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The quality of surface water in an area could be determined both by anthropogenic actions and natural processes. The current study assessed surface water quality in Legedadie and Dire catchments that cover a total area of 285 km2 in Central Ethiopia northeast of the nation’s capital Addis Ababa and within close proximity (20-30 m) from this city.. Accordingly, Addis Ababa is, and will continue to be, the major beneficiary of the the catchments which are in fact the primary sources of potable water supply to the city. Despite its potential ecosystem benefits, the catchment area was seriously affected by the rapid socioeconomic development phenomena that had been taking place in and around the city over the previous six decades. As a result, the catchment water resources are characterized by decades of deterioration because of severe pollution problems directly associated with mismanagement of natural resources coupled with other several factors. Hence, the current study was sought to examine the temporal and spatial determinants of catchment water pollutants. To that end, 14 water quality monitoring stations were selected and set up both in upstream and downstream parts of six rivers and two reservoirs. The water samples collected from different sites were monitored for 30 standard water quality parameters including nutrients, inorganic variable, and trace metals. Seasonal data were then measured for the 30 parameters monitored across two seasons (summer and autumn) over a two-year period (June 2014 – November 2015). The complex two-year seasonal data matrix that comprised of 3,660 observations was treated using multivariate statistical techniques: cluster analysis (CA), factor analysis/principal components (FA/PCA), and discriminant analysis (DA). CA successfully classified both the temporal (summer, autumn, and summer predominant) and spatial (natural, agricultural, urban, and mixed) clusters of water quality monitoring sites. Dimension reduction from FA/PCA was not as substantial as expected since it enabled only30% reduction from the original data matrix. On the other hand, DA procedures demonstrated the best result regarding data reduction and pattern recognition in both temporal and spatial analysis. It extracted data significantly and provided 5 parameters (Temp, pH, DO, salinity, and TN) to afford 96.8% right allocations during temporal analysis and only 7 parameters (pH, Turbidity, TN, Total hardness, Pb, Fe, and Cu) to yield 85.2% right allocations during the spatial analysis.Thus, these water quality parameters were most significant for seasonal and spatial water quality variation in the catchment. Therefore, DA enabled a significant reduction of the dimension of the original data matrix into a few significant parameters that affect water quality. In conclusion, the study demonstrated that multivariate statistical techniques are very useful for analysis and interpretation of complex water quality data sets for efficient assessment of water quality and identification of pollution sources as well as an effective understanding of the space and time effects of water quality.  相似文献   

Macroalgae harbour specific microbial communities on their surface that have functions related to host health and defence. In this study, the bacterial biofilm of the marine brown alga Fucus spiralis was investigated using 16S rRNA gene amplicon-based analysis and isolation of bacteria. Rhodobacteraceae (Alphaproteobacteria) were the predominant family constituting 23% of the epibacterial community. At the genus level, Sulfitobacter, Loktanella, Octadecabacter and a previously undescribed cluster were most abundant, and together they comprised 89% of the Rhodobacteraceae. Supported by a specific PCR approach, 23 different Rhodobacteraceae-affiliated strains were isolated from the surface of F. spiralis, which belonged to 12 established and three new genera. For seven strains, closely related sequences were detected in the 16S rRNA gene dataset. Growth experiments with substrates known to be produced by Fucus spp. showed that all of them were consumed by at least three strains, and vitamin B12 was produced by 70% of the isolates. Since growth of F. spiralis depends on B12 supplementation, bacteria may provide the alga with this vitamin. Most strains produced siderophores, which can enhance algal growth under iron-deficient conditions. Inhibiting properties against other bacteria were only observed when F. spiralis material was present in the medium. Thus, the physiological properties of the isolates indicated adaption to an epiphytic lifestyle.  相似文献   

L1210 cells and their culture supernatants were found to inhibit the generation of PFC in the in vitro primary immune response of spleen cells to SRBC. As few as 1% of L1210 cells and 1% of culture fluid were inhibitory. Inhibition of DNA or protein synthesis of L1210 cells did not abolish their immunosuppressive activity, excluding exhaustion of culture medium as a possible mechanism of inhibition of PFC. Heating of the supernatant completely abrogated the suppressive effect and resulted in a marked increase of PFC. Daily evaluation of cell viability in the cultures revealed that, in the presence of L1210 and supernatants, the fraction of surviving cells is markedly reduced. We conclude that a direct cytotoxic effect on splenic lymphocytes and macrophages is the predominant immunosuppressive mechanism of L1210 cells and their culture supernatants.  相似文献   

Counterion binding to polyelectrolyte chains is formulated as a chemical reaction Mz(free) → Mz(bound). Expressions for the chemical potentials of free and bound counterions are set equal to obtain the reaction equilibrium. The results are equivalent to those in the previous paper of this series. An additional result obtained here is that a polyion holds its bound counterion layer with a strength on the order of 100 kcal(mole cooperative unit). The method is then applied to the calculation of the polarizability along the chain due to the bound (condensed) counterions.  相似文献   

This study investigated the susceptibility of female C57Bl/6 and Swiss Albino mice to oxidative stress and neurotransmitters activity induced by Plasmodium berghei. On day 9 p.i. with P. berghei infected erythrocytes, the mice reduced in weight. This weight loss was markedly higher in SW mice and reached about ?14%. Also, the infection was able to cause oxidative damage to the brain tissue. Catalase activity as well as glutathione, malondialdehyde and nitric oxide levels were different in the two mice strains. Moreover, the brain content of neurotransmitters, epinephrine, norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin in mice brain was higher in SW mice than B6 mice. We concluded that, the strain of mice is one factor that could alter the response of mice to P. berghei infection.  相似文献   

Stem cell therapy for degenerative diseases has been established; however there are controversies over the treatment of solid tumors with stem cell transplantation. In the present study, the anti-tumor action of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) has been examined in a mouse model of breast cancer with emphasize on tumor growth, angiogenesis and c-Myc expression in breast tumors. For this purpose, MSCs were isolated from bone marrow of Balb/c mice and characterized. A Balb/c mouse model of breast cancer was developed and subjected to cell therapy intra venous (I.V) or intra tumor (I.T) with MSCs. Tumor growth was measured using a digital caliber for until the end of experiment (30 days). Then the mice were sacrificed and their tumors were removed and processed for histopathological examination, immunohistochemical assay of CD31 and measuring of c-Myc expression using quantitative PCR. Detection of the labeled-MSCs in tumors following injection of the cells (I.V or I.T) clearly showed the homing of MSCs into tumors. Tumor growth in case of MSC-treated mice by I.V and I.T routes was inhibited by approximately 28% and 34% respectively compared to controls. The suppression of angiogenesis was reflected in Micro Vessel Density (MVD) following I.V or I.T delivery of the MSCs. c-Myc gene expression in tumor tissues of mice treated I.V or IT with MSCs was down-regulated to 28.0% and 16.0% respectively compare to control groups. In conclusion, growth inhibition of breast tumors in mice due to MSC therapy is associated with modulation of c-Myc activation and angiogenesis markers.  相似文献   

A method is described for estimating the rate of accumulation of epiphyte biomass on leaves of the seagrass, Heterozostera tasmanica (Martens ex Aschers.) den Hartog and for estimating the effect of epiphyte biomass on photosynthesis of the seagrass. Epiphyte biomass was determined by comparison of the weight per unit area of epiphyte-covered and epiphyte-free leaf blades. Epiphyte weight increased as age of the seagrass leaves increased. Linear regression on epiphyte biomass vs. leaf age estimated the rate of biomass accumulation. Rates varied from 5.7 to 104 μg epiphyte dry weight per cm2 of leaf surface per day at three sites in Western Port and Port Phillip Bay, Victoria. Rates of accumulation of epiphyte biomass were generally higher during December through March (summer) than in May (autumn), August (winter) or October (Spring). Light attenuation by epiphytes increase linearly with biomass. The rate of biomass accumulation of epiphytes was compared with leaf growth rate, ambient photon flux density in H. tasmanica beds and the photosynthesis—photon flux density curve of H. tasmanica. This comparison demonstrated that epiphyte biomass can accumulate fast enough to shade H. tasmanica leaves and significantly reduce the time (to less than one half of the leaf life span) in which positive net photosynthesis of the leaf blade is possible.  相似文献   

Standing crop, density and leaf growth rate of Heterozostera tasmanica (Martens ex Aschers.) den Hartog along with light, temperature, nutrient and sediment characteristics were determined monthly for fifteen months at three study sites in Western Port and one site in Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, Australia. Erect vegetative stems of H. tasmanica were frequently branched, were present throughout the year and accounted for 25–60% of the above-sediment biomass, with the stem proportion higher during winter than summer. At three of the four sites there was a unimodal seasonal pattern in which minimum leaf standing crop (27–61 g dry wt. m?2), density (600–2000 leaf cluster m?2) and leaf productivity (0.34–0.77 g dry wt. m?2 day?1) generally occurred during winter (June–August) and maximum leaf standing crop (105–173 g dry wt. m?2), density (2700–5000 leaf cluster m?2) and leaf productivity (2.6–4.2 g dry wt. m?2 day?1) occurred during summer (December–February). A bimodal seasonal pattern with minimum standing crop and density during midsummer occurred at one site. This anomalous seasonal pattern may be due to exposure and desiccation stress during spring low tides. At the site receiving the lowest irradiance, standing crop, density and annual leaf production also were lowest, but length and width of leaves, shoot height and leaf growth rate per leaf cluster were the highest of the four study sites. On average, each leaf cluster at any one of the study sites produced 30–31 leaves per year with mean leaf turnover rates of 1.3–1.7% day?1. Annual leaf production of H. tasmanica ranged from 410 to 640 g dry wt.m?2 at the four sites.  相似文献   

In this investigation, two kinds of sperm (apyrene and eupyrene) were found in the potato moth. At each mating, a single spermatophore containing both types of sperm was passed to the female. Sperm storage was observed in males in the duplex and in the females in the spermatheca. The fertility of eggs was greater than 90 per cent. Sperm survival in females was from one to 12 days after mating, as determined by egg hatching. Parthenogenesis was absent.  相似文献   

Agrobacterium rhizogenes, along with A. tumefaciens, has been used to affect genetic transformation in plants for many years. Detailed studies conducted in the past have uncovered the basic mechanism of foreign gene transfer and the implication of Ri/Ti plasmids in this process. A number of reviews exist describing the usage of binary vectors with A. tumefaciens, but no comprehensive account of the numerous binary vectors employed with A. rhizogenes and their successful applications has been published till date. In this review, we recollect a brief history of development of Ri-plasmid/Ri-T-DNA based binary vectors systems and their successful implementation with A. rhizogenes for different applications. The modification of native Ri plasmid to introduce foreign genes followed by development of binary vector using Ri plasmid and how it facilitated rapid and feasible genetic manipulation, earlier impossible with native Ri plasmid, have been discussed. An important milestone was the development of inducible plant expressing promoter systems which made expression of toxic genes in plant systems possible. The successful application of binary vectors in conjunction with A. rhizogenes in gene silencing and genome editing studies which are relatively newer developments, demonstrating the amenability and adaptability of hairy roots systems to make possible studying previously intractable research areas have been summarized in the present review.  相似文献   

Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) inoculation and biochar amendment has been reported to improve growth of several crop plants however their role in stress amelioration individually as well as in combination has not been worked out. This experiment was conducted to evaluate the application of AMF and biochar on the performance of chickpea under drought stress. The treatments included the individual as well as combined treatment of AMF and biochar to drought stressed and normal chickpea plants. Plants inoculation improved growth in terms of shoot and root length, leaf area and number of branches which was observed to show a steep decline due to drought stress. Drought declined the AMF colonization potential though biochar amendment ameliorated the negative effects of drought significantly by improving the spore population, number of mycelium, vesicle and arbuscules and the percentage of colonization as well. Increased chlorophyll synthesis in biochar and AMF treated plants was obvious, which lead to significant enhancement in the net photosynthetic efficiency. Drought stress also declined the relative water content (RWC) and membrane stability index (MSI), while treatment of biochar and AMF either individually or in combination mitigated the deleterious effects to considerable extent and caused a significant enhancement in RWC and MSI under normal conditions. Amendments with biochar and AMF inoculation increased the nitrogen fixation attributes including the number and weight of nodules, leghemoglobin content and activity of nitrate reductase enzyme leading to greater uptake and assimilation of nitrogen in them when compared to drought stressed plants. Drought stressed chickpea plants exhibited considerable reduction in uptake of nitrogen and phosphorous which was ameliorated by biochar and AMF treatments. It could be suggested that increase in growth and physiological attributes in chickpea due to biochar amendments and AMF inoculation under drought stress were plausibly due to their involvement in nitrogen and phosphorous uptake, chlorophyll synthesis and photosynthesis.  相似文献   

The roles of type I binding and NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase in ethylmorphine demethylation were investigated in two strains of mice, using sex differences in these activities as a tool. In the CPB-SE strain, females metabolize ethylmorphine faster than males. Sex differences in cytochrome P-450 content and endogenous NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase activity were too small to account for this. On the other hand, the differences in the magnitudes of type I spectra and ethylmorphine-induced enhancement of cytochrome P-450 reduction were considerable larger than those in the rates of demethylation. All parameters, except endogenous cytochrome P-450 reduction, were modified in a similar way by testosterone pretreatment: in females they were depressed to the male level, whereas in males they remained unchanged. Castration had no effect in females and enhanced the activities in males. The CPB-V strain exhibited little or no sex differences in ethylmorphine demethylation, cytochrome P-450 content and endogenous cytochrome P-450 reduction. Testosterone pretreatment had little or no influence on these activities. Type I binding and reductase stimulation, however, showed sex differences, comparable to those observed in the CPB-SE strain, which were also abolished by testosterone. A relationship between reductase stimulation and type I binding was observed, which was, apparently, independent of sex or strain. It is concluded that androgen primarily influences the amount of cytochrome P-450-substrate complex formed, but that the reduction of this complex is not rate-limiting in the demethylation of ethylmorphine.  相似文献   

The presence of serotonin in sea urchin eggs has been ascertained by high-performance liquid chromatography and thin-layer chromatography analysis of tissue-free bioamines. The results show the presence of both serotonin and 5-methoxytryptamine. The role of these substances in the cell division process has been studied by using the serotonin antagonists, gramine and metergoline. Both antagonists cause a significant delay of the cell division which, however, can be prevented by the addition of either 5-hydroxytryptophane, serotonin, or 5-methoxytryptamine. The effect of gramine on the different stages of the cell division process has also been investigated. Neither S phase nor mitosis are affected by the serotonin antagonist, while cleavage is delayed. The effect of serotonin seems mediated by calcium ions and cAMP. Gramine causes a marked increase in radio-calcium efflux from the fertilized egg, and at the same time lowers the cAMP level.  相似文献   

Explicit expressions are derived which determine the equilibrium composition of mixtures comprising a multivalent, insoluble matrix, a multivalent, macromolecular solute (acceptor) and a univalent ligand. With three-reactant mixtures of this type a range of combinations of interactions is possible wherein the ligand interacts with either the acceptor or the matrix, in either event perturbing the acceptor-matrix equilibria. Theory encompassing this range of possibilities is written in terms of a single site-binding constant for each type of interaction to account, in general terms, for both multiple binding and crosslinking effects. These explicit thermodynamic relationships are discussed, with the use of reported findings on several biological systems, in two frameworks. First, it is established that the theory is applicable to the quantitative interpretation of affinity chromatography experiments designed to elucidate the thermodynamic interaction parameters governing the various types of interacting system. Second, it is emphasized that the relationships are also relevant to metabolite-induced changes in the subcellular distribution of macromolecular species.  相似文献   

Nanomedicine is one of the most important methods used to treat human diseases including parasitic diseases. Schistosomiasis is a major parasitic disease that affects human health in tropical regions. Whilst Praziquantel is the main classic antischistosomal drug, new drugs are required due to the poor effect of the drug on the parasite juveniles and immature worms, and the emergence of drug resistant strains of Schistosoma. The present study aimed to examine the curative roles of both gold and selenium nanoparticles on jejunal tissues of mice infected with Schistosoma mansoni. Transmission electron microscopy was used for characterization of nanoparticles. Gold nanoparticles of 1 mg/kg mice body weight and selenium nanoparticles 0.5 mg/kg body weight were inoculated separately into mice infected with S. mansoni. The parasite induced a significant decrease in glutathione levels; however, the levels of nitric oxide and malondialdehyde were significantly increased. Additionally, the parasite introduced deteriorations in histological architecture of the jejunal tissue. Treatment of mice with metal nanoparticles reduced the levels of body weight changes, oxidative stress and histological impairment in the jejunal tissue significantly. Therefore, our results revealed the protective role of both selenium and gold nanoparticles against jejunal injury in mice infected with S. mansoni.  相似文献   

J.D. Lane  C.T. Co  J.E. Smith 《Life sciences》1977,21(8):1101-1107
Rats received an injection of tritiated tryptophan and tyrosine via a chronic indwelling jugular catheter, and at 60 and 90 minutes post-injection, were killed by near-freezing. The three biogenic monoamines were separated by ion exchange and thin layer chromatographyand were quantitated with respect to radioactivity and content. The decline in specific activities can be used to calculate rate constants and turnover of serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine concurrently in unrestrained behaving animals.  相似文献   

Antisera specific for different regions of porcine VIP have been used in radioimmunoassay and immunohistochemical studies of immunoreactive VIP in rat small and large intestine. Cation exchange chromatography of intestinal extracts separated two major and one minor peak of immunoreactivity. One major peak eluted in a similar position to natural porcine VIP and was read equally by NH2-terminal-specific, and mid- and COOH-terminal-specific antisera. A second major peak, and the minor peak, eluted earlier than porcine VIP, and were read significantly less well with mid- and COOH-terminal antisera compared with NH2-terminal-specific antisera. All forms of VIP occurred mainly in extracts of muscle layers of the gut, and no antiserum revealed more than trace amounts of immunoreactivity in mucosal extracts. In immunohistochemical studies all antisera demonstrated fluorescent nerve fibres in the enteric plexuses, circular smooth muscle and lamina propria; some antisera demonstrated nerve cell bodies predominantly in the submucous plexus. NH2-terminal-specific antisera also demonstrated a sparse population of mucosal endocrine-like cells in the ileum and colon that were not seen with other antisera. It is concluded that VIPergic neurons of the rat gut contain a peptide closely resembling porcine VIP and at least two less basic variants with similar NH2-terminal antigenic determinants. VIP-like peptides may also occur in endocrine cells, but since these peptides appearto fact that the majority of neuronal VIP in rat gut exists in a form that is both chromatographically and immunochemically distinct from porcine VIP, and may well possess different biological properties.  相似文献   

Riparian forests are important to aquatic ecosystems and produce large quantities of organic matter that are recycled by the microbial community that includes microscopic fungi. The aim of this study was to unveil and compare the diversity of aquatic hyphomycetes associated to submerged leaf litter of tropical lotic and lentic environments in the Atlantic Forest of Northeast Brazil. Six sampling events were carried out in six points of two study areas: Biological Reserve “Mata da Chuva” (MC) and Environmental Protection Area “Lagoa da Mata” (LM), in Pernambuco, Brazil. Twenty three taxa of hyphomycetes were identified resulting in 87 occurrences. In the lake LM, 13 taxa of hyphomycetes were identified with 34 occurrences and in the MC (stream), 20 taxa with 53 occurrences. Ten species were common to both areas. Diversity indices and fungal biomass (ergosterol) were mostly higher in the lotic system. The fungal community analysis did not show any structure regarding sampling periods or sampling points within an area, however the two areas are different. Although the turbulence of the water is considered important for the development of these aquatic fungi, it is possible to find a diverse community of hyphomycetes and considerable fungal biomass in the lentic environment.  相似文献   

Addition of N6, O2′-dibutyryl cAMP (DbcAMP) to keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH)-primed rabbit lymph node cells for 1 hr, followed by its removal and the addition of KLH, had no effect on the subsequent antibody response, whereas addition of KLH for 1 hr followed by DbcAMP resulted in a 100% enhancement of antibody synthesis. Addition of cholera enterotoxin (CT), which rapidly and irreversibly binds to lymphocytes and activates adenylate cyclase, either before or after the addition of antigen, elevated the antibody response by 100%. These results suggested that some antigen-induced event(s) may be required for DbcAMP to exert its enhancing effects on the antibody response. The effect of KLH on the uptake of DbcAMP by KLH-primed lymph node cells was investigated. One and one hundred micrograms of KLH, which induce optimal and supraoptimal antibody synthesis, respectively, promoted maximal uptake of DbcAMP. This induced uptake was first detectable about 12 hr after addition of KLH, and it peaked during 24–48 hr of culture. DbcAMP uptake induced by a brief exposure of KLH (0–1 hr) was equivalent to that observed with long-term KLH addition (0–24 hr). KLH-induced DbcAMP uptake required KLH-reactive lymphocytes and represented active transport. Antibody to rabbit T lymphocytes inhibited this antigen-induced uptake. The mitogens concanavalin A (Con A) (T cells) and goat anti-rabbit Fab' (anti-Fab') (B cells) also stimulated DbcAMP uptake, as did human serum albumin (HSA) and myoglobulin (Mb) when added to homologously primed cells, indicating the generality of the phenomenon. [3H]DbcAMP entered the cells as di- or monobutyryl cAMP with about 40% metabolized to 5′AMP. This uptake could be competitively inhibited by other adenine or guanine nucleotides and nucleosides.  相似文献   

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