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The N and C-terminal tail domains of the core histones play important roles in gene regulation, but the mechanisms through which they act are not known. These tail domains are highly positively charged and are the sites of numerous post-translational modifications, including many sites for lysine acetylation. Nucleosomes in which these tail domains have been removed by trypsin remain otherwise intact, and are used by many laboratories as a model system for highly acetylated nucleosomes. Here, we test the hypothesis that one role of the tail domains is to directly regulate the accessibility of nucleosomal DNA to other DNA-binding proteins. Three assays are used: equilibrium binding by a site-specific, DNA-binding protein, and dynamic accessibility to restriction enzymes or to a non-specific exonuclease. The effects of removal of the tail domains as monitored by each of these assays can be understood within the framework of the site exposure model for the dynamic equilibrium accessibility of target sites located within the nucleosomal DNA. Removal of the tail domains leads to a 1.5 to 14-fold increase in position-dependent equilibrium constants for site exposure. The smallness of the effect weighs against models for gene activation in which histone acetylation is a mandatory initial event, required to facilitate subsequent access of regulatory proteins to nucleosomal DNA target sites. Alternative roles for histone acetylation in gene regulation are discussed.  相似文献   

Zheng C  Hayes JJ 《Biopolymers》2003,68(4):539-546
The core histone tail domains are "master control switches" that help define the structural and functional characteristics of chromatin at many levels. The tails modulate DNA accessibility within the nucleosome, are essential for stable folding of oligonucleosome arrays into condensed chromatin fibers, and are important for fiber-fiber interactions involved in higher order structures. Many nuclear signaling pathways impinge upon the tail domains, resulting in posttranslational modifications that are likely to alter the charge, structure, and/or interactions of the core histone tails or to serve as targets for the binding of ancillary proteins or other enzymatic functions. However, currently we have only a marginal understanding of the molecular details of core histone tail conformations and contacts. Here we review data related to the structures and interactions of the core histone tail domains and how these domains and posttranslational modifications therein may define the structure and function of chromatin.  相似文献   

Lang K  Micura R 《Nature protocols》2008,3(9):1457-1466
This protocol describes an efficient method for the preparation of riboswitch domains comprising up to approximately 200 nt containing site-specific nucleoside modifications. The strategy is based on enzymatic ligation of chemically synthesized RNA fragments. The design of ligation sites strictly follows the criterion that all fragments comprise less than approximately 50 nt. This allows the researcher to rely on custom synthesis services and to utilize the large pool of commercially available, functionalized nucleoside phosphoramidites for solid-phase RNA synthesis. Importantly, this design renders utmost flexibility to position a chemical modification (e.g., a fluorescence label) within the RNA. Selection of the appropriate ligation type (using T4 RNA or T4 DNA ligase) is subordinate to the criteria above and is detailed in the protocol. The whole concept is demonstrated for 2-aminopurine containing thiamine pyrophosphate responsive riboswitch domains that are applied in fluorescence spectroscopic folding studies. Labeled samples in 5-35 nmol quantities are obtained within 3-4 d, not including the time for fragment synthesis.  相似文献   

Calf thymus chromatin was digested with trypsin and the structural alterations which occurred were followed by flow linear dichroism. After a sharp initial increase, the amplitude of the positive signal gradually decreased followed by a change of the sign of the dichroism and further increase of the negative signal up to a plateau. These changes of the dichroism were compared to the respective changes in the histone pattern. It was shown that the positive dichroism of chromatin did not depend on the condensation state of chromatin, and that the orientation of the nucleosomes along the chromatin fiber was maintained by the globular domain of H1 and the non-structured parts of core histones.  相似文献   

The precise positioning of nucleosomes plays a critical role in the regulation of gene expression by modulating the DNA binding activity of trans-acting factors. However, molecular determinants responsible for positioning are not well understood. We examined whether the removal of the core histone tail domains from nucleosomes reconstituted with specific DNA fragments led to alteration of translational positions. Remarkably, we find that removal of tail domains from a nucleosome assembled on a DNA fragment containing a Xenopus borealis somatic-type 5S RNA gene results in repositioning of nucleosomes along the DNA, including two related major translational positions that move about 20 bp further upstream with respect to the 5S gene. In a nucleosome reconstituted with a DNA fragment containing the promoter of a Drosophila alcohol dehydrogenase gene, several translational positions shifted by about 10 bp along the DNA upon tail removal. However, the positions of nucleosomes assembled with a DNA fragment known to have one of the highest binding affinities for core histone proteins in the mouse genome were not altered by removal of core histone tail domains. Our data support the notion that the basic tail domains bind to nucleosomal DNA and influence the selection of the translational position of nucleosomes and that once tails are removed movement between translational positions occurs in a facile manner on some sequences. However, the effect of the N-terminal tails on the positioning and movement of a nucleosome appears to be dependent on the DNA sequence such that the contribution of the tails can be masked by very high affinity DNA sequences. Our results suggest a mechanism whereby sequence-dependent nucleosome positioning can be specifically altered by regulated changes in histone tail-DNA interactions in chromatin.  相似文献   

Histone octamers of purified monomer nucleosomes were labelled with [3H]dinitrofluorobenzene. Authentic 11 S nucleosomes were reconstituted in vitro from a mixture of [3H]dinitrophenylated histones and excess unlabelled monomer nucleosomes. The reconstituted nucleosomes were found to contain [3H]dinitrophenylated histones H2a and H2b but not [3H]dinitrophenylated histones H3 and H4. Approx. 83% of [3H]dinitrophenylated nucleosomes were immunoprecipitable with anti-dinitrophenyl immunoglobulin and Staphylococcus aureus. These results demonstrate that histones H2a and H2b contain dinitrofluorobenzene-reactive groups that can be modified without destroying their ability to participate in nucleosome formation in vitro.  相似文献   

The maintenance of the genome during replication requires the assembly of nucleosomes with newly synthesized histones. Achieving the deposition of newly synthesized histones in chromatin implies their transport from the cytoplasm to the nucleus at the replication sites. Several lines of evidence have revealed critical functions of the histone tail domains in these conserved cellular processes. In this review, we discuss the role of the amino termini of the nucleosome building blocks, H2A/H2B and H3/H4, in different model systems. The experimental data showed that H2A/H2B tails and H3/H4 tails display distinct functions in nuclear import and chromatin assembly. Furthermore, we describe recent studies exploiting the unique properties of the slime mold, Physarum polycephalum , that have advanced understanding of the function of the highly conserved replication-dependent diacetylation of H4.  相似文献   

Ramaswamy A  Bahar I  Ioshikhes I 《Proteins》2005,58(3):683-696
The present study provides insights on the dominant mechanisms of motions of the nucleosome core particle and the changes in its functional dynamics in response to histone variants. Comparative analysis of the global dynamics of nucleosomes with native and variant H2A histones, using normal mode analysis revealed that the dynamics of the nucleosome is highly symmetric, and its interaction with the nucleosomal DNA plays a vital role in its regulation. The collective dynamics of nucleosomes are predicted to be dominated by two types of large-scale motions: (1) a global stretching-compression of nucleosome along the dyad axis by which the nucleosome undergoes a breathing motion with a massive distortion of nucleosomal DNA, modulated by histone-DNA interactions; and (2) the flipping (or bending) of both the sides of the nucleosome in an out-of-plane fashion with respect to the dyad axis, originated by the highly dynamic N-termini of H3 and (H2A.Z-H2B) dimer in agreement with the experimentally observed perturbed dynamics of the particular N-terminus under physiological conditions. In general, the nucleosomes with variant histones exhibit higher mobilities and weaker correlations between internal motions compared to the nucleosome containing ordinary histones. The differences are more pronounced at the L1 and L2 loops of the respective monomers H2B and H2A, and at the N-termini of the monomers H3 and H4, all of which closely interact with the wrapping DNA.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic chromatin is a hierarchical collection of nucleoprotein structures that package DNA to form chromosomes. The initial levels of packaging include folding of long strings of nucleosomes into secondary structures and array–array association into higher-order tertiary chromatin structures. The core histone tail domains are required for the assembly of higher-order structures and mediate short- and long-range intra- and inter-nucleosome interactions with both DNA and protein targets to direct their assembly. However, important details of these interactions remain unclear and are a subject of much interest and recent investigations. Here, we review work defining the interactions of the histone N-terminal tails with DNA and protein targets relevant to chromatin higher-order structures, with a specific emphasis on the contributions of H3 and H4 tails to oligonucleosome folding and stabilization. We evaluate both classic and recent experiments determining tail structures, effect of tail cleavage/loss, and posttranslational modifications of the tails on nucleosomes and nucleosome arrays, as well as inter-nucleosomal and inter-array interactions of the H3 and H4 N-terminal tails.  相似文献   

The core histone tail domains play important roles in different stages of chromatin condensation. The tails are required for folding nucleosome arrays into secondary chromatin structures such as the approximately 30 nm diameter chromatin fiber and for mediating fiber-fiber interactions important for formation of tertiary chromatin structures. Crosslinking studies have demonstrated that inter-nucleosomal tail-DNA contacts appear in conjunction with salt-induced folding of nucleosome arrays into in higher order chromatin structures. However, since both folding of nucleosome arrays and fiber-fiber interactions take place simultaneously in >2-3 mM MgCl(2) such inter-nucleosome interactions may reflect short range (intra-array) or longer range (inter-array) interactions. Here, we describe a novel technique to specifically identify inter-array interactions mediated by the histone tail domains. In addition, we describe a new method for the preparation of H3/H4 tetramers.  相似文献   

The core histone tail domains are key regulators of eukaryotic chromatin structure and function and alterations in the tail-directed folding of chromatin fibers and higher order structures are the probable outcome of much of the post-translational modifications occurring in these domains. The functions of the tail domains are likely to involve complex intra- and inter-nucleosomal histone-DNA interactions, yet little is known about either the structures or interactions of these domains. Here we introduce a method for examining inter-nucleosome interactions of the tail domains in a model dinucleosome and determine the propensity of each of the four N-terminal tail domains to mediate such interactions in this system. Using a strong nucleosome "positioning" sequence, we reconstituted a nucleosome containing a single histone site specifically modified with a photoinducible cross-linker within the histone tail domain, and a second nucleosome containing a radiolabeled DNA template. These two nucleosomes were then ligated together and cross-linking induced by brief UV irradiation under various solution conditions. After cross-linking, the two templates were again separated so that cross-linking representing inter-nucleosomal histone-DNA interactions could be unambiguously distinguished from intra-nucleosomal cross-links. Our results show that the N-terminal tails of H2A and H2B, but not of H3 and H4, make internucleosomal histone-DNA interactions within the dinucleosome. The relative extent of intra- to inter-nucleosome interactions was not strongly dependent on ionic strength. Additionally, we find that binding of a linker histone to the dinucleosome increased the association of the H3 and H4 tails with the linker DNA region.  相似文献   

Hen erythrocyte chromatin was digested with staphylococcal nuclease and fractionated by electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gels. Instead of the three bands described for mouse carcinoma chromatin, four main discrete components (MN1, MN2, MN2E and MN3) were resolved in the mononucleosome fraction of erythrocyte chromatin. MN2 contained all five histones and a DNA fragment of 165–180 base pairs. MN2E comprised four nucleosomal histones plus histone H5 (but not H1) and a DNA fragment of 170–190 base pairs. The relatively nuclease resistant MN3 fraction of erythrocyte nucleosomes contained H1 but no H5 histone. A more accurate analysis of the MN2 fraction in mouse carcinoma nucleosomes revealed some additional microheterogeneity depending on the presence of two different subfractions of H1.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic chromosomal DNA is assembled into regularly spaced nucleosomes, which play a central role in gene regulation by determining accessibility of control regions. The nucleosome contains ∼147 bp of DNA wrapped ∼1.7 times around a central core histone octamer. The linker histone, H1, binds both to the nucleosome, sealing the DNA coils, and to the linker DNA between nucleosomes, directing chromatin folding. Micrococcal nuclease (MNase) digests the linker to yield the chromatosome, containing H1 and ∼160 bp, and then converts it to a core particle, containing ∼147 bp and no H1. Sequencing of nucleosomal DNA obtained after MNase digestion (MNase-seq) generates genome-wide nucleosome maps that are important for understanding gene regulation. We present an improved MNase-seq method involving simultaneous digestion with exonuclease III, which removes linker DNA. Remarkably, we discovered two novel intermediate particles containing 154 or 161 bp, corresponding to 7 bp protruding from one or both sides of the nucleosome core. These particles are detected in yeast lacking H1 and in H1-depleted mouse chromatin. They can be reconstituted in vitro using purified core histones and DNA. We propose that these ‘proto-chromatosomes’ are fundamental chromatin subunits, which include the H1 binding site and influence nucleosome spacing independently of H1.  相似文献   

The binding of H1 (and H5) to nucleosome core particles was demonstrated by separating mononucleosomes according to their DNA size on acrylamide gels containing high molarity urea. The presence of urea causes a redistribution of H1 so that it associates with some particles of all linker lengths, including no linker. When the urea is removed the H1 remains associated with particles of all DNA sizes if the different size classes are not mixed with each other. Therefore, urea can effect the transfer of H1 from particles with linker to particles with no linker. When nucleosomes of uniform DNA fragment length, some containing and some lacking H1, are re-electrophoresed under native conditions, they migrate as two widely separated bands. The mobilities of these variants do not depend on linker length and are identical to the mobilities of native H1-containing and H1-lacking particles. When the same collection of particles is electrophoresed in the presence of high molarity urea they migrate with a uniform mobility. These results suggest that H1-containing nucleosomes are conformationally different from H1-lacking particles, but that this difference is eliminated when histone-histone interactions are disrupted by urea.  相似文献   

A technique to prepare relatively large quantities (>/=100 microg) of highly positively supercoiled DNA is reported. This uses a recombinant archaeal histone (rHMfB) to introduce toroidal supercoils, and an inexpensive chicken blood extract to relax unrestrained superhelical tension. Preparation of positively supercoiled pUC19 DNA molecules, >50% of which have linking number changes ranging from+8 to+17, is demonstrated. Advantages include the high degree of positive supercoiling that can be achieved, control over the extent of supercoiling, easy production of relatively large quantities of supercoiled DNA, and low cost.  相似文献   

Salt-dependent oligomerization of nucleosomal arrays is related to fiber-fiber interactions and global chromosome structure. Previous studies have shown that the H2A/H2B and H3/H4 N-terminal domain (NTD) pairs are able to mediate array oligomerization. However, because of technical barriers, the function(s) of the individual core histone NTDs have not been investigated. To address this question, all possible combinations of "tailless" nucleosomal arrays were assembled from native and NTD-deleted recombinant Xenopus core histones and tandemly repeated 5 S rDNA. The recombinant arrays were characterized by differential centrifugation over the range of 0-50 mm MgCl2 to determine how each NTD affects salt-dependent oligomerization. Results indicate that all core histone NTDs participate in the oligomerization process and that the NTDs function additively and independently. These observations provide direct biochemical evidence linking all four core histone NTDs to the assembly and maintenance of global chromatin structures.  相似文献   

Nucleosomes containing histone TH2B were isolated from chromatin subunits of rat testis nuclei (MNT) by incubating with anti-TH2B immunoglobulin (IgTH2B) which was covalently attached to agarose gels. Electrophoretic separation of histones of these isolated nucleosomes revealed that histone H2B was completely absent, suggesting that histone TH2B, the variant of H2B, existed in nucleosomes only as TH2B X TH2B and that TH2B X H2B was not likely to exist in chromatin. Sucrose gradient ultracentrifugation of mixtures of MNT and IgTH2B revealed that when excess amounts of immunologically active IgTH2B were present, complexes of higher sedimentation coefficients than MNT X IgTH2B were formed, but with limited amounts of active IgTH2B, only MNT X IgTH2B was formed. When purified IgTH2B was coated on polystyrene tubes and incubated with MNT, those MNT immobilized by the tube-coated IgTH2B adsorbed IgTH2B from diluted antiserum during subsequent incubation. Those results suggested the absence of steric hindrance in the binding of IgTH2B to MNT X IgTH2B. When MNT was coated on polystyrene tubes and incubated with DNase and then with dilute anti-TH2B antiserum, it was found that DNase digestion increased the binding of immunoglobulin to the tubes approximately 76%. Interaction of chromatin subunits of rat liver nuclei (MNL) with anti-TH2B antiserum was negligible, but DNase digestion of MNL coated on tubes was followed by considerable interaction with anti-TH2B antiserum. Those results indicated DNase unmasked at least part of the determinants encased by DNA. Anti-H2B immunoglobulin (IgH2B) interacted with histone H2B and TH2B to the same extent, and interacted significantly to a lesser extent with either MNT or MNL. DNase digestion of MNT and MNL increased binding of IgH2B approximately 170 and 117%, respectively.  相似文献   

Yang Z  Hayes JJ 《Biochemistry》2011,50(46):9973-9981
We previously reported that reconstituted nucleosomes undergo sequence-dependent translational repositioning upon removal of the core histone tail domains under physiological conditions, indicating that the tails influence the choice of position. We report here that removal of the core histone tail domains increases the exposure of the DNA backbone in nucleosomes to hydroxyl radicals, a nonbiased chemical cleavage reagent, indicative of an increase in the motility of the DNA on the histone surface. Moreover, we demonstrate that the divalent cations Mg(2+) and Ca(2+) can replace the role of the tail domains with regard to stabilization of histone-DNA interactions within the nucleosome core and restrict repositioning of nucleosomes upon tail removal. However, when nucleosomes were incubated with Mg(2+) after tail removal, the original distribution of translational positions was not re-established, indicating that divalent cations increase the energy barrier between translational positions rather than altering the free energy differences between positions. Interestingly, other divalent cations such as Zn(2+), Fe(2+), Co(2+), and Mn(2+) had little or no effect on the stability of histone-DNA interactions within tailless nucleosomes. These results support the idea that specific binding sites for Mg(2+) and Ca(2+) ions exist within the nucleosome and play a critical role in nucleosome stability that is partially redundant with the core histone tail domains.  相似文献   

The kinetics of the chromatin core particle reassembly reaction in solution were quantitatively studied under conditions such that nucleohistone aggregation did not occur. Core particles, salt-jumped rapidly by dilution from 2.5 m-NaCl (in which DNA and histones do not interact) to 0.6 m-NaCl (in which core particles are nearly intact), reassemble in two distinct time ranges. Approximately 75% of the DNA refolds into core particle-like structures “instantaneously” as measured by several physical and chemical techniques with dead times in the seconds to minutes time range. The remaining DNA refolds with relaxation times ranging from 250 minutes at 0 °C to 80 minutes at 37 °C; this slow effect cannot be attributed to sample heterogeneity. The fraction of slowly refolding DNA and the slow relaxation time are independent of the core particle concentration. Transient intermediates present during the slow phase of refolding were identified as free DNA and core particle-like structures containing excess histone. Mixing experiments with DNA, histones, and core particles showed that core particle-histone interactions are responsible for the slow kinetics of DNA refolding. Upon treatment of reassembling core particles with the protein crosslinking reagent, dimethylsuberimidate, the slow phase of the reassembly reaction was arrested and a 13 S particle containing DNA and two octamers of histone was isolated. Consistent with the nature of this kinetic intermediate, it is shown that in 0.6 m-NaCl, core particles co-operatively bind at least one additional equivalent of histones with high affinity in the form of excess octamers. Also, core particles continue to adsorb considerably more histones with a weaker association constant of the order 105m?1 (in units of octamers) to a maximum value of 12 ± 2 equivalents (octamers) per core particle. The sedimentation coefficient increases with the two-thirds power of the molecular weight of the complex, as it would in the case of clustered spheres.A reassembly mechanism consistent with the data is presented, and other simple mechanisms are excluded. In the proposed mechanism, core particles reassemble very rapidly and compete effectively with DNA for histones such that approximately one-third of the particles initially formed are complexed with an excess octamer of histones, and 25% of the total DNA remains uncomplexed. The amount of this unusual reaction intermediate decays slowly to an equilibrium value of about 10%, thereby leaving 9% of the total DNA uncomplexed. Approximate values are calculated for the free energies, rate constants, and two of the activation energies which characterize this migrating octamer mechanism. This mechanism provides a means whereby histone octamers can be temporarily stripped off DNA at a modest free energy cost, approximately 2.6 kcal per nucleosome. Also, the properties of excess histone adsorption by chromatin and octamer migration suggest an efficient mechanism, consistent with observations by others, for nucleosome assembly in vivo during replication.  相似文献   

In deoxyribonucleoprotein from which histone F1 and most nonhistone proteins were removed by treatment with tRNA in the presence of Mg2+, one can find very long stretches of completely free DNA (average length of about 4×103 base pairs). They alternate with stretches of DNA (16×103 base pairs) which are nearly uniformly covered with the other four histones.  相似文献   

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