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The photoexcited triplet state of the carotenoid peridinin in the high-salt peridinin-chlorophyll a-protein (HSPCP) of the dinoflagellate Amphidinium carterae was investigated by ODMR (optically detected magnetic resonance), pulse EPR and pulse ENDOR spectroscopies. The properties of peridinins associated to the triplet state formation in HSPCP were compared to those of peridinins involved in triplet state population in the main-form peridinin-chlorophyll protein (MFPCP), previously reported. In HSPCP no signals due to the presence of chlorophyll triplet state have been detected, during either steady-state illumination or laser-pulse excitation, meaning that peridinins play the photo-protective role with 100% efficiency as in MFPCP. The general spectroscopic features of the peridinin triplet state are very similar in the two complexes and allow drawing the conclusion that the triplet formation pathway and the triplet localization in one specific peridinin in each subcluster are the same in HSPCP and MFPCP. However some significant differences also emerged from the analysis of the spectra. Zero field splitting parameters of the peridinin triplet states are slightly smaller in HSPCP and small changes are also observed for the hyperfine splittings measured by pulse ENDOR and assigned to the β-protons belonging to one of the two methyl groups present in the conjugated chain, (aiso = 10.3 MHz in HSPCP vs aiso = 10.6 MHz in MFPCP). The differences are explained in terms of local distortion of the tails of the conjugated chains of the peridinin molecules, in agreement with the conformational data resulting from the X-ray structures of the two complexes.  相似文献   

We present an optically detected magnetic resonance (ODMR) and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopic study on the quenching of photo-induced chlorophyll triplet states by carotenoids, in the intrinsic light-harvesting complex (LHC) from the dinoflagellate Amphidinium carterae.Two carotenoid triplet states, differing in terms of optical and magnetic spectroscopic properties, have been identified and assigned to peridinins located in different protein environment. The results reveal a parallelism with the triplet-triplet energy transfer (TTET) process involving chlorophyll a and luteins observed in the LHC-II complex of higher plants. Starting from the hypothesis of a conserved alignment of the amino acid sequences at the cores of the LHC and LHC-II proteins, the spin-polarized time-resolved EPR spectra of the carotenoid triplet states of LHC have been calculated by a method which exploits the conservation of the spin momentum during the TTET process. The analysis of the spectra shows that the data are compatible with a structural model of the core of LHC which assigns the photo-protective function to two central carotenoids surrounded by the majority of Chl a molecules present in the protein, as found in LHC-II. However, the lack of structural data, and the uncertainty in the pigment composition of LHC, leaves open the possibility that this complex posses a different arrangement of the pigments with specific centers of Chl triplet quenching.  相似文献   

The mechanism of triplet-triplet energy transfer in the peridinin-chlorophyll-protein (PCP) from Amphidinium carterae was investigated by time-resolved EPR (TR-EPR). The approach exploits the concept of spin conservation during triplet-triplet energy transfer, which leads to spin polarization conservation in the observed TR-EPR spectra. The acceptor (peridinin) inherits the polarization of the donor (chlorophyll) in a way which depends on the relative geometrical arrangement of the donor-acceptor couple. Starting from the initially populated chlorophyll triplet state and taking the relative positions among Chls and peridinins from the X-ray structure of PCP, we calculated the expected triplet state polarization of any peridinin in the complex. Comparison with the experimental data allowed us to propose a path for triplet quenching in the protein. The peridinin-chlorophyll pair directly involved in the triplet-triplet energy transfer coincides with the one having the shortest center to center distance. A water molecule, which is coordinated to the central Mg atom of the Chl, is also placed in close contact with the peridinin. The results support the concept of localization of the triplet state mainly in one specific peridinin in each of the two pigment subclusters related by a pseudo C2 symmetry.  相似文献   

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