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The recombinant limb is a model system that has proved fruitful for analyzing epithelial-mesenchymal interactions and understanding the functional properties of the components of the limb bud. Here we present an overview of some of the insights obtained through the use of this technique. Among these are the understanding that fore or hind limb identity is inherent to the limb bud mesoderm, that the apical ectodermal ridge (AER) is a permissive signaling center and that the limb bud ectoderm plays a central role in the control of dorsoventral polarity. Recombinant limb studies have also allowed the identification of the affected tissue component in several limb mutants. More recently this model has been applied to the study of regulation of gene expressions related to patterning. In this report we use recombinant limbs to analyze pattering of the Pax3 expressing limb muscle cell lineage in the early stages of limb development. In recombinant limbs made without the zone of polarizing activity (ZPA), myoblasts appear intermingled with other mesodermal cells at the beginning of the recombinant limb development. Rapidly thereafter, the muscle precursors segregate and organize around the central forming chondrogenic core of the recombinant. Although this segregation is reminiscent of that occurring during normal development, the myoblasts in the recombinant fail to proliferate appropriately and also fail to migrate distally. Consequently, the muscle pattern in the recombinant limb is defective indicating that normal patterning cues are absent. However, recombinant limbs polarized with a ZPA exhibited a larger mass of muscle cells and a more normal morphogenesis, supporting a role for this signaling center in limb muscle development. Finally, we have ruled out host somite contributions to recombinant limbs by grafting chick recombinant limbs to quail hosts. This initial report demonstrates the value of the recombinant limb model system for dissecting the environmental cues required for normal muscle limb patterning. Received: 31 August 1998 / Accepted: 29 September 1998  相似文献   

Here we report a new role for the small GTPase RhoC in the control of limb chondrogenesis. Expression of rhoC is a precocious marker of the zeugopodial and digit blastemas and is induced by treatments with TGFbetas preceding the formation of ectopic digits. As development progresses, expression of rhoC outlines the growing distal tip of the digits, and marks the regions of interphalangeal joint formation. Functional experiments show that RhoC is a negative regulator of chondrogenesis, which controls digit outgrowth and joint segmentation. These functions appear to be mediated by reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton and modification of the adhesive properties of the mesenchymal cells.  相似文献   

Recombinant limbs were performed by ensembling dissociated-reaggregated wing bud mesoderm inside an ectodermal hull. The zone of polarizing activity was excluded from the mesoderm used to perform the recombinant limbs (non-polarized recombinants), and grafted when desired (polarized recombinants). Reorganization of patterning progressively occurred in the newly formed progress zone under the influence of the apical ectodermal ridge (AER), explaining the proximo–distal gradient of morphogenesis observed in developed recombinant limbs. The AER, without the influence of the polarizing region (ZPA), was sufficient to direct outgrowth and appropriate proximo–distal patterning, as observed in the expression of the Hoxa-11 and Hoxa-13 genes. The development of the recombinant limbs coursed with symmetric AER and downregulation of Bmp expression in the mesoderm supporting a negative effect of Bmp signaling upon the apical ridge. The recombinant ectoderm maintained previously established compartments of gene expressions and organized a correct dorso-ventral patterning in the recombinant progress zone. Finally, the ZPA effect was only detected on Bmp expression and pattern formation along the antero-posterior axis.  相似文献   

Mouse R-spondin2 (Rspo2) is a member of the R-spondin protein family, which is characterized by furin-like cysteine-rich domains and a thrombospondin type 1 repeat. R-spondin is a secreted molecule that activates Wnt/ β -catenin signaling. Rspo2 -deficient mice were generated to investigate the function of mouse Rspo2 during embryonic development. The homozygous mutant forelimb showed defects in distal phalanges and nail structures, and the digits were anomalous in shape. The homozygous mutant hindlimb showed more severe malformations, including lack of digits and zeugopod components. Rspo2 is expressed in the apical ectodermal ridge (AER) of the developing limb. Fgf8 expression in the AER was significantly lower in the homozygous mutant forelimb than in the wild-type forelimb and it was disturbed along the dorsoventral axis. In the homozygous mutant hindlimb, Fgf8 and Fgf4 expression in the posterior AER and Sonic hedgehog expression in the zone of polarizing activity (ZPA) were reduced. The homozygous mutant hindlimb also showed expansion of Wnt7a expression in the dorsal ectoderm toward the ventral side. This study shows that Rspo2 is critical for maintenance of the AER and for growth and patterning in limb development.  相似文献   

The Drosophila gene four jointed (fj) codes for a secreted or cell surface protein important for growth and differentiation of legs and wings and for proper development of the eyes. Here we report the cloning of the mouse four-jointed gene (fjx1) and its pattern of expression in the brain during embryogenesis and in the adult. In the neural plate, fjx1 is expressed in the presumptive forebrain and midbrain, and in rhombomere 4, however a small rostral/medial area of the forebrain primordium is devoid of expression. Expression of fjx1 in the neural tube can be divided into three phases. (1) In the embryonic brain fjx1 is expressed in two patches of neuroepithelium: in the midbrain tectum and the telencephalic vesicles. (2) In fetal and early postnatal brain fjx1 is expressed mainly by the primordia of layered telencephalic structures: cortex (ventricular layer and cortical plate), olfactory bulb (subependymal layer and in the mitral cell layer). In addition expression is observed in the superior colliculus. (3) In the adult, fjx1 is expressed by neurons evenly distributed in the telencephalon (isocortex, striatum, hippocampus, olfactory bulb, piriform cortex), in the Purkinje cell layer of the cerebellum, and numerous medullary nuclei. In the embryo, strong expression can further be seen in the apical ectodermal ridge of fore- and hindlimbs and in the ectoderm of the branchial arches.  相似文献   

The limb defect in the mouse Hypodoctyly (Hd) affects only the distal structures. Heterozygotes (Hd/+) lack all or part of the distal phalanx and the terminal claw of digit 1 on the hindlimbs; mice homozygous (Hd/Hd) for the mutation have just one digit on each of the four limbs. Early limb development in the mutant appears normal and a change in morphology can only be detected later. Limb buds of Hd/+ and Hd/Hd embryos become reduced in width, with Hd/Hd buds becoming very pointed instead of rounded. This change in bud shape is correlated with an increase in cell death anteriorly in Hd/+ hindlimbs and both anteriorly and posteriorly in Hd/Hd fore- and hindlimb buds. The apical ectodermal ridge is very pronounced in pointed Hd/Hd limb buds. Mesenchyme cells from the Hd/Hd mutant in culture show a cell-autonomous change in behaviour and less cartilage differentiates. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Hyaluronan in morphogenesis   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Hyaluronan is a very large polysaccharide that is found in extracellular matrices, at the cell surface and inside cells. This review focuses on the functions of hyaluronan directly associated with the cell surface, where it is commonly present as the essential core of a highly hydrated pericellular matrix that contains several other components (hyaladherins) bound to hyaluronan. Three major molecular characteristics of hyaluronan contribute to its physiological functions: its unique hydrodynamic properties, its interactions with structural extracellular hyaladherins, and its instructive effects on cell signaling and behavior. Recent studies of hyaluronan-deficient mouse embryos illustrate the importance of each of these classes of function of hyaluronan. It is postulated that the morphogenetic effects of hyaluronan are due to its ability to act as a template for assembly of a multi-component, pericellular matrix as well as to its physical properties. This matrix would provide a hydrated environment in which cells are separated from structural barriers to morphogenetic changes and receive signals from hyaluronan itself and from associated factors.  相似文献   

In the developing limb bud, mesenchymal cells show position-specific affinity, suggesting that the positional identity of the cells is represented as their surface properties. Since the affinity is regulated by glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored cell surface proteins, and by EphA4 receptor tyrosine kinase, we hypothesized that the GPI-anchored ligand, the ephrin-A family, also contributes to the affinity. Here, we describe the role of ephrin-A2 in the chick limb bud. Ephrin-A2 protein is uniformly distributed in the limb bud during early limb development. As the limb bud grows, expression of ephrin-A2 is strong in its proximal-to-intermediate regions, but weak distally. The position-dependent expression is maintained in vitro, and is regulated by FGF protein, which is produced in the apical ectodermal ridge. To investigate the role of ephrin-A2 in affinity and in cartilage morphogenesis of limb mesenchyme, we ectopically expressed ephrin-A2 in the limb bud using the retrovirus vector, RCAS. Overexpressed ephrin-A2 modulated the affinity of the mesenchymal cells that differentiate into autopod elements. It also caused malformation of the autopod skeleton and interfered with cartilage nodule formation in vitro without inhibiting chondrogenesis. These results suggest that ephrin-A2 regulates the position-specific affinity of limb mesenchyme and is involved in cartilage pattern formation in the limb.  相似文献   

Zebrafish pectoral fin bud formation is an excellent model for studying morphogenesis. Fibroblast growth factors (Fgfs) and sonic hedgehog (shh) are essential for pectoral fin bud formation. We found that Fgf16 was expressed in the apical ectodermal ridge (AER) of fin buds. A knockdown of Fgf16 function resulted in no fin bud outgrowth. Fgf16 is required for cell proliferation and differentiation in the mesenchyme and the AER of the fin buds, respectively. Fgf16 functions downstream of Fgf10, a mesenchymal factor, signaling to induce the expression of Fgf4 and Fgf8 in the AER. Fgf16 in the AER and shh in the zone of polarizing activity (ZPA) interact to induce and/or maintain each other's expression. These findings have revealed that Fgf16, a newly identified AER factor, plays a crucial role in pectoral fin bud outgrowth by mediating the interactions of AER-mesenchyme and AER-ZPA.  相似文献   

The spatiotemporal distribution of hyaluronan (HA), a major constituent of the vertebrate extracellular matrix, was analyzed during early embryonic development of Xenopus laevis. This polysaccharide is abundantly present in ventricular structures such as the blastocoel, the archenteron as well as later on in the hepatic cavity, the brain ventricles and the developing heart. At the blastula stage, HA was detected in the extracellular matrix of the ecto- and mesodermal primordia. Shortly before gastrulation, it becomes enriched at the basal site of the superficial cell layer of the ectoderm. During gastrulation, enhanced synthesis of HA takes place in the involuting marginal zone, shortly before invagination starts, hence, resulting in a torus-like deposition in the deep layer of the equatorial mesodermal primordium. After gastrulation, HA appears to accumulate within the extracellular matrix demarcating the primary germ layers. During tailbud stages, it is found highly enriched in many mesodermal derivatives, e.g., in mesenchyme, the heart, precordal cartilage and the lung primordia. Furthermore, extracellular matrix of the ventral mesodermal cell layer in the trunk region and the immediate proximity of blood vessels contain high amounts of HA.  相似文献   

The apical ectodermal ridge (AER) is a specialized thickening of the distal limb ectoderm, and its signals are known to support limb morphogenesis. The expression of a homeobox gene, Msx1 , in the distal limb mesoderm depends on signals from the AER. In the present paper it is reported that Msx1 expression in the distal mesoderm is necessary for the transfer of AER signals in chick limb buds. Interruption of AER-mesoderm interaction by insertion of a thick filter led to the inhibition of pattern specification in the mesoderm just under the filter. In such cases, the expression of Msx1 disappeared in the mesoderm under the filter, suggesting that AER is able to signal over short ranges. In advanced limb buds, Msx1 is also expressed in the proximal mesoderm under the anterior ectoderm. However, it was found that a grafted antero-proximal mesoderm shows no inhibitory effects on pattern specification of the host mesoderm, as is the case with the distal mesoderm. On the other hand, grafted mesoderms without potent Msx1 re-expression, even underneath AER, disturbed normal limb development. In such cases, the expression of Msx1 disappeared in the mesoderm under the grafts, whereas Fgf-8 expression was maintained in the AER above the graft. These results indicate that the expression of Msx1 in the mesoderm is important for the transfer of AER signals.  相似文献   

The apical ectodermal ridge plays a central role in limb development through its interactions with the underlying mesenchyme. Removal of the AER results in cessation of limb outgrowth and leads to truncation of the limb along the proximo-distal axis. The many functions attributed to the ridge include maintenance of the progress zone mesenchyme. Here, cells are stimulated to proliferate, are maintained in an undifferentiated state, and are assigned progressively more distal positional values as the limb grows. The AER also functions to maintain the activity of the polarizing region, a region of mesenchyme which is thought to provide the primary signal for patterning along the antero-posterior axis. We have begun to explore the function of fibroblast growth factor-4 (FGF-4) during limb development. FGF-4, which encodes an efficiently secreted protein, is expressed in the AER. We have previously demonstrated that FGF-4 protein can stimulate limb mesenchyme proliferation and can induce the expression of a downstream homeobox gene, Evx-1 (homologue of the Drosophila even-skipped gene), that is normally regulated by a signal from the AER. To determine to what extent FGF-4 protein can substitute for the AER to allow normal limb outgrowth, we performed experiments on the developing chick limb in ovo. Remarkably, we find that after AER removal, the FGF-4 protein can provide all the signals required for virtually normal outgrowth and patterning of the limb. Further studies indicate that proliferation of progress zone cells is not sufficient, and that an additional signal is produced by the posterior mesenchyme in response to FGF-4 which enables progress zone cells to acquire progressively more distal fates. Thus FGF-4 maintains progress zone activity through a combination of at least two signals—one that acts directly on progress zone cells to stimulate their proliferation, and one that acts indirectly by maintaining the production of patterning signal(s) by the posterior mesenchyme. We further show that failure of the posterior mesenchyme to produce this signal correlates with failure to maintain polarizing activity. This raises the possibility that the signal produced by the posterior mesenchyme and required for progressive proximo-distal limb patterning is identical to the polarizing activity. Further experiments demonstrate that retinoic acid, which mimics the activity of the polarizing region, can supply this signal. In conclusion, the finding that a single growth factor can serve as both the direct and indirect signals required to maintain progress zone activity provides a simple mechanism for ensuring that growth and pattern formation are linked in the developing limb. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Hyaluronan is a straight chain, glycosaminoglycan polymer of the extracellular matrix composed of repeating units of the disaccharide [-D-glucuronic acid-beta1,3-N-acetyl-D-glucosamine-beta1,4-]n. Hyaluronan is synthesized in mammals by at least three synthases with products of varying chain lengths. It has an extraordinary high rate of turnover with polymers being funneled through three catabolic pathways. At the cellular level, it is degraded progressively by a series of enzymatic reactions that generate polymers of decreasing sizes. Despite their exceedingly simple primary structure, hyaluronan fragments have extraordinarily wide-ranging and often opposing biological functions. There are large hyaluronan polymers that are space-filling, anti-angiogenic, immunosuppressive, and that impede differentiation, possibly by suppressing cell-cell interactions, or ligand access to cell surface receptors. Hyaluronan chains, which can reach 2 x 10(4) kDa in size, are involved in ovulation, embryogenesis, protection of epithelial layer integrity, wound repair, and regeneration. Smaller polysaccharide fragments are inflammatory, immuno-stimulatory and angiogenic. They can also compete with larger hyaluronan polymers for receptors. Low-molecular-size polymers appear to function as endogenous "danger signals", while even smaller fragments can ameliorate these effects. Tetrasaccharides, for example, are anti-apoptotic and inducers of heat shock proteins. Various fragments trigger different signal transduction pathways. Particular hyaluronan polysaccharides are also generated by malignant cells in order to co-opt normal cellular functions. How the small hyaluronan fragments are generated is unknown, nor is it established whether the enzymes of hyaluronan synthesis and degradation are involved in maintaining proper polymer sizes and concentration. The vast range of activities of hyaluronan polymers is reviewed here, in order to determine if patterns can be detected that would provide insight into their production and regulation.  相似文献   

In the early chick embryo, the dorsal–ventral (DV) boundary organizes the apical ectodermal ridge (AER) structure in the limb bud field. Here it is reported that Engrailed-1 ( En-1 ), a homolog of the Drosophila segment polarity gene engrailed expressed in the ventral limb ectoderm, participates in AER formation at the DV boundary of the limb bud. Restricted ectopic expression of En-1 in the dorsal side of the limb bud by transplantation of En-1 -overexpressing ectoderm induces ectopic AER at the boundary of En-1 -positive and -negative cells. The results suggest that En-1 is involved in AER formation at the DV boundary of the limb bud.  相似文献   

Hyaluronan catabolism: a new metabolic pathway   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A new pathway of intermediary metabolism is described involving the catabolism of hyaluronan. The cell surface hyaluronan receptor, CD44, two hyaluronidases, Hyal-1 and Hyal-2, and two lysosomal enzymes, beta-glucuronidase and beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase, are involved. This metabolic cascade begins in lipid raft invaginations at the cell membrane surface. Degradation of the high-molecular-weight extracellular hyaluronan occurs in a series of discreet steps generating hyaluronan chains of decreasing sizes. The biological functions of the oligomers at each quantum step differ widely, from the space-filling, hydrating, anti-angiogenic, immunosuppressive 10(4)-kDa extracellular polymer, to 20-kDa intermediate polymers that are highly angiogenic, immuno-stimulatory, and inflammatory. This is followed by degradation to small oligomers that can induce heat shock proteins and that are anti-apoptotic. The single sugar products, glucuronic acid and a glucosamine derivative are released from lysosomes to the cytoplasm, where they become available for other metabolic cycles. There are 15 g of hyaluronan in the 70-kg individual, of which 5 g are cycled daily through this pathway. Some of the steps in this catabolic cascade can be commandeered by cancer cells in the process of growth, invasion, and metastatic spread.  相似文献   

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