrate species, but has also shown that territorial defence may modify the consequences of shadow competition when densities are high and there is strong competition for the acquisition of a territory.  相似文献   

Group foraging of the algae eating cichlid,Petrochromis fasciolatus, was studied along a rocky shore in Lake Tanganyika, in an area occupied by the feeding territories of several herbivorous cichlid species. SolitaryP. fasciolatus or schools comprising a few members only were nearly always repelled from such territories, although larger schools (40–250 individuals) ofP. fasciolatus were able to overwhelm the defenses of territory owners and enable subsequent foraging. The frequency and duration of individual foraging sessions on the algal mats were positively correlated with group size, probably owing to individuals in large schools suffering fewer attacks from territory owners. Almost all of the foraging sites ofP. fasciolatus were inside the territories of other herbivorous cichlids, especially those ofNeolamprologus moorii (more than 80% of total), in which the algal density was more than 10 times that in territories of the other species.N. moorii territories included only 4% rocky substrate, indicating that schools ofP. fasciolatus selectively chose territories containing rich resources.  相似文献   

The Australian Lake Eyre dragon, Ctenophorus maculosus, lives on dry salt lakes in the Australian interior. An unusual characteristic of this habitat is that windblown insects are the major food resource, which makes it impossible for males to defend site-related resources. Male territory size is not correlated to male size; thus, males do not seem to defend trophic territories in relation to their own energy demands. Instead, males with higher densities of lookout sites have larger territories, and males with larger territories have more mates. In consequence, males primarily seem to guard sexual resources on territories that are not economically defensible from a trophic point of view; males appear to conform to the concept of ‘superterritoriality’ (sensu Stamps 1983).  相似文献   

Density‐dependent reproduction is commonly explained by either the habitat heterogeneity (HHH) or individual adjustment (IAH) hypothesis. Under the HHH, high quality territories are assumed to be occupied first. At higher density, occupation of low‐quality territories increases due to lower availability of high‐quality territories, which reduces mean reproductive success. Alternatively, the IAH assumes that increased competition at higher densities reduces reproductive success in all territories. For birds of prey, HHH plays an important role in territorial species, and IAH in socially breeding species. To test the generality of this hypothesis, we studied the mechanism behind density dependence in raven Corvus corax, a long‐lived passerine bird, using long‐term population data from a large number of territories. Population density decreased reproduction, which was explained by increased usage of low quality territories at higher density, supporting the HHH. Density reduced reproduction in low quality territories, but not in high and intermediate quality territories. We additionally compared the explanatory power of different models describing brood size, representing IAH, HHH, or a combination of both. The best model represented a combination of both hypotheses, in which the effect of density depended on territory quality. Our conclusion that both IAH and HHH are supported can be explained by the biology of ravens, where territorial adults not only experience interference competition with other territorial adults, but also with social groups of juveniles and floaters. We conclude that the relative importance of IAH and HHH may depend on variation in territory quality and social structure.  相似文献   

The grazing fish, ayu,Plecoglossus altivelis Temminck & Schlegel, establishes feeding territorialiry during the young stage. The population density fluctuates from year to year by more than a hundredfold, but the determinant of territory size is less well known. The feeding territoriality of ayu was examined under simulated habitat conditions where fish density was manipulated and food resources were renewable. Fish competed for algae attached to the substrata and were divided into residents with territories, and floaters without territories. By experimental alteration of fish density the number of residents increased with density and rerritory size decreased with density. Floaters intruded into territories in a school to feed on algae, which induced overt aggression of the resident and reduced the productivity of algae growing there. Both the intruding frequency of floaters over territorial areas and their feeding pressure on algae increased at higher floater density. Floaters functioned to shift cost-benefit relationships for various territory sizes. They acted as food competitors to restrict territory size below a maximum through competitive interference. Although the growth rate of residents was inversely related to fish density, residents grew faster than floaters in each group. Under a given set of competitor abundances, economic defensibility determined territory size.  相似文献   

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