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By density gradient centrifugation of the 80000 × g supernatant of digitonintreated spinach chloroplasts two main green bands and one minor green band were obtained. The purification and properties of the particles present in the main bands, which were shown to be derived from Photosystem I and Photosystem II, have been described previously; those of the particles in the minor fraction will be described in the present paper.

After purification, these particles show Photosystem II activity but are devoid of Photosystem I activity. They have a high chlorophyll a/chlorophyll b ratio and are enriched in β-carotene and cytochrome b559. At liquid nitrogen temperature, photoreduction of C550 and photooxidation of cytochrome-b559 can be observed. At room temperature, cytochrome b559 undergoes slight photooxidation.

These properties indicate that this particle may be the reaction-center complex of Photosystem II. It is suggested that, in vivo, the Photosystem II unit is made up of a reaction-center complex and an accessory complex, the latter being found in one of the main green bands of the density gradient.  相似文献   

Inside-out thylakoid vesicles have been separated from right-side-out material after press disruption of chloroplast lamellae. The separation was obtained by partition in an aqueous dextran-polyethylene glycol two-phase system, a method which utilizes differences in surface properties for separation of membrane particles. The isolated thylakoid vesicles showed the following inside-out properties: (1) light-induced reversible proton extrusion into the surrounding medium when supplied with the Photosystem II electron acceptor phenyl-p-benzoquinone; (2) a pH rise in the internal phase accompanying the external proton release, (3) sensitivity to trypsin treatment different from that of thylakoid membranes of normal orientation; (4) concave EF and convex PF freeze-fracture faces.  相似文献   

The treatment of spinach chloroplasts with p-nitrothiophenol in the light at acidic and neutral pH's caused specific inhibition of the Photosystem II activity, whereas the same treatment in the dark did not affect the activity at all. The photosystem I activity was not inhibited by p-nitrothiophenol both in the light and in the dark. The inhibition was accompanied by changes of fluorescence from chloroplasts. As observed at room temperature, the 685-nm band was lowered by the p-nitrothiophenol treatment in the light and, at liquid nitrogen temperature, the relative height of the 695-nm band to the 685-nm band increased and the 695-nm band shifted to longer wavelengths. The action spectra for these effects of p-nitrothiophenol on the activity and fluorescence showed a peak at 670 nm with a red drop at longer wavelengths. It was concluded that the light absorbed by Photosystem II is responsible for the chemical modification of chloroplasts with p-nitrothiophenol to causing the specific inhibition of Photosystem II.  相似文献   

1. In the presence of Triton X-100, chloroplast membranes of the green alga Acetabularia mediterranea were disrupted into two subchloroplast fragments which differed in buoyant density. Each of these fractions had distinct and unique complements of polypeptides, indicating an almost complete separation of the two fragments.

2. One of the two subchloroplast fractions was enriched in chlorophyll b. It exhibited Photosystem II activity, was highly fluorescent and was composed of particles of approx. 50 Å diameter.

3. The light-harvesting chlorophyll-protein complex of the Photosystem II-active fraction had a molecular weight of 67 000 and contained two different subunits of 23 000 and 21 500. The molecular ratio of these two subunits was 2:1.  相似文献   

The effects of lowering the pH on Photosystem II have been studied by measuring changes in absorbance and electron spin resonance in spinach chloroplasts.At pH values around 4 a light-induced dark-reversible chlorophyll oxidation by Photosystem II was observed. This chlorophyll is presumably the primary electron donor of system II. At pH values between 5 and 4 steady state illumination induced an ESR signal, similar in shape and amplitude to signal II, which was rapidly reversed in the dark. This may reflect the accumulation of the oxidized secondary donor upon inhibition of oxygen evolution. Near pH 4 the rapidly reversible signal and the stable and slowly decaying components of signal II disappeared irreversibly concomitant with the release of bound manganese.The results are discussed in relation to the effects of low pH on prompt and delayed fluorescence reported earlier (van Gorkom, H. J., Pulles, M. P. J., Haveman, J. and den Haan, G. A. (1976) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 423, 217–226).  相似文献   

Gerald T. Babcock  Kenneth Sauer 《BBA》1975,376(2):329-344
Rapid light-induced transients in EPR Signal IIf (F?+) are observed in 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (DCMU)-treated, Tris-washed chloroplasts until the state F P680 Q? is reached. In the absence of exogenous redox mediators several flashes are required to saturate this photoinactive state. However, the Signal IIf transient is observed on only the first flash following DCMU addition if an efficient donor to Signal IIf, phenylenediamine or hydroquinone, is present. Complementary polarographic measurements show that under these conditions oxidized phenylenediamine is produced only on the first flash of a series. The DCMU inhibition of Signal IIf can be completely relieved by oxidative titration of a one-electron reductant with E08.0 = +480 mV. At high reduction potentials the decay time of Signal IIf is constant at about 300 ms, whereas in the absence of DCMU the decay time is longer and increases with increasing reduction potential.A model is proposed in which Q?, the reduced Photosystem II primary acceptor, and D, a one-electron 480 mV donor endogenous to the chloroplast suspension, compete in the reduction of Signal IIf (F?+). At high potentials D is oxidized in the dark, and the (Q? + F?+) back reaction regenerates the photoactive F P680 Q state. The electrochemical and kinetic evidence is consistent with the hypothesis that the Signal IIf species, F, is identical with Z, the physiological donor to P680.  相似文献   

G. Girault  J.M. Galmiche 《BBA》1974,333(2):314-319
The restoration by silicotungstic acid of the reversible light-induced pH rise mediated by pyocyanine in EDTA-treated chloroplasts corresponds to an irreversible fixation of the acid. The proton uptake is linearly related to the amount of fixed acid (4 protons per molecule of acid) as long as the amount of silicotungstic acid does not exceed 200 nmoles/mg of chlorophyll.In the same conditions silicotungstic acid partly restores ferricyanide reduction and O2 evolution in chloroplasts suspensions supplemented with DCMU. These photoreactions are observed only with chloroplasts and these chloroplasts must have an unimpaired water-splitting mechanism.Silicotungstic acid does not impair DCMU fixation on the specific sites. More likely in its presence the properties of the membrane change and ferricyanide can accept electrons from a part of the electron transport chain, between the Photosystem II reaction center and the block of the electron flow by DCMU.  相似文献   

J.A. Van Best  P. Mathis 《BBA》1978,503(1):178-188
Absorption changes (ΔA) at 820 nm, following laser flash excitation of spinach chloroplasts and Chlorella cells, were studied in order to obtain information on the reduction time of the photooxidized primary donor of Photosystem II at physiological temperatures.In the microsecond time range the difference spectrum of ΔA between 750 and 900 nm represents a peak at 820 nm, attributable to a radical-cation of chlorophyll a. In untreated dark-adapted material the signal can be attributed solely to P+?700; it decays in a polyphasic manner with half-times of 17 μs, 210 μs and over 1 ms. The oxidized primary donor of Photosystem II (P+II) is not detected with a time resolution of 3 μs. After treatment with 3–10 mM hydroxylamine, which inhibits the donor side of Photosystem II, P+II is observed and decays biphasically (a major phase with t12 = 20–40 μs, and a minor phase with t12 ? 200 μs), probably by reduction by an accessory electron donor.In the nanosecond range, which was made accessible by a new fast-response flash photometer operating at 820 nm, it was found the P+II is reduced with a half-time of 25–45 ns in untreated dark-adapted chloroplasts. It is assumed that the normal secondary electron donor is responsible for this fast reduction.  相似文献   

Eckhard Loos 《BBA》1976,440(2):314-321
Action spectra were measured for positive changes in variable fluorescence (emission > 665 nm) excited by a beam of 485 nm chopped at 75 Hz. The action of two further beams was compared, one being variable, the other (reference) constant with respect to wavelength and intensity. Comparison was achieved by alternating the reference and the variable wavelength beams at 0.3 Hz and adjusting the intensity of the latter such as to cancel out any 0.3 Hz component in the 75 Hz fluorescence signal. The relative action then was obtained as the reciprocal of the intensity of the variable wavelength beam. Similarly, action spectra were measured for O2 evolution with ferricyanide/p-phenylenediamine as electron acceptor, and for O2 uptake mediated by methyl viologen with ascorbate 3-(p-chlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea as electron donor in the presence of 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol.Addition of 5 mM MgCl2 increases the relative action around 480 nm for the change in variable fluorescence and p-phenylenediamine-dependent O2 evolution, and decreases it for methyl viologen-mediated O2 uptake with 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol/ascorbate as electron donor in the presence of 3-(p-chlorophenyl-1,1-dimethylurea. The change in variable fluorescence and O2 evolution are stimulated by MgCl2, whereas O2 uptake is inhibited by it.The results are discussed in terms of a model assuming a tripartite organization. of the photosynthetic pigments (Thornber, J. P. and Highkin, H. R. (1974) Eur. J. Biochem. 41, 109–116; Butler, W. L. and Kitajima, M. (1975) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 396, 72–85). MgCl2 is thought to promote energy transfer to Photosystem II from a light-harvesting pigment complex serving both photosystems.  相似文献   

Delayed fluorescence, as measured with a laser phosphoroscope, is stimulated not inhibited by uncouplers during the first 100 μs after the light is turned off. This is true only wen uncouplers cause an increase in the rate of electron transport. When ADP and Pi cause an increase in the electron transport rate, microsecond-delayed fluorescence is also increased. Indeed, there is a complex quantitative relationship between the rate of electron transport and the initial intensity of delayed fluorescence under a wide range of conditions.

Uncouplers or ADP and Pi also increase the rate of decay of delayed fluorescence so that after about 150 μs they become inhibitory, as already reported by many authors.

Microsecond-delayed fluorescence continues to rise with rising light intensities long after the rate of reduction of exogenous acceptor is light-saturated.

These observations suggest a correlation of the rate of electron transport both with the intensity of the 5–100 μs-delayed fluorescence and with the rate of decay in the intensity of delayed fluorescence. The data imply that the decrease in intensity of millisecond-delayed fluorescence which has often been noted with uncouplers is probably not due to the elimination of a membrane potential. It seems more likely that the decrease in millisecond-delayed fluorescence is a reflection of the rate of disappearance of some other electron transport-generated condition, a condition which is uncoupler-insensitive. Certainly stimulations of microsecond-delayed fluorescence by electron transport which has been uncoupled by gramicidin suggest that ion gradients are not an essential component of the conditions responsible for delayed fluorescence.  相似文献   

In bicarbonate-depleted chloroplasts, the chlorophyll a fluorescence decayed with a halftime of about 150 ms after the third flash, and appreciably faster after the first and second flash of a series of flashes given after a dark period. After the fourth to twentieth flashes, the decay was also slow. After addition of bicarbonate, the decay was fast after all the flashes of the sequence. This indicates that the bicarbonate depletion inhibits the reoxidation of the secondary acceptor R2− by the plastoquinone pool; R is the secondary electron acceptor of pigment system II, as it accepts electrons from the reduced form of the primary electron acceptor (Q). This conclusion is consistent with the measurements of the DCMU (3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea)-induced chlorophyll a fluorescence after a series of flashes in the presence and the absence of bicarbonate, if it is assumed that DCMU not only causes reduction of Q if added in the state QR, but also if added in the state QR2−.  相似文献   

The kinetics of fluorescence yield inChlorella pyrenoidosa and spinach chloroplasts were studied in the time range of 0.5 μs to several hundreds of microseconds in the presence of hydroxylamine. Fluorescence was excited with a just-saturating xenon flash with a halfwidth of 13 μs (λ = 420 nm). The fast rise of the fluorescence yield which was limited by the rate of light influx, was, in the presence of 10−3–10−2 M hydroxylamine, replaced by a slow component which had a half risetime of 25 μs in essence independent of light intensity. This slow fluorescence yield increase reflects a dark reaction on the watersplitting side of Photosystem II. Simultaneous oxygen evolution measurements suggested that a fast fluorescence component is only present in organisms with intact O2-evolving system, whereas a slow rise predominantly occurs in organisms with the watersplitting system irreversibly inhibited by hydroxylamine.

The results can be explained by the following hypotheses: (a) The primary donor of Photosystem II in its oxidized state, P+, is a fluorescence quencher. (b) Hydroxylamine prevents the secondary electron donor Z from reducing the oxidized reaction center pigment P+ rapidly. This inhibition is dependent on hydroxylamine concentration and is complete at a concentration of 10−2 M. (c) A second donor (not transporting electrons from water) transfers electrons to P+ with a half time of roughly 25 μs.  相似文献   

P.C. Brandon  O. Elgersma 《BBA》1973,292(3):753-762
Reactions at the reducing side of Photosystem II in spinach chloroplasts are modified by α-benzyl-α-bromo-malodinitrile (BBMD).On addition of 50 μM BBMD to chloroplasts the following phenomena can be observed: (1) electron flow to an acceptor like 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol is partly deflected to electron flow to oxygen; (2) the electron flow to oxygen is carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone sensitive but 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea insensitive; (3) variable fluorescence is abolished but basal fluorescence is not altered; (4) a strong photobleaching of carotenoids is induced. BBMD seems a very efficient acceptor for electrons from the primary electron acceptor of Photosystem II, resulting in a BBMD-mediated electron transport from this primary acceptor to oxygen.On pretreatment of chloroplasts with 50 μM BBMD the effects are different; (1) electron flow to 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol, ferricyanide, or NADP is almost completely inhibited and is not restored by addition of artificial electron donors: (2) no electron flow to oxygen is observable unless BBMD again is added to reaction media; (3) no variable fluorescence is observable but basal fluorescence is not affected; (4) there is no photobleaching of carotenoids unless BBMD again is added; (5) no reduction of C-550 can be recorded. Pretreatment of chloroplasts with BBMD seems to induce an intense cycling of electrons around Photosystem II and only anew added BBMD can interrupt this cycling.  相似文献   

H. Conjeaud  P. Mathis  G. Paillotin 《BBA》1979,546(2):280-291
Absorption changes at 820 or 515 nm after a short laser flash were studied comparatively in untreated chloroplasts and in chloroplasts in which oxygen evolution is inhibited.In chloroplasts pre-treated with Tris, the primary donor of Photosystem II (P-680) is oxidized by the flash, as observed by an absorption increase at 820 nm. After the first flash it is re-reduced in a biphasic manner with half-times of 6 μs (major phase) and 22 μs. After the second flash, the 6 μs phase is nearly absent and P-680+ decays with half-times of 130 μs (major phase) and 22 μs. Exogenous electron donors (MnCl2 or reduced phenylenediamine) have no direct influence on the kinetics of P-680+.In untreated chloroplasts the 6 and 22 μs phases are of very small amplitude, either at the 1st, 2nd or 3rd flash given after dark-adaptation. They are observed, however, after incubation with 10 mM hydroxylamine.These results are interpreted in terms of multiple pathways for the reduction of P-680+: a rapid reduction (<1 μs) by the physiological donor D1; a slower reduction (6 and 22 μs) by donor D′1, operative when O2 evolution is inhibited; a back-reaction (130 μs) when D′1 is oxidized by the pre-illumination in inhibited chloroplasts. In Tris-treated chloroplasts the donor system to P-680+ has the capacity to deliver only one electron.The absorption change at 515 nm (electrochromic absorption shift) has been measured in parallel. It is shown that the change linked to Photosystem II activity has nearly the same magnitude in untreated chloroplasts or in chloroplasts treated with hydroxylamine or with Tris (first and subsequent flashes). Thus we conclude that all the donors (P-680, D1, D′1) are located at the internal side of the thylakoid membrane.  相似文献   

Photosystem II reaction center components have been studied in small system II particles prepared with digitonin. Upon illumination the reduction of the primary acceptor was indicated by absorbance changes due to the reduction of a plastoquinone to the semiquinone anion and by a small blue shift of absorption bands near 545 nm (C550) and 685 nm. The semiquinone to chlorophyll ratio was between 1/20 and 1/70 in various preparations. The terminal electron donor in this reaction did not cause large absorbance changes but its oxidized form was revealed by a hitherto unknown electron spin resonance (ESR) signal, which had some properties of the well-known signal II but a linewidth and g-value much nearer to those of signal I. Upon darkening absorbance and ESR changes decayed together in a cyclic or back reaction which was stimulated by 3-(3,4 dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea. The donor could be oxidized by ferricyanide in the dark.

Illumination in the presence of ferricyanide induced absorbance and ESR changes, rapidly reversed upon darkening, which may be ascribed to the oxidation of a chlorophyll a dimer, possibly the primary electron donor of photosystem II. In addition an ESR signal with 15 to 20 gauss linewidth and a slower dark decay was observed, which may have been caused by a secondary donor.  相似文献   

P. Joliot  A. Joliot 《BBA》1977,462(3):559-574
1. The amplitudes of the fast (0–20 μs) and slow (20 μs–2 ms) fluorescence rise induced by a 2 μs flash have been measured as a function of the energy of the flash in chloroplasts inhibited by 3(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea. The saturation curve for the slow rise shows a characteristic lag which is not observed for the fast fluorescence rise. This lag indicates that Photosystem II centers undergo a double hit process which implies that (a), each photocenter includes two acceptors Q1 and Q2; (b), after the first hit, oxidized chlorophyll Chl+ is reduced by a secondary acceptor Y in a time short compared to the duration of the flash; (c), after the second hit, Chl+ is reduced by another secondary donor, D.

2. According to Den Haan et al. ((1974) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 368, 409–421), hydroxylamine destroys the secondary donor responsible for the fast reduction of Chl+. In the presence of 3 mM hydroxylamine, only the secondary donor D is functional and a flash induces mainly a single hit process.

3. The saturation curves for the fast and the slow rises have been studied in the presence of 3(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea for a second actinic flash given 2.5 s after a first saturating one. The large decrease in the half-saturating energy indicates the existence of efficient energy transfer occuring between photosynthetic units.

4. Two alternate hypotheses are discussed (a) in which D is an auxiliary donor and (b) in which D is included in the main electron transfer chain.  相似文献   

1. The effect of monogalactosyl diacylglycerol and digalactosyl diacylglycerol on reconstitution of Photosystem I activity in heptane-extracted and galactolipase-treated spinach chloroplasts was investigated.2. Both galactolipids, in a molar ratio with chlorophyll of 2.5, partially restored Photosystem I activity in heptane-extracted chloroplasts. An addition o saturating amounts of plastocyanin caused complete reactivation of Photosystem I.3. Similarly, with galactolipase-treated chloroplasts, both galactolipids partially restored Photosystem I activity and additional amounts of plastocyanin were required for complete reactivation.4. The action of galactolipids on partial reconstitution of Photosystem I supports the suggestion of their structural role in the restoration of thylakoid membranes.  相似文献   

The photosystem-II activity of chloroplasts was inhibited by the treatment with p-nitrothiophenol (NphSH) in the light, and the inhibition was accompanied by a change of the fluorescence spectrum. Aromatic mercaptans examined were active in causing this inhibition and fluorescence change. These effects of p-nitrothiophenol were highly accelerated by blocking the electron transport on the oxidation side of photosystem II by carbonyl cyanide-m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP) or Tris · HCl or heat pre-treatment, whereas these were suppressed by blocking the transport on the reduction side by 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (DCMU). It was deduced that the site of NphSH action in the electron transport chain is closer to the reaction center of photosystem II that the blocking site of CCCP or Tris · HCl or heat, and that such a site in photosystem II is exposed to be modified with NphSH when electron carriers on the oxidation side of photosystem II are oxidized by illumination.  相似文献   

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