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In endemic areas of Taenia tapeworms in Korea, most of the reports showed that T. saginata was dominant over T. solium, but eating pigs is the dominant habit over eating cattle. Why do they have more T. saginata despite lower consumption of beef? This problem actually has long been recognized but until recently there has been no intensive trial to give a scientific explanation on this epidemiological enigma. By summing up the data published between the years 1963 and 1999, the ratio of armed versus unarmed tapeworms in humans was estimated at approximately 1:5. The ratio of pig-eaters versus cattle-eaters, however, was approximately 5:1. This inconsistency could be explained with the recently described T. asiatica, which infects humans through the eating of pig''s viscera. We re-evaluate the importance of the consumption of visceral organ of pigs, leading us to an improved epidemiological understanding of the T. asiatica infection together with co-existing T. saginata and T. solium in Korea.  相似文献   

Despite many years of study, relatively little is known about the effector mechanisms that operate against intestine-dwelling nematodes. Most of the current understanding comes from studies of laboratory model systems in rodents. It is clear that when an intestinal helminth infection takes place the immune system generates a strong Th2-mediated response, which regulates a variety of responses characteristic of helminth infections such as eosinophilia, intestinal mastocytosis and elevated IgE production. The ability to modulate the host''s immune response in vivo with cytokine-specific monoclonal antibodies and recombinant cytokines, together with the use of animals with disruption of key genes involved in the immune response, have provided powerful tools with which to dissect the potential effector mechanisms operating. In the absence of a T-cell compartment the host is unable to expel the parasite. If a Th1-dominated response is generated, protective immunity is almost universally compromised. Thus, it it would appear that some aspect of a Th2-mediated response controls effector mechanisms. Although it is clear that for some infections the mast cell appears to be involved in protection, probably through the generation of a non-specific inflammatory response, how these cells become activated remains unclear. Data from infections in transgenic animals suggest that activation is not through the high-affinity receptor for IgE. Such studies also call into doubt the importance of conventional interactions between effector leucocytes and antibody. There is little evidence to support a protective role for eosinophilia in any system. New data also imply that, although interleukin 4 (IL-4) is generally important (and can exert effects independent of an adaptive immune response), it is not always sufficient to mediate protection; other Th2 cytokines (e.g. IL-13) may warrant closer investigation. It is apparent that a number of potential Th2-controlled effector mechanisms (some of which may be particularly important at mucosal surfaces) remain to be explored. Overall, it is likely that worm expulsion is the result of a combination of multiple mechanisms, some of which are more critical to some species of parasite than to others.  相似文献   

Protoporphyrinogen oxidase, an enzyme which catalyzes the oxidation of protoporphyrinogen IX to protoporphyrin IX in yeast cells, has been found in several mammalian tissues. It has been extracted from rat liver mitochondria by sonication in the presence of salt and detergent and partially purified. The enzyme is similar in many respects to yeast protoporphyrinogen oxidase. Based on its behavior on Sephadex G-200 the molecular weight of the enzyme is approximately 35,000. Catalysis by protoporphyrinogen oxidase was specific for proteoporphyrinogen IX (apparent Km of 11 muM) and proceeded maximally at pH 8.6 to 8.7. The effect of temperature on enzyme activity plotted according to Arrhenius gave a value of E of 9,100 calories per mol. Enzyme activity was inhibited in the presence of high salt concentrations and temperatures above 45 degrees. Oxygen was essential for protoporphyrinogen oxidase activity and an alternative elevtron acceptor has not yet been found. No requirement for a metal or other cofactor could be demonstrated. The presence of monothiol groups was indicated; however, it is not known whether the thiol groups are involved directly in the binding of substrate to the enzyme.  相似文献   

Autopsy of dogs 56 days after infection with either T. pisiformis, T. ovis or T. hydatigena showed that these worms could be found attached at any point along the length of the small intestine, but were most commonly in the anterior half. The mean relaxed lengths of T. pisiformis, T. ovis and T. hydatigena were 107 cm, 156 cm and 177 cm respectively. Attached gravid proglottides contained a mean of 41 000 eggs each in T. pisiformis, 31 000 eggs in T. hydatigena and 95000 eggs in T. ovis, whereas proglottides free in the gut contained means of only 1370, 500 and 1400 eggs respectively; therefore, the majority of eggs were released into the gut before segments passed out into the faeces. It was shown that eggs of all 3 species of worms hatched and activated in the small intestine of the dog, especially in the anterior half. Eggs of T. pisiformis which had been passaged through the intestine of the dog and stored in the faeces for 5 days were poorly infective for rabbits compared with eggs only stored in faeces. It was concluded, therefore, that during taeniid infections of dogs the point of apolysis in the gut plays a significant role in determining environmental contamination with eggs. Puppies which had been fed 10000 T. ovis eggs daily for 6 weeks prior to infection with T. ovis cysticerci showed no difference in susceptibility to the infection when compared with untreated puppies.  相似文献   

Using T. crassiceps infections of young AS2 rats as a model system, it was shown that immunity can be transferred adoptively with lymph node cells, whereas serum from the same donors was ineffective. Normal adult rat lymph node cells also conferred immunocompetence on neonatal recipients. There was no correlation between antibody and elimination or persistence of metacestodes in infected rats. It is suggested that susceptibility of neonates to infection with this parasite is the result of functional immaturity of thymus-derived cells involved in cell-mediated immune responses rather than T-cell facilitation of antibody production.  相似文献   

Taeniid cestodes infect humans and livestock, causing considerable morbidity and mortality, as well as economic loss. Substantial progress has been made toward the production of recombinant vaccines against cysticercosis in livestock animals. Further development of these vaccines would be aided if a reliable in vitro test were available to measure host-protective immune responses in vaccinated animals. Here, we describe in vitro oncosphere-killing assays for the quantification of host-protective serum antibodies against Taenia pisiformis, Taenia ovis, Taenia saginata, and Taenia solium in rabbits, sheep, cattle, and pigs, respectively. Activated oncospheres of T. pisiformis, T. ovis, T. saginata, and T. solium were incubated in vitro in culture medium, test serum, and a source of complement, and oncosphere killing was assessed after 10 days of culture. In vitro oncosphere killing reflected the presence of specific antibody, and the oncosphere-killing assay typically indicated immunity to the homologous parasite that had been determined in vivo. This study describes the first reliable oncosphere-killing assays for T. pisiformis, T. ovis, T. saginata, and T. solium. These assays will be used for further research into the optimization of recombinant vaccines against cysticercosis.  相似文献   

The malaria infection is initiated in mammals by injection of the sporozoite stage of the parasite through the bite of Plasmodium-infected, female Anopheles mosquitoes. Sporozoites are injected into extravascular portions of the skin while the mosquito is probing for a blood source. Sporozoite gliding motility allows them to locate and penetrate blood vessels of the dermis or subcutaneous tissues; once in the blood, they reach the liver, within which they continue their development. Some of the injected parasites invade dermal lymph vessels and travel to the proximal draining lymphatic node, where they interact with host immunocytes. The host responds to viable or attenuated sporozoites with antibodies directed against the immunodominant circumsporozoite protein (CSP), as well as against other sporozoite proteins. These CSP antibodies can inhibit the numbers of sporozoites injected by mosquitoes and the motility of those injected into the skin. This first phase of the immune response is followed by cell-mediated immunity involving CD8 T-cells directed against the developing liver stage of the parasite. This review discusses the early history of imaging studies, and focuses on the role that imaging has played in enabling a better understanding of both the induction and effector functions of the immune responses against sporozoites.  相似文献   

When three Taenia crassiceps metacestodes were injected intraperitoneally into C3H mice primed by previous subcutaneous inoculation of metacestodes, larvae which were resistant to early immune damage by the humoral response were encapsulated by host cells and rejected. Initially, normal larvae were encapsulated primarily by eosinophils and macrophages. In the early stages of encapsulation, both cell types showed severe degenerative changes and disruption of cell membranes, but there was no evidence of tegumental damage to the encapsulated larvae. Later, mast cells appeared in the capsules surrounding the larvae. After mast cells became common, all of the cell types present were normal, and damage to the larval Tegument became apparent. Ultimately, interaction of eosinophils, mast cells, macrophages, and lymphocytes resulted in death of the encapsulated larvae. These results suggest that larvae may secrete substances toxic to host cells, and that mast cells are necessary for rejection of larvae.  相似文献   

Dectin-1 is an innate immune pattern recognition receptor (PRR) that, through its ability to bind β-glucans, is involved in the recognition of several pathogenic fungi. Dectin-1 can stimulate a variety of cellular responses via the Syk/CARD9 signalling pathway, including phagocytosis, cytokine production and the respiratory burst. Several advances in our understanding of Dectin-1 immunobiology have been made in recent years, including characterisation of additional signalling pathways and demonstration of its ability to directly induce the development of adaptive immunity. However, the physiological role of many of the functions of this receptor is still unclear. This review aims to provide an update on Dectin-1 and its role within antifungal immune responses, focussing on progress made in the last two years.  相似文献   

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