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Dietary supplementation with polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) has immunosuppressive effects; however, the molecular targets of PUFAs and their mode of action remain unclear. One possible target is antigen presentation to T cells through the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class I pathway. Here we show that incorporation of PUFAs lowers target cell susceptibility to lysis by effector T cells. Treatment of B lymphoblast targets with the omega-6 PUFA arachidonic acid (AA) or omega-3 docosahexaenoic acid lowered their susceptibility to lysis by alloreactive CD8+ T cells by approximately 20-25%. HLA class I surface levels and their rate of endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-Golgi traffic were also reduced by PUFA treatment. Calibration experiments showed that the approximately 15% reduction in surface HLA I was not sufficient to completely account for the decreased lysis. However, PUFAs significantly lowered antigen-presenting cell-T cell conjugate formation, by approximately 30-40%. Taken together, our data show for the first time that an omega-6 and an omega-3 PUFA affect the HLA class I pathway of B lymphoblasts. Our findings suggest that elimination of self- and pathogen-derived peptides by effectors may be compromised by dietary PUFA supplementation. In addition, PUFA-mediated changes in ER-Golgi trafficking point to a new area of PUFA modulation of immune responses.  相似文献   

It has been demonstrated previously that mixed cell suspensions from the female reproductive tract consisting of human epithelial and stromal cells were capable of presenting foreign antigen to autologous T cells. There have been, however, no reported studies examining antigen presentation by isolated epithelial cells from the human female reproductive tract. It is now shown that freshly isolated epithelial cells from the uterine endometrium constitutively express MHC class II antigen and that class II was upregulated on cultured epithelium by interferon gamma (IFNγ). Using a highly purified preparation, it was demonstrated that these epithelial cells were able to process and present tetanus toxoid recall antigen driving autologous T cell proliferation. Cells isolated from the basolateral sub-epithelium stroma were also potent antigen presenting cells in this model system. Thus, isolated endometrial epithelial cells were able to directly process and present antigen to T cells and may be responsible for the transcytosis and delivery of antigen to professional antigen presenting cells found in the sub-epithelial stroma.  相似文献   

The major histocompatibility complex class I molecules consist of three subunits, the 45-kDa heavy chain, the 12-kDa beta(2)-microglobulin (beta(2)m), and an approximately 8-9-residue antigenic peptide. Without beta(2)m, the major histocompatibility complex class I molecules cannot assemble, thereby abolishing their transport to the cell membrane and the subsequent recognition by antigen-specific T cells. Here we report a case of defective antigen presentation caused by the expression of a beta(2)m with a Cys-to-Trp substitution at position 25 (beta(2)m(C25W)). This substitution causes misfolding and degradation of beta(2)m(C25W) but does not result in complete lack of human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class I molecule expression on the surface of melanoma VMM5B cells. Despite HLA class I expression, VMM5B cells are not recognized by HLA class I-restricted, melanoma antigen-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes even following loading with exogenous peptides or transduction with melanoma antigen-expressing viruses. Lysis of VMM5B cells is restored only following reconstitution with exogenous or endogenous wild-type beta(2)m protein. Together, our results indicate impairment of antigenic peptide presentation because of a dysfunctional beta(2)m and provide a mechanism for the lack of close association between HLA class I expression and susceptibility of tumor cells to cytotoxic T lymphocytes-mediated lysis in malignant diseases.  相似文献   

The human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) is known to downregulate the expression of the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class I for escape from immune surveillance. In order to understand the HCMV immune evasion mechanism, expression of HLA class I on the surface of HCMV-infected cells was investigated. A decrease in the HLA class I expression was observed at higher MOI; whereas at a lower MOI a slight increase in the HLA class I expression was observed. When HCMV-infected and uninfected cells were separately prepared on coverslips and co-cultured, the increased HLA class I expression was observed in uninfected cells. Treatment of the uninfected cells with the culture supernatant from HCMV-infected cells resulted in an increase in the HLA class I expression. A biochemical analysis of the HCMV-infected cell culture supernatant revealed the presence of interferon (IFN) beta interleukin (IL)-1beta, and IL-6. The HLA class I-enhancing activity of the culture supernatant was mimicked by IFN beta, but not by IL1-beta or IL-6, and was partially reversed by pretreatment with an antibody to IFN beta. Therefore, it appears that the HCMV infection of human foreskin fibroblast cells induces interferon beta and other soluble factor(s) that are responsible for the up-regulation of the HLA class I expression.  相似文献   

Neuroblastomas often show amplification and high expression of the N-myc oncogene. N-myc expression could be explained as a consequence of gene amplification, but an alternative possibility is that expression primarily results from the inactivation or loss of some factor that normally represses the N-myc gene. To test this idea, we fused N-myc-overexpressing neuroblastoma cell lines with lines that do not express N-myc. In the resulting hybrids, N-myc expression turned out to be switched off, although amplified N-myc copies were still present. This suggests that N-myc overexpression in neuroblastomas results, at least in part, from the inactivation of a suppressor gene that is present in normal cells. In rat neuroblastomas, it has been found that N-myc can switch off class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC) expression. Therefore, we analyzed in our hybrid cells whether suppression of N-myc results in reexpression of human class I MHC genes. Because this was found to be the case, the picture emerges of a hierarchic pathway that connects a putative tumor-suppressor gene with the expression of N-myc and consequently of class I MHC, thus affecting the potential immunogenic properties of neuroblastomas.  相似文献   

In chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, the airway epithelium is chronically exposed to neutrophil elastase, an inflammatory protease. The cellular response to neutrophil elastase dictates the balance between epithelial injury and repair. Key regulators of epithelial migration and proliferation are the ErbB receptor tyrosine kinases, including the epidermal growth factor receptor. In this context, we investigated whether neutrophil elastase may regulate expression of MUC4, a membrane-tethered mucin that has recently been identified as a ligand for ErbB2, the major heterodimerization partner of the epidermal growth factor receptor. In normal human bronchial epithelial cells, neutrophil elastase increased MUC4 mRNA levels in both a concentration- and time-dependent manner. RNA stability assays revealed that neutrophil elastase increased MUC4 mRNA levels by prolonging the mRNA half-life from 5 to 21 h. Neutrophil elastase also increased MUC4 glycoprotein levels as determined by Western analysis, using a monoclonal antibody specific for a nontandem repeat MUC4 sequence. Therefore, airway epithelial cells respond to neutrophil elastase exposure by increasing expression of MUC4, a potential activator of epithelial repair mechanisms.  相似文献   

Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is a virally associated cancer which is highly prevalent in Southeast Asia and North Africa. Several linkage analysis studies suggested the association of susceptibility HLA (Human Leukocyte Antigen) alleles and haplotypes with NPC development. The HLA system is very polymorphic and according to the ethnic group studied, it has been found to have the capacity to confer susceptibility or resistance to NPC. Our aim was to review the most important described genetic associations of HLA class I in NPC and to comment on the inconsistent associations found in the different NPC incidence areas. We believe that the mechanisms of these associations may involve HLA genes through the differential capacity of each allele to present antigens. However, because HLA genes contain various linked candidate genes, HLA-NPC associations should be carefully interpreted.  相似文献   

Heat shock proteins are recognized as significant participants in immune reactions. In this study, we have demonstrated that the cell surface presentation of MHC class I antigen was increased in tandem with increased heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) expression and the immunogenicity of rat T-9 glioma cells was enhanced by hyperthermia. T-9 cells showed growth inhibition for 24 h after the heat treatment at 43 degrees C for 1 h in vitro, but then resumed a normal growth rate. HSP70 expression reached a maximum at 24 h after heating. Flow cytometric analysis revealed a significant increase in MHC class I antigen on the surface of the heated cells. The augmentation of MHC class I surface expression started 24 h after heating and reached a maximum 48 h after heating. The expression of other immunologic mediators, such as intracellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) and MHC class II antigens, did not increase. In an in vivo experiment using immunocompetent syngeneic rats (F344), growth of the heated T-9 cells, with augmentation of MHC class I antigen surface expression, was significantly inhibited, while the cells grew progressively in nude rats (F344/N Jcl-rnu). Furthermore, compared with lymphocytes from non-immunized (PBS only injection) rats or rats injected with non-heated T-9 cells, the splenic lymphocytes of the rats in which the heated T-9 cells were injected displayed specific cytotoxicity against T-9 cells. These results suggest that HSP70 is an important modulator of tumor cell immunogenicity, and that hyperthermic treatment of tumor cells can induce the host antitumor immunity via the expression of HSP70. These results may benefit further efforts on developing novel cancer immunotherapies based on hyperthermia.  相似文献   

Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I is a major host defense mechanism against viral infections such as type 16 and type 18 of the human papillomavirus (HPV). Here, we found that the E6 oncogene from HPV16, but not HPV18, suppressed MHC I expression. Ectopic expression of HPV16E6 in HeLa cells, which are infected with HPV18, suppressed MHC I expression, and that knockdown by antisense or siRNA of the HPV16E6 strongly enhanced MHC I expression in Caski cells, which are infected with HPV18, but not HPV16. The expression of HPV16E6 strongly enhanced cellular resistance to cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs)-mediated lytic activity, and knockdown of HPV16E6 by antisense had the opposite effect. The regulation of HPV16E6-mediated MHC I suppression might be through the regulation of lymphotoxin (LT) and its receptor, LTβR. In addition, cells from the spleen and liver of LTα- or LTβR-deficient mice showed increased MHC I expression. Overall, these results demonstrated that the E6 oncogene of HPV16 might play an important role in cell transformation and cancer development through LT-mediated MHC I downregulation in humans.  相似文献   

The assembly of MHC class I molecules with beta(2)-microglobulin and peptides is assisted by the housekeeping chaperones calnexin, calreticulin, and Erp57 and the dedicated accessory protein, tapasin. Tapasin and calreticulin are essential for efficient MHC class I assembly, but their precise action during class I assembly remains to be elucidated. Previous in vitro studies have demonstrated that the lectin calreticulin interacts with monoglucosylated MHC class I heavy chains, whatever their state of assembly with light chains and peptide, and inhibits their aggregation above physiological temperature. We used a soluble single chain HLA-A2/beta(2)-microglobulin molecule, A2SC, to study the effect of calreticulin on the peptide binding capacity of HLA class I molecules. Calreticulin inhibited the formation of A2SC aggregates both when co-expressed in insect cells and during incubations at elevated temperature. Calreticulin dramatically enhanced acquisition of peptide binding capacity when added to denatured A2SC molecules during refolding at 4 degrees C. However, it had no effect on the rapid loss of A2SC peptide binding capacity at physiological temperature. We conclude that calreticulin promotes the folding of HLA class I molecules to a state in which, at low temperature, they spontaneously acquire peptide binding capacity. However, it does not induce or maintain a peptide-receptive state of the class I-binding site, which is likely to be promoted by one or several other components of the class I loading complexes. By being amenable to complementation with additional proteins, the described system should be useful for identification of these components.  相似文献   

The recent discovery of two proteasome homologous genes,LMP2 andLMP7, in the class II region of the human MHC, has implicated this multi-subunit protease in an early step of the immune response; the degradation of intracellular and viral proteins. Short peptides produced by the proteasome are transported into the ER by the product of another set of MHC class II genes,TAP1 andTAP2, where they bind and stabilise HLA class I molecules. Antigenic peptides displayed at the cell surface by HLA class I molecules mark cells for destruction by cytotoxic T lymphocytes. The role of the proteasome in antigen processing was questioned when mutant cells, which lack theLMP genes, were able to process and present antigens normally. The discovery that two proteasome -subunits, delta andMB1, highly homologous toLMP2 andLMP7 and expressed in reciprocal manner, is now consistent with a role for the proteasome in antigen processing. The incorporation of different -subunits into the proteasome may be a mechanism to modulate catalytic activity of the proteasome complex, allowing production of peptides that are more suitable to enter into the ER by the TAP transporters and to bind HLA class I molecules. But, in the absence of the LMPs, the other subunits permit processing of most antigens reasonably efficiently.Abbreviations ABC ATP-binding cassete - 2m 2-microglobulin - ER endoplasmic reticulum - IFN interferon - LMP low molecular weight peptide - MHC major histocompatibility complex - TAP transporter associated with antigen processing  相似文献   

The addition of either cathepsin-G or leukocyte elastase to endotoxin-stimulated human peripheral blood monocytes decreased the immunoreactive tumor necrosis factor (TNF) detected in culture supernatants in a concentration-dependent manner. Both enzymes also induced a loss of supernatant cytolytic activity as determined on the WEHI-164 target cell line. Incubation of recombinant human TNF and lymphotoxin (LT) with either cathepsin-G or leukocyte elastase resulted in a loss of cytokine bioactivity. Examination of enzyme-treated recombinant cytokines by gel electrophoresis revealed that cathepsin-G cleaved LT into a 12.6-kDa fragment and leukocyte elastase fragmented LT into a 14.1-kDa product. On Western blots cathepsin-G and leukocyte elastase degraded TNF into 11- and 7.6-kDa fragments, respectively. Incubating leukocyte elastase with plasma elastase inhibitor alpha-1-antitrypsin prevented the loss of recombinant TNF bioactivity and blocked the degradation of this cytokine. This study suggests that two of the most abundant neutrophil proteases, cathepsin-G and leukocyte elastase, may be important regulators of TNF and LT bioactivity.  相似文献   

This study utilizes newly developed direct DNA typing methods for human leukocyte antigens (HLA) to provide new information about the peopling of New Guinea. The complete polymorphism of eight Melanesian populations was examined. The groups included were highlanders, northern and southern highlands fringe populations, a Sepik population, northern and southern coastal New Guinea populations, and populations from the Bismarck Archipelago and New Caledonia. The study concluded that, based on HLA and other evidence. Melanesians are likely to have evolved largely from the same ancestral stock as Aboriginal Australians but to have since differentiated. Highlanders are likely to be descendants of earlier migrations who have been isolated for a long period of time. Northern highlands fringe and Sepik populations are likely to share a closer common ancestry but to have differentiated due to long term isolation and the relative proximity to the coast of the Sepik. Southern fringe populations are likely to have a different origin, possibly from the Gulf region, although there may be some admixture with neighboring groups. Coastal populations have a wider range of polymorphisms because of the genetic trail left by later population movement along the coast from Asia that did not reach Australia or remote Oceania. Other polymorphisms found in these populations may have been introduced by the movement of Austronesian-speaking and other more recent groups of people into the Pacific, because they share many polymorphisms with contemporary southeast Asians, Polynesians, and Micronesians that are not found in highlanders or Aboriginal Australians. There is evidence suggestive of later migration to Melanesia from Polynesia and Micronesia.  相似文献   

Derivatives of hydantoin have been found to inactivate human leukocyte elastase irreversibly. Chymotrypsin and cathepsin G are also inhibited by these compounds.  相似文献   

Lipid mediators are emerging as important regulators of the immune system. Based on our previous result that shows strong expression of prostacyclin synthase in the germinal center, we investigated whether prostacyclin would regulate the APC function of B cells. Owing to the very short half-life of prostacyclin in experimental conditions, we used a more stable analog, beraprost. Beraprost increased the amounts of the costimulatory molecule CD86 but not CD80 on the surface of activated B cells in time- and dose-dependent manners. However, the enhancing effect of beraprost was not observed on memory B cells, centroblasts, and centrocytes. Beraprost required BCR and CD40 signals to upregulate CD86 expression levels. Other prostanoids such as PGE(2), 6-keto-PGF(1α), and PGF(2α) failed to alter CD86 expression levels, whereas other prostacyclin analogs were as potent as beraprost. Results carried out with receptor antagonists revealed that beraprost enhanced CD86 levels by binding to prostacyclin receptor IP and by increasing intracellular cAMP concentrations. Beraprost-treated B cells potently stimulated allogeneic T cells, which was significantly abolished by CD86 neutralization. Our data imply an unrecognized cellular and molecular mechanism about the germinal center reactions.  相似文献   

Class II human leukocyte antigens (HLA II) are proteins involved in the human immunological adaptive response by binding and exposing some pre-processed, non-self peptides in the extracellular domain in order to make them recognizable by the CD4+ T lymphocytes. However, the understanding of HLA–peptide binding interaction is a crucial step for designing a peptide-based vaccine because the high rate of polymorphisms in HLA class II molecules creates a big challenge, even though the HLA II proteins can be grouped into supertypes, where members of different class bind a similar pool of peptides. Hence, first we performed the supertype classification of 27 HLA II proteins using their binding affinities and structural-based linear motifs to create a stable group of supertypes. For this purpose, a well-known clustering method was used, and then, a consensus was built to find the stable groups and to show the functional and structural correlation of HLA II proteins. Thus, the overlap of the binding events was measured, confirming a large promiscuity within the HLA II–peptide interactions. Moreover, a very low rate of locus-specific binding events was observed for the HLA-DP genetic locus, suggesting a different binding selectivity of these proteins with respect to HLA-DR and HLA-DQ proteins. Secondly, a predictor based on a support vector machine (SVM) classifier was designed to recognize HLA II-binding peptides. The efficiency of prediction was estimated using precision, recall (sensitivity), specificity, accuracy, F-measure, and area under the ROC curve values of random subsampled dataset in comparison with other supervised classifiers. Also the leave-one-out cross-validation was performed to establish the efficiency of the predictor. The availability of HLA II–peptide interaction dataset, HLA II-binding motifs, high-quality amino acid indices, peptide dataset for SVM training, and MATLAB code of the predictor is available at http://sysbio.icm.edu.pl/HLA.  相似文献   

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