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A detailed mechanistic understanding of how a protein functions requires knowledge not only of its static structure, but also how its conformation evolves as it executes its function. The recent development of picosecond time-resolved X-ray crystallography has allowed us to visualize in real time and with atomic detail the conformational evolution of a protein. Here, we report the photolysis-induced structural evolution of wild-type and L29F myoglobin over times ranging from 100 ps to 3 micros. The sub-ns structural rearrangements that accompany ligand dissociation in wild-type and the mutant form differ dramatically, and lead to vastly different ligand migration dynamics. The correlated protein displacements provide a structural explanation for the kinetic differences. Our observation of functionally important protein motion on the sub-ns time scale was made possible by the 150-ps time resolution of the measurement, and demonstrates that picosecond dynamics are relevant to protein function. To visualize subtle structural changes without modeling, we developed a novel method for rendering time-resolved electron density that depicts motion as a color gradient across the atom or group of atoms that move. A sequence of these time-resolved images have been stitched together into a movie, which allows one to literally "watch" the protein as it executes its function.  相似文献   

Nitrile hydratases (NHases) have an unusual iron or cobalt catalytic center with two oxidized cysteine ligands, cysteine-sulfinic acid and cysteine-sulfenic acid, catalyzing the hydration of nitriles to amides. Recently, we found that the NHase of Rhodococcus erythropolis N771 exhibited an additional catalytic activity, converting tert-butylisonitrile (tBuNC) to tert-butylamine. Taking advantage of the slow reactivity of tBuNC and the photoreactivity of nitrosylated NHase, we present the first structural evidence for the catalytic mechanism of NHase with time-resolved x-ray crystallography. By monitoring the reaction with attenuated total reflectance-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, the product from the isonitrile carbon was identified as a CO molecule. Crystals of nitrosylated inactive NHase were soaked with tBuNC. The catalytic reaction was initiated by photo-induced denitrosylation and stopped by flash cooling. tBuNC was first trapped at the hydrophobic pocket above the iron center and then coordinated to the iron ion at 120 min. At 440 min, the electron density of tBuNC was significantly altered, and a new electron density was observed near the isonitrile carbon as well as the sulfenate oxygen of alphaCys114. These results demonstrate that the substrate was coordinated to the iron and then attacked by a solvent molecule activated by alphaCys114-SOH.  相似文献   

After decades of diligent development at synchrotron light sources, the field of time-resolved crystallography (TRX) is elevating to new heights. Driven by the appearance of X-ray free electron lasers and supported by serial crystallography, a large number of biological systems can now be investigated with TRX. This short review cannot comprehensively cover all of them, but it will shine light on, and provide a connection between, some of the recent and past results.  相似文献   

AimsAccurate knowledge of molecular structure is a prerequisite for rational drug design. This review examines the role of X-ray crystallography in providing the required structural information and advances in the field of X-ray crystallography that enhance or expand its role.Main methodsX-ray crystallography of new drugs candidates and intermediates can provide valuable information of new syntheses and parameters for quantitative structure activity relationships (QSAR).Key findingsCrystallographic studies play a vital role in many disciplines including materials science, chemistry, pharmacology, and molecular biology. X-ray crystallography is the most comprehensive technique available to determine molecular structure. A requirement for the high accuracy of crystallographic structures is that a ‘good crystal’ must be found, and this is often the rate-limiting step. In the past three decades developments in detectors, increases in computer power, and powerful graphics capabilities have contributed to a dramatic increase in the number of materials characterized by X-ray crystallography. More recently the advent of high-throughput crystallization techniques has enhanced our ability to produce that one good crystal required for crystallographic analysis.SignificanceContinuing advances in all phases of a crystallographic study have expanded the ranges of samples which can be analyzes by X-ray crystallography to include larger molecules, smaller or weakly diffracting crystals, and twinned crystals.  相似文献   

Transient receptor potential (TRP) ion channels are molecular sensors of a large variety of stimuli including temperature, mechanical stress, voltage, small molecules including capsaicin and menthol, and lipids such as phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2). Since the same TRP channels may respond to different physical and chemical stimuli, they can serve as signal integrators. Many TRP channels are calcium permeable and contribute to Ca2+ homeostasis and signaling. Although the TRP channel family was discovered decades ago, only recently have the structures of many of these channels been solved, largely by cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM). Complimentary to cryo-EM, X-ray crystallography provides unique tools to unambiguously identify specific atoms and can be used to study ion binding in channel pores. In this review we describe crystallographic studies of the TRP channel TRPV6. The methodology used in these studies may serve as a template for future structural analyses of different types of TRP and other ion channels.  相似文献   

The combination of cryo-electron microscopy to study large biological assemblies at low resolution with crystallography to determine near atomic structures of assembly fragments is quickly expanding the horizon of structural biology. This technique can be used to advantage in the study of large structures that cannot be crystallized, to follow dynamic processes, and to "purify" samples by visual selection of particles. Factors affecting the quality of cryo-electron microscopy maps and limits of accuracy in fitting known structural fragments are discussed.  相似文献   

The use of coherent X-ray lasers for structural biology allows the use of nanometre diameter X-ray beams with large beam divergence. Their application to the structure analysis of protein nanocrystals and single particles raises new challenges and opportunities. We discuss the form of these coherent convergent-beam (CCB) hard X-ray diffraction patterns and their potential use for time-resolved crystallography, normally achieved by Laue (polychromatic) diffraction, for which the monochromatic laser radiation of a free-electron X-ray laser is unsuitable. We discuss the possibility of obtaining single-shot, angle-integrated rocking curves from CCB patterns, and the dependence of the resulting patterns on the focused beam coordinate when the beam diameter is larger or smaller than a nanocrystal, or smaller than one unit cell. We show how structure factor phase information is provided at overlapping interfering orders and how a common phase origin between different shots may be obtained. Their use in refinement of the phase-sensitive intensity between overlapping orders is suggested.  相似文献   

Fragment-based screening using X-ray crystallography and NMR spectroscopy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Approaches which start from a study of the interaction of very simple molecules (fragments) with the protein target are proving to be valuable additions to drug design. Fragment-based screening allows the complementarity between a protein active site and drug-like molecules to be rapidly and effectively explored, using structural methods. Recent improvements in the intensities of laboratory X-ray sources permits the collection of greater amounts of high-quality diffraction data and have been matched by developments in automation, crystallisation and data analysis. Developments in NMR screening, including the use of cryogenically cooled NMR probes and (19)F-containing reporter molecules have expanded the scope of this technique, while increasing the availability of binding site and quantitative affinity data for the fragments. Application of these methods has led to a greater knowledge of the chemical variety, structural features and energetics of protein-fragment interactions. While fragment-based screening has already been shown to reduce the timescales of the drug discovery process, a more detailed characterisation of fragment screening hits can reveal unexpected similarities between fragment chemotypes and protein active sites leading to improved understanding of the pharmacophores and the re-use of this information against other protein targets.  相似文献   

Visualizing the three-dimensional structures of a protein during its biological activity is key to understanding its mechanism. In general, protein structure and function are pH-dependent. Changing the pH provides new insights into the mechanisms that are involved in protein activity. Photoactive yellow protein (PYP) is a signaling protein that serves as an ideal model for time-dependent studies on light-activated proteins. Its photocycle is studied extensively under different pH conditions. However, the structures of the intermediates remain unknown until time-resolved crystallography is employed. With the newest beamline developments, a comprehensive time series of Laue data can now be collected from a single protein crystal. This allows us to vary the pH. Here we present the first structure, to our knowledge, of a short-lived protein-inhibitor complex formed in the pB state of the PYP photocycle at pH 4. A water molecule that is transiently stabilized in the chromophore active site prevents the relaxation of the chromophore back to the trans configuration. As a result, the dark-state recovery is slowed down dramatically. At pH 9, PYP stops cycling through the pB state altogether. The electrostatic environment in the chromophore-binding site is the likely reason for this altered kinetics at different pH values.  相似文献   

X-ray crystallography is the fundamental research tool that shaped our notion on biological structure & function at the molecular level. It generates the information vital to understand life processes by providing the information required for creating accurate three-dimensional models (namely mapping the position of each and every atom that makes up the studied object). The use of this method begun in the middle of last century following Max von Laue discovery of the phenomenon of diffraction of X-rays by crystals, and the successful application of this discovery for the determination of the electronic distribution within simple inorganic molecules by Sir William Henry Bragg and his son, William Lawrence Bragg. The idea of extension of this method to biological molecules met initially with considerable skepticism. For over two decades many respected scientists doubted whether it could be done. Yet, despite its bottlenecks (some of which are described below), the superiority of X-ray crystallography over all other approaches for shedding light on functional aspects at the molecular level became evident once the first structure was determined. The power of this method inspired continuous efforts and spectacular innovations, which vastly accelerated its incredible expansion. Consequently, over the last six decades biological crystallography has produced a constantly growing number of structures, some of which were considered formidable. This remarkable advance yielded numerous new insights into intricate functional aspects. Owing to space limitation this article focuses on selected studies performed recently and highlights some recent exciting developments.  相似文献   

Protein crystallography is the predominately used technique for the determination of the three-dimensional structures of proteins and other macromolecules. In this article, the methodology utilized for the measurement and analysis of the diffraction data from crystals is briefly reviewed. As examples of both the usefulness and difficulties of this technique, the determination of the structures of several photosynthetic pigment–protein complexes is described, namely, the reaction center from purple bacteria, photosystem I and photosystem II from cyanobacteria, the light-harvesting complex II from purple bacteria, and the FMO protein from green bacteria.  相似文献   

We have recently reported the X-ray structure of the cyclic nucleotide-regulated potassium channel, MlotiK1. Here we describe the application of both electron and X-ray crystallography to obtain high quality crystals. We suggest that the combined application of these techniques provides a useful strategy for membrane protein structure determination. We also present negative stain projection and cryo-data projection maps. These maps provide new insights about the properties of the MlotiK1 channel. In particular, a comparison of a 9 Å cryo-data projection with calculated model maps strongly suggests that there is a very weak interaction between the pore and the S1–S4 domains of this 6 TM tetrameric cation channel and that the S1–S4 domains can adopt multiple orientations relative to the pore.  相似文献   

We report here the synthesis of nucleoside and oligonucleotide analogs containing selenium, which serves as an anomalous scattering center to enable MAD phase determination in nucleotide X-ray crystallography. We have developed a phase transfer approach to introduce the selenium functionality in A, C, G, T, and U nucleosides at 5'-positions. In the incorporation of the selenium functionality, the leaving groups (bromide, mesyl, and tosyl) were readily displaced by sodium selenide, sodium diselenide, and sodium methyl selenide with yields higher than 90%. Selenium-derivatized oligonucleotides have been synthesized via phosphoramidite chemistry.  相似文献   

A variety of different devices has been described recently for conditioning the X-ray beam incident on the sample for structural studies on proteins and other macromolecular crystals.  相似文献   

The trichromatic concept is a new synchrotron beamline design that optimizes MAD experiments by reducing systematic experimental errors with three-colored and coaxial synchrotron X-ray beams produced by a tandem vertical undulator and trichromator. The concept enables rapid and flexible switching of three defined wavelengths, and extends the flexibility of experimental design for MAD data collection. Thus, we can collect MAD data taking into account time series effects such as radiation damage. The data based on the trichromatic concept gave a better quality electron density map than data collected by conventional methods. It was also revealed that multicolor diffraction using dichromatic or trichromatic X-ray beams is effective in rapid MAD data collection.  相似文献   

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