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The testicular inhibin content showed an initial increase in the first 2-3 days after bilateral ligation of the efferent ducts of rats, followed by a subsequent decline to levels significantly below normal by 14 days, and reached 25% of control values at 42 days. Serum concentrations of FSH and LH were significantly increased at Day 6-7 after treatment and were still elevated after 42 days. The decline in testicular inhibin content at times associated with elevated FSH concentrations is consistent with the hypothesis of inhibin being involved in the feedback control of FSH secretion.  相似文献   

Twenty-four growing Assaf lambs, divided into four groups of six animals, were used to study the effect of the undegradable protein content of the post-weaning diet on feed intake, body growth and reproductive development. From week 1 to week 21, the four groups were fed ad libitum as follows: group LL was given barley straw and low protein concentrate (LP); group HH was given barley straw and high protein concentrate (HP); group LH was given barley straw and LP concentrate from week 1 to 11 (period 1) and barley straw and HP concentrate from week 12 to 21 (period 2); group HL was given barley straw and HP concentrate in period 1 and barley straw and LP concentrate in period 2. From week 22 to week 26 (period 3), all animals received the same amount of hay and LP concentrate. Barley straw intake was not significantly (P>0.05) affected by dietary treatments. In the 1st period, average concentrate intake and live body weight gain (LWG) were greater in lambs fed HP than LP supplement. In the 2nd period, concentrate intake was not significantly (P>0.05) affected by type of supplement, but LWG was greater for lambs fed HP than LP supplement. Scrotal circumference in week 11 was significantly (P<0.05) lower in lambs fed LP supplement than in lambs fed HP supplement. No significant differences (P>0.05) due to dietary treatments were observed on scrotal circumference in weeks 21 and 25. Dietary treatments had no significant (P>0.05) effect on either circulating concentration of testosterone or ejaculate characteristics. In conclusion, results from this study suggest that supplementing diets with undegradable protein enhanced performance throughout the breeding period and accelerated testis growth. Nevertheless, final testis size, pattern of circulating testosterone and sperm output were unaffected by dietary treatments.  相似文献   

Rams were treated with melatonin implants in 2 experiments designed to examine the control of reproductive seasonality. In Exp. 1, rams (n = 12) were allocated to 3 treatment groups: 2 groups were treated with 2 melatonin implants per ram for 4 months from 11 November (N) and 9 December (D) and the remaining group was untreated (C). The seasonal increase in luteinizing hormone (LH) pulse frequency and testes size was advanced in Groups N and D. A second seasonal cycle in LH secretion and testes size occurred in Groups N and D after melatonin implants became exhausted. In Exp. 2, rams (n = 20) were allocated to 4 treatment groups: 10 rams were castrated on 6 October and 1 group of entire rams (EM) and one group of castrated rams (CM) were treated with 2 melatonin implants per ram each month from 3 November until 8 January. The other group of entire rams (EC) and castrated rams (CC) was untreated. An increase in LH pulse frequency occurred after castration. Melatonin treatment increased LH pulse frequency in entire rams and reduced LH pulse frequency in castrated rams. The results demonstrated that the advanced reproductive development as a result of treatment with melatonin implants was due to an effect of melatonin on the hypothalamic pulse generator to increase LH pulse frequency. The ability of melatonin to influence LH pulse frequency in entire and castrated rams indicated that an effect of melatonin on the hypothalamic pulse generator is independent of testicular steroids.  相似文献   

Eight adult rams were housed in 16L:8D for 16 weeks and then exposed to short days (8L:16D) or 'skeleton' short days (11L:1D:5L:7D) for 16 weeks before being returned to long days. The 'skeleton' treatment promoted testicular development and regression in a way similar to that occurring in 8L:16D, indicating that a change in the total quantity of light is not a prerequisite for the photoperiodic response in the ram.  相似文献   

The effects of changes in pulse frequency of exogenously infused gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) were investigated in 6 adult surgically hypothalamo/pituitary-disconnected (HPD) gonadal-intact rams. Ten-minute sampling in 16 normal animals prior to HPD showed endogenous luteinizing hormone (LH) pulses occurring every 2.3 h with a mean pulse amplitude of 1.11 +/- 0.06 (SEM) ng/ml. Mean testosterone and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) concentrations were 3.0 +/- 0.14 ng/ml and 0.85 +/- 0.10 ng/ml, respectively. Before HPD, increasing single doses of GnRH (50-500 ng) elicited a dose-dependent rise of LH, 50 ng producing a response of similar amplitude to those of spontaneous LH pulses. The effects of varying the pulse frequency of a 100-ng GnRH dose weekly was investigated in 6 HPD animals; the pulse intervals explored were those at 1, 2, and 4 h. The pulsatile GnRH treatment was commenced 2-6 days after HPD when plasma testosterone concentrations were in the castrate range (less than 0.5 ng/ml) in all animals. Pulsatile LH and testosterone secretion was reestablished in all animals in the first 7 days by 2-h GnRH pulses, but the maximal pulse amplitudes of both hormones were only 50 and 62%, respectively, of endogenous pulses in the pre-HPD state. The plasma FSH pattern was nonpulsatile and FSH concentrations gradually increased in the first 7 days, although not to the pre-HPD range. Increasing GnRH pulse frequency from 2- to 1-hour immediately increased the LH baseline and pulse amplitude. As testosterone concentrations increased, the LH responses declined in a reciprocal fashion between Days 2 and 7. FSH concentration decreased gradually over the 7 days at the 1-h pulse frequency. Slowing the GnRH pulse to a 4-h frequency produced a progressive fall in testosterone concentrations, even though LH baselines were unchanged and LH pulse amplitudes increased transiently. FSH concentrations were unaltered during the 4-h regime. These results show that 1) the pulsatile pattern of LH and testosterone secretion in HPD rams can be reestablished by exogenous GnRH, 2) the magnitude of LH, FSH, and testosterone secretion were not fully restored to pre-HPD levels by the GnRH dose of 100 ng per pulse, and 3) changes in GnRH pulse frequency alone can influence both gonadotropin and testosterone secretion in the HPD model.  相似文献   

A series of experiments were conducted in ewes and wether (castrate male) lambs to evaluate the influence of prostaglandins on secretion of anabolic hormones and to determine if repeated injections of prostaglandin (PG) F2α would chronically influence the secretion of these hormones and perhaps growth rate as well.A single intravenous injection of PGA1 and PGB1 (100 μg/kg) exerted no significant (P > .10) influence on plasma concentrations of prolactin (PRL), growth hormone (GH) or thyrotropin (TSH) in ewes. PGA1, but not PGB1, stimulated an increase in the plasma concentration of insulin. Infusion of PGF2α for 5.5 hr into ewes resulted in increased (P < .05) plasma concentrations of both GH and PRL while TSH and insulin were not significantly influenced. Prostaglandin F2α, when injected subcutaneously into wether lambs (10 mg twice weekly) stimulated (P < .05) plasma GH concentrations after the first injection, but not after 3 weeks of treatment. Changes in plasma PRL or TSH were not observed consistently in the lambs treated chronically with PGF2α or TRH.Prostaglandin F2α, in the present studies, and PGE1 in previously reported studies (1–3), has been demonstrated to be stimulatory to the secretion of PRL and GH. In contrast, PGA1 and PGB1, which lack an 11-hydroxyl group, failed to influence the secretion of either PRL or GH. It would, therefore, appear that the 11-hydroxyl group is a structural requirement for prostaglandins to influence the secretion of these two hormones in sheep.Treatment with thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH), alone or in combination with PGF2α, significantly (P < .05) increased growth rate (average daily gains) while PGF2α did not, despite the fact that both compounds exerted similar effects on plasma GH.  相似文献   

Agouti-related protein (AGRP) and neuropeptide Y (NPY) are synthesized in the same neurons in the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus. We have previously shown that NPY/AGRP neurons contain growth hormone (GH) receptor mRNA, and are activated following systemic GH administration. We also reported that NPY inhibits GH secretion when administered centrally. In this study, we have examined the effect of AGRP on GH secretion. Central administration of AGRP (83-132) as a single injection of 1 or 10 microg/rat, or chronic treatment of 1 microg/rat, every 12 h for 7 days, did not alter the GH secretory pattern of adult male rats. AGRP (83-132) at doses of 1-100 nM (4 h) did not alter baseline- and GHRH-induced GH secretion from the rat pituitary cell cultures. These results suggest that AGRP does not play a significant role in the feedback regulation of the GH secretion.  相似文献   

A series of experiments were conducted in ewes and whether (castrate male) lambs to evaluate the influence of prostaglandins on secretion of anabolic hormones and to determine if repeated injections of prostaglandin (PG) F2alpha would chronically influence the secretion of these hormones and perhaps growth rate as well. A single intravenous injection of PGA1 and PGB1 (100 microgram/kg) exerted no significant (P greater than .10) influence on plasma concentrations of prolactin (PRL), growth hormone (GH) or thyrotropin (TSH) in ewes. PGA1, but not PGB1, stimulated an increase in the plasma concentration of insulin. Infusion of PGF2alpha for 5.5 hr into ewes resulted in increased (P less than .05) plasma concentrations of both GH and ARL while TSH and insulin were not significantly influenced. Prostaglandin F2alpha, when injected subcutaneously into wether lambs (10 mg twice weekly) stimulated (P less than .05) plasma GH concentrations after the first injection, but not after 3 weeks of treatment. Changes in plasma PRL or TSH were not observed consistently in the lambs treated chronically with PGF2alpha or TRH. Prostaglandin F2alpha, in the present studies, and PGE1 in previously reported studies (1-3), has been demonstrated to be stimulatory to the secretion of PRL and GH. In contrast, PGA1 and PGB1, which lack an 11-hydroxyl group, failed to influence the secretion of either PRL or GH. It would, therefore, appear that the 11-hydroxyl group is a structural requirement for prostaglandins to influence the secretion of these two hormones in sheep. Treatment with thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH), alone or in combination with PGF 2alpha, significantly (P less than .05) increased growth rate (average daily gains) while PGF2alpha did not, despite the fact that both compounds exerted similar effects on plasma GH.  相似文献   

The feedback effects of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) on gonadotropin secretion in rams were investigated using DHT-implanted castrate rams (wethers) infused with intermittent pulsatile luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) for 14 days. Castration, as anticipated, reduced both serum testosterone and DHT but elevated serum LH and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). Dihydrotestosterone implants raised serum DHT in wethers to intact ram levels and blocked the LH and FSH response to castration. The secretory profile of these individuals failed to show an endogenous LH pulse during any of the scheduled blood sampling periods, but a small LH pulse was observed following a 5-ng/kg LHRH challenge injection. Dihydrotestosterone-implanted wethers given repeated LHRH injections beginning at the time of castration increased serum FSH and yielded LH pulses that were temporally coupled to exogenous LHRH administration. While the frequency of these secretory episodes was comparable to that observed for castrates, amplitudes of the induced LH pulses were blunted relative to those observed for similarly infused, testosterone-implanted castrates. Dihydrotestosterone was also shown to inhibit LH and FSH secretion and serum testosterone concentrations in intact rams. In summary, it appears that DHT may normally participate in feedback regulation of LH and FSH secretion in rams. These data suggest androgen feedback is regulated by deceleration of the hypothalamic LHRH pulse generator and direct actions at the level of the adenohypophysis.  相似文献   

This investigation compares the age- and sex-related changes in growth hormone (GH) response to growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH) in normal subjects using an appropriate pharmacokinetic model. Twenty-five subjects (14 males and 11 females) aged 23-89 yr received a single intravenous bolus dose (1 microgram/kg) of GHRH-40 solution. Plasma GH concentration-time profiles are best characterized by a biexponential equation (or one-compartment model) with first-order release and disappearance rates and an equilibration lag time. The harmonic mean release rate half-life is similar for both sexes (males: 12.6 min vs. females; 11.4 min) but significantly different across age groups (23-35 yr: 7.2 min vs. 50-89 yr: 16.8 min). The mean disappearance rate half-life and GHRH-equilibration time lag for females (33.6 and 20.4 min, respectively) and the higher age group subjects (32.4 and 21.6 min, respectively) are significantly longer than those of males (22.8 and 9 min, respectively) and the lower age-group subjects (21.6 and 8.4 min, respectively). The mean metabolic clearance rate of GH is significantly lower (p less than 0.02) for females than for males (3.1 vs. 4.83 ml/hr.m2). However, the production rate and the amount of GH released by the pituitary for our subjects appear to be very similar for both males (8.7 micrograms/hr.m2 and 4.65 micrograms/m2) and females (9.33 micrograms/hr.m2 and 5.11 micrograms/m2).  相似文献   

Twenty-seven adult rams (9 Suffolk, 9 Texel and 9 Dorset Horn) were raised under natural photoperiod and were trained to serve into an artificial vagina. On 1 April they were abruptly exposed to 3 different photoperiods as follows: (i) 8 hours light and 16 hours darkness (8L : 16D); (ii) 16 hours light and 8 hours darkness (16L : 8D); (iii) natural photoperiod. All rams were kept at pasture daily between 09.30 h and 16.00 h except when required indoors for experimental work. Rams on artificial photoperiod had appropriate supplemental lighting in an environmental chamber. Semen collection was attempted from each ram on alternate weeks during the experiment which lasted for 6 months. Semen was evaluated for volume, density, motility and abnormalities. Testicular length and circumference were recorded at 2-week intervals and libido was recorded at 4-week intervals. Three blood samples were collected from each ram at 30-min intervals on a weekly basis and the plasma was stored at ?20°C until assayed for testosterone and prolactin.Photoperiod had no significant effect on semen volume, motility and percentage dead or abnormal cells. Breed of ram had a significant effect on semen motility (P < 0.05) with Dorset Horn rams producing semen with the highest motility. Volume and motility scores both increased as the breeding season approached (P < 0.05), while the percentage of abnormal cells decreased (P < 0.01). Breed or photoperiod did not significantly affect scrotal measurements although animals exposed to 8L : 16D had the highest measurements. Month affected testicular measurements which generally increased from April to September. Suffolk rams had higher testosterone concentrations, and this breed also completed the highest number of mounts within an allocated test time (P < 0.05). Dorset Horn rams reached a peak in testosterone concentrations in June/ July whereas Suffolks and Texels reached a similar peak in August. Prolactin concentrations decreased from a maximum at the start and rams on natural photoperiod tended to have highest levels. These results show that month can have a bigger influence on semen characteristics than imposed artificial photoperiods in rams which have been exposed to increasing natural daylength for some months.  相似文献   

B Ahrén 《Peptides》1984,5(2):305-307
Since VIP occurs in intrathyroidal nerves its role in thyroid hormone secretion has been investigated. It has been found that VIP is a stimulator of iodothyronine secretion in mice. In this respect VIP has a weaker potency than TSH, but shows a similar time characteristic. Also, VIP and TSH potentiate each others effects. In contrast to the effect of TSH, that of VIP is uninfluenced by alpha-adrenoceptor blockade. VIP, like TSH, stimulates thyroid cyclic AMP production. Thus, VIP nerves might, together with TSH, adrenergic and cholinergic nerves and other peptides such as somatostatin, participate in the complex regulation of iodothyronine secretion. Beside this, VIP has also been found to stimulate calcitonin secretion in rats. Other intrathyroidal neuropeptides, such as substance P and CCK-4, have been found to be without effects on iodothyronine secretion, but, like VIP, to stimulate calcitonin secretion.  相似文献   

Growth hormone (GH) secretion is regulated by GH-releasing hormone (GHRH), somatostatin, and possibly ghrelin, but uncertainty remains about the relative contributions of these hypophysiotropic factors to GH pulsatility. Patients with genetic GHRH receptor (GHRH-R) deficiency present an opportunity to examine GH secretory dynamics in the selective absence of GHRH input. We studied circadian GH profiles in four young men homozygous for a null mutation in the GHRH-R gene by use of an ultrasensitive GH assay. Residual GH secretion was pulsatile, with normal pulse frequency, but severely reduced amplitude (<1% normal) and greater than normal process disorder (as assessed by approximate entropy). Nocturnal GH secretion, both basal and pulsatile, was enhanced compared with daytime. We conclude that rhythmic GH secretion persists in an amplitude-miniaturized version in the absence of a GHRH-R signal. The nocturnal enhancement of GH secretion is likely mediated by decreased somatostatin tone. Pulsatility of residual GH secretion may be caused by oscillations in somatostatin and/or ghrelin; it may also reflect intrinsic oscillations in somatotropes.  相似文献   

63 non-obese healthy subjects aged 18 to 95 years were investigated for age-dependence of GHRH-stimulated GH-secretion. In addition, priming of GH-secretion with three oral doses of propranolol (3 x 80 mg, the last dose 2 hours prior to the second GHRH-bolus) was carried out in 15 subjects below 40 years and 13 subjects older than 70 years. We found that mean maximal incremental GH-levels were inversely correlated with chronological age (r = -0.44, P = 0.001) of the probands. Propranolol premedication caused a significant rise of both basal and peak GHRH-induced relative increases in all subjects tested, whereas GHRH-induced relative increases of GH remained unchanged. In a well selected group of non-obese healthy subjects stimulated GH-secretion is found to undergo an aging process that is supposed to be of pituitary and suprapituitary origin. Priming GH-secretion with a beta-Blocker is possible both in young and very old healthy subjects and is likely to affect the basal GH secretory tone and not GHRH-stimulated GH-secretion.  相似文献   

Gentled rats injected subcutaneously with glucagon (20 microgram/100 g body weight) showed a significant decrease in plasma growth hormone (GH) at 15 min after glucagon injection. A subcutaneous injection of 50% glucose did not cause the early suppression as shown at 15 min after glucagon injection, but at 30 min after glucose injection a tendency to decrease in plasma GH was observed. In urethane anesthetized rats, a subcutaneous administration of glucagon (1 microgram or 10 microgram/100 g body weight) failed to elicit an increase in plasma GH. In vitro incubation of anterior pituitary fragments with glucagon failed to decrease the release of GH, suggesting that glucagon does not act directly on the anterior pituitary.  相似文献   

BIM 23014 is a somatostatin analog displaying an increased biological half life due to resistance to enzymatic degradation. This peptide inhibits GH release directly at the level of pituitary somatotrophs. In addition, an action of BIM 23014 at the level of the hypothalamus is possible since somatostatinergic fibers and receptors have been identified on GH-RH neurons. To evaluate the effect of BIM 23014 on GH-RH secretion, hypophysial portal blood (HPB) was continuously collected in conscious sheep. Twelve rams (40-45 kg, 9-month-old) with chronically implanted perihypophysial cannulae were i.v. injected with BIM 23014 (1 mg) or saline. HPB and jugular blood were collected for 3-5 hours before and after the injection for the determinations of GH-RH and GH concentrations respectively. The acute injection of BIM 23014 induced a rapid decrease of plasma GH within the first two hours. Simultaneously, GH-RH in HPB decreased significantly. After reaching a nadir, GH concentrations increased to values greater than baseline. A similar rebound in GH-RH levels in HPB was also observed. These data indicate that BIM 23014 acts at the level of GH-RH hypothalamic neurons, in addition to its well-know effect on the pituitary gland.  相似文献   

Exogenous corticoids are known to be potent inhibitors of linear growth in children. We investigated the mechanisms underlying growth failure by evaluating growth hormone (GH) release during short-term high-dose prednisone treatment (40 mg/m2/day given orally in 3 divided doses) and 7 days after steroid withdrawal in 7 prepubertal children (4 males, 3 females, age range 3-12 years), affected by acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Patients also received weekly administrations of vincristine (1.5 mg/m2 i.v.), daunomycin (20 mg/m2 i.v.) and L-asparaginase (6,000 IU/m2 i.m.). Corticoid therapy suppressed GH secretion during deep sleep as well as in response to arginine, insulin and GH-releasing hormone (GHRH) administration. A significant recovery of GH responsiveness after drug discontinuation was observed during deep sleep (14.03 +/- 3.47 vs. 1.49 +/- 0.43 ng/ml, p less than 0.025) as well as in response to arginine (13.63 +/- 2.73 vs. 4.95 +/- 1.54 ng/ml, p less than 0.025) and GHRH (32.62 +/- 4.59 vs. 7.27 +/- 3.52 ng/ml, p less than 0.005) but not to insulin (7.12 +/- 0.88 vs. 4.47 +/- 0.96 ng/ml, p = NS). Insulin-like growth factor 1 levels during deep sleep (0.61 +/- 0.13 IU/ml/min) were found to be low in the course of steroid therapy and did not increase after drug withdrawal (0.41 +/- 0.07 IU/ml/min). Our preliminary data suggest that recovery of adrenergic response to insulin does not immediately follow corticosteroid discontinuation.  相似文献   

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