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目的探讨CpG寡核苷酸(ODN)联合热固化瘤苗的抗肿瘤作用。方法剥取肿瘤.称重并计算抑瘤率;MTT法测免疫小鼠CTL、Mψ和CTL细胞的体外杀伤活性;ELISA法测免疫小鼠血清中IL-10、IL-12水平。结果联合使用CpG ODN和热固化瘤苗可以诱导荷瘤小鼠的抑瘤作用,其抑瘤率与单独使用瘤苗或CpG ODN比较差异有显著性;联合使用CpG ODN和热固化瘤苗可以提高荷瘤小鼠NK、Mψ和CTL细胞的体外杀伤活性,与单独使用瘤苗组相比较,差异具有显著性,但与单独使用CpG ODN组相比较,NK、Mψ细胞的体外杀伤活性差异无显著性;联合使用CpG ODN和热固化瘤苗可以提高荷瘤小鼠血清中IL-12水平并降低血清中IL-10水平,与二者单独使用组比较差异都具有显著性。结论联合使用CpG ODN和热固化瘤苗能显著提高机体的免疫功能,尤其是特异性细胞免疫功能。  相似文献   

Interleukin (IL)‐12 is the key cytokine in the initiation of a Th1 response and has shown promise as an anti‐cancer agent; however, clinical trials involving IL‐12 have been unsuccessful due to toxic side‐effects. To address this issue, lentiviral vectors were used to transduce tumour cell lines that were injected as an autologous tumour cell vaccine. The focus of the current study was to test the efficacy of this approach in a solid tumour model. SCCVII cells that were transduced to produce IL‐12 at different concentrations were then isolated. Subcutaneous injection of parental SCCVII cells results in tumour development, while a mixture of IL‐12‐producing and non‐producing cells results in tumour clearance. Interestingly, when comparing mice injected a mixture of SCCVII and either high IL‐12‐producing tumour cells or low IL‐12‐producing tumour cells, we observed that mixtures containing small amounts of high producing cells lead to tumour clearance, whereas mixtures containing large amounts of low producing cells fail to elicit protection, despite the production of equal amounts of total IL‐12 in both mixtures. Furthermore, immunizing mice with IL‐12‐producing cells leads to the establishment of both local and systemic immunity against challenge with SCCVII. Using depletion antibodies, it was shown that both CD4+ and CD8+ cells are crucial for therapy. Lastly, we have established cell clones of other solid tumour cell lines (RM‐1, LLC1 and moto1.1) that produce IL‐12. Our results show that the delivery of IL‐12 by cancer cells is an effective route for immune activation.  相似文献   

Chimeric antigen receptor (CAR-) T cells are revolutionizing cancer treatment, as a direct result of their clinical impact on the treatment of hematological malignancies. However for solid tumors, CAR-T cell therapeutic efficacy remains limited, primarily due to the complex immunosuppressive tumor microenvironment, inefficient access to tumor cells and poor persistence of the killer cells. In this in vitro study, an injectable, gelatin-based micro-hydrogel system that can encapsulate and deliver effective CAR-T therapy is investigated. CAR-T cells targeting TAG-72, encapsulated in these microgels possessed high viability (> 87%) after 7 days, equivalent to those grown under normal expansion conditions, with retention of the T cell phenotype and functionality. Microgel recovered CAR-T cells demonstrated potent on-target cytotoxicity against human ovarian cancer in vitro and on three-dimensional tumor spheroids, by completely eliminating tumor cells. The gelatin-based micro-hydrogels have the potential to serve as carrier systems to augment CAR-T immunotherapeutic treatment of solid tumors.  相似文献   

Antitumor activity of IFN-lambda in murine tumor models   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
IFN-lambda 1, -lambda 2 and -lambda 3 have been discovered as the latest members of the class II cytokine family and shown to possess antiviral activity. Murine B16 melanoma and Colon26 cancer cells were transduced with mouse IFN-lambda to determine whether IFN-lambda possesses antitumor activity. Overexpression of IFN-lambda induced cell surface MHC class I expression and Fas/CD95 Ag, induced significant caspase-3/7 activity, and increased p21(Waf1/Cip1) and dephosphorylated Rb (Ser(780)) in B16 cells in vitro. IFN-lambda expression in tumor cell lines markedly inhibited s.c. and metastatic tumor formation in vivo compared with mock transfections (p < 0.05). Moreover, IFN-lambda expression induced lymphocytic infiltrates, and an Ab-mediated immune cell depletion assay showed that NK cells were critical to IFN-lambda-mediated tumor growth inhibition. Hydrodynamic injection of IFN-lambda cDNA successfully targeted liver metastatic foci of Colon26 cells, and moderately decreased the mortality of mice with tumors. IFN-lambda overexpression in the liver increased NK/NKT cells and enhanced their tumor-killing activity, and suggested the activation of innate immune responses. Thus, IFN-lambda induced both tumor apoptosis and NK cell-mediated immunological tumor destruction through innate immune responses. These findings suggested that local delivery of IFN-lambda might prove a useful adjunctive strategy in the clinical treatment of human malignancies.  相似文献   

Semiconductor nanocrystals, so-called quantum dots (QDs), promise potential application in bioimaging and diagnosis in vitro and in vivo owing to their high-quality photoluminescence and excellent photostability as well as size-tunable spectra. Here, we describe a biocompatible, comparatively safe bacteria-based system that can deliver QDs specifically into solid tumor of living animals. In our strategy, anaerobic bacterium Bifidobacterium bifidum (B. bifidum) that colonizes selectively in hypoxic regions of animal body was successfully used as a vehicle to load with QDs and transported into the deep tissue of solid tumors. The internalization of lipid-encapsuled QDs into B. bifidum was conveniently carried by electroporation. To improve the efficacy and specificity of tumor targeting, the QDs-carrying bacterium surface was further conjugated with folic acids (FAs) that can bind to the folic acid receptor overexpressed tumor cells. This new approach opens a pathway for delivering different types of functional cargos such as nanoparticles and drugs into solid tumor of live animals for imaging, diagnosis and therapy.  相似文献   

Murine models of acute atopic asthma may be inadequate to study the effects of recurrent exposure to inhaled allergens, such as the epithelial changes seen in asthmatic patients. We developed a murine model in which chronic airway inflammation is maintained by repeated allergen [ovalbumin (OVA)] inhalation; using this model, we examined the response to mucosal administration of CpG DNA (oligonucleotides) and specific antigen immunotherapy. Mice repeatedly exposed to OVA developed significantly greater airway hyperresponsiveness and goblet cell hyperplasia, but not airway eosinophilia, compared with those exposed only twice. CpG-based immunotherapy significantly reversed both acute and chronic markers of inflammation as well as airway hyperresponsiveness. We further examined the effect of mucosal immunotherapy on the response to a second, unrelated antigen. Mice sensitized to both OVA and schistosome eggs, challenged with inhaled OVA, and then treated with OVA-directed immunotherapy demonstrated significant reduction of airway hyperresponsiveness and a moderate reduction in eosinophilia, after inhalation challenge with schistosome egg antigens. In this model, immunotherapy treatment reduced bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) levels of Th2 cytokines (IL-4, IL-5, IL-13, and IL-10) without changing BAL IFN-gamma. Antigen recall responses of splenocytes from these mice demonstrated an antigen-specific (OVA) enhanced release of IL-10 from splenocytes of treated mice. These results suggest that CpG DNA may provide the basis for a novel form of immunotherapy of allergic asthma. Both antigen-specific and, to a lesser extent, antigen-nonspecific responses to mucosal administration of CpG DNA are seen.  相似文献   



Doxorubicin is a common anticancer agent used in the treatment of a number of neoplasms, with the lifetime dose limited due to the potential for cardiotoxocity. This has motivated efforts to develop optimal dosage regimes that maximize anti-tumor activity while minimizing cardiac toxicity, which is correlated with peak plasma concentration. Doxorubicin is characterized by poor penetration from tumoral vessels into the tumor mass, due to the highly irregular tumor vasculature. I model the delivery of a soluble drug from the vasculature to a solid tumor using a tumor cord model and examine the penetration of doxorubicin under different dosage regimes and tumor microenvironments.  相似文献   

Established widely metastatic tumor was cured in a transplanted mouse B cell lymphoma model, by the combination of chemotherapy plus intratumoral injection of oligodeoxynucleotides containing unmethylated C-G motifs (CpG). This therapeutic effect required that the CpG be injected directly into the tumor and was dependent on CD8 T cells. Although the efficacy of CpG oligodeoxynucleotides has been thought to depend on the expression of TLR9, we unexpectedly found that tumor rejection did not require host expression of TLR9. By using a TLR9-deficient tumor and a TLR9KO host, we demonstrate that TLR9 expression either by the host or the tumor is required. These results indicate that activation of Ag presentation by cells within the tumor via TLR9 stimulation can be an effective form of immunotherapy. This study forms the basis of an ongoing clinical trial in patients with lymphoma.  相似文献   

目的 探讨Cp G ODN对呼吸道合胞病毒诱导的哮喘小鼠动物模型的免疫治疗作用。方法 用紫外线灭活的呼吸道合胞病毒致敏30只BAL B/ c小鼠后,分别注射生理盐水、地塞米松和Cp G ODN,流式细胞仪检测小鼠的外周血T淋巴细胞亚群,EL ISA法检测小鼠的外周血IL - 4、IFN-γ和总Ig E的含量,并观察肺组织病理变化。结果 Cp G组CD4 +T细胞所占百分比为( 6 9.35±6 .15 ) % ,CD4 +/ CD8+的比值为2 .92±0 .35 ,与哮喘模型组相比显著降低( P<0 .0 5 )。Cp G组IL- 4的含量为( 88.96±9.89) pg/ ml,与哮喘模型组相比明显降低( P<0 .0 5 ) ;IFN-γ的含量为( 4 6 .83±8.84 ) pg/ ml,与哮喘模型组相比显著上升( P<0 .0 5 ) ;总Ig E的含量为( 3.72±0 .6 7) IU/ml,与哮喘模型组相比明显降低( P<0 .0 5 )。肺组织炎症反应明显减轻。结论 Cp G ODN对用紫外线灭活的呼吸道合胞病毒诱导的哮喘小鼠动物模型具有较好的免疫治疗作用  相似文献   

Cancer treatment has known a revolution with the emergence of immune checkpoint inhibitors. However, accurate theranostic biomarkers are lacking. In this review, we discuss different types of biomarkers currently under investigation. First, we focus on tissue biomarkers including PD-L1 expression by immunohistochemistry—the first Food and Drug Administration—approved biomarker—despite conflicting results. In addition, we report on novel biomarkers, including protein-based, molecular (tumor mutational load, immune signature…), circulating (neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio, serum cytokines…), and imaging-based biomarkers (radiomic signatures and positron-emission tomography using radiolabeled antibodies). We highlight the limitations of each candidate biomarker and finally discuss combinatorial approaches for their use and the opportunity to switch from a predictive strategy of biomarker research to an adaptive one in the field of cancer immunotherapy.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Some anaerobic and facultatively anaerobic bacteria have been used experimentally as anticancer agents because of their selective growth in tumors. In this study, we exploited attenuated Salmonella choleraesuis as a tumoricidal agent and a vector to deliver the endostatin gene for tumor-targeted gene therapy. METHODS: Attenuated S. choleraesuis carrying a eukaryotic expression plasmid encoding reporter gene was used to evaluate its abilities of tumor targeting and gene delivery in three syngeneic murine tumor models. Furthermore, S. choleraesuis carrying the endostatin expression vector was administered intraperitoneally into tumor-bearing mice, and its antitumor effect was evaluated. RESULTS: Systemically administered S. choleraesuis preferentially accumulated within tumors for at least 10 days, forming tumor-to-normal tissue ratios exceeding 1000-10,000 : 1. Transgene expression via S. choleraesuis-mediated gene transfer also persisted for at least 10 days. Host immune responses and tumor hypoxia may influence tumor-targeting potential of S. choleraesuis. When systemically administered into mice bearing melanomas or bladder tumors, S. choleraesuis carrying the endostatin expression vector significantly inhibited tumor growth by 40-70% and prolonged survival of the mice. Furthermore, immunohistochemical studies in the tumors revealed decreased intratumoral microvessel density, reduced expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), and increased infiltration of CD8(+) T cells. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that tumor-targeted gene therapy using S. choleraesuis carrying the endostatin expression vector, which exerts tumoricidal and antiangiogenic activities, represents a promising strategy for the treatment of solid tumors.  相似文献   

Macrophages are versatile antigen-presenting cells. Recent studies suggest that engineered modifications of macrophages may confer better tumor therapy. Genetic engineering of macrophages with specific chimeric antigen receptors offers new possibilities for treatment of solid tumors and has received significant attention. In vitro gene editing of macrophages and infusion into the body can inhibit the immunosuppressive effect of the tumor microenvironment in solid tumors. This strategy is flexible and can be applied to all stages of cancer treatment. In contrast, nongenetic engineering tools are used to block relevant signaling pathways in immunosuppressive responses. In addition, macrophages can be loaded with drugs and engineered into cellular drug delivery systems. Here, we analyze the effect of the chimeric antigen receptor platform on macrophages and other existing engineering modifications of macrophages, highlighting their status, challenges and future perspectives. Indeed, our analyses show that new approaches in the treatment of solid tumors will likely exploit macrophages, an innate immune cell.  相似文献   

Burkholderia pseudomallei, the causative agent of melioidosis, is an important pathogen in tropical regions of Australia and Southeast Asia. Antibiotic therapy can be ineffective in patients with acute septicaemic melioidosis. It has been proposed that adjunctive immunotherapy using granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) combined with antibiotics may provide an alternative approach to antibiotics alone. We have developed a murine model for melioidosis that allows novel treatment approaches to be investigated. This study looked at the potential for murine G-CSF therapy both alone and as an adjunct in the treatment of acute disseminated B. pseudomallei infection in BALB/c mice. A number of therapeutic variables involving ceftazidime and recombinant murine G-CSF were studied. Surviving mice were sacrificed and splenic bacterial loads were determined. Combining recombinant murine G-CSF with ceftazidime offered no advantage over ceftazidime alone. Pre-treatment with recombinant murine G-CSF did not demonstrate a significant benefit. This would suggest that adjunct immunotherapy using G-CSF is of limited benefit.  相似文献   

Direct tumor injections of CpG (ODN #1826) into murine tumors markedly suppressed the tumor growth and increased the survival of the mice. Tumor growth was reduced by 60–67% in Colon Tumor 26 (CT-26) and B-16 melanoma tumors treated with CpG as compared to untreated one. In CT-26 and B-16 tumors treated with CpG, the average survival of the animals were prolonged to 26 and 28 d as compared to 16 and 18 d in control respectively. Long-term surviving animals in CT-26 tumor groups were also protected from a subsequent injection of a lethal dose of tumor cells. In the present study, effect of CpG was mediated through CD8+ T cells, as their depletion resulted in the abrogation of the therapeutic effects of the CpG. It suggests that direct tumor injection might be a simple means of achieving a clinical response in cancer patients.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Tumor shape and size effect on drug delivery to solid tumors are studied, based on the application of the governing equations for fluid flow, i.e., the conservation laws for mass and momentum, to physiological systems containing solid tumors. The discretized form of the governing equations, with appropriate boundary conditions, is developed for predefined tumor geometries. The governing equations are solved using a numerical method, the element-based finite volume method. Interstitial fluid pressure and velocity are used to show the details of drug delivery in a solid tumor, under an assumption that drug particles flow with the interstitial fluid. Drug delivery problems have been most extensively researched in spherical tumors, which have been the simplest to examine with the analytical methods. With our numerical method, however, more complex shapes of the tumor can be studied. The numerical model of fluid flow in solid tumors previously introduced by our group is further developed to incorporate and investigate non-spherical tumors such as prolate and oblate ones. Also the effects of the surface area per unit volume of the tissue, vascular and interstitial hydraulic conductivity on drug delivery are investigated.  相似文献   

We have shown that thymoquinone (TQ) is a potent antitumor agent in human colorectal cancer cells. In this study, we evaluated TQ's therapeutic potential in two different mice colon cancer models [1,2-dimethyl hydrazine (DMH) and xenografts]. We also examined TQ effects on the growth of C26 mouse colorectal carcinoma spheroids and assessed tumor invasion in vitro. Mice were treated with saline, TQ, DMH, or combinations once per week for 30 weeks and the multiplicity, size and distribution of aberrant crypt foci (ACF) and tumors were determined at weeks 10, 20 and 30. TQ injected intraperitoneally (i.p.) significantly reduced the numbers and sizes of ACF at week 10; ACF numbers were reduced by 86%. Tumor multiplicity was reduced at week 20 from 17.8 in the DMH group to 4.2 in mice injected with TQ. This suppression was observed at week 30 and was long-term; tumors did not re-grow even when TQ injection was discontinued for 10 weeks. In a xenograft model of HCT116 colon cancer cells, TQ significantly (P < 0.05) delayed the growth of the tumor cells. Using a matrigel artificial basement membrane invasion assay, we demonstrated that sub-cyto-toxic doses of TQ (40 microM) decreased C26 cell invasion by 50% and suppressed growth in three-dimensional spheroids. Apoptotic signs seen morphologically were increased significantly in TQ-treated spheroids. TUNEL staining of xenografts and immunostaining for caspase 3 cleavage in DMH tumors confirmed increased apoptosis in mouse tumors in response to TQ. These data should encourage further in vivo testing and support the potential use of TQ as a therapeutic agent in human colorectal cancer.  相似文献   

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