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Tomato plants were grown with limited or luxury water supplyand given nitrogen either as the ammonium ion or the nitrateion. The ‘active’ iron fractions of the leaves asextracted by etherized tenth molar hydrochloric acid showedno relationship with the total iron but a very significant linearrelationship was found between the active iron fraction andthe ratio of total phosphorus to total iron. Recalculation of results presented by other investigators formaize plants grown in soil with various levels of moisture,phosphorus and iron also showed a highly significant linearrelationship between the active iron fraction and the ratioof total phosphorus to total iron. Lycopersicon esculentum L., tomato, ‘active iron’, phosphorus, Zea mays  相似文献   

The analysis of water potential in terms of pressure, solute,and matric components should be abandoned as ambiguous; an analysistheoretically and experimentally sounder is suggested. The term‘suction potential’ should be retained as an acceptablealternative to water potential.  相似文献   

This paper reports the relationship among pico-, nano- and microplanktoniccommunities observed in two different shallow marine hydrothermalenvironments. Seawater samples from five stations in the coastalarea of the ‘Porto di Levante’ (Vulcano Island)and from three stations off the Island of Panarea (Eolian Islands,Italy) were collected in May and July of 1989, respectively.Microbiological investigations were carried out in order todetermine the density of: (i) the total picoplankton (both autotrophicand heterotrophic): (ii) the total picophytoplankton (autofluorescentpicoplanktonic cells); (iii) the larger phytoplankton (>2µm): (iv) the ‘metabolically active’ cellsof total picoplankton and cyanobacteria; (v) the heterotrophicaerobic bacteria. The peak values of picoplankton and picophytoplanktoncomponents, with an order of magnitude of 109 and 107 cells11, respectively, were registered in the wannest water samples(30–75°C) collected from the Vulcano area. At Panarea.eukaryotic picophytoplankton and ‘metabolically active’coccoid cyanobacteria showed an opposite trend. A possible competitionbetween the two groups is to be considered. Cyanobacteria, diatomsand the genus Licmophora. in particular, were prevalent in thewarmest hydrothermal vents of Vulcano. Nano- and microphytoplanktoniccommunities in the offshore waters of the Island of Panareashowed more variability than in Vulcano. Moreover, in the Panareawaters the prevalence of phytoflagellates above the thermoclinewas observed, whereas diatoms were predominant below this layer.  相似文献   

Critical examination of the amino-acid composition of proteinsin fast-growing and slow-growing tissues reveals only very 8maUdifferences, indicating that some factor other than the amino-acidcomplement is responsible for, or reflects, the great increasein the mass of protein in the fast-growing tissues. Increases in fresh weight and total protein are exactly parallel,indicating that water uptake is an active process associatedwith growth. Respiration, on the other hand, increases far morein the fast-growing over the slow-growing tissues than doestotal protein. A given amount of protein in the fast-growingtissue will support a much greater respiration rate than thesame amount in slow-growing tissue. The incorporation of radioactivity into amino-acids of the proteinin4icates that there are two distinct types: those in whichincorporation is increased in fast-growing tissue much morethan the total protein, and to the same ezte as respiration(notably glutarnic acid, aspartic acid, and threonine); andthose in which the increased incorporation is much nafler, slightlyless than total protein (notably proline and hydroxyproline).It is concluded that there are two n protein fractions: the‘active’ moiety, which is undergoing rapid breakdownd resynthesis, giving rise to much of the CO through oxidationof its residues; a the ‘inactive’ moiety, whichonce synthesized is not reutilized or broken down. It is theformer, or ‘active‘ protein whose synthesis is greatlyincreased in the fast. growing tissues, and it is the pace,rather than the kind, of reactions which differ entiates betweenthe fast- and slow-growing tissues. The entire experimental data are discussed with reference toa number of cur rent theories and investigations. A number ofexperimental observations are noted which admit of interpretationalong the lines here developed.  相似文献   

Exposure to light brings about a fall in the plasmolyticallydetermined osmotic pressure of the cells of the plumular hookof Vicia to about half the ‘dark’ value. Analysesand conductivity measurements show that light causes a smallrise in osmotically active solutes, which is confirmed by cryoscopicmeasurements. The contradiction lies in an abnormally high ‘dark’plasmolytic value, which is not attributable to entry of theplasmolysing solute; it is tentatively suggested that this isan imbibition phenomenon, and that the effect of light is todecrease the affinity for water by promoting a rise in molecularweight of the cell proteins.  相似文献   

An experiment was carried out to investigate stomatal responsesin wheat to four ‘closing treatments’, viz. highcarbon dioxide concentration, darkness, dry air and nil, eachgiven under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions. Thus theeffect of lack of oxygen on the closing (or opening) tendencywas estimated. Changes in calculated from resistance porometer readings were used as data and reasonsare given for thinking this is the best available measure forinvestigating stomatal dynamics in wheat. Williams's hypothesisdemands that lack of oxygen should cause stomatal opening orprevent closure; the present experiment shows that anaerobicconditions significantly increase the closing tendency when‘closing treatments’ are first applied. There isalso some suggestion that oxygen-lack itself tends to causeclosure in the absence of any other ‘closing treatment’.Williams's hypothesis in its original form is thus disproved(for wheat) but the present results would be consistent withan ‘active’ uptake of water by the guard cells contributingto stomatal opening. A nearly significant interaction betweencarbon dioxide and oxygen suggests that under anaerobic conditionsa ‘closing substance’ may perhaps be formed, forexample, by the union of some intermediate in glycolysis withcarbon dioxide.  相似文献   

In fish schools the density varies per location and often individualsare sorted according to familiarity and/or body size. High densityis considered advantageous for protection against predatorsand this sorting is believed to be advantageous not only toavoid predators but also for finding food. In this paper, welist a number of mechanisms and we study, with the help of anindividual-based model of schooling agents, which spatial patternsmay result from them. In our model, schooling is regulated bythe following rules: avoiding those that are close by, aligningto those at intermediate distances, and moving towards othersfurther off. Regarding kinship/familiarity, we study patternsthat come about when agents actively choose to be close to relatedagents (i.e., ‘active sorting’). Regarding bodysize, we study what happens when agents merely differ in sizebut behave according to the usual schooling rules (‘sizedifference model’), when agents choose to be close tothose of similar size, and when small agents avoid larger ones(‘risk avoidance’). Several spatial configurationsresult: during ‘active sorting’ familiar agentsgroup together anywhere in the shoal, but agents of differentsize group concentrically, whereby the small agents occupy thecenter and the large ones the periphery (‘size differencemodel’ and ‘active sorting’). If small agentsavoid the risk of being close to large ones, however, smallagents end up at the periphery and large ones occupy the center(‘risk avoidance’). Spatial configurations are alsoinfluenced by the composition of the group, namely the percentageof agents of each type. Furthermore, schools are usually oblongand their density is always greatest near the front. We explainthe way in which these patterns emerge and indicate how resultsof our model may guide the study of spatial patterns in realanimals.  相似文献   

The hydraulic system in leaves was investigated in some detailand analysed in terms of an electrical transmission line analogy.The equivalent ‘circuit elements’ in the leaf wereidentified and their values calculated. The values of the ‘capacitative’and ‘inductive’ terms were calculated for variousleaf water potentials and for various changes in potential.They both exhibited considerable non-linearity. The calculatedvalues were used to derive values for the ‘impedance’of the pathways through the leaf xylem, and through the mesophyllcell walls, and to investigate the characteristics of thesetwo pathways when oscillations, or fluctuations, in leaf waterstatus were occurring.  相似文献   

Changes in the major alcohol-soluble, low molecular weight carbohydratesof P. purpurea, O--D-galactopyranosyl-(1-2)-glycerol (‘floridoside’)and O--D-galactopyranosyl-(1-1)-glycerol (‘isofloridoside’),have been examined in response to salinity variation. ‘Floridoside’is shown to vary in absolute amount, increasing in hypersalineand decreasing in hyposaline media. ‘Isofloridoside’content per cell does not change in a similar manner. Responsesare almost identical under light or dark conditions, ‘floridoside’changes being complete within 24 h. Decreasing the externalwater potential using ionic and non-ionic solutes has the sameeffect upon galactosyl-glycerol content. The amount of ‘floridoside’synthesized, and degraded under hypersaline and hyposaline conditionsrespectively is shown to be insufficient to restore cell volumeto its original value. It is therefore suggested that the primaryfunction of ‘floridoside’ increases in concentratedsea-waters is that of a compatible solute, serving to protectthe cell during periods when the external salt content is increaseddramatically.  相似文献   

Histochemical investigations on the Prosopis juliflora seedcoat indicate the occurrence of a hydrophobic ‘strip’as the primary water barrier. Its position and the structureand histochemistry of the palisade cells of the seed coat differaccording to their location on the seed. These differences maybe responsible for differences in the water permeability ofvarious parts of the seed coat. In particular, parts of theseed coat in which the hydrophobic ‘strip’ is locatedmore superficially tend to be more water impermeable than partslike the chalaza, in which the ‘strip’ is more deeplylocated within the palisade cells. Prosopis juliflora, seed coat impermeability, palisade cells, hydrophobic ‘strip’  相似文献   

Extracts of small and mature-size lupin pods yielded four substancesaffecting the growth of wheat-coleoptile sections: one acidpromotor (A), two acid inhibitors(B and X), and one neutralinhibitor(Y). Inhibitor B was extremely active, however, coleoptile sectionsshowed no signs of toxic effects; they resumed growth at a rapidrate after rinsing them and adding ß-indolylaceticand (IAA) to the medium. 1 µg of IAA was required to counteractthe effect of ‘B’ extracted from 230 mg. Of tissue.On an equal fresh weight basis the inhibiting action of ‘B’in lupin pods was 500–1,500 times more potent than thatof ‘inhibitor ß’ in etiolated pea seedlings. Small pods of plants infected with pea-mosaic virus yielded3 times the amount of ‘A’ of healthy plants (equivalentto 1 µg. IAA 0.3 µg. IAA per 25 g. of tissue respectively),and approximately the amount of ‘B’. Mature podsof virus-infected plants again yielded more‘A’,but also 2? times more ‘B’ than pods of healthyplants. Healthy pods yielded more ‘A’ than virus-infectedpods, and there was no difference in ‘X’. A lupin abscission test was developed and the effects of proximaland distal application of -naphthyl acetic acid (NAA) are presented,and discussed with respect to results of other abscission tests. ‘A’ accelerated abscission when applied proximally,and delayed or prevented it when applied distally. ‘B’strongly accelerated abscission when applied in either way.A possible mechanism explaining the abscission-inducing effectof developing pods on later flowers is discussed in terms ofthe substances ‘A’ and ‘B’. The partlyprevented abscission observed on virus-infected plants was foundto agree well with the proposed mechanism.  相似文献   

Measurements were made of turgor pressures in epidermal, subsidiary,and guard cells at different degrees of stomatal opening. Theresults are correlated with estimates of solute potentials ofthe different cell saps and with a postulated matric potentialof cell walls. The results contribute to an understanding ofthe role of the subsidiary cells in the stomatal mechanism especiallyin the Graminaceous type and the role of ‘tissue tension’as a pressure involved in turgor phenomena in epidermal tissue.The results make it possible to explain the abnormally largestomatal openings found after floating illuminated leaf tissueon water or keeping it in humid CO2-free air.  相似文献   

RICKETTS  T. R. 《Annals of botany》1988,61(4):451-458
When nitrate, ammonium, or urea were the sole nitrogen sourcesfor the growth of Platymonas striata there was a short initiallag period, after which uptake/assimilation occurred at a constantrate. Glycine ‘uptake’ was however non-linear withtime. Addition of ammonium or urea markedly inhibited nitrate‘uptake’ whereas although glycine was initiallytotally inhibitory, nitrate ‘uptake’ recommencedabout 1 h after addition, but at a greatly reduced rate. Ammoniumtotally inhibited urea ‘uptake’, but did not inhibitglycine ‘uptake’. When ammonium, urea, or glycinewere present at the same time as nitrate the total rate of nitrogen'uptake/assimilation was within 40% (or closer) of that of nitratenitrogen ‘uptake’ alone. In the first two casesthis reflected a total switching off of nitrate ‘uptake’whilst the new substrate was assimilated at a rate similar tothe initial nitrate rate, whereas in the case of glycine, bothsubstrates were used simultaneously. Once the concentrationof any of the inhibitory nitrogen sources had been reduced toa low level the ‘uptake’/assimilation of nitraterecommenced. It is suggested that the ability of P. striatato maintain a more or less constant rate total nitrogen ‘uptake’/assimilationirrespective of the mixture of utilizable nitrogen sources presentedto it, is not due to controls at the level of the entry of substrateinto the cell, but to intracellular actions at the enzyme level.The relative constancy of, and high rate of ‘uptake’,irrespective of nitrogen source and over a wide range of extracellularconcentrations, is tentatively considered to be due to saturationof the assimilatory mechanisms under the conditions employed;all the sources lead, either directly or indirectly, to theproduction of amino groupings for entry into nitrogenous metabolism.This homeostasis of nitrogen ‘uptake’/assimilationwould clearly be of considerable benefit to the alga in nature,enabling it to maximize growth in changing environmental conditions. Platymonas striata, nitrogen update, nitrogen assimilation  相似文献   

Marked changes in the activity of the ‘de novo’and ‘salvage’ pathways of pyrimidine biosynthesisduring growth of Vinca rosea cells in a batch suspension culturewere observed. The activity of these pathways was investigated by determiningthe contribution of 14C of [2-14Cluracil, 12-14Cluridine. and[6-14Clorotate to the cell constituents and by measuring theactivity of the several enzymes of these pathways. During the lag phase of the culture, ‘uracil-’ and‘uridine-salvage’ pathways made the predominantcontribution to nucleotide biosynthesis, but, following theinitiation of cell division, the ‘de novo’ pathwayfor nucleotide biosynthesis operated appreciably. These results suggest that nucleotide synthesis during cellgrowth in a suspension culture can be divided into two stages:a ‘turnover stage’, during the lag phase of cellgrowth, and a ‘true biosynthetic stage’, which isinitiated in the cell division phase.  相似文献   

WARBURG, M. R., 1965. On the water economy of some Australianland snails. Proc. malac. Soc. Lond. 36, 297–305. Page 298: second line from bottom, should read ‘within± 1 µg for Themapupa’. Page 300: Fig. 2 legend, should read ‘Evaporative waterloss from Sinumelon remissum (a), Pleuroxia sp. (b) and Themapupaadelaidae (c)’. Page 300: section 4 heading, should read ‘Continuous curvesfor water loss’. Page 301: second line, for ‘Fig. 9’ read ‘Fig.3’. Page 301: Table 1, last line, for ‘0.120024’ read‘0.12024’. Present address: Israel Institute for Biological Research, Ness-Ziona,Israel.  相似文献   

Background and Aims Summer dormancy in perennial grasseshas been studied inadequately, despite its potential to enhanceplant survival and persistence in Mediterranean areas. The aimof the present work was to characterize summer dormancy anddehydration tolerance in two cultivars of Dactylis glomerata(dormant ‘Kasbah’, non-dormant ‘Oasis’)and their hybrid using physiological indicators associated withthese traits. • Methods Dehydration tolerance was assessed in a glasshouseexperiment, while seasonal metabolic changes which produce putativeprotectants for drought, such as carbohydrates and dehydrinsthat might be associated with summer dormancy, were analysedin the field. • Key Results The genotypes differed in their ability tosurvive increasing soil water deficit: lethal soil water potential(s) was –3·4 MPa for ‘Kasbah’ (althoughnon-dormant), –1·3 MPa for ‘Oasis’,and –1·6 MPa for their hybrid. In contrast, lethalwater content of apices was similar for all genotypes (approx.0·45 g H2O g d. wt–1), and hence the greater survivalof ‘Kasbah’ can be ascribed to better drought avoidancerather than dehydration tolerance. In autumn-sown plants, ‘Kasbah’had greatest dormancy, the hybrid was intermediate and ‘Oasis’had none. The more dormant the genotype, the lower the metabolicactivity during summer, and the earlier the activity declinedin spring. Decreased monosaccharide content was an early indicatorof dormancy induction. Accumulation of dehydrins did not correlatewith stress tolerance, but dehydrin content was a function ofthe water status of the tissues, irrespective of the soil moisture.A protein of approx. 55 kDa occurred in leaf bases of the mostdormant cultivar even in winter. • Conclusions Drought avoidance and summer dormancy arecorrelated but can be independently expressed. These traitsare heritable, allowing selection in breeding programmes.  相似文献   

  1. The permeability of unplasmolysed cells of beetroot, v. ‘CrimsonGlobe’, was determined from the rate of water loss ofbeet slices on placing in sucrose solutions having O.P. greaterthan the suction pressure of the beet. The absolute values obtainedwere about 0?7µ3 water per µ2 cell-surface per hourper atmosphere osmotic pressure difference, i.e. 0?7 µ/hr./atm.
  2. The permeability of similar beet cells plasmolysed withintheircell walls was found to be about 13µ/hr./atm.
  3. Thepermeability of beet cells which had been plasmolysed andallowedto recover was shown to be approximately the same asthat ofunplasmolysed cells.
  4. The hypothesis is advanced that the increasein water permeabilityon plas-molysis is due to those partsof the plasma-membranewhich had formerly been pressed againstthe micelles of thecell wall becoming free and able to takepart in water transfer.
  5. The energy requirement for the maintenanceof an excess hydrostaticpressure of five atmospheres withina cell by its vital activitywas shown to be about one-tenthof the total respiratory energyreleased in freshly cut beetslices.

To measure the solute potential of leaf tissue sap by psychrometricmethods the turgor of the tissue is usually destroyed by freezingand thawing. Substantial errors can arise with this method,by dilution of the cell sap with extracellular water and bythe production of osmotically active solutes in the disruptedtissue. In several species examined the solute potential offrozen-thawed discs was considerably lower (more negative) thanthe solute potential estimated by psychrometry from sap expressedfrom frozen-thawed discs or that derived from the ‘pressure-volume’curve obtained from intact leaf tissue. Errors caused by suchsolute production may be present in published data and possibleexamples are discussed. Key words: Solute potential, Thermocouple psychrometer, Leaf discs  相似文献   

HANCOCK  C. R. 《Annals of botany》1959,23(1):107-119
Using wheat coleoptile sections it has been shown that the treatmentgiven between cutting them from the coleoptile and placing themin the test solution greatly affects the early growth-rates. After growing sections in high concentrations of IAA for somehours it is necessary to give a considerable number of washingsto free them from surplus IAA; if these sections are then grownin water they reach lengths greater than those of comparablesections grown in water all the time, and in some cases greaterthan those attained in ‘optimum’ IAA concentrations. There is no suggestion in the experiments described that highconcentrations of IAA result in initial growth-rates higherthan those observed in ‘optimum’ concentrations,and at very high concentrations reduced early growth-rates areindicated. These results, and those described for lower IAA concentrationsin the first paper of this series, have some bearing on theapplication of the enzyme kinetic theory to auxin-induced growth,and this is considered in the discussion.  相似文献   

HARDWICK  R. C. 《Annals of botany》1987,60(4):439-446
The ‘core-skin’ hypothesis postulates that secondarilythickened plants behave energetically as an inert ‘core’covered by an active ‘skin’, the ‘skin’being two-imensional, the ‘core’ three-dimensional.This would explain the ‘self-thinning ‘or‘–3/2’ rule of plant ecology, that is, the tendencyfor log (dry weight per plant) and log (number of plants perunit area) to progress along a straight line relationship, withslope = – 3/2’. The hypothesis was tested as follows. Plant nitrogen contentwas used as an estimate of the mass of ‘skin’ perplant, and dry weight as an estimate of the mass of the ‘core’.As plants mature the slope of the relationship between y = log(mass of nitrogen per plant) and x = log (mass of dry matterper plant) is expected to decline from an initial value of 1.0towards a final value of 0.66. The intercept of the relationshipis expected to reflect the intrinsic content of ‘skin’per unit of ‘core’. Genotypic variation in thisparameter should cause genotypic differences in the maximumattainable yield of biomass per unit area. The expectations were investigated by fitting the function y= p+qx+r exp – x to 30 sets of data on plant nitrogencontent, plant weight and time in 18 different vegetables. Simplelinear regressions of y on x were fitted to more limited setsof data on weights and nitrogen contents of mature trees. Theexpectations were, with some minor exceptions, confirmed. Nitrogen, yield, plant competition, self-thinning  相似文献   

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