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The seaweed Fucus vesiculosus is a member of the brown algae family. Kille and co-workers [Biochem. J. 338 (1999) 553] reported that this species contains the gene for metallothionein. Metallothionein is a metalloprotein having low molecular weight, and high cysteine content, which binds a range of metals. F. vesiculosus bioaccumulates arsenic from the aquatic environment [Mar. Chem. 18 (1986) 321]. In this paper we describe arsenic binding to F. vesiculosus metallothionein, characterized by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. Five arsenic-MT species were detected with increasing As to protein ratios. These results provide important information about the metal-chelation behaviour of this novel algal metallothionein which is a putative model for arsenic binding to F. vesiculosus in vivo.  相似文献   

Recent discovery of humic acid (HA) in the free-living, brown algaPilayella littoralis has prompted a search for HA in other live plants. Marine algaeCodium fragile andMonostoma oxyspermum (greens),Chondrus crispus,Palmaria palmata andPolysiphonia lanosa (reds),Ascophyllum nodosum, Fucus vesiculosus andLaminaria saccharina (browns) andZostera marina (marine angiosperm) were investigated for their HA content. Only the brown algae and the marine angiosperm contained HA, which was extracted by a standard procedure augmented with necessary removal of alginic acid (where applicable). The isolated products were identified as HA by comparison of their analytical data, uv-visible, FTIR,1H NMR spectra and morphologies with those of authentic HA isolated from municipal compost.Authors for correspondence  相似文献   

Protoplasts were isolated enzymatically from meristematic tissues of the brown algae, Fucus serratus, using a combination of 2% cellulase R-10 Onozuka, 0.5% macerozyme and 1% crude extract of gland gut of Aplysia vaccaria. The main factors affecting protoplast yield were identified. Protoplasts were produced in large quantities from apical region of thallus and from plantlets compared to mature explants. Yields were greatly improved by the addition of sodium citrate and bovine serum albumin in the enzymatic solution and could reach 5.8 × 106 protoplasts per gram of fresh wt. The applicability of these optimal parameters to other species Fucus vesiculosus was shown.  相似文献   

The important role of marine epibiotic biofilms in the interactions of the host with its environment has been acknowledged recently. Previous studies with the temperate brown macroalga Fucus vesiculosus have identified polar and non-polar compounds recovered from the algal surface that have the potential to control such biofilms. Furthermore, both the fouling pressure and the composition of the epibiotic bacterial communities on this macroalga varied seasonally. The extent to which this reflects a seasonal fluctuation of the fouling control mechanisms of the host is, however, unexplored in an ecological context. The present study investigated seasonal variation in the anti-settlement activity of surface extracts of F. vesiculosus against eight biofilm-forming bacteria isolated from rockweed-dominated habitats, including replication of two populations from two geographically distant sites. The anti-settlement activity at both sites was found to vary temporally, reaching a peak in summer/autumn. Anti-settlement activity also showed a consistent and strong difference between sites throughout the year. This study is the first to report temporal variation of antifouling defence originating from ecologically relevant surface-associated compounds.  相似文献   

The marine algal species in the Baltic Sea are few due to the low sea water salinity. One of the few species that can be found is Fucus vesiculosus. Even this species is affected by the low salinity and becomes smaller in size in the Baltic. In present work the photosynthesis of F. vesiculosus in the northern Baltic (Bothnian Sea) was compared to the photosynthesis of F. vesiculosus in the Atlantic. Oxygen evolution was measured before and after exposure to 2.3 W of UV-B (280–320 nm) radiation for 5 h, as well as after 48 h recovery in low light. The plants were kept in their own sea water salinity as well as in a changed salinity, this to examine possible correlations between salinity and photosynthesis. The results show a significant higher initial maximal photosynthesis (P max) for Atlantic plants (10.3 nmol O2 g−1 FW s−1) compared to Baltic plants (4.0 nmol O2 g−1 FW s−1). The Baltic plants were found more sensitive to UV-B with a 40–50% decrease of P max as well as a lower degree of recovery (60–70% compared to 75–95% for the Atlantic plants). The higher salinity (35 psu) had a positive effect on the Baltic F. vesiculosus with increased P max as well as increased tolerance to UV-B. The lower salinity (5 psu) had a negative effect on the Atlantic plants with a decreased P max as well as a lower tolerance to UV-B. Pigment content was found higher in Atlantic F. vesiculosus. The pigment content decreased then the Atlantic plants were transferred to 5 psu. The concentration of Chl a as well as the total content of violaxanthin, diadinoxanthin and zeaxanthin in Baltic plants increased when transferred to 35 psu. The Atlantic F. vesiculosus can not survive the low salinity in the northern Baltic (died within 8 weeks). It is likely that a long time acclimation or adaptation to low salinity has taken place for F. vesiculosus in northern Baltic. If this is an ecotypic or genotypic development it is too early to say.  相似文献   

In the Baltic Sea, abiotic factors are often supposed to explain the distribution of the key species Fucus vesiculosus. Still, in many areas, decline of F. vesiculosus has coincided with mass occurrence of the herbivorous isopod Idotea baltica. The aim of this work was to examine whether, how and at what densities I. baltica can affect the distribution of F. vesiculosus in the central Baltic proper. Both large-scale field surveys and a two-week grazing experiment have been performed.In the field survey there was a correlation between density of I. baltica and reduction in depth penetration of F. vesiculosus. At 80 animals per 100 g F. vesiculosus wet weight, the depth penetration of the F. vesiculosus belt was reduced by 2.5 m within a year. In the grazing experiment there was a correlation between density of I. baltica and loss of F. vesiculosus biomass and meristems. In the controls biomass and number of meristems increased by 50%, while at 20 animals per 100 g of F. vesiculosus there was no net growth of F. vesiculosus. Intensity of grazing did not differ between isopod densities of 20, 40 and 60/100 g. At isopod densities of 80 and 100/100 g though, biomass and meristems decreased by 50%, indicating a threshold for the survival of F. vesiculosus in the experiment. At all densities the isopods preferred younger tissue to older.Our results indicate that grazing by Idotea baltica is an important structuring factor in the Baltic Fucus vesiculosus populations.  相似文献   

It was demonstrated previously that polar and non-polar surface extracts of the brown alga Fucus vesiculosus collected during winter from the Kiel Bight (Germany) inhibited bacterial attachment at natural concentrations. The present study describes the bioassay-guided identification of the active metabolites from the polar fraction. Chromatographic separation on a size-exclusion liquid chromatography column and bioassays identified an active fraction that was further investigated using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and mass spectrometry. This fraction contained the metabolites dimethylsulphopropionate (DMSP), proline and alanine. DMSP and proline caused the anti-attachment activity. The metabolites were further quantified on the algal surface together with its associated boundary layer. DMSP and proline were detected in the range 0.12–1.08 ng cm?2 and 0.09–0.59 ng cm?2, respectively. These metabolites were tested in the concentration range from 0.1 to 1000 ng cm?2 against the attachment of five bacterial strains isolated from algae and sediment co-occurring with F. vesiculosus. The surface concentrations for 50% inhibition of attachment of these strains were always <0.38 ng cm?2 for DMSP and in four cases <0.1 ng cm?2 for proline, while one strain required 1.66 ng cm?2 of proline for 50% inhibition. Two further bacterial strains that had been directly isolated from F. vesiculosus were also tested, but proved to be the least sensitive. This study shows that DMSP and proline have an ecologically relevant role as surface inhibitors against bacterial attachment on F. vesiculosus.  相似文献   

Induction of an axenic filamentous‐like callus growth from the brown algae Fucus vesiculosus is described. Different treatments were investigated in various combinations to develop axenic cultures based on identification of surface symbionts via 18S ribosomal RNA. Moreover, viability was confirmed after such processes by 2,3,5‐triphenyl tetrazolium chloride assay that demonstrated an average viability of 29%, relative to nonsterilized explants. After six weeks of a phototrophic cultivation on artificial sea water‐12‐nitrilotriacetic acid (0.5% w/v agar), a filamentous‐like callus growth was observed, which was identified genetically through its mitochondrial DNA after subculturing. Achievement of confirmed marine callus cultures might enrich old previously established blue biotechnology techniques and open new chances for cultivation of brown algae for production of good manufacturing practice‐compliant bioproducts.  相似文献   

The peculiarities of the structure of the population of the brown alga Fucus vesiculosus in East Murman at different combinations of abiotic factors were studied. Salinity below 10‰ and high surf activity reduced the average life span of the plants (to 1 year) and caused a significant predominance of female specimens (60–90% of the fertile specimens). The proportion of female specimens increased with age. The greatest average age (3 branchings) and the highest survival of F. vesiculosus occurred in the wave-protected parts of bays. The distribution of F. vesiculosus was related to water movement intensity, salinity, and substrate type. The size-weight characteristics of F. vesiculosus thalli were decreased during maximum salinity fluctuations. The optimal conditions for this species were those existing on a weakly protected shore with short-term fluctuations of salinity (24–25‰).  相似文献   

Separating individual compounds by HPLC represents an effective method for the detection and quantification of phenolic compounds and has been widely utilised. However, phlorotannins are commonly quantified using colorimetric methods, as the total amount of the whole compound group. In the present paper the separation of a set of individual soluble phlorotannins from the phenolic crude extract of Fucus vesiculosus was achieved by HPLC with UV photodiode array detection. Different gradient programs for reversed- and normal-phase HPLC methods were developed and tested. Normal-phase (NP) conditions with a silica stationary phase and a mobile phase with a linear gradient of increasing polarity were found to separate 16 individual components of the phenolic extract. The suitability of the NP-HPLC method for mass spectrometric application was preliminarily tested. Sample preparation was found to be a critical step in the analysis owing to the rapid oxidation of phlorotannins; ascorbic acid was used as an antioxidant.  相似文献   

Structure of a fucoidan from the brown seaweed Fucus serratus L   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A fucoidan consisting of L-fucose, sulfate and acetate in a molar proportion of 1:1:0.1 and small amounts of xylose and galactose were isolated from the brown seaweed Fucus serratus L. The fucoidan structure was investigated by 1D and 2D 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy of its desulfated and de-O-acetylated derivatives as well as by methylation analysis of the native and desulfated polysaccharides. A branched structure was suggested for the fucoidan with a backbone of alternating 3- and 4-linked alpha-L-fucopyranose residues, -->3)-alpha-L-Fucp-(1-->4)-alpha-L-Fucp-(1-->, about half of the 3-linked residues being substituted at C-4 by trifucoside units alpha-L-Fucp-(1-->4)-alpha-L-Fucp-(1-->3)-alpha-L-Fucp-(1-->. Minor chains built up of 4-linked alpha-fucopyranose and beta-xylose residues were also detected, but their location, as well as the position of galactose residues, remained unknown. Sulfate groups were shown to occupy mainly C-2 and sometimes C-4, although 3,4-diglycosylated and some terminal fucose residues may be nonsulfated. Acetate was found to occupy C-4 of 3-linked Fuc and C-3 of 4-linked Fuc in a ratio of about 7:3.  相似文献   

The in vitro antioxidant activities of the following six sulfated polysaccharides were investigated: iota, kappa and lambda carrageenans, which are widely used in the food industry, fucoidan (homofucan) from the edible seaweed Fucus vesiculosus and fucans (heterofucans) F0.5 and F1.1 from the seaweed Padina gymnospora. With respect to the inhibition of superoxide radical formation, fucoidan had an IC50 (the half maximal inhibitory concentration) of 0.058 mg·mL−1, while the IC50 for the kappa, iota and lambda carrageenans were 0.112, 0.332 and 0.046 mg·mL−1, respectively. All of the samples had an inhibitory effect on the formation of hydroxyl radicals. The results of peroxidation tests showed that fucoidan had an IC50 of 1.250 mg·mL−1 and that the kappa, iota and lambda carrageenans had an IC50 of 2.753 and 2.338 and 0.323 mg·mL−1, respectively. Fucan fractions showed low antioxidant activity relative to fucoidan. These results clearly indicate the beneficial effect of algal polysaccharides as antioxidants.  相似文献   

A slightly yellowish, Gram-positive, filamentous with 'cross-like' branching, aerobic, spore-forming bacterium was isolated from enrichment culture during degradation of the thallus of the brown alga Fucus evanescens. The bacterium studied was chemoorganotrophic, tolerant to 3% NaCl, alkalitolerant, and alginolytic. The predominant cellular fatty acid was ai15:0 which accounted more than 65% of total fatty acids, while i14:0, il5:0 i16:0, and ai17:0 made up 25%. DNA base composition was 37 mol% GC. Phylogenetic analysis of 16S rDNA gene revealed that this isolate was a member of the genus Bacillus, with no close relatives at the species level (16S rRNA gene sequence similarity less 97%). On the basis of the significant differences demonstrated in the phenotypic and chemotaxonomic characteristics, it is suggested that the bacterium be classified as a novel species; the name Bacillus algicola sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is KMM 3737T (= CIP 107850T).  相似文献   

Pavia  Henrik  Toth  Gunilla B. 《Hydrobiologia》2000,440(1-3):299-305
Phlorotannins, C-based defence compounds in brown seaweeds, show a high degree of spatial and temporal variation within seaweed species. One important model explaining this variation is the Carbon Nutrient Balance Model (CNBM), which states that the relative supply of carbon and limiting nutrients will determine the level of defence compounds in plants. Nitrogen is often considered to be the limiting nutrient for marine macroalgal growth and the CNBM thus predicts that when the carbon:nitrogen ratio is high, photosynthetically fixed carbon will be allocated to production of phlorotannins. In the present study, we evaluated the effects of light (i.e. carbon) and nitrogen on the phlorotannin content of two intertidal brown seaweeds, Ascophyllum nodosum and Fucus vesiculosus. This was done in an observational field study, as well as in a manipulative experiment where plants from habitats with different light regimes were subjected to different nitrogen and light treatments, and their phlorotannin content was measured after 14 days. The results showed that there was a negative relationship between tissue nitrogen and phlorotannin content in natural populations of F. vesiculosus, but not in A. nodosum. In the short term, the phlorotannin content in both algal species was not affected by changes in nitrogen availability. Exposure to sunlight had a positive effect on the phlorotannin content in natural populations of both algal species but, in the manipulative experiment, only F. vesiculosus showed a rapid response to changes in light intensities. Plants subjected to sunlight contained higher phlorotannin content than shaded plants. In conclusion, the results imply that nitrogen availability explains some of the natural variation in the phlorotannin content of F. vesiculosus, but the light environment has greater importance than nitrogen availability in predicting the phlorotannin content of each species.  相似文献   

Elementant S (0.2 % dry wt) and N-methylformamide (0.2 % dry wt) were isolated from the marine red alga Erythrophyllum delesserioides.  相似文献   


Stochastic upwelling of seawater in the Baltic Sea from the deep, anoxic bottoms may bring low-pH water rich in CO2 close to the surface. Such events may become more frequent with climate change and ongoing ocean acidification (OA). Photoautotrophs, such as macroalgae, which are important foundation species, have been proposed to benefit from increased carbon availability due to reduced energetic cost in carbon acquisition. However, the exact effects of CO2 fertilization may depend on the ambient light environment, as photosynthesis rates depend on available irradiance. In this experimental study, interacting effects of CO2 addition and irradiance on the habitat-forming macroalga Fucus vesiculosus were investigated during two seasons – winter and summer – in the northern Baltic Sea. Growth rates remained unaffected by CO2 or irradiance during both seasons, suggesting that direct effects of elevated CO2 on mature F. vesiculosus are small. Increases in CO2 affected algal elemental ratios by increasing carbon and decreasing nitrogen content, with resulting changes in the C:N ratio, but only in winter. In summer, chlorophyll a content increased under low irradiance. Increases in CO2 caused a decline in light-harvesting efficiency (decrease in Fv/Fm and α) under high irradiance in summer, and conversely increased α under low irradiance. High irradiance caused increases in the maximum relative electron transport rate (rETRmax) in summer, but not in winter. Differences between winter and summer indicate that F. vesiculosus responses to CO2 and irradiance are season-specific. Increases in carbon content during winter could indicate slightly positive effects of CO2 addition in the long run if the extra carbon gained may be capitalized in growth. The results of this study suggest that increases in CO2, either through upwelling or OA, may have positive effects on F. vesiculosus, but these effects are probably small.  相似文献   

Antibacterial activity in four marine crustacean decapods   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
A search for antibacterial activity in different body-parts of Pandalus borealis (northern shrimp), Pagurus bernhardus (hermit crab), Hyas araneus (spider crab) and Paralithodes camtschatica (king crab) was conducted. Dried samples were extracted with 60% (v/v) acetonitrile, containing 0.1% (v/v) trifluoroacetic acid, and further extracted and concentrated on C18 cartridges. Eluates from the solid phase extraction were tested for antibacterial, lysozyme and haemolytic activity. Antibacterial activity against Escherichia coli, Vibrio anguillarum, Corynebacterium glutamicum and Staphylococcus aureus was detected in extracts from several tissues in all species tested, but mainly in the haemolymph and haemocyte extracts. V. anguillarum and C. glutamicum were generally the most sensitive micro-organisms. In P. borealis and P. bernhardus most of the active fractions were not affected by proteinase K treatment, while in H. araneus and P. camtschatica most fractions were sensitive to proteinase K treatment, indicating antibacterial factors of proteinaceous nature. In P. bernhardus the active fractions were generally heat labile, whereas in H. araneus the activities were resistant to heat. Differences between active extracts regarding hydrophobicity and sensitivity for heat and proteinase K treatment indicate that several compounds are responsible for the antibacterial activities detected. Lysozyme-like activity could be detected in some fractions and haemolytic activity against human red blood cells could be detected in haemolymph/haemocyte and exoskeleton extracts from all species tested.  相似文献   

Cleavage of DNA by brown algal polyphenols   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Extracts of marine algae have been tested to determine their ability to cleave DNA. The species producing positive results wereAscophyllum nodosum, Fucus serratus, F. spiralis, F. vesiculosus, Halidrys siliquosa andHimanthalia elongata. Partial purification of each extract by dialysis against water revealed that the active compounds in each species were high molecular weight polyphenols.  相似文献   

A fucoidanase preparation from the marine mollusk Littorina kurila cleaved some glycosidic bonds in fucoidan from the brown alga Fucus distichus, but neither fucose nor lower oligosaccharides were produced. The main product isolated from the incubation mixture was a polysaccharide built up of disaccharide repeating units -->3)-alpha-L-Fucp-(2,4-di-SO3(-))-(1-->4)-alpha-L-Fucp-(2SO3(-))-(1-->, the structure coinciding with the idealized formula proposed for the initial substance. A polymer fraction with the same carbohydrate chain but sulfated only at positions 2 and nonstoichiometrically acetylated at positions 3 and 4 of fucose residues was isolated as a minor component. It is suggested that the native polysaccharide should contain small amounts of non-sulfated and non-acetylated fucose residues, and only their glycosidic bonds are cleaved by the enzyme. The enzymatic hydrolysis showed that irregular regions of the native polysaccharide containing acetylated and partially sulfated repeating units were assembled in blocks.  相似文献   

Hemmi A  Jormalainen V 《Oecologia》2004,140(2):302-311
Environmental variation in food resources modifies performance of herbivores, in addition to genetic variation and maternal effects. In marine benthic habitats, eutrophication may modify herbivores diets by changing host species composition or nutritional quality of algae for herbivores. We studied experimentally the effects of diet breadth and nutrient availability for the host algae on fitness components of the herbivorous isopod Idotea baltica. We fed the adult isopods with the brown algae Fucus vesiculosus and Pilayella littoralis and juveniles with the green alga Cladophora glomerata. By using half-sib families, we were able to separate the genetic, environmental and maternal effects on intermolt duration and size of the juveniles. The mothers confined to the diet consisting of both Fucus and Pilayella grew better and produced larger egg mass than those having consumed Fucus alone. Nutrient enhancement of algae did not influence the performance of the adult herbivores. However, the juveniles achieved twice the weight as well as shorter intermolt duration when consuming nutrient-treated C. glomerata. Mothers nutrition, either nutrient enrichment of her food algae or diet breadth, did not affect juvenile survival or growth as such, but we found evidence that the broader diet consumed by the mother mediated offspring performance by further accelerating growth rate of the offspring that fed on nutrient-treated alga. Intermolt duration was a highly heritable trait, but size showed very low heritability. Instead, maternal effects on size were substantial, suggesting that differences among mothers in their egg-provisioning ability strongly affect weight gain of their offspring. A high amount of additive genetic variance in intermolt duration implies potential for quick evolutionary responses in the growth schedule in the face of changes in the selective environment. We conclude that eutrophication, in addition to improving growth and reproduction of I. baltica by enhancing food quality and by providing opportunity for broader, more profitable diets, may act as a selective agent on life-history traits. Eutrophication of coastal waters is thus likely to reflect in herbivore density, population dynamics and eventually, grazing pressure of littoral macroalgae.  相似文献   

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