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Juvenile hormone was detected in the haemolymph of adult female Locusta by a modified Galleria bioassay. The hormone was present in the haemolymph immediately after the final ecdysis, but could not be detected after this time until the end of the period of somatic growth just before the start of ovarian development. During the first gonotrophic cycle the levels of juvenile hormone in the haemolymph could be related to the growth of the proximal oöcytes. The volumes of the corpora allata could be related to haemolymph juvenile hormone levels during the first gonotrophic cycle. Ovariectomy had no effect on haemolymph juvenile hormone levels or on the volumes of the corpora allata.  相似文献   

Brains of young (newly emerged) adult female locusts (Locusta migratoria migratorioides) and of mature (> 9 days old) locusts contain an extractable allatotropic factor, soluble in 100% methanol and in distilled water. This factor stimulates juvenile hormone III (JH III) synthesis and release from corpora allata (CA) that have been excised from donor locusts and then incubated with (radiolabeled methyl)-methionine in vitro in its presence. In addition to JH III, which is the major product synthesized by the CA, other hexanesoluble, radiolabeled compounds–-more polar than JH III–-are also released when CA are incubated in vitro. The activation of CA by the allatotropic factor is rapid and quickly declines when the factor is removed from the medium. Corpora allata excised from young females are marginally active and can be activated by brain allatotropic factor to less of an extent than CA of mature locusts. The content of allatotropic factor in brains of mature locusts is higher than that ascertained in brains of young females. Allatotropic factor is also present in the corpora cardiaca.  相似文献   

Light and electron microscopic studies, including the use of the vital dyes trypan blue and acridine orange, indicate that the topical application of precocene II rapidly triggers degenerative processes in the corpora allata (CA) leading within a few days to the virtual disappearance of the parenchymal cells of these glands. The following sequence of events was observed: 1) Within 2 h, many of the cells in fixed nymphal specimens showed increased electron density. During the next few hours, they decreased considerably in volume (shrinkage necrosis). Intercellular spaces increased simultaneously. Although a variable number of cells remained electron lucent, they showed nuclear and cytoplasmic degeneration later on (coagulative necrosis). 2) Haemocytes arrived at the CA sheath and invaded the CA in large numbers after 12 h. 3) CA cells became increasingly necrotic, and cell fragments were budded off and were phagocytosed most noticeably after 1 to 3 days. Thereafter no CA parenchyma remained. 4) Haemocytes dispersed.  相似文献   

The presence of juvenile hormone in the haemolymph of larvae of Locusta has been detected by a modified Galleria bioassay and these results are compared with indirect methods of estimating corpus allatum activity. Juvenile hormone is present in the haemolymph during the fourth larval instar except on the last day of the instar, and is absent from the haemolymph of the fifth and final larval instar except on the last day of the instar. Changes in the volumes of the corpora allata simply reflect changes in the growth of the whole insect and are of no value in predicting endocrine activity. Changes in the size of the cells of the corpora allata can be correlated with the presence of juvenile hormone in the haemolymph in the fourth larval instar, but similar changes in cell size occur in the fifth larval instar when no juvenile hormone is present in the haemolymph. The effects of the implantation of corpora allata are unreliable as estimates of corpus allatum activity as isolated corpora allata from fifth instar larvae release juvenile hormone. Indirect methods of measuring corpus allatum activity are thus shown to be unreliable. The Rf value of Locusta juvenile hormone as determined by thin-layer chromatography differs from that of Roeller's juvenile hormone, suggesting that the two hormones might be chemically distinct.  相似文献   

The rate of juvenile hormone biosynthesis by locust corpora allata after transection of the nervi corporis allati 1, was measured in vitro using both radiochemical assay and gas chromatography—mass spectroscopy analyses. Incubations in different culture media or in pure haemolymph result in a low rate of juvenile hormone biosynthesis by disconnected glands. In vivo studies using juvenile, chromatotropic and gonadotropic effects of the corpora allata confirm the low activity of the disconnected glands. Furthermore, animals with disconnected corpora allata appear to be more sensitive to corpora allata implantation than control hosts.  相似文献   

Exogenous farnesol or farnesoic acid (FA) stimulates juvenile hormone III (JH III) biosynthesis by isolated corpora allata from Locusta migratoria in a dose-dependent manner. Farnesol and FA also stimulate a dose-dependent accumulation of substantial amounts of methyl farnesoate (MF), identified by gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy (GCMS) analysis, in the corpora allata. Lower quantities of MF were found in the incubation medium. Corpora allata, denervated 2 days prior to assay, showed low spontaneous rates of JH biosynthesis which were stimulated by farnesol and FA. The dose-response curves for control and denervated corpora allata were similar. During oocyte maturation the rate of farnesol and FA stimulation of JH biosynthesis increased gradually. However, after transection of nervus corporis allati 1 (NCA-1), the rate of stimulated JH synthesis was maintained at preoperative levels. Although the spontaneous rate of JH biosynthesis decreased rapidly after NCA-1 transection, denervated glands could still be stimulated by farnesol or FA to produce large amounts of JH. These results suggest that the low spontaneous rate of JH biosynthesis in denervated corpora allata is not caused by inhibition of the final steps of JH biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Abstract. Juvenile Hormone III (JH-III) production by corpora allata (CA) of sexually mature female locusts (Locusta migratoria migratorioides (R. & F.)) was maintained in vitro for up to 30 days in an agar-solidified medium. Hormone production was measured periodically with a short-term radiochemical assay. Low-activity CA increased their activity significantly after 24–48 h incubation in the long-term medium, but high-activity glands did not. Variations in activity were considerable among glands tested on the same day and among measurements from the same gland on different days. Farnesoic acid-stimulated rates of JH-III production were always higher than the basal rates, suggesting that the CA were not maximally activated. However, freshly excised low-activity CA, whose hormone production increased in the long-term conditions, showed similar farnesoic acid-stimulated rates of JH-III production to those of freshly excised high-activity glands, suggesting that at the time of excision of the corpora allata rate-limiting step(s) preceding farnesoic acid biosynthesis were inhibited or refractory to stimulation in vivo.  相似文献   

Allatectomy of 1-day-old female desert locusts resulted in an accumulation of lipid in the fat body. This accumulation of lipid was due to the continuation of lipid deposition in the fat body after the period of somatic growth. Somatic growth and feeding activity were unaffected by allatectomy, and so could not be indirect causes of fat body lipid accumulation. Lipid accumulation in allatectomized locusts is more likely to be related directly to a lack of juvenile hormone. Implantation of active corpora allata into 1-day-old adult female locusts resulted in a premature development of oöcytes and a decrease in fat body lipid accumulation; somatic growth was not inhibited. Implantation of active corpora allata into old allatectomized locusts resulted in a decrease in the fat body lipid content and the onset of oöcyte development. The lipid synthetic activity of the fat body, measured by the incorporation of 14C-actate into total fat body lipid, was greatly increased in allatectomized locusts after the period of somatic growth. The protein synthetic activity of the fat body, measured by the incorporation of 3H-leucine into total fat body protein, remained low after the period of somatic growth in allatectomized insects. Juvenile hormone might thus have a dual effect on fat body metabolism, that is suppressing lipid synthesis and stimulating vitellogenic protein synthesis. Increased synthesis of lipid by the fat body would then account for the accumulation of lipid in the fat body after allatectomy. Inhibition of release of lipid from the fat body is unlikely to play a part in the accumulation as allatectomy had no effect on haemolymph lipid concentrations.  相似文献   

Mechanisms for the transduction of photoperiodic and food signals to the corpus allatum (CA) are described. The focus of this paper is on the control of the CA by the brain in adult females of the firebug, Pyrrhocoris apterus. By using surgical interventions to the neuroendocrine complex of brain-subesophageal ganglion-corpora cardiaca-CA (BR-SG-CC-CA) in vivo and in vitro we were able to identify two regulatory pathways. (1) Slow regulation of the CA activity (stimulation or inhibition) needs a relatively long period of time to be accomplished (several d) in vivo and is associated with changes of the gland cell volume and ultrastructure. The stimulated or inhibited activity of the CA is maintained during short-term incubation of the isolated CA in vitro. (2) Fast inhibition of the CA activity is reversible during short-term incubation in vitro; the CA can be switched from lower to higher activity and vice versa, depending on the presence or absence of the BR-SG in the medium. Both slow and fast regulatory factors originate in the pars intercerebralis of the brain and in intact neuroendocrine complex they reach the CA via nerves. A slow inhibitor, induced by short d, causes reproductive diapause. A fast inhibitor prevents ovarian maturation in starved nondiapausing females. A slow stimulator, induced by feeding under long d, overcomes the fast inhibition of the CA, thereby stimulating vitellogenesis. Food signals are transmitted to the brain via humoral pathways.  相似文献   

Applied Entomology and Zoology - Juvenile hormone (JH) has crucial roles in insect physiology, including development, reproduction, and polyphenism. JH is synthesized in the corpora allata (CA)...  相似文献   

Methyl (2E, 6E) - 10, 11 - epoxy - 3, 7, 11 - trimethyl - 2, 6 - dodecadienoate (JH III) is synthesized by corpora cardiaca/allata of the American cockroach Periplaneta americana in vitro and released into the culture medium. It constitutes the principal part of the biologically detectable JH activity. A fully synthetic medium without terpenoid precursors or serum was used, which proves, that the entire molecule is synthesized de novo. The presence of JH III in orders as different as Blattodea, Orthoptera, Coleoptera and Lepidoptera indicates, that it is the most widely occuring JH of insects.  相似文献   

The activity of the substance(s) which are contained in the cephalic endocrine organs of the locust which induce egg diapause in Bombyx mori was examined by implantation and injection of saline extracts of these organs. Extracts from the median and lateral neurosecretory parts of the locust brain were not effective in inducing egg diapause. Extracts of the corpora cardiaca, corpora allata, and suboesophageal ganglion of the locust induced diapause eggs in Bombyx pharate adults from which the suboesophageal ganglion had been removed. The first two extracts could induce egg diapause even in isolated abdomens of pharate adults of Bombyx. In the locust corpora cardiaca, the activity was present only in the glandular lobe and not in the nervous region. This activity decreased when the nervi corporis cardiaci I and II and of nervi corporis allati I were cut. Allatectomy also brought about a decrease in the activity in the glandular lobe which could not be restored by the injection of juvenile hormone. The activity in the corpora allata was enhanced slightly by the disconnection though not significantly.From these results, it is assumed that the corpora cardiaca, corpora allata and suboesophageal ganglion of the locust contain and active principle(s) capable of inducing egg diapause in Bombyx mori. The nervous connections between the brain, corpora cardiaca, and corpora allata are essential for the accumulation of the active substance(s) in the glandular lobes of the corpora cardiaca.  相似文献   

The rate at which isolated corpora allata of adult female Schistocerca gregaria incorporate [(3)H]farnesenic acid and [(14)C]methionine into C(16)juvenile hormone in vitro was examined at different concentrations of farnesenic acid, methionine, O(2) and H(+) ions. Maximum juvenile hormone biosynthesis is obtained at a farnesenic acid concentration of 20mum. The range of optimum l-methionine concentrations (0.1-0.4mm) encompasses the physiological concentration of this substrate in the haemolymph. Hormone biosynthesis is dependent on O(2), but is not stimulated by hyperbaric oxygen tension. The glands had a maximum synthetic activity at pH8.0, but their activity was more reproducible in the the physiological range pH7.0-7.5. At pH6.5 and less, the synthetic ability was considerably decreased. The relative incorporations of the labelled substrates into methyl farnesoate and C(16) juvenile hormone indicate that [(3)H]farnesenic acid comes into isotopic equilibrium within the gland more rapidly than [(14)C]methionine. The incorporations into methyl farnesoate become stoicheiometric after 20min incubation and into C(16) juvenile hormone after a further 10min. Labelled juvenile hormone is detectable after 10min incubation and the rate of incorporation is constant for up to 4h. It is proposed that the described method may be usefully employed to assess the physiological changes in the enzymic competence of the glands to effect the last two stages in C(16) juvenile hormone biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Summary An in vitro organ culture system was established to support growth of corpora allata from the cockroachDiploptera punctata. During a 1-wk incubation in L-15B medium supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS) and 10% cockroach hemolymph, adult male corpora allata exhibited a cycle of de novo DNA synthesis followed by cell division. The number of S-phase cells and metaphase cells per corpus allatum were counted from whole-mount monolayers after labeling in vitro with 5′-bromo-2′-deoxyuridine and exposure to colchicine, respectively. While both FBS and cockroach hemolymph were essential for proliferation of allatal cells, the growth-promoting effect of insect hemolymph was not species-specific and adult female hemolymph was more potent than hemolymph from adult males. Furthermore, DNA synthesis of corpus allatum cells was stimulated in vitro by 20-hydroxyecdysone. This sensitive assay system will be of immense utility in the search for allatal growth factors.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The neurosecretory corpora cardiaca/corpora allata complex of Carausius morosus , a wingless insect of the superorder Orthopteroidea, contains adipokinetic and hyperglycaemic factor(s) capable of elevating lipids in locusts, and carbohydrates in cockroaches. Neither activity can be demonstrated in the stick insect itself, however. In addition, in locusts the Carausius gland extract is able to elevate levels of cyclic AMP in the fat body.  相似文献   

Reserpine, at doses of 20–175 μg per g body weight, severely retards oogenesis in newly emerged adult female migratory locusts (Locusta migratoria migratorioides) but does not increase mortality during the first 9 days and only slightly delays somatic growth. Total protein, and hemolymph vitellogenin content particularly, are significantly reduced in reserpine-treated locusts. The synthesis of juvenile hormone III (JH-III) following adult emergence, essential for induction of vitellogenesis and subsequent oogenesis, is dependent on the maturation and activation of the corpora allata (CA). CA of 7- to 8-day-old female locusts, treated with reserpine at day 1 after adult emergence, are only marginally active in vitro and are only slightly stimulated by an allatotropic factor. The basal activity and response of CA from the reserpine-treated locusts resembles that of newly emerged locusts, suggesting that reserpine specifically retards the initial maturation of the locust CA. Recovery of basal CA activity is evident on days 12–13 in reserpine-treated locusts, but responsiveness to the allatotropic factor is not recovered. Starvation of newly emerged females for 3 days and subsequent feeding did not effect ooctye development or CA activity. Cerebral content of the allatotropic factor, assayed on days 7–8, is not reduced by the reserpine treatment.  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1991,21(2):131-135
The conversion of acetyl-CoA to HMG-CoA was measured by a radioenzymatic assay in which the product is derivatized to its bis(p-nitrobenzyl)ester and separated from the substrate by TLC. The enzymatic assay was applied to post-mitochondrial supernatants of corpora allata homogenates from the cockroach, Diploptera punctata. The apparent KM for the conversion of acetyl-CoA to HMG-CoA was 200 μM. The enzyme activity was measured during a cycle of JH synthesis in adult mated females. HMG-CoA synthase followed the pattern of juvenile hormone III synthesis closely with a peak on day 5 (1.89 ± 0.07 nmol/h/pair-eq.), and the decline of its activity occurred earlier than that of HMG-CoA reductase.  相似文献   

Adult females of the cockroach Blattella germanica have clearly-defined feeding cycles related to oogenesis. In the first cycle, food ingestion precedes volumetric increase in the corpora allata, which in turn precedes juvenile hormone production, whereas starved females do not develop the corpora allata and produce very low amounts of juvenile hormone. When the second gonadotropic cycle is provoked by removing the ootheca, the first event observed is an increase in food consumption, followed by an increase in corpora allata volume and activity. However, this increase in corpora allata volume (and activity) does not occur if females are starved, thus indicating that the ootheca in the genital chamber inhibits primarily feeding, and indirectly corpora allata development and activity. Corpora allata volume in isolated heads from starved and decapitated females was able to increase to levels similar to fed controls, but this increase was abolished by allatostatin treatment. We suggest that a factor produced in the thoracico-abdominal compartment, which reaches the head mainly through a nervous pathway, is released during starvation and inhibits corpora allata development. This factor may stimulate allatostatin production or release, or may well be allatostatin itself.  相似文献   

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