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Nematophagous fungi, both predators and endoparasites, were found to be common components of activated sludge. Although rotifers and ciliate protozoa (both potential prey) were also abundant, no fungi were parasitic on these organisms. Endoparasitic fungi, which were far more abundant than predators, were able to infect nematodes and complete their life cycles successfully. Neither of the predatory fungi observed were able to produce conidia: an unidentified net-forming species lived saprophytically and failed to capture any prey, although it played a minor role in the formation of microbial flocs, and a single conidium of Dactylella mammillata was observed to capture a nematode by spontaneous trap formation. Several endoparasites were recorded although single species dominated each sludge examined; these were Meria coniospora and Catenaria anguillulae. Both endoparasites were related to the population dynamics of the nematodes with 100% of the nematode population becoming infected at certain times. Clear predator (parasitetprey (host) associations were discernible and these are discussed.  相似文献   

N. F. Gray 《Mycopathologia》1985,90(3):165-176
Soil collected from throughout the maritime Antarctic was analyzed to determine the effects of a range of abiotic and biotic soil parameters on the distribution of nematophagous fungi. Endoparasites were far more abundant than predatory fungi due to the greater efficiency of endoparasites in attracting and infecting nematodes, which resulted in a rapid completion of the infection cycle. This allowed endoparasites to colonise even the most exposed soil habitats where conditions favourable for nematode activity were restricted to only a few hours daily. 76% of all endoparasites isolated formed adhesive conidia. The success of this group of endoparasites was due to the ability of the conidia to attract nematodes.Spontaneous trap forming predators were far more abundant than nonspontaneous trap formers. The former have a clear competitive advantage over the latter, as they are able to attract nematodes to the conidia which subsequently germinate and form traps only when induced by direct chemical stimulation of nematodes. These predators are able to use internal reserves only and so rapidly respond to short periods when the soil is unfrozen and the nematodes are active.Although nematodes were utilized by all the species isolated, many were also capable of using Protozoa and Rotifera as a food source. While endoparasites were capable of infecting Rotifera, they were never observed infecting, or were isolated from soil containing, Protozoa. The distribution of endoparasites and spontaneous trap forming predators was largely independent of abiotic soil parameters. They were however significantly associated with the presence and abundance of suitable prey. These species survive solely on nematodes and therefore do not require prolonged periods of suitable soil conditions in order to produce vegetative mycelium to adsorb nutrients saprophytically from the soil, which is a significant ecological advantage over the other groups of microfungi found in the Antarctic.  相似文献   

Abstract Aerobiological sampling was conducted year-round at three sites on Signy Island, maritime Antarctic, between December 1992 and January 1994, and during the summer at a fourth coastal site. The concentrations of keratinaceous particles were monitored. Feather fragments were the most abundant of all particle types trapped. Seal hairs were also common, particularly on the coast. Numbers of both particle types were most common in the air in summer. The Antarctic soil fungus Geomyces pannorum, which is able to utilize keratin-based substrates, was also present in aerobiological samples on Signy Island. G. pannorum was only found during early winter on the year-round sampling sites. It was more abundant during summer in the air at the coastal site, which was more heavily influenced by seals, birds and humans. Skuas were swabbed when they returned to the island early in summer. G. pannorum was recovered in culture, suggesting that these birds may act as vectors for the transport of microorganisms between Antarctica and more northern landmasses. Organic material deposited on snow was concentrated on the soil at the edge of the ice cap by melt wash, making additional keratin and other organic substrates available to soil microorganisms. Received: 4 January 1998; Accepted: 25 February 1998  相似文献   

Lake Vanda is a cold nonturbulent, perennially ice‐covered lake in the valleys of southern Victoria Land, Antarctica. Observations made and samples collected under the 3.5 m ice in 1980 by SCUBA divers reveal that an extensive benthic microbial mat dominated by the filamentous blue‐green algae (cyanobacteria) Phormidium frigidum and Lyngbya martensiana is growing there. As is the case in other Antarctic lakes investigated by us thus far, the mat in Lake Vanda traps and binds sediment and precipitates calcite and is undisturbed by grazers and burrowers. Therefore, stromatolitic laminae are being generated. Unlike the other Antarctic lakes investigated in this region, Lake Vanda has (a) an ice cover and water that transmits significantly more light; (b) an ice cover that is permeable to gases and aeolian sediment; (c) no zone of lift‐off mat where photosynthetically generated oxygen would render the mat buoyant and cause it to separate from the substrate and float away; and (d) mat that has a distinctive pinnacle macrostructure. Although the laminae being laid down by the Lake Vanda mat do not retain the cone and ridge morphology of the living mat, the pinnacle macrostructure of the mat is similar to the Precambrian Conophyton stromatolites as well as microbial structures forming in Yellowstone hot springs, freshwater marshes in the Bahamas, and hypersaline intertidal mats in Baja California, Mexico, and Shark Bay, Australia. This suggests (a) Conophyton‐like structures similar to those abundant during the Precambrian can form under widely varying environmental conditions and (b) high latitudes should not be overlooked as sites of formation of ancient stromatolites.  相似文献   

We report the first detailed study of the terrestrial invertebrate fauna of the Byers Peninsula SSSI, Livingston Island, South Shetland Islands. Fourteen micro-arthropod taxa (10 Acari, four Collembola) and two Diptera are recorded, including the first record of the mite Edwardzetes dentifer from the maritime Antarctic. The first record of the midge Belgica antarctica from neighbouring Snow Island is also given. Population composition and density were described in samples from a wide range of terrestrial and freshwater habitats. There was no strong relationship between habitat and microarthropod species occurrence, although comparison of completely vegetated and more stony sites revealed greater population densities at the vegetated sites, and different species proportions at each. Some individual samples contained a wide range of species with none achieving numerical dominance, whilst others from superficially similar sites were dominated by one species. Dipterans were limited to a small number of lakes, streams and seepage areas, where they were sometimes abundant. Population density data and species occurrence are compared with previously published studies from the maritime Antarctic and elsewhere.  相似文献   

A total of 61 species of hydroids, belonging to 13 families and 23 genera, were found during the Spanish Antarctic expedition Bentart 95 with the RV Hespérides. Ten of the species were identified only to generic level. The dominance of the subclass Leptothecatae, with 57 species, was remarkable. The remaining four species belong to the subclass Anthoathecatae. By far the most diverse family was the Sertulariidae, with 25 species (41%), followed by Haleciidae with nine species (15%) and Kirchenpaueriidae with six (10%). The family Plumulariidae, represented by one species of Nemertesia, is recorded for the first time from Antarctic waters. Eudendrium scotti, Perarella clavata and Symplectoscyphus hero are each recorded for the second time. Symplectoscyphus with 11 species was the dominant genus. Almost 60% of the species diversity is concentrated in just a little more than the 20% of genera. Nearly 70% of the species are endemic to Antarctic waters and 90% of them are restricted to Antarctic or Antarctic/sub-Antarctic waters.  相似文献   

Because isolated trees in pasture experience greater exposure than forest trees, the epiphytes on them should be more drought and sun-tolerant. In Veracruz, Mexico, we compared the structure and nutrient content of the epiphyte community on five forest oaks (FO) in a fragment of lower montane cloud forest to that of five isolated oaks in pasture (IO). IO supported fewer epiphyte species than FO; 62.8% of the 35 epiphyte species were recorded only in one habitat (51.4% on FO and 11.4% on IO). Polypodium plebeium and Tillandsia spp. seedlings were more abundant on FO, while T. kirchhoffiana and T. punctulata were more abundant on IO. Evenness was lower on IO, which supported higher epiphyte biomass. pH, Ca, Mg, N, K, and Na concentrations were similar for FO and IO, with only Pextractable being lower on IO than FO. We concluded that when an epiphyte community is isolated (IO), the populations of some species expand while those of other diminish or disappear, a phenomenon that changes the structure of the epiphyte community becoming less even.  相似文献   

Antarctic fish live in very cold water and have adapted to this exceptional environment. Hemoglobin is absent or very low; yet these fish still have erythrocytes, and from these we prepared ghost-like membranes. We studied for the first time the lipid composition of ghost membranes and of plasma in Antarctic fish (C. hamatus and T. bernacchii) and compared our results with those obtained for temperate-water fish (C. auratus and A. anguilla taken from Lake Trasimeno, Perugia, Italy). The membranes of Antarctic fish were richer in glycerophospholipid (especially phosphatidylethanolamine), whereas the membranes of temperate-water fish were richer in sphingomyelin. Unsaturated fatty acids were particularly abundant in Antarctic fish: C. hamatus had long-chain unsaturated fatty acid (especially C22:6 ω-3), whereas T. bernacchii had shorter unsaturated fatty acyl chains (c16:1, ω-7). On the other hand, C. auratus and A. anguilla were particularly rich in C16:0, which constituted more than one-half of the total fatty acid. Plasma lipids (both phospholipid and cholesterol) were much more abundant in temperate-water fish. The differences in phospholipid content were mainly due to choline glycerolipids. Measures of membrane fluidity inferred from the fluorescence anisotropy of DPH indicated that the membranes from Antarctic fish were more fluid at any measured temperature than those obtained from fish living in temperate waters. The ability to live in a very cold environment has therefore been achieved by the two Antarctic species tested in this paper by different strategies, but with the same results on fluidity.  相似文献   

Light and nutrition are the important factors in the production of pycnidia and conidia by cowpea isolates of the Phomopsis state of Diaporthe phaseolorum. The highest number of pycnidia and conidia were produced on plant tissue exposed to cool-white fluorescent light. In semisynthetic media more pycnidia were formed at high glucose concentrations, but they matured more slowly than those formed at lower glucose concentrations. Both the level of conidiation and the percentage of pycnidia that formed conidia were higher at lower glucose concentrations. The best artificial medium for inducing a high number of pycnidia containing abundant conidia was one that contained 0.4% glucose and 0.4% NaNO3. A number of carbon sources could replace glucose in this medium.  相似文献   

An algologically pure culture of the green alga Trebouxia, a phycobiont of cryptoendolithic lichens, was isolated from sandstone samples collected in the high-altitude polar regions of Antarctica. The absorption and second-derivative absorption spectra of acetone extract of the Antarctic phycobiont cells were studied in comparison with those of a Trebouxia phycobiont isolated recently from a Parmeliaceae lichen in the Mid-European climatic zone. The cells of the Antarctic phycobiont were characterized by a lower content of chlorophyll a and a higher ratio of chlorophyll b and carotenoids to chlorophyll a as compared to the Mid-European phycobiont. Furthermore, the carotenoids of the Antarctic phycobiont were more diverse. The low-temperature fluorescence spectra of the Antarctic phycobiont were characterized by an increased intensity of the short-wavelength fluorescence peak of chlorophyll aand a diminished intensity of fluorescence in the long-wavelength spectral region.  相似文献   

Brood protection is a common feature of marine bivalves from higher latitudes. In this study the pallial organs of the Antarctic bivalves, Mysella charcoti (Lamy, 1906) and M. narchii Passos & Domaneschi, 2006 were investigated with respect to anatomical characters related to brooding. Both species are simultaneous hermaphrodites and their eggs contain a large amount of yolk. The number of broods ranges from 16 to 30 in M. narchii and 7–27 in M. charcoti, and ovoviviparity was observed for both. Their ctenidia differ in structure, those of M. charcoti being simpler. In M. narchii there is a large elasticity of the tissue of the marginal food grooves of ctenidia, and cilia are much more abundant on the ctenidial abfrontal surface and on the visceral mass epithelium than in M. charcoti. Anatomical characters of M. charcoti can be considered derived when compared to those of M. narchii. In conclusion, detailed anatomical characters related to brooding may be useful in future systematic studies of Antarctic Bivalvia.  相似文献   

This paper reports the effects of nutrient availability, UV radiation and temperature on the taxa composition and abundance of Antarctic soil mycobiota. Two sites at Edmonson Point were studied: the first was poor in nutrients, near the glacier, and the second was close to bird nesting sites. The highest abundance of soil fungi was recorded at the site adjacent to the bird nesting sites. Phoma herbarum was the most abundant taxon. Lecytophora lignicola and Ascotricha erinacea are new records for continental Antarctica. The fungal assemblage from the nutrient-deficient site was characterized by a dominance-diversity curve approaching the broken-stick model, the assemblage from the soil influenced by birds was characterized by a lognormal distribution. Plastic cloches were used in experiments designed to assess differences in fungal assemblages subjected to altered temperature and/or UV exposure. Dominance-diversity curves and diversity values of soil fungal mycobiota were compared in their natural condition as compared with manipulated conditions. Under the walled cloches, at both sites, artificial warming led to stress on Antarctic soil fungal assemblages. In contrast, UV protection led to a higher equilibrium in the assemblage structure. On the basis of the results obtained, it could be proposed that UV radiation is the most important limiting ecological factor for soil mycobiota in continental Antarctica.  相似文献   

A total of 36 species of benthic hydroids, belonging to nine families and 16 genera, were found in the hydroid collection gathered during the Brazilian Antarctic expeditions PROANTAR III and IV. Seven of the species were identified only to generic level. There is a clear dominance of the subclass Leptothecatae with 33 species. By far the most diversified family was the Sertulariidae, with 16 species (44%). Symplectoscyphus with eight species, including Symplectoscyphus magnificus sp. nov., is the most diversified genus. Almost 70% of the species diversity is restricted to just six genera (38%). Sixty-eight percent of the species is Antarctic endemics and 86% is restricted to Antarctic or Antarctic/sub-Antarctic waters. Eudendrium antarcticum and Amphisbetia operculata are recorded for the first time from Antarctic waters.  相似文献   

During the austral summers of 2003 and 2006, two cruise were carried out in the Bellingshausen Sea and west off Antarctic Peninsula on board of RV Hespérides. Samples were collected at 26 stations with a multinet Macer-GIROQ sled. A total of 557 cumaceans belonging to 36 species of five families were collected. Nannastacidae was the most abundant and speciose family. Hemilamprops pellucidus and Cyclaspis gigas were the most frequently collected species (38.5% of sampling stations). Cumella asutralis reached the highest density (514.7 individuals/1,000 m2 at stn 7). Maximum species richness (S = 15) and diversity (H′ = 3.53) was observed at one of the deepest station. Positive correlations were found between the cumacean distribution and the organic content and percentage of coarse sand of the sediments. Predominance of Nannastacidae in front of other cumaceans could be explained by their type of feeding (i.e. predators or scavengers), which may be more successful in the deep seafloor of an oligotrophic sea such as studied herein. The presence in the deepest sampling sites of species shared with faunas of surrounding oceans suggests a link between these faunas and those of deep Antarctic waters.  相似文献   

Thinning and burning forests established on revegetated mine pits in jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) forests of south‐west Australia is being considered as a management option to accelerate succession in sites with excessive tree densities. To assess the impact of thinning and burning on reptiles and small mammals, we installed trapping grids in eight thinned and burned sites, each paired with untreated controls. Of the eight pairs, four were in rehabilitated sites (planted with nonlocal species) and four were in restored sites (seeded with local species). Thinning and burning had no significant impact on the small mammal community, although Cercatetus concinnus was more abundant in rehabilitated sites. In contrast, thinning and burning significantly increased reptile abundance and species richness, with two species (Morethia obscura and Menetia greyii) only recorded in thinned and burned sites. We concluded that thinning and burning was a successful management option in revegetated mine pits in jarrah forests, particularly because reptile communities created by thinning and burning were more similar to those in unmined forest. Although published studies for comparison are few, we expect thinning and burning to have generally positive effects on reptile communities in forest ecosystems where fire is an important disturbance agent. Our study emphasizes the importance of monitoring revegetated areas over time periods sufficient to detect deviations from desired successional trajectories, so that management options, such as thinning and burning, can be implemented if required.  相似文献   

Studies on Entomophthora in populations of Aphis fabae on field beans   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The population of Aphis fabae on field beans at a site in Highfield, Rothamsted in 1973 reached its peak 1 wk earlier than that at an equivalent site in Mill Dam Close, Woburn, 29 km NW of Rothamsted. Epizootics of Entomophthora caused weekly maximum mortalities of adult apterae of 71% at Highfield and 67% at Mill Dam Close. These epizootics and the periodicity of Entomophthora conidia in the air closely paralleled the development of the aphid population. There was little evidence of a consistent relationship between Entomophthora infection and any of the weather factors considered. At both sites most mortality was caused by E. planchoniana though many aphids were killed by E. aphidis and E. obscura. E. fresenii and E. virulenta killed very few aphids. Most conidia in the air were of the E. aphidis-type. Up to 44% of alatae emigrating from bean crops were infected with Entomophthora, confirming that aphid migration is an important means of distributing the fungi. Aphid numbers rose to more than 1600/plant at both sites, in spite of the action of Entomophthora, and would probably have been less had the fungi been more abundant earlier in the season.  相似文献   

The western Antarctic Peninsula is an extreme low temperature environment that is warming rapidly due to global change. Little is known, however, on the temperature sensitivity of growth of microbial communities in Antarctic soils and in the surrounding oceanic waters. This is the first study that directly compares temperature adaptation of adjacent marine and terrestrial bacteria in a polar environment. The bacterial communities in the ocean were adapted to lower temperatures than those from nearby soil, with cardinal temperatures for growth in the ocean being the lowest so far reported for microbial communities. This was reflected in lower minimum (Tmin) and optimum temperatures (Topt) for growth in water (?17 and +20°C, respectively) than in soil (?11 and +27°C), with lower sensitivity to changes in temperature (Q10; 0–10°C interval) in Antarctic water (2.7) than in soil (3.9). This is likely due to the more stable low temperature conditions of Antarctic waters than soils, and the fact that maximum in situ temperatures in water are lower than in soils, at least in summer. Importantly, the thermally stable environment of Antarctic marine water makes it feasible to create a single temperature response curve for bacterial communities. This would thus allow for calculations of temperature‐corrected growth rates, and thereby quantifying the influence of factors other than temperature on observed growth rates, as well as predicting the effects of future temperature increases on Antarctic marine bacteria.  相似文献   

Treatment with cyclic AMP (cAMP) induces appressorium formation in the phytopathogenic fungus Magnaporthe grisea, the causative agent of rice blast disease. In a search for the M. grisea genes responsible for appressorium formation and host invasion, SAGE (Serial Analysis of Gene Expression) was carried out using mRNA isolated from fungal conidia germinating in the presence and absence of cAMP. From cAMP-treated conidia 5087 tags including 2889 unique tags were isolated, whereas untreated conidia yielded 2342 unique tags out of total of 3938. cAMP treatment resulted in up- and down-regulation of genes corresponding to 57 and 53 unique tags, respectively. Upon consultation of EST/cDNA databases, 22 tags with higher representation in cAMP-treated conidia were annotated with putative gene names. Furthermore, 28 tags corresponding to cAMP-induced genes could be annotated with the help of the recently published genome sequence of M. grisea. cAMP-induced genes identified by SAGE included many genes that have not been described so far, as well as a number of genes known to be involved in pathogenicity, e.g. MPG1, MAS1 and MAC1. RT-PCR of 13 randomly selected genes confirmed the SAGE results, verifying the fidelity of the SAGE data.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at Communicated by E. Cerdá-Olmedo  相似文献   

Question: How does geothermal activity influence terrestrial plant colonization, species composition and community development in the Antarctic? Location: South Sandwich Islands, maritime Antarctic. Methods: Bryophytes were documented during a biological survey of the archipelago in January and February 1997. Particular attention was given to sites under current or recent influence of geothermal activity. Temperature profiles obtained across defined areas of activity on several islands were linked with the presence of specific bryophytes. Results: Greatest bryophyte richness was associated with geothermally influenced ground. Of 35 moss and nine liverwort species recorded, only four mosses were never associated with heated ground, while eight of the liverworts and 50% of the mosses were found only on actively or recently heated ground. Some species occur in unheated sites elsewhere in the maritime Antarctic, but were absent from such habitats on the South Sandwich Islands. Several species occurred in distinct zones around fumaroles. Maximum temperatures recorded within the upper 0.5 cm of the vegetation surface were 40 ‐ 47 °C, with only Campylopus introflexus tolerating such temperatures. Maximum temperatures 2.5 or 5 cm below the vegetation surface of this moss reached 75 °C. Other bryophytes regularly present in zoned vegetation included the mosses Dicranella hookeri, Sanionia georgico‐uncinata, Pohlia nutans and Notoligotrichum trichodon, and the liverworts Cryptochila grandiflora and Marchantia berteroana. Surface temperatures of 25 ‐ 35 °C and subsurface temperatures of 50 ‐ 60 °C were recorded in these species. Conclusions: These exceptional plant communities illustrate the transport of viable propagules into the Antarctic. Individually ephemeral in nature, the longer term existence of geothermal habitats on islands along the Scotia Arc may have provided refugia during periods of glacial expansion, facilitating subsequent recolonization of Antarctic terrestrial habitats.  相似文献   

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