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A motor protein complex of the bacterial flagellum, PomA/B from Vibrio alginolyticus, was reconstituted into liposomes and visualized by electron cryomicroscopy. PomA/B is a sodium channel, composed of two membrane proteins, PomA and PomB, and converts ion flux to the rotation of the flagellar motor. Escherichia coli and Salmonella have a homolog called MotA/B, which utilizes proton instead of sodium ion. PomB and MotB have a peptidoglycan-binding motif in their C-terminal region, and therefore PomA/B and MotA/B are regarded as the stator. Energy filtering electron cryomicroscopy enhanced the image contrast of the proteins reconstituted into liposomes and showed that two extramembrane domains with clearly different sizes stick out of the lipid bilayers on opposite sides. Image analysis combined with gold labeling and deletion of the peptidoglycan-binding motif revealed that the longer one, approximately 70 A long, is likely to correspond to the periplasmic domain, and the other, about half size, to the cytoplasmic domain.  相似文献   

E3 ubiquitin ligases catalyze the transfer of ubiquitin from an E2-conjugating enzyme to a substrate. UBR5, homologous to the E6AP C terminus (HECT)-type E3 ligase, mediates the ubiquitination of proteins involved in translation regulation, DNA damage response, and gluconeogenesis. In addition, UBR5 functions in a ligase-independent manner by prompting protein/protein interactions without ubiquitination of the binding partner. Despite recent functional studies, the mechanisms involved in substrate recognition and selective ubiquitination of its binding partners remain elusive. The C terminus of UBR5 harbors the HECT catalytic domain and an adjacent MLLE domain. MLLE domains mediate protein/protein interactions through the binding of a conserved peptide motif, termed PAM2. Here, we characterize the binding properties of the UBR5 MLLE domain to PAM2 peptides from Paip1 and GW182. The crystal structure with a Paip1 PAM2 peptide reveals the network of hydrophobic and ionic interactions that drive binding. In addition, we identify a novel interaction of the MLLE domain with the adjacent HECT domain mediated by a PAM2-like sequence. Our results confirm the role of the MLLE domain of UBR5 in substrate recruitment and suggest a potential role in regulating UBR5 ligase activity.  相似文献   

Mono- and polyubiquitylation of proteins are key steps in a wide range of biological processes. However, the molecular mechanisms that mediate these different events are poorly understood. Here, we employed NMR spectroscopy to map a non-covalent ubiquitin binding surface (UBS) on the Smurf ubiquitin ligase HECT domain. Analysis of mutants of the HECT UBS reveal that interfering with the UBS surface blocked Smurf-dependent degradation of its substrate RhoA in cells. In vitro analysis revealed that the UBS was not required for UbcH7-dependent charging of the HECT catalytic cysteine. Surprisingly, although the UBS was required for polyubiquitylation of both Smurf itself and the Smurf substrate RhoA, it was not required for monoubiquitylation. Furthermore, we show that mutating the UBS interfered with efficient binding of a monoubiquitylated form of RhoA to the Smurf HECT domain. Our findings suggest the UBS promotes polyubiquitylation by stabilizing ubiquitylated substrate binding to the HECT domain.  相似文献   

The sulfonylurea receptor 2B (SUR2B) forms the regulatory subunit of ATP-sensitive potassium (KATP) channels in vascular smooth muscle. Phosphorylation of the SUR2B nucleotide binding domains (NBD1 and NBD2) by protein kinase A results in increased channel open probability. Here, we investigate the effects of phosphorylation on the structure and nucleotide binding properties of NBD1. Phosphorylation sites in SUR2B NBD1 are located in an N-terminal tail that is disordered. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) data indicate that phosphorylation of the N-terminal tail affects multiple residues in NBD1, including residues in the NBD2-binding site, and results in altered conformation and dynamics of NBD1. NMR spectra of NBD1 lacking the N-terminal tail, NBD1-ΔN, suggest that phosphorylation disrupts interactions of the N-terminal tail with the core of NBD1, a model supported by dynamic light scattering. Increased nucleotide binding of phosphorylated NBD1 and NBD1-ΔN, compared with non-phosphorylated NBD1, suggests that by disrupting the interaction of the NBD core with the N-terminal tail, phosphorylation also exposes the MgATP-binding site on NBD1. These data provide insights into the molecular basis by which phosphorylation of SUR2B NBD1 activates KATP channels.  相似文献   

We have cloned the Pseudomonas aeruginosa cell wall biosynthesis and cell division gene cluster that corresponds to the mra operon in the 2-min region of the Escherichia coli chromosome. The organization of the two chromosomal regions in P. aeruginosa and E. coli is remarkably similar with the following gene order: pbp3/pbpB, murE, murF, mraY, murD, ftsW, murG, murC, ddlB, ftsQ, ftsA, ftsZ, and envA/LpxC. All of the above P. aeruginosa genes are transcribed from the same strand of DNA with very small, if any, intragenic regions, indicating that these genes may constitute a single operon. All five amino acid ligases, MurC, MurD, MurE, MurF, and DdlB, in addition to MurG and MraY were cloned in expression vectors. The four recombinant P. aeruginosa Mur ligases, MurC, MurD, MurE, and MurF were overproduced in E. coli and purified as active enzymes.  相似文献   

The Fanconi Anemia (FA) DNA repair pathway is essential for the recognition and repair of DNA interstrand crosslinks (ICL). Inefficient repair of these ICL can lead to leukemia and bone marrow failure. A critical step in the pathway is the monoubiquitination of FANCD2 by the RING E3 ligase FANCL. FANCL comprises 3 domains, a RING domain that interacts with E2 conjugating enzymes, a central domain required for substrate interaction, and an N-terminal E2-like fold (ELF) domain. The ELF domain is found in all FANCL homologues, yet the function of the domain remains unknown. We report here that the ELF domain of FANCL is required to mediate a non-covalent interaction between FANCL and ubiquitin. The interaction involves the canonical Ile44 patch on ubiquitin, and a functionally conserved patch on FANCL. We show that the interaction is not necessary for the recognition of the core complex, it does not enhance the interaction between FANCL and Ube2T, and is not required for FANCD2 monoubiquitination in vitro. However, we demonstrate that the ELF domain is required to promote efficient DNA damage-induced FANCD2 monoubiquitination in vertebrate cells, suggesting an important function of ubiquitin binding by FANCL in vivo.  相似文献   

The spermatozoon of the African catfish Clarias gariepinus is a simple organized aquasperm although it reveals very unique characteristics: the cytoplasmic channel is lacking, the mitochondria form a complex structure and the arrangement of the centriolar complex is species specific. Semen has high initial motility rates ( c. 70–90%) and swimming velocities ( c. 120–140 μm s−1), the main swimming type is linear. Motility duration in water is 30 s and is prolonged only to 40 s in NaCl solutions or more complex bu ered motility activating saline solutions. A pH between 7.0 and 9.0 has no e ect on the sperm motility parameters. Motility is completely and reversibly suppressed in electrolyte and non-electrolyte solutions with an osmolality of 200 mosmol kg−1. During immotile storage the sperm viability is influenced by the osmolality and the potassium levels of the storage medium, by the temperature and by the dilution. At optimal conditions (bu ered sperm motility inhibiting saline solution: 150 mmol l−1 NaCl, 2.5 mmol l−1 KCl, 1 mmol l−1 CaCl2, 1 mmol l−1 MgSO4, 20 mmol l−1 Tris solution, pH 8.5; dilution rate 1: 5; storage temperature, 4°C) sperm viability persists for >7 days. High viscosity of the pure seminal vesicle secretion completely inhibits the sperm motility. When the seminal vesicle secretion is diluted in water the viscosity decreases and the motility suppressing e ect is neutralized. When semen is mixed with seminal vesicle secretion the sperm viability decreases to zero within 10 min.  相似文献   

A comparative study on the solution structures of bovine microsomal cytochrome b5 (Tb5) and the mutant V45H has been achieved by 1D and 2D 1H-NMR spectroscopy to clarify the differences in the solution conformations between these two proteins. The results reveal that the global folding of the V45H mutant in solution is unchanged, but the subtle changes exist in the orientation of the axial ligand His39, and heme vinyl groups. The side chain of His45 in V45H mutant extends to the outer edge of the heme pocket leaving a cavity at the site originally occupied by the inner methyl group of Val45 residue. In addition, the imidazole ring of axial ligand His39 rotates counterclockwise by approximately 3 degrees around the His-Fe-His axis, and the 4-heme vinyl group turns to the space vacated by the removed side chain due to the mutation. Furthermore, the helix III of the heme pocket undergoes outward displacement, while the linkage between helix II and III is shifted leftward. These observations are not only consistent with the pattern of the pseudocontact shifts of the heme protons, but also well account for the lower stability of V45H mutant against heat and urea.  相似文献   

目的:探讨蓝斑(LC)、中缝大核(NRM)和迷走神经背核(DMV),及其相关递质和受体对胃运动的调节途径及机制,阐明它们在调节胃运动中的相互关系。方法:实验采用了核团定位电刺激、损毁和核团微量注射等实验方法,以记录胃内压,统计胃收缩幅度作为胃运动变化的指标。结果:①刺激LC显著降低胃收缩幅度(P〈0.01),损毁DMV可以减弱此效应,而阻断DMV上的肾上腺素能α受体,可以反转此抑胃效应。②刺激NRM显著降低胃收缩幅度(P〈0.01),损毁DMV后此效应被消除;阻断DMV上的5-HT2A受体使胃收缩幅度大幅度降低(P〈0.01),此时再刺激NRM不能进一步的抑制胃运动;而损毁LC后刺激NRM,可消除NRM的抑胃效应,在LC注射5-HT2A受体阻断剂也可以消除该效应。结论:①LC可能通过DMV的5-HT2A受体和α受体对生理条件下正常胃的运动起着重要的双向调节作用;②NRM通过LC上的5-HT2A受体而发挥其对胃运动的抑制效应。  相似文献   

Wild-type plasminogen activator inhibitor type-1 (PAI-1) rapidly converts to the inactive latent state under conditions of physiological pH and temperature. For in vivo studies of active PAI-1 in cell culture and in vivo model systems, the 14-1B PAI-1 mutant (N150H-K154T-Q319L-M354I), with its stabilized active conformation, has thus become the PAI-1 of choice. As a consequence of the increased stability, the only two forms likely to be encountered are the active or the cleaved form, the latter either free or complexed with target proteinase. We hereby report the first structure of the stable 14-1B PAI-1 variant in its reactive center cleaved form, to a resolution of 2.0 A. The >99% complete structure represents the highest resolved structure of free cleaved PAI-1. This high-resolution structure should be of great use for drug target development and for modeling protein-protein interactions such as those of PAI-1 with vitronectin.  相似文献   

The PDZ1 domain of the four PDZ domain-containing protein PDZK1 has been reported to bind the C terminus of the HDL receptor scavenger receptor class B, type I (SR-BI), and to control hepatic SR-BI expression and function. We generated wild-type (WT) and mutant murine PDZ1 domains, the mutants bearing single amino acid substitutions in their carboxylate binding loop (Lys14-Xaa4-Asn19-Tyr-Gly-Phe-Phe-Leu24), and measured their binding affinity for a 7-residue peptide corresponding to the C terminus of SR-BI (503VLQEAKL509). The Y20A and G21Y substitutions abrogated all binding activity. Surprisingly, binding affinities (Kd) of the K14A and F22A mutants were 3.2 and 4.0 μm, respectively, similar to 2.6 μm measured for the WT PDZ1. To understand these findings, we determined the high resolution structure of WT PDZ1 bound to a 5-residue sequence from the C-terminal SR-BI (505QEAKL509) using x-ray crystallography. In addition, we incorporated the K14A and Y20A substitutions into full-length PDZK1 liver-specific transgenes and expressed them in WT and PDZK1 knock-out mice. In WT mice, the transgenes did not alter endogenous hepatic SR-BI protein expression (intracellular distribution or amount) or lipoprotein metabolism (total plasma cholesterol, lipoprotein size distribution). In PDZK1 knock-out mice, as expected, the K14A mutant behaved like wild-type PDZK1 and completely corrected their hepatic SR-BI and plasma lipoprotein abnormalities. Unexpectedly, the 10–20-fold overexpressed Y20A mutant also substantially, but not completely, corrected these abnormalities. The results suggest that there may be an additional site(s) within PDZK1 that bind(s) SR-BI and mediate(s) productive SR-BI-PDZK1 interaction previously attributed exclusively to the canonical binding of the C-terminal SR-BI to PDZ1.  相似文献   

H+-transporting, F1Fo-type ATP synthases utilize a transmembrane H+ potential to drive ATP formation by a rotary catalytic mechanism. ATP is formed in alternating β subunits of the extramembranous F1 sector of the enzyme, synthesis being driven by rotation of the γ subunit in the center of the F1 molecule between the alternating catalytic sites . The H+ electrochemical potential is thought to drive γ subunit rotation by first coupling H+ transport to rotation of an oligomeric rotor of c subunits within the transmembrane Fo sector. The γ subunit is forced to turn with the c-oligomeric rotor due to connections between subunit c and the γ and ε subunits of F1. In this essay we will review recent studies on the Escherichia coli Fo sector. The monomeric structure of subunit c, determined by NMR, shows that subunit c folds in a helical hairpin with the proton carrying Asp61 centered in the second transmembrane helix (TMH). A model for the structural organization of the c10 oligomer in Fo was deduced from extensive cross-linking studies and by molecular modeling. The model indicates that the H+-carrying carboxyl of subunit c is occluded between neighboring subunits of the c10 oligomer and that two c subunits pack in a “front-to-back” manner to form the H+ (cation) binding site. In order for protons to gain access to Asp61 during the protonation/deprotonation cycle, we propose that the outer, Asp61-bearing TMH-2s of the c-ring and TMHs from subunits composing the inlet and outlet channels must turn relative to each other, and that the swiveling motion associated with Asp61 protonation/deprotonation drives the rotation of the c-ring. The NMR structures of wild-type subunit c differs according to the protonation state of Asp61. The idea that the conformational state of subunit c changes during the catalytic cycle is supported by the cross-linking evidence in situ, and two recent NMR structures of functional mutant proteins in which critical residues have been switched between TMH-1 and TMH-2. The structural information is considered in the context of the possible mechanism of rotary movement of the c10 oligomer during coupled synthesis of ATP.  相似文献   

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