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The species of the subfamily Opiinae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) from Hunan (Oriental China) are revised and illustrated. Thirty-six new species are described: Apodesmia bruniclypealis Li & van Achterberg, sp. n., Apodesmia melliclypealis Li & van Achterberg, sp. n., Areotetes albiferus Li & van Achterberg, sp. n., Areotetes carinuliferus Li & van Achterberg, sp. n., Areotetes striatiferus Li & van Achterberg, sp. n., Coleopioides diversinotum Li & van Achterberg, sp. n., Coleopioides postpectalis Li & van Achterberg, sp. n., Fopius dorsopiferus Li, van Achterberg & Tan, sp. n., Indiopius chenae Li & van Achterberg, sp. n., Opiognathus aulaciferus Li & van Achterberg, sp. n., Opiognathus brevibasalis Li & van Achterberg, sp. n., Opius crenuliferus Li & van Achterberg, sp. n., Opius malarator Li, van Achterberg & Tan, sp. n., Opius monilipalpis Li & van Achterberg, sp. n., Opius pachymerus Li & van Achterberg, sp. n., Opius songi Li & van Achterberg, sp. n., Opius youi Li & van Achterberg, sp. n., Opius zengi Li & van Achterberg, sp. n., Phaedrotoma acuticlypeata Li & van Achterberg, sp. n., Phaedrotoma angiclypeata Li & van Achterberg, sp. n., Phaedrotoma antenervalis Li & van Achterberg, sp. n., Phaedrotoma depressiclypealis Li & van Achterberg, sp. n., Phaedrotoma flavisoma Li & van Achterberg, sp. n., Phaedrotoma nigrisoma Li & van Achterberg, sp. n., Phaedrotoma protuberator Li & van Achterberg, sp. n., Phaedrotoma rugulifera Li & van Achterberg, sp. n., Li & van Achterberg,Phaedrotoma striatinota Li & van Achterberg, sp. n., Phaedrotoma vermiculifera Li & van Achterberg, sp. n., Rhogadopsis latipennis Li & van Achterberg, sp. n., Rhogadopsis longicaudifera Li & van Achterberg, sp. n., Rhogadopsis maculosa Li, van Achterberg & Tan, sp. n., Rhogadopsis obliqua Li & van Achterberg, sp. n., Rhogadopsis sculpturator Li & van Achterberg, sp. n., Utetes longicarinatus Li & van Achterberg, sp. n. and Xynobius notauliferus Li & van Achterberg, sp. n. Areotetes van Achterberg & Li, gen. n. (type species: Areotetes carinuliferus sp. n.) and Coleopioides van Achterberg & Li, gen. n. (type species: Coleopioides postpectalis sp. n. are described. All species are illustrated and keyed. In total 30 species of Opiinae are sequenced and the cladograms are presented. Neopius Gahan, 1917, Opiognathus Fischer, 1972, Opiostomus Fischer, 1972, and Rhogadopsis Brèthes, 1913, are treated as a valid genera based on molecular and morphological differences. Opius vittata Chen & Weng, 2005 (not Opius vittatus Ruschka, 1915), Opius ambiguus Weng & Chen, 2005 (not Wesmael, 1835) and Opius mitis Chen & Weng, 2005 (not Fischer, 1963) are primary homonymsandarerenamed into Phaedrotoma depressa Li & van Achterberg, nom. n., Opius cheni Li & van Achterberg, nom. n. andOpius wengi Li & van Achterberg, nom. n., respectively. Phaedrotoma terga (Chen & Weng, 2005) comb. n.,Diachasmimorpha longicaudata (Ashmead, 1905) and Biosteres pavitita Chen & Weng, 2005, are reported new for Hunan, Opiostomus aureliae (Fischer, 1957) comb. n. is new for China and Hunan; Xynobius maculipennis(Enderlein, 1912) comb. n. is new for Hunan and continental China and Rhogadopsis longuria (Chen & Weng, 2005) comb. n. is new for Hunan. The following new combinations are given: Apodesmia puncta (Weng & Chen, 2005) comb. n., Apodesmia tracta (Weng & Chen, 2005) comb. n., Areotetes laevigatus (Weng & Chen, 2005) comb. n., Phaedrotoma dimidia (Chen & Weng, 2005) comb. n., Phaedrotoma improcera (Weng & Chen, 2005) comb. n., Phaedrotoma amputata (Weng & Chen, 2005) comb. n., Phaedrotoma larga (Weng & Chen, 2005) comb. n., Phaedrotoma osculas (Weng & Chen, 2005) comb. n., Phaedrotoma postuma (Chen & Weng, 2005) comb. n., Phaedrotoma rugulosa (Chen & Weng, 2005) comb. n., Phaedrotoma tabularis (Weng & Chen, 2005) comb. n., Rhogadopsis apii (Chen & Weng, 2005) comb. n., Rhogadopsis dimidia (Chen & Weng, 2005) comb. n., Rhogadopsis diutia (Chen & Weng, 2005) comb. n., Rhogadopsis longuria (Chen & Weng, 2005) comb. n., Rhogadopsis pratellae(Weng & Chen, 2005) comb. n., Rhogadopsis pratensis (Weng & Chen, 2005) comb. n., Rhogadopsis sculpta (Chen & Weng, 2005) comb. n., Rhogadopsis sulcifer (Fischer, 1975) comb. n., Rhogadopsis tabidula(Weng & Chen, 2005) comb. n., Xynobius complexus (Weng & Chen, 2005) comb. n., Xynobius indagatrix (Weng & Chen, 2005) comb. n., Xynobius multiarculatus (Chen & Weng, 2005) comb. n.The following (sub)genera are synonymised: Snoflakopius Fischer, 1972, Jucundopius Fischer, 1984, Opiotenes Fischer, 1998, and Oetztalotenes Fischer, 1998, with Opiostomus Fischer, 1971; Xynobiotenes Fischer, 1998, with Xynobius Foerster, 1862; Allotypus Foerster, 1862, Lemnaphilopius Fischer, 1972, Agnopius Fischer, 1982, and Cryptognathopius Fischer, 1984, with Apodesmia Foerster, 1862; Nosopoea Foerster, 1862, Tolbia Cameron, 1907, Brachycentrus Szépligeti, 1907, Baeocentrum Schulz, 1911, Hexaulax Cameron, 1910, Coeloreuteus Roman, 1910, Neodiospilus Szépligeti, 1911, Euopius Fischer, 1967, Gerius Fischer, 1972, Grimnirus Fischer, 1972, Hoenirus Fischer, 1972, Mimirus Fischer, 1972, Gastrosema Fischer, 1972, Merotrachys Fischer, 1972, Phlebosema Fischer, 1972, Neoephedrus Samanta, Tamili, Saha & Raychaudhuri, 1983, Adontopius Fischer, 1984, Kainopaeopius Fischer, 1986, Millenniopius Fischer, 1996, and Neotropopius Fischer, 1999, with Phaedrotoma Foerster, 1862.  相似文献   

The Chinese species of the genus Ontsira Cameron, 1900 (Hymenoptera: Braconidae, Doryctinae) are reviewed. Eleven species are recognized, of which four new species are described from China and South Korea: O. abbreviata sp. n., O. henana sp. n., O. robusta sp. n., and O. rugivertex sp. n. Two species, O. ignea (Ratzeburg) and O. neantica Belokobylskij et Maetô, are recorded in China for the first time. A key to the Asian species of the genus Ontsira is provided.  相似文献   

小腹茧蜂亚科的雄外生殖器及族级单元系统发育的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对分布在东洋区和古北区的小腹茧蜂亚科 (膜翅目: 茧蜂科)21个属的67个种及外群折脉茧蜂属 (膜翅目: 茧蜂科) 2个种的雄外生殖器的5个性状进行了比较研究。在形态学研究的基础上,通过选用头部、胸部和腹部(包括雌雄外生殖器的性状) 等34个性状,运用支序分析的方法探讨了分布在东洋区和古北区的小腹茧蜂亚科21个属以及它们所属的族间的系统发育关系,并对Mason (1981) 的分类系统进行了重新评价。雄外生殖器和支序分析基本上证实并恢复了由Mason (1981) 确定的2个主要分支,即绒茧蜂族Apantelini+小腹茧蜂族Microgastrini和拱茧蜂族Fornicini+盘绒茧蜂族Cotesiini+侧沟茧蜂族MicroplitinI。绒茧蜂族Apantelini、拱茧蜂族Fornicini和侧沟茧蜂族Microplitini为单系群也被支持,但小腹茧蜂族Microgastrini和盘绒茧蜂族Cotesiini是否为单系群尚难于在树形图中体现,而且族内各属间的分支关系有变动。因此,尽管Mason的族级分类单元有一些欠缺,但仍是可信、实用的,不同意Walker等 (1990) 认为不应再使用Mason分族系统的观点。  相似文献   

Three species of the Aphidiinae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) are reported for the first time in Korea: Aphidius rhopalosiphi de Stefani-Perez, 1902, Aphidius uzbekistanicus Luzhetzki, 1960 and Lysiphlebus orientalis Starý and Rakhshani, 2010. Their diagnosis, photographs and host list are included.  相似文献   

The species of seventeen genera of Agathidinae (Braconidae) from Vietnam are revised: Agathis Latreille, 1804, Bassus Fabricius, 1804; Biroia Szépligeti, 1900; Braunsia Kriechbaumer, 1894; Camptothlipsis Enderlein, 1920; Coccygidium de Saussure, 1892; Coronagathis gen. n. (type species: Coronagathis cornifera sp. n.); Cremnops Foerster, 1862; Disophrys Foerster, 1862; Earinus Wesmael, 1837; Euagathis Szépligeti, 1900; Gyragathis gen. n. (type species: Gyragathis quyi sp. n.), Gyrochus Enderlein, 1920; Lytopylus Foerster, 1862; Therophilus Wesmael, 1837; Troticus Brullé, 1846, and Zelodia gen. n. (type species: Zelomorpha varipes van Achterberg & Maetô, 1990). Keys to the Vietnamese species are given.Sixty-five species are recognised, of which twelve species are newly recorded for Vietnam: Bassus albifasciatus (Watanabe, 1934), Coccygidium angostura (Bhat & Gupta, 1977), Cremnops atricornis (Smith, 1874), stat. n., Disophrys erythrocephala Cameron, 1900, Gyrochus yunnanensis Wang, 1984, Lytopylus romani (Shestakov, 1940), comb. n., Therophilus festivus (Muesebeck, 1953), comb. n., Therophilus javanus (Bhat & Gupta, 1977), comb. n., Therophilus lienhuachihensis (Chou & Sharkey, 1989), comb. n., Therophilus marshi (Bhat & Gupta, 1977), comb. n., Zelodia absoluta (Chen & Yang, 1998), comb. n. and Zelodia longidorsata (Bhat & Gupta, 1977), comb. n.Forty-two species are new to science: Agathis citrinisoma sp. n., Bassus albobasalis sp. n., Bassus albozonatus sp. n., Biroia soror sp. n., Braunsia bicolorata sp. n., Braunsia devriesi sp. n., Braunsia maculifera sp. n., Braunsia nigrapiculata sp. n., Braunsia pumatica sp. n., Camptothlipsis hanoiensis sp. n., Coronagathis cornifera sp. n., Earinus aurantius sp. n., Earinus brevistigmus sp. n., Euagathis flavosoma sp. n., Disophrys maculifera sp. n., Disophrys quymanhi sp. n., Disophrys rhinoides sp. n., Gyragathis quyi sp. n., Therophilus annuliferus sp. n., Therophilus cattienensis sp. n., Therophilus contrastus sp. n., Therophilus crenulisulcatus sp. n., Therophilus depressiferus sp. n., Therophilus elongator sp. n., Therophilus levisoma sp. n., Therophilus marucae sp. n., Therophilus mellisoma sp. n., Therophilus nigrolineatus sp. n., Therophilus nuichuaensis sp. n., Therophilus parasper sp. n., Therophilus planifrons sp. n., Therophilus punctiscutum sp. n., Therophilus robustus sp. n., Therophilus rugosiferus sp. n., Therophilus scutellatus sp. n., Troticus alloflavus sp. n., Troticus giganteus sp. n., Zelodia albobasalis sp. n., Zelodia anginota sp. n., Zelodia bicoloristigma sp. n., Zelodia brevifemoralis sp. n. and Zelodia flavistigma sp. n.The following new synonyms are proposed: Euagathis nigrithorax Bhat & Gupta, 1977, Euagathis variabilis Enderlein, 1920, Euagathis variabilis var. tibialis Enderlein, 1920, Euagathis variabilis var. melanopleura Enderlein, 1920 and Euagathis variabilis var. sucarandana Enderlein, 1920 with Euagathis abbotti (Ashmead, 1900); Euagathis jinshanensis Chen & Yang, 2006 and Euagathis sharkeyi Chen & Yang, 2006, with Euagathis forticarinata (Cameron, 1899). The genus Amputostypos Sharkey, 2009, is synonymised with Coccygidium de Saussure, 1892, syn. n.The following new combinations are given: Bassus subrasa (Enderlein, 1920), comb. n., Gyragathis angulosa (Bhat & Gupta, 1977), comb. n., Lytopylus romani (Shestakov, 1940), comb. n., Therophilus annulus (Chou & Sharkey, 1989), comb. n., Therophilus asper (Chou & Sharkey, 1989), comb. n., Therophilus cingulipes (Nees, 1812), comb. n., Therophilus daanyuanensis (Chen & Yang, 2006), comb. n., Therophilus fujianicus (Chen & Yang, 2006), comb. n., Therophilus javanus (Bhat & Gupta, 1977), comb. n., Therophilus lanyuensis (Chou & Sharkey, 1989), comb. n., Therophilus luzonicus (Bhat & Gupta, 1977), comb. n., Therophilus muesebecki (Bhat & Gupta, 1977), comb. n., Therophilus rudimentarius (Enderlein, 1920), comb. n., Therophilus similis (Bhat & Gupta, 1977), comb. n., Therophilus sungkangensis (Chou & Sharkey, 1989), comb. n., Therophilus tanycoleosus (Chen & Yang, 2006), comb. n., Therophilus tonghuaensis (Chen & Yang, 2006), comb. n., Therophilus tongmuensis (Chen & Yang, 2006), comb. n., Therophilus transcasperatus (Chen & Yang, 2006), comb. n., Troticus latiabdominalis (Bhat, 1978),comb. n., Zelodia absoluta (Chen & Yang, 1998), comb. n., Zelodia achterbergi (Chen & Yang, 2006), comb. n., Zelodia albopilosella (Cameron, 1908), comb. n., Zelodia chromoptera (Roman, 1913), comb. n., Zelodia nihonensis (Sharkey, 1996), comb. n., Zelodia cordata (Bhat & Gupta, 1977), comb. n., Zelodia diluta (Turner, 1918), comb. n., Zelodia dravida (Bhat & Gupta, 1977), comb. n., Zelodia exornata (Turner, 1918), comb. n., Zelodia longidorsata (Bhat & Gupta, 1977), comb. n., Zelodia longiptera (Yang & Chen, 2006), comb. n., Zelodia maculipes (Cameron, 1911), comb. n., Zelodia nigra (Bhat & Gupta, 1977), comb. n., Zelodia philippinensis (Bhat & Gupta, 1977), comb. n., Zelodia reticulosa (Yang & Chen, 2006), comb. n., Zelodia quadrifossulata (Enderlein, 1920), comb. n., Zelodia ruida (Sharkey, 1996), comb. n., Zelodia similis (Bhat & Gupta, 1977), comb. n., Zelodia penetrans (Smith, 1860), comb. n. and Zelodia varipes (van Achterberg & Maetô, 1990), comb. n.  相似文献   

记述采自中国黑龙江的并腹茧蜂属Hylcalosia Fischer 1新种——沟腹并腹茧蜂H.ventisulcata sp.nov..该新种与海氏并腹茧蜂Hylcalosia hymaenei Belokobylskij最为相似,但新种的如下特征容易与后者相区别:1)下颚须相当长,可达后足基节处;2)腹部第2-3节背板具1条宽而浅的中纵沟,几乎纵贯2、3背板;3)前翅2-SR脉基部弯曲,后翅m-cu脉对叉式;4)腹部第1背板中长等于端宽。文中修订了该属全世界已知种的检索表。新种模式标本保存于福建农林大学益虫研究所。  相似文献   

A detailed study of the exoskeleton and musculature of the phallic organ of Oxyartes lamellatus (Kirby, 1904) (Phasmatodea: Necrosciinae) is here presented - the first study of this kind for Phasmatodea. The asymmetrical phallic organ shows a highly complicated morphology, with several sclerites and many formative structural elements, of which a sclerotised bulb in the ejaculatory duct wall and a long flagellum arising from near it are among the most conspicuous. Four extrinsic and 20 intrinsic phallic muscles were found; many of these are quite compact bundles or sheets, while a few others are diffuse groups of fibres. Phallic morphology in Oxyartes is compared with the literature data on male genitalia in other Phasmatodea, but this is limited by the superficial treatment of phallic organs in the few relevant previous contributions. Yet, phallic organs appear as a useful new character system for phylogenetic reconstruction and species distinction in Phasmatodea. Comparison with phallic organs in other ‘orthopteroid’ insects shows that these organs are too different among orders as to allow for sound homologisation of phallic substructures. Consideration of development of phallic organs does not help in this aspect. There is no evidence of phasmatodean phallic organs being pedomorphic.  相似文献   

The ectoparasitoid Habrobracon hebetor (Say) attacks stored-product infesting pyralid moths that are able to overwinter under extremely cold conditions. The extent to which H. hebetor can withstand these conditions is not known, but has important implications for the ability of H. hebetor to provide long-term suppression of these pests in temperate climates. We investigated basic cold hardiness aspects of a mutant eye-color strain of H. hebetor. Feeding larvae and adults of H. hebetor had supercooling points (SCPs) at temperatures higher than those of eggs and pupae. Mean SCPs of females and males were equivalent, as were those of naked and silk-encased pupae. Feeding on honey prior to being subjected to low temperatures significantly increased the SCP of adult females by approximately 8 degrees C. Mortality of pupae and adults increased significantly whenever the temperature dropped below the mean SCP, indicating that H. hebetor does not tolerate freezing. For pupae and adults exposed to -12 and -5 degrees C, the hourly mortality rate increased with time of exposure. Pupae and adults exposed to -12 degrees C for different time intervals showed high mortality after only 1d of exposure. At -5 degrees C, none survived 12d of exposure. A better understanding of how well this parasitoid tolerates low temperatures will be useful in evaluating its potential as a biological control agent of stored-product moths in temperate regions.  相似文献   

The musculature of male genitalia was studied hitherto only in two species of Tephritidae, one species of Platystomatidae, one species of Pallopteridae, and three species of Ulidiidae of the superfamily Tephritoidea. The split of the hypandrium from one structure into three (the hypandrium and two lateral sclerites) is traced. The hypandrial origin of the lateral sclerites of the hypandrial complex is shown based on the localization of muscle attachment sites. The subepandrial origin of the inner lobes of the surstyli is also confirmed.  相似文献   

Khuat Dang Long 《ZooKeys》2014,(428):79-96
The genus Iporhogas Granger, 1949 (Braconidae: Rogadinae) is recorded for the first time for Vietnam. Four new species of the genus Iporhogas, viz. Iporhogas albilateralis sp. n., I. contrastus sp. n., I. simulatus sp. n. and I. tricoloratus sp. n., from Vietnam are described and illustrated, and additionally, one species, Iporhogas guangxiensis Chen & He, 1997, is newly recorded for Vietnam’s fauna of the family Braconidae. A key to the five Vietnamese species of the genus Iporhogas and a checklist with distributions of the ten species are provided.  相似文献   

本报道了采自云南的断脉茧蜂属Heterospilus Haliday一新种:短颊断脉茧蜂Heterospilus breviatus Shi,Yang et Chen,sp nov.,模式标本保存于福建农林大学益虫研究室。  相似文献   

本文报道了采自云南的齿背茧蜂属 Acanthormius Ashmead一新种 :双色齿背茧蜂 A.bicolor sp.nov.。模式标本保存于福建农业大学益虫研究室  相似文献   

Zeng J  He JH  Chen XX 《ZooKeys》2011,(120):27-40
The genus Deuterixys Mason, 1981 of the tribe Cotesiini (Hymenopteran, Braconidae, Microgastrinae) is recorded from China for the first time. Two new species, Deuterixys bifossalis Zeng & Chen, sp. n. and Deuterixys curticalcar Zeng & Chen, sp. n., are described and illustrated, and a key to the Old World species of Deuterixys is given. In addition, Wilkinsonellus paramplus Long & van Achterberg, 2003 is recorded from China for the first time and illustrated.  相似文献   

本记述从寄主斜纹夜蛾饲养得到的侧沟茧蜂属Microplitls Forster 1新种:双斑侧沟茧蜂Microplitis bicoloratus Chert,sp.nov.。模式标本保存于福建农林大学植保学院益虫室。  相似文献   

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